One of the most ancient cities. The oldest city in the world

The most ancient cities in the world - some of them disappeared from the face of the earth forever, only ruins and memories remained from them. And there are settlements whose names have paved a long way in history and have come down to our days. Their streets are full of architectural landmarks, magnificent in their beauty and monumentality, looking at which you are mentally transported back into the depths of centuries.

Jericho is the oldest city in the world

The Judean Hills rise on the West Bank of the Jordan River. At their foot at the mouth of the river that flows into the Dead Sea, ancient city in the world - Jericho. On its territory, archaeologists have discovered fragments of ancient buildings dating back to 9500 BC. e.

IN Old Testament described the history of this settlement. It is also mentioned in Roman chronicles. There is a legend that Jericho was brought as a gift to Cleopatra by Mark Antony. But the magnificent buildings in this city were built by King Herod, who received rule over this city from the emperor Augustus of Rome. It was in his era that many monuments of ancient architecture appeared that have survived in this city to this day.
There are records that the Christian church appeared in Jericho in the first century AD. The constant raids of the Bedouins and the enmity of the Muslims with the knights led to the decline of the city by the 9th century. AD In the 19th century, the Turks destroyed the once prosperous center of the ancient world, Jericho.

Only in 1920, the most ancient city in the world, Jericho, received its second life. It began to be populated by Arabs. Now about 20,000 people permanently live in it.

The main attraction is the Tel es-Sultan hill, on which rises a tower dating back to the 6000s. BC.

Now in Jericho, a disputed land between Palestine and Israel, there are constant hostilities. For this reason, the beauties of this place are hidden from tourists. At least, the governments of many countries do not recommend their citizens to visit it.

Notable surviving cities of antiquity

Over the centuries, civilizations have developed, cities have appeared. Some of them were destroyed as a result of wars or natural disasters. A few of the most ancient cities in the world that have survived the change of eras can still be visited today:

On earth, which are named as the most ancient cities in the world. Many of them are being destroyed even today, despite the establishment of special protection regimes by the international organization UNESCO.

This material will acquaint you not with the very first cities that appeared on our planet, but with such cities that, from the moment of their foundation, were constantly inhabited. Although, disputes about the most-most among them have been going on for more than one year.

1. Most often, the most ancient city, safely existing to this day, is considered Palestinian town of Jericho, which appeared in the copper age (9000 BC).

2. In second place is The capital of Syria is Damascus. It appeared in the same era as Jericho, but about a millennium later.

3. small town bible located in the suburbs Lebanese capital, Beirut, has a history that goes back to the Neolithic (7000 BC).

Photo of the old city.

4. Iranian city of Susa (Shush) has a controversial date of foundation, which ranges from 5000-7000 BC.

5. Another controversial city is Syrian Aleppo. The problem is that there is no old and new city. On the site of the first settlements, the current Aleppo is located, which greatly complicates the conduct of archaeological excavations.

6. Sidon - Lebanese town, first settled 5500 BC

7. El Fayoum - an oasis city in the middle of the Libyan desert was founded around 4000 BC.

8. Oddly enough, but the oldest in Europe, still existing city with a permanent population throughout history, is Bulgarian Plovdiv (city on seven hills), on the modern territory which the first settlements also appeared 4000 BC.

9. Turkish Gaziantep, according to one version, it appeared 3650 BC. But the date is also disputed downward.

10. Two Greek cities, Argos and Athens, appeared at about the same time. Nevertheless, disputes over the first permanent settlements are ongoing. The exact facts of the presence of urban settlements date back to 5000 BC. However, there is information about seven millennia BC. In short, the controversy continues.


In ancient times, the city was the capital of the Hashemite state, formed by an Arab tribe. You can find a stone miracle in the desert near the resort of Akkaba. It will take about 4 hours to see all its sights, during which you will have to overcome the path of 10 km. The tour starts from the entrance to a narrow gorge, at the exit of which the Al-Khazneh building meets the tourists. The temple-mausoleum, also referred to as the Treasury of the Pharaohs, conveyed the skill of the best stone-cutters of antiquity. It is followed by a street with a Colonnade, attractive with red and pink buildings. On one of the rocks rises the monastery of Ed-Deir, the Roman 3-story palace attracts with its beauty, the Urn tomb catches the eye. Most of the buildings were intended for rituals.

It was erected by the Greeks in the 9th century BC. For many years of its existence, the ancient city was able to absorb the cultural and historical values ​​of many countries ancient world. Even a one-time visit to Ephesus allows you to see many unique sights that annually gather thousands of tourists around them. These are the fountain of Emperor Trojan, the library of Celsus, the ruined temples of Artemis and Hadrian, the remains of the sanctuaries of the nymphs and ordinary buildings, attractive with unusual designs. Surprisingly, the huge amphitheater, built by the Hellenes for entertainment, has been perfectly preserved to this day. Ephesus has undergone many changes in its history, but no events could take away its beauty and wealth. An unusual city leaves indelible memories of itself.

City landmark, conveying the luxury and grandeur of the ancient Persian empire of the Achaemenids. In 330 BC he was burned by Macedon. Despite this, the remains of the ancient palace complex are still perfectly preserved in the city. They are located on a high platform, and occupy 135 thousand square meters. m. The cultural "core" of Persepolis is apadana, or a giant square-shaped hall that can accommodate up to 10 thousand people. Apadana rises on a 2.5-meter platform, and its walls are made of durable raw brick material. Medieval Persepolis was used by the locals as a quarry. Since 1931, archaeological work has been carried out here. The columns of Persepolis are decorated with ancient images and inscribed with tourists who wished to leave a memory of themselves in the form of their own names.

Temple city, lost between the mountains of Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon. It is shrouded in many legends explaining its appearance on Lebanese soil. The city owes its name to Baal, a deity worshiped by the Egyptians and Assyrians. The sights of Baalbek are temples, amazing with their architecture. Scientists still cannot understand how, without the use of high-tech tools, ancient people managed to grind huge blocks of stone so smoothly and use them for construction. Lebanese researchers are also surprised by the fact that a system of underground passages is hidden under the temple. The width of this ancient labyrinth is about 3 m, the height is 2.5 m. The southern stone of Baalbek is also attractive for tourists, climbing on which you can feel like a microparticle of the vast Universe.

An ancient Syrian city, the first mention of which is found in the annals of the 19th century BC. The small elliptical town is adorned with an 11-meter colonnade connecting the cult and shopping malls. This colonnade is considered the main street, but when moving along it, you can see the arched branches leading to the neighboring streets. The center of the road is decorated with a triumphal arch, which, despite its dilapidated state, is still striking in its grandeur. The street ends with the sanctuary of Bel, erected in 32 AD. in honor of the local deity. This temple was the main one, and its territory was represented by a courtyard with pools. Temple of Nabo, the ruins of Roman baths, an amphitheater, the Senate, agora, Diocletian's camp, the Necropolis and the fortress of Qalaat Ibn Maan are considered the main attractions of Palmyra.

The ancient capital of the island of Sri Lanka. Its main attraction is the Stone Temple, built to worship the Buddha. 4 huge statues of the deity are carved directly into the granite rock. Especially pilgrims are attracted by the statue of Buddha, arms crossed on his chest. The wealth of Polonnaruwa is the numerous brahminical monuments, the ruins of the garden city of King Parakramabahu, the Lotus bath, Parakrama Samudraya lake. The Cave of the Spirits of Knowledge, also known as Gal Vihara, is recognized as a mysterious territory in Polonnaruwa. And this is not the usual underground kingdom, but an open stone wall with impressive statues of Buddha carved from stone, frozen in a lying and standing pose. Today, the ancient city is represented by the remains of palaces and temples enclosed in a rectangle of the city wall.

The ancient Mexican city belonged to the Itza people. The name has an interesting translation - “the well of the Itza tribe”. Once having hundreds of buildings, the city occupied approximately 6 square meters. miles. Today it looks like ruins, among which about 30 preserved buildings are of historical value. Archaeologists attribute Chichen Itza to the Mayan culture, because. most of the buildings were erected by representatives of this tribe. Another group of ancient buildings and cenotes - smooth-walled wells were built already in the Toltec period from the 10th to the 11th centuries AD. But the most striking buildings are those that were erected by the Mayan tribe (with him the city became the largest religious and ceremonial center). These are the Pali House, the Deer House, the Red House, the Temple with lintels, the church, the monastery with annexes, Akab Dzib.

One of the unusual cities of ancient Mexico. It sprawled on the edge of the Anahuac Valley in a treeless highland zone. The year of its foundation is considered to be the 750th, relating to our era. In the Nahuatl language, the word "teotihuacan" means the area where people turn into gods. Teotihuacan has a lot of attractions. The city is rich in temples and palaces, the walls of which are decorated with original frescoes. Its historical site is the Citadel - a square framed by platforms with 16 pyramids. According to researchers, the royal residence of the ruler of the ancient city was located here. Another attraction is hidden inside the Citadel - the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. However, the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon have always overshadowed the monuments of the mysterious Teotihuacan with their grandeur and beauty.

The city, which belonged to the Incas in antiquity, eventually became the center of tourism in South American Peru. Built in the XV century. in the mountains, he got a suitable name - “old mountain” (Quechua language). The news of the existence of a piece of the Ancient World, lost in the Andes, was made public in 1911 by the American Hiram Bingham. Marvelous Machu Picchu is also called the city in the clouds. Modern researchers of its territory are amazed by the fact that when the city was founded by the Incas, all the nuances of geology, topography, ecology and astronomy were taken into account. All the buildings, distinguished by unusual triangular roofs, stand on natural slopes, but they are built in such a way that even in the event of an earthquake they will not suffer. Since 2007, this wonderful city has been included in the register of New Wonders of the World. His artifacts are exhibited in the museum of the city of Cusco.

An ancient city founded by the Phoenicians in the 7th century. BC, located on the Mediterranean coast next to the city of Homs (Africa, Libya). For 3 centuries it was subject to Carthage, at the end of the Second Punic War it belonged to the Numidians, and then to the Romans. The peak of its heyday falls at the end of II Art. AD Today on the territory of the city you can see many Roman monuments: the ruins of the Baths of Hadrian, the theater, triumphal arch Septim Sevres, the central hall with statues and mosaics, the ruins of the once luxurious villas, decorated with mosaics, the Forum, the semicircular Nymphaeum, the Basilica. Outside the city there is an amphitheater and a circus. The Roman Circle is also very interesting. The structure, resembling a horseshoe, is located on the eastern side of Leptis Magna.

Despite the ongoing debate about the moment of the emergence of each ancient settlement, there is a more or less agreed upon list that includes the oldest cities in the world in which life continued uninterruptedly and are now inhabited.

One of the oldest

This list is headed by Jericho, which is mentioned more than once in the Bible under the name "city of palm trees", although the name is translated from Hebrew as "lunar city". Historians attribute the date of its emergence as a settlement to the 7th millennium BC, although some of the found traces of habitation date back to the 9th. That is, people lived here during the Chalcolithic or before the Ceramic Neolithic. It so happened that the location of Jericho has been on the warpath since time immemorial, again in the Bible there is a description of the capture of the city. He endlessly passed from hand to hand, the last time happened in 1993, when Jericho went to Palestine. Repeatedly over the millennia, the inhabitants left it, but always returned and rebuilt. Now located 10 km from Dead Sea Jericho is willingly visited by tourists, as it is rich in sights (for example, there was a farmstead of King Herod). In addition, this most ancient city on earth is also unique in that it is, so to speak, the deepest settlement, as it is located 240 meters below sea level.

Which one is older

The second (sometimes contesting the championship) on the list of "The oldest cities in the world" is modern Syria. Its origin also dates back to prehistoric times, but it becomes a major city after the Aramaic invasion, dating back to 1400 BC. One of the most charming cities in the Middle East, it is full of attractions. What is only included in the list of the greatest temples of the world, in which the head of the City is so ancient that there is a belief that the first wall built on earth after the Flood was precisely the Damascus Wall. The old city, which has not changed its appearance for many centuries, is also surrounded by a wall, but it was erected at the time of Ancient Rome.

Also the most ancient

Completes the top three settlements list of "The oldest cities in the world" Lebanese Bible. Needless to say, in some lists he is given the second, and even the first in seniority. These three cities arose long before the Copper Age, but since then they have been continuously inhabited. Byblos is located in the suburbs of Beirut. The very name of the city suggests that it was once a biblical city and was called Gebal. A Phoenician settlement, in ancient times it was the center of the papyrus trade, and now it is a well-known tourist attraction. It is interesting in that a small number of inscriptions found on ancient artifacts have not yet been deciphered, because this type of proto-biblical writing has no spaces. There are about 100 signs, but there are few inscriptions. The date of the emergence of the next city of Susa is disputed, as well as big city modern Syria Aleppo - someone believes that in the 7th millennium BC these cities already existed, someone did not.

Closing the list of "ancient"

The birth of subsequent cities date back to the 4th millennium BC. Not all of the most frequently cited lists under the name "Ancient cities of the world" mention the Crimean Feodosia, although in Russia it was it that was considered the "eternal city", since it was founded, according to some sources, in the 6th century BC and was known as Ardabra .

Another ten of the most ancient includes such settlements as the Lebanese Sidon (4 thousand BC). The emergence of the Egyptian Faiyum (Greek Crocodilefield) and the Bulgarian Plovdiv dates back to the same time. Turkish Gaziantep and Lebanese capital Beirut are several centuries younger. Further on the list, the following cities are most often mentioned: Jerusalem, Tire, Erbil, Kirkuk, Jaffa. All of them arose many centuries before our chronology and belong to the "most ancient".

The oldest in Russia

The most common lists under the title "Ancient cities of the world" do not include Derbent, Zurich, or Ningbo, although they have at least 6,000 years of history behind them. So, Derbent (from the Arabic Bab-al-Abwab - its name - is translated as "gate of the gate" or "big gate"), according to some sources, was already a settlement in the 4th millennium BC. This southern city Russian Federation already existed in Azerbaijan. Translated from the Azerbaijani language, its name sounds like “closed gates”. It is located in the isthmus between Caucasian ridge and the western coast of the Caspian Sea. This ancient settlement has always been a gateway for caravans traveling from Europe to Asia.

Also "oldest"

Most people have a concept of ancient Europe associated primarily with Greece. However, Swiss Zurich is much older. The first settlements on its territory arose in 4430-4230 BC, that is, in the 5th millennium.

Closer to our chronology, it was conquered by the Celts, then the settlement became part of the Roman Empire, and at that time it was already mentioned under the name Turicum. The Chinese city of Ningbo, which is directly related to the Hemudu culture that existed in the 5th millennium BC, according to some statements, was already inhabited in the Neolithic era. Archeology does not stand still, and the list ancient cities planets will include new names.

Closer to our reckoning

The list of "Ancient cities of the world" is much wider than the "Ancient", because many civilizations belong to the 2nd millennium BC. The location of the settlements that arose in these centuries goes beyond the Middle East. In Europe, these are primarily cities. In this territory, they top the list of “Permanently populated cities ancient world" Athens. Notes about this city-state also begin with the words that these places were inhabited in the Neolithic era. But Athens is described in detail, starting from the late Helladic period, that is, from 1700-1200 BC. The golden age for this powerful policy began in the middle of the 1st millennium, during the reign of Pericles. The legendary monuments, known to the whole world, were built during this period, which is quite well studied and described by the ancient Greek classics. Such historical evidence as the works of Bacchelides, Hyperides, Menander and Herodes written on papyri have survived to this day. The works of later, world-famous Greek authors formed the basis of the popular "Myths and Legends" by N. Kuhn. Ancient Greek philosophy, science, culture are the foundation of modern knowledge.

Extensive list

The names of the ancient cities of the world are a very extensive list, taking up more than one page, because the period of Antiquity ends in our chronology, has a specific date - 476 AD, indicating the fall of the Western Roman Empire. This period is well studied, and the existence of many cities is documented.

Therefore, from the whole huge list, we can name several settlements known to literally everyone. It will also include cities that have disappeared from the face of the earth, but remained in historical evidence or in the memory of their descendants. These include such great cities of the Ancient World as Babylon and Palmyra, Pompeii and Thebes, Chichen Itza and Ur, Pergamon and Cusco, ancient Greek Knossos and Mycenae, many cities of Asia and other continents. The mysteries of the ruins of these cities are yet to be solved. For example, the mysterious Angkor, lost in the jungle, is the stone heart of Cambodia, rediscovered for the world in the middle of the 19th century, although its history goes back to the second century AD. Or located on the top of a mountain, located at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level, no less mysterious Machu Picchu. This ancient "city in the sky" is located in Peru.

The highlight of the city

The ancient city of Demre, in comparison with the above settlements, is simply young. The first mention of it dates back to the 5th century (not the millennium) BC. But Known in ancient times under the name of Mira, it is famous not only for its extraordinary architectural monuments, but first of all for the fact that Saint Nicholas studied, lived and became famous here, he is also Nicholas the Pleasant, the Miracle Worker, he is also Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus. The most wonderful tradition of giving New Year's gifts came from this city. The initiator was St. Nicholas, the first Bishop of Mira. The ancient city of Demre is a very popular tourist attraction.

The route "Demre-Mira-Kekova" is in great demand. The city has preserved a beautiful ancient Roman theater, the size of which allows one to judge the importance of this large seaside center in antiquity. Kekova is an island. It is notable for the fact that its shores are a continuation of the walls of the city sunk as a result of the earthquake. The modern city of Demre, which is the center of the province of the same name in Turkey, is very good.

Very short list

Ancient cities of the world are mysterious and beautiful. The list of the most famous is as follows: Byblos, Jericho and Aleppo, followed by Susa, Damascus, El Faiyum and Plovdiv. It would be fair to indicate Derbent and Zurich, the "eternal city" of Rome, as well as several settlements ancient China(Ningbo, Changsha, Changzhou and others).

The disappeared Babylon, Palmyra, Pompeii, Ur and Mycenae complete this more than modest list of cities of antiquity. Ancient Persian Persipolis boasts unique sights. At one time it was the capital of the Achaemenid Empire, which founded in VI-V centuries BC, a huge state, later conquered by Alexander the Great. All ancient cities are surrounded by legends, which are very interesting to get acquainted with.

Memphis, Babylon, Thebes - all of them were once the largest centers, but only the name remains of them. However, there are cities that have existed throughout the history of mankind, from the Stone Age to the present day.

Jericho (West Bank)

At the very foot of the Judean Mountains, opposite the confluence of the Jordan into the Dead Sea, is the most ancient city on earth - Jericho. Traces of settlements dating back to the 10th-9th millennium BC were found here. e. It was a permanent site of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A culture, whose representatives built the first wall of Jericho. The defensive structure of the Stone Age was four meters high and two meters wide. Inside it was a powerful eight-meter tower, which, obviously, was used for ritual purposes. Its ruins have survived to this day.

The name Jericho (in Hebrew Jericho) according to one version comes from a word with the meaning "smell" and "fragrance" - "reach". According to another, from the word moon - "yareah", which the founders of the city could revere. We find the first written mention of it in the book of Joshua, which describes the fall of the walls of Jericho and the capture of the city by the Jews in 1550 BC. e. By that time, the city was already a powerful fortified fortress, whose system of seven walls was a real labyrinth. Not for nothing - Jericho had something to defend. It was located at the crossroads of three important trade routes of the Middle East, right in the middle of a blooming oasis with big amount fresh water And fertile soil. For the inhabitants of the desert - the real promised land.

Jericho was the first city to be captured by the Israelites. It was completely destroyed, and all the inhabitants were killed, with the exception of the harlot Rahab, who had previously sheltered Jewish spies, for which she was spared.

Today, Jericho, located on the West Bank of the Jordan, is a disputed territory between Palestine and Israel, remaining in a zone of constant military conflict. Therefore, visiting the most ancient and rich in historical sights of the city is not recommended.

Damascus: "eye of the desert" (Syria

Damascus, the current capital of Syria, is fighting for the first place with Jericho. The earliest mention of it was found in the list of conquered cities of Pharaoh Thutmose III, who lived in 1479-1425 BC. e. In the first book of the Old Testament, Damascus is mentioned as a large and well-known center of trade.

In the 13th century, the historian Yaqut al-Humavi claimed that the city was founded by Adam and Eve themselves, who, after being expelled from Eden, found refuge in the cave of blood (Magarat ad-Damm) on Mount Qasyun on the outskirts of Damascus. The first murder in history described in the Old Testament also took place there - Cain killed his brother. According to legend, the self-name Damascus comes from the ancient Aramaic word "demshak", which means "brother's blood." Another, more plausible version says that the name of the city goes back to the Aramaic word Darmeśeq, which means “well-irrigated place”.

It is not known for certain who first founded the settlement near Mount Kasyun. But recent excavations at Tel Ramada, a suburb of Damascus, have shown that humans settled the area around 6300 BC. e.

Byblos (Lebanon)

Closes the top three of the most ancient cities - Byblos, known today as Jbeil. It is located on the Mediterranean coast, 32 km from Beirut, the current capital of Lebanon. Once it was a large Phoenician city founded in the 4th millennium BC, although the first settlements on this territory date back to the Late Stone Age - the 7th millennium.

The ancient name of the city is associated with the legend of a certain Biblis, who was madly in love with her brother, Kavnos. She died of grief when her lover fled to escape sin, and her shed tears formed an inexhaustible well of water that watered the city. According to another version, byblos in Greece was called papyrus, which was exported from the city.

Byblos was one of the largest ports of antiquity. He was also known for the spread of the cult of Baal there - the formidable god of the Sun, who "demanded" self-torture and bloody sacrifices from his adherents. The written language of the ancient Byblos is still one of the main mysteries of the Ancient World. The Proto-Biblic letter, widespread in the second millennium BC, still cannot be deciphered, it does not look like any of the known systems writings of the ancient world.

Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Today it is customary to consider the oldest city in Europe not Rome or even Athens, but the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv, located in the southern part of the country between the Rhodope and Balkan mountains (the home of the legendary Orpheus) and the Upper Thracian lowland. The first settlements on its territory date back to the 6th-4th millennium BC. e., although Plovdiv, or rather, then Evmolpiada, reached its heyday under the peoples of the sea - the Thracians. In 342 BC. it was captured by Philip II of Macedon, the father of the famous Alexander, who named it Philippopolis in his honor. Subsequently, the city managed to visit the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman rule, which made it the second cultural center in Bulgaria after Sofia.

Derbent (Russia)

One of the top five oldest cities in the world is located on the territory of our country. This is Derbent in Dagestan, the southernmost and most ancient city in Russia. The first settlements arose here as early as the Early Bronze Age (4th millennium BC). It was first mentioned by the famous ancient Greek historian Hecateus of Miletus in the 6th century BC, who gives the most ancient name city: "Caspian gates". The city owes such a romantic name to its geographic location- it stretched along the coastline of the Caspian Sea - where the mountains of the Caucasus come closest to the Caspian Sea, leaving only a three-kilometer strip of plain.

In world history, Derbent has become an unofficial "checkpoint" between Europe and Asia. One of the most important sections of the Great Silk Road ran here. It is not surprising that he has always been a favorite object of the neighbors' conquests. showed to him big interest The Roman Empire was the main goal of the campaigns to the Caucasus by Lucullus and Pompey in 66-65 BC. was precisely Derbent. In the 5th century A.D. e. when the city belonged to the Sassanids, powerful fortifications were erected here to protect against nomads, including the fortress of Naryn-kala. From her, located at the foot mountain range, two walls descended to the sea, designed to protect the city and the trade route. It is from this time that the history of Derbent as a large city is counted.