Marriage zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment. What should not be in the love zone according to Feng Shui? What colors can be used when decorating

Based on the philosophy of Feng Shui, the marriage zone is the southwestern part of the apartment or house. This sector is mainly associated with the relationship between you and your partner, as well as with the way you relate to yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, people and phenomena in general. If you are very lonely and have been looking for a partner for a long time, then you need to turn your attention to this sector. If you already have a loved one, then using Feng Shui techniques will help you maintain beneficial energy for your relationship. Moreover, they will bring harmony and positivity to your communication with others.

The element of Earth, fueled by Fire, reigns in this territory. But Water and Metal are unacceptable here, they significantly weaken the strength of the zone.

Activation of the reject zone

Effect of activation: the sector will be responsible for all areas of relationships - between children and parents, close and not so relatives, your partner and you; the sector will directly affect your sex life.

Make sure that the marriage area is always perfectly clean - this will help you keep your relationships clean, for example, maintain the fidelity of your spouses. If you don’t keep order here, then discord will inevitably arise in your relationship, which often ends in betrayal.

Pay close attention to ensuring that there are no broken, damaged or cracked objects in this sector, otherwise “cracks” will also appear in your personal life. In Feng Shui, it is believed that the strength of the objects in this zone is the strength of your relationship.

Under no circumstances should you store used items, such as antiques, in this sector. Due to the fact that such objects carry with them all the energy of their former owners. Don’t forget that these things will still be foreign, no matter how well they fit into your interior, so don’t be surprised if someone else appears in your relationship, or your spouse starts cheating. Always be very careful with such things and objects. In this zone, everything should be personal and verified.

Place a couple of candles in the sector - red and white, they will represent a man and a woman. Some feng shui gurus suggest tying candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship between spouses. In the event that a misunderstanding arises between you and your partner and conflict situations, light these candles for a while, thereby purifying the subtle levels of your energy.

In order for the relationship between spouses to always remain tender and full of love, Feng Shui advises that all things in this sector - from an armchair to a sofa cushion or lamp - have their own pair. The presence of unpaired objects in this area, as well as portraits, photographs of single women and men, or single figurines, can lead to divorce or prevent you from finding your other half.

Of the paired feng shui symbols to activate this zone, the following would be appropriate:

  • Dove figurines embodying immeasurable love and tenderness
  • Beautiful butterflies, they are inherently associated with joy and love
  • Mandarin ducks are one of the most significant symbols of happiness and fidelity in family life
  • Swans, personifying fidelity to a partner for centuries.

If you are lonely and it is vital for you to attract romantic feelings into your destiny, then place in the zone any objects made in the shape of a heart - boxes, pictures, Stuffed Toys, Valentine hearts, etc. They will help activate the sector.

The love and marriage zone is an ideal place to place a love altar, where you store:

  • Erotic things, objects for love pleasures, sexual incense and oils, aphrodisiacs.
  • Romantic witnesses of your feelings, photographs dear to your heart, where you are together with your partner and where you are happy, love letters and especially valuable gifts and souvenirs.
  • Books about love, for example, “Kama Sutra”, “Tao of Love”.
  • Your stones corresponding to the zodiac signs of your partners - they should always be nearby so that they are never separated by other objects.
  • Pictures with erotic content will help enhance the sexual part of the relationship.

Do not allow anyone to touch these items and do not display them in public.

Display your wedding or honeymoon photos on your walls where you and your partner are happy and radiating love. The powerful energy of such images will affect not only this area, but your entire home.


  • Any fakes like marble, granite, etc. For example, photos in such frames will bring lies and falsehood into your life - everything may seem wonderful in appearance, but in reality an invisible barrier will arise between partners.
  • Massive and rough frames. Place your photos in elegant frames that create a feeling of lightness. Otherwise, you may strain your relationship with your partner.
  • Photos with defects - any scratches, cracks that visually separate you: they pose an incredibly serious threat to your relationship. If you display such an image or store it in this zone, then you cannot avoid scandals and divorce. All the flaws in the flawed photos are projected onto your relationship.

Make sure that gentle, romantic music is always played in this zone - it will harmonize the energy and bring it into balance.

Avoid using household electrical appliances in this sector, especially in the bedroom, as they generate excessively active, almost uncontrollable energy. This can negatively affect your relationship with your partner, figuratively speaking, making it artificial.

Remember, the marriage area is an ideal place to store treasured memorabilia related to your family, such as a family album or archive.

It is important for success in your personal life how you work on arranging the marriage zone. If, in spite of everything, you are sure that your destiny is loneliness, you will be lonely. Because there is no place for love in your heart. You need to feel internally that life will certainly change, and these changes will only be for the better.

based on materials from the site

Zone of love and marriage inFeng Shuicorresponds to the southwest direction. Activate this sector if you are single and want to find your soulmate, and if you already have a loved one, then activating the zone will help maintain harmony in your couple and further strengthen the relationship.

Main element of the sector: Earth

Generating element of the sector: Fire

Weakening Sector Element: Metal

Destructive element of the sector: Tree

Activation of the love and marriage zone

When decorating the love and marriage sector, preference is traditionally given to shades of red and pink - these are the colors of Fire. The Fire element gives rise to the Earth element, so using these colors will have a beneficial effect on your life. However, it is also worth paying attention to the colors of the Earth element: yellow, brown, terracotta, sand can fit perfectly into your interior and will bring the desired results. Moreover, adding the colors of the Earth will give the relationship strength, stability and duration.

Traditional activators of the love and marriage zone are paired items. You can also use a couple sofa cushions, and a couple of beautiful lamps. Red, pink, and yellow candles are also suitable for placement in this zone, however, they must be used from time to time, otherwise this activator will not work.

Classic symbols are mandarin ducks, a pair of cranes or doves - they represent love. A pair of swans will symbolize fidelity to your partner.

In addition, you can use images, for example, a pair of dolphins or birds are perfect for the love and marriage sector.

You can choose to decorate your love and marriage zone with images or figurines in the form of butterflies - they symbolize lightness, happiness and joy.

You can also place chocolates in the love and marriage sector, because this is a symbol of a romantic relationship, which means it will clearly symbolize your desires.

In the zone of love and marriage, it will be useful to place a very successful photo of you with your other half, where you are happy. If you are still single, then you can simply choose a photo or image of some kind happy couple. By the way, Feng Shui masters advise lonely people to write on red paper or place a piece of paper in a red envelope with desired qualities future half is a kind of message to the Universe that can be heard.

The sound of gentle and pleasant music will also contribute to a romantic mood and the movement of positive energy. The use of aromatic oils will also have a good effect. To attract love and strengthen love relationships, use geranium, jasmine, ylang-ylang, cedar.

Unfavorable for the zone of love and marriage

Like any other zones, the love and marriage zone must be clean and tidy. There should be no dusty, dirty, old, broken or unused things here. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult for positive qi energy to get through all kinds of blockages, so it will not be able to circulate freely and bring the results you need. Moreover, in such rooms passive energy qi accumulates, which brings lethargy and apathy into life.

It is also not recommended to place antique items in the love and marriage zone. It is believed that such things carry the energy of the former owners, and it is not always positive. It is better to purchase something new for this sector and fill it with your unique and positive energy.

You should not place photographs with former partners, as well as photographs of lonely acquaintances or relatives in the sector.

It is not recommended to place the elements of Water, Wood and Metal in the zone of love and marriage:

  • Water destroys Fire, so the use of blue is unfavorable, blue shades, black color, placement of an aquarium, fountain, as well as shapes and symbols of Water;
  • The tree sucks juices and vital energy from the Earth, gradually destroying it, so there is no need to use green color, and wooden furniture and wooden products;
  • Metal is a weakening element of the Earth, which means it is better not to use a lot of white and silver colors, metal products and other symbols and forms of Metal.

A coincidence with the toilet is unfavorable for the sector of love and marriage,

How to find the love zone? This is probably the most common question among those interested in Feng Shui. Is there a magical love sector in an apartment? Yes and no..

The answer to this question is not so simple. Let's first define what it is feng shui love zone.

Of course, every house has its own favorable and unfavorable places from a point of view. And some of them really have a beneficial effect on the creation of romantic, harmonious relationships.

For example, in some sources you can find information that the angle of love according to Feng Shui is always southwest. And this rule is suitable for every home and absolutely for any person.

But this statement should not be taken for granted. It came from some cunning Chinese who decided that it was too complex and would not arouse the interest of Westerners. Therefore, they simplified it beyond recognition and decided to offer it in this form.

And this simple theory, declaring the southwest the corner of love, has gained popularity. The fact is that people with a Western mentality, indeed, to solve their life problems strive to find the most simple ways. Instead of bothering their heads with difficult things, they prefer to get an easy and uncomplicated answer.

But according to common sense, the southwestern sector, like any other sector in the apartment, is unlikely to be a permanent zone of love; Feng Shui cannot always and everywhere be the same for everyone.

Despite this, Feng Shui love zones still exist. However, they are not in the same permanent place, and in different places- depending on the distribution of energies in the house, on its internal layout, on the environment, and of course on time.

So, how to determine the love zone according to Feng Shui?

One way to get the answer (there are others) is to take into account the energies of the Flying Stars.

There are two flying stars that can provide assistance in "matters of the heart."

These are the stars Green Four and Purple Nine. They differ in character, but both are well suited for love and relationships.

Star Four is more responsible for the romantic component - dates, love declarations, courtship, walks under the Moon. And Star Nine promotes “correct” serious relationships leading to legal marriage.

Thus, according to Feng Shui, the love zone can be designated as a sector where these types of Qi energy are present.

For example, in 2013, the southeast (location of star 4) and south (location of star 9) can claim the role of sectors of love.

In different months, the energies of the flying stars will be different. In some months the stars will be more conducive to relationships, in others less so. Sometimes these sectors will be unfavorable (if the dangerous energy of the Yellow Five “mixes” there).

Study maps of flying stars for each month and note when the same monthly star flies to the annual star. This will significantly enhance it. It is also favorable if the star Unit flies to any of these stars and forms special romantic combinations with them - 9 1 And 4 1 .

How to activate the found love sector?

There is an opinion that in order to activate the love zone, you need to place certain Feng Shui symbols or hang corresponding pictures.

However, this is not necessary to engage the sector. It’s enough just to visit there more often and thereby absorb favorable energies. It will be especially good if this room is a bedroom - after all, the bedroom is considered not only a place to sleep, but also a temple of love.

We will continue to find out how we can balance the energies in this sector and attract even more fresh positive energy into it, which will work to attract harmony and romance into our relationships and our lives. Let's not forget that before resorting to activating any zone, it is necessary to know its characteristics and the influence of the elements in relation to it, so if you have not yet read the description, do so before resorting to means of activating it.

The Qi energy activators and neutralizers already known to us are excellent for stimulating the love zone. negative energy crystals and ““ placed in this zone. Some craftsmen advise purchasing one specifically for this zone so that there are hanging hearts along with the tubes, but in fact this is not important and depends solely on your desire and perception. Calm romantic music, which should be turned on periodically in this zone, will also harmonize energies and bring into balance numerous vibrational flows.

Also a favorable symbol of this zone is the heart - its shape and image. These can be postcards, figurines with hearts, a frame in the shape of a heart, and so on. Hearts can be made from any material, but rose quartz or crystal hearts will work especially well. Crystal itself is earthy, which makes it even more suitable for this zone. This activator works well to attract love and new relationships into life.

Romance and love relationship symbolizes chocolate and chocolates, so they are an appropriate talisman in this zone. You can resort to several recommendations from this zone at once and place a couple here chocolates in the shape of hearts wrapped in red or pink foil.

Another excellent paired stimulator for this zone is a pair of red Chinese lanterns, the effect of which will be double due to their color. An analogue of lanterns can be a pair of candles - you can take both red candles, or you can take one red and one white - personifying a man and a woman. Some Feng Shui masters advise spouses to tie candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship. And if suddenly misunderstandings and conflict situations arise between you, light these candles for a short period, thereby helping to cleanse the subtle levels of your energy. In addition, the abundance of light in this sector stimulates the influx of new powerful energy to replace the stagnant one, so it is very good if you light them regularly, at least once a week, especially on the new moon. Candles can be of other colors in this zone, not necessarily red.

An aroma lamp will be an excellent activator of this zone, being at the same time an element of Fire and Earth - ideal option it will be if the lamp itself is made of ceramics, and its power will be multiplied by the properties of aromatic oils, refreshing the senses and igniting passion. Especially if you use the aromas of this particular zone (read about the aromas of the zone in the article ““). A red lamp will also help you get closer to your cherished goal - after all, by lighting it every evening you will enhance the illumination of the Love Zone, thereby attracting and stimulating the Chi energy in it.

Perhaps the most powerful symbol of love in Chinese philosophy is the image. This is the imperial flower of love, bliss and burning passion. The image of these flowers will influence sexual relations with a partner, however, images with them should be placed in the house very carefully, especially for married couples. For married couples, it is better to place peonies in the living room; in the bedroom they can lead to the appearance of lustful thoughts and harm marital fidelity. In their place in the bedroom it is better to hang roses or asters, which represent love, romance and tenderness. But to attract new love, Feng Shui recommends placing paintings, panels, and any image with peonies in the bedroom and in the Love Zone, as well as a couple of vases made of crystal, ceramics, porcelain or clay with their image.

To stimulate their relationships and bring passion and novelty into them, Feng Shui recommends using tangerine tree- a symbol of love and undying passion in ancient China. It is believed that its fruits, sweet with a slightly sour taste, can restore youth and passion to relationships. It is also recommended to be purchased by couples who passionately, but unsuccessfully, want to have a child - the tree must be pampered with constant care and attention, and images of children can be placed next to it. For single girls, this tree promises to attract a rich and noble groom.

Lucky symbols placed in this zone will also work well to attract and strengthen Chi energy. For example, a double luck amulet is very effective for activating good luck in love. He can help do life together calm, and for married couples having problems conceiving to have children.

Also, the southwestern sector is considered an ideal place to store love paraphernalia and everything that in one way or another testifies to love and relationships. You can place here romantic evidence of your feelings - gifts, souvenirs and love messages, as well as stones that correspond to your zodiac signs, so that they are not separated by other objects. Books and ancient treatises on love, paintings or albums of erotic content that will help enhance the sexual aspect of relationships, objects that are erotically significant for you: erotic incense, aphrodisiac essential oils, objects of love pleasures - just make sure that the more intimate things are hidden from view and not touched by strangers.

Take care of your love and do not forget that strong and harmonious relationships are not just the right talismans and colors in the right feng shui zone, it is, first of all, understanding, accepting and giving love without expecting a return with interest. Well, the right feng shui will help you consolidate what you have invested with all your heart and love into your relationship!

Read with this article

The Feng Shui love zone in an apartment occupies the southwest direction. The main element is Earth, the color is terracotta and all other shades of earth. This is the first thing to remember so as not to accidentally expose negative impact Feng Shui love sector. After all, color in interior design plays a big role in the energy of a given area. For example, very dark colors or completely inappropriate colors in the design of your apartment can have a detrimental effect on relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to extinguish unfavorable colors as much as possible.

Activating the love zone

The Lo Pan compass or an ordinary tourist compass will help you determine the southwestern direction.

There is no need to store torn, broken things in the apartment, as well as those items that you do not like and simply do not have a soul for them. This applies not only to the Love sector, but also to all other sectors. Activation of the southwestern zone first of all requires cleanliness and order in this direction. If you don't want chaos in your relationship, there shouldn't be any here either.

You can activate a particular sector as quickly and simply as possible using a fan. Choose a fan of the size that suits your interior. A large fan acts immediately after attaching it to the wall - it is a strong resuscitator and instantly suppresses negative energy, helping new viable chi energy enter your home.

Since the Earth is the main element of the southwest, the zone must be designed in the appropriate color scheme. You can use sand, terracotta, beige, brown, pink, orange colors. In this case, the colors of water: black, blue and dark blue should be absent, since according to the Chinese theory of elements such a combination is unsuccessful. When you add water to soil, it creates dirt.

It is also not recommended to place anything green in this zone, since this color symbolizes a tree, and a tree depletes the earth element by absorbing nutrients. Red is also a good color for the love sector. Red symbolizes fire and is the color of the adjacent sector. Elemental theory states that fire creates ashes, and ashes in turn are earthen soil - the element of the southwest. It turns out that red in this area is supportive and generative.

To attract new love

If you have not yet met your soul mate, in the Love zone it is recommended to hang a panel, picture or other image with peonies on the wall, or place a couple of vases made of clay, porcelain, ceramics, crystal, silver or brass with peonies in the sector. Even artificial peonies will do. This flower symbolizes imperial love, happiness and burning passion.

But for married couple Chinese philosophy does not recommend placing peonies in the bedroom, as this can lead to the appearance of prodigal thoughts.

If you like Chinese symbols, then you can put a couple of Chinese lanterns in this sector. They are also an effective talisman of love and it is customary to hang them in pairs, since paired objects themselves are considered strong activators of the love and marriage sector, and the red color of the lanterns will enhance their effect. As an analogue to lanterns, Feng Shui suggests using a pair of red candles or candlesticks. In this case, candles should be lit periodically, so that the abundance of light in this area will stimulate the influx of new powerful energy.

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