What are goods in contact. How to organize a store based on the social network VKontakte

In 2016, the Products section appeared among the main menu items. Let's take a closer look at what it is. Now you can sell various things, accessories, services from your page, simply by describing your product and indicating its cost. Your listings will be available first to your friends and to all those who are looking for the item you are going to sell.

How to sell goods through Vkontakte

We are looking for the Goods item in the menu on the right, if it is not there, turn it on through Settings.

Your friends' ads are displayed immediately, you can add the product to your favorites to buy later and place your products with the button Submit an ad. The list of created products can be viewed in the tab My goods.

First you need to select a category. A huge number of groups are presented, also divided into subgroups. From the wardrobe to the list of services, I'm sure you can easily select the desired item. In the name of the goods, it is advisable to briefly and accurately write what you are selling, because users search for goods by name. In the description add brief description and details related to that product or service. Be sure to attach an image, as the first glance of the buyer usually falls on the picture, and then on the text. Enter the value of your product, you can search similar products in advance to find out approximate price. And, as an option, for a faster and more successful sale, you can make the cost of your product lower than that of competitors.

To purchase, you can contact the seller through private messages. You can pay for the goods both on Vkontakte using money transfers, and in a personal meeting with the seller - as agreed. I also want to add that in the section Products products are located not only from the personal pages of users, but also from communities. That is, now all the goods are located in one place, which is quite convenient. There are restrictions on the number of goods, judging by the Vkontakte API, but there is no specific figure, apparently no one has come across this yet. Therefore, if you have reached the limit, write in the comments how many products you were able to upload to Vkontakte.

Since last year, the social network VK has provided its users with the opportunity to trade on their pages. There are two ways to start trading. The first involves trading through your personal page, and the second - trading on the pages of a group or community. The second way can be called almost. Let's consider both options.

How to start selling VKontakte through your page

This feature was introduced in September 2016. It is ideal, for example, for selling clothes, for those who are engaged in the manufacture of any home products, for example, as well as for people providing any services, etc. The advantage here is that you do not need to open any groups and online stores on VKontakte, and spend extra time on them.

  1. In the left menu of your page in VK, go to the item "Products".

  1. In the page that opens, click on the button "Add your product" or similar text below. There is no difference, it's the same.

  1. And we fill in the so-called product card. We select a category, upload a photo, set a price and set up a city for sale. If there is a metro in your city, then the setting for the stations will additionally open for you and click "Create Product".

That's it, the card has been created, after which it appeared on your VKontakte page and was sent as a notification to your friends. It will also become available to other VK users and they will be able to find your things through the search.

How to create a VKontakte store in groups

It is difficult to call it a full-fledged online store; rather, it is a showcase for sales. Its advantage lies in the fact that it is created on the basis of a community / group. There is one drawback in the previous method - a personal page can have no more than 10,000 friends. VKontakte communities have an unlimited number of participants.

Consider now the instructions on how to open an online store in VK:

  1. Creating a community (if you already have one, then start from point 4). On your personal page in the menu, select the item “Groups”.

  1. Click the button “Create a Community” or a similar inscription on VKontakte below.

  1. In the window that appears, specify the basic information about the future group and click the button. All data can be corrected later.

  1. Go to the community page and on the right under the photo, click on the link in the form of three dots and select the item.

  1. Select from the menu on the right “Sections” and then include the section "Products".

  1. Perform basic section setup. In the contact section, specify the person to whom notifications about the desire to purchase products by the buyer of your online store will be sent.

  1. Go to the community page and in the new section click on the link “Add item”.

  1. Fill out the card. Look at an example of descriptions from competitors and large online stores of your subject. “Blah blah blah” text is not necessary. It must be clear information about the product.

After that, the position of the online store will appear on the VKontakte community page.

If you click on it, a window will open with the information that you filled out.

To order, the buyer contacts you by clicking on the button "Write to seller", after which a notification comes to the person whom you indicated in the contacts of your online store for communication in the 6th paragraph.

How to pay for the goods to the buyer

Unfortunately, the product card does not have a button to buy and then pay online, which is why we called the online store a showcase above. VKontakte payment can be accepted in three roundabout ways:

  1. Internal transfer to VK. To do this, in the dialogue about the purchase of goods, select the item in the attachment menu "Money" and enter the amount, after which payment is made through the card and the money is sent to the seller. If this is a community-based online store, then the money is sent to the manager.
  2. Accepting payment on the spot. That is after delivery.
  3. Invoicing through payment services. You create an invoice, after which you receive a payment link that you need to send to your buyer, and he pays for it in any way that is convenient for him from the ones offered by the payment system. Method for individuals : go to the page https://money.yandex.ru/bill/ and just fill out the form. Method for legal: this is done either through Yandex.Checkout, or, for example, through Robokassa.

An example of how to issue an invoice through Robokassa:

In our opinion, the first method is absolutely stupid, since you will have to explain to the buyer of the online store how to do it.

Hello dear readers. Remember I wrote an article about ? So this article will be an addition to the previous one. Now I will talk about innovations social network Vkontakte, which will allow you to sell goods even easier, more conveniently and more efficiently. So, let's begin.

Section "Products" Vkontakte

It's no secret that the social network Vkontakte has a new section in groups and publics, which is called "Products". Now each person in his Vkontakte group can make a full-fledged catalog of goods by category, with prices and descriptions. Let me remind you that earlier goods could only be uploaded to a photo album and this is not convenient. Now the section looks like this:

How to add products and make a catalog

In order to take advantage of the innovation, you just need to start a group or public Vkontakte, if you don't have one yet. Next, go to the "Page Management" section and at the very bottom check the box "Products". Then you need to specify the region of work, etc.

Here we enter the name, description, insert the main and additional photos, set the category and price. Then click "Create product" and it is added to the catalog.

The directory looks like this:

And the open product (product card) is like this:

As you can see, you can add several to show your product from all sides and a voluminous description. There is no basket and "Buy" button, but there is "Contact seller". After communication, it is already possible to discuss the terms of payment and delivery.

How to sell goods through Vkontakte

There is no need to reinvent the wheel here, because I and many others wrote articles about this.

  1. Make a description of your group / public;
  2. Make a beautiful avatar;
  3. Fill the catalog with goods;
  4. Advertise your group in other groups and in (before you advertise, you need to have at least 100 people in your group for appearance. To do this, you can invite your friends);
  5. Communicate with people and collect orders.

Here is such a simple scheme.

Deciding on the assortment Let's say you decide to start selling clothes over the Internet. First of all, you need to decide on the range. The main criterion for successful online sales is the relevance and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses in your city, or it is absolutely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to comparative analysis available retail clothing stores, read forums, and ask people you know what they would like to buy from you. An important factor is the average income per capita in the region where you are going to organize your e-commerce. Inflated prices can be discouraging potential buyers, and clothes that are too cheap can raise doubts about their quality.

Therefore, being interested in widely selling various household items around the world through contact, you need to choose the maximum number of payment methods. Today you can pay attention to the following options:

  1. Cashless payment by card.
  2. Transferring cash to your account.
  3. Money transfers through banks and companies, such as Western Union.
  4. Payment systems like Yandex. Money, Webmoney, PayPall.

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of all methods of payment by the client, since not everyone has a registered account in electronic systems.

And you should create wallets on all sites with electronic money before you open your online clothing store in contact. Remember that not being able to pay for your services, a potential customer will simply go to your competitors, who will be able to provide him with what he wants.

How to open a VKontakte online store and organize sales

The Internet in this case greatly simplifies the process of making a transaction. How to find potential buyers? After you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to start looking for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable with your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require financial investments (website creation, design development, promotion in search engines, search for a hired administrator, etc.).

e.) Therefore, the most in a rational way search for buyers for a beginner is a group or community in social networks. You can create such a group absolutely free of charge by advertising your services and posting a range of custom-made clothes. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers.
Gradually, people will begin to learn about your online clothing community and will tell their friends about it.

Where to order clothes for sale in social networks - contacts of suppliers

This will not give a result, more precisely, 20-30 tr is not a result. Dropshipping is just the beginning, then those who succeeded move to small and medium wholesale from Taobao.com, 1688.com and other sites. With the current doubled ruble exchange rate, this is no longer so profitable, but in the summer I personally sold shoes in VK that were targeted at the target audience up to 20 years old. From 1 pair, the frequent margin is almost 100% of the cost, or at least 1,000 Russian rubles per pair. We simply purchased the most popular models and sizes, set up VK advertising for an advertising group with goods and received orders by sending cash on delivery across the country by Russian Post. Then the yuan cost 5.5 rubles, now - 10 ...

How to sell clothes and things in contact

Social media accounts are becoming very popular these days. For example, almost 94 million people from all over the world are registered in contact. Such attendance suggests that the idea of ​​doing business here could be quite promising.
Considering that today the most popular activity is the sale of clothing and items self made, you can think about the potential of such a case. Content

  • General organizational issues
  • Product type selection
  • Page design
  • Communication with the client
  • Payment for goods
  • Advertising
  • Sending handmade items or how best to transfer the goods to the buyer

General organizational issues There is one problem that worries most people: is it legal to sell things in contact? Of course, this is a completely legal activity. You can safely start working.


And the amount for transportation, which is several times higher than the face value of the product, will certainly repel buyers. To avoid such embarrassment, you need to consult the nearest post office and find out all the prices for the shipment. unusual shape parcels or big weight may significantly change the price for delivery.

Postal services also have their limitations and you need to adjust your products to their standards. Of course, optimal solution shipping will be at your expense. True, in extreme cases, you can offer the client to pay for shipping in half. But at the same time, you need to know that on each mail different conditions shipping, especially when it comes to shipping to other countries.
So, before you start selling any product, you need to study all the information and nuances of the business well, and also understand well how to sell things via the Internet in contact.

Own business: selling clothes via the Internet

Convenient, but sometimes gemarno Profile aver 8 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Sunday, 03/08/2015, 23:14 | Message # 20 Try boldly, things come and the quality is quite normal. Just before ordering and paying, read reviews about sellers very carefully, as some may scam you .... cappuccinator's profile 9 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Wednesday, 03/11/2015 03:25 PM | Message # 21 Can I become a partner of a specific seller or an entire online store? How is it generally organized? dr1ve's profile 1285 posts Date: Wednesday, 03/11/2015 04:44 PM | Post #22 cappuccinator, you can. For example, ActionPay has their affiliate program. bmsauber7's profile 15 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Wednesday, 03/11/2015 04:51 PM | Post #23 Ali has it all and the prices are reasonable. I have been ordering all sorts of trinkets from there for a long time, but I just didn’t think of selling in contact, although the idea is interesting.

Selling clothes online: where to start, how to find a supplier


You have already made a decision about the choice of activity. It remains to competently organize the process of selling clothes. To begin with, it is important to determine which market segment you are counting on: Gender and age group of potential customers Income level of buyers (what pricing policy You will stick to) Product group: sportswear or evening wear, and perhaps the entire range and wardrobe for every taste. Others may arise in this area open questions on which to focus more carefully. For example, it is important to understand where your product will come from.

Perhaps the clothes presented in the store will be sewn at a frequent enterprise. There are also various options wholesale purchases abroad. Very important aspects in the organization of the sale of clothing via the Internet is a method of payment for the purchase, as well as the delivery of goods.

You can design the community yourself, but if you lack the experience and specific skills for such work, the public can turn out to be dull and unattractive to the user. So, it is better to ask for help from a specialist in this field. The cost of such services will be approximately 15-120 dollars.

But prices can be completely different. They depend on the degree of experience and skill of the performer, as well as the quality of the page design that you need. For a commercial group, it is advisable to perform interesting design pages that can grab users' attention When you plan to work on your own, there are a few things to keep in mind when creating an avatar. The main photo of the community should express the content of the group as fully as possible.

Sometimes it is allowed to report this with text in the picture or simply choose an image suitable for the subject.

How to start selling clothes in contact and where to get

When you intend to conduct business in large volumes, there is always the opportunity to formalize the case with the authorities state control. The sale of goods through a group in contact can be a good addition to the main business for any store. First you need to decide what you can sell in contact. Further, in order to start trading various goods, you will need to create your own group or public.

It is worth knowing a few of these facts about the community:

  • it is impossible to invite friends to public;
  • a separate page for the administrator is required;
  • please link your phone number.

For trade to be effective, you should ask for information on what products people most often pay attention to and what they may be interested in now.

How to start selling clothes in contact and where to get clothes

Profimc's profile 66 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Monday, 02/02/2015 11:47 | Message # 11 thanks, I've already sold T-shirts))) I'll try it now Profile immortaldmb2 15 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Tuesday, 03.02.2015, 15:56 | Post # 12 I never trusted this ... but then for some reason it became interesting ... I guess I'll try Profile Website Meris 3 posts Reputation: 0 Date: Monday, 09.02.2015, 18:04 | Message # 13 Verified site! The main thing is to choose sellers who have more medals, then, accordingly, the goods will be good. I also recommend looking at the delivery, not all sellers give free shipping.

In addition, the speed of your response also plays a very important role here. Responding politely and promptly to customers' questions can boost sales Don't ignore customer questions so they don't move into communities where they get more attention. When a client waits a long time for an answer to his question, he can easily find a store where he will be answered immediately without waiting.

News in the community should appear every day and preferably several pieces. You have to delight subscribers with new photos, information about promotions and other pleasant little things. Payment for goods A lot depends on the method of payment for goods. When only your friends become buyers in a group, you can transfer money and goods at a meeting. Although here, quite often, one can encounter the problem of people living in different parts of the country.