Proper sharpening of hockey skates. Using a skate sharpener How to sharpen skates at home

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In order to get the most out of skating, it is not enough that the skates fit perfectly on your feet; the blades are equally important. If you learn how to sharpen skates at home and do it yourself, you will give yourself the opportunity to have fun and experience all the benefits of skating on sharp blades. Sharpening skates at home does not involve anything complicated; it is enough to have a few simple tools on hand.

Why you need to learn how to sharpen skates

The condition of the blades will determine how you slide on the ice, whether you can accelerate, brake at the right moment, and perform some elements. If you learn how to sharpen skates at home, you will be able to carry out this procedure at any time convenient for you, while saving money. The first sign of the need for the procedure will be a loss of speed, a feeling of slipping or problems with braking. Pay attention to any damage to the surface of the blades before sharpening your skates at home. If your skates are missing a groove, you will need to become thoroughly familiar with how to sharpen your skates and do so regularly. If you have any difficulties with how to sharpen skates at home, video lessons will help answer all your questions.

How to sharpen skates at home

Before sharpening your skates at home, you will need to prepare a few important tools. To avoid difficulties with how to sharpen skates, pay attention to the fact that the metal of the tools is harder than that of the blade. You will need:

  • round file,
  • emery,
  • fine-grained sharpening stone,
  • vice.

How to sharpen skates at home without a groove

This is one of the simplest sharpening options that does not require a lot of effort. Before sharpening skates without a groove, prepare a file or sandpaper. The first has the advantage of the hardness of the alloy, although it is more convenient and faster to use the second tool.

How to sharpen skates at home with a groove

This procedure can also be carried out using a special abrasive machine, which provides high precision sharpening. But for this method you will need to either purchase such a device, or remake one that is already available. If you need more clarity in order to understand this responsible and important procedure, watch the video lectures. Good luck and happy riding!

For fans of skating, whether playing hockey, speed running, downhill or dancing, it is important to take care of the condition of their equipment. Safety and comfort will depend on this. You can sharpen the product from professional sharpeners or, to save money, sharpen it yourself.

In order for ice skating to be masterful and reliable, it is important to have perfectly sharpened blades. Sharpening provides a degree of slip, the ability to brake and perform figure tricks. Therefore, you should know about it at home.

You can sharpen in two ways:

  • with gutter;
  • without gutter.

The existence of a gutter (groove) ensures comfort and correct movements on the ice.

How to sharpen products with a groove

To sharpen products with a groove, you should stock up on:

  • emery;
  • round file;
  • a bar with a fine-grained base.

If the products have just been purchased, you need to form a groove with sandpaper, or make it deeper if the blades are very dull. To remove the gutter, use a file, the diameter of which will be 10 mm. It is important to monitor the depth of the gutter, which should reach a maximum of 0.6 mm. Do not allow the groove to fall to the sides. To avoid troubles, a flat surface is applied to the product. It is attached perpendicular to the position. Use a fine-grained block to remove burrs.

Using the machine

Purchasing a machine will allow you to sharpen it even while at home. This device can achieve good blade roughness. The main thing is to purchase a quality device with good characteristics and the purchase will be justified, since the cost of home sharpening will be less than the services of workshops.

Before carrying out manipulations, the back of the boot is placed towards the guide. The blade is pressed at an angle. Then the skate slowly rotates, heading downwards. It is important not to overdo it by pressing it into the circle.

The machine must be used carefully, using protective glasses, special clothing and gloves. The skate should be held so that it does not fly out and disturb its position when stitching. You need to monitor the operation of the circle - its rotation should be directed away from you, otherwise sparks will not avoid getting into your eyes. After the work on the machine is completed, the blade is treated with an abrasive stone to polish the surface.

Why do you need to sharpen?

One of the frequently asked questions among users is the question of the advisability of sharpening. Good sharpening is characterized by the following advantages:

  1. The user is satisfied with the process of skating on ice; he feels comfortable and confident.
  2. Properly sharpened products guarantee good balancing and slip control.
  3. Well-sharpened ones accelerate faster and are more maneuverable on ice.
  4. Gliding on sharpened skates will be easy and relaxed.

Sharpening is a rather labor-intensive process and requires certain knowledge and skills. It is better for athletes to turn to professional craftsmen, since the slightest inaccuracy can cause serious troubles, such as loss of balance, overheating of the blade, and falls. If you want to take up figure skating or hockey professionally, you should only contact professionals. If ice skating is just a hobby, you can learn the basics of sharpening and do it yourself.

When sharpening skates at home, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. To ensure reliable fixation of sports equipment, you need to buy a vice.
  2. To create an even groove, you need to buy a round file. It is important that it has a small diameter.
  3. Needed wooden block which you can do yourself. To get the necessary device, you should cut it in length, making a small hole that matches the width of the skate blade.

If you have everything necessary tools, you can handle sharpening yourself. The main thing is patience and attentiveness.

Common Mistakes

Often, people are mistaken in thinking that sharpening skates is a similar procedure kitchen knives. In this case, only a sharp edge is left, which leads to loss of stability on ice and a deterioration in the degree of adhesion to the surface, which is formed by the groove present on the blades.

If you are unsure of your abilities or when the user is still new to ice skating, it is better to turn to professional experts. After all, improper sharpening can lead to damage to the product. Skates are sharpened every 2 weeks.

Ice skating is the most popular sport in which not only skill is important, but also equipment. That is, skates should not only sit comfortably and firmly on the foot. Their blades must be sharp enough. In the article you will learn at home.

Why is this procedure necessary?

In order for you to be able to skate freely on ice, you must Special attention turn to the blades. A lot depends on the correctness of the sharpening procedure: how you will gain acceleration, whether you will be able to brake in time, how well the complex elements of the program will be completed.

Proper sharpening of the blades makes it possible to maintain maximum stability on ice. You need to perform the procedure when your riding speed is lost, you cannot brake quickly, or you feel slippage while riding. Also, before sharpening your skates at home, take a closer look at the surface of the blades to see if they have scratches, burrs or other damage. Besides, important point is the groove. Thanks to it, the stability, maneuverability, and tilt of the skates during turns are controlled. New blades may not have a groove, so sharpening is a mandatory procedure that must be repeated periodically.

What tools are needed for the job?

First you need to collect everything necessary equipment. Before sharpening your skates at home, prepare the following tools:

Round file.

When selecting tools, you should pay attention to the fact that the hardness of the metal from which the file or bar is made must be much higher than the hardness of the alloy from which the blades are made.

Features of sharpening skates without groove

In principle, this method does not require much effort, as it is the simplest.

The main principle of this method is to sharpen the sole of the blade at a right angle relative to its side walls. To work in this case, use either sandpaper or a file. Moreover, the second tool is preferable, because it must be harder than the alloy from which the blades are made. However, you will have to work longer with a file.

How to properly treat skates if they have a groove?

Here you will have to work a little. Moreover, the sharpening accuracy must be very high, otherwise you may simply damage the blades. For this work you will also need a round file. Before you sharpen your skates at home using these tools, inspect them. If you need to deepen or make a groove, use sandpaper.

Next, a file comes into play, the diameter of which should be no more than 10 mm. Using this tool, try to get the shape of the gutter as correctly as possible. At the same time, you will also process the edges. Please note that the groove depth should not exceed 0.6 mm. As for sharpening the edges of the blade, the correctness of the procedure should be periodically checked. To do this, you need to place your skates on a very flat surface. If the work is done accurately, the blades will be strictly perpendicular.

Lastly, you should go over the metal with a fine-grained stone, which should finally remove all burrs and other defects from the surface. So you know how to sharpen skates using simple tools. Now you need to understand how to perform this procedure using special equipment.

How to make the right one using a machine?

To make the process as simple and fast as possible, you should use special equipment. Before sharpening your skates at home, buy a special machine in which you will have to remove the horizontal stop, because it will only get in the way. It is best if the unit is equipped with a vertical guide, which should be fixed at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the disk.

Naturally, you can immediately buy a machine that is ideal for sharpening skates. Otherwise, you will have to slightly modify your device. Now let's start actually sharpening. To do this, the heel end of the skate must be placed down towards the guide. Now the blade should be slightly pressed against the rotating disk at the desired angle. Next, you need to slowly move the skate down. Try not to press the skate too hard against the abrasive wheel, as you can easily burn it out.

Try to perform all actions carefully: wear safety glasses and protective clothing, and work with gloves. Hold the skate tightly so that it does not fly out of your hands. Please note that the circle must rotate away from you, otherwise sparks will fly straight into your eyes! After using the machine, you will have to do a little manual work: run an abrasive stone along the blade to remove burrs or scratches from the metal surface. Now you know how to properly sharpen your skates. Good luck!

Reading time ≈ 5 minutes

You don't have to be a professional figure skater to skate with well-sharpened blades. For any sports equipment it is necessary to properly care for and update on time. If your skates have become dull and have lost their edge, but you do not plan to go to a specialized service, we suggest you study a few simple ways sharpening skates with your own hands at home without a machine.

Why do you need to sharpen skates?

The blade loses its original shape quite quickly, especially if the skates are used quite often. What does timely and correct sharpening give:

  • Increased stability and improved balance;
  • Control of placing the blade on the ice;
  • Ability to perform complex tricks and fast spins;
  • Acceleration of movement on the skating rink;
  • Improved gliding;
  • Comfortable acceleration and braking at any time.

So, what signals indicate the need for the procedure:

A groove or groove is a small notch or concave sharpening of the lower surface of the contour located on the end of the blade that helps regulate the area of ​​contact of the tip with the ice. At the same time, at the point of contact during movement, the temperature rises due to the friction force, and the pressure of the blade on the surface also increases. Thus, a special water film is formed under the tip of the blade, which is responsible for comfortable gliding. In other words, the groove is responsible for increasing slip.

The greater the person's weight, the more closely the contour of the boot blade should be in contact with the ice. This will evenly distribute the weight of the athlete and maintain balance when riding.

How and with what you can sharpen skates at home

Blades can only be sharpened by those that are significantly harder than the metal contour itself.

What you will need to purchase:

A novice master must remember one important thing- Do not make the blade too sharp, this can lead to loss of stability on ice and injury.

If you learn how to properly sharpen skates with your own hands at home, you can not only save time and money, but also acquire useful skills. The video below shows the process of sharpening a blade edge without special equipment using a needle file.

Preparing for self-sharpening

To begin, the blades, like the skates themselves, should be thoroughly washed and all contaminants removed from the metal surface.

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for sharpening a skate blade yourself:

  1. After sharpening, the blade configuration should be as similar as possible to the factory one that was originally planned;
  2. Before starting work, you must remember to purchase all the necessary tools;
  3. The thickness of the metal contour must be uniform. It is also important to ensure that no burrs remain on its surface;
  4. The optimal groove depth is approximately 5-6 mm. If you have hockey skates, this parameter should be 20 mm, but for speed skating special conditions– the groove here is the deepest and can reach 45 mm.

Sharpening methods

There are several ways to restore the original dimensions of the blade groove:

Subtleties of skate care

If sports equipment is not properly cared for, it will quickly lose its aesthetic value. appearance and will fail. Moreover, attention should be paid not only to the condition of the boots, but also to the metal blades. After all, it is thanks to them that we can glide smoothly on the ice, maintaining balance when turning and braking.

How to care for your skates:

If you have little experience or are a beginner, it is still better to take your skates to a special service and show them to a specialist, because safety on the ice comes first! In no case should you underestimate the importance of timely sharpening of skates; below is shown how to do the work yourself at home without a machine with step by step instructions in the video.