A new form for the Russian language exam. Exam forms, design of forms, download exam forms

There is also an additional answer sheet No. 2, which is not included in the set and is issued by the organizer in case you do not have enough space for detailed answers. Photo forms are clickable and can be saved in good resolution.

Forms must be completed in black ink with a helium or capillary pen. If you are using a ballpoint pen, you need to trace the outlines of the characters 2-3 times to avoid flashes. At the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1 are samples of writing letters, numbers and symbols that the USE participant must copy when filling out the forms.

At the top of the registration form there are vertical and horizontal barcodes; no marks or blots are allowed on them. The field "Service mark" and "Reserve-1" are not filled in by the USE participants. Fields for handwritten entry of information are filled in at the direction of the organizer in the audience. The subject code "English" is 9.

In the middle part of the registration form there is information about the USE participant. Surname, name, patronymic are filled in block letters, in accordance with the pattern of writing letters. Passport data is filled in the "Series" and "Number" fields - Arabic numerals without spaces, a mark is put in the "Gender" field. The service fields "Reserve-2, Reserve-3, Reserve-4" are not filled in by the USE participant.

After familiarizing yourself with the procedure for conducting the exam, at the bottom of the registration form you put your signature strictly inside the window. Below is an area for the organizer to mark the facts of deletion or inability to complete the exam for a good reason.

At the top of the answer form No. 1, there are vertical and horizontal barcodes, as well as the service field "Reserve-5", which is not filled in by the USE participant. The USE participant must duplicate the information about the region code, code and name of the subject in the appropriate field, and also put his signature.

In the answer form No. 1, the numbers of tasks of type A and B are located. The first section of the exam in English is listening- tasks IN 1, A1-A14. Tasks of type A - the choice of an answer from the proposed options - are located in the middle part of the form. The task numbers are arranged horizontally, under each number there is a vertical column of four cells - answer options. To select an answer option, you must put a mark in this box. Accidental marks, blots and other blots should not be allowed, because in automated processing, this can be recognized as a response to a task. Answers to tasks of type B are filled in at the bottom of the form. Letters or numbers are allowed without spaces.

The second section of the exam - reading- tasks IN 2, AT 3, A15-A21.

Third section - grammar and vocabulary- tasks B4-B16, A22-A28.

If you made a mistake in the answers to tasks of type A, then to correct it there is a special area in the answer sheet No. 1, which is located immediately below the task numbers A. To do this, you put the number of the task in which the mistake was made and mark the box with the right option response. You can replace no more than 12 erroneous answers of a task of type A. The fields "Reserve-6, Reserve-7" are not filled in by the USE participant.

Similarly, errors are corrected in tasks of type B - in a field specially designated for this. The maximum number of erroneous answers for type B substitution is 6.

Fourth section - letter- tasks C1, C2. Answer form No. 2 is used, intended for tasks with a detailed answer. At the top of the form are vertical and horizontal barcodes. The region code, code and name of the subject must correspond to the information previously filled in the registration form and answer form No. 1. The service field "Additional answer form No. 2", "Sheet No." is filled in by the organizer in the audience if you were given an additional form with a shortage places. "Reserve-8" is not filled in by the USE participant. In the answer recording area, you must indicate the task number, for example, "C1", and then immediately start a letter to a friend in accordance with the rules for writing a letter. If you do not have enough space on the front side, at the bottom of the form you need to make a note "see on the back." After finishing the letter to a friend, you need to indicate the next task number "C2", and write an essay on a given topic.

All USE forms are scanned after the end of the exam - and further work is no longer with sheets of paper, but with a digital copy. In this case, part of the data is processed automatically. Therefore, it is very important that all letters and numbers entered in the form are well read and unambiguously recognized. This is what causes basic requirements for filling out forms:

  • use a black gel or capillary pen with a good, clear and bright trace (faint ink, pencil marks or blue ink can be "lost" when scanning);

  • write letters, numbers and other symbols strictly according to the model given on the forms, without going beyond the boundaries of the fields. Special attention it is necessary to give two characters that can easily “mix”: one (according to the rules, it is just like a vertical line without “tails” on top) and seven (it is written with a horizontal line);

  • use only capital letters;

  • do not allow "dirt", smearing or blots (they can be recognized as symbols);

  • strictly follow the instructions given on the forms and in the KIMs;

  • start filling in the fields from the beginning (from the first left cell);

  • write only one character in each cell.

Before taking the exam, it does not hurt to practice writing in block letters according to the model, so that during USE time do not waste too much time carefully copying characters.

Advice. When choosing a pen that you will take with you to the exam, try it in two modes that imply a slightly different hand position: regular letter and capitalization. In the exam, you will need to do both, and you need to make sure that the pen fits comfortably in your hand in each of these cases.

How to fill out the USE registration form

Even if the graduate encounters the USE registration form for the first time directly in the classroom where the exam is held, filling it out should not be a problem. Before the start of the exam, a briefing is given, which describes in detail how to fill in each field. If the participants have any questions or difficulties, it is the responsibility of the organizers to help them. Then, when the students have already begun to complete the work, the exam organizers also check whether all the fields are filled out correctly.

The registration form consists of three parts. The middle contains instructions for checking the completeness of the individual package of the USE participant. At the bottom, the participant puts a personal signature confirming that he is familiar with the rules for the exam. Signature must be located strictly inside the window designated for it and not go beyond the boundaries of the field.

The upper part is the actual registration data. They can be divided into two groups: data on the time, date and place of the exam and personal data of the examinees, as well as information on the place of their study (code educational institution and class number). The first group includes:

  • region code,

  • digital code of the examination point;

  • audience number;

  • exam date (day, month and year);

  • digital code of the subject;

  • the name of the subject (full or abbreviated).

Before the exam, all this information is written out by the organizers of the exam on the board, so when filling out, you can either follow oral instructions or simply copy the notes from the board.

Digital codes of an educational institution, as a rule, are also written out on the board. But in some cases (for example, with early passing the exam when there is a “combined” group from different parts of the city in the audience) this does not happen. In this case, before the start of the exam, you can look at the code in the list of participants posted on the doors of the audience - or check with the organizers (they have a list that also contains all this information). Graduates of previous years indicate the code of the registration point where they applied for the exam.

Outline large works. Summary, written in your own hand, will make it easier for you to review the material just before the exam. After reading it, you will refresh your memory of the main points of the work. Do not overload your abstract with unnecessary details, excessive descriptions of nature and insignificant dialogues. However, describe in more detail the characters of the characters and the ups and downs of life that have become the central plot of the work. Outline the material in blocks - for example, classify works by genre. Front USE look at the summary, focusing on them - this way it will be much easier to write answers to questions.

Be interested in related sciences - history, philosophy, cultural studies,. This will give you the opportunity to develop humanitarian thinking and freely navigate historical novels, philosophical problems works and norms of law and morality. Writing USE on literature involves the ability to explain one's thoughts not only within this subject, but also based on, the concepts of legal culture and principles.

Preparation for delivery USE on literature also involves the implementation trial tests. You will be able to familiarize yourself with indicative list questions and think about possible answers in advance. On a full-fledged exam, you will feel more comfortable, freely navigate the tasks. The exam paper is divided into three parts. The first part involves the completion of 20 tasks, their meaning is to choose one correct answer out of four options. Answers to the second block of questions involve expressing one's own opinion in the format of short answers to the questions posed. The third part is a detailed answer to the question posed in this or that work.

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USE result in the Russian language depends not only on a good knowledge of theory and the ability to write an essay-reasoning, but also on the correctness of filling in the forms by graduates. The fact is that the tasks of block A and C are checked by the computer. Therefore, it is important to comply with all requirements in the design of the work.


First of all, fill out the registration form. Keep in mind that all entries must be made in black gel pen in block letters. You can see a sample of writing letters and numbers at the top of answer form No. 1. Write your last name, first name, patronymic, code of your educational institution (you must be informed about this in advance, and it will also be indicated on your pass), PES code (item examination) on your registration sheet. It also needs to indicate the date of the exam, the option number (it is indicated in your personal KIM) and the name of the subject.

Completing the tasks of block A, fill out the answer form No. 1. You will need to choose one of the four possible options, the correct one, and put a cross or a tick in the box that corresponds to the correct answer. In total, you will need to complete thirty tasks of block A.

When completing the tasks of block B, write in the free boxes not crosses or checkmarks, but words or numbers. With a number, you can indicate the number of a particular sentence, and also, for example, report the number of grammatical bases in a particular sentence. In block B, you will need to complete tasks. You must also write down the correct answers in the answer sheet No. in the dedicated field.

Make replacements for erroneous answers in the field designed specifically for this procedure, in the answer sheet No. 1, at the bottom of the sheet. There you will have to indicate the number of the incorrect answer and report desired option response. For example, opposite the letter B, you need to indicate the number of the task and write in the boxes a word, phrase or the desired number. Keep in mind that the ability to replace erroneous answers is limited.

In the answer sheet No. 2, write -. It needs to be legible and neat. If you do not have enough space to write the work of block C (), you have the right to ask the organizers in the audience for an additional answer sheet No. 2. However, do not forget to transfer the number (your option indicated in the KIM and written down by you in the upper part, in the place specially designated for this) to the additional answer form No. 2.

In no case do not make any extraneous notes in the margins of the forms. Such work may be rejected, since such design may be regarded as a hint or a sign to the teacher, member attestation commission. Know that if the answers of block A and B, i.e.

Forms of the Unified State Exam are approved by Ro-sobr-nad-zo-rum. Su-shest-vu-et 4 types of USE blanks:

  • registration form
  • form from-ve-tov No. 1 for tasks of type A and B
  • form from-ve-tov No. 2 for tasks of type C
  • additional half-no-tel-ny form from-ve-tov No. 2


  • An incorrectly completed USE form can cause test failure
  • Unified State Exam forms damaged during registration cannot be replaced.
  • A new set of examination materials is issued only if the USE participant discovers a marriage or incomplete examination materials.

Therefore, when preparing for exams, it is important to carefully study the forms. Below are samples of the USE forms for 2011. Practicing them for-s-not-ing will help you save time on the exam and avoid embarrassing mistakes due to incorrectly recording answers.

General requirements for filling out forms

  • The data must be filled in with a gel or capillary pen with black ink in capital block letters according to the sample. This measure will help avoid scanning errors.
  • Even in drafts, do not use other colored ink and pencil, as well as "putty" for corrections.
  • Fill in each field starting from the first position.
  • Filling in the fields in all forms, as a sample, use the spelling of the characters at the top of form No. 1.
  • Mark your answers with a cross (x). The symbol line should not be too thick. If the line is thick, only one diagonal line can be drawn in the field.
  • If you do not have information to fill in the field, leave it blank.
  • Do not make any notes or notes on the answer sheets that can identify you.
  • Forbidden make in the fields of the forms, outside these fields and in the fields filled in by typographic method, any entries or notes that are not related to these forms.

Registration form

The form of registration is intended for entering in-di-vidu-al-ny data of the student. In the upper part of the sheet, there is a vertical and horizontal barcode with its digital number.

On the fields at the top the form must indicate the information of the following nature:

  • re-gi-she code;
  • code of the educational institution, where you studied, the start-up nickname of the current year (for you-start-ups of the past years or post-tu-pa-studies in the secondary school / university - the code of the educational institution, in which the participant received a pass for the exam);
  • number-measures and letter-va class-sa (not for-half-nya-et-sya you-start-up-no-one of the past years or post-to-pa-study in a vocational school / university);
  • item code for conducting the exam;
  • no-measures of the audience at the point of conducting the exam;
  • yes-that conduction of the exam;
  • pre-me-ta code;
  • naming pre-me-ta;
  • in-la for the service-no-go use.

Codes USE subjects:

Item name

The code

Item name

The code

Russian language



English language



Informatics and ICT

Social science


Spanish language


In the middle hour the form of re-gist-ra-tion indicates information about the participant of the exam:

  • surname
  • from-honor-in (if available)
  • series and number of do-cumen-ta, certifying a believing person

Also, the middle part of the form contains a brief instruction on the op-re-division of the integrity of the in-di-vidu-al-no-go set of participation ka Unified State Examination, in a way for sub-pi-si participation in the Unified State Examination and in-la for service use.

The USE participant fills in the upper and middle parts of the form (except for the fields for service use) . The signature of the exam participant is placed strictly inside the "window".

In the lower part the form of the re-gist-ra-tion of the races-in-the-bed-we-la, filled-in by the responsible organ-ga-bottom-tor in the audience in case -yah, if the participant is removed from the ex-change in connection with the violation in the order of conducting the exam or did not finish the exam for a respectful reason. There is a field for sub-pi-si from-vets-twain-no-go-or-ha-bottom-torus.

Answer Form No. 1

Form from-ve-tov No. 1 is pre-assigned for recording from-ve-tov on assignments type A with a choice of from-ve-ta from the pre-lo-female va-ri-an-tov and recording re-zul-ta-tov you-half-non-niya task type B with a response in a short form (word or number).

Write down from-ve-you to-do in strict co-ot-vets-tvii with ins-truk-qi-she, which is given to tasks in KIM. Edits are not allowed in the response area. A random stroke inside a square can be perceived as a mark.

Also, on the answer sheet No. 1, we have vertical and horizontal barcodes, a line with samples in writing -niya sim-in-loving, in-la for full-non-participation in the USE, in-le for service use. Information about the code of the region, the code and the name of the pre-me-ta must match the data entered in the registration form.

Answer Form No. 2

The form from-ve-tov No. 2 is pre-assigned for recording from-ve-tov for tasks with an expanded from-ve-th. In-la for from-ve-tov races-lag-yut-sya on the ti-tul-noy and the reverse side of the blank. In the upper part of the form from-ve-tov No. 2, the ver-ti-cal-ny and horizontal bar-codes, in la for ru -copy-no-th for-carrying in-formation of the participant of the exam, at the same time, the code of the region, the code and the name of the pre-me-ta, must be with -from-answer-to-vat information, out-of-sen-noy in the form of registration and form from-ve-tov No. 1.

When answering tasks of type C, it is necessary to write neatly and legibly, observing the page layout. Be sure to include the number of the task you are responding to, for example, C1. The task condition does not need to be rewritten.

"look at the back".

Additional form of answers No. 2

Additional form from-ve-tov No. 2 you-yes-is-sya or-ga-bottom-tor in the audience at the request of the USE participant in the case tea neh-fleece place for recording once-I’ll return-that from-ve-ta.

In the upper part of the to-half-no-tel-no-go form from-ve-tov No. 2, the ver-ti-cal bar-code, horizontal- tal barcode and its digital number, field (“Region code”, “Pre-me-ta code” and “Name of the pre-me-ta ”) for-full-named participants of the eq-for-men.

Information for filling in the upper part of the blank must be completely identical with the in-form-qi-of the main blank -ka from-ve-tov No. 2.

Po-la “Next to-half-no-tel-ny form from-ve-tov No. 2” and “Sheet No.” for-half-nya-or-ha-bottom-tor in the auditorium . When issuing up to half-no-tel-no-go blank from-ve-com No. 2, it’s out-of-situ in a row-to-number of sheets of work involved in ka USE (at the same time, sheet volume No. 1 is the main form from ve-tov No. 2, which the USE participant received in so-ta-ve in-di-vidu -al-no-go comp-lect-ta).

If you did not have enough space on the front side of the form to record your answers, you must make a note at the bottom of the form "look at the back". Theoretically, an exam participant can use an unlimited number of additional forms to answer tasks part C. But experts are sure that a maximum of four will be enough, and do not recommend using more.

When using materials on other sites, a link to

Everything USE forms filled with bright black ink. Gel or capillary pens are allowed. If the USE participant does not have these pens and uses, contrary to these rules, ballpoint pen, the contour of each character must be carefully outlined 2-3 times when filling in order to exclude "glimpses" along the line of characters.

The label line ("cross") in the fields should not be too thick. If the pen leaves a too thick line, then instead of a cross in the field, you need to draw only one diagonal of the square (any).

The USE participant must depict each number and letter in all fields of the registration form, answer form No. 1 and the upper part of the answer form No. 2, carefully copying a sample of its spelling from the line with character writing samples located at the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1 . Careless spelling of characters can lead to the fact that during automated processing the character may not be recognized correctly.

Each field in the forms is filled in starting from the first position (including the fields for entering the last name, first name and patronymic of the USE participant).

If the USE participant does not have information to fill in the field, he must leave it blank (do not make dashes).

  • make in the fields of the forms, outside the fields of the forms or in the fields filled out in a typographical way, any entries and notes that are not related to the content of the fields of the forms;
  • use colored pens instead of black to fill in the forms, a pencil (even for draft entries on the forms), means for correcting the information entered in the forms ("putty", etc.).

On the answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, as well as on the additional answer form No. 2, there should not be marks containing information about the identity of the USE participant.

When recording answers, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for performing the work (for a group of tasks, individual tasks) indicated in the control measuring material (hereinafter referred to as CMM).

Filling out the registration form

At the direction of the responsible organizer in the audience, the USE participant fills in all the fields at the top of the registration form, except for the fields for official use. In the middle part of the registration form there are fields for recording information about the USE participant.

The fields of the middle part of the registration form are filled in by the USE participant independently, except for the fields for official use ("Reserve-2", "Reserve-3" and "Reserve-4"). These fields are not filled in by the USE participant.

In the middle part of the registration form there is also a brief instruction for determining the integrity of the individual set of the USE participant and a field for the signature of the USE participant.

At the bottom of the registration form there is an area for the organizer to mark in the audience about the facts of the removal of the USE participant from the exam due to violation of the USE procedure, and also that the participant did not finish the exam for a good reason.

After completing the registration form and completing all the points brief instructions to determine the integrity of the individual set of the USE participant ("Before starting work with the answer forms, you should:") the USE participant puts his signature in the field specially designated for this.

Filling out the answer form No. 1

The answer area for Type A tasks consists of a horizontal row of CMM task numbers. Under each task number there is a vertical column of four cells. In order to mark the number of the answer that the USE participant considers correct, under the task number he must put a mark ("cross") in the cell whose number corresponds to the number of the answer he has chosen. An example of writing a label is given on the answer sheet No. 1. For convenience, the cells on the left and right margins of the answer sheet No. 1 are numbered.

In the answer area for type A tasks, accidental marks, blots, streaks of ink smears, etc., should not be allowed, as during automated processing this can be recognized as answers to CMM tasks. If it was not possible to avoid accidental marks, they should be replaced in the "Replacing erroneous answers for tasks of type A" area with those answers that the USE participant considers correct.

When filling out the answer area for tasks of type A, one should strictly follow the instructions for performing the work (for a group of tasks, individual tasks) given in the KIM. In the column corresponding to the task number in the response area for tasks of type A, no more than one mark should be made. If there are several labels, such a task will certainly be considered incorrectly completed.

You can replace the erroneously marked answer and put another one. The answer is replaced by filling in the corresponding fields in the field for replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A.

You can replace no more than 12 (twelve) erroneous answers for all tasks of type A. To do this, enter the number of the erroneously completed task in the corresponding field of the area for replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A, and mark the correct answer in the line of cells. If the number of the same task is entered several times in the fields for replacing an erroneous answer, then the last correction will be taken into account (counting from top to bottom and from left to right).

Below the area for replacing erroneous answers to tasks of type A, there are fields for recording answers to tasks of type B (tasks with a short answer). The maximum number of answers is 20 (twenty). The maximum number of characters in one answer is 17 (seventeen).

Answer area for type B tasks. A short answer is written to the right of the number of type B task in the answer area called "Results of type B tasks with a short answer."

A short answer can only be given in the form of a word, a single integer, or a combination of letters and numbers, unless the work instructions indicate that the answer can be given using commas to write the answer in the form decimal fraction or in the form of a list of items required in the task. Each number, letter, comma or minus sign (if the number is negative) is written in a separate cell, strictly according to the model from the top of the form. It is not allowed to use any characters other than Cyrillic, Latin, Arabic numerals, a comma and a hyphen (minus) when writing an answer to tasks of type B.

If you need to write a term consisting of two or more words, then they must be written separately - separated by a space or a hyphen (as spelling rules require), but do not use any separator (comma, etc.), unless the instructions for doing the work do not another form of writing an answer to this task is indicated. If there are more letters in such a term than there are cells in the answer field, then the second part of the term can be written more neatly. The term must be written in full. Any abbreviations are prohibited.

If the short answer should be a word missing in a sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should appear in the sentence.

If a numerical answer is obtained in the form of a fraction, then it should be rounded to an integer according to the rounding rules, unless the instructions for performing the work require the answer to be written in the form of a decimal fraction. For example: 2.3 is rounded up to 2; 2.5 - up to 3; 2.7 - up to 3. This rule should be followed for those tasks for which the instructions for performing the work do not indicate that the answer must be given in the form of a decimal fraction.

In the answer, written as a decimal fraction, a comma should be used as a separator.

It is forbidden to write down the answer in the form of a mathematical expression or formula. You cannot write the names of units of measurement (degrees, percentages, meters, tons, etc.). Reply headers or comments are not allowed.

At the bottom of the answer sheet No. 1, fields are provided for recording new answers to tasks of type B instead of erroneously recorded ones. The maximum number of such corrections is 6 (six).

To change the answer entered in the answer form No. 1 to the task of type B, it is necessary to put down the number of the corrected task of type B in the corresponding replacement fields and write down the new value of the correct answer to the specified task.

Filling out the answer form No. 2

Answer form No. 2 is intended for recording answers to tasks with a detailed answer.

In the upper part of the answer form No. 2 there is a vertical barcode, a horizontal barcode, fields for handwriting information by the USE participant, as well as the fields "Additional answer form No. 2", "Sheet No. 1", "Reserve-8", which are not filled in by the USE participant .
Information for filling in the fields of the upper part of the form: region code, code and name of the subject - must correspond to the information entered in the registration form and answer form No. 1.

The field "Additional answer form No. 2" is filled in by the organizer in the audience when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, entering in this field the digital value of the barcode of the additional answer form No. 2 (located under the bar code of the form), which is issued to the USE participant.

The field "Reserve-8" is not filled.

At the bottom of the form there is an area for recording answers to tasks with an answer in expanded form (for tasks of type C). In this area, the USE participant writes detailed answers to the relevant tasks strictly in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the KIM and individual tasks of the KIM.

If there is not enough space for answers on the front side of the answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to write on the back of the form by making the entry "look on the back" at the bottom of the front side. For convenience, all pages of the answer sheet No. 2 are numbered and lined with dotted lines "in a box".

If there is not enough space for answers on the main answer form No. 2, the USE participant can continue to write on the additional answer form No. 2, issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the participant in the case when there is no space left on the main answer form No. 2. If the additional answer form No. 2 is completed while the main answer form No. 2 is not completed, the answers entered in the additional answer form No. 2 will not be evaluated.

An additional answer form No. 2 is issued by the organizer in the audience at the request of the USE participant in case of lack of space for detailed answers.

In the "Sheet N" field, the organizer in the audience, when issuing an additional answer form No. 2, makes serial number sheet of work of the USE participant (in this case, sheet No. 1 is the main answer form No. 2, which the USE participant received as part of an individual set).

Answers entered in the next additional answer form #2 will not be scored if the main answer form #2 and (or) previously issued additional answer forms #2 are not completely completed (or not completed at all).