The coffin turned over during the funeral. What to do if you meet a funeral procession. How not to bring trouble while the dead is in the house

Funeral is an inevitable ritual that awaits any person at the end of his life path. When loved ones leave, it's hard. In addition to tragedy, seeing the deceased on his last journey is full of mysticism and superstition, because it is at this time that the other world is close to the world of living people. And it's not always safe. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is worth observing a number of simple signs at a funeral.

The traditions and customs of burials followed strict regulations, without which the funeral could not take place. Signs, or rather, their origin, come from ancient beliefs followed by the ancestors of the Slavs. Among them are the following, the most common:

  • Always take into account the weather. If the bright sun shone, then it was believed that during life the deceased was a good man. The pouring rain during the burial did not speak of the most best qualities deceased.
  • Special care was given to pregnant women. Girls in position were removed from the hassle, one way or another connected with the funeral. They were forbidden even to look at the dead man, even more so to be present at the funeral prayers and burial. Only the closest pregnant relative was allowed to come to the funeral, but even then she had to leave the dwelling before the coffin was taken out. Such beliefs are associated with the desire to keep the child in the womb; it was believed that the soul of the deceased can move into the body of a child.
  • Little children were treated with the same trepidation. Toddlers were also forbidden from attending the burial ceremony. There was close attention to them until the completion of all funeral rituals. And there is a rational grain in this, because the child, effortlessly, could drink the water of the deceased or put something in the coffin. Even worse - he could take from the coffin a thing that belonged to the dead man. Any of the above could provoke a chain of subsequent deaths or severe illness. That is why the behavior of the younger members of the family was controlled with such care.
  • It was considered obligatory to mourn. Traditionally mourning was observed for one year. During this time, family members of the deceased are prohibited from marrying. And one of the worst signs was the funeral on the eve of the wedding. In this case, the wedding should have been abandoned or rescheduled for another time.
  • Since ancient times, people have firmly believed in the power church holiday. There is a good omen: if a person introduced himself or was buried on the day of religious celebrations, then he automatically found himself in paradise.

Signs, traditions and superstitions are widespread in modern world. They are based on centuries-old observations of people.

Signs of imminent death

Relatives of the deceased should pay attention to those harbingers of a person’s death that may appear during the funeral ceremony. After all, sometimes wrong behavior can lead to the fact that after the deceased, another string of people will be pulled into the next world. About it can testify the following signs about the funeral:

All signs warn relatives and other people against putting their photographs or things as a keepsake in the coffin of the deceased. Such stupidity can send an unlucky family member or friend after the deceased before the appointed time. The situation is similar with dressing the deceased in his personal clothes. Having said goodbye to the deceased, you need to touch his shoes and mentally say goodbye, asking at the same time not to come for them. You should leave the coffin without looking back.

The value of funerary paraphernalia

For ordinary person the funeral procedure is a tragic moment of farewell to a loved one. For people close to the world black magic, this is nothing more than an opportunity to solve your own or someone else's problems of a magical nature. A lot of signs are associated with fear. negative impact witch or sorcerer. Relatives did everything so that the black magicians did not take possession of the attributes of the funeral ceremony. These items included:

These items are used by sorcerers and witches to inflict deadly damage. Therefore, it is customary to pour water from under the deceased into a pre-dug hole as far as possible from the house. All things used in washing and preparing the deceased were usually placed in the coffin. It was also customary not to leave the dead alone in the house. This was explained by the fact that the witch, at such an opportunity, would definitely make a lining in the coffin - a photo of the alleged victim or something belonging to her. This is nothing more than damage to death. Therefore, strangers were not allowed to approach the deceased at the cemetery, especially if they behaved suspiciously.

The strange behavior could be the following:

  • desire to lie on the bed of the dead;
  • a person tries to go behind the coffin forward with his back;
  • weaving knots on a cord, rope or rag at the moment when the deceased is carried out;
  • placing needles crosswise along the lips of the deceased.

Modern people are skeptical about the possibility of harm from adherents of black magic, especially with the help of certain items. But there are too many cases that directly confirm the effect of evil spells. One of the most popular ways to get rid of a person is to put a photo with him in a coffin, or even better in the mouth of the deceased. And this is just one of many methods of inducing damage. Regardless of the mountain, you need to carefully watch what is happening around. Anyone can do bad things.

There are mostly bad omens associated with the dead. And here the reason is not only the fear of death - there are fears of the deceased. After all, until recently he was alive, and now he has moved to another world. Following all the signs and traditions should ensure an honorable and comfortable farewell to the deceased.

Activities after the funeral

After the funeral ceremony, the farewell does not end yet - the burial is followed by memorial dinner. Nine days later, loved ones and relatives again gather in the house of the deceased to remember his life and himself. On the fortieth day, special pastries are baked - ladders (bread buns in the form of a ladder), alms are distributed to the poor, a prayer service is ordered in the temple, thus celebrating the release and transfer of the soul to the Kingdom of Heaven. And during this period, it is important to observe a number of regular signs:

Most of the signs are also associated with many years of experience and observations. There was also a belief that one should not invite to a memorial dinner those people who behave suspiciously or cause unpleasant feelings. It is possible that these people did not come with the best intentions.

Between heaven and earth

What happens to a dying person? What does a bedridden patient feel on the verge of death? Most often, in addition to pain, this is the torment of the soul. In the mind, an understanding of what is to be passed is born. The body undergoes physical changes and this does not pass by consciousness. Emotions, psychological and peace of mind reeling. People withdraw into themselves or vice versa - they become too excited, they are in a state of psychosis.

Over time, both physical and moral condition worsens. A person feels that he is losing dignity, begins to think more often about his imminent death. It is difficult and impossible to observe this, remaining indifferent and indifferent. You have to put up with the situation and try to alleviate the physical pain with medicines. How closer death, the more the patient is in a state of sleep, apathy towards everything around is manifested.

Often at the very last moment there is a sudden improvement that the patient is even eager to get out of bed. The active phase is replaced by complete relaxation of the body with an inevitable decrease in the activity of all systems in the body. All important functions fade.

Signs of imminent death

When the end comes life cycle, a sick person increasingly feels tired and weak. This is due to a lack of energy. So he sleeps longer. Sleep can be both a superficial nap and a full-fledged deep rest.

It is given to a dying person to hear, feel, see and perceive sounds and things that do not exist in reality. Do not deny it, because you can upset the patient. Possible confusion of speech and consciousness, loss of orientation. Increasingly, a person withdraws into himself, he is not interested in what is happening around him.

There are also noticeable changes in terms of the work of the organs. The kidneys stop working and therefore the urine darkens to Brown, swelling appears. Breathing becomes more frequent, intermittent, unstable. Venous spots may appear under the skin - this is the result of a violation of blood circulation. The spots may change location. Initially, they can be seen on the feet. Before death, the limbs become cold, because the blood from them is sent to more important organs for life.

Way up

Most seriously ill people go to another world quietly: in a dream, in a coma, losing consciousness. They also talk about such people - they left along the usual road. Another situation is when death is preceded by attacks of agony. The patient's condition is accompanied by psychoses, excessive excitement, restless behavior, loss of orientation in space, change of day and night.

Such states can be complicated by feelings of fear, anxiety, the need to go or run somewhere. May be accompanied by speech anxiety, often with a lack of logic and awareness in words. In such cases, a sick person can fulfill only simple requests, not fully understanding what he is doing and why. These phenomena can be prevented if they are immediately identified and treated appropriately.

What We Do Wrong During a Funeral

A funeral is a place where the spirit of the deceased is present, where the living and the afterlife come into contact. At the funeral, you should be extremely circumspect and careful. No wonder they say that pregnant women should not go to funerals. It is easy to drag an unborn soul into the afterlife.

According to Christian rules, the deceased should be buried in a coffin. In it, he will rest (be stored) until the next resurrection. The grave of the deceased must be kept clean, respectful and tidy. After all, even the Mother of God was placed in a coffin, and the coffin was left in the grave until the day when the Lord called His Mother to Himself.

The clothes in which a person died should not be given to one's own or to strangers. Basically they burn it. If relatives are against this and want to wash clothes and lay them down, then this is their right. But it should be remembered that these clothes are by no means worn for 40 days.


The cemetery is one of the dangerous places, this place is often damaged.

And often it happens unconsciously.
Magicians recommend keeping in mind a few practical tips and warnings, then you will be reliably protected

  • A woman came to a healer and said that after she threw out the bed of the deceased (sister) on the advice of a neighbor, serious problems began in her family. She shouldn't have done that.

  • If you see the deceased in a coffin, do not automatically touch your body - tumors may appear that will be difficult to cure.

  • If you meet someone you know at a funeral, greet them with a nod of your head, not a touch or a handshake.

  • While there is a dead person in the house, you should not wash the floors and sweep them, you can thus call trouble on the whole family.

  • Some recommend putting needles crosswise on his lips to save the body of the deceased. It won't help save the body. But these needles can fall into bad hands and will be used to induce damage. It is better to put a bunch of sage grass in the coffin.

  • For candles, you need to use any new candlesticks. It is especially not recommended to use the dishes from which you eat, even used empty canning jars, for funeral candles. It is better to buy new ones, and after using them, get rid of them.

  • Never put photographs in the coffin. If you follow the advice, “so that he himself is not” and bury a photo of the whole family with the deceased, then soon all the captured relatives run the risk of following the deceased.



Many beliefs and rituals are associated with the death and subsequent burial of the dead. Some of them have survived to this day. But do we suspect true meaning?
According to Christian custom, the dead man should lie in the grave with his head to the west and his feet to the east. So, according to legend, the body of Christ was buried.
Even in relatively recent times, there was the concept of a "Christian" death. It meant obligatory repentance before death. In addition, cemeteries were arranged at church parishes. That is, only members of this parish could be buried in such a churchyard.

If a person died "without repentance" - say, took his own life, became a victim of murder or an accident, or simply did not belong to a particular parish, then a special burial procedure was often established for such deceased. For example, in big cities they were buried twice a year, on the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin and on the seventh Thursday after Easter. Special places called Wretched Houses, pitiful, buffaloes, pustules or skulnitsy . There they set up a barn and arranged a huge common grave in it. The bodies of those who died a sudden or violent death were brought here - of course, provided that there was no one who could take care of their burial. And at that time, when there was no telephone, telegraph and other means of communication, the death of a person on the road could mean that relatives would never hear about him again. As for the wanderers, the beggars, the executed, they automatically fell into the category of "clients" of the Wretched Houses. Suicides and robbers were also sent here.
During the reign of Peter the Great, anatomized corpses from hospitals began to be brought to skudelnitsa. By the way, both illegitimate and orphans from the shelters kept at the Wretched Houses were buried there - such was the practice then ... The guard guarded the dead, called "Holy man" .
In Moscow, there were several similar "depositories": for example, at the Church of John the Warrior, on the street, which was called Bozhedomkoy , at the Church of the Assumption Mother of God on Mogiltsy and at the Intercession Monastery on Wretched Houses. On the appointed days, a religious procession with a memorial service was held here. The burial of "those who died without repentance" was carried out at the expense of pilgrims.
Such a nightmarish practice was stopped only in late XVIII centuries, after Moscow was subjected to a plague epidemic and there was a danger of infection spreading through unburied corpses ... Cemeteries appeared in the cities, and the burial order at church parishes was abolished. There were also many customs, signs and rituals regarding the farewell of the deceased on his last journey. Among the Russian peasants, the deceased was laid on a bench, with his head in "red corner" , where the icons hung, covered with a white canvas (shroud), folded their hands on their chest, while the dead man had to "keep" in right hand white handkerchief. All this was done so that he could appear before God in a proper form. It was believed that if the dead man's eyes remain open, then supposedly this is for the imminent death of one of his relatives. Therefore, they always tried to close the eyes of the dead - in the old days, copper nickels were placed on them for this.
While the body was in the house, a knife was thrown into a tub of water - this allegedly prevented the spirit of the deceased from entering the room. Until the very funeral, they did not lend anything to anyone - not even salt. held tight closed windows and doors. While the dead man was in the house, pregnant women could not cross his threshold - this could have a bad effect on the child ... It was customary to close the mirrors in the house so that the dead man would not be reflected in them ...
It was supposed to put underwear, a belt, a hat, bast shoes and small coins in the coffin. It was believed that things could be useful to the deceased in the next world, and the money would serve as payment for transportation to the kingdom of the dead ... True, in early XIX V. this custom took on a different meaning. If during the funeral they accidentally dug up a coffin with previously buried remains, then it was supposed to throw money into the grave - a “contribution” for a new “neighbor”. If a child died, they always put a belt on him so that he could collect fruits in his bosom in the Garden of Eden ...
When the coffin was taken out, it was supposed to touch the threshold of the hut and the hallway three times in order to receive a blessing from the deceased. At the same time, some old woman showered the coffin and those accompanying with grains. If the head of the family - the owner or mistress - died, then all the gates and doors in the house were tied with a red thread - so that the household would not leave after the owner.

They buried on the third day, when the soul had to finally fly away from the body. This custom has been preserved even now, as well as the one that orders all those present to throw a handful of earth on the coffin lowered into the grave. The earth is a symbol of purification, in ancient times it was believed that it accepts all the filth that a person has accumulated in his life. In addition, among the pagans, this rite restored the connection of the newly deceased with the whole family.
In Rus', it has long been believed that if it rains during the funeral, the soul of the deceased will fly safely to heaven. Like, if the rain cries for the dead, then he was a good person ...
Modern commemoration was once called a feast. It was a special ritual designed to facilitate the transition to another world. For the feast, special funeral dishes were prepared. Kutya, which is a steeply boiled rice with raisins. Kutia is supposed to be treated at the cemetery immediately after burial. Russian commemoration also cannot do without pancakes - pagan symbols of the Sun.
And today, during the commemoration, they put on the table a glass of vodka, covered with a crust of bread - for the deceased. There is also a belief: if some food fell from the table at the commemoration, then it cannot be picked up - this is a sin.
On the forties, honey and water were placed in front of the icons - so that the life of the deceased in the next world would be sweeter. Sometimes a arshin-long staircase was baked from wheat flour - to help the deceased ascend to heaven ... Alas, now this custom is no longer observed.

The world is changing, and so are we. Many return to the Christian faith for consolation and hope. It has become customary to celebrate Christian holidays.
Christmas, Baptism, Holy Trinity, parent days... However, whether out of ignorance or for other reasons, old traditions are often replaced by new ones.

Unfortunately, there are no issues today that are more shrouded in all sorts of conjectures and prejudices than issues related to the burial of the dead and their commemoration.
What will the omniscient old women not say!

But there is the corresponding Orthodox literature, which is not difficult to acquire. For example, in all Orthodox parishes of our city,
brochure " Orthodox commemoration the dead", in which you can find answers to many questions.
The main thing that we SHOULD understand is that deceased loved ones first of all need
in prayers for them. Thank God, in our time there is a place to pray. In each district,
Orthodox parishes were opened, new churches were being built.

Here is what is said about the memorial meal in the brochure "Orthodox commemoration

IN Orthodox tradition eating food is the continuation of worship. Since early Christian times, relatives and friends of the deceased in special days commemorations gathered together in order to ask the Lord in joint prayer for a better fate for the soul of the deceased in the afterlife.

After visiting the church and the cemetery, the relatives of the deceased arranged a memorial meal, to which not only relatives were invited, but mainly the needy: the poor and the needy.
That is, a commemoration is a kind of almsgiving for those who have gathered.

The first course is kutya - boiled wheat grains with honey or boiled rice with raisins, which are consecrated at a memorial service in the temple

On memorial table there should be no alcohol. The custom of drinking alcohol is an echo of pagan feasts.
Firstly, Orthodox commemoration is not only (and not the main thing) food, but also prayer, and prayer and a drunken mind are incompatible things.
Secondly, on the days of commemoration, we intercede before the Lord for the improvement of the afterlife of the deceased, for the forgiveness of his earthly sins. But will the Chief Justice listen to the words of drunk intercessors?
Thirdly, "drinking is the joy of the soul." And after drinking a glass, our mind dissipates, switches to other topics, grief for the deceased leaves our hearts, and quite often it happens that by the end of the commemoration, many people forget why they have gathered - the commemoration ends with the usual feast with a discussion of everyday problems and political news, and sometimes worldly songs.

And at this time, the languishing soul of the deceased waits in vain for prayer support from their loved ones, And for this sin of mercilessness towards the deceased, the Lord will exact from them at His judgment. What, in comparison with this, is the condemnation from the neighbors for the lack of alcohol on the memorial table?

Instead of the common atheistic phrase "Let the earth rest in peace to him," pray briefly:
“God rest, Lord, the soul of Your newly-departed servant (name), and forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.”
This prayer must be performed before proceeding to the next dish.

There is no need to remove the forks from the table - there is no point in this.

No need to put in honor of the deceased cutlery or even worse - in front of the portrait put vodka in a glass with a piece of bread. All this is the sin of paganism.

Especially a lot of gossip is caused by the curtain of mirrors, supposedly in order to avoid the reflection of the coffin with the deceased in them and thereby protect themselves from the appearance of another deceased in the house. The absurdity of this opinion is that the coffin can be reflected in any shiny object, but you cannot cover everything in the house.

But the main thing is that our life and death does not depend on any signs, but is in the hands of God.

If the commemoration takes place in fast days, then the food should be lean.

If the commemoration fell on the time of Great Lent, then there are no commemorations on weekdays. They are transferred to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday ...
If memorial days fell on the 1st, 4th and 7th weeks of Great Lent (the strictest weeks), then the closest relatives are invited to the commemoration.

Memorial days that fell on Bright Week (the first week after Easter) and on Monday of the second Easter week are transferred to Radonitsa - Tuesday of the second week after Easter (Parents' Day).

Wake on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days are arranged for relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased. At such a commemoration, in order to honor the deceased, you can come without an invitation. On other days of commemoration, only the closest relatives gather.
It is useful these days to distribute alms to the poor and needy.

Signs at a funeral have existed for centuries. For example, if a spider falls on a seriously ill person during sleep, it is believed that he will die soon. They say that negligence in beliefs is fraught with a bad end, up to inflicting damage on the person who did not observe them. In fact, the traditions and signs about the funeral reflect the rules that are recommended to be followed exactly and impeccably.

Of course, there are also cases when a person is simply unfamiliar with signs, and therefore, out of simple ignorance, does not observe them. But if superstition is still familiar to you, perhaps you should not violate customs and traditions. After all, death carries a negative energy that does not forgive mistakes, because a lot of things cannot be done. There are a lot of funeral omens and superstitions. So what are they anyway? How to behave?

Superstition before burial

Nowadays, there are a huge variety of different ritual offices. For money, employees of such organizations do all organizational issues. But, as a rule, relatives take on most of the cases related to the burial of the deceased. In this case, there are many things to consider.

According to signs, during the funeral, one should not allow the deceased to be alone both in the house and in the room. Every second, minute, all these days, someone next to him should be present with him. This superstition has many reasons. Those items that are directly related to the deceased person have simply the greatest magic power. There are cases when such things were stolen by those who used these items at the time of performing any magical rituals.


The Church is of the opinion that the soul of the deceased needs prayer support, which means that it is important to read prayers and psalms near the coffin. The Orthodox should especially adhere to this.

Following the signs about the funeral, leaving the deceased alone is simply disrespectful. There is another point why you should not leave the dead alone. The dead can sometimes open their eyes, and the one on whom the dead look falls will soon leave this world himself.

Folk omens

A folk sign says that on the day of death it is important to close the mirrors with an impenetrable cloth so that the soul does not get lost and does not penetrate into the mirror world. Relatives are forbidden to open mirrors for 40 days, because until the soul finds rest, she often visits her favorite places.

It is very important to put the furniture where the coffin stood upside down immediately after taking the deceased to the burial ground. It is allowed to return to its original position only after a day. If you simply simply forget about this belief, you can provoke the appearance of the spirit.

It is worth remembering that, following the signs of the dead and funerals, it is forbidden to hide photographs in the coffin where living people are present. The water that was used when washing the deceased is poured into a deserted place, and the objects are hidden in a coffin.

If the dead limbs are warm until the very burial, there will be another death in the house. In order to avoid this, you need to appease the dead man with bread and salt.

You can’t sweep at the moment when the deceased is at home, because in this way you can send the whole family that lives in this room to the next world. As soon as the deceased is taken to the cemetery for burial, it is important to immediately sweep and do it in the house general cleaning thus banishing death. Items used for this cleaning should be discarded.

It must also be remembered that the dead man should definitely put a handkerchief in the coffin. At the moment of judgment, he will wipe the sweat with it. You also need to leave his personal belongings with the dead: glasses, cane. In general, what was vital to him.

Pets should not be allowed into the room in which the dead person is located, because they can easily disturb the peace of the spirit. Very bad omen it is considered if a cat jumps into the coffin. At the threshold of the house in which the dead lies, according to beliefs, spruce branches should be placed so that those who come to say goodbye do not carry death on their shoes. Sleeping in the same room with the dead is also impossible. This is a bad omen at a funeral. But if this still happened, it is worth eating noodles immediately after waking up.

Only widows are allowed to wash the dead. You can carry out the procedure as the body has completely cooled down. But after completion, it is allowed to perform a ceremony, after which the limbs of the deceased do not freeze: a fire is lit from the various remains of the coffin, over which the widows must warm their hands.

The deceased must be covered with a special blanket, which is called a "cover".

Do not invite death foolishly!

eyewitnesses funeral rite it is forbidden to watch the funeral process through the window. Violating the signs associated with the funeral, you can call bad end, until another death. In fact, few people are familiar with it. popular superstition. It is believed that after death the soul of the dead is near his body. She is very uncomfortable with staring through the window, because, angry, she can pick up a person.

The older generation believes that one has only to look at the dead person or at the funeral through the window, one can become mortally ill. Most of all, this belief concerns babies, because their energy protection is much weaker than that of adults, therefore, to overcome a child evil spirit can with ease.

If you look at the dead in this way by chance, you need to look away and cross yourself three times, after which you wish the deceased the Kingdom of Heaven and pray. Of course, many have a desire to watch the funeral process. To do this, you just need to get out of your house and from the street (!) Look.

If you bothered to meet the funeral cortege, it means that cardinal changes will take place in your life.

The deceased is carried to the cemetery

Bad omens at a funeral claim that a delayed funeral is very bad sign. Everything should have its time!

It is considered a very bad omen if you see a funeral cortege on the street and deliberately cross the road in front of it. A person who violates this belief can become very seriously ill, even fatal. Also, the old people believe that a dead person who has crossed the road can go to the cemetery for the same reason as the dead man himself.

If the deceased is immersed in a grave dug very deeply, trouble should be expected. The signs associated with the funeral say that this is fraught with the death of a family member of the deceased. The same outcome can be if you forget the coffin lid in the house. We must try to prevent this.

You can not carry the coffin to the relatives of the deceased. Anyone should do this, but not relatives, because the deceased will take them to his world. Those who carry the coffin must tie a new towel around their wrists.

Funeral signs - superstitions, traditions, rituals

Funeral superstitions. TOP 5!

What Russians should not do at a funeral

Rules of conduct at a funeral

Probably everyone knows such a funeral tradition: during the burial, everyone present must throw a small handful of earth on the coffin. What is it for? Everything is very simple. Observing this belief, the way to the dead person in this world is closed, and he will not be able to "walk" at night.

Close the lid of the coffin during the funeral procession only in the cemetery. It is very important to observe this sign so that the deceased does not take the soul of those who live in this house and nail the coffin. During the removal of the coffin from the premises, no one is allowed to look out the window, so as not to lure death back into the house.

You cannot turn back during the procession. It is forbidden to walk in front of the coffin: this is also a kind of inviting death.

If during the digging of the grave the remains or something else left from the old burial come across, this portends the deceased a calm afterlife. Do not forget that before lowering the coffin into the grave, you need to throw some coins into it. This is done to buy a place in another world.

Weather at the time of burial

If it rains during the funeral, this very good omen. This weather phenomenon means that the soul of the deceased will quickly find its peace.

More positive signs during the funeral procession are not even worth looking for. On the contrary: there are a lot of different prohibitions associated with this ceremony, which should not be violated! For example, pregnant women should not follow a hearse. In general, the presence of pregnant women at the burial site is unsafe, because there is a high probability of a threat of pregnancy loss.

You need to go to the farewell ceremony in black clothes. It is believed that in dark shades you can hide from death.

Bad omens at a funeral. The coffin has fallen

This sign is considered the most terrible and dangerous. It is believed that if a coffin fell at a funeral, it is worth waiting for another death that will come to the house within 3 months. There is only one way to avoid terrible consequences.

If at the time of the funeral procession the coffin fell, the next day the relatives of the deceased must bake pancakes. It is important to do it all together, even a purely symbolic presence is allowed. Then the family visits the cemetery, looks for 3 graves with their name and reads the prayer "Our Father".

At the end of the process, baked pancakes are distributed near the church, not forgetting to give alms before this.

An important note: during the entire ceremony, absolute silence must be observed.

Beliefs after burial

Many mistakes are made at funerals. Lots of things to keep in mind in this case! Signs say that, remembering a loved one, you need to put his photo, and next to it - place a glass of liquid and a small piece of bread. If a living person takes this food, then he will go after the deceased. I'm going dead man should not be given to pets.

Returning from the funeral procession, you should immediately warm your hands with fire or simply wash them thoroughly in hot water. Thus, the living will protect themselves from imminent death. Some people warm their hands on a stove or a lit candle for this purpose.

You can't cry for the dead. Signs during the funeral say that the deceased can choke in tears. In life, all people have a place that he loves to visit. So after death it is necessary to leave water on it. According to custom, it should stand exactly 40 days.

About icons after burial

The image that was in front of the deceased before his burial must be washed off clean water. To do this, they go to the reservoir and release it so that it can swim. It is strictly forbidden to throw away the icon, as well as to store it. Only water will help get rid of it without bad consequences. If this is not possible, you can take the icon to the church, and they will decide what to do with it.

Accessories that are not useful are placed in a coffin or simply left in the cemetery. If it didn’t work out on time, remember: it’s worth taking it at any time, the main thing is not to delay it too much. Of course, putting all his favorite things in the coffin with the deceased is simply unrealistic. They attract the soul of the dead, which, in turn, frightens the living. Therefore, observing funeral signs, it is worth distributing the dead man's favorite belongings to the poor. It is worth giving them the personal belongings of the deceased (mug, spoon, and so on).

The bed on which the person died should be thrown out of the house immediately. The same should be done with bed linen. Some people simply burn these items away from home.

Activities after the funeral are prohibited

Customs say that after the funeral procession, it is forbidden to visit living people. Thus, death can be brought into the house. Close people of the deceased need to observe annual mourning. At this time, you can not play a wedding: it is considered a very bad omen. For example, Tsar Nicholas II married just a few days after the death of his father. What happened next, or rather, the history of this family, everyone knows. It is also not recommended to celebrate a birthday after a funeral.

Signs after the funeral say:

  • the very first pancake with jelly at the commemoration should be given to the dead for a treat;
  • it is forbidden to clink glasses during the procession, because in this way the trouble moves;
  • there is only one candle on the table during the commemoration;
  • you can’t rejoice at the commemoration, sing songs - you invite trouble. You need to behave calmly.

In fact, the signs at the funeral of a loved one are not as terrible as they are painted. If you violated them unintentionally, you should apologize for your negligence and ask for help from God or from the deceased himself.

To believe in the signs associated with the funeral, or not - it's up to you. The main thing is to remember: each of us will go to meet God at the time that has already been assigned to us, but not before it.

The death and funeral of loved ones is an inevitable, but very unpleasant part of the life of each of us.

Loved ones sometimes leave, it happens. But besides the fact that the funeral is a painful and tragic event, it is also filled with mysticism.

This is the time when otherworldly forces are very close to living people, and this can be quite dangerous. No wonder it is customary to behave correctly at funerals, and there are superstitions associated with the dead. It's not just superstition, but the most important rules that need to be known and remembered.

The main signs at the funeral are connected with two things. First, wrong actions can lead to trouble or illness.

And the second is that death and burial are excellent ground for the development of all evil, doing damage and other dark things. If you behave unwisely in a cemetery or at a wake, you can attract negativity.

What Not to Do

It is worth remembering bad superstitions and signs at a funeral, it is good to understand what you can’t do in any case, so as not to bring trouble to your family and yourself.

1. There are different customs associated with funerals, one of them among the Orthodox is to carry the coffin in their arms. However, it is believed that it cannot be carried to relatives.

2. After the funeral, leaving the cemetery, you can not turn back, even if you were called or called. Keep an eye on leaving after the process is completed so that you do not forget anything in the cemetery in any case.

3. There are signs prohibiting children (minors) and pregnant women from going to funerals. Even if he died very close person, they were not recommended to go to the cemetery to bury him.

This sign has been preserved for a long time and has been associated with high infant mortality and the danger of difficult childbirth in pregnant women. Now this sign is not so relevant, so treat it wisely.

4. As the customs associated with the dead say, if a funeral procession passes by your house, in no case should anyone sleep in the house. They say that the sleeping man will soon be taken with him by the dead.

It is better not to check whether this is true or just customs - and wake up the sleeping ones. At the same time, no one can look out the window, it is better to close the curtains tightly and be in silence.

5. If you meet a procession on the street, what should you do? Do not look at the dead person, do not greet anyone, politely and quietly walk past, and do not turn around. The main thing is not to cross the procession road, it is better to cross to the other side altogether, to go around.

6. There are signs that say - at the funeral and after them, the widow (or widower) should no longer wear a wedding ring.

7. While the deceased lies in the house, customs forbid cleaning the room, sweeping or mopping the floor, and wiping the dust. Even if something has crumbled or spilled, you cannot clean it up until the body is taken out of the house.

8. It is very important - after the burial, in no case should you take anything to the cemetery and carry it home. Such signs are not only about funerals, but in general - you can never take anything from the graves, you will bring trouble.

Important customs and traditions

In addition to what cannot be done, there are customs and beliefs that must be done during, before and after burial. In order not to attract serious problems, it is worth remembering these important signs and beliefs associated with the funeral process.

1. Traditional and well-known signs say that at a funeral unmarried girl she is dressed in wedding dress. During her lifetime, she did not have time to get married, but in the next world she is, as it is believed, to be. So she must be dressed appropriately.

2. After a person has died in the house, it is very important to hang each mirror in the house tightly for 40 days, and not open it, not even look at yourself. Otherwise, they will become a trap for the soul of the departed person, and he may be stuck in this world forever.

3. Signs also say that after the funeral, it is important to wipe your feet thoroughly so as not to put cemetery land on your home. This land can bring a lot of health problems, it carries bad energy.

4. When the deceased was taken from the house to the cemetery, it is worth sweeping the floors from the room in which he was to the threshold, and throw away the broom. You also need to wash the floors and throw out the rag as well. Throw away immediately on the street, do not keep at home in the trash can.

5. More signs about the funeral advise all things that were used for the deceased, such as a comb, ropes, measurements - to be placed in the coffin with him. Otherwise, they can be damaged.

6. After leaving the cemetery and coming home, it is important to warm your hands properly (even if they are not cold) - hold them in hot water, over the fire. You also need to wash yourself completely and hold your hands over the church candle.

7. Ancient signs say that during a funeral it is necessary to throw a handful of earth into the coffin so that the spirits of the dead do not come to you.

8. The table on which the coffin or bench used to stand must then be turned over, and let it stand for a day. This is done so that another coffin with a dead person does not appear soon.

9. The water with which the dead body was washed should be poured into a deaf deserted place, preferably not under a tree.

10. Ancient signs talking about funerals and the dead say: where the coffin used to be, put an ax in this place. Otherwise, it is believed that another dead person may appear soon.

What to do if a coffin or a dead person falls?

Here you don’t even need to know the signs, everyone guesses that if during the funeral or before them the body of a dead man fell, he was accidentally dropped, or the coffin was turned over (such accidents happen), then this is a very bad sign.

In this case, signs say that there will soon be another funeral - within three months. How to behave if a dead person or a coffin fell to avert trouble?

It is important to calm down and not panic in the cemetery if the coffin is dropped. Do not blame those who did it - they dropped it by accident, and it is forbidden to swear in the cemetery.

Returning home from the funeral, you need to do all the important actions that the signs say so that the funeral does not leave a mark on you (wash, warm your hands, etc.), and then do the ritual. It is necessary to bake pancakes and take them to the cemetery.

If it is already evening, it can be done the next morning. At the cemetery, you need to go with pancakes in turn to three graves with the same name as yours, and read “Our Father” three times.

Then distribute pancakes near the temple, along with alms. Be sure to do it alone, and be quiet on the way there and back, even turn off your phone.

Of course, a funeral is a big blow and a lot of stress. But try during the funeral and at the wake to remember and talk about the deceased the best, and not cry too much about the loss, because he went to a better world.

Observe important signs at the funeral, behave with restraint and caution, even if you are not superstitious, and let this knowledge be useful to you as little as possible.
Author: Vasilina Serova

Death, a funeral, a dead person - all this is not only a sad and tragic event, but also a special world associated with the deepest experiences of a person, with his fears and fears, with a world where he comes into contact with the frightening side of being. The signs and beliefs associated with the deceased helped our ancestors build their relationship with this area of ​​life, regulating behavior and protecting themselves from everything “dark”.

1. In the room where the deceased lies, they do not sweep until he is taken out (sweep the dirty linen with the deceased - take everyone out of the house, that is, all family members will die).

2. You can’t sleep near the deceased - he must be protected so that the devils do not steal.

3. All personal belongings (combs, toothbrushes, etc.) of the deceased should be burned, but by no means in a home oven, it is best in the forest on a fire.

4. For two nights, the deceased must necessarily spend the night at home, and on the third day they are buried.

5. If there is a dead person in the house, sharp metal objects (knives, needles, nails, blades, an ax, etc.) must not be used before the funeral and kept in an open place.

6. If the dead man looks with one eye, he looks out for someone to take away with him. If he looks with his left eye, he looks out for a woman, if with his right eye, he looks for a man.

7. If the dead man's eyes open, this portends soon another dead man in the house, because the dead man is looking for someone to take with him.

8. If a person dies with open eyes, which means that there will be another dead person in this house.

9. Mirrors in the house where there is a dead person are hung up so that he cannot look into them.

10. When the dead are carried out, it is necessary to lock the tenants in the house for a while and say: “One of the dead is out of the house!”

11. When a dead person is taken out of the house, they pour life after him, so that no one else in the house dies.

12. A measure from the dead is placed with him in the grave.

13. The image that stood in front of the deceased must be launched into the water.

14. While the deceased is in the house, a cup of water should be placed on the windowsill (to “wash the soul”).

15. The deceased must be washed and dressed before he has cooled down, but it is better to do this before the person has died and breathes, otherwise he will appear unclean before the court of God.

16. Widows certainly wash the deceased.

17. The dead must close their eyes so that death does not come to the living from the other world.

18. After the removal of the deceased, the broom is thrown away along with garbage and chips from the coffin.

19. After the funeral, they look into the oven so as not to be afraid.

20. After the deceased is washed, dressed and placed in a coffin, all those who participated in this warm their hands over the fire, which is made from chips and shavings left over from the hewn coffin: they do this so that their hands are not afraid of either cold or frost.

21. In epidemics, epidemic and contagious diseases, the deceased is carried forward head first.

22. The most beloved thing of the deceased is placed in the coffin.

23. The straw on which the deceased lay is burned outside the gates of the house so that death does not come again.

24. Shavings from the coffin are not burned, but let into the water.

25. The one who stays with the dead for the night should be given noodles for supper.

26. The deceased will not find peace if he leaves hidden behind him any metal things that belonged to him.

27. In order not to be afraid of the deceased, they grab him by the legs.

28. In order not to be afraid of the dead, it is necessary to pull the thread out of the shroud during the funeral.