How to read a person's mind through their eyes. How to understand what a person thinks in the eyes

They either squint, then open wide, then rise, then fall, sometimes unceremoniously stare or look askance. A huge amount of information about inner world we consciously or intuitively read a person from his face, especially from his eyes. It is much more difficult to lie with the eyes than with words, posture, gesture or facial expressions, since their expression is very difficult to control with consciousness. An insightful person, when meeting with a friend, easily touches his face with his eyes, lingers a little longer in front of his eyes and immediately exclaims: "I see, everything is fine with you!" Or with sympathy asks: "Something happened?".

Knowing how to read the eyes of the interlocutor, you can find out what he is thinking, trying to deceive you or telling the truth. For example, if, after your question, the interlocutor looks up and to the left, this means that he is extracting the information he actually saw from his memory. Let's say there's a TV show. The facilitator asks the politician a "backfilling" question about personal property abroad. The politician has an indignant face: "What are you talking about? What house in the Alps? Of course not!"

This emotional response may be accompanied by appropriate facial expressions and intonations characteristic of a person who is unjustly accused. But an experienced observer will notice that before the answer, the politician's eyes made an involuntary movement - he lifted them up or squinted to the left. It means that he "saw" - he extracted from his memory a real-life house. This policy is not to be trusted! But if, during a short pause before answering, the politician involuntarily raised his eyes up and to the right, and then said that it would be nice to have a dacha in the Alps, then he is telling the truth. So far, he only "constructs" a dacha in his imagination.

A direct look corresponds to the concepts of "direct person" or "direct character". He speaks of openness and readiness for an honest dialogue. A person with a direct look is confident in himself, really aware of his strengths and capabilities. The direct look that the interlocutors exchange shows mutual trust, respect for each other, and a desire to discuss the most sensitive topics.

But remember that eye-to-eye contact is the strongest energy impact. In terms of strength, such a look is incomparable with any other, it captures both the "mirror of the soul" - the eyes, and the area of ​​​​perception - the forehead. If your interlocutor will convince you of something using a direct look, he will be able to make you do what he needs, and not you. In a normal conversation, you need to direct your gaze just above the bridge of the interlocutor's nose. This look is softer, unobtrusive, but constant in impact.

The energy flow that you direct to the area of ​​perception - between the eyebrows (in the East this area is called the "third eye" or the eye of Shiva), must be controlled. Otherwise, the influence on the interlocutor will be akin to hypnotic and involuntarily arouse in him a desire to defend himself.

If the partner leaves the answer, tries to change the subject, you can return him to the mainstream of the conversation with the help of a business look. This view differs from the direct one in speed, concreteness, and strength. You throw a quick, stern look at the interlocutor's forehead, and your energy flow brings him back into the conversation you need.

For an honest, open conversation, a look that can be called concentrated or reduced is suitable. In this case, the pupils shift slightly from the center to each other and freeze. This position of the eyes can be observed when a specific situation is being discussed, and the interlocutors seem to see it in front of them.

When participating in a conversation, remember to pay attention to the reaction of your partner's eyes. There are views that should alert you.

If a person tilted his head and looks frowningly, and his pupils rise up from the center, this may mean helpfulness, humility, emphasized attention. But it can also reflect a prudent, secretive position, especially if vertical wrinkles are visible on the forehead, as well as hostile closeness - the neck will be tense and the mouth compressed.

A look from the side, when the pupils go to the right and to the left, speaks of closeness, distrust, and a bad attitude towards the interlocutor.

If the eyes are wide open, it means that the interlocutor is trying to hide fear.

A sure sign of readiness for aggression is horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, constricted pupils and narrowed eyes.

A sidelong glance over the shoulder shows contempt for the interlocutor.

If your partner looks down during a conversation, while his head is thrown back, this is evidence of arrogance or painful pride. With such a look, a person, as it were, increases the distance between himself and the interlocutor.

An evasive look expresses the interlocutor's self-doubt, timidity, timidity or guilt.

A running look is similar to an evasive one, but you should not confuse them - after all, a running look is much more dangerous. For a running glance, rapid movements of the pupils, most often horizontal, are characteristic. I would not advise anyone to do business with a person who has such an opinion. Don't expect him to keep his promise.

Aimless gaze is fixed on anything, but not on the interlocutor. This look demonstrates disrespect for the partner, the desire to get away from the problem under discussion, speaks of complete disinterest in communication.

Not everyone may like the appraising look when you are scrutinized from head to toe. In this case, the pupils make successive movements from the center up and from the center down. A person who controls the situation can afford to look at the interlocutor in this way: he is sure that the partner is more interested in him than he is in the partner.

A restless lively look indicates an interest in the conversation and a desire to move on to the main topic of the conversation. Often he also talks about uncertainty about the end result of the conversation.

In any conversation, the one who is looked at more dominates. In the "language of the eyes" he seems to offer less in return than he receives. If a woman occupies a responsible position, then she can strengthen her position, especially in relation to men, if she looks less at her subordinates during a conversation. Most men are less adept than women at transmitting and receiving non-verbal, that is, wordless signals. Women should not hope that a man will instantly understand their look. But if a man wants to maintain a warm and close relationship with a woman, he must look into her eyes much more often during a conversation than when talking with a man.

Do not forget that "gaze science" is not an easy science. If a person has nothing to hide, then you will read in his eyes everything that is in his heart. But if he is a professional politician or an experienced actor, he can easily hide the expression in his eyes.

Eye training is no less important than any other. It is useful to master a special look - "the look of power."

This view will come in handy in many situations. First, you will be able to speak without betraying your true feelings with facial expressions and eye movements.

Secondly, make many friends among the people you meet or work with - in your presence, others will feel calmer and more comfortable. Thirdly, you will be able to stop a person who provokes a scandal or tries to suppress you.

In facial expressions, gestures, and the manner of speech of a person who owns the look of power, there is a calm slowness, he knows exactly what he is doing. It is difficult for people to refuse his offer immediately, automatically.

You can train the look of power in different ways. A curious description of how this can be done is given by the writer Viktor Suvorov in his book "Aquarium":

"I'm going to the zoo. I'm coming to the closing - no one will bother me. I look into the eyes of tigers, leopards. I direct my will, I clench my jaws. The motionless eyes of a predator blur in front of me. do not blink, the eyes must be carefully narrowed and slowly opened again. Tears well up. Another moment - and I blinked. A huge lazy red cat smiles contemptuously at me and turns its face away: "You are weak to compete with me. Nothing, I am persistent. I will come here in next Sunday. And the next. And then again."

The hero of the book is a scout who trains his gaze in a duel with an animal. And the look becomes a weapon. But the look of strength helps not only to defeat the enemy. It calms the person you are talking to, energizes the interlocutor, supports him, makes any communication comfortable. If you learn such a look, you will become invulnerable to outside influence, you will be calm as a rock, noble and kind, able to always help another, weaker one.

As a preliminary preparation, you need to train a little eye muscles with help simple exercises.

1. Movement of the eyes to the right and left to the stop (15 times).

2. Movement of the eyes up and down (15 times).

3. Movement of the eyes diagonally from the upper right to the lower left corner and back (15 times).

4. Movement of the eyes diagonally from the upper left to the lower right corner and back (15 times).

5. Circular eye movements clockwise (10 times).

6. Circular movements of the eyes counterclockwise (10 times).

7. "Eight": diagonal from the lower left corner to the upper right, horizontally to the left along the upper part of the eyeball, diagonal from the upper left corner to the lower right, horizontally along the lower part of the eyeball from right to left, then the same "eight" in the opposite direction (10 times).

Do not exercise too fast or slow, train at a pace that is comfortable for you. Turn the eyeballs all the way, but do not make painful efforts. Do the exercises twice a day, without strain, but always regularly. Every time note how many minutes the whole complex takes you. After a while, the muscles that control eye movement will become stronger, and it will take less time to exercise than at first. When the time is reduced by one and a half times, you can proceed to further training.

It is necessary to start training the look of power in nature, for example, in the country. Sit comfortably and, looking straight ahead, just above the horizon line, try to relax as much as possible. Take a sharp and short look to the left, then to the right. Do not stop your eyes on what you see, quickly returning the pupils to the center. Relax again, looking in front of you, and try to embrace the whole world, with all its sounds, movements and colors. Then again - a sharp look to the left and to the right.

For the first time, two or three attempts to see the world with peripheral vision are enough. Later, having learned to quickly come to a state of complete rest, you can bring the number of repetitions to five or six and even up to ten times. And then before your momentary glance will open new world. You will be able to see much more than ordinary person, to notice the barely perceptible movement of a caterpillar on a leaf, the rapid flight of a swift, the inaudibly opened door, a smile that slid across the face of the interlocutor.

The next exercise is best done at dusk or in the evening in the same place. The only difference is that when you relax, you do not cast a sharp glance to the left or right, but slowly focus on peripheral vision. At the same time, the pupils remain almost motionless, but on the periphery of vision you observe what is happening on the left. Then slowly shift your attention to the right.

Another exercise is performed while walking, during the day, in dim lighting, when the sun is covered by clouds. You need to keep your gaze ahead of you for a long time, just above the horizon line, and at the same time try to cover the entire field of view, and it is 140-160 degrees, without focusing on anything. If you act correctly, you will unconsciously control all the bumps in the road with the lower edge of the field of view. But as soon as you think about something, get distracted from the signals of the outside world and surrender to the power of the flow of thoughts, you will instantly stumble. If you perform the exercise often enough, you can not only sharpen your eyesight, but also learn to control your thoughts. During a walk, the internal dialogue stops, opening the way for signals from the outside world. In this case, a large amount of energy is released, which is usually spent on understanding the objects of the external world.

By practicing these exercises, you will gradually find that you are able to hold the gaze of power without any effort or strain. First, you can look at the forehead of your interlocutor for an arbitrarily long time, and then directly into his eyes. If you can properly use your new skill, it will develop with practice and will always serve you well.

Recall the three elements of Chinese martial arts: observe the enemy (and the world), listen to what is happening around and hone the movements. When perfection in these disciplines is achieved, there is a breakthrough into the unknown: no force is able to crush the master, who stands in a special stance, looks with the gaze of power, hears everything that happens around. Even a bullet - and there is evidence of this - will not harm him.

What is the secret of a successful person? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Of course, success depends on many factors. However, in many ways successful person knowledge of psychology helps. Many businessmen study others by their eyes.

Are you ready to learn to read minds through your eyes? Do you dream of knowing what your interlocutor is really thinking? We bring to your attention a few simple ways that will give you the right support to read the thoughts of any person.

Until recently, mind reading was a mere fantasy. Today, this ability no longer surprises anyone. If you want to master the tactics of mind reading to perfection, do not forget about the most basic rules: be observant, notice even minor details, and, of course, follow the person’s gaze.

Do you want to learn how to read another like an open book? It became real. And it's not about miracles or superpowers. It's a matter of simple observation. Today, we will try to understand the technique of reading thoughts in the eyes.

So, how to understand what your interlocutor is thinking by the expression of his eyes? There are 7 most effective methods that perfectly help to understand what thoughts are in the mind of your interlocutor. In fact, reading other people's thought waves is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. And for this it is not at all necessary to be a first-class psychologist or psychic. You just need to know the basics of reading thoughts in the eyes. Thanks to our simple ways you will learn how to quickly and easily read the thought waves of another, as well as determine whether you are being deceived or not.

7 Ways to Read Another's Mind by Their Eyes

Method one. Pay attention to whether your partner is looking into your eyes. If your friend looks with an open, direct look, this is good sign. The person is interested in talking to you and trusts you.

Method two. The interlocutor avoids looking you in the eye. This suggests that the person is completely indifferent not only to the conversation, but also to your person.

Method three. Pay attention to the duration of the look. Brief eye contact. You probably know the situation when the interlocutor looks into your eyes, and then instantly looks away in the other direction? This suggests that the person is worried or simply afraid of talking to you.

Method four. Watch the direction of your gaze. The interlocutor looks up. Such a look can mean both contempt and irritation. In any case, such a look is a sign of condescension.

Method five. What to do if your communication partner constantly lowers his eyes. Your interlocutor clearly feels uncomfortable and quickly seeks to end the conversation. In some cases, such a look may indicate that the person is embarrassed.

Method six. Determine where the person's eyes are directed. Look to the right. A person remembers something or someone. Look to the left. He is obviously thinking about the impression you made on him.

Method seven. Your communication partner is looking down. Be careful. Most likely, your acquaintance or friend treats you insincerely.

Now, you know how it is possible to read a person's thoughts in his eyes. Is it possible to tell if you are being lied to or not? Of course, there is no 100% way that will help you distinguish truth from lies. However, there is one easy way to determine if you are being scammed or not. If a person looks to the right - most likely, he should be trusted. If to the left - he embellishes or even tells a lie.

A source -

It is often said that the eyes "are the mirror of the soul" and that they can say a lot about a person. So much about the importance of the eyes when interacting with other people that, according to a University of Miami study, 43.4% of the attention we give to another person is focused on their eyes.

"A man's thoughts can be determined by looking into their eyes - "England, the regiment of life", 1545.

  • Social: from eyes to mouth, shows comfort.
  • Intimidation: from the mouth to the lower parts of the body.
  • Strength: Focused on the forehead and eyes.

Especially in Western culture, some eye contact:

If it is too persistent, it is considered intimidating or aggressive and makes the person to whom this gaze is directed feel uncomfortable.

It even happens to animals. different types. If you find an aggressive dog, you'd better not look him directly in the eye, as he will feel threatened and may attack.

On the other hand, constant contact may be a sign of attention to the interlocutor's speech. On the contrary, he avoids eye contact.

Avoiding eye contact with another person's eyes can be a sign of embarrassment for some reason. Also, avoiding eye contact with another person often means getting angry at them.

On the other hand, maintaining eye contact interferes with mental computational operations. At the University of Stirling in Scotland, it was found that children who performed mental operations while maintaining eye contact with other children performed worse than those who looked at other places.

You should also keep in mind that contact time varies by culture. For example, in New York, 1.68 seconds is perceived as an acceptable time.


Emotions towards another person can change the frequency of blinking. Blinking more than 6-10 times per minute may be a sign that this person is attracted to your interlocutor.

In addition, blinking may indicate that the person is feeling nervous. Since 1980, in presidential debates, the person who blinked the most has lost.

Direction of view

Much has been written about the direction in which the eyes are looking since NLP became known. According to this connection model, looking to the left indicates that you remember something.

On the other hand, looking to the right indicates that thoughts or visual memory have been generated.

Squinting is suspicion or distrust, and is a gesture that is often unconscious.

Eyebrow lift

People raise their eyebrows when they want to understand themselves. It also indicates liking, empathy, and a desire to get along with the other person.


Wealthy people who are high status or want to show superiority tend to make less eye contact. Elsewhere in the conversation there is another way of expressing superiority.

Keys to seduction

In flirting and seduction, the consensus seems to be that:

  • If you initiate eye contact, the other person is likely to feel desired and respond positively.
  • If you initiate a contact and the other person doesn't answer, you might not be interested. If you keep looking at her after he looks away or refuses to look, you will make her feel uncomfortable.

Boys may consider the following:

  • If a girl looks into your eyes, then look down and finally back to her eyes. This is interesting.
  • If you break eye contact and look away, there is nothing dangerous about it.
  • If you look up after making eye contact, you are probably not interested.

For girls who want to seduce with a look:

  • A man needs three glances from a girl on average to begin to understand that she is interested in him.


Because pupil size cannot be voluntarily controlled, you can learn or at least infer what the other person is thinking by watching them. As for the pupils, there are several interesting points:

Eckhard Hess found in 1975 that pupils dilate when someone is interested in something. The same way, pupils constrict when we perceive situations that we do not like. Dilatation: The size of the pupil grows. Contraction: Pupil size is reduced.

The harder mental activity the more the pupils dilate. However, if the mental activity is too great, the pupils constrict.

They expand when we are in pain.

Some drugs, such as alcohol or opioids, cause the pupils to constrict. Others, such as methamphetamines, LSD, or cocaine, cause them to expand. The police usually check this and if they have experience they will know when they are less than 3mm or extended more than 6.5mm.

How to read in the iris

This may sound strange to you, although it was demonstrated in a 2007 study by Larsson and others.

If you look at the iris, the colored part of the eye, you can see some of the characteristics of a person's personality.

In the image, the lines that move away from the eye (1) indicate that he is a warm and affectionate person. In contrast, grooves (3) represent impulsiveness.

It seems that the Pax 6 gene is responsible for this, which affects areas of the brain that influence behavior and in turn cause changes in the iris.

Trusting your instincts

You are able to check whether pupil dilation is usually positive and pupil contraction is negative. However, it is very important to consider the situation, for example, the brightness of the lighting.

According to research, changes in pupils are very difficult to control.

Thus, changes in pupil size could be experienced unconsciously along with other non-verbal behaviors.

In contact with


Probably, many would like to know how to guess the thoughts of the person sitting opposite you.In this article, we will deal with the question of how to learn this skill. Not far gone is the time when reading minds was something unimaginable. And now it has become the most common thing.Those who wish to learn to read a person like an open book should accustom themselves to fixing all movements that previously seemed insignificant. The most important thing is to quietly follow the eyes of the interlocutor. There is no magic or extrasensory perception in mind reading. Only attention, and again attention.

There are at least 7 simple techniques that make it possible to accurately guess the thoughts of the interlocutor.

1. Look closely to see if the interlocutor's gaze is directed slightly past you. If a friend looks straight into the eyes, then he has nothing to hide. In addition, the topic of the conversation is of great interest to him.

2. The exact opposite case, when the interlocutor avoids eye contact. This means that the counterpart only pretends to be interested in you and in your conversation out of politeness.

3. It happens that a partner only looks into your eyes for a second, and immediately directs his gaze to the side. This is a clear sign of growing anxiety or even a clear fear of saying something superfluous.

4. It is important where exactly the person's gaze is directed. If up, then, most likely, this means dull discontent or hidden snobbery. The interlocutor, at least, treats you condescendingly.

5. If the interlocutor, on the contrary, looks down, then he feels uncomfortable. His only desire is to stop the difficult conversation for him.

6. Partner's eyes look to the right - an attempt to remember some important thing. To the left - the desire to understand how you feel about his behavior.

7. A clear view from top to bottom. This warning sign- most likely, the person is lying to you.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to understand by the eyes what the other person is thinking. Of course, it is impossible to absolutely accurately recognize a lie. But, if you look closely, then by where a person looks, you can determine the degree of his sincerity. To the right - he does not seek to embellish the truth. Left - cunning or just lying. Now you are fully armed!

Each of us dreamed at least once in our lives to read other people's thoughts, looking into their eyes. Psychologists have conducted many studies and experiments, and on the way to the truth, they have achieved little results.

1. How to decipher the look

When thinking, a person involuntarily begins to move his eyes. The trajectory of the gaze often changes and directly depends on the direction of thoughts. If in a conversation your interlocutor does not look into your eyes, and his gaze seems to avoid yours, most likely, the conversation is of little interest to him. But a closer look indicates interest, this conversation is very important for him.
You can find out that a person is worried about something by the so-called shifty eyes: a person looks into your eyes, but at the same time quickly looks away, contact lasts a very short time.

  • An embarrassed person simply lowers his eyes, it may also indicate that the interlocutor does not really want to talk.
  • Rolling your eyes up indicates a strong irritation of the interlocutor.
  • Eyes raised up and immediately taken to the right indicate that a person remembers something, recreating a certain picture subconsciously. If it takes it to the left, then it will obviously try to embellish something.
  • If in a conversation he looks away to the right, it means that he is just trying to remember something. To the left - remembers the sound rather than the picture.
  • If he looked down and then to the right, then the person is thinking about what to say.
  • Down and to the left - thinks about what he experienced in the next few hours of his life, most likely some kind of impression.

Of course, these signs still will not help you read the thoughts of another person thoroughly, but still important points you can easily catch. And then, left-handed people do the opposite, so if you don't know if the person you're talking to is right-handed or left-handed, these signs are practically useless. Otherwise, you will misinterpret his feelings and thoughts.

2. Exposing lies

Surely you have often wanted to know if he is telling the truth close person or ruthlessly lying. So, you can try to find out by his or her look. To do this, there is one tricky trick. To get started, ask the person you want to test a question to which you know the exact answer.

If he looks up and to the right, then at the moment he is going to answer the truth. If up, and then to the left, then he is going to lie. It will also show on the face. Usually in this situation, fear and confusion are clearly written on the face.

3. Mind Reading Exercises

Did you know that psychologists have created a method by which you can put yourself into a state where it seems as if you hear other people's thoughts. Of course, for this to work, you need to have sometimes many years of experience, as well as practice and constantly train.

Here is what is needed for this:

You will definitely need an assistant for training. When there is one, plant it strictly opposite you. Then ask them to alternately think about the good and then the bad. At the moment when he strains his thoughts, try to feel how he thought, positively or negatively.

Practice searching for items. Ask questions as you search. Only let the partner not answer out loud, but think to himself. Your task will be to try to read the answer from the expression on his face. This, of course, is not given to everyone, so you will have to work hard before you really succeed.

The assistant looks at any picture that you should not see. You will also need a piece of paper and a pencil. Looking at the expression on your friend's face, draw what you get. The most important thing is to turn off the head and turn on the subconscious, that is, try not to think, and let the hand outline itself. When you're done, compare the pictures, most likely there will be matches.

By practicing these three exercises consistently, you can certainly achieve amazing results. But not everything that you can “hear” will be to your taste. Therefore, before you start exercising, think a hundred times whether it is so important to you. Good luck!