What is yin-yang? Yin Yang. What does this famous symbol mean?

Date: 2014-03-27

Hello site readers.

In this article I want to touch upon most interesting topic: or Yin and Yang. Both spellings are correct. But mostly Yin and Yang are written. In this article I will tell you what Yin and Yang are, what these signs mean, what is the relationship between them, as well as when and where these concepts came from (history of origin).

Yin Yang

We have all seen that famous logo that represents Yin and Yang, but not all of us immediately understood what it meant. Looking at the logo, we see a circle where the first half is colored with a white fish and the second half with a black fish. Together these two halves form one whole.

There is one important law in the Universe - law of balance. This is exactly Yin and Yang. If the balance is disturbed, then external forces come in and normalize it. And this is not always done in a positive way. It is believed that cataclysms arise due to a violation of the Universal balance.

After digging through Wikipedia, I found out that this symbolism was borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries. They were attracted by Buddhist symbolism and then Taoism arose "mandala": the most famous black and white "fish"

Yin-Yang is two complete opposites, which complement each other. There is an interpretation that Yang is the sky, being a pure substance, and Yin is the earth, being a muddy substance. Heaven is Yang and earth is Yin. Rest is Yin and mobility is Yang. Yang gives birth, and Yin nurtures.

Concept Yin Yang is the primary model of all living things, and it reveals two positions interpreting the origin of the Tao. The first is that everything changes immediately and the second is that opposites complement each other (white does not exist without black, just like black does not exist without white). Balance and harmony of opposites is necessary.

When Yin and Yang interact, five basic elements are created: water, fire, earth, wood, metal - five phases of transformation or five energies that determine the course of natural phenomena. Such manifestations demonstrate to us a cyclical process, endless birth and dying, since everything, having reached highest point, transforms into its opposite.

Eastern medicine such as Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan are mainly based on restoring balance (Yin-Yang) human body. That is, if the balance (Yin and Yang) is disturbed, it can be restored with the help of meditation, diets, qigong, taizi, shiatsu, or a combination of these techniques. Eastern medicine seeks to treat external symptoms diseases, and their sources, which lie in the disruption of internal balance.

Yin and Yang man and woman

Of course, we humans are also divided into Yin and Yang, where Yang is masculine, a destructive force, and Yin is the feminine principle, a creative force. The characteristics of Yin-Yang are clearly demonstrated in the picture below.

The original meaning of Yin: The northern side of the slope, that is, not sanctified by the sun. As for Yang - the southern side of the slope, that is, illuminated by the sun. Ying-Yang have their own symbols. For Yin: moon, night, water, turtle, black, north, lead, even numbers. For Yang: sun, day, fire, dragon, red, south, mercury, odd numbers. Now look at the harmonious exchange in the picture below:

It is very important to understand the law of energy exchange. Many people live by the principle of receiving without giving anything in return. In this situation, the balance is upset, as a result of which, even if a person received something for free, he will still pay for it sooner or later.

People are divided into two categories: consumers and creators. It is clear that the first category dominates the second. And you have probably heard many times that in order to receive something, you first need to give something. This is the law of conservation of energy, which states that freebies do not exist.

This article is about the interaction of extreme opposites. For the group, see Yin-Yang; for the play, see Yin and Yang. This term has other meanings, see Yin. This term has other meanings, see Yang.

Yin and yang yīn yang; Japanese 陰陽 In yō, in-yo) - stage of initial cosmogenesis in the representation Chinese philosophy, the acquisition by the greatest separation of two opposing properties. Graphically indicated by the appearance of two opposites in two different colors- light and dark.


According to the famous Russian orientalist, Dr. historical sciences Alexei Maslov, yin-yang symbolism may have been borrowed by Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries: “they were attracted by Buddhist drawn symbolism - and Taoism developed its own “mandala”: the famous black and white “fish” of yin and yang.”

Philosophical concept

Historical overview

In the “Book of Changes” (“I Ching”) yang And yin served to express light and dark, hard and soft. In the process of development of Chinese philosophy yang And yin Yin Yang Yin Yang Yin Yang

e) and Mizu (water, in).

yang And yin yin yang

Meaning of the concept

Being the basic (fundamental) model of all things, the concept of yin-yang reveals two provisions that explain the nature of Tao. First of all, everything is constantly changing. And, secondly, opposites complement each other (there cannot be black without white, and vice versa). The purpose of human existence is thus the balance and harmony of opposites. There can be no “final victory”, because nothing is final, there is no end as such.

See also: Cosmogenesis in Chinese philosophy

Main article: Wu-shin

wu-sin wan wu

Yin and Yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The doctrine of yin And yang yin And yangsource not specified 1641 days]

One example of the application of the yin-yang concept in Chinese medicine is the system of restrictions imposed on a woman who has recently given birth.

  • Anima and animus are terms introduced into psychology by Jung. Feminine and masculine principles.
  • Algiz and Ir (son of Actor) - in the Younger Futhark, runes symbolizing protection and death, male and female, upper and lower worlds.

Yin and yang are:

Yin and Yang This article is about the interaction of extreme opposites. For the group, see Yin-Yang; for the play, see Yin and Yang. This term has other meanings, see Yin. This term has other meanings, see Yang. Taoist monad depicting the concept of Yin-Yang

Yin and yang(Chinese trad. 陰陽, ex. 阴阳, pinyin: yīn yang; Japanese in-yo) is one of the main concepts of ancient Chinese natural philosophy.

The doctrine of yin And yang constitutes one of theoretical foundations traditional Chinese medicine. All phenomena of the surrounding world, including humans and nature, are interpreted by Chinese medicine as an interaction between two principles yin And yang, representing different aspects of a single reality.[ unreputable source? 549 days]

Philosophical concept

In the “Book of Changes” (“I Ching”) yang And yin served to express light and dark, hard and soft, masculine and feminine principles in nature. In the process of development of Chinese philosophy yang And yin increasingly symbolized the interaction of extreme opposites: light and darkness, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd, etc. Yin-yang received an exclusively abstract meaning in the speculative schemes of Neo-Confucianism , especially in the doctrine of “li” (Chinese 禮) - the absolute law. The concept of the interaction of polar forces Yin Yang, which are considered as the main cosmic forces of movement, as the root causes of constant variability in nature, constitute the main content of most dialectical schemes of Chinese philosophers. The doctrine of dualism of forces Yin Yang- an indispensable element of dialectical constructions in Chinese philosophy. In the V-III centuries. BC e. In ancient China there was a philosophical school called Yin Yang Jia. Ideas about Yin Yang have also found various applications in the development of the theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine, chemistry, music, etc.

Discovered in China several thousand years ago, this principle was originally based on physical thinking. However, as it developed, it became a more metaphysical concept. In Japanese philosophy, the physical approach has been preserved, so the division of objects according to yin and yang properties is different between the Chinese and the Japanese. In the new Japanese religion Oomoto-kyo, these are the concepts of divine Izu (fire, e) and Mizu (water, in).

The single primordial matter of Taiji gives rise to two opposing substances - yang And yin which are one and indivisible. Initially, “yin” meant “northern, shadowy”, and “yang” meant “southern, sunny slope of the mountain.” Later yin perceived as negative, cold, dark and feminine, and yang- as a positive, bright, warm and masculine principle.

The Nei Ching treatise says on this matter:

Pure yang substance is transformed into the sky; the muddy substance of yin is transformed into the earth... The sky is the substance of yang, and the earth is the substance of yin. The sun is the substance of yang, and the moon is the substance of yin... The substance of yin is peace, and the substance of yang is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance nurtures. The yang substance transforms the breath-qi, and the yin substance forms the bodily form.

Five elements as a product of Yin and Yang

Main article: Wu-shin Five elements and three circles: green arrows indicate the circle of generation, red arrows indicate the circle of overcoming, blue arrows indicate the circle of control (extinction)

The interaction and struggle of these principles give rise to five elements (primary elements) - wu-sin: water, fire, wood, metal and earth, from which all the diversity of the material world arises - “ten thousand things” - wan wu, including humans. The five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water gives birth to wood, wood - fire, fire - earth, earth - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys wood, wood - the earth, and the earth covers the water).

Similar concepts in other teachings

  • Purusha and Prakriti are fundamental concepts of Hinduism. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Anima and animus are terms introduced into psychology by Jung. Masculine and feminine principles.
  • Or and Kli (light and vessel) in Kabbalah are two sides of one action, the root of which is the interaction of the Creator and creation.

see also

  • Chinese horoscope


  1. K. Schnorrenberger Textbook of Chinese medicine for Western doctors - M: “Balbe”, 2003.
  2. Shiro Matsuoki The beginning of Yin and Yang // Applied macrobiotics.


  • Martynenko N.P. Prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of “yin-yang” in Chinese culture //Arbor mundi. World tree. International journal on the theory and history of world culture. M., 2006. Issue. 12. P.46-69.
  • Markov L. The system of dual opposites Yin - Yang in comparative light. // East. M., 2003. No. 5. P. 17-31.
  • Demin R.N. School of yin yang // Cultures in dialogue. Vol. 1. - Ekaterinburg, 1992. P. 209-221. ISBN 5-7525-0162-8
  • Zinin S. A. Five elements and the concept of yin yang // Quantitative methods in the study of the history of Eastern countries. M., 1986. P.12-17.
  • Chinese philosophy
  • Symbols
  • I Ching
  • Concepts of Taoism
  • Analytical psychology
  • Chinese mythology
  • Philosophy of Taoism
  • Dualism

The Yin and Yang symbol is a real help to a person.

The concepts of Yin-Yang came to us from China - that is, from the East. After all, both Western and Eastern civilizations have been in contact since time immemorial, complementing each other. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands what the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol means. And, moreover, many do not know how to use the teaching of symbols in their lives.

Energy “qi” and the determining parameters of its development

To understand what the yin yang sign can mean, you should turn to the famous “Book of Changes” - the ancient Chinese treatise “I Ching”. Cosmogonic meaning, that is, relating to the universe, underlies the signs of Yin and Yang. Understanding the meaning of this ancient symbol- this is an understanding of the main law of unity and struggle of opposite principles.

It was this law that was key to the basis of dialectical materialism, which Soviet students studied not so long ago! This means that it was not discovered in our time, but much earlier - somewhere in the 7th century BC by Chinese philosophers.

The ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, as its opposite parts interacting with each other, transforming into each other, together constituting the common, strongest energy “qi”. This inextricable connection of parts determines the development of “qi” energy.

What does the famous Chinese symbol look like?

What, after all, does the Yin-Yang sign mean? Everyone, considering this symbol, identifies its main features and characteristic features:

  1. The components of the symbol, Yin and Yang, are enclosed in a closed circle, which means the infinity of all things on Earth.
  2. The equal division of the circle into two halves, painted in opposite colors (white and black), emphasizes the equivalence of Yin and Yang, their opposite.
  3. Dividing the circle not with a straight line, but with a wavy one, creates, as it were, the penetration of one opposite into another, their mutual influence of one sign on another. After all, if you increase one sign, the other will undoubtedly be decreased.
  4. The influence of one sign on another is also emphasized by the symmetrical arrangement of points - “eyes” - of the opposite color, that is, the color of the “enemy”. This means that the Yin sign “looks at the world through the eyes” of the Yang sign, and the Yang sign perceives life through the “eyes” of the Yin sign.

That is, the world is created from opposites, which when combined can form a single whole. Are these principles found in unity, friendship and harmony, or do they find consensus in struggle? Only their inextricable interaction brings development.

History of the symbol

It is assumed that the original meaning of the symbol with the image of Yang and Yin goes back to the imitation of a mountain: one side is illuminated and the other is shaded. But this cannot go on forever: after some period the sides will exchange illumination.

For example, there are such “decodings”:

  • earth - sky,
  • top bottom,
  • warm - cold,
  • male - female,
  • good - evil,
  • good - bad,
  • harmful - beneficial,
  • light - dark,
  • active - passive

Some of these interpretations make a certain sense. But most scientists do not recommend giving the symbol ethical significance. After all, the symbol refers to cosmogonic natural opposites, but not moral ones. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the struggle and unity of the good, kind and useful on the one hand and the bad, evil and harmful on the other.

Amulet with the Chinese Yin-Yang symbol

Charms and amulets help people by energizing them and protecting them from all evil. One of the strongest amulets is considered to be one that contains the Yin-Yang symbol. But an important condition The help of any amulet is the following fact: the keeper (in this case, an amulet, talisman or amulet) must be “tuned” to the one who uses it. Otherwise, such a talisman may pose a threat equal to the strength of the expected help.

The sign of the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang carries within itself universal forces that continuously and eternally flow into each other. It also means active principles, in which the Yang sign corresponds to wood and fire, and the Yin sign corresponds to metal and water. The earth is neutral in this teaching.

In addition, it should be taken into account that yang sign carries the meaning of light, active, masculine, dominant. A yin sign contains the meaning of dark, secret, feminine, calm. However, remembering the unity of opposites, even one specific person cannot be classified into one category or another. Each of us contains both Yin and Yang forces. And the more balanced these forces are, the more successful the person is.

It is the amulet with the Yin-Yang symbol that helps balance two opposing energies, suppressing the dominant one and strengthening the weak one.

The amulet gives the wearer energy balance, helps to find a soul mate, achieve success and harmony. After all, the Yin-Yang symbol carries the meaning not only of struggle and unity, continuous movement and active energy, but also of harmony and beauty.

The forces of Yin and Yang in everyday life

By by and large, there is struggle and unity of Yin and Yang everywhere. Anyone who is not clear what this statement means should think about it. Here's our food. It consists of warm and cold food, sweet and bitter, protein and vegetable. And any diets that limit a person, for example, to only raw foods or only vegetarian dishes, upset the balance and close the path for the development of “Qi” energy.

Speaking about Yin and Yang, they note that the meaning of the symbol is the smooth transition of one sign to another. Therefore, in a person’s home, both directions should smoothly transition into one another. Otherwise state of mind the individual is subjected to severe stress, which does not at all contribute to achieving his goals and success in life, or improving his health. The exception is institutions - the principle of Yin or Yang in its pure form dominates there. In a home that should help you gain energy, relax, have fun and enjoy harmony, the presence of both principles is necessary.

What does the Yin-Yang symbol mean?

On the one hand, the ancient Chinese symbol “Yin-Yang” was much luckier than the swastika. Its graphic expression already had a certain meaning. The very concepts of “Yin” and “Yang” from the moment of their inception immediately fell into the hands of Chinese philosophers, so their meaning did not so much fundamentally change over time, but rather expanded and deepened.

However, in the West, the grace and exotic charm of this circle, divided by a wavy line into black and white sides (interspersed with small dots of the opposite color on each side), gained such popularity that the symbol was replicated no worse than the famous smile of the Mona Lisa. “Yin-Yang” is put on T-shirts, it can be seen among the abundant jewelry of black rappers, and almost no book about martial arts can do without it. As a result, the meaning of the sign is simplified, distorted, and most often completely neutralized.

Therefore, we will have to return to the starting point - in Ancient China since the creation of the famous treatise “I Ching” (“Book of Changes”). It was in this “fortune telling manual” that the concepts of “Yin” and “Yang” were first given a serious cosmogonic meaning, as two opposite principles of the universe. Those who still received Soviet education, probably remember one of the three basic laws of dialectical materialism - the law of unity and struggle of opposites. The intuition of the Chinese sages, in fact, discovered this law back in the 12th century BC.

It is believed that at first the words “Yin” and “Yang” simply meant “shadow” and “lit” slopes of the mountain. If this is so, then the transformation of these concepts was very logical - after all, a differently lit mountain does not cease to be a single solid mountain, and besides, lighting is not a static process and is capable of change. Chinese philosophers, in fact, from the very beginning made it clear that all opposites are not only parts of a single whole, not only interconnected parts, but also interacting, mutually transferring parts. Most often they were interpreted as different manifestations of the essence of the world - the energy of “qi”, in fact, determining its development.

There was plenty of evidence of this all around: winter gave way to summer, seeds returned to the soil, tribes and states disintegrated and gathered together. In the I Ching an attempt was made to establish the causes and course of this world cyclical movement. For this purpose, “Yang” was denoted by a solid line, “Yin” by a broken line. Then they were collected into all sorts of triple combinations - trigrams.

The first eight trigrams were discovered by the legendary Emperor Fu-si (reigned 2852-2737 BC). It is believed that the cracks in the turtle's shell prompted him to this idea. Each of the trigrams had a specific meaning assigned to them.

Fu-si's son, Ji-Chan, trying to embrace all the diversity of the world process, doubled his father's trigrams. The result was 64 hexagrams, by fortune telling which they tried to determine the trends of the “present moment” and act on the basis of this knowledge.

Gradually, the meanings of the two opposites expanded and soon covered almost all fundamental concepts. The diagram shows some of them.

Despite the fact that both opposing principles were almost initially thought of as equal, Chinese schools often gave preference to one of them to the detriment of the other. Thus, the Confucians, obsessed with the hierarchy of all things, especially welcomed “Yang”, considering the bright heavenly active principle “noble”, which is worth emulating (unlike the despicable “Yin”, although... where would we be without it?).

The Taoists, as if in defiance of the Confucians they disliked, on the contrary, were more welcoming to the element “Yin” - passive, empty, soft, water.

Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching", ch. 76, 78:

“A person at his birth is tender and weak, but at death he is hard and strong. All creatures and plants are tender and weak at birth, and dry and rotten when they die. The hard and strong are what perish, and the soft and weak are what begin to live. Therefore, a powerful army does not win and a strong tree dies. The strong and powerful do not have the advantage that the gentle and weak have.

...Water is the softest and weakest creature in the world, but in overcoming the hard and strong it is invincible, and there is no equal in the world.

The weak overcome the strong, the soft overcomes the hard. Everyone knows this, but people cannot implement it.”

Founded by Zen Buddhists ( original combination Buddhism and Taoism) martial arts were the most striking confirmation of how one can competently and harmoniously use the “Yin” element. Let us recall, for example, Aikido, the principle of which is “Victory over the aggressor is the work of... the aggressor himself.”

The founder of Taoism, Lao Tzu, believed that the harmony between the principles is not constant, the balance is periodically disrupted and restored. And the philosopher Wang Chong believed that it was during the violation of the Yin-Yang harmony that all sorts of unnatural creatures appeared in nature - ghosts, dragons, poisonous plants and animals.

"Zhuang Tzu", ch. eleven:

“When the forces of Yin and Yang are not in balance, the cycle of time is disrupted, cold and heat are in discord, and human health suffers damage. Then people stop being happy and sad, they are deprived of constancy in life, they think a lot, but cannot achieve satisfaction and give up halfway.”

The Yin-Yang symbol received a more or less coherent philosophical concept from Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073). The philosopher tried to synthesize all the diversity of Chinese worldviews: Confucianism, Taoism and Zen Buddhism.

First of all, he connected “Yin-Yang” with the five primary elements. According to his cosmogonic scheme, first there was the Great Limit - the source of everything (depicted as an empty circle), then the Limit began to move, representing the element “Yang”, and, being depleted, passed into “Yin”, which, accumulating, gave birth to "Yan", etc. The Taoists explained this principle with examples: they say that water (Yin), when compressed, becomes solid (Yang), and the solid breaks under excessive stress (Yin again).

The interaction of “Yin-Yang” gives rise to five elements: water and metal (Yin), fire and wood (Yang) and the intermediate element – ​​earth. And “Yin-Yang”, together with the elements, gives rise to the rest of the “darkness of things”.

A wise person, in order to be in harmony with the world, only needs to wisely and timely use the characteristics of each of the principles.

"Zhuang Tzu", ch. 15:

“Therefore it is said: “In life the sage walks with Heaven, in death he transforms with things, in peace he is involved in the power of Yin, in action he is involved in the power of Yang.”

As a Westerner, I cannot claim to have a thorough understanding of Eastern wisdom. “The East is a delicate matter” and it is difficult for a Westerner to appreciate the genius of Basho’s haiku (tercet) about a frog jumping into a pond or to fully understand how a religion can exist without God (Taoism and Buddhism).

However, in relation to the concept of “Yin-Yang”, I would like to warn against one harmful tendency, which is especially often manifested in artistic pseudo-profound fiction. If we were talking about simple stupidity, perhaps this would not be worth attention, but the fact is that the Yin-Yang symbolism often acquires extremely unpleasant features.

Anyone familiar with fantasy literature has probably often come across the following “wise” conclusions (supposedly supported by the authority of an ancient Chinese symbol): “Without good there is no evil”, “There is neither evil nor good”, “Good and evil are the same thing” “,” “Evil is good, good is evil,” in general, as V. Pelevin’s hero said, “The power of the night, the power of the day are the same... bullshit.”

At the same time, it is somehow forgotten that the idea of ​​“Yin-Yang” balance has nothing to do with human ethics. If you noticed, throughout the entire article regarding “Yin-Yang” I never once mentioned the ethical categories “good-bad”, “useful-harmful”... Because the concepts of “Yin-Yang” are cosmogonic natural opposites that have nothing to do with morality. By throwing a person off a cliff, we commit evil, and by throwing a load off a falling person hot air balloon- good. But is the law itself universal gravity Does this make you moral or immoral?

It is not for nothing that the idea of ​​the Middle Way is so widespread in the East. A true sage is equanimous and does not side with any natural force. He himself is responsible for the harmony of “Yin” and “Yang” in his heart. Evil and good are incorrect choice, dissonance, violation of harmony, inconsistency of actions (it is stupid to swim on land and run on water).

And if some madman, who decided that, supposedly, both surgeons and hired killers are equally useful and necessary, suddenly gets it into his head to attach “Yin-Yang” to this worldview, then this symbol may well share the sad fate of the swastika.

"Zhuang Tzu", ch. 23:

“There are no robbers more dangerous than the forces of Yin and Yang - you can’t hide from them anywhere in the whole world. But Yin and Yang do not themselves deprive us of what has been given to us - our heart encourages them to do this.”

"Zhuang Tzu", ch. eleven:

“Know how to be the master of Heaven and Earth. Know how to contain both the Yin and Yang powers.”

“Bobruisk Courier” returns to its “historical” column “Yin-Yang”, which is already more than 20 years old, and which in last years was undeservedly “forgotten” by us.

Relationships between a man and a woman; internal forces, energies that allow us to live and develop; ways to achieve harmony with yourself and others... And much, much more... Follow our publications.

"Yin-Yang" is with you again!

Peace, tranquility, prosperity to your home!


Yin and Yang – feminine and masculine principles. This concept came to us from China. Ancient Chinese sages interpreted Yin-Yang as a symbol of the unity of the whole, the opposite parts of which transform into each other, making up the strongest energy.

The original meaning of Yin and Yang is the shady and sunny side of the mountain. This meaning perfectly reflects the essence of these two principles. They only represent different sides one mountain. Their differences are determined not by the internal nature of the slope itself, but by a third force (the sun), which alternately illuminates first one side and then the other.

And now - in more detail about each of the components of the Yin-Yang symbol.


Feminine energy in astrology corresponds to the Moon. Therefore, the feminine principle is night, darkness, abyss, cold, passivity, introversion (emphasis on the internal). The principle of fluidity and flexibility finds its place here. As a result, women have a predominance of such qualities as softness, tenderness, the ability to forgive and accept. The power of the feminine is the power of intuition and emotion.

Yin energy can be compared to water: water has no form, it takes the form of the surrounding world, fills it with itself.

Also, the earth is endowed with Yin energy to a large extent: it obediently cultivates within itself all the seeds that fell into it from the outside. She waits inactively to be used. She accepts.

Yin energy is inert: it simply resides in space and waits for something to give it a vector of movement.


Masculine energy in astrology corresponds to the Sun. The masculine principle is day, fire, activity, determination, dynamics, categoricalness, leadership, extroversion (emphasis on the external). The power of masculinity is the power of the mind.

Yang energy gives motivation and desire to act. It has a vector and aspiration.

The masculine principle is the Idea, the Seed. He needs a land that will grow this Seed within itself. Yang energy gives.

But this does not mean that a woman is filled exclusively with Yin energy, and a man with Yang energy. In fact, both energies are present in each of us, regardless of gender. But for personal harmony it is important that women have more feminine energy, and for men it is masculine. Otherwise, there will be an imbalance of energies, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Let's talk about them in more detail.

A woman has too much Yin energy

1. Loss of physical fitness. Appears excess weight or the muscles become flaccid and weak.

2. Outbursts of uncontrollable emotions. Sadness, depression, hysteria, resentment, and apathy become a woman’s constant companion if she lacks Yang energy.

3. Laziness, unwillingness to do anything. Such women will always want to take a horizontal position: lie on the sofa and do nothing. After all, Yin is peace, earth.

4. Lack of goals in life. Since Yin energy has no vector, a woman who has too much of this energy will become inert and lacking initiative.

5. Dissatisfaction with everything and everyone. Yin has no purpose, therefore no result can be achieved. Such a woman will not know what she wants, and everything she has will not seem to her what she would like.

A woman has too much yang energy

1. Male physique. Large shoulders, narrow hips, dry muscles - this type of figure is often caused by an excess of Yang energy in a woman. And if such a woman begins to gain weight, then this happens, as a rule, according to the male type: her arms in the shoulder area become fuller and her stomach grows.

2. The habit of “building everyone up.” A woman with an excess of Yang energy loves to command and does not tolerate disagreement with her opinion.

3. Tension. Yang is energy DC voltage. It is very difficult for a woman who is dominated by this energy to relax and “turn off her brain.”

4. Inability to accept. Yang energy is a giving energy, not a receiving one. It is not surprising that a woman with an excess of this energy is ready to give away her “last shirt.”

5. Sexual deviations. The desire for rough sex with elements of violence is a way for women with energy imbalances to harmonize themselves.

A man has too much yang energy

1. Excessive passion for your body. The activity contained in Yang energy will definitely find a way out in sports. And if a man has increased this energy, then he will not leave the gym for days, bringing his body to the ideal.

2. Dominance. A man with an excess of Yang energy always wants to dominate everyone. Great difficulties will arise in relations with superiors, because for such a man to obey is sheer torture.

3. Aggression and rudeness. An excess of Yang energy such good qualities How determination and confidence transforms into stubbornness and self-confidence. Attempts to disagree with a man who has a high level of Yang energy are fraught with outbursts of aggression and rudeness on his part.

A man has too much Yin energy

1. Passivity. It is not surprising that a man with predominant Yin energy will be overweight and have little income. After all, the activity and determination inherent in Yang energy will be blocked by the passivity and inertia of Yin energy.

2. Softness. The principle of fluidity and flexibility inherent in Yin energy will lead to the fact that a man in whom this energy dominates will try to avoid sharp corners, not enter into conflicts, and make compromises.

3. Inability to give. Such a man does not feel like a breadwinner. He has absolutely no desire to give something, but he will not refuse to receive something without making any effort.

Balance is a very fragile thing. Achieving energy balance and finding harmony can be difficult. But not easy does not mean impossible. We will tell you about ways to harmonize personality in our next article in the “Yin-Yang” section.

Tattoo on shoulder blade

Yin and yang are a famous ancient sign of Chinese culture. Its popularity throughout the world has found its place among tattoos. This is a universal design that can be painted by both a young man and a girl.

Placement of different parts of the body. The tattoo can be done on the neck, on the ankle - in any chosen place it will look impressive.

History and symbolism of the yin yang sign

Initially, these two symbols were considered as a designation of light illuminated by the sun. The luminary moved in an endless cycle, the mountain alternately falling under the sun's rays or into the shadow.

The cycles replaced each other, which meant a constant cycle of life in nature. The two opposites are inseparable. Being one whole, the parts fight with each other, winning and losing alternately, either to the light or to the dark side.

These symbols laid the foundation for two opposing eastern cultures - Confucianism and Taoism. Taoists believed that the world was ruled by yin - the feminine principle, adherents of the second religion argued that yang decides the fate of a person.

Shoulder tattoo with added dragon

Yin was interpreted not only as female symbol. This is the dark side of life, which is characterized by paranormal phenomena. The symbol is attributed to:

  • deceit
  • secrecy
  • intrigue.

Yin philosophy is responsible for even numbers. Yang was associated with masculinity, logic, and practicality. It is characterized by:

  • activity
  • life
  • bravery.

Rational properties and parity of numbers are attributed.

Yin is the moon, yang is the sun. There are still no clear definitions of yin and yang. These two opposites can be interpreted differently depending on what religion or culture a person adheres to.

Yin yang tattoo meaning

The meaning of the yin yang tattoo fully reflects the symbolism that experts of Japanese culture put into the mandola. But those who stuff it bring their own meaning depending on their goals, the meaning of life.

A tattoo can mean the following:

  • - a person adheres to one of the religions of the East;
  • — harmony is the main thing that prevails in the life of the tattooed person;
  • - the desire to see positive and bright moments among the negative dark sides of life;
  • — a person strives to find peace of mind, to achieve internal balance in life;
  • - acquire certain character traits - strength, activity, self-confidence.

Tattoos are characterized by two primary colors, black yin and white yang. But there may be color images of tattoos. Especially if the symbols are in the form of animals:

  • tiger and dragon,
  • two fish,
  • wolves, owls

Shoulder tattoo with added tiger and dragon

When attributing yang properties to the sun, yin properties to the moon, you need to remember that just as you can see the moon during the day, a yin-yang tattoo is ambiguous.

In yin there is a light point of yang and vice versa. This is a sign that there is no good without evil, and there is no light side without the dark; they exist together, complementing each other.

The meaning of tattoos for men and girls

The tattoo is universal, suitable for both women and men. The meaning with which this tattoo is tattooed by representatives of both sexes is similar.

Rethinking the past, they draw a tattoo to achieve internal balance. Guys get tattoos to achieve peace. Their tattoos often mean the struggle of opposites in the soul and the desire to find peace in life.

Forearm tattoo

Girls are characterized by stylized sketches in color. The feminine principle requires airiness, which can be reflected in the openwork tattoos of the symbol. Men prefer monochrome.

Location of the sketch on the body

When choosing a place to apply a tattoo, focus on the size and design. Not all monochrome tattoos look good in volume.

When choosing a large design, make it in color. This sketch will suit guys if you place it on the chest, side, upper back, shoulder.

Tattoo on shoulder blade

Classic symbol tattoos are more suitable for girls. Small yin yang patterns can be printed on the neck, wrists, and ankles. It would be interesting to look at a tattoo on a woman’s lower back, lower back or tailbone.

Young people should not experiment with these places. A tattoo on the shoulder or forearm is suitable for both girls and boys.

And it will look better on men’s legs. On the hand, especially inside, compositional tattoos look impressive - color images of the sun - moon, fire - water.

Fans oriental cultures can choose the location of the tattoo, focusing on the person’s chakras.

Options for combining yin yang tattoos with other symbols

Tattoos are found in different styles and execution techniques:

  • - in realism (a pair of wolves, two dogs fighting each other), such tattoos or birds are often filled in color;
  • — monochrome, classic black and white tiger tattoos;
  • — finishing work or graphics, drawing dots or lines from which a pattern with open edges is formed;
  • — animal sketches (cats, wolves, dolphins);
  • - watercolor, suitable for large bright drawings (tattoos in the form of dragons with their rich colors) or small sketches for girls (symbol of the opposite in lotus flowers)

Classic Yin and tiger as a symbol of perseverance and courage.

A color or black and white image of two owls means two people who are close in spirit, the symbol in the center speaks of harmony between them. Koi carps looking up and down are a symbol of the cyclical nature of life and the balance of feminine and masculine energies.

Tattoo on the shoulder blade with the addition of Koi carp

A widespread image is the form, intertwined with roots or from different seasons. Such tattoos speak of the wearer’s philosophical mood, understanding of the inevitability of life and death. Sketches with Indian or Chinese motifs are popular.

Original elements for tattoos, compatibility. Tattoos where the symbol of two principles can only be guessed look unusual. The wearer of the tattoo creates a kind of intrigue.

Images of life and death in the form of two angels or skulls look impressive. Such sketches are performed in monochrome.

In classic tattoos, the central points can be replaced with stylized images of the moon and sun, air and earth. The symbol can be hidden in a tattoo, for example, a dragon or a toad holding a coin in its mouth.

– Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, etc., based, among other things, on the philosophy of balance of Yin and Yang, helps restore the harmony created by nature in the body. When the harmony between Yin and Yang is disturbed, a state of balance can be restored through meditation, acupuncture, corrective dieting, qigong, tai chi, shiatsu, or various combinations of these methods. Eastern doctors strive to treat not the external symptoms of diseases, but their root causes, which consist in an imbalance in the internal balance, demonstrating such “clairvoyance” that a person with a Western mentality may seem like magic.

Example"miracle" Having worked for many years in Asia and having accumulated various ailments during this time, I went to India to see Dr. Dolkar, known at the Russian Embassy as the “Tibetan”. Dr. Dolkar was born in Tibet and heals using ancient principles Tibetan medicine, which is similar to Chinese. After listening to my pulse with three fingers (in the East they feel the pulse with three fingers, not two, listening to the internal processes of the body), Dr. Dolkar in just ten seconds determined all my ailments - both real and imaginary - and even the fact that I snore . Within a few weeks, with the help of homeopathic tablets prescribed by Dr. Dolkar, all ailments were eliminated by restoring internal balance in those places where it was disturbed.

Some of my friends, whom Western doctors had already sentenced, were literally saved by Dr. Dolkar. It turned out that Western doctors misdiagnosed the disease, considering it incurable. In fact, the causes of the disease were much deeper and consisted of an imbalance in the internal balance, which Dr. Dolkar diagnosed and helped patients restore and thus be completely cured. Western doctors considered this recovery a miracle.

Healthy and balanced oriental food

Why do the Chinese and Japanese live so long?

One of the reasons is healthy food that balances Yin and Yang.

However, our potatoes (Yin) with meat (Yang) and vodka (Yang) with cucumber (Yin) are also very healthy balanced foods. ... >>>

Symbol of Tao

Yin and Yang are symbols of Tao. They represent the changing forces of Tao, in constant interaction.

The natural movement of the spiritual, male Yang is directed upward, towards the heavens, and the material, female Yin - downwards, towards the earth.

Yin and Yang of creativity

Any creative activity consists of insight (Yin) and work (Yang). When Yin and Yang are perfectly balanced, great works are produced.

In creativity, Yin is primary, because it is insight from above. It is impossible to convey it in its entirety, therefore in" Tao de Ching" It is said, “He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know.” Tyutchev expressed the same thought when he said, “A thought expressed is a lie.”

And this is where Ian comes into play in creativity. With the help of words, images, music, the creator strives to convey the truth that has been revealed to him. Yes, these works, adapted to ordinary human perception, do not completely convey what was revealed to the creator, but they create a step that helps people get closer to Eternity and discover it themselves.

Why are all great composers and philosophers men?

Yang, which contains the masculine active principle, is also distinguished by such qualities as... >>>

The Tao of Success in Life and Business

Yin and Yang are symbols of Tao, its two interacting forces striving for dynamic balance.

The Tao can give both you and your business unlimited potential and opportunity. Many company managers, both in the East and in the West rebuild their business in accordance with the Tao and achieve outstanding results... >>>

Five Basic Elements

Arising from the interaction of Yin and Yang, Five basic elements– five main types of energy – are the basis of the universe. To create harmony both in the body and in business, and in the organization, and in everything that surrounds you, it is necessary to maintain a dynamic balance between the five primary elements... >>>