What personal qualities to include in the resume. Personal qualities in a resume with examples

Writing a good resume is only half the battle. This document should work as an advertisement for the applicant. Each item of the CV requires a clear wording. Let's talk about the "About Me" block, especially since there is no specific set of qualities that the employer would like the most.

In most resumes, the “About Me” column contains standard set phrases:

  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • purposefulness;
  • resistance to stress.

It cannot be clearly said that it is not worth writing like that, but these qualities are superficial and do not carry important information. A resume is a commercial offer that will help you make yourself known, this is one of the least chances of finding a promising and interesting work.

Important! Try to avoid formulaic phrases, a good resume contains more specifics.

This rule is justified: formulaic phrases will make the resume the same as everyone else. A selling resume should be of interest to a hiring specialist. Standard - will be put aside, and the author of the opposite will definitely be invited for an interview.

The column "About me" should be clearly articulated and not take up half the sheet. This is not the most important part of the document, but it should not be treated negligently.

Writing rules

In order for the block to be truthful, to be of interest to a hiring specialist, it is important to compose it in accordance with the rules, and they are as follows:

  • you can’t rewrite data from other people’s resumes (although it doesn’t hurt to have a sample in front of your eyes), the individuality of the applicant is important;
  • you cannot use personal pronouns (we, I), this will create an unpleasant accent;
  • in order to find a highlight for this column, you need to ask yourself a few questions and find answers to them (they are listed below);
  • it is important to relate each quality to the chosen position, since not all of them are important for a particular vacancy.

As you sit down to write, read the list of suggested questions below and write your answers to each one on your draft:

  1. What is it about you that makes you different from others?
  2. What significant accomplishments have you made in your career to date?
  3. What have you achieved in life?
  4. What makes you stand out from other colleagues?
  5. Why should this position be given to you?

From the answers to these questions, data suitable for this block can be added. These should not be lengthy answers that are several sentences long. Try to find the essence using examples.

Advice! After answering all the questions, collect them together. Having added the resume to the end, you can once again pay attention to this block. He must tell the employer about what is not in the rest of the document.


Reading a parting word is one thing, but visually studying good design options for the “About Me” column is another. Let's take a few samples as examples. They are tailored to a specific position.


List of qualities


  • driving experience of 20 years;
  • married, two children;
  • ready to work on an irregular schedule;
  • driving license category B, C, D.


  • married, has a child;
  • ready for business trips;
  • diligent and responsible;
  • published more than once for the journal "Accounting";
  • I annually renew my subscription to literature that is significant for an accountant.

Head of Sales Department

  • hardworking and diligent;
  • married, have a child;
  • in three years he went from a sales assistant to the head of the sales department;
  • willingness to travel


  • not married;
  • possess leadership qualities, assiduous;
  • the desire to supplement their experience in the development and maintenance of databases.

If the main part of the resume is done properly, everything personal qualities the specialist will determine the applicant during the interview. It is important that the summary looks like a coherent document, and not like a set of monotonous columns, copied from samples and unremarkable.

Basic Mistakes

The “About Me” column is one of the most controversial. That is why it makes no sense to heavily overload it with data. All recruiters agree on what to pay for this line Special attention not worth it. But the standard phrases are striking and spoil the impression of the document. According to statistics, the qualities most often indicated are:

  • responsibility - 34%;
  • sociability - 30%;
  • stress resistance - 16.5%;
  • purposefulness - 14%.

This information will help you avoid routine when writing a resume. Some applicants start listing hobbies in this column, which is completely redundant information. In some cases, even an indication marital status is redundant information.

Some recruiters fundamentally do not read this block of information or get acquainted with it at a glance. The reason is quite banal: lack of time. To find the right candidate for a vacant position, you have to go through hundreds of resumes sent to short term. However, this does not mean that the graph can be easily thrown away. Leave it and keep the information short and concise.

  • do not use complex sentences;
  • do not repeat in the “About Me” column the information that is already in the document;
  • if the work experience is huge, according to the applicant, you can omit this information;
  • instead of banal definitions and superficial information, prefer not to write anything;
  • A resume is not an essay; it should not contain false information.

If you follow all these tips, it will be possible to draw up a graph easily and without any questions. Do not spend a lot of time and effort on it, there are more important points in the resume that the employer will definitely pay attention to. Negligence is also not welcome. If the applicant provides a competent and clear answer to all modern rules summary, then the approach to it will be appropriate.

Very high. To get a prestigious job, you need to think carefully about what to write about yourself in your resume. Examples are quite numerous when a well-written document brought success to the applicant for the position. After all, a resume is the first thing that characterizes you in the eyes of a potential boss.

What should be a resume?

A resume is your face. It is on him that the employer will make a first impression of you. An example of a correct resume should meet the following parameters:

  • volume - no more than 1 page;
  • well readable font;
  • describe personal qualities and professional skills in the first person, in the present tense;
  • unified design style;
  • the presence of a photograph;
  • no errors;
  • business style;
  • the language of the resume is the one that we use in the organization (for example, if you are applying for a position in a foreign company, the resume must be translated).


Not everyone knows how and what to write about themselves in a resume. Examples similar documents allow us to conclude that they all have a similar structure. No matter what position you are applying for, your resume should contain the following main points:

  • Personal information. This is everything that identifies you - full name, date of birth, address, contact information, and so on.
  • Career objective.
  • Education. Specify all schools with specified time frames.
  • Experience. A listing of all companies with which you have worked, indicating the time period, position, duties and special merits, if any.
  • Key skills. It is your abilities and special knowledge that characterize you as an experienced specialist.
  • About myself. This is any additional information that will help the employer to make a positive impression of you. This usually includes personal qualities, hobbies, etc.
  • Recommendations. if you have positive reviews from previous jobs, be sure to indicate this.
  • Portfolio. In the resume itself, it is enough to indicate that you can provide examples of successfully completed work.

Section "About me" in the resume, examples

When compiling a resume, many people make the mistake of omitting the "About Me" section, believing that only data related to professional activities matters. But this is not entirely correct, because you are not just a working mechanism, but, first of all, a person. So always include an "About Me" section on your resume. Examples allow you to highlight the following basic information:

  • Personal qualities. In this section, describe all the characteristics that make you seem like a good employee. If the company's website describes the requirements for applicants for a position, you can transfer personal qualities from there to your resume.
  • Habits. It’s not just about bad habits, but if you don’t have them, it’s not superfluous to point it out. But it's worth looking a little deeper. For example, the habit of always finishing what you start or working beyond the expected time will characterize you extremely positively.
  • Business connections. This is participation in any organizations that are not related to the main activity. You may be a member social movement or charitable foundation.
  • Documentation. Here you need to indicate whether you have a driver's license, open visas, etc. It is quite possible that this will be useful to you in your work.
  • Hobby. If you have a serious passion for something (sports, some kind of art, collecting, etc.), be sure to mention it. But about some negative hobbies ( card games, participation in sweepstakes, etc.) it is better to keep silent.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages.

Lively speech instead of dry clericalism

Of course, the resume should be short and concise. However, a dry enumeration of clerical terms cannot characterize you as a person. It seems that you just copied a standard set of qualities from the Internet. It is necessary to make the "About Me" section more lively and colorful. Examples of the formulation of personal qualities can be as follows:

  • Sociability - the desire to build trusting and respectful relationships with colleagues and partners for productive collaboration.
  • Responsibility - quick response to orders, operational independent work on their implementation.
  • Discipline - strict adherence to the standards, rules of work and behavior adopted in the organization.
  • Punctuality - strict adherence to established schedules and deadlines.
  • Efficiency - performance of a large amount of work in a timely manner without loss of quality.
  • Loyalty - respect for the interests, beliefs and personal qualities of colleagues at work.
  • Analytic skills- the ability to study and structure large amounts of information, as well as draw appropriate conclusions.
  • Customer focus - the habit of working in strict accordance with the expectations and requirements of customers.
  • An active life position is the desire to improve one's own performance, to rationalize the labor process.

Key Skills on a Resume: Examples

Resume writing is confusing for many people. It would seem that you are an employee with experience, but you cannot make a list of key skills and competencies. As a rule, everything is limited to PC knowledge, foreign language ability to work with documents. But this does not characterize you as a specialist. How to write a resume for a job? An example of a search algorithm for key skills is as follows:

  • On a piece of paper or electronically, make a list of everything that you can do (regarding the job). Don't limit yourself to standard items. Think back to everything you've ever done previous places work. Thus, your list may be supplemented by such provisions as "negotiation skills", "public speaking", "recruitment", etc.
  • Read the list carefully and break your skills into several groups according to their degree of mastery. Be sure to indicate this parameter in your resume so as not to overestimate or underestimate your merits.
  • From the compiled list, select exactly those items that are most relevant to the position for which you are applying.

In what form should a resume be submitted?

Example professional resume should be short and concise. But not only the content is important, but also the form of submission. A common mistake is writing a resume in solid text. It is acceptable to use bulleted lists, but the most successful form is a table.

job applicant (name)

personal information
Full nameFullyPhoto
Date of Birth
Family statusNot necessary. You can also indicate if you have children here.
The address
Position and salary
PositionYou can omit this paragraph if you indicated it in the title
RFPSet the rate based on your work experience or the industry average. Do not underestimate the size, because the employer will probably want to "bargain" with you
SchoolNamePeriod of study
Secondary special educationInstitution nameFaculty/specialtyPeriod of studyDegree
Higher education
Educational coursesNamePeriod of studyConfirmation document
Place of work 1PositionJob ResponsibilitiesAchievementsWork period
Place of work 2
key skills
Skill 1
Skill 2
About myself
Personal qualitiesCan be combined
Business connections
Foreign languagesSpecify the degree of ownership
Application List
Annex 1NameDescription
Annex 2

Individual approach

An example of a correct resume implies an individual approach to a potential employer. Try to find out more about the organization itself, as well as the personal qualities of the boss. Of course, most managers appreciate the qualifications of an employee. But if, for example, your director does not have a higher education or special knowledge in some area, he may see you as a potential competitor or even an enemy. Therefore, it is not always worth listing all your merits and regalia. You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your competence in the process of work.


An example of the right resume for a job will certainly bring you success. Give as much attention and time as possible to this issue. Prepare a standard document that you will adjust based on the requirements of a particular organization.

In addition to the basic standard information about age, education, etc., you need to tell about yourself in the resume. In this paragraph, you should indicate your personal qualities.

The percentage of the manager's decision to hire you depends on how well and correctly you can present yourself with the help of a resume. The better you present yourself, the higher this percentage will be.

Most people, when compiling their resume, find it difficult to answer this question, what to write about, so they often just recklessly skip this point. You should not do this, since it is information about your personal qualities that can play a rather important and even decisive role.

Of course, it is worth pointing out a number of mandatory qualities that a good employee. For example, these may be qualities such as:
- a responsibility;
- discipline;
- high efficiency;
- communication skills;
- performance.

Important are such personal qualities as an adequate attitude to criticism and the ability to compromise.

However, it should be remembered that when compiling a resume, you should not indicate all positive traits that may come to mind. It is necessary to highlight only a few of the main ones. At the same time, your task is to disclose information about yourself in your resume so that the employer singles you out from the general mass of potential employees. If you wish, you can present your positive qualities in more original form. However, it is important not to overdo it here.

Specify only those personality traits that really match you. If you cannot attribute any of the qualities to yourself, it is better to keep silent about it. Otherwise, the employer will be able to reproach you for the fact that the information you provided is not true.

Additional qualities

In addition to all the above qualities, you can include in the list some non-standard, but eye-catching and important features. These include qualities such as:
- initiative;
- creativity;
- easy learning;
- mobility;
- activity;
- purposefulness;
- stress resistance.

With such a list, your resume will have a great chance of successfully presenting you as a potential employee.

You can be an incredibly cool specialist and even a guru in some narrow field, but what's the point if the personal qualities for the resume were chosen incorrectly or completely forgotten about? It would seem: they should look at work experience, and the business qualities of an employee for a resume are already secondary. In fact, how you present yourself in the “personal qualities” column can become life-changing.

Before proceeding to review needed by the employer qualities, a little advice: forget in the templates in the form of the words “commitment”, “quick learner”, “work for the result”. This is great, but so old. Even if you want to write such qualities, let them not be the only ones on the honorary list. From the scarcity and stereotyped presentation, your characterization, as a future employee, will definitely not benefit.

Let's start with general advice professional HR professionals. In order not to waste their precious time on an interview not “Toy” or not “Togo”, they will definitely pay attention not only to work experience, but also to personal qualities. And here is what the HRs themselves advise:

  • You can really appreciate yourself as a specialist, but you don’t need to indicate more than 5 personal qualities
  • The qualities of an employee for a resume are indicated based on the position. We will write about this in more detail. But first, the employee food warehouse in the performance of their direct duties, charisma is not useful
  • You can humor, but only if you do not pretend to leadership position. You can most often find out about the preferences of the employer in the job description.

The positive qualities of a person for a resume must match official duties. That is why we have prepared a list of positions and personal characteristics for them.

Examples of business qualities for employees by specialty

Example #1: accountant. A lot depends on this person. Sometimes, even the life of the company depends on him and his ability to properly manage money.

Strong professional quality accountants, which are important to indicate: stress resistance, perseverance, learning ability, loyalty, responsibility, non-conflict. And not just because we put stress resistance in the first place. Carrying out cash transactions of a company with a turnover of a million - why not a cause for stress? If the turnover is smaller, the nerves are safer and the sleep is stronger.

Example #2: Sales manager. The more you can sell, the better. The more new customers it attracts, the more confident the company will develop. Yes, the life of the company largely depends on the sales manager. True, not always the representatives of this position are rewarded with decent wages. But we will only talk about the good, and only about professional sales managers, for whom it is important to indicate the following qualities of an employee for a resume:

Communication skills, stress resistance, presentable appearance, well-delivered speech, learning, responsibility. In the case of the sales manager, we put communication skills in the first place. True, after all, what kind of sales can there be if the manager does not know how to start a conversation, and even more so, “lead” a conversation with a potential client to the result necessary for the company?

Example #3: Secretary. For some reason, there is a stereotyped opinion that the secretary is an exceptionally attractive appearance. And she, including, but on the shoulders of the secretary, depending on the needs of the company, lies a lot of complex routine tasks.

Personal qualities in a resume for a secretary: competent speech, attractive appearance, diligence, responsibility, perseverance, ability to work in a team, non-conflict. And here is the destruction of the pattern: the primacy of "literate speech."

Secretaries must be able to win over every visitor, whether it is an applicant for some position in the company or a potential business partner. The secretary is the first to create a general impression of the company. Have you met secretaries who could not say two words? If you met, you understand exactly why competent speech is so important.

Here we “walked” through one of the most common vacancies that appear daily on the Internet in the amount of several tens and even hundreds.

And why not pay special attention to IT-specialists?

The professional skills of IT specialists are especially valuable today. Many companies need unrealistically cool specialists who can catch up and overtake competitors, while increasing the company's income by several times.

Here is what IT professionals most often write about themselves in their resumes:

  • Analytical mind
  • industriousness
  • Skill to work in team
  • Ability to work with a large amount of information

Diligence, as it seems to us, is approximately the same pattern as “commitment” with “the ability to work for results. It is not diligence that potential employers want to see in the column of personal qualities of their future IT specialist. Do you want to know what they want to see?

And here's what:

  • Independence
  • Initiative
  • Stress resistance
  • Energy
  • A responsibility
  • Skill to work in team
  • Attentiveness
  • Mobility
  • Creativity

Here's a to-do list.

Business qualities for an IT specialist resume, as you can see, absolutely do not matter. In the first positions: independence and initiative.

True, what employer wants to get an IT specialist into their team, who will have to be constantly monitored or adjusted and reminded of something? Moreover, the IT-sphere is one of the few where narrow specialization does not allow management to influence the result in any way.

So it turns out that an IT specialist should be independent, enterprising (where without it), creative, etc. Stress resistance is a plus for the karma not only of the IT specialist, but of the entire company. Without stressful situations this work is rarely costly, and deadlines cannot be missed, it is undesirable to demonstrate one's emotions and lose a client - like the collapse of one's own and corporate reputation.

And here is a list of qualities that IT professionals rarely indicate in their resumes:

  • Charm
  • Bravery
  • Eloquence
  • forethought
  • Strength of character
  • Skepticism

It seems to us that most of this list is very important personal characteristics for a resume. Especially if you want to get into the creative team. Why not indicate courage and charm? In dealing with customers and employees, these qualities will not be superfluous. True, everything should be in moderation.

Universal positive qualities for any resume

And finally about universal qualities, which HR specialists recommend indicating in their resume without reference to the position and its requirements:

  • Fast learner
  • Honesty
  • Initiative
  • Stress resistance
  • No bad habits

This is such a small but versatile set. You can take note of it, but do not forget to indicate the personal qualities that the future employer expects from you.

And writing the right one is very simple: put yourself in the place of this employer. Think about what kind of specialist you would like to see in your team? The right qualities of an employee for a resume are not templates. Do you want to be paid attention to you? Then pay special attention to the column "personal qualities", and the position will be yours, we are sure.

This section is quite small - compared to the block about work experience, for example - but important. This is one of the most readable sections resume: it largely depends on whether the employer will study your resume more carefully or switch to the resumes of other applicants.

It is important to make this block meaningful, but not too voluminous. Enough text up to 5 sentences.

What to include in this section - "About Me"?

To get started, do a little introspection and ask yourself the following questions:

  • what skills and qualities do you consider to be your clear advantages (you own them better than others, or these skills and qualities are rarely found),
  • What kind of work are you most effective at?
  • What are your professional achievements?
  • what awards, certificates, diplomas and other documents you have that confirm your competence.

In fact, these points are a plan for compiling the text in the “About Me” section.

In this section of the resume, you need to give information that sets you apart from other job seekers and that convinces the employer that you are the best candidate for the job.

Before writing the “About Me” section, read the job posting again carefully. Perhaps the employer has special requirements. For example, it is important for a translator to have an open visa, and you have it. Or it is important for a sales manager to have their own transport and rights, and you have them. Be sure to include this in your text.

What you don’t need to write in the “About Me” section.

1) No need to repeat the information described in the resume. For example, copy the list of skills and abilities (there is a "Skills and Skills" section for this).

2) It is not necessary to give a fragment of an autobiography, as in the following example:

“I, Ivanov Alexey Anatolyevich, was born on September 15, 1967. In 1985 he finished 8 classes and entered the Electromechanical College. In 1988 he graduated from a technical school and was drafted into the Border Troops. He served in the army and, after a freelance check, entered the USSR KGB school No. 302. After graduation, he worked in operational work. In 2001, he retired from the authorities. Computer skills: confident user (Word, Excel, 1C, Internet, various search and Information Systems, Database). Personal qualities: goodwill, diligence, discipline, activity, exactingness, accuracy. Additional Information: sociable, executive, energetic, I know how to work in a team, I bring the matter to the end.

3) You should not give a list of personal qualities in the “About Me” section, as in this example:

“Stress resistance, purposefulness, focus on results and quality, healthy lifestyle, self-education, easy learning.”

To inform the employer about the personal qualities of the applicant, there is a section "Personal qualities".


Your text should not be boilerplate. It should reflect your unique professional experience, you as a specialist and as a person.

Do not forget to note in the “About Me” section the presence of awards in the professional field, if you have any. For instance:

For the vacancy "translator": “In 2013, he was awarded the VINCI 2013 Innovation Awards Competition (International Region).”

For the vacancy "Head of the department of labor protection": “1st place among the enterprises of the Temryuk region in the competition “Organization of work on labor protection”.

Examples of successful wording of the “About Me” section in a resume:

Deputy Director for Economics and Finance

High organizational skills, decency, perseverance in achieving the goal, discipline, purposefulness, responsibility, exactingness, quick self-learning. Compliance with the principles of business ethics, honesty in compliance with business obligations. Analytic skills. Knowledge in the field of accounting and tax accounting, labor legislation, labor economics, forms and systems of remuneration, labor rationing methods, basics of business planning, financial analysis and management of financial flows. Knowledge of the specifics of financial and accounting activities, building a budgeting system and management accounting, understanding the basics strategic marketing and management of the organization, the desire to improve business processes. Confident user of the Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), legal systems and programs - Garant, Consultant +, Chief Accountant System, System " CFO". Possession of programs for the automation of accounting, management activities and electronic reporting (KonturExtern, SBiS++). Availability of recommendations.

Production Manager, Chief Mechanic, Chief Engineer

Managing a team of over 100 people. Organization of the workshop and production. Maintenance and repair of equipment and vehicle fleet of the enterprise. Negotiation and conclusion of contracts. Conducting audits. Solving administrative and economic issues.

Commercial Director

Sales management and after-sales service organization. Experience in personal selling. Negotiations at all levels. Development pricing policy. Doing client base. Drafting and conclusion of supply and sales contracts. Analysis of the competitive environment. Logistics. Product promotion (exhibitions, Internet, mass media).

Head of legal service

I have high organizational skills, I can manage a team of 5 or more people. Able to organize planned work and clear implementation of tasks. I have many years of experience in legal and legal work in various departments and organizations. V high degree I have knowledge of criminal, civil, administrative, tax, labor, procedural and other branches of law. I have the skills business letter, tricks interpersonal relationships, rules business etiquette. Experienced PC user. Self-organized, executive, constantly focused on results. Driving license category: A, B, C.

Office manager, administrator

Professional skills: an experienced user of PC and office equipment. Organization of document circulation, development of provisions and instructions. business, skills business communication. Ability to resolve conflicts. Organization and control of the work of subordinate services.

Furniture wholesale manager

Big practical experience and professional approach to work in the B2B, B2C segment. Ability to negotiate at all levels. Knowledge of typical business processes for launching and promoting unknown manufacturers to the market. Computer skills: MS Office, 1C Enterprise. The ability to accept independent solutions and take responsibility for them. The ability to convince and rally the team to achieve the set goals. Experience in the selection, adaptation and motivation of staff. Ability to delegate authority. Sociability. Quick learner, perseverance and desire for professional growth.


Experience as a chief accountant - 7 years. Two higher education, total experience of 12 years in accounting. Excellent knowledge of 1 C 7.7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, electronic reporting, Fireplace, ZiK, ZUP, Client Bank, Online Banking, Internet, office programs. Custom Recovery Services accounting, tax reporting, reporting to the Pension Fund, different systems taxation for LLC and sole proprietorship.

Bakery equipment mechanical engineer

Professional skills: I know all kinds of power tools; I own welding machine. Computer skills: Internet, MS Word, MS Excel, Outlook, Bat, AutoCad, ACS "Monolith". Experience public speaking in front of a large audience. Personal qualities: Ability to self-learning, punctuality, purposefulness, thoughtfulness, responsibility, sociability. Driving license category B, C.

Excavator driver

Experience in the construction of gas condensate production in the north of the Tyumen region in the brigade (pile field), digging trenches for pipelines, equipping the oil and gas condensate field, tying pipelines with a team of welders, building a booster pumping station, central gas station, oil refinery. Experience on Kamatsu RS-200, 300. Hitachi ZX-330 ZX-450, on Terex 820 and GCB wheels. Experience in construction at the Messayahinskoye field in Yakutia. Good attitude towards work. bad habits no.


Professional truck driver. 20 years behind the wheel. Water certificate of category B, C, E. experience on foreign cars with payment orders in Russia. Without bad habbits.