Triumphal Arch 1. Arch of Septimius Severus. Arc de Triomphe today

The Arc de Triomphe is an architectural monumental structure, which is essentially a monument in the form of an arch, erected in honor of important events or winners at the entrance to the city, at the end of the street, on avenues, on bridges. What is the history of the origin of these structures? Where are the oldest arches in the world?

Types of arches

Arches can be temporary (most often wooden arches were installed) or permanent (concrete, brick, stone). Triumphal arches have several spans covered with vaults. These structures usually end with an attic and entablature and are decorated with various memorial inscriptions, bas-reliefs or statues.

History of the origin of the term

The word “arch” translated from Latin means “bow, bend, arc.” The Romans were very fond of everything victorious and triumphal, having borrowed the idea of ​​an arched triumphal gate from the Etruscans, it was they who gave the name to this architectural structure - “arch”. Where this structure first appeared is a very difficult question.

History of origin

Arches and arched vaults have always been there. The entrance to the cave, most likely, was also arched, from that time everything went... Arched architecture existed both in Mesopotamia and in Ancient East, and in Ancient Greece. For example, the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were arched.

The arch always symbolized something more than a passage between two supports; it meant a certain process of rebirth. To pass through the arch meant to be born again. It was the sacred meaning that was attached to it in ancient times.

For example, some tribes in Africa built an arch of tree branches near the forest; young men passed through such a span and found themselves in a dense forest, where they spent several days and returned to the village as men. Arches were used to initiate young men into men.

On Trinity Sunday in Rus', two tops of young birches were tied together in the form of an arch. Girls passed through it, holding hands, they were initiated into gossips, after which they never quarreled.

In ancient Rome, winners were held under an arch made of pine branches. Then this triumphal procession was not enough for the Romans, and they began to erect monumental structures, first temporary (after the solemn passage of the victors they were dismantled), and then permanent.

From about the 1st century BC to the 8th century AD in Ancient Rome, triumphal arches became a common memorial structure, which were built in honor of significant victories historical events, a significant and great person.

Images of ancient triumphal arches are preserved on medals in honor of Nero and Augustus and many others. So, what are the oldest arches in the world?

The most ancient arches

The ancient Romans borrowed this amazing design from the Etruscans, but it was Ancient Rome that immortalized the design and exalted it, and they began to build this monumental structure in all countries of the world. Currently, there are a huge number of triumphal arches in the world, both modern and ancient. But the most ancient of them are, of course, in Italy. The triumphal arch of Augustus, built in 28 BC, in honor of Augustus Caesar. It was through her that everyone got to Rimini. It has been standing for more than 2000 years and is considered the main attraction of the city.

In Rome there are no less famous and ancient triumphal arches: Septimius Severus, Titus, Constantine.

European arches

European civilization was influenced by ancient Roman culture, therefore, arches became an integral feature of medieval European architecture. For example, Cologne Cathedral. In the Middle Ages, even arches were depicted on chairs and cabinets. And of course, the arch did not lose its significance during the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and Classicism.

How many triumphal arches are there in the world, in Europe? Their number is very difficult to count, since these structures adorn the cities of many countries around the world, perpetuating the memory of historical events of the state. In addition, they continue to be built in our time. For example, the Parisian Arch of Defense, built in 1989. It is a marble and glass cube with an opening carved inside.

The most visited triumphal arches in the world by tourists

Their list can be presented as follows:

In Paris: on Place Carrousel, Arch of Defense, arch on Place des Stars, Montpellier, in Parc Sempione, Porte Saint-Martin, Gate Saint-Denis;

In St. Petersburg - Moscow Gate;

In Rome: arches of Constantine, Titus, Septimius Severus, Galerius;

In Athens - Hadrian's Arch;

In Moscow - the triumphal arch of the General Staff building;

In Innsbruck;

In London - Wellington Arch;

In Barcelona;

In Lecce - Gate of Naples;

In Lisbon - the arch on Praça do Comércio and the triton;

In Antalya - Hadrian's Gate;

In Vladimir - Fortress Golden Gate;

In New Delhi - India Gate;

In Grozny;

In Baghdad - Swords of Qadisiyah;

In Bucharest.

Which cities in the world have triumphal arches? These architectural structures adorn many cities of the world - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Vladimir, Grozny, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Bucharest, London, Delhi, Baghdad and many other cities.

Most famous

The most famous triumphal arches in the world include:

1. The Triumphal Gate of Septimius Severus in Rome, its height is 21 meters, built in 205 AD from white marble, erected in honor of Severus' victory over the Parthians.

7. Arc de Triomphe on Place des Stars in Paris. In honor of his victories, Napoleon decided to erect two arched monumental structures: on Place Carrousel and on Rue Saint-Antoine. But the second location was unsuccessful and impeded traffic movement; construction was moved to Star Square (since 1970, Charles de Gaulle Square). The construction of the structure lasted 30 years and was opened after the death of Napoleon, in 1836. The height of the complex is 50 meters.

8. Swords of Qadisiyah in Baghdad. The structure was built in the late 80s of the twentieth century, symbolizing the victory of Iraq in the war with Iran. Currently, the arch is one of the main attractions of the city of Baghdad.

9. India Gate in New Delhi. The arch was built in 1911 to honor the Indian soldiers who fought and died during the First World War. An eternal flame burns at the foot of the monument. The structure was built in Hindu and Arabic styles.

The world's triumphal arches are the most frequently visited places of tourist excursions.

Arches of Russia

Fashion for the Triumphal Gate in Russian state introduced by Peter the Great. In Moscow, 3 arches were built in honor of the victory over the Turks, and 7 in honor of the Poltava victory. Elizaveta Petrovna continued this tradition, which was then picked up by Catherine the Great. In those days, arched complexes were built of wood and many of them have not survived to this day. Many triumphal arches have befallen tragic fate V Soviet time, they were destroyed and destroyed as a symbol of the tsarist era.

The most famous triumphal arches of Russia:

Triumphal Arch General Staff is a memorial dedicated to the Russian victory over Napoleon in 1812. The arch is integral part General Staff. It was built in 1829 according to the design of the architect Rossi. She is crowned by a chariot that carries the Goddess of Victory.

The Golden Gate in Vladimir, built in the 12th century. It was conceived by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky as the central fortress gate of Vladimir. The structure of the arch combines several architectural structures: a triumphal arch, a tower and a church built above the gate.

The Moscow Gate in the northern capital was built in honor of the exploits of Russian soldiers in battles in Turkey, Persia and Poland. The first stone was laid in 1834.

Triumphal arches were erected to perpetuate a significant event in the state or a prominent figure. Centuries later, they continue to amaze with their grandeur, grace and power, reminding descendants of the triumph of their predecessors.

Great French revolution and the subsequent abolition of the monarchy caused a whole series of wars that France waged against almost all of Europe. These wars turned France from a country besieged by enemies into a force before which all the leading powers trembled, and the victorious army was the pride of the French people. In 1805, after the Battle of Austerlitz, in which Napoleon defeated the united army of Austria and Russia, the emperor ordered the erection of a monument in Paris glorifying the victories French army during the years of the Great Revolution and the First Empire.

This is how the famous Arc de Triomphe appeared on the future Parisian Place Charles de Gaulle.

What is a triumphal arch

The tradition of erecting triumphal arches dates back to the times Ancient Rome. The victorious commander was awarded a triumph, a ceremonial entry into the capital, which was the highest military honor in the Roman state. The victory was to be of great importance for Rome, won quickly, decisively and with minimal losses.

The triumphant rode into the Eternal City, accompanied by his army on a richly decorated chariot, followed by valuable trophies and the most noble captives. The triumph was a real holiday for the entire city, whose residents greeted the winner all the way to Capitol Hill.

Approaching the Capitol, the commander had to pass under the triumphal arch. Originally it was a wooden structure, decorated with flowers, tree branches, gilded ribbons and other decorations. After the triumph, the arch was removed. Later, when the republic gave way to an empire, emperors, after significant victories, began to erect stone arches, some of which have survived to this day. The most famous of them is the Arch of Titus, built in the 1st century AD. e. after the victory over the Jews. It was she who became the prototype of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

History of construction

Soon after the emperor announced his intention to erect a monument, designs for the future monument began to come to him. The projects were very diverse, among them there was even a huge hollow stone elephant, in which it was proposed to house a museum of the French army. Napoleon chose the version of the architect Jean-François Chalgrin, who proposed taking the Roman triumphal arch as a basis.

Construction of the arch began in 1806, with Napoleon himself laying the first stone for the foundation. This happened on August 15, the emperor’s birthday.

The Chaillot hill at the entrance to Paris was chosen as the site for the construction of the monument. The soil on the hill was loose, and the depth of the foundation had to be increased to 8 meters. The stone for the construction was transported from the quarries of Chateau-Landon, 80 km away. from Paris.

Work on the foundation lasted two years. Neither Chalgrin, who died in 1811, nor Napoleon saw the finished monument itself, but they were able to get an idea of ​​the future monument. In 1809, an agreement was reached on the marriage of Napoleon with the daughter of the Austrian Emperor Franz I, Marie-Louise. In 1810, the future empress arrived in Paris, where the wedding was to take place. The route of the princess's cortege passed along the Champs Elysees, the central thoroughfare of the city, starting from the Chaillot outpost. On a ready-made stone base, a model of the future arch was built from wood and fabric, under which Marie-Louise rode.

By the time of the death of the author of the project, the monument was five meters short of the planned height. Hard times came for France and work was stopped. After the fall of Napoleon under Louis XVIII and Charles X, it was not customary to remember the revolution and Napoleon, and they did not remember the arch.

Everything changed with the coming to power of Louis Philippe, under whom the monarchy acquired a constitutional character. The king himself was a participant in his youth revolutionary wars, fought at Valmy, Jemappe and Neervinden. Work has started full swing, and in 1836 the Arc de Triomphe was completed.

Napoleon nevertheless passed under the arches of his spiritual brainchild. On December 15, 1840, the coffin with the ashes of the emperor, delivered from St. Helena, was carried under the Arch, accompanied by a funeral cortege. Later, this honor was awarded to outstanding figures of France - Victor Hugo, the first President of France Thiers, Marshal Foch, who signed the First world war truce, and other famous people. In 1921, the ashes of the Unknown Soldier of the First World War were buried under the arch, and in 1923 the Eternal Flame was lit.

In the history of the Arc de Triomphe there was also black page. In 1940, troops entered Paris through the arch fascist Germany. This was done on the personal orders of Hitler, who was prone to symbolic gestures.

Monument to Military Valor

The Arc de Triomphe, one of the main attractions of Paris, is located on Place Charles de Gaulle. The dimensions of the majestic structure are impressive. Its height is 49.5 meters, width 44.8, vault height 29.2 m. This is the largest triumphal arch in the world.

The monument is decorated with four sculptural groups. From the center of Paris (Champs-Elysees) are the compositions “Triumph of 1810”, representing Napoleon surrounded by allegorical images of glory, and “La Marseillaise”, which depicts the march of the Marseille volunteers towards the Prussian troops who occupied Lorraine in 1792. The authors of the sculptures are Jean-Pierre Cortot and Francois Rude, respectively. Both compositions of the arch on the side of the Avenue de la Grande Armée were created by Antoine Etex. The right group is called "Resistance of 1814", the left - "Peace of 1815".

Above the sculptural groups and on the sides of the monument there are 6 bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the history of the revolution and the First Empire from the Battle of Jemappes (1792), when it was defeated Austrian army, to Austerlitz. The inscriptions carved on the walls of the arch commemorate 128 battles won by the French army and the names of more than 600 officers and generals from the times of the revolution and empire.

Inside the monument there is a museum telling about the history of the creation of the Arc de Triomphe and the triumphal processions that took place under it, and at the top there is an observation deck, to which a staircase of 284 steps leads. It offers stunning views of the city. It is here that it becomes clear why the square used to be called Place des Stars (Etoile) - 12 highways radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in all directions. Particularly impressive is the Route de Triomphe - the historical axis of Paris, stretching along one line from the Louvre to the Grand Arch of Defense in the western suburbs of the capital.

The arch is surrounded by one hundred massive granite pedestals connected by heavy chains cast from cast iron. This fence was created in memory of Napoleon's famous "Hundred Days", which ended with the fateful Battle of Waterloo.

The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most attractive objects in the French capital. According to a statistical survey, it is in second place in popularity among tourists coming to Paris for the first time after Eiffel Tower. Townspeople also love to come to the majestic monument, because according to Parisian beliefs, great success awaits anyone who walks under the arch seven times.

However, the Arc de Triomphe is not only an object of attraction for tourists. Every year on Bastille Day, July 14, solemn ceremonies are held on Charles de Gaulle Square in memory of those who fell for France - a military parade and the laying of flowers at the Eternal Flame, in which the country's president and veterans take part.

Italy is one of the most amazing countries in Europe; it contains a huge number of masterpieces of world culture; the country is filled with museums, exhibitions, theaters, architectural ensembles and many other attractions that are interesting for tourists who visit this country.

Milan is the main city of northern Italy, combining many architectural styles - the so-called Lombard romance, Renaissance, classicism. This city has captivated many with its beauty. famous people, one of these Great Ones was Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France and great commander. The favor of the emperor is evidenced by the architectural ensembles to which Napoleon himself had a hand. Standing out from this list is the so-called Royal Villa, where Napoleon lived with his Josephine and, conceived by the emperor, the Arch of Peace, also known as the Sempione Gate. The arch is located in the center of Piazza Sempione in Milan, located near Sempione Park.

The Arch of Peace in Milan was conceived by Napoleon and was supposed to symbolize the next triumph of the Emperor, who became President of the Italian Republic in January 1802, and from 1805 to 1814 King of Italy. The author of the project to create the Arch of Peace was the famous Italian architect Luigi Cagnola. All Bonaparte’s wishes were included in the project; construction of the Arch of Peace began in 1807. Construction was temporarily stopped after the fall of the Kingdom of Italy and the expulsion of Napoleon from the country, at that moment the construction was two-thirds completed, several statues made by the sculptor Luigi Acquisti were already installed on it.

The decision to continue the construction of the Arch of Peace in Milan was made only in 1826. Construction lasted until 1838. Unfortunately, Luigi Cagnola did not live to see the discovery of his creation. The architect died in 1833. He was replaced by Francesco Londio and Francesco Peverelli. The monument was built from Crevol marble, its width was 24 meters and its height was 25.

The arch is located near the magnificent Sforzesco Palace, this area is filled with a huge number of restaurants, cafes, coffee shops and shops.

The Arch of Peace is located in a respectable and quiet area of ​​Milan - Sempione, known for its beautiful parks. Travelers who are tired of the hustle and bustle will be especially comfortable here. big city. Many hotels cordially open their doors to guests, among which Town House 12 and ADI Hotel Poliziano Fiera stand out.

Triumphal Arch

The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in the center of Paris, erected in honor of Napoleon's military victories. It is the most famous triumphal arch in the world. The arch is located on Place Charles de Gaulle, at the very beginning of the Champs Elysees.

The decree on the construction of the Arc de Triomphe was issued by Napoleon I in 1806, in honor of the victory in the battle of Austerlitz. Initially, it was planned to build an arch on Saint-Antoine Street, but the location was unsuitable; if the monument was erected there, traffic would be difficult, so the project was moved to the beginning of the Champs-Elysees, on the hill of Chaillot. Many people do not know this, but the Arc de Triomphe, which we are talking about now, is not the only one in Paris. Another one was built between 1802 and 1808 on Place Carrousel, and the third was built in our time in the Défense quarter.

It’s hard to believe, but just 200 years ago, Place Charles de Gaulle was located outside the city limits, and it wasn’t even a square. Then it was the Star Outpost, which later became Star Square, and received its name in honor of Charles de Gaulle only in 1969. All three arches, including the modern one, are located on the so-called Route de Triomphe, which connects the Louvre and Versailles with a direct road.

Napoleon did not live to see the end of construction, which lasted 30 years. The first person to solemnly pass under the Arc de Triomphe was Marie-Louise. It was 1810, construction was only at the very beginning then, so for the empress’s ceremonial entry into the palace, scaffolding was quickly erected, repeating the outline of the arch, and covered with fabric. The official opening of the arch took place on July 29, 1836, during the reign of Louis Philippe.

The arch was often used for ceremonial military and funeral processions. In 1840, when, under pressure from the Bonapartists, Napoleon's ashes were transported to Paris, the funeral procession solemnly passed under the arches. Later, very few people received such an honor, but in honor of mourning for Victor Hugo, the Arc de Triomphe was covered with dark fabric for a day.

The Arc de Triomphe in Paris is the largest in the world. Its dimensions are 50 meters high, 45 meters wide and 30 meters high on the arches. The names of 558 generals, as well as the names of 128 victorious battles of the French army, are carved on the walls. Also, the Arc de Triomphe is decorated with 10 bas-reliefs, the most famous of which is the Marseillaise. Around the Square of the Star there are 100 concrete pedestals in honor of Napoleon's 100-day reign. In 1921, the ashes of an unknown soldier from the First World War were transferred under the arch's arches, and two years later the eternal flame was lit, and from that time on the arch became the beginning of all military parades. There is a museum inside the Arc de Triomphe, and under the roof there is an observation deck that offers beautiful views of the historical center of Paris.

Ten most beautiful arches in the world

There is something about an arched shape that pleases the eye - no matter if it is a natural creation or a man-made one. The Toronto Sun lists the ten best arches in the world.

1. Thin arch. In that national park more than two thousand natural arches, but it is Tonkaya that captures the imagination the most. When the sun's rays hit it, the sandstone arch turns bright orange.

2. The St. Louis Arch, also known as the Gateway to the West, was created by famous architect Eero Saarinen. It was he who won the competition for the monument that best reflects the country’s spirit of exploration. Now this arch has become the main symbol of the city.

3. The Arch in Reno has been modified several times since its appearance in the 1920s, but remains recognizable. It is decorated with the famous slogan of Reno, the largest city in the world.

4. The Kintai Bridge has existed in one form or another since the 1600s, and it took on its current form in the mid-20th century. It is believed that this bridge is beautiful at any time of the year, but it is best admired during the cherry blossom period.

5. Probably the largest McDonald's restaurant. The debate continues about whether this particular establishment of the famous chain is the largest. However, tourists are advised not to miss the two huge arches that make up the M symbol, familiar throughout the world.

6. The New River Gorge Bridge was once considered the largest arch bridge in the world. It still amazes the imagination because it is located in a very picturesque natural environment.

7. The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous characters French capital, created by order of Napoleon in 1806. No visit to the city is complete without visiting the famous arch.

8. The natural arch appeared in ancient Paleolithic times. This was once the entrance to a cave, but as a result of erosion, only a picturesque arch remains.

9. Los Arcos del 3er Milenio - these are giant yellow arches that are simply impossible to miss.

10. Old Bridge stood for 400 years and was destroyed during the Yugoslav conflict in the 1990s. It has now been completely restored, including the arch that makes this bridge so remarkable for tourists.

Arch on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in Moscow

The arch, which now stands in Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, was originally wooden and stood since 1814 at Tverskaya Zastava. It was erected in honor of Russia's victory over Napoleon. Soon the short-lived building became stone, acquiring its final form by 1829.

In 1936, this beautiful triumphal arch was dismantled, and for almost thirty years it was in one of the branches of the Shchusev Museum. Only in 1966 did they begin a new construction, but in a different place - on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Rainbow Arch in St. Louis

The Round Arch in St. Louis is a large stainless steel gate. They perform a purely symbolic role, emphasizing the importance of the city during the conquest of the West. The “Arch of Dreams”, the “Gateway to the West”, as it is called, was designed by the American architect Ero Saarinen, whose project was the best in the competition. The Rainbow Arch is part of the Thomas Jefferson National Memorial.


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On July 29, 1836, the Arc de Triomphe was inaugurated in Paris on Place des Stars (now Place Charles de Gaulle), which today has become one of the symbols of the French capital. It took 30 years to build. Napoleon ordered the construction of the arch immediately after Battle of Austerlitz. True, the emperor himself never saw the result; construction was completed during the reign of Louis Philippe. The arch reaches a height of 50 meters and is decorated with images of military campaigns of the French army.

Triumphal arches as a memorial to victory in battles can be found all over the world. We have collected 7 more of the most impressive ones.

Triumphal Arch in Moscow

In 1826, it was decided to replace the arch with a stone one.

The history of the Moscow arch began in the 19th century. At first it was wooden - it was erected in honor of the return of Russian troops with victory over Napoleonic army. In 1826, it was decided to replace the arch with a stone one. Construction took 20 long years, and after that it was completely dismantled as a relic of the past. However, after another 30 years, the capital authorities decided to recreate the arch and install it on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The work was completed in 1968. The monument consists of an arch and 12 columns. Between pairs of columns, large figures are placed on pedestals, the equipment of which repeats the equipment of ancient Russian warriors. Above these figures are images of battle scenes, as well as the Russian Emperor Alexander I and heroes of ancient myths. Above the arch there is a sculptural group - a chariot harnessed to six horses, driven by the goddess of victory Nike.

India Gate Arch in New Delhi

The Indian arch is very reminiscent of its “sister” from Paris - not only in scale, but also in its significance for the city. The memorial was erected in 1931 to honor the soldiers who fought during the First World War - the names of each fallen are carved into the arch. The 48-meter arch is located on the main street of New Delhi, the so-called Way of the Kings.

Arc de Triomphe in Barcelona

The top of the arch is decorated with the coat of arms of Spain.

The arch in Barcelona was erected in 1988 specifically for the World Exhibition. The monument is built of red brick and is located at the junction of Pasé de Lluis Companus and Pasais de San Juan boulevards. The top of the arch is decorated with the coat of arms of Spain, and the coats of arms of the country's provinces are placed on the arcs of the facades. At the top of the arch there are several sculptural compositions.

Arch Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

The famous Berlin Arch was erected in 1791. It was heavily damaged during World War II, and its restoration in 1957 became a symbol of the division and subsequent reunification of Germany. The gate is the boundary of the old city center. During times cold war it was from here that the construction of the Berlin Wall began, and here in 1989 the first East Germans crossed the border to get into West Germany. The top of the arch is decorated with a sculptural group: four horses, controlled by the goddess of victory Victoria.

Marble Arc de Triomphe in London

Initially, the monument was located in front of Buckingham Palace.

This arch is located near the Speaker's Corner in Hyde Parker. It was created in 1828 by the architect John Nash, who took the Arc de Triomphe of Constantine in Rome as a basis. Initially, the monument was located in front of Buckingham Palace and served as its main entrance. The building was moved in 1851. The arch is decorated with Corinthian columns and has three arched passage: one large central arch and two smaller ones on either side of the central arch. At the top is a bas-relief representing England, Scotland and Ireland.

Arch of Augustus in Rimini

The arch in Rimini is one of the oldest in the world. It was erected in honor of Emperor Octavian Augustus and initially served as the main gate to the city - its walls were located on either side of it. The height of the arch is 9.92 m, width - 8.45 m, thickness - 4.10 m. Its four medallions depict four deities: Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, son of Jupiter, Minerva, and on both sides there are the heads of two bulls, symbolizing Rimini as a colony of Rome. Previously, at the top of the arch there were four horses (traditional for Roman architecture), which were controlled by Emperor Augustus.

Triumphal Arch in Bucharest

The arch is one of the main symbols of the capital of Romania.

The arch is one of the main symbols of the capital of Romania. It is located near the big park on one of the most important highways in the capital, which bears the name of the Russian general and diplomat, Count Pavel Kiselev. The arch was installed in honor of the defenders of Romanian independence in 1922. Like the Moscow one, this one was initially built of wood, and only in 1936 was it replaced with an arch made of reinforced concrete and granite. Its height is 27 m. Texts of the great Romanian historian Nicolae Iorga and a list of names are carved on the arch settlements in which the fighting took place.

1814 Russian troops return from Western Europe. Especially for this event, a wooden triumphal arch is being built at the Tverskaya Zastava. After 12 years, they decided to replace the completely dilapidated wooden arch with a more durable one - a stone one.
Architect O.I. Bove worked on the project for two years. New option The arches were accepted in April 1829 and already on August 17 of the same year the ceremonial laying of the first stone was carried out. And then, over the course of five long years, powerful arched walls were erected.

The opening of the monument took place on September 20, 1834. It stood at the Tverskaya outpost for 102 years. And when at the beginning of 1936 they decided to redevelop the area of ​​the Belorussky railway station, the arch was dismantled. It was carefully dismantled and placed in storage at the Museum of Architecture for 32 long years. A.V. Shchusev, which was located on the territory of the previously operating Donskoy Monastery. Today, fragments of the casting of the old arch, cast-iron boards with coat of arms and relief military armor can be seen at the entrance to the Great Cathedral.

At the beginning of 1966, a decision was made to restore the Triumphal Gate, only in a new location. The task was difficult. It was necessary to restore the arch to its original form based on measurements, photographs and drawings. The project was led by V. Libsonon, one of the most famous Moscow restorers. The team he led included: engineers M. Grankina and A. Rubtsova, architects D. Kulchinsky and I. Ruben, who began restoration only after studying the archives. First, plaster casts were prepared, molds of those parts that needed to be re-cast. In total, it was necessary to re-prepare approximately 150 different models exact copies of decorative elements.

Individual figures were re-cast. New life was given to armor, coats of arms of old cities, and military attributes. The casting masters and minters did a great job. Later, all the elements were brought together and became part of the Triumphal Gate. The location of the Arc de Triomphe caused a lot of controversy and proposals. There was a proposal to restore it on the Leningradskoye Shosse, bordering the Belorussky railway station. They also proposed to take it out of the city to Poklonnaya Gora and restore it exactly according to Beauvais’s design with guardhouses, but the architects of Mosproekt-1 decided to restore the Triumphal Arch at the entrance to Kutuzovsky Prospekt Square. They decided to turn the arch into a monument that should fit into the city landscape and not get lost in it. Traffic flows should flow around it on both sides, and it should not turn into a simple fence or bridge.

After the location was approved, the builders got down to business. They leveled the area for the arch, leveling a small hill on Staromozhaiskoye Highway, and laid a new passage and underground passage. The Triumphal Arch on Kutuzovsky acquired a second life on November 6, 1968. It became the most grandiose monument to the victory of the Russian people in Patriotic War 1812. Together with the Kutuzovskaya Izba and the Battle of Borodino panorama museum, the restored Triumphal Arch forms a single complex on Victory Square in the Poklonnaya Gora area.

The façade of the arch faces the entrance to Moscow. In this arrangement, many see a long-standing tradition of placing arches and gates with the main façade facing the central road leading into the city. The basis of the single-span arch was made up of six pairs of 12-meter majestic cast-iron columns. They were placed around two arched pylons - supports. Each column weighs 16 tons; they were re-cast at the capital's Stankolit plant, based on the model of the one remaining column, which was at the heart of the first aria. Between the columns were placed cast figures of warriors with shields and spears, wearing helmets and chain mail. Elegant high reliefs were placed above the warriors. The thematic bas-relief depicted Russian soldiers pushing back enemies fleeing from the pressure of courageous liberators.

All the strength and power is shown in the image of a warrior in the foreground with a shield on which the coat of arms of Russia is depicted.

Another high relief shows the “Liberation of Moscow”. The proud beauty, personifying the capital, reclines on a shield with the Moscow coat of arms. Her right hand extended to Emperor Alexander I against the backdrop of the battlements of the Moscow Kremlin. Around are images of Hercules, Minerva, a woman, a youth and an old man. Antique Russian national motifs can be clearly seen in the stone robes of the characters. Along the perimeter of the arch are the coats of arms of the administrator. regions of Russia that participated in the liberation movement. Above the cornice are statues of Victories that stand out against the light background. Trophies are piled at their feet. There are slight smiles on stern faces. The arch is crowned by an unusually beautiful chariot of Glory, led by six horses. The winged goddess Victory sits in a chariot, peering at all those who enter the city.