What you can eat during the apostolic fast. Peter's post: what you can eat

Petrov or the Apostolic fast, formerly called the Pentecostal fast - Orthodox post, established in memory of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, who fasted, preparing themselves for the evangelical preaching (Acts 13: 3). Its duration depends on the day of the celebration. It begins a week after the Day of the Holy Trinity, on Monday, after the ninth Sunday after Easter, and ends on the day of Peter and Paul - (according to the old style), when the Church sings "Peter's firmness and Paul's mind." That is, depending on the date of the celebration, fasting can last from 8 days to 6 weeks.

The Church calls us to this fast by the example of the holy apostles, who, having received the Holy Spirit daily, in fasting and prayer, prepared for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel. Blessed Simeon of Thessalonica writes that this fast was established in honor of the apostles “because through them we were honored with many benefits and they became for us the workers and teachers of fasting, obedience and abstinence ... According to the apostolic decrees, after the descent of the Holy Spirit we are one we celebrate for a week, and then for the next week, we honor the apostles who have betrayed us to fast. "

The establishment of Peter's fast dates back to the early days of the Orthodox Church. The ecclesiastical establishment of this fast is mentioned in the apostolic decrees: "After Pentecost, celebrate one week, and then fast; justice requires both to rejoice after receiving gifts from God, and to fast after the flesh is made light."
This fast was especially established when in Constantinople and Rome, which had not yet fallen away from Orthodoxy, temples were built in the name of the chief apostles Peter and Paul. The consecration of the Church of Constantinople took place on the day of remembrance of the apostles (according to the new style -), and since then this day has become especially solemn both in the East and in the West. The preparation of pious Christians for this holiday by fasting and prayer has been established in the Orthodox Church.
From the 4th century onwards, the testimony of the Church Fathers about the apostolic fasting became more and more frequent; St. Athanasius the Great, Ambrose of Mediolan, and in the 5th century - Leo the Great and Theodorite of Cyrus

According to St. John Chrysostom, “fasting with faith gives a lot of strength; for it teaches great love of wisdom, makes a person an Angel, and even strengthens against incorporeal forces ... the one who prays as he should, and, moreover, fasts, requires little; and who requires little , he will not be covetous; but he who is not covetous, he loves to give alms. He who fasts, he becomes light and winged, and prays with a cheerful spirit, quenches evil lusts, appeases God and humbles his arrogant spirit. That is why the apostles always fasted. "

Peter's fast in relation to food is less strict than the Great. During it, meat and dairy products are excluded. Fish in this post is allowed, except Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday - hot food without oil, Wednesday and Friday - strict fasting(cold food without oil). On other days - fish, cereal, mushroom dishes with vegetable oil... If the memory of the great saint happens on Monday, Wednesday or Friday - hot food with butter. On the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (), according to the Charter, fish is allowed.
In the period from the end of Peter's Lent to the beginning of the Dormition (summer meat-eater), Wednesday and Friday are the days of strict fasting. But if these days fall on the holidays of the great saint with an all-night vigil or polyeleos service the day before, then food with vegetable oil is allowed. If on Wednesday and Friday there are temple holidays, then fish is allowed.
This is a summer fast and it falls on the hot season, when it is not recommended to eat fatty foods, the most used product is still greens. By taking a break from eating animal food, a person will benefit his body. On hot days it is pleasant to sip green lean cabbage soup, cold lean okroshka or botvinya, and herbs of spices perfectly diversify lean food.
The Church permits some indulgences during fasting for the sick, children who are allowed to consume milk are sympathetic to people for whom fasting was a difficult test.

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Fasting helps people to be cleansed from sins by abstaining from bodily goods. Petrov post has many important traditions and church rules, about which it will not be superfluous to remember now, on the eve of its beginning.

Peter's fast is the first fasting period in the summer. Of course, in its spirit it is not like Great post, but it does slightly different things. Earlier we wrote about five things that must be abandoned during Lent. The first year of abstinence period has slightly different priorities. This is no coincidence: the rules of each post are largely related to the history of its appearance, as well as to the events that it sanctifies.


Another name for Peter's Lent is the Apostolic Fast or Pentecost Fast. It begins seven days after the feast of the Trinity, that is, the start date of this period is not fixed. The Apostolic Fast is associated with two of the most revered and famous saints in Orthodox Church- Peter and Paul.

Apostolic fast is held among Christians of all denominations. It was first approved by Constantine the Great in the 4th century. Memorial Day Peter and Paul - July 12. It is on this day that it is customary to end Petrov Lent. Due to the fact that the beginning of the fast can fall on different days, and the end is always fixed, its length varies from 6 weeks to just one.

Popular name post - "Petrovka-hunger strike". The fact is that by this time all supplies from last year are usually exhausted, so people tighten their belts tighter before the first harvests.

There is one interesting question that many Christians ask: why is the fast named after Peter and not Paul. It was thought of as a convenient shortcut. That is, the meaning of both Peter and Paul for the church is the same, but for euphony, the fast was called Petrov or Apostolic.

Peter and Paul - absolutely different people who came to faith in completely different ways. Peter was an ordinary fisherman, a family man who left his home for Christ. Paul was cruel, born of hatred of Christianity. A miracle made him go to the other side and die in agony for his Lord.

These apostles are a symbol of people's faith in the Savior. They died almost at the same time - Peter was crucified upside down on the cross, and Paul was beheaded.

Church traditions and folk signs of fasting

The Apostolic Fast is not as demanding and strict as the Great Fast. It was installed in honor of the memory of the prayers of Peter and Paul, before going to preach the faith of Christ. They spent a lot of imputation with those who needed their help, giving themselves up for the good of people, bringing them knowledge of Christ and instructing them on the true path.

  • Believers should not eat meat during fasting. You can eat fish on any day except Wednesday and Friday. If you are weakened by an illness, the rules may change. The main thing is that abstinence does not bring discomfort and does not worsen your health. Use our Peter Lent food calendar to diversify your food and make it easier to get over the fasting.
  • The clergy recommend refraining from watching TV during the Apostolic Fast. Television is often a source of sin and defilement that has no place during fasting. Therefore, if you watch TV, limit yourself to educational programs, and not filled with negativity or violence.
  • One of the requirements is prayer. Communicate with God, attend the temple and try not to offend anyone during this period of time.
  • Traditionally, it is customary to receive communion during fasting, so take time for this too.
  • There is a folk tradition - to prepare the house for July 12, the feast of Peter and Paul, by the end of the fast. V the last days clean up and take out all the rubbish and trash from their homes.
  • By the end of the fast, usually the first autumn crops begin.
  • In recent days, men have always gone fishing since ancient times.

We all want happiness for ourselves and for our family. Pray for the health of the living and the repose of the dead. Ask God to help us cope with everyday problems and teach us to believe in his power, give us health and keep us from the devil's hand.

Remember also that in Peter's Lent, however, as in any other, you cannot get married, get married and celebrate a marriage. These are the church foundations that have been fulfilled for over a thousand years. Read about why you can't marry in Petrov post in a previously published article. We wish you good luck, kindness and strong faith. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

26.06.2016 02:11

On July 13, year after year, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the 12 apostles, disciples of Jesus Christ. ...

Begins Petrov (Peter and Paul) or Apostolic Fast , in memory of the two most revered of the 12 closest disciples of the Savior, the apostles Peter and Paul.

In 2018, the Apostolic Fast begins on June 4 and ends on July 11.

This summer fast, which we often call Peter's fast, or apostolic fast, was formerly called the Pentecostal fast. The Church calls us to this fast following the example of the holy apostles, who, having received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, in fasting and prayer (in labor and exhaustion, often in vigil, in hunger and thirst, often in fasting - 2 Cor. II) prepared to the worldwide preaching of the gospel. Christ's apostles always prepared themselves for the service by fasting and prayer - they, having completed fasting and prayer and laying their hands on them, dismissed them (Acts 13: 3). According to St. John Chrysostom, “fasting with faith gives much strength; for he teaches great love of wisdom, makes a person an Angel, and even strengthens him against disembodied forces ... the one who prays, as it should, and, moreover, fasts, requires little; but he who requires little will not be covetous; but he who is not in love with money loves to give alms. The one who fasts becomes light and winged, and prays with a cheerful spirit, quenches evil lusts, appeases God and humbles his arrogant spirit. That is why the apostles almost always fasted. "

“After the long feast of Pentecost, fasting is especially necessary in order to purify our thoughts and make us worthy of the gifts of the Holy Spirit by its exploit,” writes Saint Leo the Great.

For this reason, an unchanging and saving custom has been established - after the holy and joyful days celebrated by us in honor of the Lord, who rose from the dead and then ascended to heaven, and after accepting the gift of the Holy Spirit, go through the field of fasting. This custom must also be diligently observed in order for us to have the gifts that are now imparted to the Church from God.

The establishment of Peter's fast - earlier it was called the Pentecostal fast - dates back to the very first times of the Orthodox Church. The ecclesiastical establishment of this fast is mentioned in the apostolic decrees: “After Pentecost, celebrate one week, and then fast; justice requires both to rejoice after receiving gifts from God, and to fast after the flesh is lightened. "

It was especially established when in Constantinople and Rome the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine the Great (d. 337; Comm. 21 May) erected churches in honor of the holy chief apostles Peter and Paul. The consecration of the Church of Constantinople took place on the day of remembrance of the apostles on June 29 (according to the old style - July 12 in the new), and since then this day has become especially solemn both in the East and in the West. This is the day of the end of the fast. Its initial boundary is mobile: it depends on the day of the celebration of Easter; therefore, the duration of the fast varies from 6 weeks to a week and one day.

From the 4th century onwards, the testimony of the Church Fathers about the apostolic fasting became more and more frequent; St. Athanasius the Great, Ambrose of Mediolan, and in the 5th century - Leo the Great and Theodorite of Cyrus.

St. Athanasius the Great, describing in his defense of the emperor Constance the calamities inflicted on Orthodox Christians by the Arians, says: "The people who fasted in the week following Holy Pentecost went to the cemetery to pray."

The people called Petrov Post simply "Petrovka" or "Petrovka-hunger strike": at the beginning of summer, little was left of the last harvest, and the new one was still far away. But why is the post all the same Petrovsky? Why the Apostolic is understandable: the apostles always prepared themselves for the service by fasting and prayer (remember, when the disciples asked why they could not drive out demons, the Lord explained to them that this kind comes out only by prayer and fasting (see Mark 9, 29)), and therefore the Church calls us to this summer fast, following the example of those who, having received the Holy Spirit on the day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost), “in labor and in exhaustion, often in vigil, in hunger and thirst, often in fasting” (2 Cor. 11:27) prepared for the worldwide preaching of the Gospel. And to call the post "Petropavlovsk" is simply inconvenient - too cumbersome; It just so happened that when we call the names of the apostles, we pronounce the name of Peter first.

The holy apostles were so different: Peter, the elder brother of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, was a simple, uneducated, poor fisherman; Paul is the son of wealthy and noble parents, a Roman citizen, a disciple of the famous Jewish law teacher Gamaliel, "a scribe and a Pharisee." Peter is a faithful disciple of Christ from the very beginning, a witness to all the events of his life from the moment he entered the sermon.

The Holy Apostle Peter, who before his calling bore the name Simon, the elder brother of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, was a fisherman. He was married and had children. According to St. John Chrysostom, he was a fiery man, not bookish, simple, poor and God-fearing. He was brought to the Lord by his brother Andrew, and at the first glance at a simple fisherman, the Lord foretold him the name of Cephas, in Syrian, or in Greek - Peter, that is, a stone. Upon the election of Peter to the number of the apostles, the Lord visited his wretched house and healed his mother-in-law from fever (Mark 1: 29-31).

Paul - worst enemy Christov, who incited hatred of Christians in himself and asked the Sanhedrin for permission to persecute Christians everywhere and bring them bound to Jerusalem. Peter, of little faith, who denied Christ three times, but contritely repented and became the beginning of Orthodoxy, the foundation of the Church. And Paul, who fiercely resisted the righteousness of the Lord, and afterwards believed just as fervently.

An inspirational simpleton and a frenzied speaker, Peter and Paul personify spirituality and intelligence - two much-needed missionary qualities. The Lord sent apostles into the world to teach all nations: “So go, teach all nations ... teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28, 19; 20). "If you do not want to teach and admonish yourself in Christianity, then you are not a disciple and not a follower of Christ, - the apostles were not sent for you, - you are not what all Christians were from the very beginning of Christianity ..."
(Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow. Words and speeches: in 5 volumes. T. 4. - M., 1882. pp. 151-152).

According to the testimony of the word of God, the apostles occupy a special place in the Church - everyone should understand us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 4.1).

Clothed equal strength from above and with the same power to permit sins, all the apostles will sit on twelve thrones near the Son of Man (Matthew 19: 28).

But since the Acts of the Apostles mainly tells about the labors of the apostles Peter and Paul, the Church and the holy fathers, reverent at the name of each of the apostles, call these two the supreme.

The Church glorifies the Apostle Peter as predestinating from the face of the apostles to confess Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God; Paul, as if more than others who worked and was numbered among the highest of the apostles by the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. II, 5); one - for firmness, the other - for bright wisdom.

Calling the two apostles supreme, according to the primacy of order and labor. The Church instills that its head is only Jesus Christ, and all the apostles are His servants (Col. 1.18).

Peter washed away his denial of Christ with bitter tears of repentance, and was the first of the apostles to enter the tomb of the Savior after His resurrection, and the first of the apostles was worthy to behold the Risen One.

In Petrov Lent 2017, food is quite varied, since this fast is not as strict as the Great one. According to the church's charter, it was required to abstain from light food (fatty, high-calorie), fish, wine, butter, eggs, milk three days a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Bread during fasting is consumed only from wholemeal flour, black bread. On these strict days of Petrov's fast, they ate mostly dry food - water, bread, raw vegetables, no dishes were specially prepared - this is the so-called dry eating.

For example, you can eat vegetables in any form, cereals, mushrooms, fish in lax fast days, dried fruits, pickles, legumes, soy products, vegetable oil.

In honor of the holidays During fasting in Russia, it was customary to cook special pies - rybniki. Their peculiarity was that the gutted and cleaned fish is baked whole. The pies were made open so that the fish was visible, which greatly adorned the pastries. The most used product of Petrov Lent was and remains a variety of greens and dishes from it. These are green lean cabbage soup, and cold lean okroshka or botvinya, and any lean dish it becomes more appetizing and tasty with greens.

Eating certain foods while fasting is good for your digestive system. The body takes a break from digesting high-calorie foods. So intermittent fasting or switching to low-calorie foods only brings positive result for any organism.

In general, any post needs to be treated meaningfully. It would be wrong to fulfill the conditions of fasting for food and not go to church. This behavior will be called - diet food, fasting, cleansing the body. To cleanse spiritually, it takes a lot of spiritual work, communication with your abbot, the fulfillment of the canons of the church - spiritual cleansing. God does not monitor how well the laity fulfill his commandments. Everyone is responsible to himself for his behavior. And therefore, whether to follow the fast and how, depends only on our decision and life circumstances.

Any fast is the education of the human soul. If he overcomes such trials, he will devote a lot of time to prayers and reflection on his actions, then he has a strong spirit and he will be able to overcome any trials. Such a person has strong faith and nothing can break his spirit. Many people, even if they are not believers, also want to test them by fasting. On the days of fasting, caution should be exercised by those who have health problems, pregnant women, and children. Their diet remains their usual and fasting does not apply to them strictly.

Is it possible to play a wedding in Petrov Post or not? As for the wedding ceremony in Petrov Lent, the priests recommend postponing the wedding and the beginning family life until it ends. And you can legalize your marriage in the registry office.

There is a beautiful expression: "Fasting and prayer are two wings that lift a Christian into the Kingdom of Heaven." Well, if this is so, and if prayer is to be simple and reasonable, then fasting must be simple and reasonable. We have already discussed this during Lent. Fasting should be manageable without the molecular ingredient approach. For Christ's sake. For the transformation of the Spirit The God of our decaying or decaying nature.

Our inner conviction in the righteousness of the Word of God, together with repentance and life in the Church, should give us the most creative foundation for our apostleship - peace of the heart, a different, in comparison with the vain world, attitude towards God, the Church, man and ourselves. Peace, love, forgiveness, compassion, sympathy, heartache for injustice and injustice are the opposite of hatred and indifference qualities of the Christian soul.

We must let God graft these good things into the branches of our personality. To grow us to Himself, He is the vine, we are the branches. And without Him we cannot create anything. Everything is in God and takes on its value, including the gospel. The most decent thing to do in fasting.

A note about Peter's Lent:

This is how the saints prepared
Peter and Paul,
While they were alive
And God glorified them.

Mondays and Wednesdays
And also on the fifth day -
Our grandfathers believed
You need a dry meal.

And on Tuesday and Thursday
Shared supper with the enemy,
And eat only fish
So that there is more sense from the post.

The Apostles Peter and Paul were called to serve Jesus Christ and the Church in different ways, but according to legend, both ended their lives as a martyr - the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down on the cross, and Paul was beheaded by the sword. Therefore, Peter's fast is also called Apostolic.

The beginning of Peter's Lent does not have a fixed date - it always begins on Monday one week after the feast of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost) - in 2018 it falls on June 4.

And the date of Trinity depends on the day of the celebration of Easter, therefore the beginning of Peter's Lent falls on different dates and lasts from 8 to 42 days.

The essence and meaning of fasting

Peter's fast was established in the Apostolic times and belongs to the very first times of the Orthodox Church. It used to be called the Pentecostal fast. Peter's or Apostolic fast became after the erection of temples to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Constantinople and Rome.

Peter's fast, like any of the four multi-day fasts a year, calls for self-improvement, for victory over sins and passions and prepares Christians with fasting and prayer for the celebration of the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The clergy believe that spiritual life without fasting is impossible - this is an ascetic truth, for which it was paid in blood. But Peter's fast is not only a memory of past persecutions from external enemies.

According to the Gospel, the main enemy is not the one who kills the body, but the one who is rooted within the soul. History remembers cases when baptized people forgot about love for God and neighbor and returned to their previous sins, and fasting reminds of such a danger, the ministers of the church note.

For a Christian, hunger and refusal to eat are not in themselves good, since the need for food is natural for a person. Fasting serves to educate the will, which is important for morality, since by fasting a person learns to subordinate his bodily needs to the spirit.

On the days of fasting, the church encourages people to think about humility and martyrdom, as well as to appreciate the spiritual deed of each of the apostles. Martyrdom in Orthodoxy is one of the key phenomena. It is to go to the torment and humbly accept it - the highest spiritual feat.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

Peter's fast is also given in order to make up for lost time in Great Lent. This is a way out for those who, due to illness, travel, or for other reasons, were unable to observe Great Lent before Easter.

What can and can not be eaten in Petrov post

Peter's Fast, unlike the Great Fast, is not so strict. It begins on Monday, the 57th day after Easter (a week after Trinity). In 2018, it falls on June 4, and the last day of fasting is July 11. Accordingly, in 2018 it lasts 38 days.

During this period, you also cannot eat meat, dairy products, eggs, but fish is allowed on some days of the week. The basis lean table composes vegetables, herbs and dishes made from them, as well as cereals, fruits, berries and dried fruits.

During this fast on Monday, it is prescribed to eat hot food without oil, fish is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, on Wednesday and Friday - dry food (bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey). And on weekends, some wine is allowed.

The Day of Remembrance of the Holy Primate Apostles Peter and Paul, which is celebrated on July 12, is not included in the fast. However, if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, then it is lean, but of a low degree of severity - food with oil, fish and wine is allowed.

Saint Seraphim of Sarov said that “true fasting consists not only in the exhaustion of the flesh, but also in giving that part of the bread that you yourself would like to eat to the hungry (hungry, thirsty) ... Fasting is not just about eating rarely, but in eating little; and not in eating once, but in not eating much. "

How to fast

Peter's fast is considered the lightest fast for the entire calendar year. But even starting this, not the strictest, fast, you need to consult with your confessor and attending physician if you have any chronic diseases.

In general, laymen are supposed to fast not as strict as monks, for whom the Charter provides for stricter rules. During the fast, foods should also be excluded from the menu. fast food, that is, fast food, confectionery and baked goods.

At the same time, it should be remembered that fasting is a spiritual cleansing and only in the second place is abstinence from food. It should not contribute to weight loss, but to strengthen the spiritual principle in a person. Therefore, it is very important to pray, confess and receive communion during fasting.

But, if for some reason a layman cannot observe all the rules of fasting, he can limit himself in other, non-gastronomic things. For example, do not watch TV in the post or use social media in the Internet.

Traditions and customs

By church canons, the sacrament of marriage - the wedding is not performed during the period church holidays, posts and individual temple holidays... Accordingly, weddings during Peter's Lent and on Peter's Day are not permitted.

In order to live a long and happy family life, it is recommended to wait out the Peter Fast. You also need to postpone the conception of children until the end of the fast. According to folk customs, the wedding at Petrov Lent was not held for other reasons.

Peter's Lent is held in the summer, during the height of field work, so there has been a centuries-old tradition not to hold weddings at this time. Modern rural youth also adhere to this tradition.

Even more ancient tradition claims that the souls of the dead are visiting Earth at this time, and cheerful celebrations are disrespectful to their memory.

Signs on Petrov post

Don't cut your hair during the fast - your hair will be sparse. They do not sew or do handicrafts during fasting - the hands will be weak. Whoever lends money to the Petrov post will not get out of debt for three years.

A marriage made in fasting is short-lived, there will be no harmony in the family, and it will soon fall apart. If in Petrov Lent, at the close of the moon, you touch a dry branch with a wart, while saying: as in fasting on a dish the meat is empty, so that the wart is thin, then the wart will dry up and fall off. If the commemoration coincided with the fast, then according to the rules, the commemoration should also be lenten. But there is nothing wrong with the fact that fast food was on the table on such a day. If during fasting, at a feast, someone will persuade the fasting person to eat meat, ridiculing him or fasting, then he will die hard and for a long time.

Petrov Lent is not the time for fortune-telling, rituals, performance magic rituals... So you can call trouble on yourself and your loved ones, without support. higher powers... It is better to devote time to prayers and sincerely ask Heaven for what you want.

If it rains on the first day of Lent, the harvest will be excellent. Three rains in one day - the year promises to be rich in joyful events.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Is it ok to eat fish
Fish is allowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays and on the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist (7 July).

Can i drink wine
The use of this alcoholic drink is allowed in small quantities on Saturdays and Sundays and on the feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist.


During the period of fasting, you should avoid noisy companies and parties, try not to quarrel.

It is not advisable to get a haircut, otherwise the hair will become thinner.

Is it possible to baptize a child
Baptism of children is allowed absolutely on any day of the year.

Is it possible to play a wedding
Registration of marriage is allowed, but if young people are believers, then it is advisable to postpone the wedding to other days of the year. The church does not bless this event during the period of fasting. There is a belief that a couple who tied the knot on fast days will not be able to find happiness in family life. Weddings during Peter's Lent are not performed.

Sayings and signs

Petrovka (Petrov post) - hunger strike, Spasovka (Uspensky) - gourmet.

Petrovka - hunger strike for bread.

The blood of the nobility is freezing in Petrovka too (chilly).