Archangels and the highest heavenly hierarchy. Seven Archangels of God

Each angel is associated with a specific category, the highest of which - archangel - only seven of them have.

Theologians have tried to understand the essence of the concept of archangels and their purpose from ancient times to the present day.

Seven Archangels and their names

In Christian sources you can find references to different quantities archangels, but church traditions there are seven of them:

  1. Michael.
  2. Gabriel.
  3. Rafail.
  4. Uriel.
  5. Selafiel.
  6. Yehudiel.
  7. Barachiel.

What is the difference between an angel and an archangel

Like angels, archangels have mystical abilities, convey the will of God, and have no flesh. In the images we see them as winged creatures, otherwise similar to humans.

Angels are the main helpers of people in everyday life. They help cope with difficulties, convey the will of God, and help people become better. Even sinners have their own angels next to them, supporting them, helping them to repent, find forgiveness and avoid sinful acts in the future.

Both a person personally and his family, church, and country have their own angels, the number of which cannot be counted due to their immortality and constant replenishment.

Archangels notify about more important events. Through their mediation, God influences a person’s life only in exceptional situations. They help people strengthen their faith and learn the true meaning of sacred texts.

For the countless Heavenly Host, fighting against dark forces, the archangels are the Archangels.

How does Archangel Gabriel help (messages from Archangel Gabriel for every day)

Mentions of the Archangel Gabriel can be found in both testaments. In Judaism he is known as Gabriel. The Old Testament describes the appearance of Gabriel to the prophet Daniel in order to talk about the end of days.

New Testament references to Gabriel are related to:

  • with the Virgin Mary and the transmission of the good news to her;
  • with a revelation to the father of John the Baptist about the imminent appearance of his son;
  • with the myrrh-bearing women, to whom the archangel told about the accomplished Resurrection.

In addition, there is information about Gabriel’s involvement in teaching Moses to read and write and prophesying the birth of the Mother of God.

People turn to Gabriel for help in finding love, friendship and peace in the family, peace in the home, and the health of their children. He instructs believers on the right path in life, the right choice in difficult situations.

This archangel is next to God, he protects people from any manifestation of evil.

Help from Archangel Michael today

Archangel Michael is considered the protector of believers from evil forces and diseases associated with their harmful effects, helps the sad and sleeping, and protects warriors fighting for good purposes.

When crossing the threshold of a new home for the first time, you need to turn to Archangel Michael with a request that God’s grace always reign in this house.

Ancient Christian texts call Michael a judge at the Last Judgment, to which he is also destined to call souls. Thanks to Michael's weeping for sinners, Jesus later grants them forgiveness.

It is Michael who is depicted as the guardian of the gates of heaven on the icons dedicated to him. In his hands is a sword that helps prevent the unworthy from entering the Gardens of Eden.

Currently, there are stories of unexpected healings after praying to Archangel Michael. Such cases were described in Greece in 1987 and in Italy in 1993. To get the help of Archangel Michael, you need to contact him with sincere request and faith in the heart.

Archangel Raphael in Orthodoxy

The name of the Archangel Raphael in different versions of the translation has one meaning - healing. Its main purpose is connected with this.

When Raphael is mentioned in Scripture, we read about his connection with medicine, for example, explaining how to use the organs of fish for medicinal purposes, easing the suffering of Abraham after circumcision in old age, helping Jacob wounded in battle.

The most powerful archangel in the Bible

When trying to name the most powerful archangel, you can follow different classifications by studying the ranks of heavenly protectors. However, most sources recognize the primacy of Michael, sometimes placing Gabriel on the same level with him and calling them spiritual brothers of the Archangels, leaders.

Archangel Michael in some theological works is called the only archangel, while the rest of his brothers are simply angels.

Although this opinion is not generally accepted, Michael's name is mentioned first when listing the archangels, and he is considered the most significant figure of his kind.

Archangel Selaphiel icon

The icon of the Archangel Seraphiel, upon careful examination, easily clarifies its purpose and essence. A bowed head and prayerfully crossed hands on the chest are the most appropriate position for talking with God.

Seraphiel helps prayers reach their destination. He patronizes communication between people and the Creator and teaches how to correctly interpret issues of faith.

The image of Seraphiel, placed in the house, as well as timely and competent appeal to him, will help a person to correctly find his path in life, strengthen his faith, and find a way out of a dead end situation.

Archangel (Greek αρχι - “chief, senior” and άγγελος - “messenger, messenger”) is the senior angel in Christian ideas. In system angelic hierarchy Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite is the eighth of the nine ranks of angels. In the canonical books of the Bible, only Michael is directly named as an archangel, but according to the traditions of the church, there are several archangels.

According to the classification of angels set out in the work of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (5th - early 6th centuries) “On the Heavenly Hierarchy”, Archangel is the name of the second rank in the third, lowest rank of the angelic hierarchy (1st rank - angels, 2nd - archangels, 3rd - start). According to another, more ancient classification - in the Jewish apocrypha “Book of Enoch” (2nd century BC) - there are seven Archangels:
1. Uriel, ruling over the heavenly bodies;
2. Raphael, the ruler of man’s thoughts and his healer;
3. Raguel, punishing the world of luminaries;
4.Michael, chief Archangel;
5.Sariel, the leader of the spirits that seduce and draw people into sin;
6. Gabriel, guardian of paradise and chief of the spirits who help people;
7. Jeremiel watching the resurrection of the dead.

Apparently, the seven Archangels of the Book of Enoch correspond to the seven Amesha Spenta of the Zoroastrian pantheon and the seven planetary spirits of the Babylonians. According to the mystical traditions of Judaism, each archangel is connected to one of the planets. The Seven Archangels, as leaders over the myriads of angels (heavenly host), are also called Christian tradition archistratigs.

The doctrine of seven angels is also found in the canonical books of the Bible. In the Book of Tobit: “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who offer the prayers of the saints and ascend before the Glory of the Holy One” (12:15). In the Apocalypse: “the seven stars are the Angels of the seven churches” (1:20). The doctrine of the council of seven Archangels with specific names appears in the Middle Ages in the 15th century, this description was made by the Franciscan Portuguese monk Amadeus Mendes da Silva († 1482), he learned the names from his own revelation. In the Middle Ages, the cult of the seven angels appeared in the Catholic Church and churches were built in Rome, then in Naples. Until the end of the 17th century, this teaching about a council of 7 archangels with specific names in Orthodoxy, both in iconography and in hagiography - the Great Readings and Menaions of St. Macarius of the 16th century, the Lives of the Saints of Tulupov in the mid-17th century - no. Teaching with names from revelation Amadeus of Portugal is included in the lives of the saints of Demetrius of Rostov under the number March 26 in the 1700 edition. In the most Catholic Church the doctrine of seven angels, with specific names, was rejected and they returned to the worship of only three angels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, only to those names that were allowed to be venerated by the Roman Council of 745 under Pope Zechariah. Only these three names are in the canonical books of the Bible .The names: Barachiel and Jehudiel are not in the Holy Tradition of the Church, these names are from the revelation of Amadeus of Portugal. The first name, Barachiel, is found in the Jewish apocrypha in the “Book of Heavenly Palaces” (between the 2nd and 8th/9th centuries) - chapter 14, 17.” Baraki*el (Barachiel), who controls the lightning", but Jehudiel is a name that is not found anywhere at all, except in the "revelation" of Amadeus.

If you believe solely in the words of the Bible, then Michael is an archangel, Gabriel is an angel (according to Orthodox hymnography, he is an archangel), Raphael is an angel. According to the non-canonical book of the Bible, “The Third Book of Ezra”: Selaphiel and Uriel are only angels, and not archangels or cherubim or seraphim.

In the Orthodox Church you can see images of the following Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel. Sihail, Zadkiel, Samuel, Jophiel and many others are also known.

The celebration of the Council of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly powers takes place in the Orthodox Church on November 8 (21). Its establishment is associated with the decision of the Council of Laodicea (c. 343), which took place several years before the First Ecumenical Council, and condemned as heretical the worship of angels as creators and rulers of the world.

Archangel Michael (Hebrew: מיכאל‎, Michael - “Who is like God”; Greek: Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ) is the main archangel, one of the most revered biblical characters.

Michael's name is mentioned several times at the end of the Book of Daniel:
“But the prince of the kingdom of Persia stood against me twenty-one days; but behold, Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me, and I remained there with the kings of Persia” (Dan. 10:13).
“Nevertheless, I will tell you what is written in the true Scripture; and there is no one who will support me in this except Michael your prince” (Dan. 10:21).
And also in the prophecy about Last Judgment and the role of the Archangel Michael in it:

And at that time Michael will arise, the great prince who stands for the sons of your people; and a time of trouble will come, such as has not happened since people existed until now; But at that time all of your people who are found written in the book will be saved.

Christian tradition also identifies the following references to angels, not named, with the actions of the Archangel Michael:
appearance to Balaam: “and the Angel of the Lord stood on the road to hinder him” (Num. 22:22);
appearance to Joshua: “and behold a man stood before him, and in his hand was a drawn sword” and further he is called the Captain of the army of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-15);
the destruction of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian king Sennacherib (2 Kings 19:35);
salvation of the three youths in the furnace of fire: “Blessed is the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent His angel and delivered His servants” (Dan. 3:95).

"Michael the Archangel defeating the devil"
Raphael, 1518

The book “Guide to Painting Icons of Saints” says that Saint Archangel Michael “is depicted trampling (stomping on) Lucifer and, as a conqueror, holding a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and right hand a spear, on top of which there is a white banner with the image of a red cross, in commemoration of the victory of the Cross over the devil.”

He was the first to rebel against Lucifer (Satan), when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this war ended, with the overthrow of the Lucifer (Satan) from heaven. Since then, Archangel Michael has not ceased to fight for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the cause of salvation of the human race, for the church and its children.
Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, loyalty to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, constant war against vice and impiety, constant humility and self-sacrifice.

Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson

Celebration in the Orthodox Church on November 21 (November 8, Old Style) and September 19 (September 6, Old Style) in memory of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Chonekh (Colossae); in Catholic - May 8 and September 29.

Archangel Gabriel (Hebrew: גבריאל - man of God). Mentioned in the following bible books: Dan.8:16, 9:21 and Luke 1:19, 1:26.

In the Bible he is called an angel, but in the tradition of the Christian Church he acts as an archangel - one of the highest angels. In the Old and New Testaments he appears as the bearer of joyful tidings. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, during the offering of incense, the birth of John the Baptist, and to the Virgin Mary in Nazareth - the birth of Jesus Christ. Considered a guardian angel chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph. According to the teachings of Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad received his revelations from him and was carried to heaven by him. On the icons he is depicted with a candle and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until time, but are comprehended over time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Archangel Gabriel is commemorated in the Orthodox Church on March 26 and July 13 (according to the Julian calendar).

Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the “Guide to Painting Icons,” “is depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left hand.” This mirror, made of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of nations, proclaims to people the secrets of God’s economy and the salvation of mankind.

Archangel Barachiel (God's blessing) - not mentioned in the Bible, known only from legends.

In the book “Guide to the Writing of Icons” it is reported about him: “The Holy Archangel Barachiel, the dispenser of God’s blessings and intercessor, asking for God’s benefits to us: he is depicted carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding at the command of God for prayers, works and moral behavior of people and foretelling bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven.” White roses are a symbol of God's blessing.

Since the blessings of God are varied, the ministry of this Angel is also varied: through him the blessing of God is sent to every deed, to every good activity in life.

Saint Innocent of Kherson
Archangel Selaphiel (Salafiel; Hebrew שאלתיאל‎ - “prayer to God”). Mentioned only in the non-canonical book of Ezra (5:16).

“And so the Lord gave us a whole crowd of prayer angels, with their leader Salafiel, so that with the pure breath of their lips they would warm our cold hearts to prayer, so that they would instruct us when and how to pray, so that they would lift up our very offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon the Archangel standing in a position of prayer, with his eyes downcast, with his hands reverently placed on his chest (chest), then know that this is Salafiel.”

The “Guide to the Writing of Icons” says about him: “Holy Archangel Salafiel, a man of prayer, always praying to God for people and stirring people up to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) with a cross on his chest, as if tenderly praying.”

Archangel Jehudiel (praise of God). This name is known only from legends; his name is not mentioned in canonical texts.

The name of the Archangel Yehudiel translated into Russian means “Glorifier of God” or “Praise of God.” Guided by these translations, icon painters placed similar epithets on his images. Thus, the inscription on the fresco of the Annunciation Cathedral says: “to have the ministry of establishing people who work in chess or, for the glory of God, to intercede for them reward.”

As explained in the “Guide to the Writing of Icons,” Jehudiel “is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious works to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness to pious works."

Innocent of Kherson writes about him: “Each of us, from young to old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God. The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. The right hand of the Archangel holds not just a crown: it is a reward for every Christian who works for the glory of God.”

Archangel Raphael (Hebrew: רפאל‎, Rephael - “the Lord healed”). Mentioned only in the non-canonical book of Tobit (3:16; 12:12-15). Raphael in Aramaic means “Healing of God” or “Healing of God.” According to Jewish midrash, Raphael cured the pain that Abraham experienced after he circumcised himself. In Islam, the archangel Raphael is the one who will usher in the Day of Judgment.

The “Guide to Painting Icons” states that: “Archangel Raphael, the physician of human ailments: is depicted holding a vessel (alavaster) with medicinal agents (medicine) in his left hand, and in his right hand a pod, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wounds.”

Archangel Uriel (Hebrew: אוּרִיאֵל‎ - “the light of God, or God is the light”). Mentioned in the non-canonical book of Ezra (3 Esdras 4:1; 5:20).

According to the tradition of the Orthodox Church, the holy Archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the Fall and the expulsion of Adam. According to Orthodox theologians, Uriel, being the radiance of the divine fire, is the enlightener of the darkened, unbelievers and ignorant, and the very name of the archangel, corresponding to his special ministry, means “Fire of God” or “Light of God”.

According to the iconographic canon, Uriel “is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left.”

Innocent of Kherson, in his essay on the archangels, writes the following about Uriel: “As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths useful to them; like the Angel of Divine fire, he inflames hearts with love for God and destroys impure earthly attachments in them.”

Archangel Jeremiel (height of God). Mentioned only in the non-canonical book of Ezra (3 Esdras 4:36.).

The Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikephoros reports the following about him:

In the 3rd book of Ezra (4:36) the Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God) is also mentioned. He was present at the first conversation between Archangel Uriel and the priest Ezra and answered the latter’s question about the signs preceding the end of the sinful world and about the beginning of the eternal kingdom of the righteous.

Based on the meaning of the name (Jeremiel - “Height of God”), theologians believe that he is sent from God to man to promote the elevation and return of man to God. He is depicted holding scales in his right hand.

1. Empore (Gesamt). Archived from the original on February 11, 2013. Retrieved February 2, 2013.
2. Debolsky G.E. Days of worship of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church. volume 1.1837 p.98
3. Engel
4. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. Archived from the original on November 28, 2012.
5. Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers. Archived from the original on November 28, 2012.
6. Academician V.D. Fartusov, Moscow, Synod. Typ., 1910, p.226.
7. Archbishop of Kherson Innocent. Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, pp. 5-6
8. Fartusov V.D. Decree. Sochu S. 226
9. 1 2 Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. P. 227
10. Innocent of Kherson. Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996. P. 14
11. Innocent of Kherson. Decree. op. pp. 11-12
12. Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. pp. 226-227
13. Innocent of Kherson. Decree. op. P. 12
14. 1 2 Fartusov V.D. Decree. op. P. 226
15. Innocent of Kherson. Decree. op. P. 10
16. Nikifor, archimandrite. Biblical encyclopedia. M., 1891. P. 63

Barachiel Gabriel Zadkiel Jehudiel Jeremiel Jophiel Michael Lucifer Raphael Samuel (Ariel) Selafiel Sihail Uriel

Christian hierarchy of angels

First face
Seraphim Cherubim Thrones

Second face
Dominance of the Power of Power

Third face
Beginnings Archangels Angels


Over all nine angelic ranks, the Lord placed Archangel Michael, whose name from the Hebrew language means - who is like God.
Veneration of St. Archangel Michael in Orthodox Church goes back to the most ancient times. According to the meaning of the word, Michael is an Angel possessing extraordinary, unparalleled spiritual power.
Archangel Michael is the conqueror of adversaries, deliverer from all troubles and sorrows, protector of all Orthodox Christians from visible and invisible enemies and evil spirits.
They pray to Archangel Michael for deliverance from sorrow upon entering new house and on the foundation of the house, on the protection of the throne and the state, on the salvation and preservation of Russia.
Archangel Michael is also approached with prayers for healing. This is due to the above-mentioned veneration of Michael the Archangel as the conqueror of evil spirits, which in Christianity were considered the source of disease.
September 6 (19) celebration “Remembrance of the miracle of the Archangel Michael, who was in Khoneh (Colossae)” (IV).
November 8 (21) The Holy Church glorifies all the Heavenly Powers, headed by Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is glorified as the leader of the Heavenly Forces and this holiday is called the Council of Archangel Michael and other disembodied Heavenly Forces.

Archangel Michael.

(Judaism, Christianity, Islam)

Also known as Beshte, Mika'il, Sabbatiel, Saint Michael.
The name Michael means "like God" or "one who looks like God." Archangel Michael is the leader among the archangels. He is involved in an organization of angels known as "The Powers". He's in control life purpose workers of Light. Its main function is to rid the Earth and its inhabitants of the fears that poison their souls. The people he works with are called “Lightworkers,” and Michael assigns them to engage in spiritual teaching and healing work on a domestic or even professional level.

Michael has been an inspiration to Lightworkers since his time in the Garden of Eden, where he taught Adam how to cultivate the land, run a household, and take care of his family. Joan of Arc told her inquisitors that it was the Archangel Michael who gave her instructions and gave her the courage to lead France during the Hundred Years' War.

In 1950, he was canonized as St. Michael, the patron saint of police officers, because he helps to perform heroic deeds and gives courage. Archangel Michael is very tall, attractive in appearance, and usually carries a saber with him, with which he cuts off fears from us. If Michael is nearby, you may see sparks or flashes of bright blue or purple. Michael represents fiery energy. I met in my audience sufficient quantity women who said that in his presence they felt hot and even sweated - until they realized that the cause of this was the Archangel Michael, and it was his presence that produced this heat.

Michael has an incredible ability to repair electrical and mechanical equipment, including computers. I called on him for help so many times when my computer became stubborn!

My student once called Mikhail when she had to fix a plumbing, although she had no idea how it was done. And she did it!
Mikhail guides and mentors those who feel confused or have difficulty identifying their life purpose or career growth. It stimulates those who lack motivation and those who are afraid to take action. Michael gives us instructions on what step to take next.

. In devotion and fidelity to convictions.
. Choose and maintain a direction, be bold.
. Stay fulfilled vitality and energy.
. In all aspects of life's purpose.
. Protects and motivates.
. Clears space and promotes spiritual definition, increased self-esteem and self-worth.

How to Summon
Call Michael whenever you are afraid or feel vulnerable. He will come to you immediately, give you courage, ensure your safety - both physical and emotional. You will feel his presence as if there is a warrior next to you. It will be almost the same as having a reliable bodyguard protecting you. Anyone who was planning to harm you will change their intention.
Michael does not require you to recite a formal formula when you call on him. He will come to anyone who needs him. For example, you can access it like this:
“Archangel Michael, come to me. I need your help [mentally describe a situation in which you need support]!”
You will feel his presence next to you as a characteristic warmth.


Archangel Gabriel is the evangelist of the mysteries of God.
The name Gabriel translated from Hebrew means: man of God, strength of God, power of God.
Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven Archangels sent by God to announce to people the great deeds of God.
The Church calls Archangel Gabriel the minister of the miracles and mysteries of God, the herald of joy and salvation, the herald and servant of Divine omnipotence.
March 26 (April 8) the celebration in honor of the Archangel Gabriel is the day of the Council, because Christians on the next day of the Annunciation gather together to glorify the Holy Archangel with sacred songs, as the heavenly messenger of the great mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. The Holy Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven spirits, “who bring the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy One” (Tov. 12:15).
July 13 (26) - Cathedral of St. Archangel Gabriel. This holiday has existed since the 9th century and serves as a remembrance of all the generally miraculous appearances of the Archangel Gabriel.
November 8 (21) - Council of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers. Archangels: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selafiel, Yehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel, where Archangel Gabriel is glorified with the entire Council of Heavenly Powers.
The Holy Church depicts the Archangel Gabriel with a branch of paradise in his hand, which he brought to the Mother of God, and sometimes in his right hand with a lantern, inside of which a candle is burning, and in his left hand with a jasper mirror. They are depicted with a mirror because Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of God’s destinies for the salvation of the human race. They are depicted with a candle in a lantern because the destinies of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment and, after their fulfillment, are comprehended only by those who steadily look into the mirror of the word of God and their conscience. Therefore, those who bear the name Gabriel have that “faith of God, for which,” according to the words of the Savior Himself, “nothing is impossible.”

Archangel Gabriel.
(Judaism, Christianity, Islam)

Also known as Abruil (Abruel), Djibril, Djiburili, Serafili(th).
Gabriel means "God is my strength." Gabriel is a very famous archangel. It was he who informed Elizabeth and Mary about the upcoming birth of their sons - John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. Archangel Gabriel dictated to Mohammed the text of the holy book of Muslims - the Koran. Thus, Gabriel established himself as a "messenger angel." Gabriel's mission in the world is to help parents.
Gabriel primarily helps those hoping to conceive. Gives parents courage and strength, helps in gaining balance and grace-filled faith that the best way affects the formation and development of the baby.”
Gabriel's second mission is to help everyone whose activities or life goal associated with the art of communication. Contact Gabriel whenever you need help or guidance - whether you are an actor, artist, writer, dancer, journalist, model, musician, correspondent, singer, teacher or confessor.
Gabriel is known as a powerful and strong archangel. All who call on him find themselves driven to active and fruitful action. Gabriel is the archangel of action!
He says: “I am here to help those who speak and speak out on behalf of society and its needs. Propaganda is a very ancient activity, and only a few things have changed over time due to inevitable technological advances. Now in other areas of life, art and the ability to speak have begun to play a significant role, empowering people who strive for change and respect. Let me provide opportunities for those of you who listen to your hearts to express, perform and create work of the highest caliber.”

. in parenthood and guardianship.
. Representatives of the arts.
. Conception and fertility.
. Journalists and writers, radio and television workers.

How to Summon
Before you begin any creative or communication project, ask Gabriel to guide you and control your actions by saying out loud or mentally:
“Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence as I [name or describe your project]. Please help me open my creative channels so that I can feel truly inspired. Help me open my consciousness (mind) so that I can give birth to new ones unique ideas. And help me, by following inspiration, fill these projects with energy and motivation. Thank you, Gabriel."


The month of November was chosen for the Feast of the Angels because it is the ninth from March, which was once the beginning of the year, and the number nine corresponds to the nine ranks of angels.

Archangel Raphael is a healer of human ailments, a guide, and a doctor of God.
The name Raphael translated from Hebrew means help, healing of God, healing of God, healer of human ailments (Tov. 3, 17; 12, 15).
Raphael will come where he is invited, but he cannot intervene unless there is the good will of that person. If a suffering person refuses spiritual healing, he cannot be forced. Yet, according to believers, Raphael's presence itself has a calming effect, and this helps to naturally reduce stress and anxiety.
In the Book of Tobit, Raphael travels with Tobius, the son of Tobit, and protects and preserves him during the journey. Then they began to perceive him as the patron saint of travelers. Raphael is an assistant when it comes to safe travel, and then all movements, overnight accommodations and problems with luggage are resolved well. It is also believed to help those on spiritual journeys find truth and guidance.
Raphael taught Tobiah how to use fish in medical purposes to make healing balms and ointments. This is an example of the fact that Raphael not only carries out spiritual healing work with the sick and injured, but also tells human healers how to use earthly medicines. Healers can mentally invoke Raphael, asking for his guidance before or during treatment. Raphael also helps future healers with training.
Raphael is also a healer and advisor to wild and domestic animals. Raphael helped Tobius cure his blindness.
Archangels Raphael and Michael often work together.

Therefore, whoever wants to be worthy of the heavenly help of Archangel Raphael must himself be merciful to those in need. Moreover, the virtues of mercy and compassion should distinguish those who bear the name of Raphael - otherwise they will not have a spiritual union with the Archangel.
The Holy Church depicts Archangel Raphael holding a vessel with medical remedies in his slightly raised left hand and leading Tobias with his right hand, carrying fish caught in the Tigris River.


Archangel Uriel is the fire or light of God, the enlightener of the darkened and ignorant, the enlightener of mental and physical feelings, the mentor of the lost, the motivator to prayer.
The name Uriel translated from Hebrew means light or fire of God, enlightener (3 Ezra 5:20).
Uriel, being the radiance of the Divine fire, is the enlightener of the darkened. As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; like the Angel of Divine Fire, he inflames hearts with love for God and destroys impure earthly attachments in them.

People devoted to science are your Archangel! Do not forget, following his example, to be servants not only of the light of truth, but also of the fire of Divine love. As the holy Apostle Paul said: “The understanding boasts of wickedness, but creates love” (1 Cor. 8:1). The Holy Archangel Uriel is depicted holding in his right hand, against his chest, a naked sword, and in his left hand, lowered down, a fiery flame, which marks a particularly strong zeal for God of this Archangel.

Archangel Uriel.

(Judaism, Christianity)

The name Uriel means "God is Light", or "Light of God", "fire of God", because he sheds light on a situation and gives prophetic information and warnings.
For example, Uriel warned Noah about the upcoming flood, helped the prophet Ezra interpret mystical predictions about the imminent coming of the Messiah and transmitted Kabbalah to humanity. Uriel is also credited with imparting knowledge of the practice of alchemy - the art of transforming ordinary metal into precious, as well as the ability to materialize out of thin air.
Uriel is rightfully considered one of the wisest archangels; he is like an elderly sage to whom you can turn for the necessary advice.

With Uriel’s personality, not everything is as definite as, for example, in the case of Mikhail. You may not realize that Uriel has come to you as an answer to your prayer until a brilliant new idea suddenly hits your mind.
Perhaps because of his connection to Noah, as well as his affinity with the natural elements of thunder and lightning, Uriel is considered a disaster-relief archangel. Call on Uriel to prevent such phenomena or cope with their consequences.

. in alchemy, divine magic, research and writing.
. Resolves many problems, controls earth changes, promotes spiritual understanding.
. Supports in trials and apprenticeship, saves from natural disasters.

How to Summon
Since Uriel has many talents, it is good to summon him regularly. Imagine that he is your mentor, in charge of life lessons. One of the significant advantages of this archangel is that, in addition to basic information, he always provides us with additional information so that we can make an informed decision. You can summon Uriel by saying:
“Archangel Uriel, I ask for your wisdom in [describe the situation or issue you want to clarify]. I need full information so that I can clearly see the situation in its true light. Please help me make an informed decision by giving me every possible perspective in this case. Please help me to be very aware and understand this information and remain as open as possible. Thank you, Uriel."


Archangel Selaphiel (Salafiel) is God’s prayer book, always praying to God for people and encouraging people to pray, prayer book for the salvation and health of people.
The name Selafiel, translated from Hebrew, means prayer to God, God’s prayer book, encouraging prayer.

Saint Archangel Selaphiel is depicted with his face and eyes bowed down and with his hands folded in prayer on his chest, as is the case with a person tenderly praying.


Archangel Jehudiel is the patron saint of ascetics and monastics, the glorifier of God, strengthening workers for the glory of God and interceding for reward for their exploits and labors, an assistant and mentor in work, an intercessor on the way, a helper to those in need of anything for the glory of God.
The name Yehudiel translated from Hebrew means “glorifying God,” praising God.
The ministry of Archangel Jehudiel is to strengthen people who work for the glory of God and to intercede for reward for their exploits.
The holy Archangel Jehudiel is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends - this signifies the reward from God to pious and holy people and punishment to sinners.


Archangel Barachiel, according to the belief of the Church, is one of the three Angels who appeared to Abraham at the oak of Mamre. He predicted the birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah and confirmed the promise of salvation given by God in paradise to the entire human race in the person of Adam.


Archangel Jeremiel is the instiller of good and kind thoughts, the lifter of souls to God, the lifter of God's mercy to God.
The name Jeremiel, translated from Hebrew, means exaltation to God, the height of God.
Traditionally, the Archangel Jeremiel is depicted on icons holding scales in his right hand.
Archangel Jeremiel, according to legend, is sent to a person to facilitate his return to God.

Archangel Jeremiel.


Also known as Ramiel, Remiel.
The name Jeremiel means "mercy of God." In ancient Jewish texts, Jeremiel is listed as one of the seven major archangels.
He is also associated with Baruch, the prolific author of apocryphal Jewish texts of the 1st century BC, namely with his prophetic gift. One such revelation catalyzed by Jeremiel was the prophecy of the coming of the Messiah. In another revelation, Jeremiel took Baruch on a journey through the different levels of Heaven.

In addition to being the archangel of prophetic revelation, Jeremiel also helps newly departed souls reconsider their lives. This is also possible for those living. If you want to take stock of your life up until now and make positive changes, call Jeremiel. It will help you fearlessly review your story and learn from previous experiences so that you can emerge stronger.

Jeremiel says: “Reviewing your life every day will bring enormous benefits - you will determine your next steps and stops. By regularly reviewing your life throughout its entirety, you are fulfilling a duty that will bring you joy in the next world. By then, you will have reconsidered your main steps and will not suffer or regret that you could have done something better. In another world revision life path more comprehensive, but you can do similar analysis in your lifetime. Set aside a quiet time for yourself, when no one will disturb you, and ask me to come into your thoughts. Or in a dream, at night. I will show you pictures of the main stages of your life, and the smallest details will emerge in your memory. This often refers to seemingly insignificant relationships with other people in which your realization occurs. This is the source from which we often learn life lessons. And then you can easily form your own worldview and make decisions based on what you have realized that will benefit both you and everyone associated with you.”

. in clairvoyance and the development of prophetic abilities.
. When reconsidering your life.
. In life changes.
. Promotes psychic visions and their interpretation.

How to Summon
If you are concerned about your future, call on Jeremiel:
“Archangel Jeremiel, please help me free myself from fears, worries and stress about my future and the future of this world. [Explain to the archangel what exactly the essence of the issue is, and describe the situation occupying your consciousness at the present time.] I ask you, please, open the veil of my future and the future world in which I live. Please give me clear and clear guidance on what I can do or change to contribute to a better future. Thank you".

Archangels and heavenly angels

Planet Earth is under the protection of seven Archangels: Chamuel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Jophiel, Uriel, Zadkiel.

Each of the Archangels is subordinate to 12 angels.

1. Archangel Michael angels of protection obey ( blue color). You can contact them for protection from spiritual and physical dangers.
2. Archangel Jophiel the angels of illumination obey ( yellow color). You can ask them to discover the gift of clairvoyance, to successfully pass exams, to free themselves from bad habits.
3. Archangel Chamuel the angels of love obey ( Pink colour). They protect from other people’s anger and slander, help in finding work and lost things.
4. Archangel Gabriel angels obey, guiding on the true path ( white). You can ask them to receive joy, happiness, to discover life plans for the future.
5. Archangel Raphael the angels of healing (green) obey. You can ask them for healing of body and soul in traditional and alternative medicine.
6. Archangel Uriel the angels of peace (golden) obey. They can be asked for peaceful resolution of problems; educators, teachers and judges can turn to them.
7. Archangel Zadkiel the angels of joy (purple) obey. You can ask them for tolerance and assistance in diplomacy. Scientists, actors and singers can turn to them.

Archangels are "messengers carrying Divine instructions." They carry God's messages to people and lead God's army, consisting of angels and waging a constant battle with the sons of Darkness, with Michael being the commander-in-chief.
In works of art, archangels are usually depicted with larger wings and many eyes. Of all the archangels, Raphael, Gabriel and Michael are most often mentioned.

How many angels and archangels are there and how are they different?

About the angelic hierarchy - Archimandrite Sylvester (Stoichev), professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, senior assistant to the rector for educational and methodological work.

Father, the number of Angels is immeasurably great, and the Lord established order in the Heavenly army, creating an angelic hierarchy. What kind of hierarchy is this?

The Creed states that God is the Creator of “heaven and earth, everything visible and invisible.” V. Lossky, interpreting these words, writes: “The biblical expression “heaven and earth” (Gen. 1:1), which denotes the entire cosmos, everything that exists and was created by God, in the patristic interpretation receives a dividing meaning, pointing to the existence of spiritual reality." About the number of Angels in Holy Scripture not directly stated. Holy Fathers, for example St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, in the Gospel parable about one lost sheep (Matthew 18:12), for whose sake the owner leaves 99 and goes to look for her, saw an indication of the numerical ratio of the Angels (99) and the human race (one lost sheep), thus concluding, that the number of Angels is incomparably greater, but it is impossible to calculate their specific number.

The world of Angels is arranged hierarchically. The Scripture says: “By Him were all things created... whether they were thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers” ​​(Col. 1:16), which indicates the hierarchy of the angelic world. Traditionally, based on the words of the apostles from the Epistle to the Ephesians (1:21), it is assumed that there are orders of angels, the names of which are unknown to us, but will be revealed in the coming Kingdom. “There are, without a doubt, other forces that we do not know by name... How is it known that, besides these forces, there are many others that we do not know by name? Paul, having spoken about the first, also mentions the second, expressing himself about Christ this way: He has set Him above all principality, and authority, and power, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come (Eph. 1). :21),” writes St. John Chrysostom.

- Does each rank of Angels have their own purpose? How are Angels different from each other?

The very names of the ranks symbolize the types of their service. IN Orthodox tradition the angelic hierarchy is understood as 9 ranks (three triads). The meaning of hierarchical relations is not in subordination, but in the transfer of grace-filled sanctification from senior officials to those below. Thus, the lower ranks of Angels participate in the grace-filled sanctification not directly from God, but through the higher triad of the angelic hierarchy.

- Angels and Archangels are closest to people. Is it so?

According to the Corpus Areopagiticum, the angelic hierarchy consists of three triads: first: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones; second: Dominance, Strength, Authority; and the third: Principalities, Archangels, Angels. Accordingly, the Archangels and Angels are closer to us.

There are seven Archangels: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Salafiel, Archangel Jehudiel, Archangel Barachiel?

In the Corpus Areopagiticum, the penultimate rank of the angelic hierarchy is called Archangels. However, the Archangels mentioned in the canonical and non-canonical books of the Holy Scriptures and Christian literature are presented as special messengers of the will of God, as those closest to the Throne of God, which clearly does not correspond to the modest place allocated for the archangelic rank in the hierarchy described in the Areopagitica. Based on this, it can be assumed that these Archangels are not included in the eighth rank of the heavenly hierarchy, according to the Areopagite, but are Angels with a special type of service.

- Who are Guardian Angels?

In the Holy Scriptures there are expressions indicating that an Angel is assigned to people: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:10); “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them” (Ps. 33:8); “And they said to her: Are you out of your mind? But she asserted her point. And they said, “This is his angel” (Acts 12:15). The rite of the Sacrament of Baptism speaks of an Angel of light who is given to the person being baptized.

According to the teachings of the Church, people receive spiritual help from assigned Guardian Angels. “And they manage our affairs and help us,” writes St. John of Damascus.

It should be mentioned that many fathers, based on some biblical texts, believed that not only a person has a Guardian Angel, but also every Church, as well as countries. For example, St. Gregory the Theologian says: “Each of them accepted some part of the universe or was assigned to something alone from everything.” Also Rev. John of Damascus writes: “They guard the regions of the earth and govern peoples and countries, as the Creator commanded them.”

Interviewed by Natalya Goroshkova

Angels and archangels are closest to man than all other divine messengers. Find out how they differ from each other, what functions they perform and what place they occupy in the heavenly hierarchy.

In the article:

Angels and archangels - occupation, hierarchy and differences

Holidays dedicated to the archangels are celebrated on November 21, or November 9 according to the old calendar. But it is dedicated not only to them, but to all ethereal heavenly forces. This is a general celebration of guardian angels, archangels and other heavenly helpers from God. November was not chosen by chance - it is the ninth month, and, as you know, there are also nine ranks of angels.

The anniversary of baptism is considered the day of the angel. The patron saint is given to a person precisely after him, and therefore this date is the holiday of the guardian angel. Angel Day is a person’s spiritual birthday, the anniversary of his entry into the circle of baptized, righteous people.

Types of angels according to various sources

There are types of angels that classify them not only by rank and place in the heavenly hierarchy. For example, Old Testament indicates the existence Nephilim- descendants of angels who sinned with mortal women, for which they were expelled by God. New Testament divides angels into saints and fallen. At the same time, it is customary to write the first ones with capital letter, and the latter - with lowercase.

Angels exist in most world religions - Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
In Judaism there are seven angels, but only three are named - Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The remaining angels are mentioned only in the Book of Enoch. Four of them stand separately from the rest, guarding the four cardinal directions. This Michael, Gabriel, Raphael And Oriel.

The Kabbalistic hierarchy of heavenly powers is closely related to the tree of ten Sephirot and a system of five worlds. Through worlds and palaces they help the Almighty. The head of the angels is Metatron- the highest angel. In Christianity there is, according to this classification, their representatives differ in their mission and closeness to God. In Orthodoxy, archangels are in eighth place, and angels are in last, ninth place.

You should know that images of angels and archangels on icons do not convey their true appearance. All heavenly patrons are ethereal, and iconographic images convey the idea, general meaning and occupation of a particular representative. There is a certain symbolism in images of heavenly forces close to people.