Lyubetsky congress. The Lyubech congress of Russian princes took place

Congresses of Russian princes

Congresses of Russian princes- personal meetings of the Rurikovich, undertaken to resolve differences and jointly resolve issues of internal and foreign policy... They were held in Kievan Rus and individual Russian principalities from the 14th century.

The congresses were of an official nature and had a formalized procedure. In form, they were a "family" council, which corresponded to the notion that existed in the princely environment that all parts of Russia were ruled by brothers of the same clan. At the beginning of the 12th century, decisions of major congresses, in which all senior princes of their generation took part, determined the political structure of Kievan Rus. In the subsequent period, in the conditions of the growth of the dynasty and the onset of feudal fragmentation, regional congresses appeared, held among the princely branches within a particular land, and meetings of individual princes. At the same time, up to the Mongol invasion, all-Russian congresses continued to gather from time to time, successfully solving, first of all, the tasks of organizing joint campaigns against the nomads. A special type of congresses were the so-called. "Companies"- regular meetings of the Kiev princes with the Polovtsian khans, undertaken to maintain peaceful relations... According to A.S.Shavelev's estimates, in the pre-Mongol period in Russia, in total, up to 170 princely meetings of various levels took place.

In historiography, the congresses of Rurikovich are considered as a special institution, but its role, especially in the period of fragmentation, is not sufficiently studied and is interpreted in a diametrically opposite way: from the recognition of the congresses supreme body the authorities of the country (V. T. Pashuto) before their assessment as an archaic procedure that did not have a real impact on the political system (B. A. Rybakov, A. P. Tolochko).

Procedure, composition of participants

The typical procedure of the congress was as follows: each of the princes with their retinue arrived at a predetermined place and, having settled themselves separately from each other, began "standing on horses." There was an exchange of ambassadors for preliminary negotiations. Then the congress itself began. The venue was most often princely tents, erected outside the city walls, or small towns and castles, sometimes villages. Less often, the congresses were held in Kiev and regional capitals. During the congress, the princes made speeches. The agreements were predominantly oral and were accompanied by rhetorical formulas and references to legal precedents of the past. The agreements reached were sealed with a kiss of the cross, which each prince had to make personally. The crosses were kept and could be presented in case of violation of the oath, such an act was considered an absolute sin and was very acutely perceived by society. At the end of the congress, a feast was held (sometimes several feasts given by the princes to each other in turn). The feast was accompanied by joint drinking from the same bowl and the exchange of gifts. Their items were furs, expensive clothing, horses, weapons and ammunition, as well as just various rare or unusual things. For example, at the congress of 1160 Rostislav Mstislavich Smolensky added fish teeth to his gifts to Svyatoslav Olgovich of Chernigov.

The congresses had a pronounced elitist character. Persons of non-princely dignity usually did not directly participate in the discussion. When in 1096 Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Vladimir Monomakh invited their cousin Oleg Svyatoslavich to come to Kiev and conclude an agreement in the presence of the clergy, boyars and townspeople, he contemptuously declared that "it is not proper to judge me by the bishop, or abbots, or smerds." Representatives of the clergy were almost never invited to the conventions. However, with the end. XII century tendencies towards the evolution of congresses towards greater representativeness manifested themselves in some principalities and were associated with the procedure for the transfer of power, when reigning prince during his lifetime he determined the heir. For this purpose, a "Council" was assembled, which, in addition to the princes, included representatives of the nobility, clergy and cities. A similar thing took place in the Galician principality (in 1187, at the behest of Yaroslav Osmomysl) and Vladimir-Suzdal (at the initiative of Vsevolod Big Nest).

Exits XI - early. XII centuries

Chernigov principality

Dmitrovsky congress () - congress of four princes: the Grand Duke of Vladimir

The congress of princes in Lyubech (Lyubech congress) is a meeting between Russian princes during the first internecine war with the aim of concluding an agreement and dividing possessions. The congress of the princes in Lyubech took place in 1097.

Reasons for the Lyubech Congress

The end of the 11th century was very difficult for Russia. The country was in a state of constant war - on the one hand, the Polovtsians constantly raided the border territories, on the other hand, there were constant internecine wars between the princes for the right to rule in Russia. In order to get rid of the raids of foreign invaders, the warring princes had to establish peace and create a single army. It was this desire that served as the main reason for convening the Lyubech Congress of Princes.

The first congress of princes in Lyubech

Six princes took part in the congress. The meeting was convened on the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh, who made a speech to the audience about the need to create a single army to defeat the Polovtsy. In order to resolve all the issues that arose between the princes, Vladimir Monomakh proposed to re-divide the territories and spheres of influence so that everyone gets what he wants. After long conversations, the goal of the congress of princes in Lyubech was achieved - the territories were divided, and the state was ready to form a single army to confront the Polovtsy.

Results of the Lyubech Congress of Princes:

  • Svyatopolk Izyaslavich - Kiev with Turov and Pinsk and the title of Grand Duke;
  • Vladimir Monomakh - Principality of Pereyaslavl, Suzdal-Rostov land, Smolensk and Beloozero;
  • Oleg and Davyd Svyatoslavich - Chernigov and Severskaya land, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan;
  • Davyd Igorevich - Vladimir-Volynsky with Lutsk;
  • Vasilko Rostislavich (with his brother) - Terebovl, Cherven, Przemysl.

Consequences and significance of the Lyubech congress

The Congress of Princes in Lyubech was the first such meeting in Kievan Rus and his decisions were supposed to create a solid foundation for a new united and more powerful state, which is capable of repelling the attack of the invaders. However, this was prevented by betrayal. Prince Davyd Igorevich became a traitor.

Immediately after the end of the meeting, Davyd Igorevich secretly met with the prince of Kiev Svyatopolk and told him about the conspiracy - as if Vladimir Monomakh and Vasilko Rostislavich had decided to secretly seize the throne bypassing other princes. Svyatopolk believed and invited Vasilko to his place in Kiev, where the latter was immediately accused of treason by David and imprisoned. As a result of this betrayal, a new internecine war broke out.

The main decisions of the first Lyubech congress of princes were to stop the war, but due to betrayal, the situation only worsened.

Seeing that the princes began to fight again, Vladimir Monomakh decided to convene another congress, which took place in 1110 near Kiev. During the meeting, the princes decided that they forgive David's deed and were not going to take revenge on him. In confirmation of this, Svyatopolk presented Davyd with the cities of Chertorizhsk and Dubna, and other princes allocated significant amounts of money.

The feud was ended, and the state was finally able to follow the decisions of the first Lyubesky Congress, which proclaimed peace between the princes and a single state.

Old Russian state in XI - XII centuries the painful stage of early European Middle Agesfeudal fragmentation... The internecine wars accompanying it brought many troubles to the people and helped the dashing neighbors to make raids devastating the Russian land. The situation in the country was becoming critical, but the famous prince, Vladimir Monomakh, came up with a political move to end the strife. In 1097, he called the appanage princes to his castle Lubech for a direct conversation with each other. The first congress of princes instilled hope in everyone, but in the end, did not change the situation as a whole.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise, who ruled Russia strictly, but justly, ended with the division of the country between the five Yaroslavichs. The elder Izyaslav sat down in Kiev, other heirs received inheritances for management in others large cities... The child-loving Yaroslav gave instructions to his sons: to keep peace and harmony, as well as to obey the elder brother in everything, who, if anything happens, will transfer power to his next brother. This order of transfer central government in the state it was called "ladder".

In the first generation of the Yaroslavichs there was no confusion and everyone was happy, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Wise Prince were already confused and indignant. The turmoil began from 1093 to 1097, when Oleg Svyatoslavovich (Gorislavich) Tmutarakansky took Chernigov from Vladimir Monomakh, took Ryazan, Suzdal and Rostov. It was an unheard-of crime, everyone was outraged by the violation of the established order, and then the Polovtsy, at the suggestion of the same Oleg, became very active at the border. It was necessary among themselves to solve the problems peacefully and take up arms against the steppe inhabitants.

Participants, goals and objectives of the Congress of Princes

As is known, the congress was initiated by Prince Vladimir Monomakh, who had lost Chernigov by that time. His invitation to the council was accepted:

  • Svyatopolk Izyaslavich;
  • Davyd and Oleg, Svyatoslavichi;
  • Davyd Igorevich;
  • Vasilko Rostislavich.

Vseslav Bryachislavich Polotsky refused to participate in the meeting, saying that he had nothing to share and nothing to share.

The main goal of the congress: to protect Russian state from internal and external threats, thereby earning the love of the people.

The tasks of the forum in Lyubech were:

  1. Securing the "fatherland" for the assembled princes.
  2. Condemnation of Prince Oleg - the instigator of the internecine war.
  3. Develop measures to prevent future strife.
  4. To unite forces to confront the Polovtsy.

It must be understood that such a meeting of princes in epic times was equal to a modern forum on domestic and foreign policy of the state. In addition to the princes, noble people of a non-princely family took part in the work of the congress, however, they did not participate in decision-making. Sitting in a circle on one carpet, the six princes reasonably reasoned about:

  1. Damage to the Fatherland from their disagreement.
  2. The need to end civil strife.
  3. Revival of the glory of the ancestors.
  4. Reunion of brothers in soul and heart in peace and harmony.
  5. The need to jointly calm the Polovtsians.

On the whole, the congress was successful, the princes managed to agree on the main thing: "let everyone keep his patrimony." This was a guarantee of the sovereignty of the princely inheritance and a direct statement of political fragmentation.

Specific agreements and arrangements

In addition to general phrases: about eternal peace and the indestructible friendship between the princes-brothers, a specific division of the spheres of territories between the sovereign princes was formalized:

Principality, city, territory

Reigning prince



Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

Plus the title of Grand Duke

Smolensk, Belozersk, Pereyaslyavl, as well as Suzdal and Rostov lands

Vladimir Monomakh

Voluntarily refused Chernigov

Chernigov, Murom, Razan and Tmutarakan

Oleg Svyatoslavich and David Svyatoslavich

Parcels received by common decision


Davyd Igorevich

At the congress did not show dissatisfaction with the decisions of the congress

Terebovl, Przemysl, and Cherven

Vasilko Rostislavich

In addition to Vasilko, Volodar and Rurik Rostislavichi received the rights to reign in these estates.

In addition, the congress discussed and approved the principle of inheritance of assigned lands in a straight line, from father to son. Decisions: not to encroach on other people's possessions, and the one who violates this, will overtake punishment from other participants in the congress, the princes confirmed with oaths and kissing the cross.

Political perspectives and real results of the Congress

The decisions of the Congress outlined tempting prospects for a fundamentally new state structure in Russia. The decisions of the forum of princes in Lyubech could become the basis of a powerful state with elements of federalism. But, the statement of the presence of large feudal land ownership, as a new political system it turned out to be not enough to calm the strife. Almost immediately, two congress participants, Grand Duke Svyatopolk Izyaslavich and Davyd Igorevich broke their oath. They captured the prince of Terebovl Vasilko, blinded him and tried to take away the inheritance. Other princes expressed their indignation at the base deed at a new congress in Uvetichi (1100). There they managed to reconcile for a while, focusing on the fight against the Polovtsy.

In the history of Russia, as, indeed, of any other country, there are many gloomy pages, when the bloody became the cause of great disasters for the people and created favorable conditions for invaders of different stripes... It was in this situation that Russia found itself at the end of the 11th century due to the feuds between Oleg Svyatoslavich, Vladimir Monomakh and Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, the end of which was called to end by the congress of princes in Lyubech.


To understand what happened in Russia in the period from 1093 to 1097, it is necessary to start the story with a description of the war of the three sons of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich for the inheritance. In particular, Oleg Svyatoslavich, calling for help from the Polovtsi, was able to take away from his cousin- Vladimir Monomakh - Chernigov, which was previously the capital city of his father. Then the prince took Ryazan and, having killed the Murom ruler Izyaslav in battle, captured his capital, as well as Suzdal and Rostov. Such an act, even in those days, was considered as the greatest crime, and all representatives of the Monomakh family, who managed to win back their estates, took up arms against Oleg. But the external threat hanging over the country made the irreconcilable enemies think about how, at least for a while, to forget about the contradictions and not weaken Russia by internecine wars.

Participants of the princely congress in Lyubech

The gathering of the most famous appanage rulers of that time was initiated by Vladimir Monomakh, the grandson of the Byzantine emperor Constantine IX. This prince, in his early youth, showed remarkable intelligence and ability to compromise. In particular, in 1093, having the opportunity to ascend the Kiev throne, he ceded it to Svyatopolk in order to avoid war, and in 1094 he voluntarily left Chernigov, as he understood that he could not stand alone against Oleg Svyatoslavich and the Polovtsy. In addition, he was an extremely ambitious man with far-reaching political plans.

Among those invited to the congress of princes in Lyubech were the grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise, Davyd Igorevich, as well as Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavichi. In addition, his great-grandson, Vasilko Rostislavich, was summoned from Terebovlya.

Year 1097: Congress of Princes in Lyubech

The need for a meeting of the country's most influential rulers is long overdue. However, Vladimir Monomakh did not manage to persuade Oleg Svyatoslavich to come to Kiev, as he feared an attack. Finally, it was decided to hold a congress of princes in Lyubech. This castle also belonged to Monomakh, but no one lived there for a long time. As the chronicles of those years testify, Prince Vladimir spoke to the brothers and urged them to forget the enmity and stand up to defend the Motherland from the common enemy - the Polovtsians.

Results of the congress in Lyubech

After heated discussions, the princes redistributed the principalities as follows:

  • Syatopolk Izyaslavich got Kiev with Pinsk and Turov;
  • Vladimir Monomakh received Smolensk, Suzdal-Rostov land, Beloozero;
  • Davyd Igorevich was supposed to manage Vladimir-Volynsky with Lutsk;
  • Vasil'ka Rostislavich together with his brother Volodar were given Terebovl, Przemysl and Cherven;
  • Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich began to rule in Chernigov, as well as in the Seversk land, Ryazan, Murom and Tmutarakan.

Thus, the congress of princes in Lyubech proclaimed the principle of inheritance by Russian princes of lands belonging to their fathers, and its most important result was the formation of a new political system, based on the prevailing large feudal land ownership, concentrated in the hands of different branches

Subsequent events

Unfortunately, the congress of Russian princes in Lyubech could not lead to the establishment of a lasting peace in Russia, since David Igorevich secretly sent a messenger to Svyatopolk with a message about the allegedly impending seizure of the Kiev throne by Vladimir Monomakh and Vasilko Rostislavich. This insidious act brought a lot of troubles to our country. The fact is that Svyatopolk, who believed the libel, invited Vasilko to Kiev, imprisoned him and blinded him. Moreover, there is evidence that Rostislavich was warned of an impending trap. However, he replied that the princes in Lyubech “kissed the cross,” so he does not believe that he could be in danger. The result of the actions of Svyatopolk and David Igorevich was a new internecine war, which lasted until 1110.

Congress in Uvetichi

In the summer of 1110, the princes Vladimir Monomakh, Svyatopolk, Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavich gathered and "created peace among themselves." Then they called David Igorevich to trial, deprived Vladimir-Volyn principality, but assured that they were not going to take revenge on him. In addition, Svyatopolk gave him Dubna and Chertorizhsk, and the Svyatoslavichs gave him a large sum of money. Since the interests of all parties were taken into account, the internecine war ended.

Thus, the goal of the congress of princes in Lyubech, which was to achieve a lasting peace in Russia, was not achieved due to the ambitions of some of its participants.