A wedding that gives. What does the word of the holy Apostle Paul and the Gospel reading about the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee teach husband and wife? What to do with wedding candles and other attributes after the wedding

For many years, the wedding ceremony is gaining more and more strength and popularity. Some of the newlyweds pay tribute to fashion, others approach this sacrament with full responsibility, making this step quite consciously, the lights believe in spiritual power and understand the meaning of the ceremony. God gives the young his blessing for the bond between spouses, the birth of children and their upbringing in Christianity.

Young people of today know about the sacrament of marriage from books and videos that can be viewed on the Internet today. In Russia, this rite was performed in ancient times. At a wedding, this action was the most important, and without a church wedding, marriage between a woman and a man was not recognized. In those days, it was believed that only before God could young people become spouses. For the first time, a man learned about the sacrament of a wedding from the book "Genesis", dedicated to the marriage of Isaac to Rebekah. How their wedding ceremony took place today can be found in the video.

Information also came to us from the writings of the Holy Fathers and from preserved documents, which stipulated the rules of the ceremony. Track all changes Orthodox Church occurring over the centuries is almost impossible. But historians managed to highlight the main points.

  • Wedding crowns were placed on the heads of the young. For the first time they began to do this in the East in the IV century. At first, fresh flowers were used for these purposes. Later, crowns were made of metal. By appearance they resembled a crown.
  • In the western part of the Byzantine Empire, nuptial covers were used during the wedding ceremony.

Crowns and veils signified holy faith in the Lord God. It is believed that until the 7th century, the marriage between the spouses took place with blessed rings and a sacred prayer, similar to modern chants. Rite Orthodox wedding the church was not divided until the 9th century. The spouses entered into a civil marriage, after which she participated in the process of worship in the church. In this order, they joined the Sacrament of the Saints of Christ, which meant the symbol of marriage. The newlyweds took full responsibility for the family, guided by state laws that time.

At the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th centuries, in Orthodox weddings in the church, the first custom appeared, according to which the bride and groom received candles. Crowns were placed on their heads and the accompanying words were pronounced - "Christ crowns." Then the priest read the prayer, and upon its completion he joined the hands of the young, saying the words - "Christ welcomes."

Throughout next years the process of the wedding ceremony was modified. Already starting from the XIII century, it was accompanied by the words: "The servant of God is getting married." After 2 centuries, new traditions appeared: a certain prayer was read, and the crowns were in the church, and not in the house.

The modern wedding ceremony in the church

The state authority allows the wedding ceremony to be carried out. It can be held immediately after marriage registration or on any other day. By church customs not everyone can do it.

  • Orthodoxy does not consent to the procedure to unbaptized people, grooms under 18 and brides under 16.
  • If the groom or the bride professes a different faith, it is necessary to obtain permission for the wedding. At the same time, the husband or wife must give a written commitment to bring up children according to Orthodox laws.
  • The Church does not approve of marriages between blood relatives(relationship up to the third generation inclusive). The permission of the head of the diocese will also be needed if spiritual relatives want to get married. It can be God-parents children of one married couple.
  • The ceremony can be held no more than three times. But even the second time at the wedding, certain difficulties arise.

The wedding takes place only on the basis of a marriage registration certificate. There are certain days on which the ceremony can be performed. During multi-day fasts and church holidays marriage is not concluded. Some families get married after the birth of their first child. Others want to test their feelings and postpone this process for several years.

Church marriage procedure

As soon as a decision is made to hold a wedding ceremony, the day of the wedding should be discussed with the priest. The wedding can be filmed and photographed. You should also discuss with the priest where the photographer can be during the ceremony and what can be photographed. Preparations for the wedding should be done in advance. In this case, some points should be taken into account.

It is very important to prepare morally for a church marriage: to take communion and confess. Before the wedding, you should fast for 3 days. On the day of joining family ties before God, it is not recommended to smoke, take alcoholic beverages.

Rules of Conduct in the Temple

The crowned guests and their guests must adhere to certain rules:

  • Women must wear a headdress. The clothing of the groom, bride and guests should cover the shoulders and legs. Women are advised not to wear trousers to church.
  • Bright makeup is unacceptable, it should be close to the natural look.
  • It is advisable to enter the temple in advance, 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony.
  • Mobile phones should be turned off.
  • During the wedding, it is not allowed to move around the temple.
  • By left side in the hall there are women, on the right - men.
  • You are not supposed to stand with your back to the iconostasis.
  • The right hand is used for baptism.

The wedding lasts within an hour. Not all guests can withstand such a lengthy procedure. Therefore, it is better for them to stay outside the temple or at its entrance. The rules must be strictly observed by all people present at the wedding in an Orthodox church.

Debunking procedure

Unfortunately, not all married couples able to save the marriage and they have to break it. The Church has a negative attitude towards divorce and the process of debunking, as this does not exist for her. But in some cases, the Orthodox Church may give permission for a re-wedding. This applies to widows and widowers. The reasons for the dissolution of a church marriage can also be:

  • Cheating on one of the spouses;
  • Inability to conceive a child;
  • Forced marriage;
  • Threat to the lives of children and spouses;
  • Mental illness;
  • Getting rid of the child without the consent of the husband to this action;
  • Different kinds serious diseases such as alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS, etc.

Permission is given only to the spouse who is innocent of the breakup of the family. But before you remarry, you need to repent and confess.

Wanting to be combined by marriage, a couple can not only sign at the registry office, but also be combined by more subtle ties - ties of spiritual marriage. From time immemorial, exclusively the sacrament of a wedding in the Orthodox Church has held couples together in marriage. Today, this tradition has become rare, but this is unjustified. There is a deep meaning in marriage, it is serious and special. life stage each person, and therefore it requires the same special reinforcement. It is necessary to touch the sacrament of the wedding in order to feel the full importance of the event. How it is done will be described later.

What is the sacrament of a wedding and how does it work?

The sacrament of a wedding is a ceremony of uniting two people by marriage and the consecration of this marriage by divine grace. It is held in Orthodox churches for people who want to be united not only before the state, but also before God. This is the highest manifestation of trust, love for each other, tk. a wedding can only be performed once (occasionally two or three, but due to special circumstances). To break such ties without permission, to change, being in a spiritual marriage is no longer a question of morality, but an act of sinning. Therefore, the sacrament of a wedding is always a responsible step.

The wedding ceremony is built in such a way as to instill in future spouses the importance of marriage, to interpret its meaning, to prepare young people for correct family relationships, to direct them to spiritual development... The wedding allows you to cleanse the sinfulness of human unity, to transfer it across the line of sinfulness into the form of a pure, God-blessed marriage. This is manifested in the symbolism of the engagement and wedding ceremony. The sacrament of the wedding is now carried out immediately after the betrothal ceremony, performing the following:

The rules of the great church sacrament in Orthodoxy

The sacrament of a wedding is a ceremony that contains the implementation of strict rules. The ceremony consists of 4 stages: betrothal, wedding, permission of the crowns and a prayer service. If earlier there was a time interval between the sacraments of betrothal and wedding, nowadays all stages often merge into one, continuing each other. A friend and a friend (witnesses, or recipients) can be appointed to perform the sacrament of the wedding. Special dates are selected because not on all days the wedding ceremony can be performed. Young people prepare for the sacrament by fasting, being in prayer.

The sacrament of a wedding is a spiritual act, and therefore should be performed with meekness and dignity. The church goes to meet modern traditions, allowing photo and video filming during the sacrament, however, it is strictly forbidden to talk, laugh, walk around the temple, turn your back to the images or just serve time until the end of the event.

What must be purchased before the ceremony?

In order to carry out the sacrament of a wedding in the Orthodox Church, it is necessary to have some objects that have a sacred meaning and are directly involved in the process of performing the rite:

  1. Two icons - the Mother of God and the Savior. Previously, such icons were inherited, but if they do not exist, then it is necessary to purchase.
  2. Rings (consecrated). Previously, gold (for the groom) and silver (for the bride) were taken, in the process of exchanging rings during the betrothal, the wife retains gold, and the husband - silver, which symbolically demonstrates the basis of the relationship in marriage. Modern practice allows both young people to have gold rings, to buy jewelry decorated with stones.

What do witnesses need to know?

Witnesses who church tradition are called receivers, are guarantors, helpers for a young family. They, like godparents, must take care of the spiritual development of the young in their marriage. In the past, it was customary to choose as receivers people who were experienced in family affairs, trustworthy, so that they could become faithful advisers on the path of becoming new family... Now it can be people of any age, but with the right attitude to business.

Previously, they vouched for marriage, signing in the register of births, in our time, when church marriage has only spiritual meaning, but not legal force, the presence of receivers is not necessary. However, until now, they are entrusted with helping the young during the sacrament of the wedding in the Orthodox Church - holding the crowns while walking around the lectern. Witnesses must remember that they must take a responsible attitude to their task, be not indifferent to the future family, be baptized and religious people, and behave meekly and reverently during the ceremony.

How is engagement done?

The sacrament of betrothal is an obligatory stage of marriage, which secures the groom's right to the bride and vice versa, this is the moment of creating a couple before the Lord, the descent of blessings on her, as well as time for moral preparation for the wedding, for thinking about the essence of marriage. The sacrament of betrothal is performed in the church, on the eve or on the day of the wedding. The sacrament of the wedding is a logical continuation of the engagement, and can be performed immediately after it, however, the earlier the young get engaged, the more time the couple will have to realize the importance of the wedding, to prepare for it. Stages:

What should be a wedding meal?

After the sacrament of the wedding in the Orthodox Church, it is customary to hold wedding meal in honor of the accomplished marriage of the young, during which their relatives, friends, and other invitees can convey congratulations to the newlyweds, rejoice for them, and give gifts. Church meal by Christian custom and omens, should be modest and decent. Not allowed: excessive drinking, uttering vulgarity, using indecent words, singing indiscreet songs, dancing loosely.

What can hinder Christian marriage?

Any Christian can combine himself by the bonds of church marriage through the sacrament of a wedding in the Orthodox Church, but there are some exceptions. So, it is not allowed to get married in the Orthodox Church:

  • People who, at the time of the wedding, are married to another person, and not to the one with whom they are going to get married.
  • People who are related to each other by blood or spiritual relationship (godmother-godson).
  • People who get married more than three times.
  • People who have already been married and have not asked for the dissolution of a church marriage from the bishop (allowed within 3 times, the last time cannot lead to a new marriage).
  • People who have not been baptized.
  • People who are unbelievers or were forced by the future spouse to the sacrament of the wedding.

  • On certain days of the year: during all large fasts, on Easter and cheese weeks, from Christmas to Epiphany, on Saturdays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, on the eve of the twelve and great church holidays, on the eve and on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29 and September 11), as well as the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14 and 27). Exceptions can be made only by decision of the current bishop.
  • To clergymen.
  • Minors, as well as those whose age has gone beyond the marriage threshold (60 years for women, 70 for men).
  • Those whose marriage was not blessed by their parents (if they are Orthodox).
  • Newlyweds with different faiths.
  • Those who became the culprit for the dissolution of a previous marriage (for example, cheaters).

Wedding preparation video

Preparation for the sacrament of the wedding - a combination of young church marriage... Preparation must be taken seriously, thoughtfully, understanding the deep meaning of the sacrament. The purpose of preparing for the sacrament of wedding in the Orthodox Church is the spiritual cleansing of the young, comprehension of the sacred task of marriage. This is necessarily the sacrament, confession, fasting, prayers, which will help to correctly carry out the transition of young people to another stage of life, to give the unity of people a sacred and not a sinful character. You can learn more about how to properly prepare for the sacrament of the wedding by watching the video:

What are the goals of your couple? Answer this question sincerely to yourself: are you doing this because of fashion or is it still at the behest of your heart? After all, performing the sacrament of a wedding with pure thoughts, you protect your family from evil tongues and envious eyes, from unexpected troubles and empty quarrels.

Portal Svadebka.ws brings to your attention general rules weddings in the Orthodox Church, as well as interesting superstitions and omens. Consider every little thing at such a crucial moment!

Wedding in Orthodoxy: a little history

As we managed to find out, the wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church was carried out in Russia. And if now the church seals only officially registered couples with spiritual marriage, then earlier it was the other way around: newlyweds who were not married were not recognized as a family. The ancestors believed that only before God can one become a spouse.

Unfortunately, it is not realistic to track the changes in the Orthodox Church regarding the sacrament of the wedding. However, historians managed to single out two main points of the ceremony: the laying of wedding crowns on the heads of the spouses and the use of wedding covers on the territory Byzantine Empire... The crown and veils are a symbol of holy faith in the Most High.

The tradition of holding wedding candles appeared only in the X-XI centuries. In the same period, the ceremony began with the words "Christ crowns", but already in the 13th century a new tradition appeared to include the words "The servant of God is crowned" into the ceremony.

Wedding rules

Not only the newlyweds, but also the guests should observe the rules established by the church. If you doubt their knowledge in this matter, show concern and provide loved ones with the necessary information.

In most temples, the sacrament lasts about an hour. And, as a rule, the newlyweds and guests are forced to stand throughout the entire ceremony. Think about your loved ones, and tell them not only how to behave in the temple, but also think about how to entertain the guests who will be waiting for you outside the walls of the church.

What is needed for a church wedding: a complete list

To carry out the ceremony, a number of things are necessary, without which the sacrament simply will not take place.

So, what you need to get married in the church:

You can buy the necessary components separately or purchase them in the church shop. ready-made kit for the sacrament. Everything listed above is needed for a church wedding, even if you have been married for a long time.

All about the wedding in signs

There is a persistent debate about how much it costs to listen to the signs concerning the church. Some insist that the church and superstitions categorically cannot intersect, others are sure that such signs did not appear out of nowhere. Which side will you take ?!

Good omens associated with the wedding:

Superstitions that should alert:

  1. A meeting funeral procession;
  2. A strong crackle of wedding candles is a sign of a hectic married life;
  3. If a crown fell from the head of one of the newlyweds, it means that he will soon become a widow.

After the wedding in the church, all the rules must be preserved all the attributes (candles, towels, handkerchiefs, etc.), it is important that they are kept in the house of the spouses and be hidden from prying eyes. Otherwise, next time you can visit the church with a view

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Then the Epistle to the Ephesians of the holy Apostle Paul is read (), where the marriage union is likened to the union of Christ and the Church, for which the Savior who loved her gave Himself up. The husband's love for his wife is a semblance of Christ's love for the Church, and the wife's loving-humble obedience to her husband is a semblance of the Church's relationship to Christ.This is mutual love until self-denial, the willingness to sacrifice oneself in the image of Christ, who gave Himself to be crucified for sinful people, and in the image true followers of Him, who through suffering and martyrdom have confirmed their faithfulness and love for the Lord.

The last saying of the apostle: let the wife fear her husband - calls not to the fear of the weak in front of the strong, not to the fear of the slave in relation to the master, but to the fear of grieving loving person, disrupt the unity of souls and bodies. The same fear of losing love, and therefore the presence of God in family life, a husband, whose head is Christ, must also test. In another epistle, the apostle Paul says: The wife has no power over her body, but the husband; likewise, the husband has no power over his own body, but the wife. Do not deviate from each other, unless by agreement, for a while, for exercise in fasting and prayer, and then again be together, so that Satan does not tempt you with your intemperance ().

Husband and wife are members of the Church and, being particles of the fullness of the Church, are equal to each other, obeying the Lord Jesus Christ.

After the Apostle, the Gospel of John is read (). It preaches the good news of God's blessing of the conjugal union and its sanctification. The miracle of the transformation of water into wine by the Savior typified the action of the grace of the sacrament, by which earthly conjugal love rises to heavenly love, which unites souls in the Lord. The saint says about the moral change necessary for this, "The marriage is honest and the bed is immaculate, for Christ blessed them in Cana at marriage, eating food in the flesh and turning water into wine, showing this first miracle so that you, the soul, will change" (Great canon, in Russian translation, troparion 4, ode 9).

After reading the Gospel, a short petition for the newlyweds and a prayer of the priest are pronounced on behalf of the Church, in which we pray to the Lord that He will preserve those who are united in peace and like-mindedness, that their marriage is honest, their bed is not foul, their cohabitation is blameless, so that he may make them live until old age when fulfilling His commandments from a pure heart.

The priest proclaims: "And vouch for us, Vladyka, with boldness, uncondemnedly sweep away, call upon Thee, Heavenly God the Father, and speak ...". And the newlyweds, together with all those present, sing the prayer "Our Father", the foundation and crown of all prayers, commanded to us by the Savior Himself.

In the lips of those who are married, she expresses her resolve to serve the Lord with her small church, so that through them on earth, His will be fulfilled and reigned in their family life. As a sign of obedience and devotion to the Lord, they bow their heads under the crowns.

After the Lord's prayer, the priest glorifies the Kingdom, the power and glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and, teaching the world, commands us to bow our heads before God, as before the King and Lord, and at the same time before our Father. Then a cup of red wine is brought, or rather, a cup of communion, and the priest blesses it for mutual communion between husband and wife. Wine at the wedding is served as a sign of joy and fun, recalling the miraculous transformation of water into wine, accomplished by Jesus Christ in Cana of Galilee.

The priest gives the young couple three times to drink wine from the common cup - first to the husband, as the head of the family, then to the wife. Usually wine is sipped in three small sips: first the husband, then the wife.

Having taught the common cup, the priest joins the husband's right hand with the wife's right hand, covers their hands with the epitrakhil and puts his hand on top of it.This means that through the priest's hand the husband receives a wife from the Church itself, which unites them in Christ forever. The priest leads the newlyweds around the lectern three times.

At the first circumambulation, the troparion "Isaiah, rejoice ..." is sung, in which the sacrament of the incarnation of the Son of God Emmanuel from the Unmarried Mary is glorified.

At the second circumambulation, the troparion of the Holy Martyr is sung. Crowned with crowns, as conquerors of earthly passions, they represent the image of the spiritual marriage of a believing soul with the Lord.

Finally, in the third troparion, which is sung during the last round of the analogion, Christ is glorified as the joy and glory of the newlyweds, their hope in all circumstances of life: “Glory to Thee, Christ God, the praise of the apostles, the joy of martyrs, their preaching. Trinity Consubstantial ”.

This circular walk means the eternal procession that began on this day for this couple. Their marriage will be an eternal procession hand in hand, a continuation and manifestation of the sacrament performed today. Remembering the common cross laid on them today, “bearing each other's burdens,” they will always be filled with the gracious joy of this day. At the end of the solemn procession, the priest removes the crowns from the spouses, greeting them with words filled with patriarchal simplicity and therefore especially solemn:

"Exalted, bridegroom, like Abraham, and blessed like Isaac, and multiplying like Jacob, walk in peace and do the commandments of God in righteousness."

"And you, bride, exalted like Sarah, and rejoiced like Rebekah, and multiplied like Rachel, rejoicing in your husband, keeping the limits of the law, because God is so pleased."

Then, in two subsequent prayers, the priest asks the Lord, who blessed the marriage in Cana of Galilee, to accept the crowns of the newlyweds as undefiled and blameless in His Kingdom. In the second prayer, recited by the priest, with bowing of the heads of the newlyweds, these petitions are sealed with the name Holy Trinity and a priestly blessing. At the end of her, the newlyweds with a chaste kiss testify to holy and pure love for each other.

Further, according to custom, the newlyweds are brought to the royal doors, where the groom kisses the icon of the Savior, and the bride - the image Mother of God; then they change places and are applied accordingly: the groom - to the icon of the Mother of God, and the bride - to the icon of the Savior. Here, the priest gives them a cross for kissing and gives them two icons: the groom - the image of the Savior, the bride - the image Holy Mother of God.

What should be a wedding meal

The Sacrament of marriage is celebrated solemnly and joyfully. From a multitude of people: relatives, friends and acquaintances, from the sparkle of candles, from church singing, somehow involuntarily it becomes festive and cheerful in the soul.

After the wedding, young people, parents, witnesses, guests continue the holiday at the table.

But how indecently some of the invitees sometimes behave at the same time. They often revel here, utter shameless speeches, sing immodest songs, and dance wildly. Such behavior would be shameful even for a pagan, “ignorant of God and His Christ,” and not only for us Christians. The Holy Church warns against such behavior. Canon 53 of the Laodicean Council says: "It is not fitting for marriages (that is, even for the relatives of the bride and groom and guests) to ride or dance, but modestly have supper and dinner, as befits Christians." The wedding feast should be modest and quiet, should be averse to all intemperance and indecency. Such a quiet and modest feast will be blessed by the Lord Himself, who sanctified the marriage in Cana of Galilee with His presence and the performance of the first miracle.

What Can Hinder Christian Marriage

Often, those preparing for the wedding first register their civil marriage at the registry office. The Orthodox Church considers civil marriage to be devoid of grace, but as a fact it recognizes and does not consider it illegal fornication. Nevertheless, the conditions for entering into a marriage under civil law and according to church canons differ. However, not every civil marriage can be consecrated in the church.

The Church does not allow marriage more than three times. According to civil law, the fourth and fifth marriages are allowed, which the Church does not bless.

A marriage is not blessed if one of the spouses (and even more so both) declares himself an atheist and says that he came to the wedding only at the insistence of his spouse or parents.

A wedding is not allowed if at least one of the spouses is unbaptized and is not going to be baptized before the wedding.

A wedding is impossible if one of the future spouses is actually married to another person. First, you need to dissolve your civil marriage, and if the marriage was a church marriage, you must take the bishop's permission to dissolve it and bless you to enter into a new marriage.

Another obstacle to marriage is the consanguinity of the bride and groom and the spiritual kinship acquired through baptismal acceptance.

When the wedding is not performed

According to the canonical rules, it is not allowed to celebrate a wedding during all four fasts, on cheese week, Easter week, in the period from the Nativity of Christ to the Epiphany (Christmastide). According to pious custom, it is not customary to marry on Saturday, as well as on the eve of the twelve, great and temple holidays, so that the pre-holiday evening does not pass in noisy fun and entertainment. In addition, in the Russian Orthodox Church, marriage is not performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays (on the eve of fast days- Wednesdays and Fridays), on the eve and on the days of the Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29 / September 11) and the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross (September 14/27). Exceptions to these rules can be made if need be only by the ruling bishop.
Cm. .

The rite of the wedding ceremony in the form as it exists now took shape back in the 1st century AD, that is, at the time of the birth of Christianity.

But the church wedding was then performed after the liturgy - the most important Christian divine service, and nowadays it is customary to hold a wedding as an independent event.

The purpose of the ceremony is to take an oath of fidelity before God, to seal your union with God's blessing and to receive a blessing for the birth and upbringing of future children.

The first part of the sacrament - betrothal

It aims to instill in the newlyweds the importance of the sacrament of marriage, to evoke in their hearts awe and reverence for this event.


Initially, the "new brides" are in the vestibule - an extension in front of the entrance to the temple, which is usually separated from the temple itself by a wall with a doorway. The groom stands on the right, the bride on the left, both turn to face the altar.

Wedding rings are placed in advance on the throne in the altar and are kept there during the liturgy. When the wedding ceremony begins, the deacon, following the priest, carries them out on a special tray.

The priest, depicting Jesus Christ at this moment, approaches the newlyweds (they, in turn, are equated with the primordial progenitors Adam and Eve, who begin a new and holy life in a pure marriage), holding two burning candles - a symbol of purity and chastity.

He blesses the groom three times and the bride three times, repeating: "In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (the young people are baptized each time), hands them candles (or does not pass them, if one of those getting married not the first time).

The blessing ends with a cruciform incense, which speaks of invisible presence at the sacrament of grace of the Holy Spirit.


After the blessing, the priest leads the newlyweds to the center of the temple.

Taking groom ring, he repeats three times: "The servant of God (name) is betrothed to the servant of God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," each time performing over the head of the bridegroom sign of the cross, and then puts his wedding ring on ring finger right hand... By the way, we are on which hand the representatives of different confessions wear rings.

The priest performs the same actions with ring bride repeating three times: "The servant of God (name) is betrothed to the servant of God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Ring exchange

The newlyweds exchange their rings three times, expressing this agreement and unanimity and promising to give themselves to each other for life. The priest himself can change the rings.
During the ceremony, he also turns to the Almighty with a prayer several times, asking the Lord to bless the young and approve the betrothal.

How is the wedding ceremony performed

Conclusion of a natural marriage, or free union

The purpose of this stage is confirmation by the groom and the bride of a voluntary and indestructible intention to enter into a marriage.

On the lectern (this is the name of a high rectangular table with a sloping top, which usually stands in front of the iconostasis in the middle of the church and is used during divine services) there is the Gospel - symbol of the presence of Christ, the cross is a sign of his love, as well as crowns. In front of the analogue, a white scarf or color pink- a symbol of purity and unity of life in marriage.

The bride and groom, holding candles in their hands, follow the priest with a censer (similar to how will follow all the commandments of the Lord), stand on this board and in front of the minister of the church and everyone who came to the ceremony confirm that their the decision to marry legally is voluntary and indestructible, and that none of them had previously made a promise to any third party to marry him.

Rite of the wedding

The most important and crucial moment throughout the wedding ceremony.

After reading three prayers addressed to Jesus Christ and the Triune Lord, and asking them for all possible worldly and spiritual benefits for the young, the father takes crown, baptizes the groom with it, after which he must kiss the image of Christ, located on the front of the crown.

At the same time, the priest says: "The servant of God (name) is married to the servant of God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Then the same priest blesses the bride, allowing her to kiss the image of the Most Holy Theotokos at the crown three times and saying: "The servant of God (name) is crowned to the servant of God (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

After the father reads three times secret prayer each time blessing the newlyweds with a priestly blessing: "Lord, our God, crown them with glory and honor."

Crowns for the young symbolize the crowns of the Kingdom of God- eternal life, remind of the crown of thorns, once worn by the tormentors on the head of Jesus Christ, and also mean that in marriage, a husband and wife should be one for the other as king and queen.

After reading the fragments of the letters of the Holy Apostles and the Gospel, in which the union of the newlyweds is compared with the union of Christ and the church, the priest calls on the newlyweds and all those present to read the prayer "Our Father" together.

In token of devotion to the Lord and obedience the young should bow their heads under the crowns.

Common bowl, or bowl of communication

The priest brings wine to the newlyweds in one bowl.

Red wine symbolizes true love, into which in the upcoming family life young people should turn the truth of their feelings, compared with pure fresh water: as wine becomes better from year to year, so love should become deeper and fuller.

And the single bowl is a symbol of the common destiny of the young... The bride and groom three times and alternately drink wine in small sips.

Procession around the lectern

The priest connects the right hands of the young people, covering them with an epitrachilia - a long ribbon that goes around his neck and goes down to his chest with both ends. From above he puts his hand, as if from the faces of the church handing over the wife to the husband.

Without separating his hands, the priest leads the young people around the lectern three times.

Then the priest says: “Receive their crowns in Thy Kingdom” and, reading the solemn prayer “Exalted, to the bridegroom, like Abraham,” removes the crowns from the head of the bride and groom, and they must kiss chastely, witnessing the holiness and purity of mutual love.

At the royal gates, the groom must kiss the icon of the Savior, and the bride must kiss the image of the Mother of God.

The newlyweds change places and kiss the icon and the crucifix again, and the priest hands them two icons, which were given to him in advance by the relatives of the newlyweds: for the groom - the image of the Savior, for the bride - the image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The wedding ends with the proclamation of many years to the newlyweds and congratulations to the guests.

How long does a church wedding

The entire rite lasts a total of about 40-50 minutes and is usually performed after Divine Liturgy- between 11.00 and 13.00.

To whom and when not to get married

The ceremony is possible only if certain conditions are met:

  • The sacrament of the wedding is allowed only after marriage registration at the registry office... However, if the church considers the obstacles to this to be respectful and serious, an exception can be made for people wishing to marry.
  • In christian wedding ceremony can take part only believers baptized Orthodox Christians... Otherwise, a person has no right to be a participant in church sacraments.

Other restrictions include the following:

  • a significant difference in age (in this case, you first need to obtain a special permission from the bishop);
  • consanguinity up to the fourth degree;
  • marriage between half-relatives, between half-brothers (that is, having a common father) and half-brothers (having a common mother) brother and sister.
  • According to church calendar, the wedding is not held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; in the days preceding the twelve and great holidays, as well as the patronal temple days; during Christmastide and many-day fasts (Veliky, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky), and in addition, on September 10, 11, 26 and 27.

Wedding preparation

In order for the sacrament to take place in accordance with all the canons, and certain moments were not a surprise for someone, it is worth preparing for the ceremony in advance

  • Preliminary introduction to the clergy of the temple and the choice of "their" priest. It is better to ask him in advance all your questions and clarify important details.
  • Early entry- 2-3 weeks before the wedding. It is necessary to discuss with the priest not only the date, but also the specific time. Don't forget to include this item in the.
  • Preparing a wedding dress... This point should be approached especially responsibly, since church canons have certain requirements for the color and cut of wedding dresses.
  • Buying attributes required for the ceremony. This includes icons, wedding candles, a towel, wedding rings, etc. What icons are needed for the wedding and it is better to clarify in advance and then discuss with the priest.
  • Spiritual preparation... The decision to get married in the church must be balanced and deliberate. The bride and groom, who are going to go to the altar, should prepare mentally. First, they must understand that a marriage lit up in a church cannot be terminated arbitrarily, and breaking the vow of fidelity is an unconditional sin. young people have to confess and receive communion, in advance - 3-4 days in advance - having prepared for these sacraments through fasting, that is, through the feat of fasting, prayer, repentance and communion. In some cases, young people are allowed to confess and receive communion on the wedding day just before the wedding.