Distance learning is a form of education. Forms of education and forms of education in the Russian Federation

[Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” 273-FZ, New!] [Chapter 2] [Article 17]

1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

1) in organizations that carry out educational activities;

2) outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

2. Education in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory classes of a teacher with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form.

3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently pass, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, intermediate and state final certification in organizations engaged in educational activities.

4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of education is allowed.

5. Forms of education and forms of education for the main educational program for each level of education, profession, specialty and area of ​​training are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, educational standards, unless otherwise provided by this federal law. Forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1 comment on the entry “Article 17 of the Law on Education. Forms of education and forms of education”

    Article 17. Forms of education and forms of education
    The commented article names the forms of education and the forms of education. It should be said that, in part, the provisions of the commented article are not new, since Law N 3266-1 enshrined in its provisions an independent art. 10, referred to as "Forms of Education". Meanwhile, the previous legislation did not contain separate provisions on the forms of education.
    The commented article introduces forms of education and forms of education.
    There are two forms of education:
    1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;
    2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities.
    Forms of education are divided according to the forms of education:
    in organizations engaged in educational activities - in full-time, part-time or part-time form;
    outside organizations engaged in educational activities - in the form of family education and self-education.
    At system analysis norms of the Law, however, it is also possible to single out home education as a form of education in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education(Article 66 of the Law).
    Training outside organizations engaged in educational activities is possible in scientific organizations, in others legal entities where a unit is created that carries out educational activities, in production, in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, social service organizations (Articles 31, 73 of the Law). If we are talking about the child being in organizations for orphans and children left without parental care, in organizations providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, or organizations providing social services, then receiving the initial general, basic general, secondary general education in these organizations is provided if education cannot be organized in general educational organizations.
    For additional professional programs, such a form of training as an internship is allowed, as well as at a time and continuously or in stages (discretely) (Article 76 of the Law).
    In Law N 3266-1, external study was also a form of education. With the adoption of Law N 279-FZ, it ceased to be a form of education and was transformed into an institution that provides state final certification in accredited educational organizations studying in the form of family education or self-education, or in non-accredited educational organizations.
    There is still home education for students who need long-term treatment, disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations. It was reflected in the Law, while earlier, before its adoption, it existed only at the level of subordinate regulation. The relevant by-laws and instructional letters have retained their significance today: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 861 (as amended on September 4, 2012) “On Approval of the Procedure for the Education and Education of Disabled Children at Home and in Non-State Educational Institutions ", letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2003 N 27 / 2643-6, letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2001 N 29 / 1470-6, letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR of November 14, 1988 N 17-253-6 " About individual training sick children at home.
    These acts relate to the functioning of home-based schools.
    Education in organizations engaged in educational activities is still carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form. The choice of the form of education is provided for by the federal state educational standard for a specific specialty and area of ​​training and is determined by the possibility of obtaining education in such a specialty in full-time, part-time or part-time form.
    Until the adoption of new ones, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 1997 N 463 “On approval of the List of specialties, the receipt of which in part-time (evening), correspondence and external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 N 1473 “On Approval of the List of Specialist Training Areas and Specialties in Which Higher Professional Education in Correspondence or External Studies is Not Allowed.”
    The educational organization implements the educational program in the permitted form, and the choice of the form of education is carried out by the student (his parents). The form of obtaining general education and the form of education for a specific basic general education program determined by the parents (legal representatives) of a minor student. When parents (legal representatives) of a minor student choose the form of general education and the form of education, the opinion of the child is taken into account.
    Since local self-government bodies of municipal districts and urban districts keep records of children who have the right to receive general education at each level and live in the territories of the respective municipalities, these bodies must also keep records of the forms of education determined by the parents (legal representatives) of children. When parents (legal representatives) of children choose a form of general education in the form of family education, parents (legal representatives) inform the local government about this choice municipal district or the city district in which they live.
    The procedure for registration of relations between the state or municipal educational organization with students and (or) their parents (legal representatives) in terms of organizing training in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education at home or in medical organizations is established by the regulatory legal act of the authorized body state power subject of the Russian Federation.
    The result of studying in the form of self-education or family education is the final attestation in the order of external studies in an accredited organization that carries out educational activities.
    The law establishes the free of charge of such certification for school programs, since the state, in accordance with Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees free and generally accessible basic general education. Vocational training is possible in the form of self-education. It is possible for a child to receive preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education in a family.
    In addition to the right to final certification in an organization carrying out educational activities, students in the form of self-education and family education have the right to undergo intermediate certification.
    However, in accordance with Art. 58 of the Law, passing an intermediate certification is mandatory for students in the form of family education. If the intermediate control is not passed, the student acquires an academic debt, which must be liquidated. In turn, educational organizations, parents (legal representatives) of a minor student, who ensure that students receive general education, are obliged to create conditions for the elimination of academic debt and control the timeliness of its liquidation.
    Students studying in educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education in the form of family education, who have not liquidated academic debts within the established time limits, continue to receive education in an educational organization.
    The procedure for passing certification by these students is established by the organization carrying out educational activities. On the issue of final certification, until the adoption of a new act, the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 06/23/2000 N 1884 (as amended on 04/17/2001) “On approval of the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of external studies”, which determines that the state ( final) certification of external students is carried out in accordance with the regulation on the state (final) certification of graduates of IX and XI (XII) classes of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation. At the moment, instead of the above, the Regulation on the forms and procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2008 N 362, is already in force.
    External students enjoy the same rights as persons undergoing final certification as a result of training in an organization that carries out educational activities. This means, among other things, the provision of conditions for learning, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and health status, including the receipt of socio-pedagogical and psychological help, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction; use, in accordance with the procedure established by local regulations, medical and recreational infrastructure, cultural facilities and sports facilities of an educational organization.
    If the student receives preschool education in the form of family education, then the parents (legal representatives) of such students have the right to receive methodological, psychological, pedagogical, diagnostic and advisory assistance without charging a fee, including in preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations, if they have established appropriate counseling centers . Ensuring the provision of such types of assistance is carried out by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
    In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2000 N 1884 (as amended on April 17, 2001) “On approval of the Regulations on obtaining general education in the form of an external student”, an external student has the right to:
    receive the necessary consultations (within 2 teaching hours before each exam)
    take educational literature from the library fund of a general education institution;
    attend laboratory and practical classes;
    take part in various olympiads and competitions, centralized testing.
    The law provides for the possibility of combining various forms of education and forms of education. The combination may be due to the educational program under which the person is studying, or the transition from one form of education or training to another, for example, if the student fails to pass the certification and, thereby, academic debt appears.
    Forms of education and forms of education for certain levels of education are determined by the Law. Thus, the Law on Education provides that general education can be obtained in organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as outside organizations engaged in educational activities, in the form of family education. A secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. This allocation of secondary education is explained by the age of students, which already allows them to study independently, without parental “intervention”. Up to this point, education outside the educational organization is carried out with parental "participation" (family education). Receipt school education possibly at home (see the commentary to paragraph 1 of this article), in an organization for orphans and children left without parental care, an organization providing treatment, rehabilitation and (or) recreation, an organization providing social services.
    In addition, the forms of education and training are determined for each level of education, profession, specialty and area of ​​training by the federal state educational standard, educational standard. At the same time, until the adoption of new ones, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 1997 N 463 “On approval of the List of specialties, the receipt of which in part-time (evening), correspondence and external studies in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 N 1473 “On approval of the List of areas for training specialists and specialties in which higher professional education in correspondence form or in the form of external study is not allowed.”
    Forms of training for additional educational programs and basic vocational training programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently. Paragraph 6 of Art. 73 of Law N 273-FZ specifies this provision, indicating that vocational training is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, including training centers for professional qualifications and in production, as well as in the form of self-education. For additional professional programs, such a form of training as an internship is allowed, as well as at a time and continuously or in stages (discretely).

In the early 90s. of the last century, with the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 N 3266-I "On Education", homeschooling became legal. Article 10 “Forms of education”, paragraph 1: “Taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, educational programs are mastered in the following forms: in an educational institution - in the form of full-time, part-time (evening), part-time; in the form of family education, self-education, external study” (System Garant…, 2013). In the new law on education, external study no longer refers to forms of education. In other words, federal law No. 273 gave a legalized right to each individual parent (legal representative) to choose family education as a form of education for their child.

The new Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" article 17 "forms of education and forms of training" states:

"one. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

2. Education in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual and depending on the volume of compulsory classes of a teacher with students, is carried out in full-time, part-time or part-time form.

3. Education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently pass, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 34 of this Federal Law, intermediate and state final certification in organizations engaged in educational activities.

4. A combination of various forms of education and forms of education is allowed ”(Collection of questions ..., 2014; Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273, 2012).

In addition to the family form, there are other ways to formalize the education of a child at home: part-time, part-time, self-education and a combination of forms (Article 17 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273), for example, full-time in geography and mathematics and family education in all other subjects (Dyakova , 2015). These forms of education refer to the so-called alternative forms of education.

Accounting for children entitled to receive general education at each level and residing in the territories of the respective municipalities, as well as forms of education and training determined by the parents (legal representatives) of children, is maintained by local governments of municipal districts and urban districts. When choosing a form of family education, parents (legal representatives) must inform the local self-government body of the municipal district or city district in whose territory they live (part 5 of article 63 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 273) (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013).

Unfortunately, in the legal acts relating to family education, such as the Family Code (IC RF), Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-ФЗ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the Code administrative offenses(Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), no definition of "family education" is given. But distinctions are made, according to Article 41 part 5 of the Federal Law, that “education of students who are mastering basic general education programs and in need of long-term treatment, as well as disabled children who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational institutions, can also be organized by educational organizations on at home or in medical organizations” (FZ RF No. 273, 2012). Thus, the term "homeschooling" or "homeschooling" refers to the possibility of receiving education at home with a medical certificate, and "family education" refers to homeschooling, which does not require specific justification for implementation.

It is also important to note that with the adoption of the new law on education and the corresponding change in the forms of education, there is no provision for compensation for the costs of legal representatives of students for the implementation of general education programs outside the educational organization (family education and self-education), since the Constitution of the Russian Federation (part 2 of article 43) free general education is guaranteed only in educational institutions. But in regional and municipal regulations, compensation for these costs may be provided, including in the form of providing support to parents (legal representatives) of students (clause 6 of the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2013 No. NT-1139 / 08 “On the organization of receiving education in a family form” (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013; Lomov, 2014) In accordance with Part 2 of Article 99 of the Federal Law, “the founder of an educational organization may determine the standard costs for the provision of state (municipal) services for the implementation of general education programs in the form of family education, covering the costs of conducting intermediate and state final certification, the cost of acquiring educational publications (textbooks, study guides and educational and methodological materials), periodicals, publishing and printing services, services of access to electronic publications directly related to the implementation of the general education program, the cost of providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance. It is also provided that the subject of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the provided powers, may introduce compensation for needy families who have chosen the form of family education as a measure of social support (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013).

Along with the unresolved issue of funding, the issue of certification is also relevant: how many times a year and in what form a child should undergo it (Parfentiev, 2015).

According to Part 3, Article 34 of the Federal Law on Education, students in the form of family education “have the right to undergo intermediate and state final certification in organizations engaged in educational activities according to the corresponding state-accredited educational program. These persons who do not have a basic general or secondary general education are entitled to pass externally an intermediate and state final certification in an organization carrying out educational activities according to the corresponding state-accredited basic general education program, free of charge. An educational organization must adopt an appropriate local act regulating the procedure for organizing and passing intermediate and state final certification, including external students. At the same time, the above local act must be available for unhindered familiarization, including on the website of the educational organization in the information and telecommunication network Internet ”(Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013). It is also advisable to coordinate the procedure for passing the certification of an educational organization, taking into account the opinion of parents (legal representatives), including based on the pace and sequence of study educational material. Such an organization of the educational process can be regulated at the request of the parents (legal representatives) for the entire period of general education, for the period of passing a specific certification or for the period of one academic year, depending on the objective circumstances and the most effective implementation the rights and freedoms of the child. The documents that define the relationship between the educational organization and parents (legal representatives) are “the statement of the parents (legal representatives) on passing the intermediate and (or) state final certification in the organization carrying out educational activities, and the administrative act of the specified organization on the admission of a person for passing intermediate certification and (or) state final certification. An educational organization for passing intermediate or final certification can be defined not only general educational organizations, but also educational organizations of other types, for example, universities that are granted the right by the Federal Law to carry out educational activities in basic general education programs (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2013).

The key issue that arises when assessing the content of education in a particular country is the question of what, in fact, forms of education, what forms of education are allowed. These initial, organizational issues largely predetermine the regulation of the content of education.

In the Russian Federation, in this regard, the legislation has taken the most liberal path. Article 17 of the Law on Education says that in Russia education can be obtained:

  • 1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;
  • 2) outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

Forms of education are receiving education in an organization carrying out educational activities, or outside such an organization (in two different options- family and self-education). Accordingly, the forms of training in organizations engaged in educational activities are: full-time, part-time, correspondence, family educationandself-education.

The choice of the form of education and the form of education for their children is carried out by parents until they reach the age of majority or until they receive basic general education, after which the student decides this issue independently.

The classification of forms of education and forms of learning is a relatively new phenomenon for Russian education.

The law on education does not give preferences to any of the forms, they are all equal. In this sense, Russian legislation is one of the most liberal, if we compare the regulation of these issues, for example, with European and other foreign countries where certain types of education are often possible only within the framework of educational organizations or there is an opportunity outside organizations, but other forms of education are discriminated against.

In our country, the forms of education are equal, persons who have mastered the educational program of the corresponding level of education have equal rights, including the right to pass the state final certification, confirming the fact of mastering the program, which further gives the right to access to the next levels of education.

Such a solution provides opportunities for a significant variation in the content of education. Family education and self-education make it possible to achieve results fixed by the relevant standard, with the maximum consideration of the interests, characteristics of the student, his inclinations, health status, etc. In fact, recognition of the equality of forms of education means wide opportunities families to organize the education of their children in the way that seems to them optimal.

Part 4 Art. 17 of the Law on Education allows a combination of various forms of education and forms of education. Possible combinations there may be many, and to choose a combination is the right of the person, which cannot be denied.

At the same time, it seems that such an opportunity cannot be realized taking into account the regulation of education financing issues. Any attempt to combine the forms of education and training, if one of them is budget-funded funding of an educational program, inevitably creates difficulties for an educational organization, up to a reduction in funding. It is almost impossible to formalize such a combination, taking into account legal regulation and the practice of forming state (municipal) assignments. Therefore, the combination of forms of education and training is not found in practice. However, similar goals can be realized through such a tool as teaching according to an individual curriculum - and this possibility is widely used by students (parents of minor students).

However, the situation may well change. Forms of education and forms of education for the basic educational program for each level of education are determined by the relevant Federal State Educational Standards, unless otherwise provided by law. The forms of training for additional educational programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard must determine for each level of education whether it can be obtained in an organization that carries out educational activities and outside such organizations, and also whether it can be obtained in various forms: full-time, part-time, part-time. It is likely that the standard will prohibit certain forms of education and training. At the moment, the texts of standards most often do not contain such specification. However, some standards already introduce such restrictions either on the form of education, or on the form of education and the form of education.

Separate restrictions are also established directly in the Law on Education. In part 2 of Art. 63 states that general education can be obtained in organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as outside organizations engaged in educational activities, in the form of family education. Secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. In this way, a form of self-education is not allowed at levels earlier than secondary general education.

According to part 3 of Art. 17 of the Law, education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right of subsequent passage in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 34 intermediate and state final certification in organizations engaged in educational activities.

The following rule has been established for students in general education programs. Persons mastering the main educational program in the form of self-education or family education, or who studied under an educational program that does not have state accreditation, have the right to externally pass intermediate and state final attestation in an organization that carries out educational activities according to the corresponding educational program that has state accreditation. These persons who do not have a basic general or secondary general education are entitled to pass externally an intermediate and state final attestation in an organization carrying out educational activities according to the corresponding state-accredited basic general education program, free of charge. To pass certification, such persons are enrolled in an educational organization as external students. When passing certification, external students use the academic rights of students in the relevant educational program.

In fact, this means that the public authority assumes the obligation to provide free certification for students mastering general education programs, in whatever form they study. With regard to the paid certification for those who are mastering professional educational programs, the issue is currently debatable, since, on the one hand, there is no indication of free of charge for such persons in the above article, on the other hand, Art. 58 of the Law prohibits charging a fee for passing an intermediate certification.

Part 5 Art. 41 of the Law on Education establishes that for students who are mastering basic general education programs and in need of long-term treatment, educational organizations are created, including sanatoriums, in which the necessary medical, rehabilitation and recreational activities are carried out for such students. The education of such children, as well as children with disabilities who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations, can also be organized by educational organizations at home or in medical organizations. The basis for organizing training at home or in a medical organization is the conclusion of a medical organization and a written request from parents (legal representatives).

Homeschooling is neither a form of education nor a form of learning. This is training in an educational organization in an appropriate (for example, full-time) form of training, which is not organized on the territory of this organization. It takes place either at the student's home or in a medical organization. But despite the actual place of study, it is the study in this educational organization, the student is enrolled there as a student, has all the rights and obligations of the student for the entire time of mastering the educational program.

  • See, for example: GEF higher education in the direction of preparation 44.04.01 Pedagogical education (master's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 11/21/2014 No. 1505.
  • See, for example: Federal State Educational Standard of higher education in the specialty 31.08.65 Thoracic surgery (the level of training of highly qualified personnel), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 26.08.2014 No. 1108.

The law is called "Forms of education and forms of education", and says that in the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations engaged in educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

The forms of education are education in an organization that carries out educational activities, or outside such an organization (in two different versions - family and self-education).

Accordingly, the forms of education are: full-time, part-time, part-time, family education and self-education.

The classification of forms of education and forms of education is a relatively new phenomenon for Russian education. We note in particular that The law does not give preferences to any of the forms, they are all equal. In this sense, Russian legislation is one of the most liberal, if we compare the regulation of these issues, for example, with European and other foreign countries, where often general education is either obligatory obtained in an educational organization, or other forms of education are discriminated against.

In our country, the forms of education are equal, children who have mastered the educational program of the corresponding level of general education have equal rights, including the right to undergo a final certification confirming the fact of mastering the program, which subsequently gives the right to access other levels of education.

Such a solution provides opportunities for a significant variation in the content of education. Family education and self-education make it possible to achieve results fixed by the relevant standard, with the maximum consideration of the interests, characteristics of the student, his inclinations, health status, etc. In fact, the recognition of equality in the forms of education means ample opportunities for families to organize the education of their children in the way that seems optimal to them.

The choice of the form of education and the form of education for their children is carried out by parents (until they reach the age of majority or until they receive basic general education). Besides that Part 4 Art. 17 Federal Law No. 273-FZ allows a combination of various forms of education and forms of education. There are many possible combinations. It is also illegal to refuse to choose a combination of forms of education.

At the same time, it seems that such an opportunity should be realized through such a tool as training according to an individual curriculum. The choice by parents, for example, of the form of education in the form of training in an educational organization, but at the same time, studying, for example, the Russian language and literature in the form of family education, is extremely difficult to implement in the aspect of formalizing a state (municipal) assignment educational institution, as well as calculating the standard costs for such a "truncated" service. In this sense, the implementation of an individual curriculum is technically much easier to design. Forms of education and forms of education for the main educational program for each level of education are determined by the relevant federal state educational standards, unless otherwise provided by the Law. The forms of training for additional educational programs are determined by the organization carrying out educational activities independently, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the standard should determine for each level of education whether it can be obtained in an organization carrying out educational activities and outside such organizations, and whether it can be obtained in various forms: full-time, part-time, part-time.

For general education, these issues are specified, including in the law itself. HF 2 tbsp. 63 of the Law states that general education can be obtained in organizations engaged in educational activities, as well as outside organizations engaged in educational activities, in the form of family education. Secondary general education can be obtained in the form of self-education. Thus, a form of self-education is not allowed at levels earlier than secondary general education.

According to Part 3 Art. 17 of the Law, education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right of subsequent passage in accordance with part 3 of Article 34 the law of intermediate and state final certification in organizations engaged in educational activities.

The said third part establishes the following. Persons mastering the main educational program in the form of self-education or family education, or who have studied according to an educational program that does not have state accreditation, have the right to externally pass an intermediate and state final certification in an organization that carries out educational activities according to the corresponding state-accredited educational program. These persons who do not have a basic general or secondary general education are entitled to pass externally an intermediate and state final certification in an organization carrying out educational activities according to the corresponding state-accredited basic general education program, free of charge. When passing certification, external students use the academic rights of students in the relevant educational program.

In fact, this means that the public authority assumes the obligation to provide free certification for students mastering general education programs, in whatever form they study. Those who study in the form of family education or self-education will be enrolled in organizations that carry out educational activities according to the relevant state-accredited basic general education program for the period of certification, and will pass it free of charge. At the moment, this is exactly what the law understands as an external student - persons enrolled for certification are considered external students. External study is neither a form of education (there are two of them - in an organization, or outside it, as a family education or self-education), nor a form of education (full-time, part-time, part-time). External - a person who, studying in the form of family education or self-education, is enrolled in an organization to pass an intermediate or final certification. Actually, external study is a form of certification in an educational organization, when the education itself was received in a different form (in the family or independently).

In this aspect, the law equates those children who study according to an educational program that does not have state accreditation to persons mastering the main educational program in the form of self-education or family education.

When passing certification, external students use the academic rights of students in the relevant educational program.