Criteria for assessing the oge in chemistry. What is the OGE - the rules for passing the exam and the scale for transferring points

The recommended table for converting 2018 OGE scores into Russian language grades is published on the official website of FIPI (download).

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination paper is 39 points.

Table 1

Table of grades of the OGE 2018 in the Russian language

OGE score distribution 2018 in Russian by assignments is reflected in demo version OGE in Russian in the specification file.

table 2

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job Type
Part 1 1
(exercise 1)
Part 2 13
(tasks 2–14)
13 Short answer questions
Part 3 1
(task 15)
9 Question with a detailed answer
Parts 1 and 3 10 points for practical literacy and actual speech accuracy
Total 15 39

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

The answer to task 1 (summary) of part 1 of the work is evaluated according to specially developed criteria.

The maximum number of points for a concise presentation is 7.

For the correct completion of each task of part 2 of the work, the graduate receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or its absence, zero points are given. The maximum number of points that an examinee can score, who correctly completed the tasks of part 2 of the work, is 13. The assessment of the answer to the task of part 3 of the work is carried out according to specially developed criteria.

The maximum number of points for an essay-reasoning (alternative task) - 9. Evaluation of the practical literacy of the examinee and the actual accuracy of his writing is made on the basis of checking the presentation and essay as a whole and is 10 points.

Maximum Points, which an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work, is 39.

Exam papers are checked by two experts. According to the results of the check, the experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks of the examination paper ... In case of a significant discrepancy in the points given by two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant discrepancy in scores is determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject.

The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject committee from among the experts who have not previously checked the examination paper.

The third expert is provided with information about the scores assigned by the experts who previously checked the student's examination work. The points given by the third expert are final.

A discrepancy of 10 or more points is considered significant, given by two experts for completing tasks 1 and 15 (scores for all positions (criteria) for assessing the task by each expert are summed up: SG1–SG3, S1K1–S1K4, S2K1–S2K4, S3K1–S3K4, GK1– GK4, FK1). In this case, the third expert rechecks tasks 1 and 15 for all assessment positions.

Based on the points given for the completion of all tasks of the work, the total score is calculated, which is translated into a mark on a five-point scale.

For 9th grade students, the beginning of spring is associated with preparation for the main state exam. The Institute of Pedagogical Measurements has developed a detailed program for the successful passing of the exam and a special scale for the distribution of grades in the score-to-assess ratio.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades: the most common mistakes at the OGE

At passing the OGE in Russian there are many spelling errors in the written part of the exam. This is mainly due to the inattention and confusion of schoolchildren. Before the exam, it is important to focus on reviewing your accumulated knowledge and concentrating on certain tasks.

Spelling “not or neither” in sentences is one of the biggest mistakes students make. It must be remembered that the difference between these two particles depends on the meaning of the phrase: “not” - denies, “neither” - strengthens.

Punctuation marks are also important. Most the best medicine from this to pronounce the sentence in your head. This will allow you to intuitively place all the punctuation marks.

Errors in passing the exam in mathematics also have a similar character. All teachers focus on the confusion of students and the inability to correctly apply the well-known formulas.

In the section of the social studies exam “Man and Society”, words that are similar at first glance cause frequent confusion, but you should not be misled. It will be useful to simply flip through the dictionary of the meaning of certain words and build a chain of associations of these words in your head. Based on this knowledge, it will be possible to easily pass the exam.

In the "Economics" section, experts highlight such terms as extensive intensive growth. It must be remembered that the prefix "ex" is associated with external indicators, and "in" - with internal ones.

The most common mistake in the legal section is the misinterpretation of a misdemeanor and a crime. You need to pay attention to these points.

From common mistakes in biology and geography, from the experience of past years, three main ones can be distinguished: the material of difficult-to-understand sections must be worked out independently at inopportune hours; carefully read the terms of the examination tasks; answers should not be randomly assigned to test tasks you need to justify your choice.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades: the ratio of scores to grade

Passing the main state exam will confirm the certificate of ninth graders. After the exam, there will be a transition to the 10th grade or admission to a college or technical school. To pass, the student will need to pass the final test in two main subjects and three selective ones. Points for completing tasks are converted into an assessment on a 5-point scale.

In Russian, you can score from 15 to 39 points, where 15 points will be equated to a mark of 3.

Results in the subject of mathematics should be in the range from 8 to 32 points.

The maximum number of points in the subject of social science is 39 points. You need to score a minimum of 15 points for a satisfactory grade in the subject.

When taking an exam in foreign languages required amount points varies between 29 - 70. The minimum and maximum number corresponds to marks 3 and 5.

The maximum number of points for the OGE in physics is 40, the minimum is 10.

The subject of chemistry is presented in two variations: with and without experiment. For the first option, you can get from 9 to 38 points, and for the second - 9-34 points.

For completing assignments in biology, you can get 46 points. The minimum allowable number of points in this subject is 13.

For a positive assessment in geography, you need to get at least 12 points. The mark “excellent” will correspond to 32 points.

In history, the student will have to score at least 13 points out of a possible 44.

On the exam in literature, you will need to get a minimum of 12 points. The maximum number of points will be 33, which corresponds to 5.

The maximum in computer science will be 22 points, and the minimum - 5 points per subject.

The final grades in the subjects will be used for the subsequent enrollment of students in and distribution to profile classes.

Scale for converting OGE 2018 scores into grades: the impact of the results of the OGE on the school certificate

In 2017, it was decided that the grade for the OGE would not be displayed in the school certificate of ninth graders, but would affect the final mark for a particular subject. Previously, in 2017, the result was taken into account only for the Russian language and mathematics, but starting from 2018, the OGE score will affect the grade in the certificate in selective subjects. When calculating the total score for the subject, the final grade will be rounded in favor of the student.

So the main state exams in Russia began. For schoolchildren who have completed the 9th grade, the time has come for diligent preparatory classes and of course stress. No one wants to score less points than it should be.

In this article, you will find a table for translating OGE points according to a five-point system. Focusing on it, you will know what minimum you need to score for the “three”, “four” and “five”, for each subject in 2017.

Scale for recalculating OGE scores for grades

Russian language

The compulsory examination in this subject consists of 3 parts:

  1. Statement
  2. Testing
  3. The task is to write a complete and detailed answer


The second compulsory subject that you will have to pass in order to move to 10th grade. Those wishing to continue their studies in the faculties of physics and mathematics are recommended to score the maximum score, which in 2017 ranges from 22 to 32.

The examination paper in mathematics, as well as in the Russian language, consists of 3 parts:

  • Algebra (11 tasks), tasks are divided into basic and elevated level difficulties
  • Geometry (8 tasks)
  • Real Math (7 tasks)

The recommended passing score is - 30. In order to get a "three", you need to score at least 8 points (5 in algebra and 3 in geometry). The results will be available on June 16, 2017.

If you have completed grade 11, then our next publication will be useful to you, in which we posted, and also told how you can find out the results by full name and document number!


The exam in this subject includes:

  1. 4 tasks that need to be answered in full, as well as a practical task using special devices.

For "3" you will need to score - 10. If you want to continue your education in college in technical specialties, then the recommended number is 30 points. The results will be announced (June 13-14).


Work on this subject can be solely your choice. The exam is held in 2 stages:

  • The test includes 19 tasks for which you will need to give a short answer.
  • 4 tasks (with a meaningful answer), laboratory work

Based on a five-point system, in order to get a "5", you need to score from 27 to 34. For a "3", it is enough to score 9 points (or 9 correctly complete 9 tasks). You can find out the results on June 16, 2017.


The maximum score for this subject is between 36 and 46, which means that you need to correctly answer 36 questions (consisting of a test and tasks for which you need to provide a detailed answer).

If you plan to enter medical colleges, then you should score - 33 (recommended passing score).


The examination paper consists of two parts (a test and 2 tasks performed on a computer).

The minimum score for "3" is 5. To pass with excellent marks, you will need to score - 22. To complete the work, students are allocated 150 minutes.

When will the results of the OGE (GIA) 2017 be known

Click on the tab to view the graph.

Results announcement schedule

Regardless of the discipline you choose, prepare carefully. We hope you all reach the required number of points and you do not have to retake after September 1st.

OGE structure according to English language

I Section Listening

You have 30 minutes to complete the tasks.

1 task - to understand the main theme of the dialogue. It is required to determine the place where this dialogue takes place: hotel, shop, hospital. One of the answers is redundant. Maximumnumber of points-4

2 task - it is necessary to highlight the main idea of ​​each of the 5 speakers: he (she) talks about ... for example, about his favorite school subject or describes the room of his class. Also one of the answers is redundant. Maximum amountpoints-5

Tasks 3-8 - to understand the details and search for specific information in a monologue or dialogue. In these tasks, out of the three proposed options, you need to choose one, in accordance with what you heard. For example, choose the country where the family lives. Maximum amountpoints-6

In total, you can get 15 points for the listening section.

II reading section

You have 30 minutes to complete this section. Maximum amountpoints -15

Task 9 - 7 passages from the text are presented, related by topic and eight titles that need to be correlated with each other. One of the titles is redundant. Maximum amountpoints-7

Tasks 10-17 are one large enough text. There are 8 statements in the tasks with three possible answers (1-true, 2 – false, 3 – notstated). It is necessary to determine whether the statements are true, false, or such information is not provided in the text. Maximum amountpoints-8

III section grammar and vocabulary

You have 30 minutes to complete this section. This section presents 9 tasks for grammatical word transformationstasks 18-26 (i.e. to change tense forms of the verb, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, plural nouns, ...) and 6assignments 27-32 on lexical transformations (changes in the part of speech).

Max Quantitypoints-15

IV letter section

In this section, students need to write a personal letter in response to the letter - incentive. You have 30 minutes to complete the task. Maximumnumber of points - 10.

V Section Speaking

Exercise 1 - reading aloud a short text. 1.5 minutes is given for preparation. The text must be read in 2 minutes. The maximum number of points is 2 (if intonation is observed, there are no unreasonable pauses, no more than 5 phonetic errors)

Task 2 - conditional dialogue - questioning. This task presents 6 logically related questions in the form of a public opinion survey. Each question is worth 1 point. 40 seconds are allotted for each answer. The maximum number of points is 6.

Task 3 - a monologue based on the text of the task.

1.5 minutes are allotted for preparation, but the monologue should be no more than 2 minutes.

Attention! There is a picture in the task, but it does not need to be described! You need to speak coherently on all three questions presented in the assignment. The maximum is 7 points.

The total maximum score for the exam is 70

On "5" - 59-70 points

On "4" - 46-58

On "3" - 29-45. Those. the minimum threshold for passing the exam is 29.

Exams are always a very difficult time for any person. Be it a parent, a careless student or a student. Now the role of exams is highly valued. Therefore, in the article we will consider them in more detail.

Exam Forms

Every ninth grader must pass exams in the form of the OGE. But there is another form of certification - GVE. It differs from the first one in that it is not standard, that is, depending on the individual capabilities and characteristics of the student, control and measuring materials are created. It can be tickets, tests, oral answer. This was created for children who have health problems, disabilities, study in correctional specialized schools or stay in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict.


Previously, it was necessary to pass 2 compulsory subjects in order to receive a certificate of graduation from a basic school. In 2016, the number of compulsory ones increased to 4. Among them were the Russian language and mathematics (mathematics is not divided into profile and basic, as it happens when passing an exam in the form of the Unified State Examination in grade 11), and the ninth grader has the right to choose the remaining 2 exams independently from the list items to donate:

  • literature;
  • story;
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • physics;
  • biology;
  • foreign languages ​​(English, French, German and Spanish);
  • social science;
  • Informatics;

But choose 2 items - necessary condition. In 2016, the innovation was a trial, so the marks received in 2 additional subjects were not included in the certificate. And in 2017, they will influence the formation of the final grade in the certificate at the end of grade 9.

The final application for participation in the exam must be submitted no later than March 1. Until that time, previous applications can be withdrawn and changed more than once. But it’s better not to do this, but to decide on a set of exams in September and start preparing for them in order to get good result. And the result in this type of exam is points. So how many points do you need to score at the OGE in order to get good grades in the certificate?

Russian language

The Russian language exam consists of 3 parts (15 tasks). In the first part, students must listen to the audio recording, which the organizers play in the audience (the recording is played 2 times), and then write a concise statement based on the passage they heard, the volume of which should be at least 70 words.

The second part consists of 13 tasks. All of them are performed on the basis of the proposed text, the answers are recorded in a special form. Part 3 involves writing an essay-reasoning, again based on the text read in the 2nd part.

To write an essay, it is proposed to choose one of the three proposed topics. The exam takes 3 hours and 55 minutes. Each student must be provided with a spelling dictionary. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 39. How many points do you need to score at the OGE to get a grade of "3"? At least 15 points. A score of "4" starts at 25 points, and a "5" starts at 34.


The exam consists of 3 modules:

  1. The first part consists of eight tasks and is focused on solving tasks in algebra.
  2. In the second part there are only 5 tasks. All of them are in the "Geometry" block: 4 tasks are tasks, and the last one is the choice of correct judgments.
  3. The third module assesses the student's abilities in the "Real Mathematics" block. There are 7 tasks in this module. In addition, there is a second part in the math exam, where the choice of the answer is not implied. All assignments must be completed with complete solution. The second part is subdivided into algebra and geometry.

The unresolved question is how many points you need to score in mathematics? OGE implies that in order to get a satisfactory mark, you need to score at least 8 points. Provided that 3 of them are in algebra, 2 in geometry and 2 in real mathematics. A score of "4" is given from 15 points, and "5" from 22. The maximum score is 32. Then the scores obtained are divided into final marks in geometry and algebra.


The exam consists of 2 parts. The first is a test, the second implies complete design solutions. For the exam, students must be provided with the necessary basic tables and a calculator. 2 hours are allotted for solving the exam questions.

How many points do you need to score on the OGE in chemistry? At least 9 points for a satisfactory score, for a score of "4" - 28 points, and "5" is 29 points. Their maximum number is 38.


Biology, like chemistry, consists of 2 parts. For completing the exam, you can get 33 points, this is the maximum. It is known how many points you need to score at the OGE in biology in order to get "3", - 13. A score of "4" - 26, "5" can be obtained by scoring more than 37 points.


In geography, you can get no more than 32 points. A student who gets more than 12 qualifies for a grade of "3". When passing the threshold of 20 points, the mark "4" is put, and a high score is set from 27 points.

Social science

Those who choose social studies also care about how many points they need to score. OGE 2016 demonstrated, by the way, that given subject is chosen much more often than others. And here, to get a certificate, it is enough to score 15 points.

The main subjects, which in most cases are chosen by ninth-graders for passing exams, were considered. But there are others, they can also be selected as checked. In order to successfully pass them, you need to find out how many points you need to score to pass the exam and receive a certificate, and try to get the maximum result.