Reduce monitor brightness windows 7 hotkeys. How to turn down the brightness on a laptop: methods and instructions. What about the built-in functionality of a laptop?

Setting up the display of information on the computer plays an important role. These parameters are responsible for the comfort when working with Today we will talk about how to reduce the brightness of the screen on a computer. The answer to such a question can be useful to everyone. For example, an amateur gamer or laptop owner. The task set before us has many simple solutions, but not everyone knows how to use them. The instructions below will help shed light on adjusting image brightness in the operating system in a particular case.

In games

Often, users think about “playing” with image brightness while launching various virtual toys. In particular, horror films. In them, brightness is responsible for the atmosphere of the gameplay.

Usually, when launching a particular toy, users are asked to set the previously mentioned parameter. Before starting a gaming session, the brightness adjustment screen appears on the display. Just move the slider in one direction or another and then confirm the changes.

If you need to reduce the brightness of your laptop monitor while gaming, you can use the application options. To cope with the task, you need:

  1. Enter the toy.
  2. Open "Options".
  3. Go to the "Screen" section.
  4. Set image display parameters in the "Brightness" section.
  5. Click on the "Save" button.

That's all. Typically, this option helps to customize the display of a particular toy. A significant drawback is that the user will have to set their own image brightness parameters in each application.

Keyboard to help

How to reduce screen brightness on a computer? Users have the opportunity to choose an algorithm of actions. Next, we will consider universal techniques. They will help you change the settings for displaying all information on your computer.

For example, you can cope with the task using the keyboard. The technique is most often used on laptops.

What should I do to activate it? To adjust the brightness of your computer screen, you will have to:

  1. Press the Fn button.
  2. While holding down the key, press F5 or F6. In the first case, the brightness will decrease, in the second, it will increase.
  3. Once the desired result is achieved, release the keys.

Optionally, the F5 and F6 buttons will be responsible for the display brightness parameters. Just take a closer look at the top panel of the keyboard. There will definitely be buttons with the image of the sun. They are responsible for brightness. More detailed information will have to be clarified regarding each keyboard or laptop.

Important: monitors also have specialized buttons. They can be used in the same way as a keyboard on a laptop.

Power supply

How to reduce or increase screen brightness on a laptop? For example, you can use the power options. The "Brightness" parameter will definitely be located here.

To enter the corresponding menu, you need to:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" in any known way. For example, through the "Start" menu item.
  2. Go to the "Hardware and Sound" section.
  3. Click on the "Power Options" item.

To do this, you will have to move the slider at the bottom of the window to the right or left. Once the desired result is achieved, you can close the active service. How to reduce screen brightness on a computer?

Fast passage

The following trick allows you to quickly go into the power settings and adjust the brightness of the image in the operating system. Usually this method relevant for laptops.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Hover your cursor over the battery image. It is located to the left of the clock, in the PC tray.
  2. Right-click.
  3. Click on "Power settings".

You can now adjust the display brightness and close the corresponding window. Fast, simple and very convenient!

Important: As an alternative method, it is suggested to select the "Adjust brightness" option. You can find it in the same place as “Power settings”. Now it’s clear how to reduce the screen brightness on a computer or laptop.

It has a significant effect on the comfort of working at the computer. This is especially important if you work in a dimly lit room or at night. In such conditions, it is advisable to reduce the monitor brightness below the standard level in order to reduce eye strain.

In this article we will look at two ways to reduce the brightness of a computer monitor. Moreover, the material will be useful for all modern versions of Windows, including Windows 7 and Windows 10.

There are two ways to reduce the monitor brightness on your computer. The first method is to use the video card control panel.

To do this, right-click on the desktop and go to the video card control panel. If you have a video card from NVIDIA, then the context menu item you need will be called “ ”.

After opening the “NVIDIA Control Panel”, you need to go to the “Adjust desktop color settings” section, which is located in the “Display” settings block.

Next you need to enable the “Use NVIDIA settings” option and reduce the brightness of the monitor using the “Brightness” parameter. To save the selected brightness settings, do not forget to click on the “Apply” button, which is located at the bottom of the window.

In the case of a video card from AMD, everything is almost the same. You need to right-click on the desktop and select “AMD Radeon Settings” or “Catalyst Control Center”. This will open the video card control panel. Next you need to go to the “Desktop Management – ​​Color” section

And reduce the brightness of the monitor using the “Brightness” setting.

The video card control panel on your computer may differ from what is shown in the screenshots, as it depends on the driver version you have installed. But, if you spend a couple of minutes exploring your control panel, you will definitely find settings that will allow you to reduce the brightness of your monitor.

Reducing brightness in the monitor settings

You can also reduce the brightness of the monitor by adjusting the monitor itself. To do this, you need to click on the “Settings” or “Menu” button, which is usually located on the bottom or side of the device.

After this, you need to scroll through the monitor settings using the arrow buttons and explore what options are available there.

Typically, using monitor settings, you can increase or decrease parameters such as brightness, contrast, clarity, and color temperature. To reduce brightness, select this option and change it using the arrow buttons. After reducing the brightness, simply exit the monitor settings using the “Exit” button.

It should be noted that the methods described above for reducing monitor brightness are used mainly on stationary PCs, since laptops have simpler and available options. You can read more about reducing brightness on a laptop.

The most basic way to change the screen brightness on a PC is to use the control buttons located on the monitor. However, it also happens that such an opportunity is absent. Users using laptops do not have it at all. For this reason, adjustment is also provided using Windows 7, 8, 10, or third-party utilities. Let's take a closer look at these options.

Using power settings

This method will be useful only to owners laptops.

Video card driver settings

This method is suitable for all users. In order to make the settings, you need to open the control panel video card.

  1. On the left side of the menu you need to click on the item “ Display»
  2. Click on the item " Adjusting Color Settings..." Here you can change the screen brightness and more.

Changing brightness in Windows XP

Because in Windows XP no possibility adjust the brightness using the OS, you have to use the capabilities of the monitor for rough adjustment or use special application, which is provided in the driver package for the PC video card, and the utility Adobe Gamma, which is available in many graphics programs of this company. In addition, it can be found directly on the official website. Let's take a closer look at these two methods.

Using Adobe Gamma

In field " Load» It is possible to load an existing settings profile. Field " Brightness and Contrast» provides the right to set the required values. In field " Phosphors"it's better to leave" Trinitron».

In field " Gamma» You can adjust the brightness and contrast by moving the slider until the square in the middle is almost indistinguishable.

Intel Built-in Utility

  • Go to the " Options».
  • In the bottom corner there is a button " Additionally", click on it - the program interface will open.

On the left side of the interface, find “ Color correction».
Adjust the values ​​as needed.

How to set up adaptive brightness in Windows 10

In Windows 10, brightness is adjusted differently than in previous ones operating systems. This is due to such an innovation as adaptive brightness, which only works on laptops.

This latest technology automatic screen brightness adjustment often gives users more problems than good. For example, in Windows 10 you can no longer manually change brightness, which is extremely inconvenient. What is this innovation?

Auto-adjustment is made possible thanks to built-in into the laptop to light sensors. Based on the data received and its processing, Windows 10 itself adjusts the screen brightness depending on how much light hits the sensor. How to disable this feature?

Many users, either due to duty or for personal reasons, have to spend quite a lot of time at the computer. And not the least role in the comfort of work is played by the brightness and contrast of the image on the monitor or laptop screen. Oversaturation or poor lighting can cause your eyes to become tired. Let's see how to make the necessary settings using a few simple tools.

How to change brightness on Windows 7 (or any other system) on a desktop computer

First, let's look at the moment the system starts. The user usually associates the normal mode of image perception with when the welcome screen appears on the monitor. Just by its appearance you can judge how comfortable it is perceived by the eyes. Both brightness and contrast immediately attract attention. Changing one of the parameters on desktop computers can be done quite simply.

It's no secret that in desktop PCs or workstations the system unit and monitor (or several) are used separately. Their design is such that there are one or two buttons directly on the front panel: increasing or decreasing brightness.

In addition, if, so to speak, in a question related to how to change the brightness of the screen or the contrast of what is displayed on the monitor, we dig a little deeper, it is worth noting that any monitor has its own menu, called up by a special button, in which there are advanced settings, including the mode of shifting the image, stretching or narrowing it, etc. As you can see, personalization is quite simple.

How to adjust screen brightness on a laptop

With laptops the situation is even simpler. Since the screen is an integral part of the entire design, there are no special buttons on it, as is provided for free-standing monitors. However, the question is how to change the brightness on Windows 7 or any other system ( fundamental difference no), can be solved using special keyboard shortcuts.

As a rule, changing the brightness parameter is done using the Fn button in combination with either function keys, which have up and down arrows and an image in the form of a sun. For example, on Fujitsu laptops these are the F7 (increase brightness) and F6 (decrease) keys, on others - F2 and F1, etc.

In some models, such settings can be made using the same pressed buttons using additionally standard right/left arrow buttons (sometimes up/down).

on any Windows system

Another simple method to solve the issue of how to change the brightness on Windows 7 is to right-click on an empty area of ​​the Desktop and select screen settings (personalization) from the context menu.

After entering the section, all available parameters will be displayed, which can be easily changed at your discretion.

Setting parameters in the power plan

These were, so to speak, the simplest methods. Now let's see how to adjust the screen brightness on Windows 7 using the system's own tools. To do this, you need to use the power section, which can be accessed from the standard one. Here you need to select the option to change settings, after which two main plans will be shown (balanced and economy mode).

If for some reason the user is not satisfied with them, they can simply be changed. To do this, use the item for changing additional settings, where the adaptive mode is turned on. You can also change the brightness in the “Screen” section, where the settings are presented in the category of parameters for turning off the display.

Using a video card management program

How to change brightness on Windows 7 in another way? You can use special utilities management of NVIDIA and AMD graphics adapters that are initially installed in the system.

After calling the control program either from the system tray, if it is active, or from the same Control Panel, you need to find the display settings section in it, and then go to the Desktop color adjustment item (for NVIDIA, for example). It is here that you can change the brightness, contrast, gamma, image saturation, and much more.

The simplest comfort test

So, the screen parameters are set. Now you need to check how comfortable the perception will be. To do this, open an empty Word document. If you feel uncomfortable when looking at it, the screen settings should be changed. You can simply take a blank sheet of A4 paper and compare it with the white field of the document. If there is no difference when looking at both the sheet and the screen, then everything is in order. Finally, don't forget that when long work at a computer or laptop, no matter how optimal the settings are, it is recommended to take a break of about a quarter of an hour every 45 minutes to relieve fatigue, including from the eyes.

As for the settings, the methods are quite varied, and which one to use is up to you. However, if we are talking only about brightness, the best option buttons will become and But if you need to produce fine tuning, it is better to use software from both the operating system itself and the programs included in the control software of graphic cards, especially since this is exactly what they are designed for.

You can work, play or spend time on the Internet at your computer in different time days. For example, during the day good lighting, the screen should also be bright enough so that what is displayed on it can be clearly seen without having to look closely. But at night, on the contrary, it is better that it is a little muffled and does not hit the eyes.

Therefore, in this article we will figure out how different ways You can change the screen brightness on your computer or laptop.

Let's start with PC. Everything is quite simple here. Since there is no need to save battery power, the brightness is adjusted here relatively rarely. For this purpose, special buttons located on the monitor are used. They can be located either below or slightly behind. Find among them the one with the icon in the form of a sun and a pointer. If the pointer is pointing down, this means a decrease in brightness; if the pointer points up, it means an increase.

Now I’ll tell you about laptops. Here this procedure is used more often, especially if the device is disconnected from the network and you need to slightly increase its battery life.

To do this, you can use the “Fn” key in various combinations, which differ depending on the manufacturer of your laptop. Let's give examples of the most popular ones.

If you have ASUS then hold down “Fn” and press the “F5” button to lower, or “F6” to add brightness.

On Lenovo laptops, this is done using the up and down arrows. Press "Fn" and then the desired button. Just pay attention, for example, in the screenshot the arrow points up, and under it there is an orange sun with a downward pointer, which means this button will reduce the brightness.

On HP, the combinations can be different or, as in the figure below, “Fn” and “F2-F3”, or “Fn” and “F9-F10”.

If you have a device from another manufacturer, then I think you understand what buttons to look for. They should have an image of the sun - one larger, the other smaller.

The second way of adjustment is through "Control Panel". Click on the button and select the desired item, for those who have Windows 7. If you have Windows 10 installed, then right-click on Start and select the item of interest.

At the bottom of the window that opens there will be a slider, which you can move either to the right towards the sun, or to the left, then the brightness decreases.

In this window you can set the display brightness separately for running the laptop on battery and mains power. Remember that the smaller it is, the longer the charge will last. At the end, don't forget to click "Save changes".

Open required window it can be done differently. Click on the battery icon in the lower right corner and select the item that interests us.

The third method is to adjust the brightness through the installed drivers for the video card. Find it in the list of Control Panel items and click on it.

Or expand hidden applications in the tray and click on the video card icon.

Then you need to select the item "Graphic characteristics".

Another option is to right-click on an empty space on the desktop and select the desired item from the menu that opens.

Whichever option you choose, a window like this will open. I have an Intel video card, so it looks like this. If you have a different manufacturer, the appearance of the window will be different.

Here in the left menu you need to find an item so that the “Brightness” field appears in the middle area. Move the marker to suitable value. Then click "OK".

That's all. I think now you can easily adjust the brightness of your screen on your computer or laptop. As for me, adjustment using the key combination with Fn is the simplest, and you choose the method that suits you.

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