Solovetsky seat: the church against the authorities. "Solovki seat

"SOLOVETSKY SEAT" 1668-1676, the name of the uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery, accepted in historical literature, in which monks who did not accept the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon, peasants, townspeople, fugitive archers and soldiers, as well as participants in the uprising of S. T. Razin participated. The punitive army (over 1 thousand people) took possession of the monasteries after an almost 8-year siege. Of the 500 participants in the uprising, 60 people survived, almost all of them were executed.

A source: Encyclopedia "Fatherland"

  • - "", the name of the defense of the fortress of Azov, taken from the Turks in 1637, adopted in historical literature by the Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks. In 1641, the Cossacks withstood the siege of the Turkish army ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - the defense of Azov by the Cossacks from the Turkish troops, which outnumbered the defenders by almost 30 times. IN Cossack history these three months of 1641 are one of the brightest moments, the time of an unprecedented manifestation of the brilliant ...

    Cossack dictionary-reference book

  • - uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery in 1668 - 76. Participants: monks who did not accept Nikon's church reforms, peasants, townspeople, fugitive archers and soldiers, as well as S.T. Razin...

    Modern Encyclopedia

  • - heroic defense of Azov by the Don Cossacks in 1637-42. Relying on Azov, the Crimean and Nogai Tatars committed ruin. raid south. districts of Russia ...
  • - Solovki seat - anti-feud. nar. uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery. In S. century. attended by various social strata. Aristocratic...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • - an act that requires much less muscle tension than standing, but much more than lying down, in which muscle tension may be completely absent...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Solovetsky seat, anti-feudal popular uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - 1668-76, uprising in the Solovetsky monastery. Participants: monks who did not accept Nikon's church reform, peasants, townspeople, fugitive archers and soldiers, as well as associates of S. T. Razin ...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - See GUEST -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - SIT, sit, sit; sitting; carry...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - SEAT, seats, cf. 1. only units Action under ch. sit1 in 1, 2, 3 and 4 digits. Sitting on a chair. Sitting alone. Sitting idle. Sitting in a cage. Sitting at work. 2...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - sitting I cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. sit I 2. state according to ch. sit I II cf. local...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - sit "...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - seat, sitting, overlay, ass, siege, korpenie, ass, ass, kathisma, guzno, toilet seat, ...

    Synonym dictionary


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in the middle White Sea on the Solovetsky Islands there is a monastery of the same name. In Russia, he is glorified not only as the greatest among the monasteries that support the old rites. Thanks to strong weapons and reliable fortification, the Solovetsky Monastery in the second half of the 17th century became the most important post for the military, repelling the attacks of the Swedish invaders. Local residents did not stand aside, constantly supplying provisions to his novices.

The Solovetsky Monastery is also famous for another event. In 1668, his novices refused to accept the new church reforms approved by Patriarch Nikon, and rebuffed the tsarist authorities by organizing an armed uprising, named in history the Solovetsky. Resistance lasted until 1676.

In 1657 sovereignty The clergy sent out religious books, which now required conducting services in a new way. This order was met by the Solovetsky elders unambiguous refusal. After that, all the novices of the monastery opposed the authority of the person appointed by Nikon to the post of abbot and appointed their own. They became Archimandrite Nikanor. Of course, these actions did not go unnoticed in the capital. Adherence to the old rites was condemned, and in 1667 the authorities sent their regiments to the Solovetsky Monastery in order to take away its lands and other property.

But the monks did not surrender to the military. For 8 years, they confidently held back the siege and were faithful to the old foundations, turning the monastery into a monastery that protected the novices from innovations.

Until recently, the Moscow government hoped for a quiet settlement of the conflict and forbade attacking the Solovetsky Monastery. And in winter time regiments generally left the siege, returning to big land.

But in the end, the authorities still decided to carry out stronger military attacks. This happened after the Moscow government found out about the concealment by the monastery of Razin's once unfinished detachments. It was decided to attack the walls of the monastery with cannons. The governor who led the suppression of the uprising was appointed Meshcherinov, who immediately arrived in Solovki to carry out orders. However, the king himself insisted on pardoning the perpetrators of the rebellion if they repented.

It should be noted that those wishing to repent to the king were found, but were immediately seized by other novices and imprisoned in a dungeon within the monastery walls.

More than once or twice the regiments tried to capture the besieged walls. And only after lengthy assaults, numerous losses and the report of a defector who indicated the entrance to the fortress unknown until then, the regiments finally occupied it. Note that at that time there were very few rebels left on the territory of the monastery, and the prison was already empty.

The leaders of the rebellion in the amount of about 3 dozen people who tried to preserve the old foundations were immediately executed, other monks were exiled to prisons.

As a result, the Solovetsky Monastery is now the bosom of the New Believers, and its novices are serviceable Nikonians.

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"Solovki seat"

Church Cathedral 1666-1667 became a turning point in the history of the split. As a result of the council's decisions, the gap between the ruling church and the schismatics became final and irreversible. After the council, the movement of schism acquired a mass character. It is far from accidental that this stage coincided with mass popular uprisings on the Don, in the Volga region and in the North. The question of whether the schism had an anti-feudal orientation is difficult to resolve unambiguously. On the side of the split, mostly people from the lower clergy, hard-working townspeople and peasants stood up. For these segments of the population, the official church was the embodiment of an unjust social order, and "ancient piety" was the banner of struggle. It is no coincidence that the leaders of the split gradually moved to the position of justifying their actions against royal power. Raskolnikov could also be found in the army of Stepan Razin in 1670-71. and among the rebellious archers in 1682.

At the same time, the element of conservatism and inertia was strong in the Old Believers. "It has been laid down before us: lie it like this forever and ever!" Archpriest Avvakum taught, "God bless: suffer for folding your fingers, don't argue too much!" Part of the conservative nobility also joined the schism. The spiritual daughters of Archpriest Avvakum were the boyars Theodosya Morozova and Princess Evdokia Urusova. They were sisters. Feodosya Morozova, having become a widow, became the owner of the richest estates. Avvakum wrote about the noblewoman with admiration and surprise: “How so! There were about 10,000 Christians, there were more than 200 thousand brownies in the factory…” Theodosya Morozova was close to the court, she performed the duties of a “visiting noblewoman” to the queen. But her house became a haven for the Old Believers. After Theodosia took secret tonsure and became the nun Theodora, she openly began to confess the old faith. She defiantly refused to appear at the wedding of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Natalya Naryshkina, despite the fact that the tsar sent his carriage for her. Morozova and Urusova were taken into custody. The patriarch interceded for the noblewoman, asking her to release her, but Alexei Mikhailovich answered, “I would have done this for a long time, but you don’t know the ferocity of this woman. How can I tell you how much Morozova quarreled and now swears! if you don’t believe my words, feel free to test it yourself; call her to you, ask, and you yourself will recognize her firmness, you will start torturing her and taste her pleasantness.

The sisters were admonished by the highest church hierarchs, but Morozova answered the demand to take communion according to the new service books: "The enemy of God Nikon vomited with his heresies, and now you are licking that desecration of him; it is obvious that you are like him." Theodosya Morozova and Evdokia Urusova were tortured, but they could not get the renunciation of the old faith. Then they were sent to Borovsk, where they were put in a dungeon. Avvakum encouraged the women as much as he could, but their fate was sad - the sisters were starved to death.

Some of the monasteries took the side of the Old Believers, in particular, one of the most revered Orthodox monasteries - the Solovetsky Monastery. The monks of the monastery, in which Nikon could not get along when he was a simple monk, did not accept church reforms during his tenure as patriarch. When newly printed books were sent to the monastery, they were hidden, without binding, in the state chamber, and then on general meeting decided by no means to accept the current servicemen. The then Archimandrite Elijah spoke with tears to the pilgrims who made a pilgrimage to the famous monastery: “You see, brothers, Lately: new teachers arose, they turn us away from the Orthodox faith and patristic tradition and order us to serve on the Lyatsky kryzhs according to new service books. "Several monks hesitated and did not want to sign the verdict on the rejection of the newly printed service books -" so the archimandrite shouted at us with his advisers, as wild beasts: “Do you want to serve a Latin heretical service! We won’t let the living out of the meal!” We got scared and put our hands on it.

N. M. Nikolsky, the author of The History of the Russian Church, believed that the reluctance to accept new service books was explained by the fact that the majority of the clergy simply could not relearn: “The rural clergy, illiterate, who studied services by ear, had to either refuse new books, or give way to new priests, for it was unthinkable for him to retrain.

The majority of the city clergy and even monasteries were in the same position. The monks of the Solovetsky Monastery expressed this in their verdict bluntly, without any reservations: "We have learned to divine liturgies to serve according to the old service books, according to which we first learned and got used to, but now we, old priests, will not be able to keep our weekly queues according to those service books, and we will not be able to learn from the new service books for our old age ... ". And again and again the words were repeated in this verdict as a refrain: “we priests and deacons are of little power and are unaccustomed to reading and writing, and inert in teaching”, according to new books “we are inert and intransigent chernets, no matter how many teachers, and not get used to ...”

On the church cathedral 1666-1667 one of the leaders of the Solovetsky schismatics, Nikandr, chose a line of conduct other than Avvakum. He pretended to agree with the decisions of the council and received permission to return to the monastery, but upon his return he threw off the Greek hood, put on the Russian one again and became the head of the monastery brethren. The famous "Solovki Petition" was sent to the tsar, outlining the credo of the old faith. In another petition, the monks threw down a direct challenge to the secular authorities: “Command, sovereign, to send us your royal sword and from this rebellious life, relocate us to this serene and eternal life". S. M. Solovyov wrote: "The monks challenged the worldly authorities to a difficult struggle, presenting themselves as defenseless victims, bowing their heads under the royal sword without resistance. But when, in 1668, the lawyer Ignatius Volokhov appeared under the walls of the monastery with a hundred archers, instead of submissively bowing his heads under the sword, he was met with shots. It was impossible for such an insignificant detachment as Volokhov had to overcome the besieged, who had strong walls, plenty of supplies, 90 guns. "

The siege - "Solovki seat" dragged on for eight years from 1668 to 1676. At first, the authorities could not send large forces to the White Sea because of the movement of Stenka Razin. After the rebellion was suppressed, a large detachment of archers appeared under the walls of the Solovetsky Monastery, and the shelling of the monastery began. The besieged responded with well-aimed shots, and Abbot Nikandr sprinkled the cannons with holy water and said: “My mother Galanochki! We have hope for you, you will defend us!” But in the besieged monastery, disagreements began between moderates and supporters of decisive action. Most of the monks hoped for reconciliation with the royal power,

The minority, led by Nikandr, and the laity - "Baltsy", led by centurions Voronin and Samko, demanded "for the great sovereign to put aside piety", and such words were said about the tsar himself that "not only to write, but also to think is terrible." In the monastery they stopped confessing, taking communion, they refused to recognize priests. These disagreements predetermined the fall of the Solovetsky Monastery. The archers could not manage to take it by storm, but the defector monk Theoktist showed them a hole in the wall, blocked with stones. On the night of January 22, 1676, in a heavy snowstorm, the archers dismantled the stones and entered the monastery. The defenders of the monastery died in an unequal battle. Some instigators of the uprising were executed, others were sent into exile.

This is how the events of those distant times appeared before us, this is how today's historians and historiographers see them, but, of course, there are still many mysteries and white spots, and therefore interest neither in Patriarch Nikon, nor in his reforms does not dry out.

patriarch nikon cathedral church reform

The Solovetsky uprising, which took place from 1668 to 1676, is today one of the most remarkable events in Russian history. The uprising was organized by monks who refused the innovations of Patriarch Nikon.

Solovetsky uprising: causes

To begin with, it is worth noting that at the beginning of the 17th century it turned into an important military object in connection with the Russian-Swedish war. After all, all its buildings were perfectly fortified, which made it possible to protect the land from the invasion of enemies. In addition, every person who lived in or near the monastery was armed and well trained to defend himself against attack. By the way, at that time the population was 425 people. And in case of a siege by the Swedish troops, a huge amount of edible stocks were stored in the monastery.

The first dissatisfaction of the clergy was caused by the reform, which condemned the Old Believers. In 1636 a whole batch of new liturgical books corrected in accordance with the reform was sent to the Solovetsky Monastery. But the monks, without even looking at the books, sealed them in chests and sent them for storage. This was the first expression of dissatisfaction with the government.

It is also worth recalling that the beginning of the 17th century was accompanied by constant mass uprisings against the government and innovations. It was a turbulent time, when even the smallest changes could turn into a real rebellion. And the Solovetsky uprising was no exception. general patterns. Some historians have tried to portray the rebellion of the monks as the resistance of ignorant churchmen and adherents of the old faith.

Solovetsky uprising and fighting

In fact, not only the monks of the Solovetsky Monastery participated in the rebellion. They were joined by runaway soldiers, disgruntled peasants, as well as associates of Stepan Razin. After such replenishment, the uprising has already acquired some political significance.

It is worth noting that for the first few years, almost no hostilities were undertaken. The king hoped for a peaceful solution to such a delicate issue. For example, government troops moved on only in the summer. For several months they tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to block the connection of the rebellious monks with the mainland. cold, the troops moved to the Sumy jail. Interestingly, most of the archers simply went home. This relatively peaceful situation continued until 1674.

It was in 1674 that the government found out that Kozhevnikov, Sarafanov and other Razin brothers in arms were hiding behind the walls of the monastery. Since then, real attacks began, which were accompanied by victims. The government allowed active hostilities, including the shelling of the walls of the monastery.

And in December 1675, the monks decided not to pray for the king anymore. Not all the rebels liked this "innovation", so some of them had to be imprisoned for a while in a monastery prison.

Solovetsky uprising: results

Despite the constant, round-the-clock siege, digging and shelling, government troops did not manage to penetrate the walls of the monastery. In January 1677, the monk Feoktist left the rebels, who immediately went to the royal troops. It was he who told how to sneak inside the monastery unnoticed.

On the night of the first of February, fifty archers quietly entered through a small secret opening (a window for carrying water) into the drying room of the monastery. Then the soldiers opened the gate and let the rest of the troops in.

In the courtyard, 30 rebels tried to repel the attack, but to no avail - the battle was unequal. It is interesting that by this day there were practically no monks left behind the walls of the monastery - some of them left the house without permission, and some were expelled. Several clergy were imprisoned at the monastery - they were released by government troops.

Thus, the Solovetsky uprising ended. As a result, about 30 rebels were executed, while the rest were sent to prison.

One of the most significant events of the 17th century. became church schism. He seriously influenced the formation of cultural values ​​and worldview of the Russian people. Among the prerequisites and causes of the church schism, one can distinguish both political factors, formed as a result of the turbulent events of the beginning of the century, and church factors, which, however, are of secondary importance.

At the beginning of the century, the first representative of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail, ascended the throne.

He and, later, his son, Alexei, nicknamed "The Quietest", gradually restored the internal economy, devastated during the Time of Troubles. Foreign trade was restored, the first manufactories appeared, and state power was strengthened. But, at the same time, serfdom took shape legislatively, which could not but cause mass discontent among the people. Initially foreign policy the first Romanovs was cautious. But already in the plans of Alexei Mikhailovich there is a desire to unite the Orthodox peoples who lived outside the territory of Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

This put the tsar and the patriarch, already in the period of the annexation of the Left-Bank Ukraine, before a rather difficult problem of an ideological nature. Most of the Orthodox peoples, having accepted the Greek innovations, were baptized with three fingers. According to the tradition of Moscow, two fingers were used for baptism. One could either impose one's own traditions, or submit to the canon accepted by the entire Orthodox world. Alexei Mikhailovich and Patriarch Nikon chose the second option. The centralization of power taking place at that time and the emerging idea of ​​Moscow's future dominance in the Orthodox world, the "Third Rome", demanded a single ideology capable of uniting the people. The subsequent reform split Russian society for a long time. Discrepancies in the sacred books and the interpretation of the performance of rituals required changes and the restoration of uniformity. The need to correct church books was noted not only by spiritual authorities, but also by secular ones.

The name of Patriarch Nikon and the church schism are closely connected. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia was distinguished not only by his intelligence, but also by his tough character, determination, lust for power, love of luxury. He gave his consent to stand at the head of the church only after the request of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The beginning of the church schism of the 17th century was laid by the reform prepared by Nikon and carried out in 1652, which included such innovations as tripartite, serving the liturgy on 5 prosphora, and so on. All these changes were subsequently approved at the Council of 1654.

But, the transition to new customs was too abrupt. The situation in the church schism in Russia was aggravated by the cruel persecution of opponents of innovations. Many refused to accept the change in rites. The old sacred books, according to which the ancestors lived, refused to give, many families fled to the forests. An opposition movement formed at court. But in 1658 Nikon's position changed dramatically. The royal disgrace turned into a demonstrative departure of the patriarch. However, he overestimated his influence on Alexei. Nikon was completely deprived of power, but retained wealth and honors. At the council of 1666, in which the patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch took part, the hood was removed from Nikon. And the former patriarch was sent into exile, to the Ferapontov Monastery on the White Lake. However, Nikon, who loved luxury, lived there far from being a simple monk.

The church council, which deposed the masterful patriarch and eased the fate of opponents of innovations, fully approved the reforms carried out, declaring them not a whim of Nikon, but a matter of the church. Those who did not obey the innovations were declared heretics.

The final stage of the split was Solovetsky uprising 1667 - 1676, ending for the dissatisfied with death or exile. Heretics were persecuted even after the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. After the fall of Nikon, the church retained its influence and strength, but not a single patriarch laid claim to supreme power.

1668-1676 - the rebellion of the monks of the Solovetsky monastery against the Russian reform Orthodox Church. The reason for the uprising was the removal of the rank of patriarch from Nikon. The number of participants in the uprising reached 450-500 people. On June 22, 1668, a streltsy detachment arrived on the Solovetsky Islands under the command of the attorney I. Volkhov. The monastery refused to let the archers into the walls of the fortress. Thanks to the support of the surrounding peasants and working people, the monastery was able to withstand more than seven years of siege without experiencing food shortages. Many working people, runaway service people and archers made their way to the islands and joined the rebels. In the early 1670s, participants in the uprising led by S. Razin appeared in the monastery, which significantly intensified the uprising and deepened its social content. The besieged undertook sorties, which were led by elected centurions - the runaway boyar serf I. Voronin, the monastery peasant S. Vasiliev. The fugitive Don Cossacks P. Zapruda and G. Krivonoga led the construction of new fortifications. By 1674, up to a thousand archers and a large number of guns were concentrated under the walls of the monastery. The siege was led by the tsarist governor I. Meshcherinov. The rebels successfully defended themselves, and only the betrayal of the monk Theoktist, who pointed out the unprotected window of the White Tower to the archers, hastened the defeat of the uprising, which was cruel in January 1676. Of the 500 participants in the uprising who were in the monastery, only 60 survived after the capture of the fortress. All of them, with the exception of a few people, were later executed.