Does the NPO pay taxes? Ano accounting and taxation

In practice, non-profit organizations often encounter questions on the taxation of their activities. For example, does an autonomous non-profit organization have the right to apply the simplified tax system and provide paid educational services in the field of advanced training for managers and specialists of enterprises and organizations and not include income from the provision of paid educational services into the tax base.

Note that an autonomous non-profit organization has the right to apply a simplified taxation system. The transition of an organization to a simplified taxation system (STS) is carried out by organizations voluntarily in the manner prescribed by Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Paragraphs 2.1 and 3 of Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes a list of types of activities and other conditions under which taxpayers are not entitled to apply the simplified tax system.

So, for example, in accordance with paragraphs. 14 p. 3 art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not entitled to apply USN organization in which the share of participation of other organizations is more than 25%. However, this restriction does not apply to non-profit organizations, to which, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations" also applies to autonomous non-profit organizations (see also Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2004 No. 3114/04, letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia of December 28, 2004 No. 22-0 -ten/ [email protected]).

The tax legislation does not contain provisions prohibiting autonomous non-profit organizations from applying the simplified taxation system. Therefore, subject to those listed in paragraphs. 2.1 and 3 Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation conditions, an autonomous non-profit organization has the right to switch to a simplified taxation system in the manner prescribed by Art. 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in order to switch to a simplified system of taxation, it is enough for an organization in the period from October 1 to November 30 of the year preceding the year from which it intends to switch to the simplified tax system, to submit a corresponding application to the tax authority at its location, the form of which is approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 13.04.2010 No. ММВ-7-3/ [email protected]

A newly created organization has the right to apply for the transition to the simplified tax system within five days from the date of registration with the tax authority indicated in the certificate of registration with the tax authority (clause 2 of article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, see also the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 19.05. 2009 No. 03-11-06/2/92). Such an application may be filed at the same time as necessary for state registration legal entity. In this case, the OGRN and TIN / KPP are not indicated in the application for the transition to the simplified tax system (letter of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated May 27, 2004 No. 09-0-10 / 2190).

With regard to the provision of paid educational services in the field of advanced training of management personnel, and the possibility of not including income from the provision of paid educational services in the tax base, the authors note that d Income received by an autonomous non-profit organization from the sale of paid educational services, directed to ensure the educational process, is subject to inclusion in income when calculating the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 46 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education" (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education), a non-state educational institution has the right to charge students for educational services, including for training within the limits of federal state educational standards or federal state requirements. At the same time, paid educational activities an educational institution is not considered as an entrepreneurial one if the income received from it is fully used to reimburse the costs of providing the educational process (including wages), its development and improvement in this educational institution (clause 2, article 46 of the Law on Education).

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 346.15 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when applying the simplified tax system, taxpayers must include in the composition of income taken into account when determining the tax base, income from sales and non-operating income. These incomes are determined on the basis of the provisions of Art. 249 and 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, respectively. Income under Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are not included in income.

According to the provisions of Art. 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, income for the purposes of taxation of profits includes, in particular, income from the sale of goods, works, services, which is recognized as proceeds from the sale of goods, works, services.

The sale of goods, works or services in accordance with Art. 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, respectively, the transfer on a reimbursable basis of ownership of goods, the results of work performed by one person for another person, the provision of services by one person to another person for a fee is recognized.

The list of transactions that for tax purposes are not recognized as the sale of goods, works or services, established by paragraph 3 of Art. 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not include operations for the provision of paid educational services.

In addition, an exhaustive list of income that is not taken into account for the purpose of taxation of profits from non-profit organizations, provided for in Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain such a type of income as income from the provision of paid services.

Thus, the income received by a non-state educational institution from the sale of paid educational services is recognized in accordance with Art. 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation as income from sales and is subject to inclusion in income when calculating the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.

A similar position (in relation to organizations paying income tax) is given in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/24/2010 No. 03-03-06/4/63, dated 10/19/2006 No. 03-03-04/1/701, Moscow dated September 13, 2006 No. 20-12/81131.

Specialists of the financial and tax departments explain that the funds received by taxpayers for the provision of paid services, including non-state educational institutions allocated to support the educational process are income from sales and are taken into account when determining the tax base for corporate income tax in the manner prescribed by Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Consequently, organizations applying the simplified tax system should include income from the provision of paid educational services in the tax base.

If a non-profit organization is engaged in commercial activities, we will consider how VAT is deductible for commercial and non-commercial activities, how to allocate VAT on indirect and direct costs, and whether Section 7 must be completed in the VAT return.

According to Art. 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as NPOs) are VAT payers.

Therefore, regardless of whether an NPO carries out entrepreneurial activity or not, it has all the rights and obligations of VAT payers in accordance with the procedure provided for in Chapter 21 "Value Added Tax" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

When acquiring goods (works, services) at the expense of targeted funds and intended for use in the implementation of non-commercial (statutory) activities not related to the receipt of proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services), VAT paid to suppliers is not deductible. The amounts of "input" VAT in this case should be included in the cost of such goods (works, services) on the basis of paragraphs. 1 p. 2 art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The invoice is not entered in the purchase book, but is recorded in the journal of received invoices.

However, according to entrepreneurial activity NPOs must form the tax base for VAT in accordance with the generally established procedure. The object of taxation will be the proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services). "Input" VAT paid on the purchase of goods, property, works and services that will be used in business activities can be deducted when the requirements established by Art. 171 and 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, namely:

  • goods are registered on the basis of relevant primary documents;
  • goods purchased for use in transactions subject to VAT;
  • have a valid invoice.

We also note that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a condition that the right to a deduction is made dependent on the source of funds transferred to the supplier (Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated 04.09.2007 No. 3266/07).

Thus, in our opinion, NCOs have the right to deduct VAT on those goods (works, services) acquired at the expense of targeted proceeds from the founder, but to be used in commercial activities (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2006 No. 03-03- 04/4/194).

The procedure for maintaining separate accounting

In the event that the purchased goods (works, services) will be used in both taxable and non-taxable transactions, NCOs are required to keep separate records of these expenses and VAT on them (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated 09.02.2007 No. 19- 11/12142).

The procedure for maintaining separate accounting must be fixed in the accounting policy of the organization for tax purposes (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated October 20, 2004 No. 24-11 / 68949).

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that in the event that it is possible to establish the fact of the direct use of goods (works, services) in the performance of non-taxable or taxable transactions, the accounting of input VAT amounts is carried out in accordance with either the second paragraph or the third paragraph of paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, namely:

  • is taken into account in the cost of such goods (works, services), property rights in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - for goods (works, services) used to carry out transactions that are not subject to VAT;
  • deductible in accordance with Art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation - for goods (works, services) used to carry out transactions subject to VAT.

If the purchased goods (works, services) are used in activities that are both taxable and exempt from VAT, then in this case these costs are characterized by the fact that they cannot be taken into account by any method as part of the costs for a certain type of activity and can be accurately distributed (respectively, input VAT) between taxable and VAT-exempt transactions. In other words, it is initially impossible to calculate in what amount the "input" VAT can be claimed for deduction, and in what amount it is taken into account in the cost of goods (works, services), including fixed assets and intangible assets. As a rule, the main difficulties in this case arise when it is necessary to allocate VAT on goods (works, services) that are part of general business expenses, such as the purchase of stationery, services necessary for the functioning of the organization as a whole (services for maintaining reference and legal systems, rent, etc.).

In this case, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the distribution of VAT should be carried out by calculating the proportion based on determining the share of the cost of shipped goods (works, services), the sale of which is subject to taxation (exempted from taxation) in the total cost of goods (works, services) shipped during the tax period.

In other words, the specified proportion is determined on the basis of all income that is proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services), both subject to VAT and not subject to this tax.

At the same time, it does not matter on which accounting accounts these incomes are reflected (on account 90 "Sales" or on account 91 "Other income and expenses") (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 10.03.2005 No. 03-06-01-04 / 133 ). In addition, when calculating this proportion, it also does not matter on what basis the transfer of ownership (results of work) took place (on a paid or free basis).

To determine the proportion, the data of the current tax period are taken (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of June 26, 2008 No. 03-07-11 / 237, of June 20, 2008 No. 03-07-11 / 232, of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2008 No. ShS-6-3 / [email protected]). In accordance with Art. 163 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax period for the purposes of calculating VAT is a quarter. Therefore, the determination of the proportion for calculating VAT amounts should be made based on the results of the current quarter. This position was expressed by the tax authority and agreed with the Ministry of Finance of Russia (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated July 1, 2008 No. 3-1-11 / 150).

To ensure comparability of indicators when determining the specified proportion, the cost of goods shipped during the tax period, transactions for the sale of which are subject to taxation, should be taken into account without VAT (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 18.08.2009 No. 03-07-11 / 208).

Note that the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a universal way of maintaining separate accounting, therefore, the organization needs to independently develop and reflect in its accounting policy its own way of keeping records of incoming VAT.

For example, separate sub-accounts can be opened for account 19 "VAT on acquired values":

  • 19-1 "VAT on VATable transactions";
  • 19-2 "VAT on VAT-exempt transactions";
  • 19-3 "VAT on taxable and non-taxable transactions".

The amounts recorded on sub-account 19-3 "VAT on taxable and non-taxable transactions" at the end of the quarter are subject to distribution based on the calculated proportion of the share of the cost of shipped goods (works, services), the sale of which is subject to taxation (exempted from taxation) in the total cost goods (works, services) shipped during the tax period.

Filling out a tax return

In accordance with the Procedure for filling out a VAT tax return, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 15, 2009 No. 104n (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), Section 7 is included in the tax return only when the taxpayer performs the relevant operations. At the same time, operations that are subject to inclusion in Section 7 are contained in its very name, as well as in clause 44.3 of the Procedure.

The list of codes and names of operations to be reflected in the declaration is contained in Appendix 1 to the Procedure.

Thus, Section 7 is subject to completion if the organization carries out the following operations:

  • transactions that are not subject to taxation (exempted from taxation) on the basis of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • transactions that are not recognized as an object of taxation in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • operations for the sale of goods (works, services), the place of sale of which is not recognized as the territory Russian Federation in accordance with Article.Article. 147-148 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • the amount of payment, partial payment on account of the forthcoming deliveries of goods (performance of works, provision of services), the duration of the production cycle of which is more than six months, according to the list approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2006 No. 468 "On approval of lists of goods (works, services) , the duration of the production cycle of manufacturing (performance, rendering) of which is more than 6 months"

If a non-profit organization does not carry out any of the activities listed in the above articles, Section 7 is not required to be completed and is not included in the tax return.


  1. Tax code of the Russian Federation (part two).
  2. Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Commercial Organizations".
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2006 No. 468 "On approval of the lists of goods (works, services), the duration of the production cycle of manufacture (performance, provision) of which is more than 6 months."
  4. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 15, 2009 No. 104n.
  5. Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education".

E. Titova,
O. Monaco,
V. Pimenov,
M. Billion,
A. Alexandrov,
Experts of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, non-profit organizations, carrying out their direct social duties, have the right to conduct income-generating activities. At the same time, they need to regularly report to the tax authorities in a timely manner. The head of an organization or an accountant must know what taxation system is established, what taxes must be paid and reports submitted so as not to violate the law and not give rise to unscheduled inspections by regulatory authorities. The taxation system directly depends on the activities carried out by the NPO (study articles 246 and 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation to understand the nuances).

According to Russian legislation, all non-profit organizations can operate under both general and simplified tax regimes.

When an NPO is registered, by default it falls under the general taxation regime. If the founders / head want to transfer the organization to a simplified regime, then they should contact the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application.

Regardless of the taxation regime under which a non-profit organization operates, it must make the following payments:

1. Insurance premiums, the object of which are payments and other remunerations that NCOs accrue in favor of individuals on labor and civil law contracts.
Every three months, a non-profit organization sends a compiled "Calculation of insurance premiums" to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service. This document includes the accrued mandatory insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, compulsory medical insurance, compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.
2. Personal income tax (PIT) under labor and civil law contracts.
3. On a quarterly basis, NPOs submit to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate a "Calculation of the amount of personal income tax calculated and withheld by a tax agent" in the form 6-NDFL. If the NPO owns the relevant objects of taxation, then this property is subject to the appropriate taxes: transport (Chapter 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and land (Chapter 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

General tax regime

Non-profit organizations that use the ORN, regardless of the presence of objects of taxation in their activities, are officially payers of VAT (Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and income tax (Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The obligation to pay VAT and income tax may also arise in the absence of entrepreneurial activity. For example, income tax may arise upon a one-time sale of property, upon the provision of services for a fee, upon receipt of gratuitous funds.

The obligation to pay VAT may arise upon the transfer of goods, works and services free of charge, if such transfer is not carried out as part of charitable activities. In addition, NCOs applying the ORN may be recognized as payers of property tax if they own property.

The features of taxation of NPOs are as follows:

1. the right not to tax profits and VAT on earmarked income (for example, grants, subsidies) and certain other types of income (donations, membership fees);
2. the availability of benefits for certain taxes (VAT, property tax, etc.) when selling goods, works and services related to the social sphere;
3. the need for separate accounting in the implementation of the main and income-generating (entrepreneurial) activities.

Simplified taxation system

When applying the USN, NPOs are not recognized as payers of VAT, income tax and property tax. In the event of the appearance of income subject to taxation, a “tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system” is provided.

For NCOs whose income consists of revenue, it is advisable to use the object of taxation "income reduced by the amount of expenses". If the NPO's income largely consists of gratuitous receipts, we can recommend “income” as an object of taxation.

The simplified tax return is submitted to the IFTS only once a year until March 31 of the year following the expired one, and the simplified tax tax must be paid quarterly, no later than the 25th day of the month after the end of the quarter.

Non-profit organizations, as their name implies, are not created for profit. Here are their main activities: social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific.

NPOs (except for associations, unions, SROs and trade unions), of course, have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities. But only if it is aimed at achieving the main goals of the organization.

In this regard, there are a lot of features in the taxation of non-profit organizations. Let's talk about taxes non-profit organization.

When does the obligation to pay income tax arise?

The most important thing when calculating income tax is to accurately classify the income that goes to the company. Indeed, according to the rules, non-profit organizations must pay tax only on profits received from entrepreneurial activities.

If the receipts are provided for by the charter, there is no obligation to transfer tax from them. But even here, income must comply with Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

So, for example, targeted funding (grants, investments) and targeted income (donations, entrance and membership fees) will not be taxed if they meet the following requirements:

Received free of charge;

Used on time for the intended purpose;

Spent on the conduct of statutory activities or the maintenance of NCOs.

And the last important condition: an organization that receives targeted funds is obliged to keep separate records of income and expenses from entrepreneurial activities (if any) and from statutory ones. This is stated in subparagraph 14 of paragraph 1 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. After all, if funds are simultaneously used for targeted and non-targeted purposes, the company has the right to pay tax only on the part involved in entrepreneurial activities.

In which case the income of NCOs will be taxed, and in which not, it can be said only with a detailed analysis of each of the funding. After all, everything here depends not only on the specific type of targeted income. But also from the organizational and legal form of a non-profit organization.

For example, associations and unions have no right to do business. All receipts must be related to their statutory activities. And not all non-profit organizations can receive donations. With voluntary contributions, say, consumer cooperatives will have to pay income tax.

In general, the income of NPOs from the production and sale of goods or works should be determined in the same way as for commercial companies. But there are also some peculiarities. Let's analyze the case when a company sells a fixed asset purchased at the expense of targeted funds (or received as targeted income).

What taxes a non-profit organization needs to pay when selling a fixed asset purchased with targeted funds

The Vera Foundation received a donation from CJSC Stroymash for the purchase of a computer worth 47,200 rubles. The accountant set a deadline beneficial use- 24 months. But a year after the operation, the fund decided to sell the computer for 35,400 rubles. (including VAT - 5400 rubles).

In this case, the income tax will be 15,440 rubles. ((35,400 rubles - 5,400 rubles + 47,200 rubles) × 20%).

The Vera Foundation will also pay VAT - 5400 rubles.

As you can see, a non-profit organization needs to pay income tax on income from the sale and the entire cost of the fixed asset. Because the funds received for the purchase of the computer were misused. After all, by the time of the sale, the useful life of the object has not expired. This means that the property sold as a whole did not work for its intended purpose. For the same reason, the accountant charged VAT. If you calculate income tax only on the sale and residual value of the property, this may cause a dispute with the tax authorities.

Now let's turn to non-operating income, which non-profit organizations often face. Here we will talk about property that was received free of charge, but has nothing to do with the target.

The cost of such objects in tax accounting is recognized based on market prices. They can be validated either by the recipient or by an independent appraiser.

Pay special attention to this moment. Throughout their activities, NGOs use office equipment or furniture free of charge. As a rule, they belong to the founders or employees of the organization. So, if the transfer of property is not formalized as a donation or the organization does not pay rent for use under the contract, then the property is considered to be received free of charge. He will have to pay income tax. This is established by paragraph 8 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

But if someone provided a non-profit organization with a service or performed work on a gratuitous basis, then you do not need to pay tax on this. This is stated in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Let's say a few words about the interest received on bank accounts. Typically, the bank charges interest on the amount that is stored in the current account. If so, then the NPO should take into account the received increase as part of non-operating income. After all, this is required by paragraph 6 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, this rule will have to be followed regardless of whether the money is intended for targeted use or commercial.

Of course, the NPO retains the right to reduce taxable income on expenses. In which cases this can be done, and in which not - it is described in detail in the table.

Which expenses are included in the income base and which are not?
NPO conducts only statutory activities NPO conducts statutory and entrepreneurial activities
Negative exchange differences - Compulsory contributions or contributions paid by NCOs -
Material costs -
Labor costs - Labor costs incurred from business income +
Paid penalties -
Banking expenses - Material aid employees -
Communal payments - Depreciation deductions for fixed assets acquired from business income and used in commercial activities +
Rent -
The amount of accrued depreciation for fixed assets purchased with targeted funds - Penalties transferred to the budget -

By the way, non-profit organizations, along with other companies, have the right to create a reserve for future expenses. It will make it possible to evenly take into account income and expenses when determining the base for income tax. NCOs have had such an opportunity only since last year, when legislators supplemented the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with Article 267.3.

VAT payment

As in the case of income tax, the obligation to pay value added tax arises only if the NPO is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. From targeted revenues that are not related to payment for goods or works, services sold and used for their intended purpose, VAT does not need to be calculated.

In addition, if a non-profit organization received non-operating income from these funds, VAT will not need to be transferred.

Is a non-profit organization eligible for VAT deduction? It does, but only if the goods or works are acquired through commercial activities and are strictly used in business. VAT paid to suppliers when acquiring goods, property or works at the expense of targeted funds is not accepted for deduction.

And the amount of NPO input tax is included in the cost of goods, property or works. This is indicated by subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

QUESTION - We are renting a room. In it we conduct both the main and entrepreneurial activities. Accounting for rental costs separately is unrealistic. Can input VAT be deducted?

No. The procedure for dividing the tax is not provided for by the Tax Code. And the organization does not have the right to calculate the proportion based on revenue. After all, NCOs do not have the concept of “shipped goods (works, services)” within the framework of their statutory activities.

Non-profit organizations are eligible for VAT exemptions. All cases are listed in article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For example, gratuitous transfer of property rights in the framework of charitable activities is exempt from taxation. This is stated in subparagraph 12 of paragraph 3 of Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Or the implementation of services related to the social protection of the population (subclause 14.1, clause 2, article 149 of the code).

And all the same, if NCOs apply benefits, they must issue invoices, but without the allocated tax amount. Otherwise, the organization should transfer the specified tax to the budget.

By the way, non-profit organizations with small sales turnover for entrepreneurial activities are completely exempt from VAT. The main thing is that the amount of revenue for the previous three months in a row does not exceed 2 million rubles. excluding VAT. This is directly stated in paragraph 1 of Article 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Revenue includes all income in cash and in kind, which are associated with settlements for payment for goods or work sold. With the exception of earmarked receipts, they are not recognized as revenue.

But even if an NPO enjoys benefits or is completely exempt from paying VAT, it will still need to issue invoices to buyers for the cost of goods and works sold. And submit your VAT return general order.

Payment of property tax on objects that the NPO uses in commercial activities

No one exempted non-profit organizations from property tax either. But still, legislators from time to time expand the list of objects that are not subject to this tax. So, for example, the Federal Law of November 29, 2012 No. 202-FZ updated paragraph 4 of Article 374 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Monuments of history, culture and ships registered in the Russian International Register of Ships were added to the privileged objects.

For some NPOs, property tax benefits are established by regional authorities. Several indulgences are provided for in Article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For example, for religious enterprises (clause 2 of article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) or organizations of the disabled (clause 3 of article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But remember: the exemption is granted in relation to property that is used in statutory activities.

What if, along with the statutory organization, conducts entrepreneurial activities? And at the same time uses privileged property for commercial purposes. Then the privilege can be applied only to that part of the property that is used in the statutory activities. To do this, the cost of objects can be distributed:

in proportion to the area they occupy;

Based specific gravity financing in the total amount of income.

We recommend using the first method, because it allows you not to recalculate the proportion for the distribution of the OS cost several times. But whichever option you choose, fix it in your accounting policy.

QUESTION - In June we bought a fixed asset, which is exempt from property tax. We will only register in July. How to determine its average annual cost?

To calculate the average annual value of such property, you need to add the residual value of the object on the 1st day of each month of the tax period and on January 1 next year. Then divide the amount received by 13 - the number of months in the calendar year, increased by one. This was stated by the Ministry of Finance of Russia in a letter dated December 30, 2004 No. 03-06-01-02 / 26. Perhaps the inspectors from your IFTS will point out that the cost of the object should have been divided by 7 (6 months + 1). However, their position is wrong. You can safely use the above methodology, since it is supported by the Ministry of Finance.

And further. Do not forget that NPOs also do not pay tax on movable property registered as fixed assets from January 1, 2013. Such a rule is spelled out in subparagraph 8 of paragraph 4 of Article 374 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The obligatory constituent document of an autonomous non-profit organization is the charter (Appendix 8), the founders of the organization are also entitled, but not required to conclude a constituent agreement (clause 1, article 14 of the Federal Law "On non-profit organizations"). The supreme governing body of an autonomous non-profit organization can only be collegiate. The supreme management body of an autonomous non-profit organization may include representatives of the founders, employees of the organization, other persons or their representatives, called founders (clause 1, article 29 of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations"). At the same time, for employees of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization, a numerical limit has been established on their number in the supreme governing body - it cannot exceed one third of the total number of members of the collegiate supreme body management.

Accounting and taxation of non-profit organizations

Taxation of non-profit organizations involves attributing to expenses:

  1. Employee salary costs.
  2. material costs.
  3. depreciation charges.
  4. Other expenses.

Only such costs that are indicated in primary or other reporting documents (contracts, payment papers, etc.) can be considered documented. Costs are economically justified when they are made within the framework of regulatory local acts of the company. Such costs include, for example, travel expenses, fuel expenses, etc.

As Article 41 of the Tax Code indicates, only economic benefit can act as income. It can be received by an NPO in cash or in kind.

Accordingly, if the income did not bring benefits, then they are not recognized as income.

Taxation of non-profit organizations

For example, when creating your own computer program postings will be as follows: Dt 08.5 CT 10, 70, 69 - the costs of creating the product are taken into account; Dt 04 Ct 08.5 - the program is registered as intangible assets; Dt 86 Kt 83 - target amounts were used to create intangible assets. Postings and decoding of transactions Account 86 is used in the following main business transactions.
Debit Credit Transaction breakdown 86 20, 26 Target amounts spent 83 Amounts spent are included in additional capital 98 Target amounts are added to future expenses 07 86 Equipment for statutory activities is taken into account 08 Contribution to non-current assets is reflected 10, 11 Materials (animals) are credited as a target income 15 Inventories for activities under the Charter were taken into account 20 The main production facility was received 41 Goods transferred for targeted programs were taken into account 76 Funding was accrued Answers to common questions Question No. 1.

In addition, each deduction has its own deadline for submitting the declaration. Let's look at some periods:

  1. Single tax return.

It is provided by payers who conduct activities that do not lead to the movement of money in bank accounts or at the cash desk, and do not have objects of taxation for the corresponding deductions.

  • VAT report. It is due quarterly by the 25th day of the first month following the completed quarter.
  • Income statement. It is sent only by those entities that have an obligation to pay such a tax. Reporting is carried out before March 28 of the period following the reporting year.
  • Declaration on a single tax on the simplified tax system.
  • Certain concessions for them may be provided by local authorities. STS for NPOs The simplified taxation system for non-profit organizations provides for the release of associations from the obligation to make a number of budget allocations.


    In particular, benefits apply to payments from income and property, as well as VAT. In this case, the company will have to transfer the single tax provided for on the simplified tax system.

    The association can choose one of the two options fixed in the Tax Code. So, for NPOs, the following rates are provided:
    1. 6% when choosing the type of taxation "income".

    Deductions are made from any income recognized as an economic benefit in accordance with the Tax Code.
  • 15% when choosing the type of taxation "income minus costs". Accordingly, expenses are deducted from receipts, and a deduction is made from the difference.
  • Features and tasks of accounting in NCOs

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    • Non-Profit Organizations

    Non-profit organizations are considered to be organizations that do not have the goal of making a profit from their activities. Their work is socially oriented. They are created to perform any cultural, religious, scientific and other tasks.
    Consider in the article how accounting and tax accounting is carried out in a non-profit organization. The activities of such associations are regulated by the chart of accounts by some RAS, as well as the following regulatory documents:

    1. Accounting Law No. 402-FZ;
    2. Civil Code (GK RF);
    3. Law "On Non-Commercial Organizations" No. 7-FZ of January 12, 1996;
    4. Law "On Public Associations" No. 82-FZ of May 19, 1995.

    Peculiarities of accounting in non-commercial organizations Non-commercial organizations (NPOs) keep accounting records and prepare reports in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Accounting in non-profit organizations (examples)

    Dt 91.1 Kt 91.9 - profit for the reporting period was taken into account; Dt 91.9 Kt 99 - the financial result is taken into account; Dt 99 Kt 68 - income tax is accrued; DT 99 Kt 86 - profit from surplus added to target amounts. Accounting for intangible assets Intangible assets (IA) are accounted for by NCOs on the basis of PBU 14/2007.

    When taking them into account, the term of the planned use for solving the statutory tasks of the organization is established. This period is subject to annual review and revision. If there are adjustments, they are reflected in the accounting and reporting forms at the beginning of the year as changes in the assessment.

    Depreciation is not charged on intangible assets in non-commercial organizations, even when they are used in commercial activities (paragraph 24 of PBU 14/2007). If intangible assets are acquired at the expense of business income, then depreciation is allowed.

    Accounting in an autonomous non-profit organization


    To maintain it, the management is obliged to introduce the position of an accountant or draw up an agreement for the relevant services with another company. Operations for the activities prescribed in the Charter and entrepreneurship are carried out separately.

    Accounts for income and expenses are presented in the table. Activity Account Non-commercial 86 “Target financing” Entrepreneurial main 90 “Sales” Other entrepreneurial 91 “Other income and expenses” Unlike commercial companies, an NPO engaged in entrepreneurship does not have the right to distribute the income received over the period between participants. Profit should be directed exclusively to the fulfillment of the statutory goals of the association. There is an entry in the accounting: Dt 90 Kt 99 - the profit received at the end of the reporting period is reflected. At the end of the year c. 99 close: Dt 99 Kt 84 - net profit for the year is taken into account; Dt 84 Kt 86 - financing of statutory work.

    They define the conditions and rules of work, the procedure for preparing and submitting reporting documentation, as well as the impact of charity on the taxation of non-profit organizations. It must be said that regardless of the purpose for which the NPO was established, the association is a full participant in budgetary legal relations.

    Classification Non-profit organizations are divided into the following types:

    1. Non-state. They operate with their own funds.
    2. State. Such NGOs are on budget financing.
    3. Autonomous.

    The Tax Code establishes for NPOs the obligation to draw up reports and submit declarations with all calculations for contributions to the local, federal and regional budgets. In addition, organizations need to keep accounting and submit documentation on a common basis.

    Ano accounting and taxation

    Branches None NPO is not a manufacturer of excisable products Organizations on the USN submit a single simplified declaration to the inspection for a year. They are exempt from income taxes, property taxes and VAT.

    NPOs calculate a single tax on a simplified basis. When taxed “by income”, it is equal to 6% of all income received. With the object "income minus expenses" - 15% of the difference, and in its absence - 1%. (See → taxation of NPOs, rates in 2018) The income used for statutory purposes is not subject to a single tax. This applies to grants, membership fees, donations, subsidies for targeted needs. Simplified NCOs are required to take into account the income and expenses of the available target amounts separately. Under this system, the head has the right to perform the duties of the chief accountant and not to resort to the services of other organizations for bookkeeping.

    Non-profit organizations often choose the ANO form. This legal status designed for certain areas of activity.

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    What are the nuances of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for an autonomous non-profit organization in 2019? Over the past few years, the number of non-profit organizations with the ANO form has increased.

    This legal form provides tax relief. But what are the features of an autonomous NPO in 2019?

    General points

    A non-profit organization is a legal entity whose purpose is not to make a profit. The main task of NPOs is to provide public and social services.

    NCOs are recognized as trade unions, public and youth associations, social and cultural foundations, religious societies, human rights public organizations and similar associations.

    NPOs are regulated by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, one can note the division into various partnerships and autonomous organizations of a non-profit type.

    And if there are participants or founders in partnerships, then there are none in ANOs.

    Property assets are originally owned autonomous organization. Such societies are financed by voluntary donations and charitable contributions.

    Registration of an ANO is associated with some difficulties due to the peculiarities of the legal form.

    For official registration, you will need to follow a certain number of actions and meet the established requirements.

    What it is

    ANO is a unitary association, which:

    • does not have a membership;
    • formed to provide services in certain areas of activity of a non-commercial nature;
    • formed on the basis of property contributions of participants.

    The legal nature of ANOs is similar to other types of non-profit organizations. But there are also certain differences.

    Among the fundamental features it is worth highlighting the following:

    Permitted activity

    ANOs are formed to provide services in such areas as:

    • education;
    • healthcare;
    • sport;
    • Physical Culture;
    • other spheres of public life.

    As an example, possible directions:

    • autonomous non-profit organization of additional vocational education;
    • autonomous non-profit organization of higher education;
    • ANO "League of school and yard sports".

    The unifying factor of all types of activities allowed for ANOs is the non-commercial nature of the services provided. Any interested person is entitled to use these services.

    For 2019 in Russia in the form of ANO, a lot of educational institutions additional education, private schools, kindergartens, cultural and sports organizations, medical institutions, etc.

    The legislative framework

    The status of ANO FZ No. 7 of 01/12/1996 and is determined, where the definition of an autonomous non-profit organization is given. Article 10 of the Federal Law No. 7 regulates the legal norms for the implementation of the activities of ANOs.

    Moreover, in order to carry out commercial activities, an ANO must have property with no smaller size the minimum allowable authorized capital established for an LLC (10,000 rubles).

    When an ANO conducts commercial activities, the profits received are not divided between the founders, but are used to ensure the target areas of the organization.

    Previously, the preference of ANO over LLC was dictated by the possibility of acquiring an educational license only by organizations of a non-profit type.

    Now commercial organizations have the right to carry out activities of an educational nature on the basis.

    The choice of ANO is explained by the presence of tax advantages and the likelihood of receiving targeted donations.

    Step by step instructions for registration

    The decision to establish an ANO is made by several founders or a single founder. The executive authority at the federal level allows or prohibits the registration of ANOs.

    After the decision is made, within three months, you must contact the Ministry of Justice or its territorial office in the region where the ANO is located.

    When applying, a package of documents necessary for registration is submitted. The entire registration process takes about four weeks.

    Given such a long period, it is necessary to immediately prepare the documents correctly.

    The basis for the appeal is the decision of the founder on the formation of ANO or the corresponding protocol drawn up by several founders.

    The request for registration is set out in the application prescribed form, which is submitted in duplicate with mandatory notarization.

    In addition, the following documents are required:

    • Charter of ANO in triplicate;
    • information about the founders in two copies (copies of passports of all founders-individuals and extracts from the founders-legal entities);
    • a copy of the passport of the future leader;
    • list of selected OKVED;
    • information about the actual location of the organization. The confirmation of the location becomes , letter of guarantee, .

    In the case of using the name of a citizen, the name of a legal entity, prohibited symbols in the name of the ANO, it will be necessary to confirm the legality of the use.

    A foreign person is obliged to provide an extract from the register of foreign legal entities. The prepared documents are accompanied by a payment receipt, which is 4,000 rubles.

    After submitting documents for registration within two weeks, a specialist of the registration authority contacts the applicant to clarify certain data.

    You need to be prepared that the specialist may require adjustments. For example, it may be necessary to change the name, clarify the goals of the activity, amend the Charter, correct errors in the application.

    If there is no call from a specialist of the registration authority, you must independently contact the appropriate department of the Ministry of Justice.

    The telephone number for contact can be found on the official website of the registrar. The need for adjustment often leads to suspension of registration.

    In this case, the receipt of payment of the state duty and notarized documents are not returned. You will have to apply again and again pay for notary services and state duty.

    The absence of claims from the specialist allows you to receive ready-made registration documents after 2-3 weeks.

    How the Charter works

    The activities of ANO are fully regulated by the Charter. The requirements for the main content of the Charter of the ANO are given in Article 123.24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    In particular, the Charter must include such data as:

    • the name of the ANO (the name must contain the phrase “autonomous non-profit organization”);
    • location address;
    • the subject and goals of the activity;
    • the composition of the ANO bodies, the procedure for their formation and the present competence;
    • other information provided by law.

    The name should reflect the purpose of creation, but at the same time not duplicate the names of other NGOs and be unique.

    For example, an autonomous non-profit organization vocational education, ANO "Educational Academy of Business Career", ANO "Institute of Progressive Technologies".

    In the Charter of ANO, it is necessary to carefully work out the goals of education, as well as the subject and types of activities.

    Careful study requires the structure of the governing bodies and their permissible powers. A separate section of the Charter is devoted to the property of the ANO.

    The procedure and conditions for making decisions regarding changes to the Charter, or ANO, are certainly specified in detail.

    Important! There are many templates available on the web for preparing the founding documents for an autonomous non-profit organization.

    But it should be borne in mind that such samples may not be relevant. The selected sample must be compared with existing ones. legislative norms, namely with the provisions in the latest edition.

    The main provisions of the Charter boil down to the fact that any activity of ANO, including commercial, is aimed solely at achieving the goals for which the organization was created.

    What is the taxation

    The activities of non-profit organizations are in a special legal field. Features of taxation are determined by the status of the organization's activities.

    Video: ANO registration

    If the association receives targeted funding in the form of various grants, then a special procedure applies for taxation of income tax.

    ANO has the right to apply a common or. The peculiarity of the application of the simplified taxation system is expressed in the fact that when determining the maximum amount of income that limits the use of the simplified regime (up to 60 million rubles), income from targeted financing is not taken into account.

    The transition to the simplified tax system of an autonomous NPO is carried out on a voluntary basis in accordance with the provisions.

    This chapter provides that certain types activities and some conditions of the organization are not entitled to apply.

    For example, a simplified regime is unacceptable if the share of participation of other organizations is more than 25%. But this rule does not apply to autonomous non-profit organizations.

    The tax legislation does not contain provisions prohibiting ANOs from applying the simplified taxation system.

    The transition to the simplified tax system is carried out on the basis of an application submitted between October 1 and November 30 of the year preceding the year in which the simplified regime began to apply.

    A newly created organization may declare its desire to apply the simplified tax system within 5 days from the date of registration and tax registration.

    When carrying out entrepreneurship, an organization is obliged to form a tax base according to the general procedure. The object for taxation is the proceeds from the sale of goods (services, works).

    "Input" VAT paid on the acquisition of property values ​​for entrepreneurial activities may be deductible if:

    • goods are registered on the basis of primary documentation;
    • the purchase of goods is connected with the implementation of transactions subject to VAT;
    • present well-formed .

    Basic principles of work

    If we talk about the basic principles of the work of autonomous non-profit organizations, then we need to highlight the following points:

    Liquidation procedure

    The need to liquidate an autonomous non-profit organization may be the result of a voluntary decision of the founders or a requirement of the Ministry of Justice.

    In the latter case, the reason is the lack of activities declared by the Charter. Voluntary liquidation requires notification of the Ministry of Justice, the Federal Tax Service, the FIU, the FSS.

    The order of liquidation will be as follows:

    1. Adoption of a decision on liquidation by the founders or other authorized body.
    2. Appointment of the liquidation commission.
    3. Establishing the order and terms of liquidation.
    4. Placement of announcements about NGOs in the media.
    5. Compilation.
    6. Payment of taxes.
    7. Repayment of other debts.
    8. Settlements with creditors.
    9. Preparation of the final balance sheet.

    Forced liquidation of an ANO is carried out on the basis of a court decision. Moreover, the participation of the founders of the organization is not required.

    The liquidation procedure is carried out by authorized state bodies in accordance with the general procedure established for organizations.

    Important! The property of the ANO remaining after the repayment of all debts is not divided between the founders, but is directed to the purposes for which the organization was created.