On Saturday of the fifth week of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church performs non-sedal singing to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Icons of the Mother of God

Since ancient times in Rus' they were very revered Holy Mother of God. To the Mother of God we offer daily prayers, asking Her for help and salvation. The Church places the Queen of Heaven above all saints and all angels, because the closest to God is His Mother.

With acceptance Orthodox faith From Byzantium, the Russian people accepted faith in the Mother of God and Her speedy intercession. The holy image of the Mother of God has always been and, of course, remains in a special place among the Russian people. Our Lady is the protector and patroness of the Russian land.

Yu. P. Pontyukhin. "Dmitry Donskoy and Sergius of Radonezh"

At divine services, a large number of prayers addressed to the Queen of Heaven are read, churches are dedicated to Her, and the veneration of Her numerous icons is widespread.

The calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church mentions about 260 revered and miraculous icons of the Mother of God, in general they can be counted more 860 . For most icons, days of celebration have been established, prayers and akathists are written for them.

The history of the first icons of the Mother of God

There is a legend that he painted the very first icon Apostle Luke. Historians have doubts about this, but Tradition did not arise out of nowhere. From the New Testament we know that the Apostle Luke was a doctor and a very educated man of his time, but the fact that he was an artist is not said in Scripture. However, it is in the Gospel of Luke that most of all is said about the Mother of God and it was the Apostle Luke who created and described for us the image of the Mother of God. The Gospel was sometimes called a verbal icon, and we can call the Apostle-Evangelist Luke the first icon painter, although, most likely, he “wrote” not with paints on canvas, but with words.

V.L. Borovikovsky. "Evangelist Luke"

There is another legend about the first image: when the saints apostles Peter and John the Theologian preached in Lydda(near Jerusalem), a temple was built there for converts. The apostles asked the Mother of God to consecrate and bless the temple with Her presence. The Most Pure Virgin replied that she would be there with them. Arriving at the temple, the apostles saw on one of the supporting pillars of the temple a miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The list from this image, called Lydda Icon of the Mother of God , is still revered to this day.

Lydda Icon of the Mother of God

In the scientific community, the earliest images of the Virgin Mary are considered to be genre subjects from the painting of the catacombs. These are the scenes Annunciation(catacombs of Priscila II century) and scenes Nativity of Christ(catacombs of St. Sebestian III - IV centuries).

Catacombs of Priscilla in Rome

But all these are rather proto-icons; the first icons in the literal sense of the word appear only after Ephesus Cathedral 431 years, where the veneration of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God was established.

Third Ecumenical Council in Ephesus

Elements of the iconography of the Virgin Mary

The appearance of the Mother of God is known not only from ancient images, but also from descriptions of church historians (Nicephorus Callistus, monk Epiphanius).

The Virgin Mary is traditionally depicted in maforia(a traditional veil for a married Jewish woman to cover her head and shoulders), and tunic(long dress). Maforium is usually written in red (symbol royal origin, but also suffering). Undergarments are usually written blue-blue (a sign of heavenly purity).

Maforium is decorated Three Stars- on the head and shoulders (a symbol of the purity of the Ever-Virgin “before Christmas, at Christmas and after Christmas”, as well as a symbol of the Holy Trinity). The inscription on the icon is given according to tradition in Greek abbreviation ΜΡ ΘΥ (Mother of God).

The Mother of God in Russian icons is always somewhat sad, this sadness is sometimes mournful, sometimes bright. However, the image of the Mother of God is always full of wisdom and spiritual strength. The Most Holy Virgin can solemnly “reveal” the Child to the world, can tenderly press the Son to Herself or easily support Him - She is always full of reverence, worships her Divine Child and meekly resigns herself to the inevitability of sacrifice.

Types of Orthodox iconography of the Mother of God

Of course, initially there were no types of icons of the Mother of God, and only later, for classification and detailed study, they were identified based on the nature of the writing.

In Orthodox iconography it is customary to highlight 5 types of images of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

1. "Oranta" (Greek: “Praying”) and “Sign”

2."Hodegetria" (Greek: "Guidebook")

3. "Eleusa" (Greek: “Tenderness”)

4."Panahranta" (Greek: “All-blameless”)

5." Agiosoritissa" (Greek: from the name of the chapel “Agia Soros” in Constantinople).

“Oranta” (“Praying”), “The Sign”

This is one of the main types of images of the Mother of God, representing Her from the front, with her hands raised to the level of her head, palms open outward, that is, in the traditional gesture of intercessory prayer. In Orthodox churches, images of this type are sometimes placed at the top of the altar.

The first image of the Virgin Mary "Orants" (Greek “Praying”) without the Child are found already in the Roman catacombs (II - IV centuries).

Sometimes on the bosom of the Virgin Mary, against the background of a round sphere, is depicted Spas Emmanuel(Heb. “God is with us”). The medallion symbolizes both heaven, as the abode of God, and the womb of the Mother of God, in which the Savior is embodied. Some icons of this type are called "Panagia" (Greek: “All-Holy”).

In the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv (11th century) there is one of the most famous mosaic images of Oranta (the height of the figure is 5 m 45 cm). One of the epithets assigned to this image is "The Unbreakable Wall" . In icon painting, independent images of the Mother of God Oranta without the Child are used extremely rarely.

Icon "Unbreakable Wall"

The half-length image of the Mother of God-Oranta received the name "The Omen" , and that's how it happened. November 27, 1169, during the assault on Veliky Novgorod by the Suzdalites, residents of the besieged city brought an icon of the Mother of God to the wall. One of the arrows pierced the image, and the Mother of God turned her face to the city, shedding tears. Inspired by this SIGN, the Novgorodians repelled the Suzdal regiments...

Of the icons of this type, the most famous are.

"Hodegetria" ("Guide")

On icons of this type we see the Mother of God, who points to the Infant Christ seated on Her hand.

The Mother of God seems to be telling the entire human race that the true path is the path to Christ. On these icons She appears as a guide to God and eternal salvation. Here the center of the composition is Christ, who blesses with his right hand and holds a rolled up scroll in his left hand - a symbol of the Gospel. Christ said about himself: "I am the way and the truth and the life"(John 14:6), and the Mother of God is the one who helps us walk along this path - she is our intercessor. This is also one of the oldest types of images of the Virgin Mary.

Of the icons of this type, the most famous are:,.

"Eleusa" ("Tenderness")

On icons like "Tenderness" we see the Child Christ resting his cheek against the cheek of the Mother of God. The head of the Virgin Mary is bowed towards the Son, and He puts his hand around the Mother’s neck. The images convey the tender communication of Mother and Son. Love unites the heavenly and earthly, the divine and the human in the icon: this connection is expressed by the contact of faces and the pairing of halos.

This touching composition contains a deep theological idea: here the Mother of God is presented not only as a Mother caressing her Son, but also as a symbol of a soul in close communion, in love with God.

The Mother of God thought, hugging her Son to Her: She, predicting way of the cross, knows what suffering awaits Him.

The type of image of the Mother of God “Tenderness” found a special response in the hearts of Orthodox people, the idea of ​​sacrificial service to one’s people is close and understandable, and the sorrow of the Mother of God, bringing her son into the world of cruelty and suffering, is in tune with the feelings of all Orthodox Christians. Therefore, there are a lot of icons of this type.

Of the icons of this type in Russia, the most famous are the Derzhavnaya and.

"Agiosoritissa" (as in Agia-soros), "Intercessor"

"Agia Soros"(which means “Holy Cancer”) is the name of the chapel in Constantinople, where there is an icon of the Virgin Mary facing Christ in prayer. The name of the chapel gave its name to this iconographic type.

On icons of this type, the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, without the Child, facing the Savior, sometimes with a scroll in her hand.

Similar icons are included in Deesis series iconostasis (that is, a row of icons where the Savior is depicted in the center, and on the right and left hand there are icons of the Mother of God and John the Baptist praying).

In Russia, this type of icons is also called "Intercessor" .

Why are there so many icons of the Mother of God?

How could so many similar, and yet very different icons arise? After all, each, while maintaining all the features of its type, has individuality.

From the first icons, lists were made, which were distributed throughout the world and acquired their own characteristic features. Through the prayers of believers, miracles and healings occurred in front of these icons, which is what subsequent icon painters tried to capture by making new copies. Each creator wanted to make an icon tied to their locality, and also tell real story the presence of this particular icon on their land.

That is why there are so many different icons of the Mother of God. Each of them found a response in the hearts and souls of those praying, and throughout the Orthodox world prayers are offered to them.

The image of the Mother of God is the most revered among Christians. But they especially love it in Rus'. In the 12th century, a new church holiday was established - the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. An icon with her image became the main shrine of many temples. The Blessed Virgin began to be considered the patroness and protector of Russia. The Virgin Mary "Tenderness" is a copy of a Byzantine image, painted at the end of this century.

In the 14th century, Moscow finally became the center of Orthodoxy in Rus', and the Assumption Cathedral at this time received the name “House of the Virgin”.

Origins of iconography

Historians date the first images of the Mother of God to the beginning of our era. In the catacombs of Priscilla, scenes with images of the Virgin Mary were found, which date back to the 2nd century. At the dawn of Christianity, images of the Blessed Virgin were applied to vessels for incense. Such ampoules, decorated with biblical scenes, were presented around 600 to the Lombard queen Theodelinda.

The first executions of the Blessed Virgin

In 431, the Council of Ephesus confirmed Mary's eternal right to be called the Mother of God. After that significant event Icons of the Mother of God appeared in the form familiar to us. Several images from this period have survived. On them, the Virgin Mary most often appears sitting on a throne with a baby in her arms.

Images of the Mother of God are also found in early mosaics that decorate old churches. These include:

    the Roman Church of Santa Maggiore (dating from the 5th century);

    7th century church of Panagia Angeloktista, located in Cyprus.

But painters from Constantinople were able to give this image a special harmony. The Church of Hagia Sophia is famous for its mosaics of the 9th-12th centuries, in which there are different types iconography of the Virgin Mary. Byzantium is the birthplace of wonderful images of the Blessed Virgin. One of these icons was brought to Russia. Later it was named Vladimirskaya and became the standard of Russian Orthodox icon painting. Novgorod icon The Virgin Mary "Tenderness" is, as already mentioned, a copy of a Byzantine image.

Types of Theotokos Icons

In iconography, there are 4 main groups of images of the Blessed Virgin according to the main idea:

    “The Sign” (the truncated version was called “Oranta”). This iconographic type is considered the most rich in theological content. The main theme here is Incarnation.

    "Hodegetria", which translated from Greek means "Guide".

    “Tenderness” is a name from the Greek “eleus” (“merciful”).

    The fourth type is conventionally called Akathist. The main idea of ​​such icons is the glorification of the Mother of God. These images are very diverse.

Iconographic type “Sign”

In the illustrations of this group, the Holy Mother of God is depicted praying. Depicted in full height or waist-length. On the chest of the Mother of Christ there is a medallion with an image of the unborn praying Mother of God, symbolizing the immaculate conception of Christ, the unity of the mother and the Holy Child. This type includes the Yaroslavl Oranta, the Kursk Root, the Novgorod “Znamenie”. Oranta is a simpler version of the icons, on which the Virgin Mary is represented without a baby and is a symbol of the church.

Iconography "Hodegetria"

A very common type of Mother of God images. Such icons of the Virgin and Child embody the idea that the Mother of God directs us to faith, to Christ. The Mother of God is depicted frontally shoulder-length or waist-length, sometimes in full height. She holds a baby in one hand and points to Jesus with the other. This gesture has deep meaning. The Mother of God seems to show the true path - to God, to faith.

With one hand Christ blesses the Mother, and with her all believers. In the other he holds a book, an unfolded or rolled up scroll. Less often - an orb and a scepter. The most famous icons of the Mother of God of this type are: Smolenskaya, Iverskaya, Tikhvinskaya, Petrovskaya, Kazanskaya.

Iconography of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

Such images are the most lyrical of those depicting the Mother of God and the baby hugging her neck. The images of mother and child are symbols of Christ and the Church of Christ.

A variation of this type is “Leaping”. Here the baby is painted in a freer pose, with one hand touching the face of the Virgin Mary.

In such images, the Most Holy Mary is a symbol not only of motherhood, but of a soul close to God. The mutual touch of two faces is Christ and the Church of Christ, the unity of earthly and heavenly.

There is another variety of this type - “Mammal”. In these icons, the Mother of God breastfeeds a baby. This is how the spiritual nutrition of believers is symbolically depicted.

The Volokolamsk, Vladimir, Yaroslavl icons of the Mother of God belong to this type of image of the holy image.

"Akathist" icons of the Virgin Mary

Images of this type most often carry the features of one of the main ones, but have additional details and details. In iconography these include such icons as the “Burning Bush”, the Mother of God - “Life-Giving Spring”, the Mother of God - “Mountain Not Hand-cut”.

Ostrabramskaya-Vilna, “Softening Evil Hearts” - rare icons of the Virgin Mary, in which she is depicted without a baby. Usually they are also classified as “Akathist”. One of them, Seraphim-Diveyevo Icon The “Tenderness” of the Most Holy Theotokos was a favorite image of Seraphim of Sarov, who was canonized after his death. The priest himself called it “The Joy of All Joys” and used it to heal those who came to him for help. And later, before this face, he passed into another world.

Canons of the iconography of the Mother of God, the meaning of the symbols

According to the Orthodox tradition, the following elements are used to depict the clothes of the Mother of God: a blue tunic, a blue cap and a cherry head scarf, otherwise called “maforium”. Every detail has its own meaning. Three gold stars on the maforia are a triple symbol of the immaculate conception, birth and death, the border on it is a sign of glorification. The cloth itself represents motherhood, belonging to God, and the blue color of the clothes represents virginity.

There are known cases of violation of traditions. Icon painters use this to highlight certain features. For example, to emphasize the purity, the Virginity of the Mother of God, she is depicted in a blue robe. Our Lady of Akhtyrskaya is just such an option.

Writing the Most Pure Virgin without maforium is also considered a violation of church canons.

By Orthodox rules, even a crown, a sign of the kingdom, is usually depicted on top of the board. This is how the Novodvorskaya and Kholmovskaya icons were written. The crown on the head of the Mother of God came to Eastern Christian iconography from Western Europe; in early images, only maforium covered the head of the Mother of God.

Russian traditions in the iconography of the Mother of God

The image of the Blessed Virgin on the throne is more common among Italo-Greek images. The painting of the Queen of Heaven, sitting on a throne or in full growth, in Russia was mainly used in large-scale compositions: in frescoes or on iconostases.

Icon painters fell in love more with the half-length or shoulder-length image of the Queen of Heaven. This is how conclusions were created that were more understandable and close to the heart. This can largely be explained by the special role of the icon in Rus': it was a life partner, a shrine, a prayer image, and a family value passed down from generation to generation. It is not for nothing that the people perceived the Mother of God as an intercessor who was able to soften the anger of the Terrible Judge. Moreover, the older the image and the more “prayerful” it is, the more power it has.

A large number of believers and temples - distinguishing feature Russian land. Many images of the Mother of God are considered miraculous here, which is confirmed by numerous testimonies.

The Mother of God is a witness and participant in Russian history

For many centuries, the history of Russia has been accompanied by icons of the Mother of God, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. One small example is the Feodorovskaya icon:

    In 1239, in this image, Prince Yaroslav blessed his son Alexander to marry Princess Paraskevna. This icon accompanied Alexander on all his military campaigns. Later, it was in front of this face of the Mother of God that Saint Alexander became a monk.

    In 1613, in front of this image, Mikhail Romanov, called to the throne Zemsky Sobor, accepted the Russian throne. The Theodore Mother of God became a witness to the vows of allegiance to Russia, its people and the Orthodox Church.

    In the 18th century, all members royal family they always came to Kostroma to pay homage to the miraculous ode, from which the history of the Romanov royal dynasty began.

Particular mention should be made of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, donated to Russia by the Patriarch of Constantinople, Luke Chrysovergos, in the 12th century. According to legend, prayers in front of this image more than once saved Moscow from conquerors.

The miraculous power of the Mother of God icons

Many images of the Blessed Virgin Mary are considered miraculous. They are inseparable from the life of Christians. They live with the people and help in their sorrows.

Some Moscow miraculous icons of the Mother of God:

    Vladimirskaya, kept in the Church of St. Nicholas. It is believed that she defended Rus' from enemies three times. Therefore, Orthodox Christians honor this icon 3 times a year: in June, July and September.

    Tikhvin Icon "Tenderness" of the Blessed Virgin Mary, decorating the temple of the same name in Moscow. In 1941, a plane with this image flew over the capital three times, after which the Nazi offensive on the city was stopped. It is curious that this church did not close even during Soviet times.

    Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, shrine of the Conception convent, which gave many women the happiness of motherhood.

“Seeking the Lost,” the Iveron Mother of God, “Assuage My Sorrows” are only part of the miraculous Moscow images of the Queen of Heaven. It is impossible to even count how many there are on the vast territory of Russia.

Miracles of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

This image deserves special attention. The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God showed a miracle already with its appearance in 1579 after a big fire in the city, when it was found among the ashes absolutely undamaged by the fire.

Numerous healings of the sick and help in business were given by this account to believers. But the most significant miracles of this icon are associated by Russian Christians with the defense of the fatherland from foreign invaders.

Already in mid-17th century century, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered to establish in honor of her. This happened after the successful birth of the heir to the Russian throne during the all-night service in honor of the Kazan Mother of God. This icon began to be considered the patroness of the royal dynasty.

Commander Kutuzov, going to the battlefields of the Patriotic War of 1812, knelt before this shrine and asked for her intercession. After the victory over Napoleon, he donated to the Kazan Cathedral all the silver taken from the French.

Myrrh-streaming prayer images of the Mother of God

This is one of the greatest miracles associated with icons. An explanation has not yet been found as to why. But this always happens on the eve of tragic events as a reminder of human sinfulness and the need for repentance. What kind of phenomenon is this? A fragrant liquid appears on the images, reminiscent of myrrh. Its consistency and color can be different - from transparent dew to viscous dark resin. It is curious that it is not only images written on wood that give off myrrh. This happens with frescoes, photographs, metal icons and even photocopies.

And similar miracles are happening now. Several dozen Tiraspol icons began to stream myrrh between 2004 and 2008. This was God's warning about the bloody events of Beslan, Georgia, and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine.

One of these images, the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows” (another name is “Softening Evil Hearts”), began to flow myrrh in May 1998. This miracle continues to this day.

Protecting the house - Holy Mother of God

An icon of the Mother of God must be in the home of a believer who cares about the safety of his home.

It is believed that prayers in front of her face protect everyone living in the house physically and spiritually. Since ancient times, it has been customary to place over entrance doors into the hut the icon of the Mother of God and ask her for protection and support. The most favorite versions of the Mother of God: Iverskaya, Semistrelnaya, “The Unbreakable Wall”, “The Burning Bush” and some others. In total there are more than 860 icons of the Mother of God. It is impossible to remember them all, and it is not necessary. When choosing a prayer image, it is important to listen to your soul and follow its advice.

Not only ordinary believers, but also royalty revered the icons of the Mother of God. A photo taken in Tsar Alexander's bedroom confirms this.

Icons of the Virgin and Child provide consolation in sorrow, deliverance from illness, and spiritual insight only to those whose prayers are sincere and whose faith is unshakable. The main thing is that the appeal to the Blessed Virgin comes from a pure heart, and the intentions are good.

Glorification of Our Lady

The universal love of the Orthodox for this holy image was reflected in large numbers church holidays in her honor. In almost every month of the year there is such a day, and sometimes several. About 260 miraculous images of the Mother of God are mentioned in the Russian Orthodox calendar.

A significant Orthodox holiday - the Intercession of the Virgin Mary - became the theme of the icons of the same name. On these depictions the Blessed Virgin is depicted in full height. In her hands in front of her she holds a veil with or without the image of Christ. Discovered at the end of the 20th century, the Port Arthur Icon “The Triumph of the Blessed Virgin Mary” became a symbol of the revival of the spirituality of Russia and a reminder of the significance of this image in the history of the country. She is increasingly ranked among the most revered Russian icons.

Saturday of the fifth week of Lent Orthodox Church performs unseated singing to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The ancient Israelites, seeing the death of their enemies in the depths of the Red Sea, sang a victorious song to God the Deliverer on its shores: “Thy right hand, O Lord, is glorified in strength; Thy right hand, O Lord, crusheth the enemies!”

Since then, the Old Testament Church has annually sung this song of gratitude and victory on Easter in memory of its miraculous deliverance from powerful enemies. The Orthodox, New Testament church has seen itself repeatedly struggling with the right hand of the Almighty; her enemies in difficult moments of danger were overthrown by miraculous help.

On Saturday, the fifth week of Great Lent, the Holy Church solemnly proclaims the prayer singing of the akathist, or thanksgiving praise to the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria.

This holiday was established in the 9th century in memory of the repeated deliverance of Constantinople with the help and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos from the invasion of adversaries. Under Emperor Heraclius, when Patriarch Sergius, carrying in his arms the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos along the pillars and walls of the city, begged the Lord for protection against the fierce enemies of the Persian and Scythian troops besieging Constantinople, then the people sought protection in the churches of the Lord, day and night begging the zealous Intercessor save your city. This icon is now in Moscow in the Assumption Cathedral and is called Blachernae.

Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of Constantinople, dedicated it to the Mother of God and revered the Blessed Virgin as his patroness and his city. Many temples in Her honor were erected there. The Volachern Church kept her holy icon, painted by St. Evangelist Luke. On a memorable night, when the united forces of the Hagarians and Persians from the sea and from the land moved to crush the walls of Constantinople, suddenly a terrible storm arose against the Blachernae temple itself, which scattered and sank their ships with a multitude of troops. The remaining enemies fled in shame. It was then that all that night the grateful people who were in the Blachernae Church proclaimed a victorious, all-night and non-sedal hymn to the Defender of the city:

“To the elected Voivode, victorious,as if we have got rid of the evil ones, let us sing thanksgiving to Thy Tirabi, the Mother of God!”

And from that time on, in commemoration of such a great miracle, the Orthodox Church established a festival Praise to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At first, the feast of the Akathist was celebrated in Constantinople among the royal palaces in the Blachernae Church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and the sacred remains of Her earthly life - Her robe and belt - were kept; but in the 9th century this holiday was included in the typologies of the monasteries of St. Sava of Studium and then in the triodion, and from that time on it became common to the entire Eastern Church.

This akathist is a sacred praise of the Blessed Virgin. It consists of 24 hymns, or songs: 12 kontakia and 12 ikos, arranged according to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. Each song begins with its corresponding
counted by letter, each kontakion ends with a psalm Hallelujah, each ikos is a greeting from the archangel: rejoice.

All creation ends with a short prayer to the Blessed Virgin that She would save Christians from troubles and misfortunes. The akathist is read in this form on other days; but on Saturday of the Feast of the Praise of the Mother of God it is part of the service and is sung at Matins not all at once, but separately, in the interval of other songs, in four different exits, and each section begins and ends with the singing of the first kontakion: Chosen Voivode etc. The Akathist was written in the middle of the 7th century, according to many, by the deacon of the great Church of Constantinople, George of Pisidia. Subsequently, Joseph the Studite wrote a canon on Saturday Akathist, and some other persons added to this thanksgiving prayers in memory of the same all-powerful voivodeship Mother of God.

Our Orthodox Church celebrates this celebration to strengthen the repentant in the hope of the Heavenly Intercessor, who, by delivering the faithful from visible enemies, is all the more ready to help us in the fight against visible enemies.

The image of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral on a pillar.

15 MIRACLE-WORKING ICONS OF THE HOLY VIRGIN, PICTURED ON THE ICON “THE TREE OF THE HOLY VIRGIN”. The icon of the Mother of God “Tree of the Most Holy Theotokos” depicts 15 main miraculous icons (images) of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant Jesus Christ, located on a branchy tree. In the center of the tree is the Bethlehem Cave and the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus reclining in a manger. This Nativity of the Lord gave rise to the depiction of the Ever-Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. That is why the Nativity icon is placed on the trunk of a symbolic tree and is highlighted in a larger size compared to other icons. The meaning of this icon is that it reflects the connection of all the icons of the Mother of God, like branches of one tree that grew in the sacrament of the Nativity of the God-Man Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. You can pray in front of this icon to the Blessed Virgin and the Infant God. Since this icon is composite, i.e. consists of images of 15 icons of the Mother of God, then praying to her as one image is not suitable. You can pray to each icon depicted, or simply to the Mother of God Herself.


Celebration in honor of the icon: February 12/25, October 13/26 and continuing on Tuesday of Bright Week. According to legend, this image was miraculously found on Athos, where he himself sailed, having been thrown into the sea during the persecution of icons. In the Iveron Athos monastery it was placed above the gates, which is why it received the name “Goalkeeper”. More than once the Mother of God gave through her Her wonderful help during the attack of the Persians, in the years of famine. In 1656, the copy from the icon was transferred to Russia, and since then it has been providing abundant favors and is revered by the Orthodox people. Read more here: PRAYER: O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, Queen of Heaven and earth! Listen to the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure and miraculous image. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except You, O Mother of all who grieve and are burdened! Help us the weak, assuage our sorrows, guide us astray on the right path, heal our painful hearts and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives in peace and repentance, grant us a Christian death and at the Last Judgment of Your Son a merciful intercessor will appear to us, yes We always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God, forever and ever. 2. KAZAN ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

Celebrations in honor of the icon on October 22/November 4 and July 8/21 Appeared in 1579 in Kazan on the ashes after a fire. The list from it was sent to Prince Pozharsky, who soon liberated Moscow. Provided assistance to the Russian army during the Napoleonic invasion and in the Great Patriotic War. Before her they pray for the intercession of Russia in various ailments, especially in eye diseases. PRAYER: Oh, Most Holy Lady, Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love before Thy honest and miraculous icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You: pray, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful and His Church May he preserve the unshakable saint and deliver him from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful helper and intercessor of Christians: deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from the slander of evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, illnesses, misfortunes and from sudden death: grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful life and remission of sins, so that we all gratefully sing of Your greatness and mercy, manifested over us here on earth, we will be worthy of both the Heavenly Kingdom and there with Let us glorify with all the saints the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. 3. QUICK TO HEAR

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” is one of ancient icons Mother of God. The prototype of the icon is located on Holy Mount Athos, in the Dochiar monastery. The history of this icon goes back more than a thousand years. Legend about the icon. In the middle of the 17th century, the monk Nil labored in the Dochiar monastery, fulfilling the obedience of the refector. Each time, entering the refectory, he inadvertently smoked the image of the Mother of God, which hung at the entrance to the refectory, with a torch. One day, as usual, passing by the icon with a flaming torch, the monk Neil heard the words: “In the future, do not approach here with a lighted torch and do not smoke My image.” Neil was at first frightened by the human voice, but decided that it was one of the brethren who said it and did not pay attention to the words. He continued to walk past the icon with a lit torch. After some time, the monk Neil again heard the words from the icon: “Monk, unworthy of this name! How long have you been so carelessly and so shamelessly smoldering My image?” At these words, the refector suddenly lost his sight. Deep repentance gripped his soul, and he sincerely confessed his sin of irreverent treatment of the image of the Mother of God, recognizing himself as worthy of such punishment. Neil decided not to leave the icon until he received forgiveness of his sins and healing from blindness. In the morning, the brethren found him lying on his back in front of the holy image. After the monk told him about what happened to him, the monks lit an unquenchable lamp in front of the icon. The offender himself prayed and cried day and night, turning to the Mother of God, so that soon his fervent prayer was heard. A familiar voice said to him: “Neil! Your prayer is heard, you are forgiven, and sight is restored to your eyes. Proclaim to all the brethren that I am the cover, providence and protection of their monastery, dedicated to the Archangels. Let them and Orthodox Christians turn to Me in their needs, and I will not leave anyone unheard: I will intercede for all who come running to Me with reverence, and the prayers of all will be fulfilled by the Son and My God for the sake of My intercession before Him. From now on, this icon of mine will be called “Quick to Hear” because I will quickly show mercy to all those who come to it and will soon heed their petitions.” Following these joyful words, Monk Neil’s sight returned. This happened on November 9, 1664. The rumor about the miracle that happened before the icon quickly spread throughout Athos, attracting many monks to worship the shrine. The brethren of the Dochiar monastery blocked the entrance to the refectory in order to thus protect the place where the icon was located. WITH right side a temple was built, consecrated in honor of the image of the “Quick to Hear”. At the same time, a particularly reverent hieromonk (prosmonary) was chosen to constantly remain at the icon and perform prayers in front of it. This obedience is still being fulfilled today. Also, on the evening of every Tuesday and Thursday, the entire brethren of the monastery sings the touching canon of the Mother of God (in Greek “paraklis”) in front of the icon, the priest commemorates all Orthodox Christians in the litany and prays for the peace of the whole world. They pray in front of the icon when quick and urgent help is needed, for the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners. PRAYER: Most Blessed Lady, Ever-Virgin Mother of God, who gave birth to God the Word more than any word for our salvation, and received His grace more abundantly than all others, a sea of ​​Divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who come running to You with faith! To Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the Humanity-loving Lord: surprise us with Your rich mercies, and speed up the fulfillment of our petitions brought to You, Quick to Hear, all that are arranged for the benefit of consolation and salvation for everyone. Visit, O Blessing Thy servants, with Thy grace, grant to those who are ill, healing and perfect health, to those overwhelmed by silence, to those in captivity, freedom and various images of the afflicted to console, deliver, O all-merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, plague, cowardice, flood, fire, sword and other temporary and eternal punishments, by Your maternal boldness turning away the wrath of God: and from mental relaxation, overwhelming passions and falls, free Your servants, so that without stumbling in all piety, having lived in this world, and in the future, eternal blessings, we will be honored with the grace and love of mankind of Your Son and God, Him. befits all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 4. INEXHAUSTABLE CHALICE.

Celebration in honor of the icon on May 5/18. The Mother of God prays for all sinners and calls for an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaiming that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for all who ask in faith. It brings prosperity to the home, and also helps to heal from bad habits, drunkenness, drug addiction, and gambling. PRAYER: Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen. 5. VLADIMIR ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

Celebration in honor of the icon May 21/June 3, June 23/July 6, August 26/September 8 According to legend, it dates back to the Evangelist Luke, the first icon painter. At the beginning of the 12th century. arrived in Kyiv, and then Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky moved her to Vladimir. The most famous miracles revealed from this image are associated with the deliverance of Moscow from the hordes of Tamerlane, Edigei and Makhmet-Girey, as well as assistance in the Time of Troubles. During the fire in the Moscow Kremlin in 1547, the Assumption Cathedral was preserved unharmed, which is also associated with the intercession of the Most Pure One, given through Her miraculous image. Before “Vladimirskaya” they especially pray for the preservation of the Fatherland from foreign invasion. Read more about the icon here: PRAYER: To whom shall we cry, O Lady? To whom shall we resort in our sorrow, if not to You, Queen of Heaven? Who will accept our crying and sighing, if not You, most immaculate, the hope of Christians and refuge for us sinners? Who is more in Your favor? Incline Your ear to us, O Lady, Mother of Our God, and do not despise those who require Your help: hear our groaning, strengthen us sinners, enlighten and teach us, O Queen of Heaven, and do not depart from us, O Thy servant, O Lady, for our grumbling, but wake up Mother and Intercessor to us, and entrust us to the merciful protection of Your Son: arrange for us whatever Your holy will pleases, and lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life, may we cry over our sins, may we rejoice with You always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. 6. ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN OF THE SIGN.

Celebration in honor of the icon on November 27/December 10. This icon began to be revered as miraculous from the 12th century, when internecine strife flared up between the Novgorod and Vladimir-Suzdal princes. Novgorod was besieged by a huge army, however, when the icon was carried around the city walls, the attackers were seized with horror and they hastily left. Subsequently, the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign” also became famous for stopping a large fire that threatened to destroy all of Novgorod. Many signs of miraculous power are performed from this blessed shrine. The Merciful Lady reveals through this shrine the signs of Her protection and intercession both in national disasters and in the lives of ordinary people. Christian mothers who come to the realization of their powerlessness to give happiness to their children, to protect them from the always close and inevitable danger, turn their gaze to this image and find support and help. In front of the “Sign” icon they pray for the pacification of the Fatherland, for deliverance from internecine warfare, for deliverance from the fire. PRAYER: Oh, most holy and most blessed Mother of our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ! We fall down and bow to You before Your holy, miraculous icon, remembering the wondrous sign of Your intercession, which was revealed to the great Novograd during the days of the military invasion. We humbly pray to Thee, the omnipotent intercessor of our family: just as in ancient times you hastened our father to help, so now we, weak and sinners, have been vouchsafed Your maternal intercession and care. Save and preserve, O Lady, under the shelter of Thy mercy, the Holy Church, Thy city, (Thy abode) and our entire Orthodox country and all of us who fall to Thee with faith and love and tenderly ask with tears for Thy intercession, have mercy and save. Hey, Lady All-Merciful! Have mercy on us, overwhelmed by many sins, stretch out Thy God-receiving hands to Christ the Lord and intercede for us before His goodness, asking us forgiveness of our sins, a pious peaceful life, a good Christian death and a good answer at His terrible judgment: may we be saved by Thy almighty to Him Through prayers, we will inherit the bliss of paradise, and with all the saints we will sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the venerable Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your great mercy to us forever and ever. Amen. 7. MAMMAL

Celebration in honor of the icon January 12/25 Located on Mount Athos, where she arrived from the Holy Land from the Lavra of Savva the Sanctified according to the will of the saint himself. Savva. The Mother of God is depicted nursing the Infant God. The copy from the Athos image was sent to Russia in 1860. Nursing mothers especially pray before the “Mammal” in the cares of motherhood and during childbirth. PRAYER: Accept, O Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You. We look at you holy icon in her arms carrying and feeding with milk Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if you gave birth to Him painlessly, even though the mother weighed the sorrow and infirmity of the sons and daughters of human beings. Falling with the same warmth towards Your whole-bearing image and tenderly kissing this, we pray to You, All-Merciful Lady: we sinners, condemned to give birth to illnesses and to nourish our children in sorrows, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, but our babies, who also gave birth to them, from a serious illness and deliver from bitter sorrow. Grant us health and well-being, and nourishment from strength will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, for even now, through Your intercession from the mouths of babes and those who piss, the Lord will bring His praise. O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: quickly heal the illnesses that befall us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow who fall before Your icon, and on the day of joy and deliverance receive the grateful praise of our hearts. Offer our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, may He be merciful to our sin and weakness and add His mercy to those who lead His name, so that we and our children will glorify You, the merciful Intercessor and the true hope of our race forever and ever, amen . 8. DON ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

The Don Icon was painted by Theophan the Greek, the teacher of St. Andrei Rublev. A characteristic feature of this image is the feet of the Infant God placed on the left hand of the Mother of God. In the same hand, the Blessed Virgin holds a cloth that dries up tears and comforts those who cry. In front of this image they pray in difficult times for Russia, for help to the Russian army, for deliverance from the enemy. According to legend, the Cossacks found the icon floating on the waves of the Don. A prayer service was served at the site where the icon was found, and then it was transferred to the temple. Soon the image of the icon became the regimental banner of the Don Cossacks. Under Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy Russian army fought with a superior horde of Mongol-Tatars. The Grand Duke was a zealous Christian - only after asking for favor in front of the icon of the Blessed Virgin, the prince ordered to gather an army in defense. Having learned that the prince was heading to the battlefield, the residents of the Don presented him with their main shrine - the icon of the Mother of God. Prayers before miraculously ascended throughout the night. And during the battle, the icon was constantly in the camp of Russian soldiers. The historical battle on the Kulikovo field, which lasted a whole day and claimed, according to the chronicles, two hundred thousand human lives, is a clear miracle of the special intercession of the Mother of God. The Tatars fled, frightened by an amazing vision: in the midst of the battle, surrounded by flames and throwing arrows, the solar regiment was coming at them under the leadership of the Heavenly Warrior. In 1591, for the victory granted and the mercy shown through the Don Icon at the behest of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (at that time Russia was attacked from two sides at once - the Swedes went to Novgorod, the Crimean Tatars - to Moscow), the Donskoy Monastery was erected, where a list with miraculous icon. PRAYER: Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mary, our good and speedy Intercessor. We sing thanksgiving for Your wonderful deeds, let us sing songs of praise from ancient times to Your everlasting intercession for the city of Moscow and our country. The alien regiments take flight, cities and towns remain unharmed from the fire, and people are delivered from cruel death. The teary eyes are dried up, the lamentations of the faithful are silenced. Sadness is transformed into universal joy. Bring us consolation in adversity, a revival of hope, an image of courage, a source of mercy, and grant us inexhaustible patience in sorrowful circumstances. Give to each one according to his request and his need. Raise babies, teach chastity and fear of God to young ones, encourage the sad and support weak old age. Soften evil hearts, fill us all with peace and love. Destroy the vices, so that our sins do not rise before the Judge of all, so that the righteous wrath of God does not befall us. With your protection, protect us from the invasion of enemies, from famine, sword, fire and all other suffering. We hope through Your prayers to receive forgiveness of sins from the judge God and, after our death, to the right hand of the throne of glory, where You Holy Trinity stand in eternal glory. Oh, all-sung Virgin, deign us, with the face of angels and saints, to praise the most honorable Name of Your Son with the Beginningless Father and the Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen. 9. ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN IS WORTHY TO EAT (MERCIFUL)

Celebration day: June 11 (23). The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat” is located in the capital of Athos, the city of Kareya, on the high place of the altar of the cathedral church. The time of her appearance is determined in 980, her glorification - in 1864. This icon is especially revered due to the following incident. At the end of the 10th century, not far from the Athos Kareya Monastery, an old hermit lived in a cell with his novice. One day the elder went to the all-night vigil in the temple, and the novice remained in his cell to read prayer rule. As night fell, he suddenly heard a knock on the door. Opening it, the young man saw in front of him an unfamiliar monk who asked permission to enter. The novice let him in, and together they began chanting prayers. So their night service proceeded in its own order, until the time came to glorify the Most Holy Theotokos. Standing in front of Her icon WORTHY IS “Merciful,” the novice began to sing the generally accepted prayer: “The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim...”, but the guest stopped him and said: “We don’t call the Mother of God that way” - and sang a different beginning : “It is worthy, as truly, to bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate, and the Mother of our God.” And then he added to this “The most honorable Cherub...”. The monk ordered the novice to always sing in this place of worship the song he had just heard in honor of the Mother of God. Not hoping that he would remember such wonderful words of the prayer he heard, the novice asked the guest to write them. But there was no paper or ink in the cell, and then the stranger wrote the words of the prayer with his finger on the stone, which suddenly became soft as wax. Then he suddenly disappeared, and the monk only had time to ask the stranger his name, to which he replied: “Gabriel.” The elder who returned from the temple was surprised to hear the words of a new prayer from the novice. Having listened to his story about the wonderful guest and seeing the wonderfully inscribed letters of the song, the elder realized that the celestial being who had appeared was the Archangel Gabriel. The news of the miraculous visit of the Archangel Gabriel quickly spread throughout Athos and reached Constantinople. The Athonite monks sent a stone slab with a hymn to the Mother of God inscribed on it to Constantinople as proof of the truth of the news they conveyed. Since then, the prayer “It is worthy to eat” has become an integral part of Orthodox services. And the icon of the Mother of God “Merciful”, together with its previous name, is also called “It is Worthy to Eat”. Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Merciful” or “It is worthy to eat” they pray with spiritual and bodily illnesses, at the end of any business, during epidemics, about happiness in marriage, during accidents. PRAYER: O Most Holy and Most Merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling before Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You, listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrow, see our misfortunes and, like a loving Mother, trying to help us helpless, beg Your Son and our God: may He not destroy us for our iniquities, but show to us philanthropy your mercy. Ask us, Lady, from His goodness for bodily health and spiritual salvation, and a peaceful life, the fruitfulness of the earth, the goodness of the air, and a blessing from above for all our good deeds and undertakings... And as of old, you mercifully looked upon the humble praise of the novice of Athos, who sang Before Your most pure icon You sent an Angel to him to teach him to sing the heavenly song, with which the Angels glorify You; So now accept our fervent prayer offered to You. About the All-Singing Queen! Extend your God-bearing hand to the Lord, in the image of the Infant Jesus Christ you bore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Show, O Lady, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, help the needy, and grant us the honor to complete this earthly life in a pious manner, to receive a Christian shameless death and to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven through Your maternal intercession to Christ our God, Who was born of You, Who is with His Beginning Father and to the Most Holy Spirit is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. 10. POCHAEV ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on August 5 (July 23, old style) was established in memory of the deliverance of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege in 1675. The history of this miraculous icon of the Mother of God is inextricably linked with the Pochaev Monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ukraine). On the mountain where the Assumption Pochaev Lavra is now located, two monks settled in 1340. One day, after prayer, one of them went to the top of the mountain and suddenly saw the Mother of God standing on a stone, as if engulfed in flames. He called another monk, who was also honored to contemplate the miraculous phenomenon. The third witness to the vision was the shepherd John Bosoy. Seeing an unusual light on the mountain, he climbed it and, together with the monks, began to glorify God and His Most Pure Mother. After the phenomenon disappeared, the imprint of Her right foot remained on the stone where the Mother of God stood. This imprint has been preserved to this day and is always filled with water, which the stone miraculously exudes. The water in the foot does not become scarce, despite the fact that numerous pilgrims constantly fill their vessels with it to heal from ailments. The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God itself appeared in the monastery in the following way. In 1559, Metropolitan Neophytos from Constantinople, passing through Volyn, visited the noblewoman Anna Goyskaya, who lived on the Orlya estate, not far from Pochaev. As a blessing, he left her an icon of the Mother of God brought from Constantinople. Soon they began to notice that a radiance was emanating from the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. When Anna’s brother Philip was healed in front of the icon in 1597, she gave the image to the monks who settled on Pochaevskaya Mountain. After some time, a church was built on the rock in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, which became part of the monastery complex. During its history, the Pochaev Monastery suffered many disasters: it was oppressed by Lutherans, attacked by the Turks, fell into the hands of the Uniates, but thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God, all adversities were overcome. When turning to the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" they pray for protection from internecine enmity, from enemy invasion, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity. The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. PRAYER: O All-Merciful Lady, Queen and Lady, chosen from all generations, and blessed by all generations, heavenly and earthly! Look mercifully at this people standing before Thy holy icon and earnestly praying to You, and make Your intercession and intercession with Thy Son and our God, so that no one will come from here empty-handed and put to shame in his hope, but may everyone receive everything from You, according to the good will of your heart and according to your need and desire, for the salvation of the soul and the health of the body. Look with mercy, O All-Sung Theotokos, and upon this monastery, which bears Your name, You have loved it since ancient times, having chosen it as your property, and endlessly flowing currents of healing from Your miraculous icon and from the ever-flowing source, in the footprint of Your foot, revealed to us, and preserve it from every excuse and slander of the enemy, as in ancient times you preserved it, by Your appearance, intact and undamaged from the fierce invasion of the Hagarians, so that the Most Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Your glorious Dormition, will be sung and glorified in it forever and ever. Amen. 11. THEODOROVSKAYA ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

Celebration in honor of the icon on March 14/27 and August 16/29. Named after the Fedorov Gorodetsky Monastery, where it was originally located. In the 13th century it was moved to Kostroma and helped defend the principality from the Tatars. “Fedorovskaya” is a generic image of the royal house of the Romanovs, with which many Sovereigns were blessed for the kingdom. She is revered as the patroness of Christian families, an assistant in childbirth and in raising children. PRAYER: To whom will I call, O Lady, to whom will I resort in my sorrow; to whom will I bring my tears and sighs, if not to You, Queen of Heaven and earth: who will pluck me from the mire of sins and iniquities, if not You, O Mother of the Belly, Intercessor and Refuge of the human race. Hear my groaning, comfort me and have mercy in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, deliver me from anger and sorrow and all sorts of ailments and illnesses, from visible and invisible enemies, pacify the enmity of those who suffer me, so that I will be delivered from slander and human malice; Likewise, free me from your flesh’s vile customs. Cover me under the canopy of Your mercy, so that I may find peace and joy and cleansing from sins. I commend myself to your Motherly intercession; Wake me to Mother and hope, protection and help and intercession, joy and consolation and quick helper in everything. O wonderful Lady! Everyone who comes to You does not leave without Your all-powerful help: for this reason, even though I am unworthy, I come running to You, so that I will be delivered from sudden and cruel death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. I am worthy to receive the Kingdom of Heaven and to You in the tenderness of my heart the river: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Representative and Intercessor, forever and ever. Amen. 12. ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN, QUEEN MY SORROWS.

Celebration day: February 7 (January 25, old style) The Icon of the Mother of God “Quench My Sorrows” was brought to Moscow by the Cossacks in 1640 under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and was located in the Church of St. Nicholas, on Pupyshi in Sadovniki. This church kept records of many miracles that occurred from the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, but in the fire of 1771 all documentary evidence was destroyed. Tradition, however, has preserved the memory of many miraculous events, the most famous of which is the following incident, which marked the beginning of the veneration of the icon as miraculous. One woman of noble origin, who lived far from Moscow, for a long time was bedridden, suffering from a debilitating illness. Doctors no longer hoped for her recovery, and the woman expected death. But one day in a dream, the sick woman saw the Mother of God, who told her: “Tell yourself to be taken to Moscow. There, on Pupyshev, in the Church of St. Nicholas, there is My image with the inscription: “Quench my sorrows,” pray before it and you will receive healing.” The woman shared what she had seen with her relatives, and with deep faith everyone set off on a difficult journey for the sick woman and, upon arrival in Moscow, found the indicated temple. However, having examined the entire church, the arrivals did not find the image that appeared to the woman in a dream. Then the priest, to whom the sick woman turned for advice, ordered the clerks to bring all the icons of the Mother of God from the bell tower. Among the dilapidated and dusty icons brought, they found an icon of the Mother of God with the inscription: “Quench my sorrows.” Seeing him, the patient exclaimed: “She! She!" - and, who had not previously had the opportunity to even move her hand, to the surprise of everyone, she crossed herself. After the prayer service, the woman venerated the icon and rose to her feet completely healthy. This healing took place on January 25, 1760. Distinctive feature icons QUEEN MY SORRY – the Infant of God holds an unfolded scroll in his hands, the Mother of God rests her cheek with one hand. PRAYER: Virgin, Lady, Mother of God, who, more than nature and word, gave birth to the Only Begotten Word of God, the Creator and Ruler of all visible and invisible creation, the One of the Trinity of God, God and Man, who became the abode of the Divine, the receptacle of all holiness and grace, in which, by good will God and the Father, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, physically dwelt the Fullness of the Divinity, incomparably exalted in divine dignity and superior to every creature, Glory and Consolation, and the ineffable joy of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the supernatural and wonderful courage of the martyrs, the Champion in exploits and the Giver victory, preparing for the ascetics crowns and eternal and divine rewards, exceeding all honor, the honor and glory of the saints, the infallible Guide and Teacher of silence, the door of revelations and spiritual mysteries, the Source of Light, the gate eternal life, an inexhaustible river of mercy, an inexhaustible sea of ​​all divine gifts and miracles. We ask You and we beg You, most compassionate Mother of the humane-loving Master, be merciful to us, Your humble and unworthy servants, look compassionately on our captivity and humility, heal the contrition of our souls and bodies, scatter visible and invisible enemies, be for us, unworthy, before in the face of our enemies, with a strong pillar, with battle weapons, with a strong militia, as a Voivode and an irresistible Champion, show us now Your ancient and wonderful mercies, so that our lawless enemies may know that Your Son and God alone is King and Lord, that You are truly the Mother of God, who gave birth to according to the flesh of the true God, that everything is possible for You, and whatever You desire, O Lady, You have the power to accomplish all this in Heaven and on earth, and for every request to grant what is useful to anyone: health to the sick, peace to those at sea and good navigation. Travel and protect those who travel, save captives from bitter slavery, comfort the sad, alleviate poverty and any other bodily suffering: free everyone from mental ailments and passions, through Thy invisible intercessions and suggestions, so that, having completed the path of this temporary life well and without stumbling, we may improve through You and these eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven. Strengthen the faithful, honored by the terrible name of Your Only Begotten Son, who trust in Your intercession and in Your mercy and in everything who have You as their Intercessor and Champion, invisibly against the surrounding enemies, dispel the cloud of despondency that envelops their souls, deliver them from mental distress and give them light complacency and joy, restoring peace and serenity in their hearts. With Your prayers, Lady, save this flock primarily dedicated to You, the entire city and country, from famine, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine warfare, and turn back every righteous wrath against us, according to the good will and grace of the Only Begotten Son and Thy God, to Him is due all glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, with His co-eternal and life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages! Amen. 13. TIKHVIN ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

Celebration in honor of the icon June 26/July 9 The first mention of it dates back to the 5th century. Within Russia, it was miraculously revealed in 1383, during the reign of Demetrius Donskoy, to fishermen fishing on Ladoga. Glorified by great miracles: the sight of the blind, the healing of the possessed. Among the memorable signs is the protection of the Tikhvin monastery from the Swedes. They especially resort to this icon when children are ill. PRAYER: We thank You, O most blessed and most pure, most blessed Virgin Lady, Mother of Christ our God, for all Your good deeds, which You have shown to the human race, especially to us, the people of Russia named after Christ, about whom the most angelic language will be pleased with praise: we thank Thou, as even now, Thou hast surprised Thy ineffable mercy upon us, Thy unworthy servants, by the supernatural self-coming of Thy most pure icon, with which Thou hast enlightened all Russian state. Likewise, we sinners, bowing with fear and joy, cry out to Thee: O Most Holy Virgin, Queen and Mother of God, save and have mercy on His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, the bishops and all the people, and grant them victory over all their enemies, and save all cities and countries Christians and this holy temple, and deliver from every slander of the enemy, and grant everything for the benefit of everyone who has now come with faith and praying to Your servant and worshiping to the most holy image To yours: for blessed are you, with the Son and God born of you, now and ever and unto ages of ages. 14. CHERNIGOV ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN.

Celebration of the icon on April 29 (April 6, old style) The icon of the Mother of God of Chernigov Ilyinskaya became famous in 1662 in the Trinity Ilyinsky Monastery near Chernigov. Through prayers to the Mother of God in front of Her miraculous image, the monastery was saved from the Tatars who attacked the monastery. From April 16 to April 24, almost all residents of Chernigov witnessed how tears flowed from this icon of the Mother of God. Soon after this, the Tatars raided Chernigov and ravaged its surroundings. The monks of the Elias Monastery, having prayed to the Heavenly Intercessor in front of Her icon, took refuge in a cave. No matter how hard the Tatars who broke into the monastery tried to take possession of the jewelry adorning miraculous icon Mother of God, an invisible force did not allow them to touch the shrine. The same invisible force repelled the Tatars every time they tried to enter the cave where the monks hid. Frightened by the incomprehensible phenomenon, the Tatars fled. The miraculous copy (copy) of the Elias-Chernigov icon of the Mother of God, glorified in the Gethsemane monastery near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, began to be called the GETHSIMANE CHERNIGOV icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Currently, the authentic Elias-Chernigov icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Chernigov Dormition Yelets Monastery. PRAYER: Oh, Most Holy Lady, my Lady Theotokos, heavenly Queen, save and have mercy on me, your sinful servant, from vain slander, from all misfortunes and misfortunes and sudden death. Have mercy on me in the hours of the day, and in the morning, and in the evening, and at all times preserve me: protect me standing and sitting, and provide for me walking on every path, and provide for me sleeping in the night hours, cover and intercede. Protect me, Lady Theotokos, from all my enemies, visible and invisible, and from every evil situation. In every place and at every time, be the Mother of God, an insurmountable wall and a strong intercession. Oh, Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary, accept my unworthy prayer and save me from a vain death, and grant me repentance before the end. Most Holy Theotokos, save us. You appear to me as the guardian of all life, Most Pure One! Deliver me from demons at the hour of death! May you rest in peace even after death! We resort to your mercy, Virgin Mary, do not despise our prayers in sorrows, but deliver us from troubles, O pure and blessed one. Most Holy Theotokos, save us. Amen. 15. ICON OF THE HOLY VIRGIN OF SMOLENSK (OBEGETRIA).

Celebration in honor of the icon July 28 August 1/10 Its origin, like the “Vladimir” one, is associated with the Evangelist Luke. The image was transferred to the Russian land in the 11th century, when the Byzantine Emperor Constantine blessed his daughter Anna, who was married to the Chernigov prince Vsevolod, with it. Hence the icon received another name “Hodegetria” (“Guide”). Through the intercession of the Mother of God, revealed through this icon, Smolensk was delivered from Batu, and in 1812, during the Patriotic War, it was carried out in front of the troops on the Borodino field. In front of the Smolensk icon they pray for the preservation of the Fatherland from foreign invasion, for those traveling at a loss as to what to do. PRAYER: Oh, most wonderful and above all creatures, Queen Theotokos, heavenly King Christ our God Mother, most holy Hodegetria Mary! Hear us, sinners and unworthy, at this hour, falling before Your most pure image, and tenderly saying: lead us out of the pit of passions, good Hodegetria, deliver us from all sorrow and sorrow, protect us from all misfortune and evil slander and from the unrighteous slander of the enemy : You can, O our gracious Mother, not only save Your people from all evil, but also provide and save with all good deeds: unless You have other intercessors in troubles and situations and warm intercessors for us sinners to Your Son, Christ our God, Imams: Pray to Him, Lady, to save us and grant us the Kingdom of Heaven, so that through Your salvation we glorify You in the future, as the author of our salvation, and we exalt the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity glorified and worshiped God, in forever and ever. Amen. HOLY VIRGIN, OUR MOTHER, DIFFICULT INTERCESS OF THE CHRISTIAN GENERAL, SAVE US SINNERS!!! #OrthodoxPrayers

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mother of God has always been especially revered - as the patroness of Russia. There are dozens of icons of the Mother of God. Some of them are better known, others less so - for example, a copy of the Vladimir or Kazan icon is in almost every church, but not every Christian knows about the Azov or Bar icon.

The entire variety of icons of the Mother of God is divided into three types - Eleusa, Hodegetria and Oranta.


The Greek word “eleusa” is translated into Russian as “tenderness” or “merciful.” On such icons, the Mother of God is represented in touching union with the Divine Child, whom she holds in her arms. The faces of the mother and baby Jesus touch, and the halos are connected.

Such an image symbolizes the inextricable unity of the Earthly and the Heavenly, the Creator and the Creation, the endless love of God for man.


On icons like Hodegetria, the Mother of God is also depicted from the waist up and with a baby in her arms, but the image differs from tenderness in greater severity.

The baby, sitting on the left hand of the Mother of God, does not press against her, but is somewhat removed from her. His left hand raised in a blessing gesture, and the right one rests on a scroll - the Law. Right hand The Mother of God is directed at the baby, as if showing the believers the way to Him. Hence the name of the icon - Hodegetria, translated from Greek - Guide.


The Latin word "oranta" means "praying". On such icons, the Mother of God is depicted in full height, with her hands raised in prayer and most often without a baby. However, the image of the Divine Child may be present in the bosom of the Mother of God, this is called the “Great Panagia (“All-Holy”). The half-length image of the Great Panagia is called the “Sign”.

In this type of icon, the Mother of God appears as a holy intercessor, eternally praying to God for mercy towards people.

This classification represents only a distant view of the huge variety of Mother of God icons. There are many images belonging to each of these types.

On some icons the Mother of God is depicted surrounded by others biblical heroes- “The Virgin Mary with the Prophets”, “The Virgin Mary and the Blessed Virgins”.

The names of certain icons refer to certain cities, but this does not mean that the icons were painted there. For example, the Vladimir Icon, according to legend, was painted by the Evangelist Luke, in 450 it was transferred from Jerusalem to Constantinople, in the 12th century its copy was sent to Kiev to Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, and subsequently the prince’s son Andrei Bogolyubsky took it to the north of Rus'. The Mother of God herself appeared to the prince in a dream and ordered him to leave it in the city of Vladimir, after which the icon was named Vladimir.

The Fedorov icon is famous for the fact that it was with it that the Kostroma clergy came out to meet the embassy, ​​which brought the news of the election to the kingdom to young Mikhail Romanov. Thus, the icon became the patroness of the Romanov house, and foreign princesses, marrying Russian tsars, received not only Orthodox names, but Fedorovna.

Special prayers are dedicated to many of the Mother of God icons. It is customary to pray in front of some icons in certain life situations, their names indicate this: “Joy to all who mourn”, “Recovery of the lost”, “In childbirth”.

It is impossible to talk about all the icons of the Mother of God - there are many of them, and behind each there is an important part of the Christian spiritual experience.