Destruction of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Destruction of the honest trees of the life-giving cross of the lord

Save, Lord, Thy people and bless Thy heritage, giving victories to resisting and preserving Thy Annaya with Your Cross your residence. (Troparion, voice 1)

Ascended to the Cross by the will, grant your generosity to your new habitation, Christ God, make us glad with your power, giving us victories to adversaries, an aid to those who have your weapon of peace an invincible victory (Kontakion, voice 4)

Thy cross, Lord, sanctify, in it there are healings for the weak in sin, for its sake we fall down Ti, have mercy on us (Sedalen voice 6)

The Feast of the Origin (or Passage) of the venerable trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord was established in Constantinople. In the Greek book of hours, the tradition of carrying out a part of the Lord's Cross is explained as follows: “Due to illnesses that very often happened in August, it has long been established in Constantinople to carry the Honorable Tree of the Cross to roads and streets to consecrate places and avert illnesses. On the eve, July 31st, having worn it out from the royal treasury, they put it on St. meal of the Great Church (Sofia). From now on, until the Dormition of the Theotokos, litias were performed throughout the city and the cross was offered to the people for worship. This is the pre-descent (προοδοσ) of the Holy Cross. "

The very word "origin" (and in the exact translation "pre-descent") means "carrying in front", "procession with the cross" or "procession of the cross". To heal from diseases, people kissed the Cross, drank the water consecrated by it.

There is one more reason for the establishment of the holiday. In 1164, the Greek king Manuel opposed the Saracens, on the same day the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky spoke out against the Bulgarians. On the campaign, the prince took the holy Cross of the Lord and the icon of the Mother of God, which were carried by the priests in front of the voyk, performing prayers and sprinkling blessed water warriors.

The Lord granted victory to the Greek tsar and the Russian prince. Both, armed with a shield of faith, and not only with spears and swords, in addition to victory, received another sign of God's blessing: from the icon of the Mother of God with the Christ Child, light poured out in the form of a radiant radiance that fell on all his army. A similar phenomenon from the icon of the Mother of God was observed by Tsar Manuel with his army. The prince and the king learned about the wonderful grace of the Lord, simultaneously poured out on both. After consulting with the bishops, it was decided to establish a feast for the Lord and His Most Pure Mother on August 1.

The holiday is dedicated to the Cross, the Feat of the Cross of the Savior. Hence the name - Spas. He is called the First Savior, as he is the first among the close in time holidays dedicated to the Savior. It is followed by the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the feast of the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

According to custom, in churches, in addition to the consecration of water, honey is consecrated. Believers bring honey as a sign that the first harvest is to God. Consecrating the honey of the first honey harvest, people received a blessing for the entire harvest. According to tradition, some of the honey remained in the church, and some were given to the poor. There is even an expression: "On the First Savior and the beggar will try honey!" Hence the name of the First Savior - "honey".

Origin of the Honorable Trees
Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

The Feast of the Passing of the Honorable Cross was established on August 1 (August 14, n.s.) in Greece by Patriarch Luke of Constantinople under Tsar Manuel, and in Russia by Metropolitan Constantin Nestor of Kiev, Bishop of Rostov, under Grand Duke Andrei Yurievich.

The reason for its establishment was as follows. Tsar Manuel and Prince Andrew, who were in peace and brotherly love among themselves, happened on the same day to go to war: the first from Constantinople to the Saracens, and the second from Rostov to the Bulgarians. The Lord God gave them complete victory over their enemies. When Andrew went to war, he had the custom of taking with him an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos holding in his arms the Eternal Child, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the image of the honest Cross of Christ, which was carried among the army by two priests. Just before the performance, he lifted up fervent tearful prayers to Christ and the Mother of God and communed with the Divine Mysteries of Christ. He armed himself with this invincible weapon more than with swords and spears, and hoped for the help of the Most High than for the courage and strength of his army, knowing well the saying of David: He does not look at the strength of a horse, He does not favor the speed of human feet; The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who trust in His mercy (Psalm 146: 10-11). The prince also encouraged his soldiers to pray by the example of his own reverent prayers, and by direct command, and everyone, having fallen on their knees, prayed with tears before the icon of the Most Pure Theotokos and the honest Cross of Christ. After earnest prayer, everyone kissed the holy icon and the honest Cross and went fearlessly against the enemies: the Lord helped them with the power of the cross and the Most Pure Theotokos helped them, interceding for them before God.

Constantly keeping this custom before every battle, Grand Duke He did not betray him before the battle against the Bulgarians: he went out, having, like Tsar Constantine in ancient times, in front of the army the Cross of the Lord. Having entered the field, the Russian army put the Bulgarians to flight and, pursuing them, captured five cities; among them was the city of Bryakhimov on the Kama River. When they returned to their camp after the battle with the unbelievers, they saw that from the icon of the Mother of God with the Christ Child, light rays, like fiery ones, were emanating, shining the entire army; it was on the first day of August. The marvelous spectacle aroused the spirit of courage and hope in the Grand Duke even more, and he again turned his regiments in pursuit of the Bulgarians; he burned most of their cities, placing tribute on the surviving ones, and devastated the whole land, after this victory the grand duke returned home triumphantly.

The Greek king Manuel, who went out with his army against the Saracens, on the same day saw a similar miracle - the departure from the icon of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Savior, who was with the honest Cross among the army, overshadowing the entire regiment, and on that day he defeated the Saracen.

The tsar and prince reported, giving glory to God, with special messages to each other about the victories won with the help of God and about the miraculous radiance emanating from the icon of the Savior. In consultation with the oldest bishops, as a token of gratitude to Christ the Savior and His Most Pure Mother, they established a feast on the first day of August. In remembrance of the power of the cross, armed with which they defeated the enemies, they ordered the priest to wear the honest Cross from the altar and put it among the church for worship and kissing by Christians and for glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. In addition, the bishops ordered the consecration of water on this day, which is why the holiday got its name - the carrying of the honest Cross, because the honest Cross is solemnly carried along with other holy icons to rivers, wells and springs.

Standing on a strictly defined historical ground, it should be noted that on the first of August, the Orthodox Church celebrates two celebrations, different in origin: 1) the origin of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord, and 2) the feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos. In the Greek Book of Hours, ed. 1897, this is how the origin of the first holiday is explained: “due to illnesses that very often occurred in August, the custom of wearing an honest tree of the cross on roads and streets for the consecration of places and for the aversion of illnesses was established in Constantinople from ancient times. The day before (July 31 st. Art.), Having worn it out from the royal treasury, they put it at the holy meal of the great church (i.e. St. Sophia), From this day on until the Assumption of the Virgin, making litias throughout the city, they offered it later people to worship. This is the origin (prуodos) of the honest Cross. " On August 14, the Cross returned to the royal chambers again. “This custom, in conjunction with another custom of Constantinople - to consecrate water in the court of Constantinople church on the first day of each month (excluding January, when consecration is performed on the 6/19, and September, when it was performed on 14/27), and served as the basis for the holiday in honor of St. and the life-giving Cross and the solemn consecration of water at the springs, which takes place on August 1/14 ". Already in the IX century. there was this custom of carrying the honest tree from the royal chambers to the church of St. Sofia before 1/14 August; the canon for the forefeast of the Cross on July 31 st. Art., written for the present case (the canon begins with the words: Divine Forefront Cross) is attributed to George, bishop. Amastrvdsky, who lived in the VIII century and twice was in Constantinople. In the Rite of the Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus (912-959) there are detailed rules when to take the Cross out of the chamber before August 1/14, depending on which day of the week this number falls. In Russia, until the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th centuries, when the Studite charter reigned, neither July 31, nor August 1 there was any service to the Cross, which appears in the XIV-XV centuries. with the introduction of the Jerusalem charter. The Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established in Greece and Russia approx. 1168 in memory of signs from the honest icons of the Savior and the Mother of God during the battles of the Greek king Manuel (1143-1180) with the Saracens and the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Bulgarians in 1164.


Kontakion 1

To the chosen King of Glory and consecrated by the death of the Cross of the Redeemer of the world, miraculous power to the tree that has, let us make faithful praise and joyfully cry out:

Ikos 1

Angelic powers, like God's servants, around the Lord's Cross invisibly coming, terrifying, and blaspheming on earth the death of Jesus in heaven, singing; we, unworthy, were sanctified by the sign of the Honest Cross of the Lord, we joyfully cry out:

Rejoice, honest Tree, consecrated by the blood of the God-man;
Rejoice, honest Tree, glorified by the obedience of Christ.
Rejoice, honest Tree that freed us from hell;
Rejoice, honest Tree, the deposition of the devil.
Rejoice, honest Tree, proclamation of the power of Jesus;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Thee, hanging on the Cross, all the Forces of Heaven, covering their faces, praising and singing Thy greatness, Life-Giving Christ; we are, on earth, with fear and trembling before Thy Holy Cross standing, we sing joyfully the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Unreasonable mind, wonderfully enlightened by the sign of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, with fear and love worships the holy Tree and ceaselessly sings the song:

Rejoice Honest Cross Christ, raising from the dead;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, manifesting the truth.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, on it Jesus was crucified by will and was nailed down with nails;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, on it the Holy Sacrifice has been brought.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, Omnipotent Tree;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, demons are deposed, our unclean life is purified, sinful thoughts are driven away, our heart is illuminated with purity; For this sake, making the sign of the cross with faith and looking with reverence at the image of the sufferings of Christ, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having always before our eyes the Holy Cross, which overshadows and sanctifies the holy churches of Christianity, guarding the holy shrine of the Lord, we sing to this with tears of thanksgiving:

Rejoice, honest Tree, source of eternal blessings;
Rejoice, honest Tree, consecrated with the flesh and blood of the God-man.
Rejoice, honest tree, miraculous tree;
Rejoice, honest Tree, Treasured Tree.
Rejoice, honest Tree, Tree of life and salvation;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 4

The Holy and All-Honorable Cross of Christ is powerful to quench the storm of fierce passions, that is the spiritual sword, the shield of the faithful, the all-powerful weapon and the all-conquering sign, for this sake we are unworthy in joy crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the teaching of Christ, we believe in the mystery of salvific redemption, we worship the passion of Christ, we kiss the Almighty Cross and joyfully cry out to the face:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, extinguishing the flame of fury;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, defeating the apostates.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who defeated the hordes of the enemy;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who cut off the head of the serpent.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, triumph of the faith and hope of Christians;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 5

The God-given source of healings has become for us the Miraculous Cross, on it Christ, by the will of our suffering for the sake of salvation, and spread His Divine hands, with the love of the Father from Calvary, embracing the whole universe, for this sake we cry out to Him, our God, a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen all the pagans the greatness of the glory of the Cross of the Lord and the miraculous power of its image and sign, believing in the Holy, Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity and bowing to the All-Honorable Cross, for this sake we cry out joyfully:

Rejoice, honest Tree, who, by her strength, teaches us for good;
Rejoice, honest Tree, by its power heals us from diseases.
Rejoice, honest Tree, with your glory turning all the enemies of power into flight;
Rejoice, honest Tree, glorifying the crowned kings with its glory.
Rejoice, honest Tree, whose majesty exalts their kingdom;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption will be performed

Kontakion 6

The God-bearing preacher is an honest Tree, from which the Cross of Christ was built, the Cross is four-pointed, three-part, its earth miraculously grow imperishable and fragrant. The cross is the cover of the helpless, on it Christ was slain by will. To him, the Savior of the world, we bring a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou art shone like the sun of righteousness, the All-Honorable Cross of Christ, hidden in the depths of the earth, for several centuries with soulless stones, like a treasure saved and found for the joy of the whole world, to Him with a loud cry:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, found by the prayers and diligence of the pious Queen Helena;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, raised to the height by Patriarch Macarius for solemn worship by all heathens.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, shame of idolatry and unbelief;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who has called detractors to repentance.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for you are the Miraculous and Christ-bearing Tree;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 7

Although His Savior of the world shows mercy to the human race, accepts reproach by will, is condemned to a shameful death, is nailed to the Cross and tramples death on the cross, so more we sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A wondrous spectacle is worldly: the God-man is crucified, hands and nose are nailed, His ribs are pierced, His sufferings and humiliation cleanse the wounds of sinful humanity. The Cross of Christ is a triumphant sign of the Glory of God; For this sake, we call out to sit:

Rejoice, honest Tree, image of humility;
Rejoice, honest Tree, praise of the apostles.
Rejoice, honest Tree, of the saints affirmation;
Rejoice, honest Tree, martyrs of the fortress.
Rejoice, honest Tree, fence of the desert-dwellers;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 8

A strange miracle! The shameful cross has turned into the Tree of life and salvation, that boo enlightens, sanctifies and heals from mental and physical illnesses with faith and love those who are constantly crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All our sinful life is purified by the Miraculous Cross of the Savior of the world, which served to reconcile the Divine with criminal humanity, for this sake we gratefully cry out:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, showing us the love and longsuffering of God;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for it be the calling of tongues.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, the manifestation of goodness to the auspicious;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, depth of hope for souls who love the Lord.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, strength and joy of all Christians;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 9

Every storm of life is crushed by the power of the suffering of the God-man Jesus, who redeemed the whole world, so much more we, honoring the All-Honorable Cross of the Lord, a holy sign, humbly bring a joyful song to God of love and glory: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The fluttering tongue cannot bend the praise worthy of the All-Honorable Tree, from which the Miraculous Cross of Christ is made up, fragrant with the love of the sufferer Jesus Christ, for this sake we, wondering to praise Thee worthily, cry out with tears:

Rejoice, honest Tree, the triumph of the Church of Christ;
Rejoice, honest Tree, our medicine and joy.
Rejoice, honest Tree, sanctification of all the ways of our life;
Rejoice, honest Tree, help to all Christians.
Rejoice, honest Tree, strength and strength of all the weak;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 10

To save the world, Christ has lifted His most pure hand to the Tree and the tree of disobedience will be replaced by the Tree of the Sonship to God the Father of obedience, the hand of intemperance that overthrew Adam, with the outstretched arms of the God-man, connects with His love all the ends of the world; all the more so we solemnly cry out the victory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art wall, protecting us from all troubles and misfortunes, the Honorable Cross, celibate, the source of all languages, overshadowed by your holy sign in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for this, for the sake of joy, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, stained with the blood of the God-man;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, fragrant with heavenly flowers.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, illuminating us with rays of faith;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, which supports us with rays of hope.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, which enriches us with the rays of love;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 11

We bring praiseworthy singing to you, the Divine, Life-giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord, overshadowing the faithful, denouncing the unfaithful and protecting us all from every enemy and adversary, for this, for the sake of crying out a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Singing your miracles, the Almighty Cross of Christ, with faith and thanksgiving we bow the knees of our heart, with tears we kiss the holy noses of the sufferer Jesus, we worship the passion of Christ and so cry:

Rejoice, honest Tree, immutable scepter of Christian kings;
Rejoice, honest Tree, ruler of the entire universe.
Rejoice, honest Tree, foundation of piety;
Rejoice, honest Tree, sanctification of the waters.
Rejoice, honest Tree, fruitful fields and gardens;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 12

Your omnipotent grace, Lord, reveals to us the Treasured Tree, which overshadows our mind, enlightens and teaches Petit to ceaselessly the victory song: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

The Honest Cross was erected on Mount Golgotha, and You, the Creator of the world, were lifted up on it as if to the disgrace of the world, but we, faithful, kiss Your most pure ulcers, worship Your Honest Cross, crying out:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, ordained by God for the sacrament of redemption;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for you are the joyful sign of our salvation.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, the sign of our liberation;
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, mortification of our passions.
Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, peace of our conscience;
Rejoice, honest Tree, on it the sacrament of universal redemption has been performed.

Kontakion 13

O Most Honorable, Divine and Life-giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord! With your miraculous power, protect me, a sinner, overshadowing with faith my forehead and my Persian and all my compositions and udas with your holy sign in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for the glory of the Holy Trinity, in the Glorified Unit, and gratefully singing Allya a victory song: ...

(This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion)


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, Creator of heaven and earth, Savior of the world! Se I am unworthy and most sinful of all, humbly bowing my knee of my heart before the glory of Thy Majesty, I sing and magnify Thy immeasurable suffering, and I offer thanks to Thee, the King of all and God, as if you had deigned to be cast from the heavenly Throne of Thy and incarnate from Mary of the Most Holy for the salvation of mankind: the incorporeal, the fleshly nature of the Divine you copulated. You are rich, you have become impoverished by will, but enrich man in Your Kingdom. Work and all kinds of human troubles, like a man, you have borne yourself, and you help everyone in all sorts of sorrows and needs. Fasting for four days, you showed everyone the way to abstinence. Thou wast tempted by the scoring of the wicked, rescuing all from all temptations. Wem, the omnipotent Master, as if all this was obscene to you, but for the sake of human salvation you endured everything: you were betrayed for thirty pieces of silver, but redeem a man from the fierce work of the enemy; from unmerciful Jews, like a gentle Lamb, you were abducted, the human race from the absorption of the mental wolf, plucking out; Thou didst appear at the trial before Anna and Caiaphas, taking everyone away from the condemnation of the eternal fire; bound, reviled, spat upon, slandered from false witnesses and condemned you to abhorrent death, freeing man from all misfortune, torment and eternal death; You were betrayed to Pilate, having done no evil, and you were sent to Herod, and the packs were mocked, delivering a person from the evil of the situation and rescuing them from the mockery of the enemy. What will I repay You, Master of Man-loving, for all that I have endured for the sake of a sinner? We do not know, the soul and body and all that is good from You are, and all mine are Yours, and I am Yours. Exactly to Thy infinite mercy, Merciful Lord, hoping, I sing Thy ineffable longsuffering, I magnify Thy inscrutable look, I praise Thy immeasurable mercy, I bowed down to my image for the sake of the condemned, so I will be justified. To the pillar, Savior, is tied and without mercy Bien, merciful, permit me, I pray, from my sins; crowned with thorns, rooting out sinful thorns of my soul; with the reed of bien on the head, crush the head of the serpent that bites me with the sting of sin; in a crimson robe, sheathed and betrayed by the tormentor, enlighten me, the Most Holy King, a garment of the soul, so I will enter Thy all-red palace; with robbers imputed and the Cross carried on Your frame, the enemy's robber, seeking to kill my soul, with Your cross of living. Wem Thee, Jesus is long-suffering, fiercely wounded, from the top of Your holy head, even to the foot of your scabbard, there is no place in You intact. What, then, shall I utter about Thy ineffable love for mankind, Christ the Savior? Precisely in contrition of my heart, bowing to Your Most Pure Passion and kissing you with all kindness, crying out: have mercy on me, a sinner. On the Cross, you willed to be nailed, with Thy commandment my heart: erected with the Cross on Mount Calvary, raise my thoughts to heaven, but I always wisdom from above; I was filled with gall with otstom, my heart grieved by sin, delight with Thy love, and thirsty with a stream of Thy sweetness; Thy hand, most pure, open to the acceptance of all, accept me a sinner; Nose are nailed to the one, although there are always sinners to be, wake a sinner with me, forbidding my feet from every evil way; Having an open heart, show me Your grace, a sinner; bowed down the holy head on the Cross, hear my unworthy prayer. Oh, wonderful and immeasurable depth of mercy, Christ God! Praying for your enemies to God the Father, grant me this grace to a sinner, love my enemies and pray for them; Opened paradise to the repentant thief, behold, My Light, a sinner on me, give repentance, and open the doors of Thy mercy with me, and remember me unworthy in Thy Kingdom. Finally, Thy Holy Spirit, surrendered in the hand of God the Father, accept, the Creator, my spirit at the time of my death. Removed from the Cross and laid as if dead in the grave, Savior, alive in the unapproachable light, take from me a heavy sinful burden, and do not despise, Human loving, settle into the grave of my unworthy heart, to mortify my fleshly wisdom. As if not for myself, Thy mortal creature, but Thou, Lord and my God, living, Thy, O All-merciful, mercy, I will be worthy to see You, my Creator and Savior, for accepting the death of the cross, the glory and honor of the crowned, in the light of Thy inviolable glory , where with Thy Originless Father, and with Thy Most Holy and Life-giving and Consubstantial Spirit, reign before ever, now and ever, and forever and ever.


O All-Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, sanctified by the Blood of Christ our God! You are the sign of victory against our enemies, visible and invisible. You Imashi will appear at the hour of the Terrible Judgment of Christ. I humbly bow to you, honestly touch and kiss thee kindly, bringing this prayer to the Crucified one on you, may heal me with His power in you from all mental and physical ailments, and keep visible and invisible from enemies, and put it on the right hand without condemnation. Hey, Holy Life-giving Cross! On Thee, Savior, dying for dead sins of men, emit His spirit like a man, pour out blood and water, and these three are one, even more than all is needed, salvation has made us, to the glory of the source of the waters of the living God the Father, to Himself, from God the Son is incarnate with the blood of the Virgins, and God the Holy Spirit, which revives the human spirit, glorify Ikhzhe Triekh in one Deity and help me from the water of baptism with a perceived blameless faith, in the communion of the Flesh and Blood of the Lord with an unreasonable hope, and in repentance with a broken spirit and love , yes, this is not only in this life deplorable, as if the water is flowing, but in the future blessed belly I will glorify the Lord, with the aid of your strength, the Cross is treasured, and I will worship Him with the very sight of the faithful, with the obsession of the hopeful and enjoyment of the beloved, who is glorified in the Trinity in endless eyelids of centuries.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, Creator of heaven and earth, Savior of the world! I am unworthy and most sinful of all, humbly bowing my knee of my heart to the glory of Your majesty, I sing the Cross and Your sufferings, and I offer thanks to You, the King of all and God, as you have deigned to do all the work and all troubles, adversity and torment as a person to bear, yes to all of us in all sorrows, needs and anger, you will be a compassionate helper and savior. Wem, Omnipotent Master, as if you didn’t need all this, but human for the sake of salvation, but redeem us all from the fierce work of the enemy, you endured the Cross and sufferings. What will I repay you, Human-loving, about all, even if you suffered for me for the sake of a sinner? We do not know: the soul and body and all that is good from You are, and all mine are Yours, and I am Yours. To your innumerable, Merciful Lord, hoping for mercy, I sing Your ineffable longsuffering, I magnify the inscrutable exhaustion, I glorify Your immeasurable mercy, I bow to Your Most Pure Passion, and kiss Your ulcers with all kindness, cry out: have mercy, have no mercy on me. I have Thy Holy Cross, but may I commune here with faith through Thy suffering, I will be honored to see the glory of Thy kingdom in heaven.


I thank Thee, Lord, King of all, reigning in heaven and earth and hell. I thank Thee, Beginningless, Almighty King Almighty. I thank Thee, All-merciful, All-merciful, erring Mentor, descended to earth from heaven and incarnated from the Virgin Mary, for our salvation, and the former God and man is like me, except for passions and every sin, not by a ghost, but by truth impassive unrighteousness from the wicked sufferer, but give me dispassion to the one condemned for my many sins. I sing Thy ineffable longsuffering, Lord. I magnify Thy inscrutable gaze, I praise Thy immeasurable mercy, bow down to your image, you have justified me who was condemned. I bow to Thy passion, in the image of the most dishonest and most honorable passions. I kiss Your Cross, for you have condemned my sin, and you have freed me from mortal condemnation. I kiss the nails of these, in the image of an oath I have consumed a prohibition. I kiss the ulcers, in the image of my hearing, healed ulcers. A whole cane, with it you also signed freedom and with it the obstinate serpent hurt your head. A whole copy, my handwriting tore apart and opened the source of immortality. I kiss the lip, watered with otsta and brought to Thy purest by the mouth, with it, pretend to be bitter into sweet from my listening. O immeasurable depth of Thy mercy, Christ our Savior! The same humbly with thanks to Ti we fall, and to Thy Life-giving Cross, whom you saved from the work of the enemy, we kindly bow. We confess that You are one Holy One, one Strong and one Life-Giver, and I will apply my will to all Imashi. By You, Lord, a fortress is given to the devil and his army, and we glorify You, with Your Beginning Father, and with Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.


May God be resurrected, and let them scatter against Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear; as if wax melts from the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross ( overshadow myself godfather a sign), and in the joy of those who say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of the prophesied Lord Jesus Christ on you, the devil who has descended into hell and has corrected the power, and who has given us His Honorable Cross to drive out every adversary. Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.


Troparion, voice 1

Save, Lord, Thy people and bless Thy property, giving victories to the resistance and preserving Thy residence with Thy Cross.

Kontakion, voice 4

Glory, and now:Having ascended to the Cross by the will, the same name of Your new habitation, giving Your generosity, Christ God, make us glad with Your power, giving us victories for comparison, an aid to those who have Yours, the weapon of the world, an invincible victory.


(On the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord)

Voice 6

The beginning of the canon

Through the prayers of the saints, our Father, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfill everything, the treasure of the good and the giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all defilement, and save our souls, Beloved.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (It is read three times, with the sign of the cross and bows in the waist.)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquity; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed your name yes come Your kingdom Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

(The layman after the "Our Father" says the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen."

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory, and now.

Come, let us worship our Tsar God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down on Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down on Christ Himself, the Tsar and our God. (Bow)

Psalm 142

Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in Thy truth, hear me in Thy righteousness, and do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, for everyone who lives will not be justified before Thee. As if the enemy chased my soul, humbled my belly to eat into the ground, planted me to eat in dark, as if dead centuries. And despondency in me is my spirit, in me my heart is perturbed. I remember the days of old, who have learned in all Your works, have learned Your hand in Your creation. My hand ascends to Thee, my soul is like a waterless land for Thee. Hear me soon, Lord, my spirit disappear, do not turn your face away from me, and I will become like those who descend into the pit. I hear Thy mercy do me in the morning, as in Thy hopes. Tell me, Lord, the way I will go, as if I would take my soul to You. Take me away from my enemies, O Lord, I have come to You. Teach me to do Thy will, as Thou art my God. Your good Spirit will guide me to earth right. For Thy name's sake, Lord, live me with Thy righteousness, take away my soul from sorrow, and with Thy mercy consume my enemies and destroy all my cold soul, as I am Thy servant.

Glory, and now.

Hallelujah, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, God. (Three times)

Lord have mercy (12 times) Glory, and now.

Verse 1:Confess the Lord, as it is good, as in the age of His mercy.

Chorus: God is the Lord and appear to us, blessed is the One Coming in the name of the Lord.

Verse 2:You have made use of me and resisted them in the name of the Lord.

God is the Lord and appear to us, blessed is the One Coming in the name of the Lord.

Verse 3:I will not die, but I will live and we will tell the works of the Lord.

God is the Lord and appear to us, blessed is the One Coming in the name of the Lord.

Verse 4:The stone, which did not respect the building, was at the head of the corner, from the Lord was this and is wondrous in our heads.

God is the Lord and appear to us, blessed is the One Coming in the name of the Lord.

Song 1

Irmos:As if Israel had walked on dry land, with the feet of the abyss, seeing the persecutor of Pharaoh being drowned, we sing the victory song to God, crying out.


I bow down to the cross of those who are faithful to salvation, and kiss me warmly, and embracing the cry: Christ's all-blessed tree, enlighten my soul and mind, I pray.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Appear victoriously on the passions and demons, today is the sign of the Cross. The same, faithfully, all lightly enlightened souls, now we kiss.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

The Radiant Cross shines with radiance, the Honest Cross and enlightens the faithful worshiping Him today, sanctifying our souls and bodies.

Glory:The Life-giving Cross is present, and behold, it sends forth a light-like dawn of grace; let us approach and receive enlightenment, gladness, and salvation, and forsakenness, bringing praise of the Lord.

And now:Most Holy Virgin, who gave birth to Christ in the flesh, who suffered us for the sake of the will on the Cross, blessed Thee honestly, save with Thy prayers.

Song 3

Irmos:It is holy, as Thou, O Lord my God, lifted up the horn of Thy faithful, Better, and establishing us on the stone of Thy confession.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

The weapon is ancient, the blessed tree is given to keep, for listening to the primordial Adam. Make this cross a way.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Ochima, with our lips and souls, faces and hearts, let us bow down to all the Holy Cross of the Life-Giver Christ, and the whole world is sanctified.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Temples to God prophetically today, formerly, worshiping the Tree of the Most Holy Cross, and His heirs, with fear of all this we kiss.

Glory:We sing songs to Thee, to the Cross, praying to thy power by faith: make us the nets of the enemy, and guide us to the haven of all salvation, singing Thee.

And now:As a virgin you gave birth to the Son, who was born to you from the Father before ever, without the Mother from God crucified in the flesh, let him save sin first.

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Sedalen, voice 6

Thy Cross, O Lord, be sanctified, in it there are healings for the weak in sin. For his sake, we fall. Tee, have mercy on us.

Song 4

Irmos:Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, calling out from the meaning is pure, celebrating in the Lord.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

May joy sprinkle the whole earth, may the oak trees rejoice, today they are deified by the all-honorable Cross, with a shining end.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Showing organ of mortification, life-giving world, victorious weapon invincible, glorious Cross, enlighten our hearts.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

You are the Divine victory, You are the creation of our salvation, You are the faithful reconciliation, and the Divine sacrifice, O all-honorable Cross, singing to sanctify Thee.

Glory:The sky of the whole earth will rejoice: passion-bearers, martyrs, apostles, the souls of the righteous rejoice now, and everything is saved by the tree that is visibly present in the midst, and the faithful are sanctified by grace.

And now:Truly, you appeared, truly, you gave birth to the Son of the Highest, on the Cross with a stretched hand, Virgin Mother Mary, and the world who called him.

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

Song 5

Irmos:With Thy light, Better than those who saturate Thy souls with love, I pray, Lead Thy, the Word of God, the true God, calling out from the darkness of sinful.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Let us lift up with joy the blessed Cross, which was offered in churches and cities, and let us bow down, and accept the abandonment of debts.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

The wicked serpent is being killed nowadays, the chief of the darkness, not enduring the radiance, hedgehogs the life-giving Cross, the Divine King, the honest sceptro.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Like the star has shone, and like the beads are splendid, and the shining sun, all the ends of the earth illuminates the earth, the Cross of the Lord, we kiss it too.

Glory:Exclaim the heathens, sing, play the knees, and sing to God who gave the Cross an indestructible affirmation, which is now presented: we rejoice in all faithfulness, for for the sake of good it is acceptable.

And now:The beginning of all faithfulness is leading to Thee's salvation, we bless, Pure: You have given birth to the Flesh before Thou, nailed to the Cross by Thy will.

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

Song 6

Irmos:The sea of ​​life, erected in vain by the storms of misfortunes, to a quiet haven of Thy inflow, cry Ty: lift up my belly from aphids, Most Merciful.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Like a Divine vessel, like a lamp shining in churches today, and in temples and grades, the Cross that is set before us, and we shall sing this, having understood this.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Death is mortified, and decay is mortified, and the demons of the polls run away victorious and terrible this day, the Cross of Christ, which is presented to behold, without daring to touch Him.

Glory:Glorifying Thee of God, and the King, and the Lord, as if Thou gave us the Cross, an indestructible wall. Now we kiss him with joy, and run away from the fierce ones.

And now:With the poison of the serpent, with the food of the great, even in Eden, you anoint yourself: Virgin, having given birth to the Ruler of life, exude incorruption and resurrection to the world.

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

Lord have mercy. (Three times) Glory, and now.

Kontakion, voice 4

Ascended to the Cross by the will, grant Thy generosity to the same name of Thy new habitation, Christ God, make us glad with Thy power, giving us victories for comparison, an aid to those who have Thy, the weapon of peace, an invincible victory.


Even to the third heaven, he was raptured to paradise, and hearing the words ineffable and Divine, their languages ​​do not fly human verbs that Galatom writes, as if the scriptures are read and learned. I, he says, will not be boasting, only in the one Cross of the Lord, on which you suffer, kill the passions. That we also know we hold, the Cross of the Lord, all praise, there is for us this saving Tree, the weapon of the world, an invincible victory.

Canto 7

Irmos:The angel made the angel a reverend youth, while the Chaldeans admonished the scorching command of God, exhorting the tormentor to cry: blessed art thou, God our father.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Let us bow to the Saving Tree, the Most Holy Cross, all the armies of the angels serve it, to be seen, faithful, exuding us with sanctification and life.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

The victorious is the Holy Cross of the Life-Giver of Christ, above all the demons of all, driving away the barbaric vacillation, and showing the winner of our army.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

As if I was animated by Thee, I cry out: My most holy Cross, Thou enlighten my soul, and mind, and hearing, and mouth, and tongue, and breath, and eyes, to the path of the Kingdom of Christ.

Glory:We sing and praise and worship, and magnify Thy, Christ, power, as if we, Thy servant, will give us the Divine Cross, inexhaustible sweetness and storage for our souls and our bodies.

And now:The young men of three caves did not fall, Christmas typifies Yours, for the Divine fire of You did not fall, having dwelt in You, and all taught Petit: blessed be God our father.

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

Canto 8

Irmos:Fear, fear heaven, and let the foundations of the earth move: behold, the Living one is imputed to the dead in the highest, and the coffin is small strangely accepted. Bless his youths, priests, sing, people, exalt for all eternity.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Sometimes, as a representative of Jacob, put your hands on your grandchildren without fail, and blessing them, teaching grace to the town: young people, bless, priests, sing praise, people, exalt Him forever.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Oh, Thy ineffable, Christ, the dream, and the ineffable good! Incarnated, and was crucified. Death is the reception, and people decide from the oath, exuding incorruption on the treasured Tree, the glorified Cross of this forever.

Glory:The Holy Cross, Divine victory, the life of the boss, the flattery of the consumer, today let us praise the All-Holy Cross of the Lord, destroyer demons, and barbarians expeller, victorious kings and protectors.

And now:Nailed to Christ by nails, pierced with a spear into the incorruptible ribs, with a cane at the head of the beem, eating bile and seeing, the Virgin cries out: where will Your kindness come, beautiful Word, Glorified more than the sons of men?

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

Canto 9

Irmos:It is impossible to see God as a man; the orders of Angelia do not dare to look at the Worthless; By Thee, O All-Pure, the Word is Incarnate, Himself magnifying, with heavenly howls We please thee.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Corruption from listening to the bull, God's commandments the criminals are, for this reason, death has come by man. Along with immortality, the victorious Cross of Christ flourishes today, we also kiss it.

Glory, Lord, to Thy Honest Cross.

Behold, the Holy Tree, strong hope to the faithful appear, oaths of deliverance, a man of joy, is presented, denouncing the darkness of the chief. To this let us bow to faith with joy.

Glory:The beginning of the blessing, and the assertion of Christians, and the wall, and a firm intercession, and vows of deliverance will appear to us the longed-for tree, an invincible weapon, enlighten and sanctify us, who worship You.

And now:The temple and the door of consecration, the throne of God, the all-light cloud and the candlestick, and the ark of grace, the All-Immaculate, honestly worshiping the image of your honest only-begotten Son, cover and preserve.

Save Thy servant from troubles, Master of the Most Merciful, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, as we zealously run to You, the merciful Master, the Lord Jesus.

End of the canon.

Mistress, accept the prayer of Thy servant and deliver us from all need and sorrow, Thou art, the Mother of God, our weapon and wall, Thou art the intercessor, and we resort to Thee, We call on Thee to prayer, and save us from our enemies. Let us exalt Thy all, the all-blameless Mother of Christ God, South of the fall the Holy Spirit. ( Bow.)

Stichera for the worship of the Cross on the Exaltation, on the Week of the Cross and on the Origin of the Honorable Trees of the Lord's Cross


We worship Thy Cross, O Lord, and we glorify Thy holy resurrection.

Voice 2

Come, faithful, let us bow to the Life-giving Tree, on whom Christ the King of glory has stretched out the will of his hand, lift us up to the first bliss, even before the enemy stole sweetness, cast out from God. Come, faithful, let us bow to the Tree, and we shall be honored by invisible enemies to crush the heads. Come, all the fatherland of languages, let us honor the Cross of the Lord with songs: Rejoice, Cross, complete deliverance of the fallen Adam! You are now kissing Christians with fear, we glorify God who has been nailed to you, saying: Lord, who has been nailed on that, have mercy on us, for he is good and lover of mankind.

Voice 5

Come, people, seeing the glorious miracle, let us bow down to the power of the Cross, like a tree in paradise is death to vegetation, this life is prosperous, the sinless possessor is nailed to the Lord. From Worthless all tongues take incorruption, we call: Whoever abolished death by the Cross and freed us, glory to Thee.

The voice of Thy prophet, Isaiah and David, be fulfilled, O God, saying: All tongues will come, O Lord, and worship before Thee; Behold, people like Thy, Thou art greater, filled with grace in Thy courtyards of Jerusalem. Enduring the cross for us and by Thy resurrection give life, save and be saved.

Voice 6

The fourfold world is being sanctified today, the fourfold raising up to Your Cross, Christ our God, and the horn of faithful Christians is simultaneously ascended. We will crush the horns of the enemies. Thou art great, O Lord, and wonderful in Thy deeds, glory to Thee.

Prophets speak the Holy Tree, foreshadowing, and the oaths of mortal Adam are free of ancient times; but this day we exalt the creature, a voice raises the same voice, asking for rich mercy from God. But one immeasurable Master in benevolence, wake us purification and save our souls.

Voice 8

The voice of Thy prophet Moses, O God, be fulfilled, say: see your belly hanging before your hair. Today the Cross is erected, and the world is freed from flattery, today Christ's resurrection is renewed, and the ends of the earth rejoice, in the cymbals of David you bring a song to You, and saying: Thou hast made salvation in the midst of the earth, God, the Cross and the Resurrection, Thou hast saved them for our sake, Better and Human-loving, Omnipotent Lord, glory to Thee.

Today the Lord of creation and the Lord of glory on the Cross is nailed and pierced in the ribs, tastes bile and otsta, church sweetness, a crown of thorns is imposed, covering the sky with clouds, he will be clothed with desecration, and he will be clothed with a perishable hand, the hand that has created a man, it happens to the splash of bien, wearing the sky accepts clouds, spitting and wounds, reproaches and humiliations, and all endures me for the sake of the condemned One, my Deliverer and God, may he save the world from delusion, as it is benevolent.

Glory, and now:Today, the inviolable being touches me, and suffers from the passion, free me from the passions; Give light to the blind, it spits on the wicked lips; and gives a splash for the captive to the wounds. This pure Virgin and Mother on the Cross see, painfully speaking: alas for Me, My child! what have you done? red as kindness more than anyone else, breathless, unseen, appearing without appearance, lower than kindness; alas for me, my light! I cannot sleep to see You, I am bruised with the womb, and My heart is fiercely weaponized. I sing of Thy passions, I bow down to Thy goodness, longsuffering Lord, glory to Thee.

On August 14 (August 1 according to the Julian calendar), on the first day of the Dormition Lent, the Church celebrates the Origin (wear out) of the Honorable Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. According to the Charter, it refers to small holidays "with praise", but has one day of the forefeast.

The word "origin", or rather translated from Greek, then "pre-descent", that is, "carrying in front", means the procession (procession of the cross) taking place on that day with a part of the original Tree of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. Already in the Rite of the Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenic (912-959) there are detailed rules for the removal of the Honorable Tree from the reliquary, performed before August 14. The Greek Book of Hours of 1897 explains this tradition as follows: “ Due to illnesses, which very often happened in August, the custom has long been established in Constantinople to carry the Honorable Tree of the Cross to the roads and streets to consecrate places and avert illnesses. " This is the “pre-descent” of the Holy Cross. Therefore, the word “wear and tear” was added to the name of the holiday».

The holiday was established in the capital Byzantine Empire Constantinople in the 9th century, and in XII-XIII centuries he was established in all Orthodox churches. In Russia, this holiday appeared with the spread of the Jerusalem charter at the end of the XIV century.

August 14 in Russian Orthodox Church also occurs Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos in memory of the signs from the honest icons of the Savior and the Mother of God during the battles of the Greek king Manuel (1143-1180) with the Saracens and the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky with the Volga Bulgarians in 1164.

Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky ( son of Grand Duke Yuri Vladimirovich and grandson of the glorious Vladimir Monomakh) took on a campaign against the Volga Bulgarians ( Bulgarians, or Bulgars, were called the pagans who lived on the lower reaches of the Volga) the miraculous icon of the Vladimir Mother of God and the Honorable Cross of Christ, before the battle, prayed fervently, asking for the protection and patronage of the Lady. Having entered the field, the Russian army put the Bulgarians to flight and, pursuing them, captured five cities, including the city of Bryakhimov on the Kama River. When they returned to their camp after the battle with the infidels, they saw that from the icon of the Mother of God with the Infant Christ, light rays, similar to fiery ones, emanate, illuminating the entire army. The wondrous sight even more aroused in the grand duke the spirit of courage and hope, and he again, turning his regiments in pursuit of the Bulgarians, pursued the enemy and burned most of their cities, putting tribute on the surviving ones.

On the same day, thanks to the help from above, the Roman emperor Manuel won a victory over the Saracens (Muslims). The Greek emperor Manuel Comnenus, who went out with his army against the Saracens, on the same day saw a similar miracle - the departure from the icon of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Savior, who was with the honest Cross among the army, overshadowing the entire regiment, and on that day he defeated the Saracen.

Tsar Manuel and Prince Andrew, who were in peace and brotherly love among themselves, happened to go to war on the same day: the first from Constantinople against the Saracens, and the second from Rostov against the Volga Bulgarians. The Lord God gave them complete victory over their enemies.

Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky soon learned about the miraculous event in Greece, and the Greek emperor Manuel - about a miracle similar by grace in Russia. Both of them glorified God, and then, after consulting with their bishops and dignitaries, they decided to establish on August 14 feast of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother.

On this holiday, the carrying out of the Cross and worship of it is supposed to be in the temples. According to the rite accepted today in the Russian Church, the small consecration of water on August 14, according to the new style, is performed before or after the liturgy. According to tradition, along with the blessing of water, the blessing of honey is performed.

Kontakion of the Cross of the Lord, Tone 4
Ascended to the Cross by the will, / the same name of your new residence / grant your bounty, Christ God, / make us glad with your power, / giving us victories for adversaries, / assistance to those who have your weapon of peace // invincible victory.

: The origin of the Honorable Trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord; the feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos ( Honey Savior); to the seven martyrs of Macavee. At the all-night vigil, the Cross is brought out for worship, at the liturgy, water and honey are blessed. The troparion is sung to the Cross: Save, O Lord, thy people, and bless thy heritage, giving victories to the resisting, and thy preserving thy dwelling with the Cross.
The origin (wear) of the Honorable Trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord

Vespers and Matins with Doxology
The beginning of the Assumption Lent. The seven martyrs Maccabees: Abim, Antonin, Guria, Eleazar, Eusebone, Alim and Markelles, their mother Solomon and their teacher Eleazar (166 BC). Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos (1164).

Note: Before the beginning of the evening service, the priest will wear out the honest Cross from the vault, place it on the altar on a dish covered with a veil, and decorate the Cross with a wreath of fresh flowers.

VERSES for the Lord I have cried:
Lord, cry out to you, hear me. / Hear me, Lord.
Lord, cry out to you, hear me: / hear the voice of my prayer, / always cry out to you. / Hear me, Lord.
May my prayer be corrected, / like a censer before You, / lifting my hand / is the evening sacrifice. / Hear me, Lord.
[Honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord]:
If the lawlessness is nazrishi, Lord, Lord, who will stand; / as you have cleansing.
During the day, the multitude of the Divine rejoices the faithful: / the Heavenly Cross appears at the ends, / shines on the solid with unapproachable light, / illuminates the air, / and decorates the face of the earth. / sings the church of Christ with the Divine songs, / serves to honor, / from above you observe / the Cross is Divine and most wonderful. / we strengthen him with strength, / let us call the Lord: / calm the world, and enlighten our souls.
In Thy name for Thy patience, O Lord, my soul suffer in Thy word, / my soul trusts in the Lord.
May the creature rejoice and play: / day bo lusta the Cross at the ends with Nebese, / earthly enlightening, / and co-consummated showing waste. / for the day the men rejoice with the angels' faces, / for the scolding environment / The cross is destroyed, / in one all the jave are combined. / the foreshadowing theme more than the sun, / all creation enlightens grace, / and clarifies and saves / truly the one who reads.
From the guard of the morning to the night, from the guard of the morning, may Israel hope in the Lord.
More sunny dawns, / although the world is like an honest scepter, / the king of Christ, / and I will finish showing, / the Divine cross is present clearly at the ends. / you will build a kind of man out of hell, / you have captured hell, / you have brought down the enemy, / you will destroy the demons' pride to the end. / now he manifests the resurrection of salvation, / and saves those who call, / calm the world, and enlighten our souls.
For the Lord has mercy, and He has much deliverance, and He will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.
[Seven Martyrs Maccabees]:
The law of the Upper, the seven pillars is exalted, / torment does not shake: / for the cattle / the persecutor of anger / courageously endured, / the body before the sever, / the blessed youth of the Hebrew brethren, / my brethren.
Praise the Lord, all tongues, praise Him, all people.
More visible / the mind is truly exalted, / the goodness of the flesh is cut off, / of piety and the goodness of the Trinity, / with the mother of God, / great hopes vzhilyaemi, / I already have / I have already gotten it.
As if His mercy was established on us, and the truth of the Lord abides forever.
For spiritual virtue / firmly for oneself armed, / and fierce as prevailed, / against the fighter, very diligent / piety, / and the law of fatherly guardianship, / sacred / most youthful

Saints Maccabees and tormenting glagolah: we, O antiosh, there is one king God, from him that was, and we turn to him: the world waits for in us, seemingly the most exalted, her most grave, and hardest and hardest: Lord, have mercy on them with prayers, and save us.

Whose drevle Moses foreshadowed him, Amalek deposed Wins: David pesnopevets, foot your, crying, klanyatisya povelevashe, honest Thy Cross, O Christ our God, this day sinners bow, oral unworthy thee izvolivshago prigvozditisya on it, we sing we pray: Lord, a robber kingdom give us your honor.

Quiet light of holy glory, / Immortal, Heavenly Father, / Holy Blessed, Jesus Christ. / Having come to the west of the sun, / having seen the evening light, / we sing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God. / You are worthy at all times / there are no voices of the reverend, / Son of God, give your belly, / the same the world glorifies Thee.

Prokemen, voice 1: Your mercy, O Lord, / will marry me all the days of my life.
Poetry: The Lord grazes me, and will deprive me of nothing, in the place of the zlak, there you instilled in me.

Grant, Lord, in this evening we shall be saved without sin. Blessed are you, O Lord, our Father God, and your name is praised and glorified forever. Amen.
Bless, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as trust in Thee. Blessed art thou, Lord, teach me with Thy justification. Blessed art thou, Master, give me reason with Thy justification. Blessed art thou, Holy One, enlighten me with Thy justification.
Lord, Thy mercy forever, despise not Thy hand works. Praise befits you, singing befits you, glory begs for you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Verses on verses:
Cross is Thy Lord,/ life and intercession by Thy people eat, / and hopeful, / I will sing to You, I will eat our God, // have mercy on us.
To Thee have I lifted up my eyes to the One who dwells in Heaven. Behold, you will find slaves in the hand of your masters, as you will find slaves in the hand of your mistress: so ours to our Lord God, / dondezhe will give us.
Thy Cross is Thy Lord, / Paradise is open to humanity, / and from decay I am expelled, / I sing to You, praising the plane of God, // have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, as for much of the humiliation we have done: most of all, our soul will be replenished with the abuse of the gospels: / and the humiliation of the proud.
Suffering you for the sake of Christ, / enduring a lot of torment, / and perfect perception of the crowns in Heaven: // yes they pray for our souls.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The souls of the righteous in the hand of the Lord, as Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, before the law of the forefathers, and the Maccabees of the great-dear, now praised from us: because of the greatness of Abraham and Isaac and Jaacob. Godly brought up, and rightly suffered, the wickedness of the reproach of the proud antiochos: and nothing is preferred over the temporary life of everlasting life, all God has laid down: I feel good, I feel good. O root of godliness, out of it you are vegetation, Maccabees! About the mother of the saint, the birth is the number of the seven months! But Molem you, Maccabees, with your mother Solomon, and the wise priest Eleazar, when you come to Christ God, he labored for his sake, you worked the fruits of you, and you were afraid of him, I am glad ...
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
The voice of your prophet, Moses, O God, be fulfilled, vow: behold your living, hanging before you stripped. Day the Cross is lifted up, and the world is freed from the forest: during the day Christ's Resurrection is renewed, and the ends of the earth rejoice, in Kimvalech David the song brings you goodness and happiness: rejoicing and salvation is resurrection in the midst of the earth salvation Almighty Lord, glory to you.
Now let go of Thy servant, Master, according to Thy word, in peace; as if my eyes saw Thy salvation, Thou hast prepared before the face of all people, light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Thy people Israel.


Save, Lord, your people, and bless your property, granting victories to the resisting, and yours keeping your dwelling with the Cross.

(the light turns off, the six psalms are read: Psalms 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142)

Note: At the end of Vespers, the priest and deacon in vestments approach the altar. The deacon says quietly: "Bless, master." Priest: "Blessed be our God ...". Trisagion. According to "Our Father ..." - the exclamation: "Yours is the Kingdom ...". After the exclamation, they sing (quietly) the troparion of the Cross, voice 1: "Save, Lord, Thy people ...", "Glory, and now" - the kontakion of the Cross, voice 4: "Ascend to the Cross by the will ..." ...
During the singing, the priest takes a dish with the Cross on the head, preceding the candle bearer with a candle and a deacon with a censer, transfers the Cross to the throne and places it in the Gospel place, and the Gospel (usually in advance, before the transfer) delivers it to the high place of the throne, where it is placed after reading at the Liturgy.
A lighted candle on the candlestick is delivered before the throne.

God is the Lord, and appear to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord

Troparion of the Cross of the Lord, Tone 1 (twice):
Diseases of the saints, and what I have suffered about you, I beg you, Lord, and heal all our diseases, humanity, we pray.

Troparion of the Maccabean Martyrs, Tone 1:
Diseases of the saints, and what I have suffered about you, I beg you, Lord, and heal all our diseases, humanity, we pray.

Troparion of the Cross of the Lord (see above)

After kathisma, CANON is read
(in the songs of the canon, read from the beginning of the anointing of parishioners with oil, the meaning and beauty of the events celebrated today by the Church are revealed)

On canon 9: Song of the Most Holy Theotokos:
My soul magnifies the Lord / and my spirit rejoices in the Boz, My Savior.
The most honest Cherubim / and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, /
without the corruption of God the Word who gave birth, / the existing Mother of God, We magnify Thee.
As a lookout for humility, His servants, / behold, from now on they will please Me all the birth.
For make Me greatness Mighty, and holy is His name, and His mercy for generations and generations that fear Him
Create power with your arm, / waste their hearts with pride.
Depose the mighty from the throne, / and lift up the humble one, fill the hungry with blessings, / and release the rich one.
Perceive His child's Israel, / remember mercy, / as a verb to our father, / Abraham and his seed even to the age.

After the canon: VERSES on praises:
Let every breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord from heaven, / praise Him in the highest. / A song to God befits you.
Praise Him, all His angels, / praise Him, all His powers. / A song to God befits you.
Execute judgment in them is written: / This glory will be to all His monastic ones.
[Holy Cross]:
Heavenly procession / The honest cross is prepared for all, / to that worshiping with an unbelievable faith: / and the face of immaterial powers, / who is nailed to it, / combines the love of singing that.
Praise God in His holy saints; / Praise Him in the confirmation of His power.
Trusting in faith to the honest Cross, / upon it, we will sing to the Lord: by beating / speaking together and cleansing the soul, / and by the radiance of this thought we will understand, / praising him.
Praise Him for His power; / Praise Him according to the abundance of His majesty.
The grief of the tree delighting Moses, / save Israel, / the image of the Cross, writing: / we are this in all faith, / secretly and divinely imagining in our hearts, / we are always saved by holding it.
Praise him with a trumpet; / praise him in psalms and gosleh.
Long-suffering mother, having summoned her children for the feat, vowel: Abraham cedine follow, and partake of the sacrifice of Isaac. to the same accepts, instructing, teaching prepossessing, another on the friend of the languor of torment is seen: with prayers, O God, have mercy on us.
Praise Him with the timpan and face, / Praise Him with the strings and organ.
The seven pillars of election, from the single stone of the word, were cut off, unwavering showing the law of the pillars. the same blessing, salvation, our souls will be preserved in the world.
Praise Him in the cymbals of the good-hearted, praise Him in the cymbals of exclamation. / Let every breath praise the Lord.
Like the law, custody, and the sons of Solomon, who are afraid of the judges, to the anti-god who cries out: we, anti-de's, endure the fatherly law. He will not excommunicate us, neither fire, nor sword, nor beast, nor wounds: but together we will die with the old woman, and the teacher of the father, who lives and rejoices in everlasting ages.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Come to the Maccabees, come, let us see the courage of faith: the tormentor is the king, keeping all the tongues, keep from the old man and the children of seven, and one wife. with the same prayers, O God, have mercy on us.
And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
[Holy Cross]:
Allowance, Lord, to subtle David to conquer a foreigner, help our faithful army, and with the weapon of the Cross, put down our enemies. Show me, graciously, on us your ancients of mercy: and let it be true that you are God, and that we hope to be conquered, praying as a rule of the best of your miracles, Mother of God.

Note: Before the singing of the great doxology (usually during the singing of the canon or the praising stichera), the primate wears all the priestly garments.

Great praise:
Glory to Thee, who showed us the light!
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill in men. We praise Thee, bless Thee, bow down, praise Thee, thank Thee great for Thy glory.
Lord, Heavenly King, God, Father Almighty, Lord, the Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Plant the sins of the world, accept our prayer. Sit on the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou art the One Holy; You are the One Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, amen.
All day I will bless You and praise Your name forever, and forever and ever. Grant, Lord, to us to be saved without sin on this day!
Blessed are you, O Lord God our father, and your name is praised and glorified forever, amen.
Bless, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as trust in Thee.
Blessed art thou, Lord, teach me with Thy justification. (three times)
God! Thou art a refuge for us in generation and generation. Az rekh: Lord! have mercy on me, heal my soul, as for those who sinned You.
God! I have come to You: teach me to do Your will, as you are my God, as you have the source of the belly, in your light we will see the light. Add Thy mercy to Thy guides!
(three times)

Glory, and now: Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!

Note: During the singing of the doxology, the primate (dressed in all sacred garments) performs with the deacon three times censing around the throne. At the end of the great doxology, during the singing of the Trisagion, bowing earthly three times, the primate takes the Cross on the head (when singing the final: "Holy God ...") and proceeds (through a high place) through the northern doors (he is preceded by a candle bearer with a candle and a deacon with a censer ) to the royal gates. At the end of the Trisagion, the primate pronounces in the royal doors: "Wisdom, forgive" 1. The singers sing three times the troparion of the Cross, voice 1: "Save, O Lord, Thy people ...". The priest, preceded by the candle-bearer and the deacon, goes to the middle of the church, where he places the Cross on a lectern prepared in advance and performs censing around it three times. The clergy sings three times: "To Thy Cross ..." (each time completing the chant with an earthly bow), the same chant is repeated three times by the singers.

The worship of the Cross is performed, kissing it while singing the stichera:

Voice 2: Come, faith, let us adore the life-giving tree, in Christ the king is glorious, he has extended his hand, lifted us up to the first bliss, even before the enemy (p. 23), exorcising God. Come, faith, we will worship the tree, and we, being able to help the invisible enemies, will crush the heads. Come, all the fatherland of tongues, the Cross of the Lord to the songs of almost: rejoice, Cross, the fallen adam perfect deliverance, for thee most faithful king our praise is praised, I love thy now kissing Christians with fear, we glorify God who has been nailed on you, gloriously: Lord, who has been nailed for this, have mercy on us, for I am blessed and lover of mankind.

Voice 5: See you all creatures on the Cross, hanging on the Cross, the creator and creator of all, changing by fear, and sobbing: the sun darkened the sun, and the earth trembled, the stone dissipated. The deaths were raised from the tombs, and the angels' powers were terrified, glorious. about a miracle! the judge judges, and suffers though for the salvation of the world and renewal.

Voice 8: During the day, the Lord of creation, and the Lord of glory, is nailed on the Cross, and pierced through the ribs! bile and otsta tastes, the sweetness of the church: Wentz from thorns subject: pokryvayay sky clouds, clothing clothe desecration: and buffeted Brenna's hand, the hand of creating man: for pleschema bien happens odevayay sky clouds: zaplevaniya and wounds accept, vilification and zausheniya and all endures me for the sake of the condemned, my deliverer and God, may he save the world from delight, for he is gracious.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
While inviolable to creatures, it touches me, and suffers from passions, free me from passions: give light to the blind, from the wicked mouths it spits on, and splashes captive. this pure virgin and mother on the cross seeing, painfully more important: alas, my chado, what have you done this? a red, kind person, more than all other people, breathless and mindless, appearing without appearance, is lower than kindness. Alas me, my light, I can’t sleep to see you, I am hurt in the morning, and my heart’s fierce weapon passes by: I sing of your passions, I bow down to your goodness, you have patience.

Note: According to the Charter, at matins after the bearing of the Cross, before worshiping it, the blessing of the water is performed, or before the clock and the Liturgy. In practice, it happens that the blessing of water takes place after the Liturgy.

The origin (wear) of the honest trees of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.
The beginning of the Assumption Lent. Seven martyrs Maccabees: Abim, Antonin, Guria, Eleazar, Eusebone, Alim and Markelles, their mother Solomon and their teacher Eleazar (166 BC). Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos.

1st antiphon:
Bless my soul, Lord, Blessed art thou, Lord.
Bless, my soul, the Lord, and all my inner, His holy name.
Bless the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all His rewards.
Cleansing all your iniquities, healing all your ailments.
Thy belly that delivers from decay, crowning thee with mercy and generosity.
Fulfilling your desire for good: your youth will be renewed like an eagle.
The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering and merciful.
Bless, my soul, the Lord, and all my inner life, His holy name.
Blessed art thou, Lord.

2nd antiphon:
Praise, my soul, the Lord.
I will praise the Lord in my belly, I sing to my God, as long as I am.
Do not rely on the princes, on the sons of man, in them there is no salvation.
His spirit will go out and return to his land: on that day all his thoughts will perish.
Blessed is the same God Jacob his helper, his trust in the Lord his God,
created heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them;
keeping the truth in the age, doing judgment to the offended, giving food to the hungry.
The Lord will decide the fettered; The Lord makes the blind men wise;
The Lord raises the overthrown; The Lord loves the righteous;
The Lord protects the strangers, he will receive the sire and the widow, and he will destroy the path of sinners.
The Lord will reign forever. Thy God, Zion, to generation and generation.
Only begotten son And to the Word of God, He is immortal, and who delighted in our salvation for the sake of incarnation from the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, immutably incarnate, God crucified in Christ, right through death, One of the Holy Trinity, glorified by the Father and the Holy Spirit, save us.

In Thy Kingdom, remember us, Lord, when you come in Thy Kingdom.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for those are the Kingdom of Heaven.
The blessedness of crying, for they will be comforted.
The blessedness of crotzia, for they will inherit the earth.
The blesses of hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessedness of mercy, as there will be mercy.
Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
Be blessed to drive out the truth for the sake of those who are the Kingdom of Heaven.
Be blessed, of course, when they revile you, and wear them out, and rekut every evil verb against you, lying to Me for the sake of
Rejoice and be merry, for your wages are much in heaven.

During the Little Entrance with the Gospel:
Come let's bow down and let us fall to Christ.
Save us, Son of God, wondrous in the saints, singing Ti: Alleluia.

Troparion of the Cross of the Lord, voice 1:
Save, Lord, Thy people / and bless Thy property, / giving victories to the resistance / and Thy keeping with Thy Cross the residence.

Troparion of the Maccabean Martyrs, Tone 1:
By the diseases of the saints, by the image of you who will suffer, / beseechfully awake, Lord, / and heal all our diseases, // Humanity, we pray.

Kontakion of the Maccabean Martyrs, Tone 4:
The wisdom of God is the pillars of the seven-numbered / and the Divine Light of the lamp of the seventh illumination, / Maccabees of all-wisdom, / before the martyrs and the martyrs, / with them pray to God above all / save those who honor you.

Kontakion of the Cross of the Lord, voice 4:
Ascended to the Cross by the will, / the same name of your new residence / grant your bounty, Christ God, / make us glad with your power, / giving us victories for adversaries, / assistance to those who have your weapon of peace / invincible victory.

Prokemen, voice 6: WITH Shepherd, O Lord, Thy people / and bless Thy inheritance.
Poem: To You, Lord, I will call, my God, but do not keep silent from me.
Prokemen, voice 4: To the saints, who are the essence of His land, the Lord amaze all His wills in them

The Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians (Chapter 1:18 - 24)
[Of the cross of the Lord]
Brothers, the word about the cross is foolishness for those who are perishing, but for us, who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will reject the understanding of the prudent. Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the co-questioner of this age? Hasn't God turned the wisdom of this world into madness? For when the world by its wisdom did not know God in the wisdom of God, then it was pleasing to God to save the believers by the foolishness of preaching. For both the Jews demand miracles, and the Greeks seek wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, for the Jews a temptation, and for the Greeks folly, for the very called ones, Jews and Greeks, Christ, God's power and God's wisdom.

[Martyrs Maccabees]:
The Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Hebrews (chapter 11:33 - 12: 2)
The brethren, all the saints conquered kingdoms by faith, did righteousness, received promises, blocked the lips of lions, extinguished the power of fire, avoided the edge of the sword, strengthened themselves from weakness, were strong in war, drove away the regiments of strangers; wives received their dead resurrected; others were tortured, not accepting liberation in order to receive a better resurrection; others experienced abuse and beatings, as well as bonds and dungeon, were stoned, sawed off, tortured, died by the sword, wandered in mantles and goat skins, enduring shortcomings, sorrows, bitterness; those, whom the whole world was not worthy of, wandered through the deserts and mountains, through the caves and gorges of the earth. And all these, who are testified in faith, did not receive the promise, because God provided something better for us, so that they would not reach perfection without us. Therefore, we also, having such a cloud of witnesses around us, will cast off every burden and sin that beset us, and with patience we will walk the course that is set before us, looking at the author and perfecter of our faith, Jesus.

THE GOSPEL of John (chapter 19)
[Of the cross of the Lord]
At that time, all the chief priests and elders had a conference about Jesus to put him to death; and they took Him to Pontius Pilate, and shouted: Take, take, crucify Him! Pilate says to them: take him you, and crucify him; for I find no fault in Him. The Jews answered him: We have a law, and according to our law He must die, because He made Himself the Son of God. Pilate, hearing this word, was more afraid. And again he entered the praetorium and said to Jesus: Where are you from? But Jesus did not give him an answer. Pilate saith to him: Are you not answering me? do you not know that I have the power to crucify You and the power to let You go? Jesus answered: you would not have had any power over me if it had not been given to you from above. Pilate, hearing this word, took Jesus out and sat down at the judgment seat, in a place called Lyphostroton, or in Hebrew Gavvaf. Then it was Friday before Easter, and the sixth hour. And Pilate said to the Jews, Behold your King! But they cried out: Take, take, crucify Him! Pilate says to them: Will I crucify your king? The chief priests answered: We have no king but Caesar. Then at last he delivered Him to them to be crucified. And they took Jesus and led him away. And, carrying His cross, He went out to the place called Skull, in Hebrew Golgotha; there they crucified Him, and with Him two others, on one side and on the other, and in the midst of Jesus. Pilate also wrote the inscription and put it on the cross. It was written: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. This inscription was read by many of the Jews, because the place where Jesus was crucified was not far from the city, and it was written in Hebrew, Greek, and Roman. At the cross of Jesus stood His Mother and His Mother's sister, Mary of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, seeing the Mother and the disciple standing here, whom he loved, says to His Mother: Woman! Here is your son. Then he says to the disciple: here is thy Mother! And from that time on, this disciple took her to him. After that, Jesus, knowing that everything had already been completed, bowing his head, gave up the spirit. But since then it was Friday, the Jews, so as not to leave the bodies on the cross on Saturday, - for that Saturday was a great day, - asked Pilate to break their legs and take them off. So the soldiers came, and they broke the legs of the first, and of the other, who was crucified with Him. But when they came to Jesus, as they saw Him already dead, they did not break His legs, but one of the soldiers pierced His ribs with a spear, and immediately blood and water flowed out. And he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true.

[Martyrs Maccabees]:
GOSPEL of Luke (chapter 10:32 - 11: 1)
The Lord said to His disciples: everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess before My Father in Heaven; but whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father in Heaven. Do not think that I have come to bring peace to earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, for I came to set a man apart from his father, and a daughter with her mother, and a daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law. And a man's enemies are his household. And when Jesus finished instructing his twelve disciples, he passed over from there to teach and preach in their cities.

The history of the Lord's Cross, which is one of the main Christian relics, dates back to the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Lord's Cross to this day gives believers the miracles of salvation and healing.

The origin of the life-giving tree

The history of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is based on the legends about the life-giving tree on which Jesus was crucified, but still giving miracles of healing and liberation.

The Bible does not answer the question of what tree the instrument of death was made, on which Christ was crucified. In the Gospels, it is already being prepared about him as an instrument of crucifixion.

Apocryphal sources store a lot of interesting reliable data about the origin of the legendary tree.

According to the legend of the Bogomils, the Christian trend of the 5th century, which came from Bulgaria, the paradise tree of good and evil fell into three parts during the expulsion of Adam and Eve. The central part remained in the Garden of Eden, and subsequently the Cross for the crucifixion of Christ was made from it.

According to the Golden Legend, Adam's son Seth went to the gates of the Garden of Eden with a request to give him oil to anoint his dying father. Archangel Michael refused him, saying that this oil was closed for 5.5 thousand years before the time of Jesus' birth, but he presented Seth with a branch from the tree of good and evil. Seth did not find his father alive, a wreath was woven from the branch of the legendary tree and put on Adam's head during burial.

Death of Adam, artist - Pierro Dela Francesca

From this branch subsequently grew a tree, cut down by the servants of King Solomon for the construction of the temple in Jerusalem. Due to the discrepancy in size, it was used as a support for the bridge.

The Queen of Sheba, who has the gift of prophecy when visiting King Solomon, stopped near a bridge and knelt in front of a historic tree. According to her, this tree is intended to become an instrument of death for the Savior of the world, after which the Jews will be ruined.

King Solomon knew the Queen of Sheba and her gift of vision well. The prediction frightened him in earnest. By order of the king, the tree was dismantled from the bridge and buried.

The wood of this bar was later used to equip a swimming pool in Bethesda, whose water attracted cripples with its healing qualities.

When Jesus was arrested, this tree emerged from the foot of the pool, the cypress, from which the trunk of the Life-Giving Shrine was made, the crossbeams were made of pine and cedar.

Important! The history of the life-giving Cross of the Lord formed the basis of the feast of the first Savior, which is celebrated on August 14. It is popularly known as the Honey Savior.

Legends about the acquisition of a life-giving shrine

Slavic and Greek legends tell of the Cross, which has eight ends and is made of three parts. These legends are based on the words of the prophet Isaiah, where he names three types of wood that will bring glory to the foot.

The cypress served as the material for the pillar. For the crossbar, to which the Holy hands of the Son of God were nailed, they used a pevga or pine, in a different way. The lower part of the instrument of death was made of cedar, and the legs of the Innocent Lamb were nailed to it.

After the death of Jesus, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena gave orders to find the location of the shrine.

Isaiah 60:13 "The glory of Lebanon will come to you, cypress and pevg and together the cedar, to decorate the place of my sanctuary, and I will glorify my footstool."

Icon "Finding the Cross"

Jews hid from Christians Holy place burial of the cross of Jesus until one of them, Judas, was tortured by Elena's orders. (The story goes that he was subsequently baptized and ordained bishop in Jerusalem.)

The Jewish prophet Judas was a descendant of the first martyr Stephen, who died ha Christ. The prophet's father knew about the place where the three instruments of the crucifixion were buried, but he strictly kept this secret. According to legend, the discovery of a Christian relic will be the beginning of the end of the superiority of the Jewish religion over all others.

About other Lord's holidays:

Judas was thrown into a dry well, where he was to die of exhaustion until he indicated the burial place of the shrine. After seven days of prayer and invocations to God, the prophet was given a sign.

For reference! Information about the person who found the burial place of the relic has the meaning of legend. Some sources indicate the name of the Christian Ablavius.

The place indicated by the prophet gave off a light vapor filled with a sweet scent. Elena ordered excavations at the place of Christ's execution, where the honest tree was discovered.

How was the truth of the instrument of Christ's crucifixion determined?

During the excavation of the holy place, three crosses were found. It was not possible to determine which of them belonged to Christ. According to one of the legends, the faith of the Jerusalem bishop Macarius, who appealed to God and asked for help, helped.

The sign came in answer to prayer. God showed Macarius that a woman was dying in their country, suffering from an incurable disease for a long time. From the touch of the life-giving shrine, she will recover. The trees on which the robbers were crucified did not give any result, and the dying woman sighed from the precious shrine and immediately recovered.

All over the world there are several versions of the acquisition of a Christian relic. Each of them has its own adherents.

At the behest of Elena, allegedly given to her by an angel, the Life-giving Cross was distributed in parts to different parts of the earth.

Perhaps these are legends, but the Life-giving Cross and even its parts still exist today and gives the believers in this shrine all new miracles, answers to prayers.

The rewards from Jerusalem with pieces from the Life-Giving Tree are the most valuable.

Other versions of the origin of the venerable trees of the Cross of the Lord (Honey Savior)

According to history, the Honey Savior is celebrated as a memory of two events that happened simultaneously in Russia under Prince Bogolyubsky and during the Byzantine campaign of Emperor Manuel. The first of them fought with the Volga Bulgars, and the Byzantines - with the Turks.

In both cases, the strength of the enemy was far superior to the defenders of their land. Under the cover of the icons of the Savior and Mother of God both Christian armies ascended to Heaven a fervent prayer - a petition for the grant of victory. God heard the cries of believers and rewarded them according to their faith. In the sky above both troops stood the life-giving tree of the Cross of the Lord as a Divine weapon against enemies.

Important! On this day, the Dormition Fast begins, so there is a strict restriction in food, amusements and amusements. On August 14, it is customary to go to church and bless honey and poppy seeds.

Holy gift in Godenovo - the outback of Russia

Transformation pagan Rus to one of the centers of Orthodoxy is the great mercy of the Lord and His wonderful providence.

The historical events of 1423 in the Rostov bogs, near the Nikolsky churchyard, changed the life of the entire region. The origin of the Life-giving Cross in Godenovo is described by the historical recollections of the shepherds, who were the first to see the sign in heaven.

While the shepherds grazed the cattle, the sky on the east side was illuminated with an inexpressible light. The unearthly beauty of the radiance bewitched the shepherds. They went to the place of the glow and saw an inexplicable phenomenon - the Honest Cross, Jesus crucified on Him, and at the foot of Saint Nicholas, holding the Holy Gospel in his hands.

A voice from Heaven announced that this place was chosen for the grace of God. The shepherds were instructed to tell the whole world about this event, with instructions to build a temple of God here, so that everyone who comes with prayer to the Miraculous Crucifixion would receive healing and deliverance.

Miracles began from the first day of the construction of the church, which received the blessing of Archbishop Dionysius.

Read about miracles in Orthodoxy:

The builders considered that it was impossible to build a temple in the middle of a swamp, and decided to lay the foundation a little off to the side, on land.

The coming next morning caused exclamations of admiration and surprise, the construction that had begun was transferred to the marshlands, where a miraculous sign was manifested. Through the night, dry land formed at this place, and near it a river.

All participants in the construction of the temple received healings:

  • the lame began to walk;
  • blind to see;
  • the patients recovered.

Lists of people who received the grace of healing from the Life-giving Cross were kept with special reverence, but they all burned down during the fires, and God's creation remained unharmed.

Interesting. When the atheists came to power, it was decided to destroy the temple and burn the crucifix. Only the Lord did not allow the monsters to either saw or break the miraculous creation, which in 1933 was transferred to the village of Godenovo, where the Zlatoust temple was located.

To this day, the folk path to the shrine with miraculous power is not overgrown.

Modern miracles and healings in Godenovo

Much can be done by intensified prayer at the Life-giving Cross in Godinovo.

Prayer to the Holy and Life-giving Cross of the Lord

Before the wondrous miraculous power, Four-pointed and tripartite Cross of Christ, prostrate in the dust at your foot, I bow down to you, Honest Tree, driving away from me all demonic shooting and freeing me from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. Thou art the Tree of Life. You are the purification of the air, the illumination of the holy temple, the fence of my dwelling, the protection of my bed, the enlightenment of my mind, heart and all my feelings. Your holy sign protects me from the day of my birth, enlightens me from the day of my baptism; it is with me and on me all the days of my life, both on dry land and on the waters. It will accompany me to the grave, and my ashes will overshadow. It, the holy sign of the miraculous Cross of the Lord, will announce to the whole universe about the hour of the universal resurrection of the dead and the last Terrible and Righteous Judgment of God. About the Honorable Cross! With your overshadowing, teach and bless me, unworthy, always undoubtedly believing in your invincible Power, protect me from every adversary and heal all my mental and physical ailments. Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Thy Cross, have mercy and save me, a sinner, from now and forever and ever. Amen.

Miracles and healings that come from touching a holy relic, which is not like it in the whole of Russia (according to the experts of the Russian Museum), are entered into special lists.

A miraculous shrine has a wonderful property - when they want to harm it, destroy it or take it out of the temple, the statue seems to be filled with weight, so much so that no force can move it. And they chopped it down with axes, sawed it with saws, pricked it, burned it. All in vain. Wood is transformed by its strength into an unknown metal that cannot be processed.

Life-giving Cross (Goddenovo)

On the other hand, two little nuns, if necessary, can easily move the Shrine from place to place.

To prevent pilgrims from kissing the foot of the crucifixion, atheists oiled the holy tree with machine oil, but they were wrecked. The holy crucifix began to emit the smell of incense, a myrrh scent.

Many healings still take place in front of the nuns:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • kidney disease;
  • toothache;
  • instant wound healing.

How to get to the shrine

Pilgrimage services will help you to visit the Life-giving Cross in Godenovo and to get from Moscow to the place of worship.

You can get to Godenovo from Moscow in a few hours, by train or bus to Petrovsk, then you should change to a local bus that runs on schedule.

By car, you should drive 180 kilometers from Moscow to Petrovsk, then turn right at the sign indicating the way to the Zlatoustovsky Cathedral.

Passing the village of Demyanskoye, turn left towards Priozernoye. After this village turn to Godenovo, the road itself will lead to the Monastery of the Descent of the Cross. From Petrovsk to Godenovo only 15 km.

Advice! When planning a pilgrimage trip, it should be borne in mind that the road to Petrovsk is asphalted, and the dirt road takes longer, on especially rainy days it is not easy to get to the temple.