Radon baths: the benefits and harms of radioactive treatment. What are the benefits of radon baths for women, their effect on the body. What is the minimum harm for women from radon baths?

Radon baths have anti-inflammatory, relaxing, analgesic, healing, vasodilating, and immunostimulating effects.

Such a wide range of properties creates big list indications for the use of this procedure, which is actively used in spa treatment. However, not everyone can use it, because radon baths There are also contraindications.

For what diseases are radon baths indicated?

Radon baths are of primary importance in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and nervous systems, but are successfully used to improve the health of the entire body. Radon therapy has a powerful therapeutic and preventive effect.

Indications for use in cardiovascular diseases

For what diseases of the cardiovascular system can radon baths be indicated? These procedures are prescribed for:

  • coronary heart disease,
  • angina pectoris (except class IV),
  • myocardial dystrophy,
  • post-infarction and post-stroke state,
  • cardiosclerosis (myocardial and atherosclerotic),
  • initial symptoms of atherosclerosis,
  • Stage I hypertension,
  • varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis.

For problems with the heart and blood vessels, radon baths are prescribed after a complete diagnosis of the health condition. Some cardiovascular diseases are contraindications to taking radon baths. For example, if radon procedures are indicated at the initial stage of atherosclerosis, then with severe atherosclerosis they are undesirable and can worsen the patient’s condition. This also applies to hypertension. (Below is a list of cardiovascular diseases for which radon baths are contraindicated.)

To prevent complications, patients with cardiovascular diseases can be prescribed radon baths with incomplete immersion in water, immersion of only the arms or legs. This gives a healing effect and allows you to avoid overloading the body, in particular increasing blood pressure.

In cardiological sanatoriums of Ukraine, Crimea, and sanatoriums for hypertensive patients, radon therapy is actively used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Indications for use in other diseases procedures have a beneficial effect on the condition peripheral and central nervous system. Radon baths are included in the indications for use for:

  • neuralgia,
  • Do not lie,
  • radiculitis,
  • neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis,
  • plexite,
  • neurasthenia,
  • sleep disorder,
  • neurosis,
  • neuropathy and polyneuropathy,
  • neurofibromyositis,
  • syringomyelia.

Indications for the use of radon baths include treatment of musculoskeletal diseases. These are diseases of both inflammatory and degenerative nature:

  • arthritis and polyarthritis,
  • tenosynovitis,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • osteitis, osteomyelitis,
  • poorly healing bone fractures,
  • osteoarthritis,
  • myositis, spondylitis,
  • ankylosing spondylitis,
  • spondylosis deformans,
  • bursitis.

This treatment method is actively used in sanatoriums specializing in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spinal osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases.

Who are radon baths indicated for chronic respiratory diseases? A course of healing with radon water or dry radon baths is prescribed for:

  • chronic bronchitis,
  • chronic rhinitis or sinusitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

You can undergo it in sanatoriums specializing in the treatment of the respiratory system.

This type of procedure is prescribed for problems with work gastrointestinal tract. Radon baths have indications for use in:

  • chronic gastritis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • postoperative disorders in the gastrointestinal tract,
  • chronic colitis,
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract, liver.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with radon baths is practiced in sanatoriums in Ukraine, Karlovy Vary, and sanatorium institutions in Crimea.

A course of radon therapy is indicated for chronic diseases kidneys and urinary system.

Skin diseases are also treated with radon baths. Such diseases include:

  • psoriasis,
  • lichen planus,
  • ichthyosis,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • scleroderma,
  • trophic ulcers,
  • keloid scars,
  • dermatitis,
  • seborrheic eczema.

Radon baths are indicated for endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders. Among these diseases:

  • gout,
  • diabetes mellitus (type II),
  • obesity (II and III degrees).

Radon baths have indications for gynecological problems and diseases of the male genital area:

  • chronic inflammatory processes,
  • endometriosis,
  • fibroids,
  • fibromatosis,
  • infertility,
  • climacteric syndromes,
  • kraurosis of the vulva,
  • orchitis,
  • epididymitis,
  • prostatitis.

The procedure is widely used in gynecological sanatoriums.

Contraindications for taking radon baths

Radon baths are contraindicated for acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, pregnancy, reaction to radon water, which is manifested by dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating and other symptoms.

Contraindications for taking radon baths include a number of cardiovascular diseases:

  • heart failure (stage II),
  • heart rhythm disturbances (polytopic extrasystole, atrial fibrillation),
  • circulatory failure (above stage I B),
  • frequent vascular crises,
  • blood diseases,
  • pronounced atherosclerosis,
  • severe form of angina (IV class),
  • aneurysm of the heart, large vessels,
  • hypertension (above stage I),
  • vegetative-vascular dysfunctions.

Contraindications for taking radon baths also include:

  • irregularities in work thyroid gland: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis,
  • malignant tumors, leukopenia of any etiology, lymphopenia, all stages of radiation sickness,
  • professional contacts with ionizing radiation, UHF and microwave currents,
  • benign tumors (except uterine fibroids),
  • epilepsy,
  • mental illness,
  • open form tuberculosis,
  • weeping dermatitis,
  • varicose veins with impaired trophism, recurrent thrombophlebitis,
  • tendency to bleeding,
  • severe diabetes mellitus,
  • myocardial infarction or stroke suffered less than a year ago.

Restrictions on taking radon baths

The duration of a course of baths based on mineral waters with radon depends on the patient’s health and the presence of concomitant diseases.

As a rule, it is 12-15 baths. The duration of one procedure is 10-20 minutes.

Despite the effectiveness of this type of treatment, caution should be exercised regarding the amount and frequency of its use. Among the contraindications of radon baths is their excessive use. It is necessary to adhere to the optimal number of procedures, since their excess can give the opposite result.

Probably every person at least once in his entire life has heard such expressions as “radon treatment”, “radon therapy”, “radon baths”. However, not everyone knows what it is. Many people don’t even know what the benefits and harms of radon baths are, how treatment occurs, where it can be found, and how to use it correctly so that the body is not harmed. Let's figure out what it is.

The benefits of radon baths

In modern medicine, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone have long been used to treat various diseases. During the procedure, the patient's body is completely submerged in water. First, the gas gradually penetrates the skin, and only then into the subcutaneous layers, adipose tissue and human organs. Under the influence of such a substance, all metabolic processes accelerate. As a result, all internal tissues recover much more efficiently and quickly from all kinds of damage. In this case, there is a decrease in inflammatory processes. The condition of the skin after the procedure improves significantly.

Radon therapy and blood vessels

Experts confidently say that the benefits and harms of radon baths are a proven fact. Of course, such procedures most often give a positive effect. After all, radon therapy allows you to put both small and large vessels in order. Similar procedures:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscles. As a result, it returns to normal
  • Normal blood circulation is established.
  • The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic.

Radon therapy and the nervous system

Radon baths also have a positive effect on people. It is worth noting that this gas has a safe sedative effect. As a result of this, the person completely relaxes. Very often, radon waters and radon therapy (which, in principle, are the same thing) are used to reduce painful sensations. As a result, the patient feels much better. This also affects the quality of sleep.

Treatment of diseases with radon

Behind last years radon baths have become the most popular treatment method various diseases lungs and joints. Among the features of this therapy, it is worth highlighting the fact that after the first procedure, painful sensations almost completely disappear. Naturally, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Radon baths and weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that radon baths have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and promote weight loss. Alas, not everyone is able to withstand heavy physical activity or strict diets. But radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been known to specialists and many patients for a long time, allow you to painlessly lose extra pounds. In addition, such procedures are quite pleasant. It is worth noting that many modern health and beauty centers have begun to offer their clients exactly this type of weight loss product.

It is very important that the procedures are carried out correctly and in compliance with all recommendations of specialists. Naturally, to obtain the desired effect, you need to take a whole course, since one radon bath will not give results.

An excellent addition is that after the procedures there is an improvement in overall well-being, appearance and patient health. The effect after radon baths lasts approximately 6 months.

Beauty or treatment?

In recent years, radon baths have begun to be used as a cosmetic procedure. After all, they can improve the condition of the skin. However, do not forget that they also have healing qualities. Treatment of diseases in radon baths does not lose its relevance. Moreover, some ailments can be cured by such procedures much faster than by taking various medications. Of course, radon baths are not prescribed as the main therapy. Most often they serve as an addition. To be achieved positive result, must pass full course, do not skip procedures.

How is treatment with radon baths carried out?

The benefits and harms of radon baths will be known to you after reading this article. However, not everyone understands how to carry out the procedures. For health purposes, you must undergo at least 10 procedures by visiting the center daily. The patient should immerse himself in warm water and remain there for 10 to 12 minutes. It is worth noting that after taking a radon bath, the patient may feel discomfort and painful sensations in the problem area. But this condition quickly passes. Often after the procedure there is a feeling of drowsiness, as well as a strong desire to eat.

Treatment of fibroids with radon baths

With this disease, any physical procedures are simply prohibited. Naturally, this significantly prolongs and complicates the treatment of fibroids. However, radon baths can be taken. Required amount procedures are prescribed by the doctor.


Any medicine has a number of contraindications. Radon in this case is no exception. It is strictly prohibited for pregnant women to take baths with this component, people with diseases such as severe leukemia, hypoestrogenism, hypothyroidism, as well as with reduced ovarian function and a certain form of infertility. Such procedures are prohibited for those who have malignant tumors.

Also, you should not take radon baths if you have radiation sickness at any stage. If you work in an area where various radiations occur very often, for example microwave, UHF and others, then you should also abandon such procedures.

The benefits and harms of radon baths have been studied for a long time. That is why their use is prohibited during periods of exacerbation of skin diseases. Such therapy will not benefit those who have a fever or severe nervousness.

Radon baths are also prohibited for children under five years of age.

What are the benefits of radon?

This substance was discovered in the twentieth century (as chemical element). For a long time, scientists carefully studied radon. The benefits and harms of this gas gradually became known to the whole world. As a result, it began to be used for medical purposes.

It was found that the substance in small doses has a beneficial effect on the human body. Thanks to radon baths, you can cure the disease much faster. It is worth noting that radon was widely used to treat various diseases of the spine, immune and joint diseases, as well as varicose veins. The gas perfectly relieves tension, calms the nervous system and relaxes. With the help of radon, you can solve problems associated with blood pressure and excess weight.

The main feature of radon is that it is able to relieve pain for a long time and help the fairer sex during menopause. Many may think that this gas is a panacea for all diseases. But, as you know, there is also back side medals. Scientists have found that radon can cause lung cancer. Remain in the human body harmful substances, which arise as a result of gas decay.


Despite this, people use radon baths, as they still help with some diseases. That is why special institutions have been created. You can easily find radon baths in sanatoriums, holiday homes and health centers. It is not worth going through such procedures on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe radon baths. It also determines the number of procedures. After all, each organism is individual.

Radon bathstherapeutic effects on a patient immersed in radon mineral water.

The main active factor in the data is the dissolved inert gas radon Rn, the decay of which is accompanied by a-radiation. When radon settles on the skin (“active deposit”), the a-radiation of its molecules causes ionization of protein and water molecules in the dermis with the formation of toxic oxygen metabolites and hydroperoxides, the concentration of which in the skin can reach (20-200)10 6 pairs/mm 3. In addition, during the procedure, from 0.15 to 0.27% radon penetrates into the body through the skin, which causes a high concentration of ionization products in the tissues of internal organs (400-8000 pairs/mm 3).

The products of protein radiolysis, being autoantigens, are transported by Langerhans cells and, like the products of photodestruction of proteins, come into contact with sensitized T-helper lymphocytes. Under the influence of the cytokines they secrete, the synthesis of neutral proteases, biologically active substances and immunoglobulins by tissue histiocytes (macrophages) and polymorphic granulocytes sharply increases. The induction of immune processes in the skin is potentiated by lipid peroxidation products, which activate the proliferation and differentiation of T- and B-lymphocytes with the production of immunoglobulins. Along with the activation of the body's reactivity α -radiation stimulates the differentiation of cells of the basal and spinous layers of the epidermis; α-irradiation of melanocytes leads to the formation of DOPA, DOPA-quinones and DOPA-amines, which stimulate the formation of melanin. In addition, radon enhances the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans in connective tissue, due to which structurally ordered fibers of granulation tissue are formed in scars.

During the procedure, 0.3-6.4% of radon contained in water penetrates into the body through the skin and respiratory tract, which causes α - irradiation of tissues of internal organs. The main depot of resorbed radon is the skin; a small part of it (3%) settles in the basal cells of the segmental and subsegmental bronchi. Increasing affinity α - And β -adrenoreceptors of various tissues to released mediators and biologically active substances (histamine, norepinephrine, bradykinin, etc.), radon causes two-phase changes in local blood flow in them. An initial short-term (1-3 min) spasm of the vessels of the superficial dermal plexus is replaced by a prolonged dilation of arterioles and a slight decrease in venular outflow, which leads to skin hyperemia and an increase in circulating blood volume. On the contrary, the conductivity of unmyelinated nerve conductors during α-irradiation with radon is significantly reduced, which is why pain sensitivity decreases. The tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system decreases, and the parasympathetic part increases.

By modulating ligand-receptor interactions in the adrenoreceptors of the heart and lungs, radon increases the stroke and minute volumes of the heart, causes shortening of systole and lengthening of diastole with a constant heart rate. Breathing becomes rare and deep, its minute volume increases. By activating the function of the adrenal cortex, radon stimulates the production of corticosteroids and the insulin-producing function of the pancreas. As a result, the processes of glycolysis and lipolysis intensify in the body, which leads to a reduction in body weight, a slight decrease in basal metabolism and a decrease in the content of free lipids and low-density β-lipoproteins in the blood. Along with this, radon reduces the activity of the thyroid gland and ovaries, as well as the excretion of catecholamines by the adrenal glands, regardless of their initial level.

Therapeutic effects - anti-inflammatory (reparative-regenerative), analgesic, metabolic (glycolytic and lipolytic), epithelializing, immunostimulating, vasodilating.

Indications for radon baths

Indications - diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, angina pectoris I-III FC, myocardial dystrophy, mitral heart defects, post-infarction (1 month), myocardial and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, initial symptoms of atherosclerosis, hypertension stages I and II, obliterating atherosclerosis, varicose veins), diseases and consequences of peripheral injuries (neuralgia, neuritis, radiculitis , plexitis) and central (neurasthenia, sleep disorders, consequences of closed brain injuries) nervous system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system of an inflammatory and degenerative nature (arthritis and polyarthritis, osteitis, osteomyelitis, bone fractures with delayed consolidation, osteoarthritis, spondylitis), chronic diseases lungs, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen planus, neurodermatitis, scleroderma), keloid scars, long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers, gout, diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter 1-III degree, obesity II and III degrees, chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs with hormonally dependent neoplasms (fibroids, endometriosis), prostatitis.

Contraindications for radon baths

Contraindications - acute inflammatory processes, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris IV FC, unstable angina, heart failure stage II, heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, polytopic extrasystole), leukopenia of any etiology, hyperthyroidism, poor tolerance to radon mineral water(sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.), professional contacts with ionizing radiation, benign tumors, epilepsy, vegetative-vascular dysfunctions.

Natural springs are numerous and varied. Such waters are widely used in resorts: Pyatigorsk, Belokurikha, Molokovka, Ust-Kut (Russia), Khmelnik (Ukraine), Tskhaltubo (Georgia), Bad Brambach, Bad Nauheim (Germany), Bad Gastein (Austria), Bagneres-de-Luchon (France), Ischia (Italy), etc.

Artificial baths prepared from a concentrated aqueous solution of radon, which is obtained in a bubbler with a solution of radon salt located in a lead container. Considering the high radioactivity of radon concentrate, its dilution is carried out using special methods in compliance with hygienic standards GR radiation safety standards NRB-96. The temperature of radon baths is 34-36 °C.

In radon baths with a volumetric activity of 1.5 kBq/dm3, the biological dose of short-term low-dose irradiation of the least radiosensitive human organ - the skin - is more than 15 times lower than the limits of its permissible total exposure, which indicates the radiation safety of radon baths.

Method of treatment with radon baths

Before the procedure, 200 liters of fresh water at the prescribed temperature are poured into the bath, into which, in strict accordance with the rules, a portion (100 ml) of a concentrated radon solution is added and stirred. The patient is immersed in the bath to the level of the nipples. After the bath, the patient’s skin is dried with a towel (without rubbing), which helps to preserve the daughter products of radon decay on the skin. After the procedure, the patient rests for 30-60 minutes.

The duration of baths carried out daily or every other day is 12-15 minutes. 10-15 baths are prescribed per course of treatment. Repeated courses of radon baths are carried out after 6-12 months.

Radon baths are combined with mineral baths (),.

Radon mineral waters are also used for intestinal lavages, vaginal and rectal irrigations, rinsing, inhalations and local applications.

Radon baths are the treatment of a patient by placing him in radon mineral water.

Why radon? This is because an inert gas is added to its composition - radon, which, during its decay, releases a-radiation. After they hit the skin, the protein and water molecules that make up the dermis are ionized and, as a result, toxic oxygen metabolites are formed.

During this procedure, radon penetrates into the body and has a positive effect on the internal organs of a person. Thanks to this, the synthesis of various active substances and immunoglobulins in the body increases.

A-radiation, in turn, increases the production of melanin in the skin.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths and the effect on the body

Treatment with radon baths helps improve blood flow in various tissues of the body.

Natural baths can calm the nervous system and relieve pain; they also improve heart function and restore blood pressure.

Thanks to radon radiation, the body accelerates the processes of resorption and healing not only in muscle tissue, but also in bone, as well as in nerve fibers. And this is not all the list of what radon baths treat.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths is:

  1. Relieving inflammation.
  2. Anesthesia.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism.
  4. Boosting immunity.
  5. Vasodilation.

There are several factors that indicate the need for radon treatment:

  • Heart disease and hypertension.
  • Various types of cardiosclerosis, initial stage atherosclerosis.
  • Varicose veins
  • Radiculitis.
  • Neurasthenia, insomnia.
  • Arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • Bone fracture.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Scleroderma, as well as other diseases.

It should be remembered that when prescribing radon baths, the indications for them are purely individual. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the condition and diseases of each patient individually.

Contraindications for treatment

There are also many reasons for contraindications to radon baths, these are:

  • Various inflammations in the body.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Heart failure or rapid heartbeat.
  • Individual intolerance to radon.
  • Shortness of breath or dizziness.
  • Contacts with radiation in the professional sphere.
  • Neoplasms of a benign nature.

Reviews about radon baths, the benefits and harms of this method differ quite strongly in the opinions of even the most “advanced” scientists. One of them even said that all drugs used for treatment are both poison and medicine.

It all depends on the dose of the drug used: in smaller quantities it can cure an illness, and in larger quantities it can kill. This is how we can characterize the effect of radon on the human body.

Maybe it is because of the added dose of radon to the water that all the debate about its benefits or harm occurs.

Many Western European medical experts say that the resulting harm from radon baths greatly affects the human body. But at the same time, in Europe for a century there have been hospitals in which radon is widely used.

Radon baths are available to patients of clinics, visitors to sanatoriums and health resorts. The benefits of radon baths have long been the subject of study by scientists, and even today discoveries are being made in this area.

There are some rules for taking radon baths, because the procedure is quite specific. Before prescribing, the doctor must consult the patient, after which the patient undergoes a course of treatment or prevention with radon baths.

  1. Each patient is assigned an individual course of the procedure, but there must be at least two days free from baths per week.
  2. The duration of use also varies, but should not exceed twelve. But how long one procedure will last will depend on the general condition of the patient’s body.
  3. When first immersing yourself in the bath, the time spent in it should not exceed five minutes. Later, this time increases each time and should reach fifteen minutes.
  4. It is not recommended to immerse your whole body in the bath: the water level should not be higher than your chest. Taking such a bath should be supervised by a specialist so that the person does not make unnecessary movements, because in such cases recovery may not occur.

The benefits and harms of radon baths will directly depend on the duration of the treatment procedure. If you sit in it too long, the patient may experience various complications. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water: it should be the same as the temperature of the human body.

During the procedure, you can once again check with a specialist about the benefits of radon baths.

After the session time is up, it is better to wipe the wet body with a towel. Wash clean water after such a bath it is better after one hour. During this time, everything will remain on the skin useful material radon, so you can just sit on a chair and relax. Some clinics provide their clients with comfortable rooms with beds for relaxation.

If the patient does not feel very good after such a bath, then he should not immediately and flatly refuse medical procedures. You need to consult a doctor about this and develop the optimal time of stay in water and the frequency of procedures.

Thanks to the correction of the procedure schedule, the patient will learn the full benefits of radon baths.

  • Immediately before a radon bath, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and bladder.
  • You cannot take a radon bath with an empty stomach. Be sure to eat half an hour before the procedure.
  • Do not smoke before and after the procedure.
  • If you are sweaty or tired on the way to the clinic, then you need to take a bath after a while, because radon baths will definitely have contraindications.

If the patient follows all the doctor’s advice, at the end of the course of treatment there will be good result. You will only be able to see him in about a month. In addition, the procedure itself will be easily tolerated.