How to create tear-off ads. How to Make Tear-Off Ads in Word

Despite the fact that the age of computer technology has long arrived and is boldly moving forward, you can still often see paper advertisements with tear-off phone numbers on special boards and walls on the streets. This type of advertising and distribution is still quite popular.

In this article I will talk about how to make announcements in Word. As a result, you will receive a file that can be printed and reproduced. All that remains is to cut the tear-off fragments with the phone number along the lines and glue them in the right place.

How to Make a Tear-Off Ad in Word

To begin, open a blank sheet of Word and select the “Insert” tab in the top menu, click on the “Table” button. Select with the mouse the necessary table parameters - the number of columns and rows. The number of columns determines the number of tear-off pieces in the ad, for example, I will choose 9. And the number of lines should be 2.

Select the one you need and left-click. The table will immediately appear on the sheet.

A Word ad must contain some text at the top. To write it, you must first combine all the cells in the first row, that is, make one large cell out of them. To do this, select the entire first row, right-click and select “Merge Cells”.

The cells merged. Now you can write the ad text - click on the cell and start typing the text.

If necessary, you can format the text - change the font and orientation.

Now the ad in Word needs to be given a contact phone number, which will be taken away from it. First you need to make sure that the text there is written vertically and not horizontally. To do this, select the entire second line and right-click, select “Text Direction”.

A window will appear in which select one of the vertical text positions and click the “Ok” button.

The text in the cells is oriented vertically. Now place the cursor in the cell and write the phone number and other data, if necessary.

Copy the text in a cell and paste it into all other cells to fill them. You can format this text if desired.

You can often see paper tear-off notices at bus stops and on entrance doors. This article presents step-by-step instruction about creating such passages in the Word text editor. The program itself can be of any year of release: 2003, 2007, and so on. Regardless of the versions, the sequence of actions is approximately the same everywhere. In this case, everything will be demonstrated in version 2007.

Let's try to figure out how to make tear-off ads with phone numbers in Word. Open the Word text editor. The following panel will appear in front of you:

In different versions of the program, this functional menu may differ in its appearance, but the order of actions does not change. All menu items in each version contain the same submenu items.

Please note that if you want to place as many advertisements as possible on an A4 sheet when printing, then you need to reduce the margins from the edges of the page. You can do it like this:

And, for example, set indents of 1 cm (it’s better not to put less) on each side of the A4 sheet:

By clicking on it, a window will appear for selecting the number of rows and columns in the table you are creating. We need to select two rows and the maximum possible number of columns (the visual interface allows you to select a maximum of 10):

After completing the steps described above, you will get a plate like this:

Our tear-off ad will have a title and text that will appear above the tear-offs. Therefore, we will combine the cells of the first row into one. To do this, you need to select all the cells of the first row with the mouse cursor while holding down the left mouse button, release the left mouse button, press the right mouse button without deselecting the cells, and select “Merge Cells” in the menu list that appears:

Having done this, the table will look like this:

At the top of the table we will write the heading “Advertisement”, which we will highlight large size font and highlight it in bold, and the text “I will buy an apartment in your house”:

To make the text look good, align it to the center of the cell. To do this, select it with the mouse cursor while holding down the left key and select the “Align to Center” option (or press Ctrl+E):

In the cells of the second line we will enter the phone number by which you need to contact the author of the ad. By default, the text orientation in cells is left to right, but we need to change it to “bottom to top”. To do this, you need to select all the cells of the second row with the mouse cursor holding down the left mouse button, release the left mouse button, press the right mouse button and in the dialog box that appears, select the “Text Direction” item by pointing at it and clicking on it with the left mouse button:

As a result, the tables will look like this:

However, the cells are small in height. Therefore, you need to enlarge it by grabbing the bottom border of the table with your left mouse and dragging it out:

We enter our phone numbers in each cell, increase the font and align it in the middle, as in the top line:

However, we see that the text is not aligned horizontally. To do this, select the bottom cells again and, by right-clicking, select “Align Cells” -> “Center”:

In order to fit more advertisements on one A4 sheet of paper, it is necessary to reproduce it on this page several times.

Below you can with tear-off leaves.

Tear-off ads are a great way to let others know that you are selling, buying, or providing some services. In this article we will tell you how to make such an announcement in the Word text editor. The article will be useful for everyone latest versions this program. Including Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

To make tear-off ads with phone numbers in Word, you first need to create a table and customize it a little. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab and use the "Table" button to create a table with two rows and the maximum number of columns.

As a result, you should get something like this table with 20 cells.

Now you need to combine the first row of cells into one large row to create space for the ad text. This is done as follows: select all the cells in the first row with the mouse, go to the “Layout” tab and click on the “Merge Cells” button.

You can also merge cells by selecting them with the mouse and right-clicking on them.

As a result, at the top of the table you will receive one long line in which you can enter the ad text.

After this, you can begin setting up the second part of the ad, which will contain tear-off pieces of paper with a phone number. First you need to change the direction of the text in the cells of the second row. To do this, select the second row of the table with the mouse, right-click on it and select “Text Direction” in the menu that opens.

In addition, the text in the cells needs to be aligned. To do this, right-click on the selected cells and select center alignment.

Now all that remains is to fill in the second line of the ad with text. To do this, enter your phone number and select suitable size font. After filling out one piece of paper, simply copy its contents into the remaining cells. As a result, you should end up with an ad something like this with detachable phone numbers.

To save paper, you can fill the entire page with this ad before printing. To do this, copy the entire table the required number of times using the Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V key combinations.


How to print advertisements? How to print an ad with tear-off sheets in Word on a computer?

July 8, 2014

Many people in life often encounter situations in which they need the help of others. In this article we will answer the question of how to print advertisements correctly. Previously, a pen and a piece of paper came to the rescue. People wrote their request or proposal in beautiful, even handwriting and posted them on the street. However, now it is the 21st century, and everything is computerized.

How to print an ad on your computer

In order to make a beautiful ad nowadays, you only need a few things: a computer, a printer and paper. With this option, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of handwriting you have, you just need the ability to use modern computer programs and technology. We think no one will have any problems with the question of how to print an ad in Word. You just need to type the ad text on the computer, stretch it across the sheet and select the required font size. The only thing I would like to draw attention to is that the text should be easy to read and catch the eye.

Font selection

The choice of text font raises many questions. Some people think that it should be large, large, some - bright, colorful, while others make the entire text bold. However, this is wrong; it is necessary to interest passersby with the meaning of the ad, and not with the appearance of the entire text. Therefore, we can give some advice regarding the choice of font size and type.

First, you need to choose the average size font for all text. It is advisable not to make it italic. Secondly, the most important words must be highlighted in some way. You can enlarge the font a little, make it bold, or simply underline it. There is no need to combine everything at once, choose one. Thus, the gaze of passers-by will first fall on important words, and if they are interested in this, then the person will read the entire text.

Video on the topic

A little about the color scheme

You should not highlight words in a different color, this is irrational. Ads must be printed in regular black font. However, if you want to somehow highlight the importance with color, then you can take paper of a different shade. It’s easy to find a variety of colored paper in stores in any city, but there are also office sheets yellow color, they are perfect for highlighting the importance of this announcement. The text will be eye-catching, but not annoying.

How to print an ad with tear-off sheets

If you want to post your information on the street, you must provide your phone number where you can be contacted. Yes, you can indicate it in the text, but passersby will not remember it, and there is not always something at hand where you can write down contact information. You can make tear-off leaves especially for this purpose. We figured out how to print an ad in Word correctly, but text with tear-off leaves is done a little differently.

So, open the document in Word. There we insert or draw a table, since it is necessary to make separate pieces of paper with the phone number that could be torn off. We combine the top rows by editing the table (by right-clicking). And this is where we write the ad text. Next we move on to the second line. In one cell we dial a phone number, and we can describe a little the meaning of the ad so that people do not forget why they need this contact. Next, right-click and select the text direction. We need it to be positioned vertically. Next, copy the text and paste it into the remaining cells. Now the ad takes on a beautiful and neat look, and the phone number can be torn off and taken with you without spoiling anything.

Best Locations

So, we figured out how to print ads. At the next stage, the question arises of where to put them up. The most important thing to pay attention to is the location of the objects for which you created the ad. You should not post them too far from a given address, since, most likely, they will be of interest to those citizens who are not far from the object, or if they simply know the location of this address. On rare occasions, a passerby will be interested in an advertisement otherwise.

Distributing advertisements on social networks or websites

On modern stage With the development of Internet technologies, we can conclude that most young people look for all information on the Internet. There's nothing faster to spread necessary information than to print advertisements on any topic in certain sections of special websites. Where can I do this? How to print advertisements on the Internet?

There are many sites for posting advertisements. Depending on the meaning of the text, it must be placed in the appropriate section (purchase, sale, etc.). This way people will find your ad faster. In addition to such sections, there are others related to the object. For example, cars, animals, real estate, work, etc. From these topics, you also need to choose the most suitable one and place the text there.

Sites can be paid or free. More often ordinary people They use the second option. There are also peculiar paid services. For example, in order for your ad to always be on the first page of searches, you need to pay a certain amount. Or you can place your ad on the side of the site as an advertisement. Organizations often resort to animated texts.

What is the best way to place ads on the Internet? On all sites, without exception, you can post photographs of objects for sale. Thus, people see the condition of the object, its suitability, colors, etc. After all, when there are photographs, you can immediately determine whether it suits you or not. And the number of unnecessary calls will decrease several times.

You can also place your ad in in social networks, which are now very common. This procedure is free, but the distribution of information will depend on other people who must mark your ad in a certain way.

As you can see, without special effort and costs you can place the text. You will independently choose how to print advertisements and the required type of placement of your information. All that remains is to wait for calls from people interested in the offer.