Why is there a network without Internet access in Windows 7? Turning on the Wi-Fi module on the laptop. Computer network card drivers and disabling LAN in BIOS

Very often, laptop users are faced with the problem of lack of Internet, although there seems to be a Wi-Fi connection. Usually in such cases a yellow exclamation point appears on the network tray icon.

Most often, this happens when you change the settings of the router (or even when replacing the router), replacing the Internet provider (in this case, the provider will set up the network for you and give you the necessary passwords for connection and further configuration), when reinstalling the Windows OS. In part, in one of the articles, we have already discussed the main reasons why there may be problems with Wi-Fi network. In this article I would like to complement and expand this topic.

1. Checking your Internet connection settings

You should always start with the basics...

Personally, the first thing I do in such cases is to check if the settings in the router have gone wrong. The fact is that sometimes, during power surges in the network, or when it is turned off while the router is operating, the settings may go wrong. It is possible that someone accidentally changed these settings (if you are not alone working at the computer).

Most often, the address for connecting to the router settings looks like this:

Password and login: admin (in small Latin letters).

If you are connected via PPoE(the most common) - then you need to specify a password and login to establish a connection.

Pay attention to the tab " WAN"(all routers should have a tab with a similar name). If your provider does not connect via dynamic IP (as is the case with PPoE), you may need to set the connection type L2TP, PPTP, Static IP and other settings and parameters (DNS, IP, etc.) that the provider should have provided to you. Please read your contract carefully. You can use technical support services.

If you changed your router or the network card to which the provider originally connected you to the Internet - you need to configure emulation MAC addresses (you need to emulate the one MAC address, which was registered with your provider). Each network device has its own and unique MAC address. If you don’t want to emulate, then you need to provide the new MAC address to your Internet provider.

Many people confuse different MAC addresses, which is why connecting and setting up the Internet can take quite a long time. The fact is that we will have to work with several MAC addresses. Firstly, the MAC address that was registered with your provider is important (usually the MAC address of the network card or router that was originally used to connect). Most providers simply assign MAC addresses for the purpose of additional protection, some don't.

Secondly, I recommend that you install filtering in your router so that according to the MAC address of the laptop’s network card, it is given the same internal local IP each time. This will allow you to forward ports without problems in the future and fine-tune programs for working with the Internet.

1) Find out the MAC address of the network card that was originally connected by the Internet provider. The easiest way is through the command line. Just open it from the START menu, then type in “ipconfig/all” and press ENTER. You should see something like the following picture.

2) Next, open the router settings, and look for something like the following: “Clone MAC”, “Emulations MAC”, “Replacement MAC...”, etc. all possible derivatives of this. For example, in the “TP-LINK” router this setting is located in the “NETWORK” section. See picture below.

3. Setting up Windows

We will, of course, talk about network connection settings...

The fact is that it often happens that the network connection settings remain the same, but you have changed the equipment (some kind). Or the provider settings have changed, but you don’t have...

In most cases, IP and DNS in the network connection settings should be provided automatically. Especially if you use a router.

Right-click the network icon in the tray and go to the Network and Sharing Center. See picture below.

Several network adapters should appear in front of us. We are interested in the wireless connection settings. Right-click on it and go to its properties.

We are interested in the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” tab. Look at the properties of this tab: IP and DNS should be obtained automatically!

4. Personal experience is the reason for the “no Internet access” error

At the end of the article, I would like to give a couple of reasons why my laptop connected to the router, but informed me that the connection was without Internet access.

1) The first, and probably the funniest, is the lack of money in the account. Yes, some providers charge money daily, and if you don’t have money in your account, you are automatically disconnected from the Internet. Moreover, the local network will be available and you can easily view your balance, go to the technical forum. support, etc. Therefore, simple advice - if all else fails, first ask your provider.

2) Just in case, check the cable that is used to connect the Internet. Is it inserted well into the router? In any case, most router models have an LED that will help you determine if there is contact. Pay attention to this!

That's all. Wishing everyone fast and stable internet! Good luck.

Very often, laptop users are faced with the problem of lack of Internet, although there seems to be a Wi-Fi connection. Usually in such cases a yellow exclamation point appears on the network tray icon.

Most often, this happens when you change the settings of the router (or even when replacing the router), replacing the Internet provider (in this case, the provider will set up the network for you and give you the necessary passwords for connection and further configuration), when reinstalling the Windows OS. In part, in one of the articles, we have already discussed the main reasons why there may be problems with the Wi-Fi network. In this article I would like to complement and expand this topic.

So, let's begin.

You should always start with the basics...

Personally, the first thing I do in such cases is to check if the settings in the router have gone wrong. The fact is that sometimes, during power surges in the network, or when it is turned off while the router is operating, the settings may go wrong. It is possible that someone accidentally changed these settings (if you are not alone working at the computer).

Most often, the address for connecting to the router settings looks like this:

Password and login: admin (in small Latin letters).

If you are connected via PPoE(the most common) - then you need to specify a password and login to establish a connection.

Pay attention to the tab " WAN"(all routers should have a tab with a similar name). If your provider does not connect via dynamic IP (as is the case with PPoE), you may need to set the connection type L2TP, PPTP, Static IP and other settings and parameters (DNS, IP, etc.) that the provider should have provided to you. Please read your contract carefully. You can use technical support services.

If you changed your router or the network card to which the provider originally connected you to the Internet - you need to configure emulation MAC addresses (you need to emulate the MAC address that was registered with your provider). Each network device has its own and unique MAC address. If you don’t want to emulate, then you need to provide the new MAC address to your Internet provider.

2. Configure MAC addresses

We are trying to unravel...

Many people confuse different MAC addresses, which is why connecting and setting up the Internet can take quite a long time. The fact is that we will have to work with several MAC addresses. Firstly, the MAC address that was registered with your provider is important (usually the MAC address of the network card or router that was originally used for connection). Most providers simply bind MAC addresses for additional security, but some do not.

Secondly, I recommend that you install filtering in your router so that according to the MAC address of the laptop’s network card, it is given the same internal local IP each time. This will allow you to forward ports without problems in the future and fine-tune programs for working with the Internet.

MAC address cloning

1) Find out the MAC address of the network card that was originally connected by the Internet provider. The easiest way is through the command line. Just open it from the START menu, then type in “ipconfig/all” and press ENTER. You should see something like the following picture.

2) Next, open the router settings, and look for something like the following: “Clone MAC”, “Emulations MAC”, “Replacement MAC...”, etc. all possible derivatives of this. For example, in the “TP-LINK” router this setting is located in the “NETWORK” section. See picture below.

3. Setting up Windows

We will, of course, talk about network connection settings...

The fact is that it often happens that the network connection settings remain the same, but you have changed the equipment (some kind). Or the provider settings have changed, but you don’t have...

In most cases, IP and DNS in the network connection settings should be provided automatically. Especially if you use a router.

Right-click the network icon in the tray and go to the Network and Sharing Center. See picture below.

Several network adapters should appear in front of us. We are interested in the wireless connection settings. Right-click on it and go to its properties.

We are interested in the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” tab. Look at the properties of this tab: IP and DNS should be obtained automatically!

4. Personal experience is the reason for the “no Internet access” error

Surprising but true...

At the end of the article, I would like to give a couple of reasons why my laptop connected to the router, but informed me that the connection was without Internet access.

1) The first, and probably the funniest, is the lack of money in the account. Yes, some providers charge money daily, and if you don’t have money in your account, you are automatically disconnected from the Internet. Moreover, the local network will be available and you can easily view your balance, go to the technical forum. support, etc. Therefore, simple advice - if all else fails, first ask your provider.

2) Just in case, check the cable that is used to connect the Internet. Is it inserted well into the router? In any case, most router models have an LED that will help you determine if there is contact. Pay attention to this!

That's all. Wishing everyone fast and stable internet! Good luck.

Hello hello friends! Today I'll tell you what it is unidentified network without internet access and how to fix it! In this article we will look at a simple example of solving the “Unidentified Network” problem, so I advise you to carefully repeat after me!

Typically, such cases occurred during the simultaneous activation of a router and a personal computer connected to the router using a network cable.

Subsequently upon completion of downloading operating system The Internet does not connect and the computer finds two networks:

  1. Net.
  2. Unidentified network.

For some time I had to solve the notorious problem by overloading the network, this had some effect.

However, it is simply inconvenient to carry out such actions every day, for this reason I decided to look for information on sites on the Internet, and ultimately found something useful.

You will see the details below in the video and text:

Unidentified network without Internet access - solution!

  • Let's start with the fact that “Unidentified network without Internet access” may occur due to the installation software products And so on.
  • Along with this, they often write about the consequences of using the bounjour service from Adobe - it needs to be removed or deactivated.

However, the thing is that the PC requires manual entry of the IP address, which was previously set automatically by the router. I decided to use this tip and the problem related to the unidentified network went away.

Below is an example of entering an IP address.

First way.

Left-click on the network icon and find “Network and Sharing Center” there.

You will see a window where you need to select “Properties”.

In the resulting window, find the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IPv4)” section and go to its properties.

Place a marker on the circle under the text “Use next. IP address” and enter all the necessary values ​​in the text fields.

In the PC IP address text field, you need to set the address of the router (router).

In the “Default gateway”, “DNS server” text field, enter the router’s internet protocol address (the same IP address of the router). At the end of everything, we confirm our actions by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Second way.

We need to go to the router settings interface and set the range of IP addresses assigned by the router automatically. Make sure that it does not include the PC IP address that we specified manually.

Type URL – in your browser, log in and the router’s admin panel will open in front of you.

There we need to find " Local network» and go to the DHPC server settings.

In the “Starting address of the IP address pool” item, enter an arbitrary address that follows the PC address that we set manually ( Finally, click on the “Apply” button.

I entered the following numbers - Now the router automatically sets addresses for each device, starting with it.

If you do not know the IP address of the router, then take a look at it. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates at the bottom all the data about the device, including the IP address.

You can also find out the device address if you go to the network connection information:

  1. Open “Network and Sharing Center...”.
  2. Click on the link with the text “Local Area Connection”.
  3. In the resulting window, pay attention to “Details”.

In the text field with the description “Default Gateway” the device address is indicated.

Well, have you found out what an unidentified network without access to the Internet is? If so, please write about it in the comments, and I’m also looking forward to your wishes and questions. As always, I wish all my readers peace and health in their families!

With UV. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

It usually occurs when you change your home modem or move to a new place of residence. As they often say in such cases, everything seemed to work and nothing was changed. But nevertheless, there are some nuances here.

So, friends, let's make one thing clear right away important point. In this publication we will not list everything possible reasons this error, as well as overly sophisticated ways to eliminate it.

Now we will talk only about one of the most common causes of this problem and only one simple solution. After all, this is how the author has always managed to access the Internet.

So let's start from the beginning. And first of all we will look at Wi-Fi. If, when connecting to the modem in this way, you receive this message in the “Network and Sharing Center”:

This means that the first thing you need to do is perform one simple operation. Next, all the settings will be shown using Windows 10 as an example, but in older systems everything is done by analogy. The main thing is to understand the general essence.

Right-click on “Start” and select the “Network Connections” section:

Then you need to select the wireless network adapter and right-click on it again. In the menu that opens, select the “Properties” line:

In the next step, we follow the path “IP version 4-Properties”:

And check that the “Obtain an IP address automatically” option is activated in all points:

After this, in theory, the annoying message “Unidentified network without Internet access” should disappear. So let's check if this is actually true. After all, you can only trust your own eyes.

To do this, click on the wireless connection icon in the system tray and select “Network and Sharing Center”:

And here you go, not a trace remains of the hateful message:

Now you can safely use the Internet. By the way, the IP address settings of the network card can also be changed through the “Change adapter settings” item. Remember this point, as we will return to it later.

Okay, but let's now talk about a situation where after the above settings the situation has not changed. In this case, we can assume that the DHCP server function is simply disabled in your home modem.

After all, it is she who is responsible for automatically distributing IP addresses to devices connecting to it. And here it must be said that setting it up for each router model will be individual.

Using the article as an example, this case looks like this:

So, dear ladies and gentlemen, enable this option for yourself and you will be happy. Now let's move on to setting up a wired network card. How to configure it correctly if there is no access to the Internet?

The most interesting thing is that in this case you need to do the opposite. That is, the values ​​of IP addresses must be set manually. This is done as follows. Select the wired network adapter and go to its properties:

You are trying to connect to the Internet, and everything seemed to be going well... But suddenly you see that a yellow triangle with a yellow triangle appears next to the connection icon, and instead of any information about the connection, the inscription “Unidentified network” appears. Without access to the Internet." A reasonable question here arises: “Why is this even happening and how to fix the situation?”

We invite you to stop swearing for a minute and read this article, where you will find the answer to all your questions!

Try rebooting your router

This is an option for those who previously had a normal connection, everything worked, and then suddenly a seemingly familiar and “tested” connection says “Unidentified network.”

Perhaps some settings of the router itself have gone wrong. They may be restored again when you reconnect. To do this, simply unplug the router from the outlet and then plug it in again.

In addition, you need to check if there is a connection when connecting directly via cable. There is a possibility that the roots of the problem are on the ISP side - the Internet service provider. Did not help? Then let's move on.

Check your wireless connection settings on your computer

If you have already rebooted the router, but the message “Unidentified network. Without access to the Internet" has not disappeared, the reason may lie in incorrect settings wireless adapter or the network itself on the computer.

Problems with IP addresses often occur, for example, when the system is not able to obtain it automatically. If you entered them manually, then most likely the specified address is incorrect, or the subnet has been changed.

In this case, you need to check the adapter settings in the Network and Sharing Center. In the window that appears, you need to select the connection you are using, right-click on its icon and select “Status”. The “Connection Status” window will appear on the screen. That's what we need. If the “IPv4 Address” item indicates an address in the format 169.254.X.X, then the system was unable to automatically obtain an IP address using the router’s DHCP server.

First of all, in this case, it makes sense to try to register it manually. On the bottom of the router, as a rule, there is a sticker indicating the model and brand of the device. On it you can see its IP address, as well as data for accessing the web interface (login and password).

Right-click on the icon again, but this time select “Properties”. Then you need to select the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” component and put a dot in the new window next to “Use...”.

Typical router settings

For most routers (with the exception of D-Link routers), the following settings should be suitable:

If no access appears when working with a D-Link router, use other settings:

Adjust your router settings

Many people, in order to set up a router, exactly duplicate the settings indicated as an example on the network. And often this is what leads to the computer subsequently displaying the message “Unidentified network. Without access to the Internet."

The examples exist only so that users can understand which item in which section of the device menu is responsible for what. You must register your settings, and not those indicated in the example. It happens that the settings given as an example coincide with yours. If this is not the case, you may have difficulty gaining access to the network.

Double-check your username and password. If you missed a character, chose the wrong case or input language, there will be no Internet. In addition, an unidentified WiFi network may appear due to an incorrectly selected connection type.

During this time, be sure to use your own settings, and not those suggested in other people’s examples, then everything will work out.

Update your drivers

Outdated or broken drivers also often cause a computer or laptop to receive only limited access when trying to connect to the Internet. The unidentified network will be able to be identified normally when you fix this problem.

Important! The drivers that the Windows operating system installs itself do not always work adequately. A much more reliable option is to download the appropriate software directly from your router manufacturer's website.

Change MAC address

Have you done everything described above, but an unidentified network without access to the Internet remains, and you do not observe any signs of life from the connection?

The problem may be related to the device's MAC address being incorrect. However, this is only relevant in cases where all devices connected to the same network are working normally and have access to the Internet, and only one computer or laptop is experiencing problems.

The trick is that manufacturers often assign all boards the same MAC address. If you reinstalled the drivers from the disk that came with the motherboard, two devices with the same MAC address may appear on the network. Is this your case? Then you should try to register it manually.

Press the Win+R key combination, and then in the “Run” window enter the command devmgmt.msc. So you open Windows. This must be done on behalf of a user with administrator rights. In the manager we need to find the item “ Network adapters" In the drop-down list you will see the name of the device with which the computer connects to the Internet. Double-click on the adapter icon and select “Advanced” in the window that appears. We need a "Network Address". You should check the box next to the empty field, then enter 12 digits in this field, click “OK” and restart the computer.

Check your firewall

Incorrect firewall settings - another one common reason Why does a computer or laptop display the error “Unidentified network. Without access to the Internet."

If the firewall is configured correctly, it will stop unauthorized attempts to penetrate the network from the outside and prevent malicious actions. However, sometimes it blocks all data flows altogether.

Check the IP addresses that the firewall does not allow access to the Internet; your device’s address should not be among them. It is better to register the entire list of IPs that should be blocked yourself; it takes a little time, but there will be no risk that your computer will accidentally be included in the list of prohibited devices.

Nothing helped?

Then, most likely, it is not possible to correct the situation without the intervention of specialists. Regardless of what version of the operating system you are using, be it 7 or Windows 8, the unidentified network will be recognized and will begin to work normally only after the wizard diagnoses all the equipment, repairs it if necessary (or recommends replacing it) and enters the necessary settings. As a rule, such problems are resolved within 20-30 minutes.

I hope this article helped you deal with all your problems.