How did the archangels appear? Repeat decrees and prayers. Angelic hierarchy in Christian doctrine

The angelic host is the support of the Creator. Angels and archangels help to fulfill God's providence in the human world and in heaven. Depending on the circumstances, these invisible, incorporeal spirits can be caring and bright. Sometimes they are warlike and fiery, wise and understanding.

Inquisitive minds ask questions: why did God create angels, and who is the archangel? For a true believer, the answers to these questions not only broaden their horizons, but allow them to strengthen faith, to better understand its essence. After all, angels are an important part of Christian culture. They help believers throughout their lives, become harbingers of great events, take care of souls after the death of people.

Destiny of angels

Angels are spiritual, immortal, created in the image of God's being. All of them were created before our visible world. The word "angel" is translated as "messenger, messenger of God." This is their main essence: everything they do is according to the will and to the glory of God. And they have a lot to do:

  1. Praise of God. The angelic choir does not get tired of glorifying and singing the greatness of the Creator.
  2. Instruction. Angels and archangels appear to tell people what to do or show them the way.
  3. Protection of people, nations and the church from all kinds of misfortunes and intrigues of evil forces.
  4. An answer to requests and prayers.
  5. Message. Through angels, God sends news of things to come.
  6. Caring for souls after the death of the worldly body.
  7. Participation in Judgment Day.

When answering the question of who an archangel is, people often imagine chubby babies with underdeveloped wings or some Hollywood heroes in shining attire and with stern faces. These imposed images have little in common with the image of the heavenly host, which the church and theologians insist on.

Angels are not physical, but spiritual beings, therefore they remain invisible to people. They are shown to the eyes of a person only when it is necessary for God. Angels can take any form: from a fiery whirlwind to a wonderful animal, but, as a rule, they choose a human form and appear before people in the form of an adult male.

To inspire awe and awe, the appearance of an angel is usually accompanied by additional effects: unbearable radiance, thunder, heavenly sounds. Christian tradition often endows them with majestic wings. However, it must be remembered that the angels are endowed by the Creator with sufficient power to fly without wings. Like golden robes, they play the role of an external attribute that strikes the believer's imagination.

Guardian Angels

Each person is protected and guarded by a personal guardian angel. From the first cry to the last breath, the heavenly helper remains nearby, ready to respond to a prayer or a call. Among the representatives of God's army, guardian angels are closest to people. Therefore, the heaviest burden of human sins falls on them. All black thoughts and dirty deeds of the ward are known to the angel. He constantly mourns the perishing soul and prays for its salvation.

The Holy Fathers instruct to remember that guardian angels are close and faithful friends for believers, their guides to God. You need to be aware of the constant presence of an invisible patron, mentally talk and consult with him. This not only strengthens faith, but also allows you to resist temptation, perform deep prayer, gain peace of mind, and find answers to tormenting questions. Guardian angels sometimes protect entire nations and churches. For example, the Archangel Michael first patronized the Jewish people. Only after some time he became the guardian of the Christian church. This is written in many sources.

Angelic hierarchy

The multitude of angels is innumerable, their activities are varied. Therefore, depending on the labors and ranks, patrons are divided into three spheres (hierarchies). Each sphere includes three faces (ranks of angels). All faces are in full harmony and strict submission. The most common angelic hierarchy is:

First sphere:

  • seraphim;
  • cherubs;
  • thrones.

Second sphere:

  • domination;
  • authorities;
  • strength.

Third sphere:

  • beginning (bosses);
  • archangels;
  • angels.

First sphere

Seraphim are the highest angels who are right at the throne of God. Their name translates as "fiery, flaming." The seraphim are blazing with reverence and love for the Lord, their task is to convey this love to the lower angelic ranks.

Cherubim are bearers of great wisdom, their name means "abundance of wisdom." They know everything that a creature created by the Lord can know. The main task is to store and communicate this knowledge to angelic faces and people.

Thrones are the basis for God's throne. The Creator pronounces his judgment, sitting on them. The task of the thrones is to bestow the glory of God on the lower hierarchies.

Second sphere

Dominations are a symbol and confirmation of the power of the Creator. Their task is to control the angels of lower faces. They guide earthly rulers, teach them to subdue feelings, not to succumb to the influence of evil forces, to choose the right decisions.

The authorities are the warriors of God, always ready to fight the forces of the devil. They protect a person from the temptations of evil spirits, strengthening his piety.

Forces are militant, powerful angels, through which the Almighty manifests his infinite power, works miracles and signs with their help.

Third sphere

The beginnings care about the fate of states and peoples. The Lord endows them with strength and the task of protecting individual nations from the intrigues of the devil, helping countries in difficult times.

Archangels are the leaders of the heavenly host, great warriors and evangelists. They proclaim the will of the Creator to angels and prophets, enlighten the soul and strengthen faith, protect the gates of paradise and are the winners of the forces of evil.

Angels are the lowest and most numerous face. They are the link between each individual believer and the Creator.

great week

When asked who the archangel is, most believers remember the two most revered and famous prototypes: Gabriel and Michael. In addition to them, there are five more archangels in the church hierarchy. They are considered superior. Icons of the archangels from Great Week stand prominently in every church. The names of these higher beings are listed below.

Michael is the leader of the heavenly host, the winner of Lucifer, the archangel, the great leader, the first and closest angel to the Creator. His name means "equal to God." Archangel Michael is depicted with a date branch in his left hand and a spear in his right. A white banner with a cross of God develops on the tip of the spear, it symbolizes the victory of the forces of light over the devil.

Gabriel is a great evangelist and sage. He brought the good news to the Theotokos, guided John the Baptist and Joseph. Together with Michael, he announced to the apostles about the resurrection and miraculous ascension of Christ. His name translates as "the knowledge of God." On the icons, the archangel is depicted with a lantern or a paradise branch in one hand, and in the other he holds a mirror. The lantern symbolizes the light of true faith and knowledge, the branch - the good news. The mirror helps people see their sins.

Raphael is a healer of mental and physical ailments. The name literally means "healing of God." Helps in grief and illness. Depicted with a feather for lubricating wounds and a medical vessel.

Uriel is the patron saint of preachers of the faith, the bearer of the light of the Creator, the defender of divine truths. His name is translated as "fire of God". Uriel brings revelations to people, inflames their souls with deep faith, helps a person overcome impure thoughts and attachments. Depicted with a flame and a sword.

Salafiel is the main prayer book for people. His name means "prayer of God". Depicted with lowered eyes and prayerfully folded hands.

Yehudil is the protector and patron of the clergy and people who live and work to increase the glory of the Creator. The name translates as "God's praise." V right hand he holds a crown as a reward to holy people for piety, in his left he has a whip as a symbol of punishment for laziness in the service of the Almighty.

Varahiel is the head and leader of the host of guardian angels. He intercedes for people before the Creator, and the name means "God's blessing." Depicted with roses on clothes and in hands.

Fallen Archangel

Once upon a time heavenly hierarchy Lucifer was the main angel. God loved him more than anyone else. The beautiful and perfect Lucifer, whose name translates as "to bring light", was called together with the archangel Michael to protect paradise from the forces of darkness. But pride and a thirst to equalize in power with the Creator pushed him to betrayal and rebellion. A third of the angels joined Lucifer. A great battle began, in which the bright army under the command of Michael threw the apostates from heaven. Since then, the fallen archangel has become the personification of universal evil.

Differences between archangels and angels

And yet, who is an archangel, how does he differ from an angel? There are several fundamental differences:

  1. Chin. Archangels are the main angels, they are incomparably higher and more powerful than ordinary spirits.
  2. Closeness to the Creator. Archangels surround the throne of the Creator, touch his clothes.
  3. Purposes and deeds. The Lord sends archangels to perform the most important tasks. The lower angels are busy with more mundane affairs.
  4. Number. There are a myriad of angels from the second and third spheres, while the archangels are innumerable.
  5. Name. The higher angels have names, the angels of the lower spheres are unknown.

These are just the most important differences between angels and archangels. In fact, there are many more of them.

In the Christian tradition, angels are creatures close to God, through them He can express His will to people, they are His army. Archangels, standing higher in rank, also have supernatural abilities, each has its own area of ​​responsibility, its own history. It is not at all necessary to look for the names of archangels and angels; believing parents often call their children with them, hoping that the heavenly namesake will protect them on the path of life.

Angelic hierarchy

Beings like angels are found in the mythology of many peoples, and many angels, in whose existence Christians believe, are also characters in Jewish and Muslim religious texts. Mentions of them are often found in the texts of religious figures who claimed that angels appeared to them in order to speak God's will, give instruction or prophecy about the future.

Angels are endowed with great power and many opportunities, but they never use them at their own discretion, all their actions are coordinated with God and never contradict His will. In addition, there is a clear hierarchy, according to which angels with different abilities are divided into different ranks. In total there are nine angelic ranks, which make up three triads.

It is believed that they are the closest to God and should carry His love. The name of these creatures comes from the Hebrew word meaning "fiery". Seraphim are described as beings with three pairs of wings and four faces, suggestive of their mythological roots, as they resemble creatures from Assyrian mythology. It is possible that it was the myths of the peoples of Mesopotamia that became the ancestral home of the image of the seraphim.

They are just as close to God, have great wisdom and all the knowledge that God sees fit to give others. It is they who should bring the light of knowledge into the world, they represent the second rank after the seraphim. Cherubim is mentioned as the guardian of Eden, armed with a flaming sword. There are also references to the fact that God sat on cherubim, using them as a means of transportation.

So in the Christian tradition they call incorporeal spirits that serve God as a throne. In addition, the thrones are able to help judges and rulers make fair decisions.

They belong to the second triad of angelic ranks and represent the fourth rank of nine. References to dominions can be found in many early Christian texts, in which they are presented as beings capable of subduing passions, elevating the spirit over the body, and helping to master emotions.

These spirits are used by God to perform miracles and bestow the power of miracles on those most pleasing to him.

These creatures are endowed with the ability to control evil forces, repel their attacks and protect people from them, as well as cleanse thoughts from evil.

The beginnings are creatures that are similar in their functions to guardian angels, but they protect more than one specific person, but a group (for example, on the scale of a tribe, nation, state). It is believed that God assigned them to every nation in order to protect, admonish, protect from rash acts, suggest correct and fair decisions.

VIII. Archangels

The archangels are considered the leaders of the divine army, they convey the will of God to the lower angels so that they communicate it to people. Archangels bring enlightenment, help strengthen people in faith. The highest among the archangels is Michael.

Angels are spiritual guides for people. An angel is assigned to each person, who guides him on the right path, protects him from adversity, bad thoughts. They are the voice of our conscience. Angels are the closest beings to people, however, they do not act on their own, because they receive instructions from God through his messengers.

Some archangels and angels, their deeds and influence on culture

The names of many angels and archangels are known to us not only thanks to the dogma, but also to popular culture. References to their deeds are often found in religious texts.

  • Azazel. Considered a fallen angel, a desert demon. The name of this angel is known to most thanks to Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, because he became the prototype of Azazello. Also appears as a negative character in Marvel comics.
  • Ariel (also referred to as Samuel and Ariel). An archangel who patronizes people whom God has endowed with talent. He helps musicians, artists, writers, poets, everyone in whom God has put a creative spark. He also helps children.
  • Barahiel. An archangel who brings blessings to those who are engaged in good and charitable deeds. In iconography, his image is quite rare; on surviving icons, he is often depicted with a flower in his hand.

  • Gabriel. V Old Testament Archangel Gabriel God reveals the secrets of the future. In addition, it is Gabriel who brings the Virgin Mary the news of the birth of Christ, and later warns her in advance of death. On the icons, the archangel is depicted with a candle, a flowering branch or a mirror.

  • Yehudiel. One of the archangels in the Orthodox tradition. It is believed that he protects those people who have proven their righteousness by hard work, both physically and spiritually. He also suggests correct and fair decisions to those in power.

  • Michael. Chief among all the archangels and the most revered. It is believed that he acts at the head of the divine army, defeated the evil forces. It is Michael who is to call the souls to Last Judgment He will judge sinners. Therefore, Michael is also considered the patron saint of the dead. Despite the fact that the names of the archangels are practically not mentioned in the Old Testament, the name of Michael pops up more than once, which indicates his exceptional significance.

  • Raphael. According to the Book of Enoch, Raphael is considered the second archangel after Michael. Among the abilities of Raphael, mentioned in religious texts: the exorcism of demons, healing. It is believed that Raphael can be called to help any person if he himself wants it and is ready for spiritual healing. The very presence of the archangel nearby relieves anxiety and worries. Raphael is often depicted with a fish in his hand. This plot is a reference to the Book of Tobit, according to which the archangel instructed Tobias to catch a fish, and then told how to restore sight to a person with the help of her gallbladder.

  • Satanail (Satan). Satan is a common noun in its original meaning, indicating the one who in every possible way hinders the performance of good deeds. Satan was created as a cherub, full of wisdom, divine love and beauty. But being proud of his perfection, he wished to become equal with God, for which he was cast down to earth. any appeal to a fallen angel is considered apostasy. Fortune-telling, various magical actions, occultism, belief in superstitions that are not recognized by the church are equated with turning to Satan.

The names of archangels and angels are found in Christian, Jewish and Islamic sacred texts. This serves as another proof of the relationship of the three religions.

Archangels are called great evangelizers, announcing the great and glorious. Archangels reveal prophecies, knowledge and understanding of the will of God, strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds with the light of knowledge of the Holy Gospel, and reveal the sacraments of pious faith. The names of the Archangels are known from the Holy Scriptures. Each of them has a special ministry. Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Selaphiel, Yehudiel, Barahiel, Jeremiel.

Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael (who is like God) is the leader of the heavenly host.

They say that Satan takes great credit for making the painters NOT DESIGN themselves defeated under the feet of the Patron of the human race. On this drawing under the feet of the Archangel Michael is the defeated devil.

Dan. 10, 13; 12, 1.
Jude. Art. 9.
open 12:7-8.

"Michael, one of the first princes, came to help me." (Dan. 10:13)

Oh, the great Archangel of God, Archangel Michael, the conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from all sorrows and from all illnesses, from mortal ulcers and vain (sudden) death.

Holy Archangel of God Michael! Drive away from me with your lightning sword the spirit of the evil, sad, tempting me, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

When Satan rebelled against God, saying "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will be like the Most High" (Is. 14:13-14), then the Archangel of God Michael opposed him, answering: "Who is like God? No one is like God!" . And then the whole angelic world was divided.

"And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought against them, but did not stand ... And the great dragon, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole universe, was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him, and I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ, because the slanderer is cast down." (Rev. 12; 7-10).

Since then, God has blessed this zealous Archangel to participate in spiritual battles as the Archangel of the incorporeal forces and called him Michael, which in translation means Who is God. Who is equal to God.

The book "A Guide to Painting Icons of Saints" says that the holy Archangel Michael "is depicted trampling (trampling underfoot) Lucifer and, like a conqueror, holding a green date branch in his left hand on his chest, and in his right hand a spear, on top of which white banner, with the image of a red cross, in commemoration of the victory of the Cross over the devil. (Academician V.D. Fartusov, Moscow, Synod. Type, 1910, p. 226).

Russian Chrysostom, Archbishop Innocent of Kherson wrote as an edification: “He was the first to rebel against Lucifer (Satan), when he rebelled against the Almighty. It is known how this war ended - the overthrow of the morning star (Satan) from heaven. for the glory of the Creator and Lord of all, for the salvation of the human race, for the Church and her children.

... Therefore, for those who are adorned with the name of the first of the Archangels, it is most fitting to be distinguished by zeal for the glory of God, fidelity to the King of Heaven and the kings of the earth, the constant war against vice and wickedness, constant humility and selflessness "(Seven Archangels of God, M., 1996, p. .5-6).

The memory of the Holy Archangel Michael according to the church calendar is celebrated on November 8 (O.S.) and September 6 (O.S.).

Holy Archangel Michael, help me defeat enemies, visible and invisible, and adversaries who fight against my soul and body. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Gabriel.

Archangel Gabriel (from Hebrew - the husband of God). One of the highest angels, in the Old and New Testaments, appears as a bearer of joyful gospels. He announces to the priest Zechariah in the temple, while offering incense, about the birth of John the Baptist, the Ever-Virgin in Nazareth - about the birth of the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, he is considered the guardian angel of the chosen people. Kabbalists consider him the teacher of Patriarch Joseph; according to the teachings of the Mohammedans - from him Mohammed received his revelations and was carried away to Heaven by him. It is depicted on icons with candles and a jasper mirror as a sign that the ways of God are not clear until the time, but are comprehended through time by studying the word of God and obedience to the voice of conscience.

Mentioned in canon books:
Dan. 8, 16 and 9, 21;
OK. 1, 9 and 26.

"The Archangel Gabriel was sent from God." (Luke 1:26)

Oh, the great Archangel of God Gabriel! You announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. Raise to me, a sinner, the terrible day of my death, and pray to the Lord God for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive my sins, and the devils will not keep me in tollhouses for my sins.

Holy Archangel of God Gabriel, bringing unspeakable joy from Heaven to the Blessed Virgin Mary! Fill my heart, grieved with pride, with joy and joy, and save me from all troubles and serious illness, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

When the holy prophet Daniel was rewarded with a prophetic vision from God about the future fate of the world, and wondered what it meant, he heard the voice of God: "Gabriel! Explain this vision to him!" (Dan. 8:16). Another time, as the prophet says: "Gabriel .., having quickly arrived, touched me ... and admonished me ... and said:" Daniel! Now I have come out to teach you understanding." (Dan. 9; 21-22).

And indeed, the holy herald of the mysteries of God explained everything to the prophet Daniel and, enlightening him, gave the understanding of seventy weeks, after which the Savior of the world was to be born.

Later, the holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce to Zechariah the birth of John the Baptist, and Virgin Mary to predict the birth of the Savior from Her (Luke 1:5-38). “This same Archangel, according to God-wise men, was sent to strengthen the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane and to proclaim to the Mother of God Her all-honorable Assumption. Therefore, the Church calls him a minister of miracles,” writes St. Innocent, Archbishop of Kherson (cited essay, p. 7 ).

The Holy Archangel Gabriel, as explained in the "Guide to the Painting of Icons", "is depicted holding a lantern with a candle lit inside in his right hand, and a stone mirror in his left." (Fartusov, p. 226). This mirror of green jasper (jasper) with black and white spots on it, illuminated by the light of truth, reflects the good and bad deeds of the peoples, proclaims to people the mysteries of God's economy, the salvation of mankind.

The name Gabriel, received by the Archangel from God, means in Russian the Fortress of God or the Power of God.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, bring joy to me and the salvation of my soul. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Uriel.

Archangel Uriel (fire of God).

3 Ezd. 4, 1; 5, 20.

"Archangel Uriel commanded me." (3 Ezra. 5:20).

Oh, the great Archangel of God Uriel! You are the radiance of the Divine fire and the illuminator of those darkened by sins, enlighten my mind, my heart and my will with the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and implore the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the hell of the underworld and from all enemies visible and invisible.

Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illumined by the light of God and abundantly filled with fire and fiery hot love! Throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, illuminate my dark soul with your light, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The name of this Archangel of God is known thanks to the third book of Ezra, the last book of the Old Testament.

The Holy Archangel Uriel was sent by God to the pious and learned priest Ezra, who lived in the 5th century BC, to give him an answer about the signs and time of the end of this world.

“I am allowed to tell you about these signs, and if you pray again and weep, as now, and fast for seven days, you will hear even more of this.” (3 Ezra 5;13) - The holy messenger of God Uriel spoke to Ezra. So, after each nightly conversation, the Archangel reminded the priest: "Pray unceasingly to the Almighty, and I will come and speak with you." (3 Ezra 9:25).

And the Lord spoke to Ezra through His heavenly messenger: “The more you experience, the more you will be surprised, because this age is quickly hastening to its end and cannot contain what is promised to the righteous in future times, because this age is filled with unrighteousness and infirmities. ." (3 Ezra. 4:25).

According to the Tradition of the Orthodox Church, the holy Archangel Uriel was appointed by God to guard Paradise after the fall and exile of Adam. According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, Archangel Uriel, being the radiance of the Divine Fire, is the enlightener of the darkened, unbelievers and ignoramuses. And the very name of the Archangel, corresponding to his special service, means the Fire of God or the Light of God.

According to the iconographic canon of the Orthodox Church, the holy Archangel named the Fire of God "is depicted holding a naked sword in his right hand against his chest, and a fiery flame in his left." (Fartusov, p. 226).

“As an Angel of light, he enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of truths that are useful to them; as an Angel of Divine Fire, he kindles hearts with love for God and destroys unclean earthly attachments in them,” explains Vladyka Innokenty, Archimandrite of Kherson. (Cit. Op., p. 10).

Holy Archangel Uriel, enlighten my darkened mind and defiled by my passions. And pray to God for me a sinner.

Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael (God's help).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
Tov. 3, 16; 12, 12-15.

"Raphael was sent to heal." (Tov. 3;16)

O great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments! Heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body.

Holy Archangel of God Raphael! You are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation, and heal all my mental and physical illnesses, and lead me to the Throne of God, and implore His goodness for my sinful soul, may the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil people, other and to the century. Amen.

The Bible contains a beautiful life story of a godly family. This is the book of Tobiah, which is especially edifying. Here we see the invisible service of the angels of God to us.

Tobit, the father of Tobiah, and the bride of Tobiah were seriously ill. And the Lord sent the holy Archangel Raphael for healing. When Tobit, miraculously clear, wanted to give the stranger half of his estate in gratitude, Raphael told them: “now God has sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law ... I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and rise before the glory of the Holy One ... Bless God forever. For I came not of my own free will, but of the will of our God; therefore bless him forever." (Tov. 12:14-18).

"Very instructive are the words spoken by this Archangel when he was separated from Tobit's family. "A good deed is prayer with fasting and almsgiving and justice, for almsgiving delivers from death and can cleanse every sin ... your charity was not hidden from me, but I was with you" (Comrade 12; 8-9; 13). Therefore, whoever wants to be worthy of the heavenly help of Raphael, first of all, he himself needs to be merciful to those in need. - Instructs Archbishop Innokenty of Kherson (Cit. Op., p. 9).

Raphael in Aramaic means Healing of God or Healing of God.

The "Guide to the Painting of Icons" briefly explains that: "The Holy Archangel Raphael, the doctor of human ailments: is depicted holding a vessel (alavaster) with medical agents (medicine) in his left hand, and a pod in his right hand, that is, a clipped bird feather for anointing wound." (Fartusov, p. 226).

Holy Archangel Raphael, heal my ailments, both spiritual and physical passions. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Selaphiel.

Archangel Salafiel (prayer to God).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
3 Ezd. 5, 16.

"An angel of God called from heaven." (Gen. 21:17).

O great Archangel of God Salafiel, who gives prayer to those who pray! Teach me to pray with a fiery, humble, contrite, heartfelt, concentrated and tender prayer.

Holy Archangel of God Salafiel! You pray to God for the believers, pray to His goodness for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all troubles and sorrows, and from illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment, may the Lord grant me the Kingdom of Heaven with all the Saints, in ages of ages. Amen.

The Holy Archangel Salafiel, whose name in Aramaic means the Angel of Prayer, Prayer to God, or the Prayer Book of God, according to the Orthodox Church, appeared to Hagar in the desert when Abraham sent her with her son to Egypt, to their homeland. "She went and got lost in the wilderness ... there was no water ... and she left the lad under one bush and went ... For she said: I do not want to see the death of the lad. And she ... raised a cry and wept, and God heard the voice of the lad ... and the Angel of God from heaven called to Hagar, and said to her, "What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God heard the voice of the lad from where he is; rise, lift up the lad and take his hand ... And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water alive, and went and filled the bottle with water and gave the lad to drink. (Gen. 21:14-19).

“And so the Lord gave us a whole face of prayer angels, with their leader Salafiel,” writes Vladyka Innokenty of Kherson, “so that with the pure breath of their mouths they warm our cold hearts to prayer, to instruct us when and how to pray, to offer up our very offerings to the throne of grace. When you see, brethren, on the icon of the Archangel, standing in a position of prayer, with his eyes lowered down, with his hands applied with reverence to his Persians (to his chest), then know that this is Salafiel. (Cit. Op., pp. 11-12).

The book "Guidelines for the Painting of Icons" says: "The Holy Archangel Salafiel, a prayer book, always praying to God for people and arousing people to prayer. He is depicted with his face and eyes bowed (lowered) down, and his hands pressed (folded) in a cross on chest, as if tenderly praying." (Farusov, pp. 226-227).

Holy Archangel Salafiel, excite me day and night to the Divine doxology. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Yehudiel.

Archangel Yehudiel (Praise God).

"He will command his angels about you - to guard you in all your ways." (Ps. 90:11).

Oh, the great Archangel of God Jehudiel, zealous defender of the glory of God! You excite me to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me lazy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and implore the Lord Almighty to create a pure heart in me, and renew the spirit of rights in my womb, and with the Master’s spirit will confirm me to worship God in spirit and in truth.

Holy Archangel of God Yehudiel, ever-present companion and intercessor of all those who labor on the path of Christ! Wake me up from the heavy sleep of sinful laziness, and enlighten me and strengthen me with a good feat, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

According to the sacred tradition of the Orthodox Church, God sent the Archangel Jehudiel to precede the people who profess the one true God in conquering the land of the pagan peoples.

Moses, after forty days of fasting and prayers, ascended Mount Sinai, where God gave him the Law, which the entire Old Testament Church had to observe. And Moses conveyed to the people of God the words spoken by the Lord: “Behold, I am sending my angel before you to keep you on the way and lead you to the place that I have prepared for you; watch yourself before Him and listen to His voice; do not be stubborn against Him, because he will not forgive your sin, for my name is in him." (Ex. 23; 20-21).

Then God revealed to people that not only every person, but even a people, needs the constant help of the Angels of God on the way to the place that "God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Cor. 2; 9).

The name of the Holy Archangel Jehudiel translated into Russian is the Glorifier of God or the Praise of God, because he really, as the inscription on the fresco of the Cathedral of the Annunciation says, "has the ministry of approving people who work in honor or, for the glory of God, ask for retribution."

As explained in the "Guide to the Painting of Icons", the Archangel of God Yehudiel "is depicted holding a golden crown in his right hand, as a reward from God for useful and pious works to holy people, and in his left hand a scourge of three black ropes with three ends, as a punishment for sinners for laziness to pious labors." (Fartusov, p. 227).

“Each of us, from young to old, is obliged to live and work for the glory of God,” writes Archbishop Innokenty of Kherson. “The greater the feat, the higher and brighter the reward. In the right hand of the Archangel is not just a crown: it is a reward for every Christian working in the glory of God." (Op. cit., p. 13).

Holy Archangel Jehudiel, confirm me for every work and work. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Varahiel.

Archangel Varahiel (God's blessing).

This name is known only by tradition. It is not found in the Bible and the Gospel.

"My angel is with you, and he is the protector of your souls." (Jer. 6).

O great Archangel of God Barahiel, coming to the Throne of God and from the Throne bringing blessing to the house of God's servants! Ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings, may the Lord bless from Zion and from His holy mountain, and multiply the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, victory and overcoming enemies, and save us for many years.

Holy Archangel Varahiel, bringing blessing from the Lord to us! Bless me to lay the foundation for a good correction of my negligent life, so that I will please the Lord my Savior in everything, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Barahiel - Blessing of God.

The book "Guide to the Painting of Icons" says the following about him: "The Holy Archangel Barahiel, the distributor of God's blessings and intercessor, asking for God's favors for us: is depicted as carrying white roses on his chest on his clothes, as if rewarding, at the command of God, for prayers, labors and moral behavior of people and heralding bliss and endless peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Fartusov, p. 227). These white roses mean the blessing of God. What could be purer and more fragrant than white roses, from which rose oil is extracted? So the Lord, through His Archangel Varahiel, sends His blessing from the depths of his clothes for prayers and labors to people.

“Inasmuch as the blessings of God are different,” writes St. Innocent of Kherson, “then the ministry of this Angel is diverse: through him the blessing of God is sent to every deed, to every good worldly occupation.” (Cit. cit., p. 14).

Holy Archangel Barahiel, intercede for me mercy from the Lord. And pray to God for me a sinner. Amen.

Archangel Jeremiel.

Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God).

Mentioned in a non-canonical book:
3 Ezd. 4, 36.

“To this Jeremiel the Archangel answered me” (3 Ezra 4:36)

“In the III book of Ezra (4; 36) the Archangel Jeremiel (the height of God) is also mentioned,” writes Archimandrite Nikifor in the “Biblical Encyclopedia” (M., 1891, p. 63). He was present at the first conversation of the Archangel Uriel with the priest Ezra and answered the latter's question about the signs preceding the end of the sinful world, and about the beginning of the eternal kingdom of the righteous.

The Word of God says that in the beginning the heavens and the earth were created. The sky meant spirits - Angels, the spiritual world, invisible for the time being. They are able to take on any shape and form: living and inanimate beings, natural phenomena, but, as a rule, they appear in the form of an adult male. The appearance of angels can be accompanied by bright light, sound. Christians are confident that spiritual beings have wings, as well as that the Creator gave them the strength to fly without them. Each of us from birth to death is protected by a guardian angel, who is closest to a person.

In the Holy Scriptures, angels and archangels are represented as beings who fulfill the commands of God, acting on his orders, capable of protecting the pious and protecting them. The Word of God tells about the power and strength of Angels of various orders, about the purity and holiness of those who stand at the Throne of God, flaming with love for the Creator.

God sends his heavenly host, the Angels, to proclaim His commands, which is why they are called Messenger Angels. The human mind does not know their exact number - hundreds and thousands of winged defenders.

It is amazing that in the Kingdom of Heaven, with all the diversity of its inhabitants, order and harmony reign - perfect beauty, wisdom and truth. Here you will not encounter monotony or stagnation - everywhere there is movement, the most complex activity, unknown to the inhabitants of the land.

The disciple of the Holy Apostle Paul, Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, talks about the difference between angelic ranks from the words of a teacher who saw the holy angels with his own eyes and explained the difference to Dionysius. Each of the three angelic hierarchies (higher, middle and lower) includes three ranks, making up nine ranks in total. The Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones are referred to the highest, the Power, Dominions and Forces to the middle, the Beginnings, Archangels and Angels to the lower.

The Church, on the other hand, assigns a much higher place to the archangels: belonging to the number of Seraphim closest to God, they are called Archangels, as the leaders of the angelic forces.

Archangels in Orthodoxy

We have already mentioned that there is an angel and an archangel: what is the difference?

Archangels are called great evangelists, who tell about the great and good. Prophecies are revealed to them, knowledge and understanding of God's Will is available. Archangels strengthen the power of holy faith in people, enlighten human minds with Holy Scripture and share the sacraments of faith with the pious.

These characters are considered "leaders" standing above simple angels - countless, incorporeal and immortal beings, invisible to the human eye. In Orthodoxy, 7 archangels are recognized, called upon not only to defend a person and instruct him, but also to perform a number of their own functions. Why their number is exactly seven The Bible does not answer: the text mentions that only God knows this.

The list of archangels consists of the following names:

  • (considered the main);
  • Gabriel;
  • Uriel;
  • Raphael;
  • Selaphiel;
  • Yehudiel;
  • Barahiel.

Looking at the iconographic images of the archangels, you can see that each of them has its own image and its own attributes, with which the artists depict them (for example, Michael is depicted with a sword).

The Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other disembodied heavenly forces is celebrated on November 8 (21). The proclamations of the Council are associated with the Laodian Council, which condemned the worship of angels as heretical.

The purpose of the archangels

The purpose, tasks, exploits and even the appearance of the archangels are described in biblical texts.

archangel Michael

Archangel Michael, who has extraordinary spiritual power, was named the Archangel and placed by the Lord over the 9 ranks of Angels. The commander of the heavenly host, he expresses the deeds of the Lord. His name means "who is like God."

The Holy Scripture says that the first feat of arms for His glory, Michael performed in heaven, the first to fight against Satan and his minions.

An active warrior is always depicted in a white cape and a warlike appearance, with a spear or sword, trampling a dragon or a snake. The white banner at the top of his spear symbolizes the purity and fidelity of the Angels to the Lord, and the cross at the end makes it clear that the fight against the forces of darkness is carried out with the help of patience, humility and selflessness.

Believers celebrate the appearance of Michael in Christian temple the name of the archangel in Phrygia, where a healing spring beat. In order to destroy the temple, the pagans connected two rivers and directed the stream towards the temple. Having heeded the prayers of the confessor, the Archangel himself appeared and opened a cleft that swallowed water, and the place was called Hony, which means "hole."

Believers read prayers to Michael to get rid of sorrow and sadness at the entrance to new house or the construction of a new dwelling in order to obtain patronage for the throne or state.


In Hebrew, Gabriel means “man of God,” “strength,” or “fortress of God.”

Being the messenger of God's fates, Gabriel is often depicted by the Holy Church with a lantern and a candle burning in it in one hand and a mirror in the other, which means: the archangel accurately and without distortion conveys the Will of God, although the fates of people are hidden for the time being, and are comprehended only by those looking in the mirror surface of His Word and his own conscience. Sometimes he is drawn with a paradise branch in his hands - Gabriel brought it to the Mother of God.


Raphael is engaged in healing the ailments of the soul and body, the doctor of God. It is no coincidence that his name is translated as "God's help, healing or healing." According to legend, he healed the beloved of the pious Tobias. Often he is depicted with a medical vessel in his hand.


"The light or fire of God", the patron of sciences and knowledge Uriel devotes himself to the enlightenment of the ignorant and darkened, lost souls. An angel of God's light, he illuminates human minds, an angel of heavenly fire, inflames souls and hearts with love for Him. On the icons, Uriel is depicted with a sword in one hand, and a heavenly flame in the other.


Selaphiel - "inciting to prayer." The main heavenly prayer book constantly prays for the health and salvation of mankind. The church depicts the archangel with his face and eyes lowered, and his hands folded in a prayer gesture.


The Archangel "God's Praise" comes to the defense of the ascetic, intercedes before God for worthy rewards for his labors. It is necessary to try to achieve the cherished goal, and the efforts made by a person are noticed by Yehudiel and transferred to the Lord. On icons, he is depicted with a golden wreath, as an encouragement to the righteous, in one hand and a whip of black ropes, as a punishment for sinners, in the other.


Barahiel means "blessed by God." The archangel asks for blessings and mercy for people, conveys the blessing of the Lord in its various manifestations. Being a harbinger of bliss in the Kingdom of the Lord, is depicted in pink clothes or with roses in hands or on clothes.

Well, each of the seven archangels fulfills his tasks assigned to him by God. You can turn to them through prayer, but it is better to correlate your goals and turn to a specific angel. They say that you can only contact the archangels during a certain period, but this is not so: if necessary, you can read a prayer and ask for help at any time of the day or night.

Regardless of whether you feel the presence of angels and archangels, believe or not in their existence, they are always there and ready to come to the rescue and respond to your call. They are ready and willing to support and help every person on his way. In connection with the law of Free Will, angels cannot help a person unless they hear from him a clear request for help and inviting them into his life!

How to communicate with angels.

1. Make room for angels in your life

Angels live in the world of the Spirit, the heavenly world, and we live in the world of matter. Naturally, they are drawn to the house. Therefore, if you want the angels to be comfortable with you, you need to make your world - thoughts, feelings and environment - more like their world. To paraphrase James, draw near to the angels and they will draw near to you (James 4:8).

Angels feel good surrounded by thoughts of peace and love, and not in an atmosphere of irritation and aggression. You may not be able to get out of your mind, say, a rude chauffeur who cut you off on the way to your house. However, it is quite possible to get rid of irritation by starting to communicate with the angels for at least a few minutes a day.

Get rid of irritants first. Turn off the radio and TV, go to a separate room or your favorite corner of nature, imagine angels (a picture of your favorite angel placed next to it will help) and communicate with them.

Just tell the angels about your problems. Talk like you're sharing with your best friend. And then listen. Be silent and wait for the thoughts that the angels will send you. You may want to use some of the techniques given in this booklet to increase the flow of positive energy from the angels.

And soon your relationship with the angels will turn into an upward spiral: they will help you feel more positive. A positive state will bring you closer to the angels.

2. Pray out loud

Angels answer many silent prayers or urgent desires of the heart. You don't have to speak to get their attention, especially in places where it would be inconvenient, like at a business meeting or on the subway. However, you will get a more powerful response if you speak to the angels out loud.

The spoken prayer has various forms: songs and hymns traditionally used to invoke angels, well-known prayers such as the Lord's Prayer, and free prayers in which you speak of the deepest yearnings of your soul. You can combine all this with "decrees" and "decrees" - new types of prayers, which you will learn about in this booklet.

Decrees allow God and man to work together to constructively change lives. These are spoken prayers that enable you to direct the energy of God into the world. Decrees are short powerful statements like: “Archangel Michael! For help! For help! Help!”, effective for calling the help of angels.

Speak your decrees and decrees aloud in a firm, strong voice. Say them at home in front of the altar, on the way to the bus stop, in the car, in the mountains, and especially in emergencies. And see how heavenly streams will pour out on you!

3. Use the name of God

God is within you. And if you use the energy of the God that lives in you to guide the angels, they will be able to respond with all the power of the universe.

When God spoke to Moses from a burning but not burning bush, He revealed both His name - I AM THAT I AM - and the true nature of man. You are the bush, and the fire is your divine spark, the fire of God that He gives you as His son or daughter. It is the power to create in the name of God and the right to command angels.

Jesus used the name of God when he said, "I AM the resurrection and the life." Whenever you say, “I AM…” you are truly saying, “God is in me…” and thus attract all specified qualities. When you say, "I AM illumination," you are asserting that the God in you is drawing this quality to you, making you more enlightened than you were before. Many decrees and decrees in this booklet contain the name of God - I AM THAT I AM. Try reading them and experience the increased power of your prayers.

4. Give Your Prayers and Decrees Daily

Angels are always with us. But we don't always know how to contact them. The best way to get them to answer the call is to build a well-worn path from your heart to theirs by communicating with them every day. A The best way fellowship with them - set aside time for daily sessions of prayer and invocation. Don't make them long, five minutes is a good start.

Mechanic Michael assures that the angels help him all the time and that by giving decrees daily, he is on the same wavelength with them. “For my part, and I am more in tune with them,” he says. The daily reading of decrees helps him to receive almost instantaneous answers to his requests. Usually it takes no more than fifteen seconds for the angels to point out where to find the missing parts, they regularly help determine the causes of malfunctions in machines.

When you pray daily, you help not only yourself, but also people you don’t even know. The angels are looking for those who regularly call upon the light of God to be their partners in the work of healing the planet. And when found, direct light through them to help those who are threatened by disease, severe violence or natural disasters. Thus, your daily prayers will truly bring change to the world.

5. Ask for help

Even after you have made friends with the angels, do not forget to ask them for help when you need it. Angels respect your free will. In very rare cases, they may intervene without you asking them, but more often, out of courtesy, they wait to be called.
Michael (mechanic) says that he sometimes struggles with the problem himself for a long time before he remembers the angels and calls for their help. It often happens when he tries to screw a bolt into a place he cannot see: “I can spend fifteen minutes trying to achieve this, and then I say:“ Angels, please help me, ”and bam! “It all worked out,” he says.

6. Repeat Decrees and Prayers

Decrees and prayers become more powerful as you repeat them. Many Protestants avoid repeating their prayers, seeing this as the "verbosity" that Jesus warned against (Matt. 6:7). “Really,” they say, “why should I ask God for anything more than once?” Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church On the contrary, they practice the repetition of “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” and other prayers. The Jewish mystics repeated the names of God. For some mystics, repetition truly becomes unceasing prayer (I Thess. 5:17).
The reason for the increased effectiveness of prayer with repetition is that each recitation of it increases the amount of light energy that you send to God and the angels. Angels can use this energy as a seed, adding even more light energy when they appear in response to your call. So, choose a series of prayers and decrees. Say them every day until the angels respond.

7. Send your prayer to the right address

If you need to fix the pipes in the house, you call a plumber. To save yourself from a bully, call on the angels of protection. If you want to establish a relationship with someone, call the angels of love.

At the angels various work. And they use energies of different frequencies (corresponding to different colors) in order to fulfill it. On the following pages, you will be introduced to the seven types of angels, as well as the seven Archangels who govern them, and learn which angels to call for certain tasks.

The idea of ​​the [existence] of seven Archangels is not new, as is the connection of each angel with certain color, or spiritual fire. Even in the third century before the birth of Christ, the Jews wrote about the seven Archangels. They also believed that angels appear surrounded by spiritual flames of various colors.

You can connect more closely with these beings by calling on an Archangel whose angels are specialized in the particular work that you would like to see done.

8. Be specific

The angels answer your call accurately and are proud of it. The more specific the request, the more accurate the answer will be. As long as you live in harmony with the universal Source and give your energy to help others, hosts of angels will help you in everything, up to the smallest details life.

Here is an inspiring example. During World War II, left penniless, a woman turned to God for help. On the grocery list, she specifically listed what her family needed for their weekend meals. A few hours later, a man knocked on the door and handed over a basket of everything she asked for, down to veal, potatoes, and baking flour.

Here's how another woman worked with the angels to get the car she wanted. Danette was looking for a used Toyota 4-Runner, but she knew she wouldn't be able to pay what was usually charged for such a car. And then she decided to entrust this matter to the angels.

The woman wrote the year of manufacture of the car, make, color, engine size, reasonable price, mileage, type of wheels and tires that she needed. On the same list, she indicated that she wanted a car in good working order with heavy-duty steering and brakes, strong windows and locks, air conditioning and computer route control. She cut out a picture of the type of car she was looking for and kept it in her wallet. Every day for fifteen to forty-five minutes she gave decrees and decrees to the angels, looking at her list and picture.

After weeks of reading car ads with no results, Danette was a little frustrated but didn't give up. “I knew that the angels continued to work on this issue ... I did not agree to anything less,” she said. Finally, the woman decided to continue her search in another city, twelve hours away from her own. There, her friends said that at an affordable price for her, "4-Runner" simply could not be found.

But after looking through the ads in the local newspaper, Danette discovered... a 1990 Toyota 4-Runner and, as she said, "three thousand dollars cheaper than cars she had seen before." The owner placed the advertisement literally on that day, the car met all its requirements, up to computer control route. Her bank cleared the loan, and as she drove home in her 4-Runner, Danette thanked the angels all the way.

The more details your request contains, the more satisfied you will be with the results.

9. Imagine what you want to happen

You can increase the power of your prayer by maintaining a stable mental picture of what you want to happen. In addition, visualize a radiant light that surrounds the situation or problem. Sometimes focusing on an image can help, as Danette did. Here is another example of visualization in action.

As a group of young people were driving home after attending a spiritual seminar, their car engine began to overheat. Since none of them had money to fix the car, they decided to ask the angels for help.

Kevin, who was driving, said: “Whenever the needle crept up to the “overheat” mark, I made fiery calls to the angels ... I asked all passengers to visualize snow, crystal clear, cold mountain streams and ice around the engine. We noticed how the arrow immediately went down, indicating that the temperature had dropped to normal.”

Thanks to the angels and effective visualization, the young people made it home safely! Of course, when possible, it is best to combine the help of angels with the help of professionals.

10. Expect surprises

These questions arise in almost everyone who has ever thought about angels. Why do they answer some prayers and not others? Why does one pray for ten years and not get what he wants, while the other gets it immediately? Why does a fire or flood destroy some houses while others remain unscathed? Undoubtedly, the angels hear the prayers of everyone.

One reason is that the ability of angels to answer prayers is based on the cumulative effects of our actions in the past - our good and bad deeds in this and previous lives - denoted by the word "karma". Angels are not genies or Santa Claus. They are bound to act in accordance with the law of karma. When we pray with devotion to the angels, they can sometimes remove the effects of karma, but more often they have the right to only soften them.

Angels hear all our prayers. But in order to satisfy the request, three conditions must be met:

  • they cannot interfere with God's plan for your soul (or your karma);
  • they must not harm you or anyone else;
  • the time must be correct.

You can beg for years to win the lottery and not win. But you can get something unexpected in return, for example, a high-paying job that opens up new horizons for you. Perhaps the angels could not answer the request for a win because your soul needs to learn how to make a living on its own. But they answered. And just in a way that is best for you.

If you follow the steps in this booklet and still don't get an answer, consider if the angels have something to say to you. Maybe it's time to reconsider the content of your prayer and try again? Keep praying and know that they will give you the best answer they can, based on the needs of your soul. Prayer always bears fruit. You just need to know where to look.

Source: from the book by E.K. Prophet "How to work with angels"


Helps with:

  • Loyalty and commitment to what you believe in
  • Courage
  • Direction
  • Energy and vitality
  • The meaning and purpose of life in all its manifestations
  • Motivation for actions
  • Protection
  • Cleansing space
  • Emancipation of the spirit
  • Increased self-esteem

Below is a short decree that you can give to Archangel Michael if trouble suddenly happens to you and you need immediate help. This can be especially useful in traffic accidents and in various difficult situations that at first glance seem hopeless. When you issue this decree with all the fervor of your being, Archangel Michael instantly rushes to your side.

Archangel Michael Help! For help! For help!

Archangel Michael Help me! Help me! Help me!

Call on Michael when you feel scared or vulnerable. He will immediately come to you, instill courage in you and increase your self-esteem, both physical and emotional. You will feel his presence next to you, as if you have a bodyguard who loves you, who is ready to protect you. Anyone who wishes to harm you will instantly change their mind. Michael does not require an official spell and will come to anyone who calls on him.

For example, you might think like this:

Archangel Michael, please come to me right now, I need your help!

And mentally describe the situation in which you need support.

As mentioned above, you will understand that he is near when you feel the characteristic warm energy.

Archangel Gabriel

Helps with:

  • adoption of a child
  • Conception of a child and fertility
  • TV-radio work

In the name of Gabriel and Hope, I AM a holy one of God!



Helps with:

  • divine magic
  • Environmental protection, especially with water basin problems
  • Manifestations
  • Wild animals, fish and birds, healing and protecting them


Call on Archangel Ariel anytime, anywhere. If you cast this spell in nature, especially near water, you will most likely feel, hear, and see its presence:

Archangel Ariel, I call you. I yearn to help protect and heal the environment and I ask you to give me a Divine assignment for this important mission. I ask you to open the way for me and support me in this endeavor. Thank you for the joy this mission brings to me and the world.


Helps with:

  • Overcoming bad habits
  • Clairvoyance
  • Vision, physical and spiritual
  • Healers, guiding and supporting them
  • Healing both people and animals
  • Pets looking for the missing
  • Cleansing space
  • By freeing the spirit
  • Travelers: protection, order and harmony

A short prayer for healing that you can give at any time:

Raphael and Maria, I ask for [name yourself and/or another person]

that he be healed of [name condition(s)],

in accordance with the holy will of God.

I AM the perfection of God revealed
In body, mind and soul.
I AM God's guidance flowing
Healing and keeping in fullness!


Whenever you, or someone you know, or an animal experiences a physical ailment, call on Archangel Raphael and ask for angelic healing. He will immediately intervene in the processes taking place in the body of a person or animal, and will explain to you what needs to be done to enhance the effects of the treatment.

To call Raphael to yourself, just think:

Archangel Raphael, I need help with (describe the situation). Please surround my body and saturate it with your powerful healing energy of Divine Love. I surrender myself completely to the will of God and I know that through his deliverance I will be opened to regain the health that the Lord has given me. Thank you for energy, health and happiness, Lord and Raphael!

To call Raphael to someone else, you can imagine him and other angels surrounding that person or animal with their healing presence and emerald green light. You can ask the Lord to send Raphael to you, or you can ask Raphael himself:

Archangel Raphael, please visit to heal (name of person or animal) and promote health and well-being for all of us. Please help raise all our thoughts to faith and hope, and remove all doubts and fears. Please clear the way for Divine health to reign here once and for all. Thank you.

Prayer to St. Archangel Raphael

Oh, holy Archangel Raphael! We earnestly pray to you, be a guide in our life, save enemies from all visible and invisible, heal our mental and bodily illnesses, direct our lives to repentance for sins and to do good deeds. Oh, holy great Raphael the Archangel! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and make me worthy in this and in future life give thanks and glorify our common Creator in endless ages of ages. Amen.


Archangel Metatron (Merraton, Metaraon)

Metatron is an ardent and energetic angel who works tirelessly to help the inhabitants of Earth. He serves as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, as he has a rich experience of being both a man and an angel. He helps us understand heavenly perspectives and teaches us how to cooperate with the angels.
Children have a special place in Metatron's heart, especially those who are spiritually gifted. After the Exodus, Metatron led the children of Israel to safety through the wilderness. He continues to lead children today, both on Earth and in Heaven. Metatron cares deeply about children diagnosed with Attention Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and helps parents, caregivers, scientists and medical professionals find natural alternatives to Ritalin and other psychotropic drugs.
The Meteatron helps recently deceased children to adjust to Heaven, and living children to love themselves and be able to focus. Metatron also helps children to become aware of spirituality and to accept and polish their spiritual gifts.
Metatron's energy is very strong and focused like a laser beam. He has a big driving force and will always help you overcome your insecurities and bravely step forward. He is also a philosopher and is ready to help you understand what causes other people to act and why certain situations arise.
He says:
“My life on Earth gave me the opportunity to understand human ideas about life and death, which are abstract for those who have always been on the ether. I well understand the fear of death, which is the basis of many human emotions. Since I myself crossed this line, I want to emphasize the opinion that you have heard so often: in fact, one should not be afraid of coming here. Your time is planned according to the calendar of your soul, and death will not come a single moment before the due date.
There is no premature or unplanned death, and all the unpleasant things associated with death exist mainly in the human imagination. Even those who perish under tragic circumstances are spared from excruciating suffering through the intervention of God. Their souls are removed from the body at the moment of inevitability, long before suffering can begin. This disconnection from the event occurs because they are focused on what will happen when their earthly existence ends. The attraction of the newfound life that follows death completely distracts from the suffering that one would seem to endure at the moment of death. We assure you that all this is happening because the Great Creator, who is with us always and everywhere, has compassion on us.”

Helps with:

  • Attention Disorder Syndrome (ATD)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Children's problems
  • Spiritual understanding
  • writing


If the child you care for has STD or ADD and is prescribed certain medications, call on Archangel Metatron, there may be alternative treatments:

Archangel Metatron, I ask for your loving intervention to help (name of child) who is diagnosed with (name of diagnosis). Please help us to know God's Will for this child and tell us adults what is best for him. Please help us to stay strong among so many professionals and do what we think is right. Please help us, all concerned adults, to make decisions on behalf of this child, and to have discussions peacefully despite differing opinions. Metatron, please keep this child safe from the slightest harm, now and in the future. Thank you.

Archangel Sandalphon

The main task of Sandalphon is to bring people's prayers to the Lord so that He answers them. It is said to be so high that it extends from Earth to Heaven. In ancient Kabbalah, it is said that Sandalphon helps future parents determine the sex of the child they are carrying. Many believe that he is quite sophisticated in music.

The messages and music of the archangel Sandalphon reach us like a gentle whisper carried on the wings of angels - they are so gentle that they can whisper past you if you do not pay due attention to them. When you call on Sandalphon, be very attentive to all the words and music that are heard in your mind - most likely, these are the answers to your prayers.

Helps with:

  • music
  • Prayers - delivers them to God and answers them
  • Future babies - determines their gender


If you are praying and want an urgent answer, call on Archangel Sandalphon while thinking about your prayer and saying:

Beloved archangel Sandalphon, who delivers and answers prayers, I ask you for help. Please deliver my prayer (read the prayer) to the Lord as soon as possible. I ask you to bring me a clear answer so that I can understand it. Please let me know if my request is being followed and let me know if there is anything else I should do. Thank you and amen.

Often, due to past negative experiences, our heart is closed to angels. Or the mind, accustomed to rational thinking, cannot comprehend and understand the presence of angels in our lives. How then can angels appear to us? The main aspect is that we must accept angels into our lives and connect with them. When we open ourselves to the angels, the mental, emotional and physical bodies must be involved. By activating all three of your main bodies, you open a channel between yourself and your angels, and they get the opportunity to actually appear to you, or you really feel them. Angels will bring joy into your life positive mood, harmony of relationships, wisdom, love, clear guidance, protection and support. Your angels are waiting for you with wide open hearts, and love for you is sincere and pure. Of all the Higher Beings, it is easiest for us to perceive angels and communicate with them.

How to get in touch and hear the guide angels, the Higher Self and the archangels?
on the way to our Higher Self and angels-mentors, various difficulties and trials can await us.
The most serious and often occurring are fear and disbelief in oneself. Those nightmarish pictures that torment you are nothing more than an expression of your fears and stress. In such a state, it is really difficult to hear anything, and even more so to try to achieve inner silence.
It is easier for a modern person who constantly works with the mind to get in touch with the Higher part of oneself through the heart. It is best to concentrate on the heart chakra, and not on the ajna. Try not to hear the angels, but to feel them, to feel their love, their energy, their vibrations.
Meditation of the heart
Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on the area of ​​the heart or on the heart chakra. Just sit and look at her with your inner eye. It does not matter if extraneous thoughts come to mind, try not to be distracted by their long reflection and each time return back to the contemplation of the heart chakra. Feel the peace and tranquility reigning inside your heart. Feel its calm measured beat. Imagine that the whole world around you is boiling and seething somewhere out there, outside of your heart. In it - peace and quiet, as in the depths of the ocean. Inside you, inside your heart is everything that you can and want to do. And nothing will be created without your will. You are the master of your heart and your world. When you manage to feel this, sit in this state for as long as you need to feel confident in yourself and your abilities.

Now, with that confidence, start sending waves of love and gratitude from your heart. Thank everyone and everyone you want to thank, even for the smallest things. Thank the universe, thank God in yourself and God in other people, everyone who helps you to realize yourself as you are. Let these waves radiate from your heart and go into the reality around you. Watch with your mind's eye how they change people and situations by touching them. You can imagine those with whom you have a difficult relationship and send them waves of love and gratitude. You will see the effect they will have.

At the end of the meditation, turn to your Higher Self, send him waves of love and gratitude and ask him to guide you in the best way for you. Thank yourself and send love to yourself. Feel how this wave from the heart envelops you from head to toe, like a magical cocoon, protecting you from all adversity and transforming your inner being.


MEDITATION "MEETING WITH ANGELS" (given to Urania Thoth) Sit comfortably in quiet place . Ask your Higher Self to help you meet the brothers and sisters in your spiritual family. Close your eyes and start breathing slowly and smoothly, preferably without pausing between inhalation and exhalation. Feel how with each breath you begin to slowly move up, smoothly rising higher and higher along the long vertical tunnel above your head. As you exhale, you are like a swimmer emerging from the depths, slowing down a bit to take a break from the rise and prepare for the next rush to the top. You can already see the light at the end of this long tunnel. Strive for it with all your being, and the rise will go faster. Now you are already touching this light with your crown, taking another breath and as if emerging into a huge dazzling space. You float in it. It seems to you that you are in heaven, inside a fluffy cloud. Take a look around. Everywhere you see the faces of angels around you, they surround you everywhere, they exude such love for you and such admiration that at first it will take you some time to get used to them. Say hello to them, let them touch you, hug you. You will definitely feel these touches, they will be like light touches. But there will be many. Maybe you can even hear the flapping of their wings. You have briefly returned home to your spiritual family, and they are happy to welcome you. Let them do for you what they want to do for you. Maybe they will spin you in their delightful round dance, maybe they will want to undress and bathe you in the rays of light and their love. Maybe they want to give you an angelic massage. Maybe they will present their gifts to you. Whatever they do, all this will be appropriate, and you will feel their every movement as the greatest gift for yourself, you will be happy from any of their touch, because you will feel that for you there is no one closer and dearer than them. When you understand that it is time for you to return, the angels will again gather around you, and each of them will give you a particle of their energy with their touch, which you will carry with you to Earth. Feel how your being, like a vessel, is filled with these energies. Realize how important it is to them that you bring their energy down. Every particle of this energy will be forever connected with your Native Home through you, you will be a messenger of Light on Earth, a messenger of great angelic beings, a messenger of Love. Feel these energies singing within you, feel this choir with your whole body and realize that, having descended to Earth, you will always carry them in yourself, you will shine with them and light the way for yourself and others. Thank the angels for their gifts and with a light and free heart, dive into a small round hole under your feet. You will descend along it just as smoothly as you went up, breathing in and out, only now with each exhalation you will come closer to the Earth, to yourself, sitting in meditation in a calm room. Take another breath and open your eyes. Do you still feel the singing energies of the Angels in you?

Archangels are one of the first creations of God and they existed long before mankind and human religions. They belong to God and not to any theological religion. Therefore, they work with everyone who turns to them.

Archangels: (specialization)

Michael - protection, courage, confidence and security. Guidance in life purpose.

Raphael - healing of animals and people, direction of doctors and healers in their education and work,
guiding and protecting travelers, connecting with your soul mate.

Gabriel - delivering important and clear messages - helping messengers (teachers, actors, artists) help in all aspects of parenthood, including conception, adoption and birth.

Uriel - intellectual understanding, conversations, ideas, insights, study, examinations, writing and public speaking.

Ariel - contact with nature, animals and spirits of nature, earthly material needs, guidance in a career or vocation related to the environment or helping animals.

Metatron - Sacred geometry and esoteric healing, work with universal energies, helping highly sensitive people (Indigo and Crystal children)

Raziel - understanding the secrets of the universe - remembering past lives and healing from their injuries - understanding esoteric wisdom - interpretation of dreams.

Sandalphon is the transmission of prayers from people to God-help to musicians.

Haniel - awakening your spiritual gifts - intuition, letting go of the past - help in healing women's and emotional problems.

Jeremiel - Developing and understanding spiritual visions and dreaming - Guidance in looking at life in order to bring it into line with the way you want to live.

Raguel - help with quarrels and misunderstandings. attracting new wonderful friends.

Zadkiel - help students remember facts and figures. choosing the path of forgiveness.

Azrael - help to the destitute - help to the souls of the dead - comfort in grief.

Jophiel - harmonization of thoughts and feelings - purification of life from negativity.

more Angels and Spirits working with us:

The first ones who get in touch more often Lately and asks to spread information to the masses, supplementing the existing picture of the Spiritual World of the Earth and providing their energies through their messages:

Mother Mary (an aspect of God KIND, Ma-Ra) and Archangel Raphael (Ha-Ra). - Green light.
Kryon. Master of Magnetism.
Lord Hilarion. - Green light.
Master Anastasia. (from the books of V. Megre) - Violet ray.
Bishop Paul the Venetian. - Pink beam.
Lord Jesus. - Golden beam.
Our Higher Selves — Green Ray.
Geya (eng: Gaya) - Spirit of the Earth
Leo Tolstoy is a green ray.
Nikolai Gumilyov is a green ray.
Anna Akhmatova is a green ray.
Elder Athanasius
Lemurians in Altai and Telos.
Lemurian Mirra.
Master Ne-Ra (Different Galaxy)
Elemental Traffic.
Guardian of the mountain * Tow.

Archangel Zadkiel and his female counterpart Saint Amethyst embody the spirit of the violet ray, the seventh ray, and the age of Aquarius. He and Holy Amethyst assist humanity in mastering the seat of the soul chakra.

These archangels bring the flame of freedom, joy, forgiveness, alchemy, justice, transmutation and liberation of the soul. We can enhance these violet ray qualities in our lives by invoking the violet flame through the science of the spoken Word.

The use of the violet flame can erase the memories of the past, bring forgiveness and increase the spirit of joy in us. And every time we call on Zadkiel and Amethyst, who embody the violet flame, we bring change to the earth and change ourselves, move closer to merging with our Christ selves and help prepare the world for the coming Golden Age. According to Archangel Zadkiel, the success of the Aquarian age is absolutely dependent on the effectiveness of our violet flame invocations and on single violet flame invocations that can be worth a million prayers.

You can call on Zadkiel and Amethyst to help you cleanse your past karma and bring a new stream into your life. While you say the following statement, visualize the violet flame erasing the obstacles to the liberation of your soul:

In the name of Archangel Zadkiel and Saint Amethyst,
I AM the violet flame in action in me now!
I AM the bliss and delight of the violet flame!
I AM freedom from limitations!

Archangel Gabriel


  • Art projects and everything related to art
  • Journalism and writing
  • TV-radio work

I am here to help those who speak about social needs. This kind of propaganda - ancient art, and for long years almost nothing has changed here, only technical progress has been added. In all other fields, the art of saying is constantly and steadily gaining strength to give people the power and strength to change and hope. Let me open opportunities for those of you who hear in your heart the call to perform, play and create on a larger scale.”
You can give the following decree to fill yourself with light, energize yourself on the spiritual path, and receive assistance in your progress towards ascension.
In the name of Gabriel and Hope, I AM the holy one of God!

Before starting any art or information project, ask Gabriel to direct your activities by saying aloud or mentally:

Archangel Gabriel, I ask you to appear because (describe your intention). Please open the channels of my creativity so that I can be truly inspired. Help me open my mind so that I can generate unique ideas. And, please, help me to maintain energy during the entire execution of the plan. Thank you, Gabriel.

Archangel Samuel

The name Samuel means "one who sees God." This archangel helps restore significant parts of our lives. Call Samuel if you want to find new love relationships, new friends, a job, or any lost item.


  • Dealing with career issues
  • In gaining life purpose, searching for lost things, in building and strengthening relationships between people
  • In search of kindred spirits and in achieving world harmony

How to summon

Samuel will hear you, even if you call him mentally: Archangel Samuel, help me in solving my question (indicate) guide me along my best path of all possible.

about lost things:
“Archangel Samuel, it seems to me that I have lost (indicate what exactly). I know that in reality nothing is ever lost, for God is in everything and everywhere. He knows everything. Please guide me so that I can find what I have lost. Thank you, Samuel!"

Archangel Zadkiel His name means "Divine Justice". He is considered the archangel of mercy and generosity!

He is an angel of healing who works alongside Archangel Michael, replacing negative energies faith and compassion. Healing the physical and emotional body (soul)

Zadkiel helps us see the Divine Light within ourselves and in others. If you are having trouble forgiving yourself or another person, ask Zadkiel to intervene. He will free your mind from unforgiveness. However, this will not mean that you allow others to insult you. This will only mean that you do not want to drag along the burden of emotional experiences about the situation left in the past.

How to summon
Every time you're upset, call Zadkiel:

“Archangel 3adkiel, I beg you, help me heal my heart. If I cannot forgive, please help me to be completely free from unforgiveness. If there is something I don't see, please help me see it clearly. If I need to feel more compassion, please fill my heart with mercy. If I feel anxious or anxious, please fill my heart with faith and peace. Now I have complete hope in you and in God. I trust that your God-given power will take care of every detail with Divine grace, harmony and wisdom. Thank you"

Regarding abortion, it is very important for you to forgive yourself and, most importantly, to realize that you are very revered by God, we honor any of your choices, there is no retribution and punishment. All events in life are not accidental, all this is part of the spiritual lessons that a person goes through, and all lessons teach us love, let yourself go through it and be happy!

Archangel Chamuel (Chamuel).

Archangel Chamuel helps to renew and improve your love, caring relationships with others, the development of higher emotions, helping to develop the Anahata Heart Chakra. All this is achieved through the beautiful Pink Ray, which represents our ability to love and cherish others, to be unconditionally able to give and receive love. It is love that moves us through compassion to divine emotional maturity. Many people are afraid of opening their Heart Chakra. Warmth emanates from those who discovered Anahata.

Archangel Chamuel helps us in all our relationships and especially through life changing relationship situations such as conflicts, divorces, bereavement or even job loss. Archangel Chamuel helps us appreciate the existing tender relationships we already have in our lives. His message is: “It is only the energy of love within any given goal that provides lasting value, and will benefit all creation.”
The balanced Pink Ray is the union of Heaven and Earth embedded in the human heart. It is the union of the physical Red Ray with the White Ray of spiritual awakening and abundance.

Physical associations:
Body parts - heart, shoulders, lungs, arms, hands and skin. Heals any part of your body that you have rejected or condemned and called unattractive. Ease, physical tension and psychosomatic illness. Also useful where an illness has been diagnosed and fear is blocking physical recovery.

Emotional and mental associations:
The pink ray is associated with creating an atmosphere of trust and self-esteem. This ray quickly dissolves the negative emotions of self-esteem, self-loathing and selfishness. It kindles "inner" happiness. Stops depression, compulsive behavior and destructive tendencies.

Spiritual associations:
Opens the Heart Chakra to develop a healing gift. Attracts kindred spirits of those with whom you can share your innermost thoughts and feelings. Prepares you to receive Christ consciousness and a holy state of mind.


"Dear Angels!
I entrust all my financial affairs and money worries to your care!
I ask you to release me from all anxieties, worries and fears about money and replace them with faith!
I just need to look at nature to be sure of the abundance that the Universe has!

I will get rid of all negative thoughts about money and realize that prosperity is my true state!
I am grateful for everything I have in life!
I am learning to manage my finances and am creating my abundant future right now!

And finally, I ask you to help me realize my purpose in life and fulfill it boldly and decisively! I know that wealth will come to me if I do what I love. Please help me use my skills and knowledge to serve the world!



This prayer protects from negative energy, gives protection from ill-wishers, calms, and also protects a person from stress, fear and painful conditions.

"My Guardian Angel protect me,
Protect my home and loved ones.
Protect yourself from evil enemies with a wall,
Luckily, I follow you through life.

You clothed me with the Power of Heaven,
so that grief and evil help me to expel.
So that I, never being afraid of anything,
I could overcome all obstacles.

Deliver me Angel from spiritual dirt,
Give me pure, free energy.
Take care of me, protect me
so that happiness and joy can be found.

Let only those people be next to me
whose heart is open only to kindness.
Who has kindness to me, respect,
who rejects envy and malice in the soul.

My protector angel, you are my helper,
for my projects you open the road.
Help me to fulfill all my desires,
so that enemies do not interfere with me in my life "


Those who followed our tips earlier and turned to the Higher Forces precisely at the Hour of the Angel, were convinced that such appeals are quickly accepted for execution.
By turning to the Higher Forces with a request at a precisely specified time, you can be sure that your request - a prayer will be heard. If it is at the moment indicated in the table that obstacles and difficulties, as if by agreement, begin to appear on your path and interfere with you in every possible way, you should know that it is better to abandon your plan: fate warns that you are on the wrong path.
Not sure if you should call someone first?
Try to call the Hour of the Angel: if you really need it, you will definitely get through and everything will clear up; well, if something prevents you from getting through at this moment, the issue has resolved itself, you better not take the initiative.
How exactly to address the Duty Angel: go to church, read a prayer or ask, as they say, in your own words? There are no rules here: do as your heart tells you.
The angels do not respond to "an appeal according to the charter", but to a request coming from the heart.
And one more thing: does your religion matter?
No, it doesn't. If you truly believe, then you yourself perfectly understand: all religions turn to the One God,
no matter what names we call Him The angel on duty, like the sun, shines on everyone. Turn to the Hour of the Angel for help - and you will certainly receive it (although, perhaps, in a very unexpected form), your business will surely get off the ground.

Date Time
From to.
1- 17:28 — 18:15
2- 17:25 — 18:12
3- 17:23 — 18:10
4- 17:20 — 18:07
5- 17:17 — 18:04
6- 17:14 — 18:01
7- 17:11 — 17:58
8- 17:08 — 17:55
9- 17:10 — 17:45
10- 17:03 — 17:49
11- 17:00 — 17:46
12- 16:57 — 17:43
13- 16:55 — 17:40
14- 16:52 — 17:37
15- 16:49 — 17:34
16- 16:46 — 17:31
17- 16:43 — 17:28
18- 16:40 — 17:25
19- 16:20 — 17:22
20- 16:35 — 17:18
21- 16:32 — 17:15
22- 16-29 — 17:12
23- 16:26 — 17:09
24- 16:23 — 17:06
25- 16:20 — 17:03
26- 16:17 — 17:00
27- 16:14 — 16:57
28- 16:11 — 16:53
29- 16:08 — 16:50
30- 16:05 — 16:47

Those who live in an area located near the border of time zones,
will have to focus on the very "middle of the moment."
For example, if the table indicates the period from 18:25 to 19:15,
at the junction of time zones, it must be reduced to 18:40 - 19:00.

Astrologer Lydia Nevedomskaya

Archangel Uriel

helps in:

  • finding inner peace and peace of mind;
  • untying the knots of anger and fear in your psyche;
  • revival of hope; - the realization of a cherished goal or dream;
  • achieving material well-being and stability;
  • peaceful resolution of problems in personal, professional and social life;

You can summon Uriel by saying:
“Archangel Uriel, I ask for your wisdom in [describe a situation or issue you wish to clarify). I need full information so that I can clearly see the situation in its true light. Please help me make an informed decision by giving me every possible perspective in this case. Please help me to be well aware and understand this information and to remain as open as possible. Thank you, Uriel."


The energy of your home depends only on you. Nobody can change it without your permission. If our aura is weakened or damaged due to the fact that you shared your power with someone, immediately try to strengthen it. You need to eat well, actively engage in auto-training, make the right decisions, visualize exactly what you want, and communicate with Angels of various ranks.

Every time you think or talk about angels, an archangel or a teacher, an energy enters your aura that makes it even brighter.

Having a strong and pure aura, you will attract people to you; they will begin to support your decisions and plans.

How to clean your house:

To make your home attractive to the angels, you must first free it from all rubbish. Do the cleaning. Vacuum and wash the entire house. Change the interior as needed.

Open the windows to let the old energy out And let the new in. This is very important to do if you quarreled with someone or were rude to someone.

Purify the room with incense by placing it in every corner of the house. Let bells and cymbals hang in every room; they must destroy the former heavy energy.

Check the bookshelves, get rid of all junk and low vibration books - they give off bad energy.

Plants with small leaves, such as ferns, destroy all negative formations.

Call on the silvery-violet flame and imagine it filling your home.

How to fill your home with LIGHT:

Buy or borrow from friends books that exude Light. The images on the walls also radiate a certain energy.

Beautiful photographs of landscapes and views of the sea, bright or holy people, cheerful children and animals fill the space with Light.

Angels love color, so your home should have brightly colored curtains, bedspreads, and rugs. Fill the space with a variety of colors.

Set up an altar with candles, crystals, beautiful objects, images or figurines of saints and ascended masters.

The angel will certainly be impressed by your daily prayer, said in this corner with a lit candle.

Meditate, pray and dance in a space filled with Light and joy.

Favorite sounds of Angels:

Angels are attracted by classical music and beautiful compositions of the new era, written in the name of peace and harmony. They also like the sound of glass and Tibetan bowls.

Angels love laughter. May there always be joyful relatives and friends in your house, and then the angels will definitely visit you. Sing more often beautiful or spiritual songs, and your home will become even more attractive to the messengers of light. Chant the names of the Lord, mantras or the sounds of "o" and "a", May the chanting bring you happiness.

Conversations on spiritual topics and kind words about other people also caress the ears of angels.

Meditation inviting Angels to your home:

1. Make sure that no one will disturb you in the place chosen for meditation.
2. If possible, enhance the energy of the place with flowers, candles, incense, angelic music that you like, and beautiful objects or books.
3. Sit or lie down with your back straight.
4. Imagine that you are rooted: the roots coming from your feet bind you to the earth.
5. Relax and abstract from the outside world. Look around and bless all things and all the inhabitants of your home.
6. Close your eyes and imagine your home filled with beautiful golden light.
7. Ask for a beam of light to descend from the Origin to the earth, penetrating your home. Imagine this picture in your mind.
8. Invite angels to your home.
9. Believe that they are near you, listen to your feelings.
10. Thank them for visiting and promise that you will keep the energy and Light they have surrounded us with.

\Diana Cooper\

ANGELS OF THE WORLD - Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora:

These Angels serve on the Purple-Gold Ray of Peace and help to find peace of mind and establish peace. Archangel Uriel, Archeia Aurora and their angels help in world service - in the manifestation of Divine justice in courtrooms and in international relations; in restoring peace, brotherhood and mutual understanding between communities and peoples. They can be asked to bring peace to the Earth - to all tense points of the planet!


— About spiritual gifts: about inner world, peace of mind, about untying the knots of anger and fear in your psyche, about new hope.
- On practical assistance: on the peaceful resolution of problems in personal, social and professional relationships; in creating a harmonious environment for the manifestation creativity and growth; about inspiration and help to sisters of mercy, doctors, workers of shelters, educators, teachers, judges, ministers social sphere society and all who serve others.
— About world service: about stopping wars, about restoring peace; about brotherhood and mutual understanding; about the manifestation of divine justice in courtrooms and in international relations.

“In 1985, Soviet cosmonauts reported that from the window of the Salyut-7 space station they saw seven large angels with wings like giant jet planes. One woman astronaut said: "They were smiling as if they knew a wonderful secret."
These angels are reminiscent of the Archangel Uriel and the angels of the world. They are so big and strong that the light of their kind smiles can dissolve seemingly insurmountable problems - even on a global scale! "

You can imagine Uriel and the angels of the world as gigantic creatures like those seen by the astronauts. They can bring peace to underprivileged areas, to your home, and to an upset mind or soul. They act quickly and with great power. By entrusting them with work, you will see that your problems disappear as quickly as clouds after rain. When you ask them to let you global problems, millions of angels get down to business!


“Archangel Uriel, Your name is the Fire of God!
I ask for the restoration of peace for all disturbed minds and souls!
Archangel Uriel, create a harmonious environment around me and all people living on the planet.”

Read the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi:
“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love
Where resentment is forgiveness
Where doubt is faith
Where despair is hope
Where darkness is light
Where sorrow is joy.
O Divine Sovereign,
Make me
Not so much looking for consolation as consoled;
Not so much seeking understanding as understanding;
Not so much sought to be loved as loved.
For when we give, we receive
Forgiving, we receive forgiveness ourselves,
And when we die, we are born into Eternal Life.

And then repeat 3 times:

"Archangel Uriel and the Angels of Peace,
I accept the gift of peace in my heart
Into your soul, into your spirit,
into your body, into your mind!
Make me an instrument of God's peace"

Also Angels-Helpers of the Earth, Archangels - Gabriel, Michael, Jofil, Raphael, Chamuel, Zadkiel.

Angels obey the Archangel Gabriel, directing them to the true path (white color). You can ask for joy and happiness, for the opening of life plans for the future, for world peace.

Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael obeys the Angels of Protection (blue). Ask Him for protection from spiritual and physical dangers and trials of all kinds.

Archangel Yofil. Archangel Jofil is subject to the Angels of Illumination ( yellow). You can ask for the successful passing of exams, for the discovery of the gift of clairvoyance, for liberation from bad habits and all sorts of harmful thoughts.

Archangel Raphael. Archangel Raphael is assisted by healing angels ( green color). Ask for help and protection from diseases, for the healing of the soul and body in traditional and alternative medicine.

Archangel Chamuel. Archangel Chamuel obey the Angels of love ( pink color). He can protect from someone else's malice, anger and slander.

Archangel Zadkiel. Archangel Zadkiel obey the Angels of Joy ( purple). Forgive him for tolerance and help in diplomacy, for joy in life.

Question: Archangel Uriel, I know less about You than about other angels. You remain a mystery to many. What could you tell us about yourself and your role, and what message do you have for us?

Answer: I'm glad you invited me to contribute to this book, Doreen, I've been by your side invisibly during many of your other projects. Although I seem ephemeral to you and my presence is difficult to determine, I have always been there for you. I have shed light on many situations in which you experienced some kind of difficulty, helped you deal with them in much the same way that hair conditioner helps you deal with tangled curls. In most cases, I stand respectfully apart from those who usually communicate with you directly, preferring to stay behind the scenes and come when my help will bring the greatest benefit.
My love is constantly overflowing from my heart into yours (I mean not only you, but everyone who can hear these words). I am very busy washing situations with love, like a firefighter on a wildfire who chooses the areas engulfed in the most intense flames. I extinguish the pain where it seems that everything is already hopeless, and then you begin to see and think more clearly, and in the end there is a way out. I bring new light into your consciousness so that hope returns to your heart. In many cases, I help you find a creative solution that the Higher Mind constantly offers you, but you can perceive them only in a state of clear consciousness.
I am like a window cleaner from which the prospect of the future opens up to you. I'm just clearing the clouds so you can see life in a new light. Often you call me a "psychological angel", and this is true. I really have the ability to change something in your hearts and bring about forgiveness, even in situations where anger and hatred cloud the mind. I put out the flames of hatred and return to man the ability to realize Divine love. Yes, I am not only the Archangel of Forgiveness, because I can bring much more benefit to humanity.

I am a beginner compared to those archangels with whom people are already very familiar. Other archangels - many of whom you have already met (and those who are still on the way to meet with your open consciousness) - have more, as you call it, "certain" traits, so you immediately recognize them. Michael, with his sharp sword, is an all-powerful warrior fighting for your awareness. Is it possible to ignore his loud voice and commanding spirit? Raphael, with his infinite kindness and desire to support, is like to the best friend who is ready to be by your side in difficult times. Gabriel is an assistant to creative people and geniuses, he is always happy to do everything in his power and direct the source of the energy of creation to the Earth. And who am I in the kingdom of the archangels? I am the one who helps from afar, the one who amplifies situations in which healing occurs, I am ready to pour powerful streams of light into your minds and everything that happens.

This light is the lifeblood of healing and opens your mind and heart so you can see things from a different angle. My stream of light helps you take a step back and rethink everything. He prepares your heart for forgiveness, even when your mind is seeking revenge. It weakens the effect of the attack and softens your reflex desire for immediate revenge. This does not mean that you lose your resolve and, having softened, find yourself in a foolish position. You become calmer and have the opportunity to find a new perspective, find a different solution and strength.
Imagine me as a wise uncle who offers to solve the problem in a different way. I bring you an era of wisdom woven by life itself. And my testament you receive in the form of the greatest wealth: a source of light that I generously direct on your sacred head if it bows in sorrow. This source is constantly replenished with renewed light, and I have an eternity to spend with you.
But not only this light is a healing catalyst, we should not forget about our endless conversations that take place at such high frequencies that your consciousness sometimes does not even know about them. It's moments like these that give me the most joy - the sublime communion of our "gatherings" that most often occur during meditation, in a dream, or when you are in * a state of expanded consciousness. I get great pleasure from how deep our intellectual conversations are, my heart overflows with happiness when I see that you write down these thoughts, fix their wisdom for your own benefit and prosperity.
Contact me more often, I'm always there. Do not think that I will get tired of our communication, this is my duty to you. I really appreciate our conversations, and I am also available in those moments when you do not realize my mission. I am the same Light as you, and, having merged together, our common light will bring much joy to the entire universe.
(From the book Messages from Angels by Doreen Virtue)