After gia. Trial exam in mathematics. Electives

GIA - the common name for the state final certification for the 9th and 11th grades. It is easy for schoolchildren and their parents to get confused in the letter abbreviations, because there is also the OGE, GVE and the Unified State Examination.

What is the GIA and how to understand these concepts?

GIA - state final certification, stands for compulsory exams in the ninth and eleventh grades. Each type of exam has its own name:

  • Grade 9 - OGE (main state exam). It is called the main one for a reason - absolutely all schoolchildren in the country take it.
  • Grade 11 - USE (unified state exam). This exam is taken only by those who complete the 11th grade and enter universities.

1 OGE exam

Let us consider in more detail the examination in the 9th grade: all schoolchildren in Russia pass this form of final certification, in contrast to the USE. Based on the results of the OGE, the student will be able to continue his studies and pass the Unified State Examination in two years or enter a college and technical school.

Often compared with the exam - indeed, the form of the conduct is similar to the unified state exam. A ninth-grader must pass two exams in the main compulsory subjects, which include the Russian language and mathematics. Also, the student must choose two disciplines at will - any of the school curriculum.

Mathematics is taken in two modules - algebra and geometry. The Russian language is also tested in several versions - an essay, a presentation, a multiple-choice test, and tasks with a full answer. These two exams are compulsory for all students in the country.

By 2020, they plan to introduce another mandatory exam in the school curriculum - in a foreign language. At the moment, the student can take exams in two more subjects that he chooses on his own. If a ninth grader plans to continue to go to a specialized class or enter educational institution, the choice of subjects is advised to approach consciously. Often, colleges and technical schools require results in a core subject.

Based on the results of the exam, the student is issued a certificate of basic general education. Exam results are determined on a scale of points from 20 to 70.

The OGE scheme is the same as that of the USE - exams are taken at another school, under close supervision and with strict rules. At the moment, all students are allowed to the GIA in the 9th grade, but it is planned to introduce a final interview, the successful completion of which will be admission to the exam.

2 USE exam

Unlike the OGE, the USE is no longer a novelty for Russians - it has been actively held in many regions of the country since 2003. Since 2009, this form of state certification has been the only one in the 11th grade. The USE simultaneously serves as a final exam from schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, as well as an entrance exam to a university.

The exam system in the 11th grade is similar to the OGE. There are also two compulsory subjects - mathematics and Russian. It is also possible to choose two subjects at will, any of the school curriculum.

Innovation in 2015 - mathematics is divided into two areas, basic and specialized. A student can choose a profile version of the exam only if it is required for admission to a university.

Graduates should prepare in advance and choose those subjects that are required for admission to a higher educational institution. Also conducted in foreign languages, including Spanish, French and German. In 2016, the first mock exam in Chinese in the Amur Region.

According to the results of the exams, the graduate receives points in each subject. It is important to get the minimum number of points that Rosobrnadzor allows. The higher the score, the more chances the applicant has to enter the university for the desired specialty. Each institution of higher education has its own passing score for admission.

It is held in the building of another school, with other teachers in order to avoid incorrect results. Every year the exam procedure becomes more and more strict, video surveillance is installed in the classrooms, and schoolchildren are even escorted to the toilet.

The introduction of the USE still causes serious controversy among both children and parents, as well as representatives educational system. Preparation for the unified state exam is advised to start as early as possible.

3 HVE Exam

There is another form of state final certification - GVE (the abbreviation stands for state final exam). He is rather an exception to general rule and applies to certain categories of graduates. These include children with handicapped health, disabled children, students of educational institutions closed type etc.

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The main final certification awaits all schoolchildren in Russia. The OGE is a great way to test your knowledge in grade 9 and prepare for the exam. And the unified state exam gives the graduate a good opportunity to score high scores for admission to the university and pass the competition.

When preparing for exams, you should first of all pay attention to the Rosobrnadzor website ( and the official informational portal unified state exam ( - there, first of all, information about the OGE is published, which in one way or another may concern the interests of future participants.

On these resources, you can get acquainted with the procedure for conducting exams, the schedule, the features of the OGE in various subjects; find answers to frequently asked questions.

Official sites of the OGE 2019 - Grade 9

To understand how to do the examination work, you should first of all familiarize yourself with the demo versions of the control measuring materials (KIM) of the OGE in the subjects of this year. Demonstration options will help to get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. Besides, in demo version the criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer are given, which give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of the record of the answer. This information is useful to develop a strategy for preparing for the OGE.

When familiarizing yourself with the demo versions of the KIM OGE 2019, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in them do not reflect all the content issues that will be checked at the OGE.

Every year, FIPI prepares a certificate of changes in KIM for each academic subject, it is also posted along with demo versions. The subject teacher, even if he is not among the organizing teachers at the OGE or among the experts of the subject commission, should familiarize himself with guidelines, prepared on the basis of an analysis of the results of last year's OGE, and recommendations for subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer in order to know the process from the inside and be able to explain to their students all the features of the upcoming exams.

Also on the FIPI website there is an invaluable thing - an open bank of OGE tasks. The bank has a large number of tasks used in the preparation of options for KIM OGE for all academic subjects. It can be used for self-study to the OGE. This will greatly help students navigate the exam material, practice typical tasks. The teacher also needs to use materials from time to time. open bank tasks of the OGE and include them as an element of the lesson when repeating the material.

Exams in the 9th grade in 2018 will include a knowledge test in two compulsory subjects and three additional ones, which the student can choose independently. Recall that in 2017, according to the previously approved plan, the OGE, aka GIA-9, consists of two compulsory and two additional disciplines, the knowledge of which students will pass the exam in the company of like-minded people. By 2020, by the way, it is planned to increase the total number of exams to 6. Now about everything in order.

Let's start, perhaps, by learning a little more information about the abbreviations indicated in the first paragraph of the text. OGE is the main state exam. It is also called GIA, in particular GIA-9, which stands for state final certification. The number 9, in fact, indicates that ninth grade students take such an exam. This is a kind of analogue of the Unified State Examination - a unified state exam, which is passed by all, without exception, students of the eleventh grade.

All exams consist of a series of tasks, which are called control and measuring materials, abbreviated KIM. Very strict requirements are put forward for their development and storage. 11 federal commissions are engaged in this with large quantity experts in every subject. So it's pointless to waste time looking for finished tasks with answers online.

OGE, aka GIA-9

The OGE is mandatory for 9th graders who plan to continue their education outside of school in the future - in colleges or technical schools. Such control of schoolchildren's knowledge, like the USE, is criticized by many, however, like GIA-9, it still remains the main "X-ray" in the context of checking the knowledge of 9th grade students. In 2018, the schools of Crimea and Sevastopol continue to be an exception to the rule, where the OGE remains voluntary so far - you can refuse and take exams according to the old rules.

Exams for grade 9 in 2018 will, as before, include a mandatory test in two disciplines: the Russian language and mathematics. In addition to the compulsory subjects, schoolchildren are also waiting for a “test” in three additional subjects at once, which, however, everyone chooses for himself. This applies to both those who are going to enter a technical school or college soon, and those who plan to continue their studies at school. The innovation is that now the grades obtained in the exams will affect the certificate.

Interestingly, there is information that in 2018 two compulsory disciplines OGE exams will be replaced by three. Rumor has it that the third compulsory subject will be a foreign language. Someone will say that he is clearly superfluous here, but it seems to us that he is not. Still, knowing several languages ​​in our time is worth a lot.

Exam for grade 9 in 2018

Exams after grade 9 in 2018, in addition to the Russian language and mathematics, two compulsory subjects, include, as we have already said, three additional disciplines. And if by this time the OGE will still consist of passing exams in three compulsory subjects, then there will be two additional ones, as in 2017.

Let's assume that a foreign language nevertheless became obligatory. Two additional disciplines in this case may be the following disciplines taught in schools: physics, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history, literature and computer science.

Note that knowledge testing can be carried out in such foreign languages ​​as English, German, French and Spanish.

By 2020, according to important people, working to ensure that the younger generation grows up educated, a total of 9th grade students will be tested in six subjects. This means that the student himself will have to choose from the list of proposed disciplines, either three or four areas in which he “swims well”.

It seems that if a foreign language does become mandatory soon, then the total number of subjects in the GIA-9 exam will not exceed 6. The student will then simply be somewhat limited in his choice: instead of 4 - 3. But this seems to be enough. In any case, a foreign language is not so difficult, at least in our time.

How many exams will there be in grade 9 in 2018?

By this time, Russian schoolchildren intend to do everything in their power to prepare properly for the delivery of 5 subjects. Two of them will definitely be Russian and mathematics. There are two more to choose from. Foreign language remains in question. If it does not become mandatory by that time, a person who ignores "someone else's speech" can easily choose "her" to replace something else from the list, which is closer to him in spirit.

When will the 9th grade exams take place in 2018?

The exact dates of exams for ninth-graders will be prepared by Rosobrnadzor and published on the official website.

Based on experience recent years, they will be next.

  • Early exams: from April 20 to May 6, 2018;
  • Main period: May 26 - June 24, 2018;
  • Additional surrender. 2 – 22 September 2018.

In addition, reserve days will be allocated for students in grade 9 who missed the exam for a good reason.

In conclusion, it is worth paying your attention to such a moment as the impact of the results of the OGE on the final grade in the school certificate. By 2018 they will be interconnected. This means that the GIA-9 exam should be taken with double seriousness.

I would also like to wish all ninth graders success in their exams.

Preparation for the OGE in mathematics and for the USE in other subjects:

Tell me, would you like to spend the next 5 years in such a way that you remember them forever, so that they are the happiest in your life?

Would you like to be proud of yourself for the rest of your life?

And the most, perhaps, indiscreet question. Would you like to earn a lot more than the rest and be happier?

Ru. I have two higher education, several years of work in top international companies (PwC and E&Y), own consulting company...

But I started with I couldn't get into college.

For various reasons, but the most main reason- I DID NOT BELIEVE THAT I NEED IT. And I didn't prepare.

And so, after I failed, the fun began.

It was embarrassing...

Because I had to answer the questions many, many times: “How?! You didn't get in?! Why?! You are smart!” You can’t argue ... You can’t say: “No, I’m a fool ...”

Then I had to go to GPTU. Now it's called beautiful word"College". And then this abbreviation was deciphered in a different way: "Lord, Help the Dumb One Settle Down."

In general ... it became completely unbearable. Because some of my friends did and somehow immediately became inaccessible.

They went to college, hung out in hostels, had fun, and I went to the factory and nailed rails on the conveyor to wooden panels and that was called teaching.

I took a panel, put slats on it, 12 shots with an air pistol and ... the next panel. And so 8 hours ... And so the whole life ...

And then there was the army - not the most pleasant place on earth. To be honest, it was real hell and just thrown out 2 years of life, so heavy that I could not even imagine.

A year of “study” at the GPTU (and in fact stupid, mechanical work at the factory) and two years of even more stupid and senseless service in the army were very convincing.

The value of education was clearly explained to me in a simple, intelligible way. I realized one thing...

I don't want to live like this!

I do not want to go to the factory, do mechanical work, earn little.

And after the army, I gathered my strength and with great difficulty entered ... but not at the institute, but at the preparatory department, where they trained me for another year to enter the university.

It is unrealistic to enter a university directly after a three-year break in studies.

And only after the preparatory department, I was able to somehow “creep” on the budget to the institute. Not the best, but still...

There were two institutes, 6 years of the most beautiful fun!

After the second institute, I found a job and started getting more than my parents. AND the work was very interesting(much more interesting than nailing slats).

I went on business trips all over the country: I visited Nakhodka, Sakhalin, Baikal, the Arctic Circle, passed professional exams in the USA, went to training courses in Germany, Hungary. I interacted with very different interesting people, on the different languages. I made friends all over the world.

But… do you want to be honest?

It was incredibly difficult to get out of the hole into which I drove myself. I had to simultaneously earn my living, study, sleep very little, catch up all the time ...

Few can stand it.

Why am I telling all this? Not to brag. There is nothing to brag about here.

I can not understand…

Why am I so incompetently missing the four most best of the year own life?!

And I encourage you to ask yourself a couple of questions right now...

Perhaps… you should be smarter than me? Perhaps it’s worth a little strain and enter the university of your dreams this year? Perhaps it's easier to enroll right after high school? Think. If the answer is yes, then read on...

On urgent preparation for the exam in mathematics

But first, one thought, which, I know, gnaws at many, many schoolchildren like you. There she is:

I have no aptitude for mathematics. I won't be able to pass the exam.

Here's what I'll tell you about it. This is complete nonsense!

There are no people incapable of mathematics. There are people who are not capable of teaching it.

It may sound harsh, but it's true. Too many "teachers" are not capable of teaching.

The task of the teacher is not to demonstrate his knowledge (he should have it by definition), but to descend to the level of the student and climb with him at his pace along the steps of knowledge, explaining complex concepts on the fingers.

Maybe you just no luck with the teacher...

Look at the reviews for our textbook “For Dummies” on the site site. Pay attention to how many schoolchildren figured out difficult sections of mathematics for the first time thanks to the textbook and wrote to us about it!

Why is that?

Because we have created a textbook that explains complex mathematical concepts in a simple, human language. Because with the help of it you can deal with any topic in mathematics on your own.

For these schoolchildren (and their parents and even grandparents!) our textbook has become an excellent electronic teacher!

Another question that also worries you very much:

How difficult is the exam in mathematics ?!

Take a look yourself. Before you is a schedule of those who took the exam in various subjects for 100 points for 2018.

It can be seen from the graph that there are only 0.03% of those who took the test and that mathematics as well as English are the most difficult exams.

So you need to seriously prepare for them. But do not worry, if you are reading these lines, you will know how to pass this ill-fated USE in mathematics!

Why can our USE preparation program in mathematics and our textbook “For Dummies” help you prepare in the remaining time?

It's all about the interaction of the five parts of the site and the site

See what these parts are:

    The school does not prepare for the exam for admission to the top university on the budget!

    It is not clear what needs to be repeated, what tasks to pay attention to when preparing!

    Where I live there are no good teachers and you can't find a tutor!

Which of these issues apply to you?

Mathematics preparation program for the Unified State Examination

Our program for preparing for the exam in mathematics is your electronic tutor. Its algorithms were developed by the best tutors in Moscow. You don't have to look for other materials, you don't have to think about anything - just go from module to module and solve problems. Like in a game. If you can't, analyze the answers and solutions.

    At school I had a weak math teacher. I did not understand anything.

    I got sick and dropped out. Couldn't catch up.

    Mathematics is a very difficult subject, accessible only to geeks!

    I don't have math skills!

Have we already said that this is nonsense?

Textbook "For dummies" to prepare for the exam in mathematics

You are 100% good at math. Read the reviews for our textbook. A lot of people have figured out complex topics on their own. We have written this tutorial in a way that is understandable so that anyone can understand any topic. In simple human language about complex things.

    I understood the course of the solution correctly, but did not notice the trap and solved the problem incorrectly!

    The tasks were so unfamiliar! They didn't give us that at school!

    The theory is clear, but the practice is not enough!

    I solved difficult problems correctly. I know a lot and tried very hard, but I made a mistake on some nonsense!

Familiar, right? Be sure that all the tasks will seem unfamiliar to you on the exam.

Trainers by type and by topic

Therefore, it makes no sense to solve typical tasks all the time. You need to look for and solve original problems in order to learn to think and not be afraid if the task seems at first incomprehensible.

Our problems (especially complex ones) were invented by our mathematicians Elena Evgenievna Bashtova and Aleksei Sergeevich Shevchuk. The tasks are original, that is, unfamiliar. Just what you need. By solving them, you will learn to think and prepare for the exam in mathematics in the best possible way!

  • I solved everything, but I wrote down the answer incorrectly!
  • I knew how to solve, but there was not enough time for the exam!
  • The result of the trial exam is 50, then 90 points. There is no certainty what will be on the exam.
  • It's a shame to prepare for a whole year (and sometimes 2-3 years) and then not get a couple of points and not enter the university of your dreams!
  • Do you know how often we hear this phrase?! Why is this happening?! Because you have not adapted to stress, solving tasks for a while, you are not used to controlling time.

    Trial exam in mathematics

    This part will allow you get used to stress, learn to control time and find out your true level.

    You can take a trial exam in mathematics unlimited. The program selects every time new version tasks from the database of 6000 tasks.

    The result of the trial exam, the answers to each problem and the solutions you you will receive immediately!

    • I can't bring myself to study. I need someone to help and motivate me!
    • I'm not sure I have enough time. There is nothing left before the exam ... nothing!
    • I need help. I don't like to study alone.

    Everything is simple!

    Parent's office

    In the parent's office there is an opportunity to see all the statistics of your progress. It is impossible to deceive him. Only correctly solved problems are displayed.

    Together with your parents, you will be able to accurately estimate how much time you need to study per day in order to have time to complete the entire Program before the exam.

    Our authors: who are they?

    What exactly will you get by purchasing our USE preparation program in mathematics and access to the textbook “For Dummies”

    Mathematics preparation program for the Unified State Examination

    • 25 geometry modules;
    • 25 algebra modules;
    • An entrance test that determines the level of the student and a training program adapted to his level;
    • Just go like in a game, from module to module;
    • Parent's office (to help the student).

    A great option for those who want to study on their own.

    Why super? because the most budget (but very high quality!).

    Because prepared the best tutors Moscow as an electronic replacement for a tutor.

    If you complete the Program to the end, increase your result by an average of 40%(according to a survey of students).

    Simulators for solving problems by topic and type:

    • 6000 tasks in the database for each topic and each type;
    • All tasks with solutions and answers.

    A great option for those who do not need a program, but need to get their hands on tasks on a specific topic or type.

      to don't make stupid mistakes in simple tasks

      to learn how to write the answer correctly

      to achieve stability results

      to step on all the rakes and learn solve problems with traps(of which there will be many on the exam)

      not to be afraid to solve unknown problems (our problems are unique, you can’t download them on the Internet)

    The best way to prepare with a simulator?

      You read the topic in our textbook “For Dummies”, solve all the problems on the topic, and then solve all the problems on the same topic in the simulator.

    Trial exam - unlimited.

    • At any time, you can sit down and write a trial exam, for a while. And immediately get the result and analysis of tasks.
    • Our trial exam is as close to the real one as possible.

    You will know exactly what you are capable of.

    And most importantly, you can feel exam stress(the test is for a while) and get used to it.

    Parent's office.

    You can help the student by complicating or vice versa simplifying his program.

    can be assessed whether you have time to prepare for the exam or not, because you can see all the statistics of the student.

    Textbook (written in human language)

    You can understand any complex topic in mathematics just by reading a chapter from a textbook.

    Don't believe?

    Look at student reviews on any page of the textbook.

    Where I live, there is no good math teacher. I found your training course and practiced on my own for about 5 months. Plus I read your textbook and solved problems from it. Passed 78 points. For me, this is a lot! This is just a miracle! I recommend you to everyone!

    Galya Ferzhikova

    Was looking for inexpensive math courses for my son so I could figure it out and help him. I'm glad I stumbled across your course. Sometimes we studied together, sometimes separately, and now he is in his first year! I wish you and your project good luck!

    Alexander Viktorovich Lovtsov

    I took the exam 2 years ago when your course was free (thanks for that!). I have never been friends with mathematics, but your textbook helped a lot! I realized that I could master any topic. The preparation program was difficult at first, because I lied on your entrance test and received an advanced program. She's really complex. Then I passed the entrance test again and everything went fine. The ability to understand the material itself was very useful at the institute. I'm still reading the textbook :)

    Galina K.- Student

    Who is our textbook and training program for?

    It is for the very smart, for the independent.

    For those who do not have much money to hire tutors.

    For those who are important to achieve everything on their own and then, at the institute, when neither dad, nor mother, nor tutors are around, not to get confused and get out of any situation.

    Of course, we like the idea of ​​studying with a tutor. But what about those who do not have much money to hire?

    What to do with those who lives in a small village where there are no good tutors?

    We think everyone should have a chance!

    What do we not like about other USE preparation programs in mathematics and textbooks?

    We don't like HOW most math textbooks are written.

    It seems that they were written by people who knew and knew everything right from birth, and no one taught them addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, did not patiently explain tricky tasks step by step. On fingers. Understandable language.

    No. They immediately knew how to “differentiate and integrate”, immediately understood the mathematical language as their native language.

    Of course it wasn't. If they know math well, then someone messed with them, then they had a good teacher.

    What is a good teacher?

    This is not the one who knows everything and constantly demonstrates it, but the one who descends to the level of the student and climbs the steps of knowledge together with him, step by step, helping him so that he does not stumble.

    In order for you to master something new, you first need to be explained to you on your fingers, then they will help you to consolidate it in practice, and only then you will be able to use this new skill very quickly.

    It doesn't work otherwise.

    That's what we tried to do in our tutorial.

    What does our textbook and training program NOT do?

      It's not just a theory. It's a focus on problem solving. Because at the exam in mathematics you will not be asked for theory, but for solving problems. If you need an ordinary textbook on theory - this is not for us.

      They won't learn for you. If you're not in the mood to prepare, don't buy anything from us. We won't be able to help you.

    For whom is our textbook and training program NOT suitable?

    They won't work for you if you:

    • unable to convince himself of the need to study;
    • unable to regularly sit down, open the computer and study.

    Or if you don't have someone to push and motivate you.

    It can be your parents (In this case, open the parent's office for them so that they can see all your statistics and, if you are behind, help you)

    It could be your friends. You can agree with a friend and open a parent's office for each other, compete with each other.

    Thank you for the test exam!

    I was very worried that my daughter would not cope with the excitement and she would not have enough time for a real exam. And here is your training program! We actually studied with a tutor, but on your site you only took a trial exam. Many many times.

    The tasks are different all the time, but the daughter coped with them and this gave confidence. Passed the exam at 91!

    Andrey Gusev

    I have been using your sites since 8th grade. Mostly a textbook and training on topics. At school, they explain it incomprehensibly, your textbook is better!

    If something is not clear, I first look at the tutorial and usually this is enough. But, if not, I solve problems in the simulator on the same topic until I feel that I understand everything.

    OGE passed without problems. Now I'm preparing for the exam.

    Irina Samoilova

    Questions and answers:

    What is on the site?​​e site?

    The site contains our famous textbook “For Dummies”, written in human language, which allows you to understand the topic yourself. The explanation is “on the fingers”, very clear. If you look at the reviews under each topic, you can see how many students figured out difficult topics on one's own.

    What is on website?

    The site contains:

    • Preparation program for the Unified State Examination in mathematics and the OGE in mathematics, as well as preparation programs for grades 8 and 10 (for those who would like to prepare for exams in advance);
    • Simulators for solving problems by topic and type. For those who do not need a full-fledged training program, but who need to get their hands on solving problems of a specific type or on a specific topic. The database contains more than 6000 tasks with solutions and answers.
    • Trial USE in mathematics and a trial OGE in mathematics. For those who need to understand their real level, to determine weaknesses feel the stress associated with lack of time and get used to it.

    For what period is access to the textbook (website) given?

    We give lifetime access to the textbook located on the site site. It is limited only by the lifetime of the site.

    For what period of time do you give access to the site

    We give lifetime access to all services located on the site It is limited only by the lifetime of the site.

    Do you only prepare for the exam in mathematics?

    Yes, we prepare only for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in mathematics.

    How many options are available for the Trial USE in Mathematics and Trial OGE in Mathematics?

    You can take the Trial USE and Trial OGE an unlimited number of times. The program generates every time new list tasks.

    When are the results of the trial USE in mathematics and trial OGE in mathematics available if I pass them on your website?

    Results are available instantly. You can also look at the correct answers and solutions to problems and understand where you made a mistake and what topics you need to tighten up. Further, these topics can be trained on simulators by topic or by type.

    For what level of student preparation is your Training Program located on the website suitable?

    Our training program is suitable for any level of student preparation. Before the start of training, the student takes an entrance test and the system determines his level. Based on this level, the system develops a training program suitable for a particular student. Then the student learns according to his program, according to the principle “from simple to complex”, step by step, module by module, going through the entire program.

    Where did you get the tasks from?

    We wrote all 6000 tasks in the database ourselves. Simple tasks are like simple tasks from other sources because it's hard to come up with something original. But complex tasks are unique. Our mathematicians worked on them. They cannot be googled on the internet. Therefore, solving these problems will teach you to think and prepare you for the stress of the exam. It's no secret that on the exam, all tasks seem unfamiliar. So, this won't be a problem for you.

    My child is writing. How can you help with this?

    To be honest, it's hard to help in this situation. To get a high score on the exam, you need to learn to think, not write off. It takes time and work on your child's part. All that can be advised is to try to explain to the child the importance of the exam. It is most important. If you succeed, you can try to get as far as possible through the training program in the remaining time. You can open a parent's account, see all his successes and help him, praise, cheer...

    What is the best way to study with our websites?

    Option 1. You read the topic in our textbook “For Dummies”, solve all the problems on the topic, and then solve all the problems on the same topic in the simulator of the Preparatory Program for the Unified State Examination in Mathematics.

    Option 2. Go through the Mathematics Preparation Program for the Unified State Examination and, if the topic is not clear, read the materials of the textbook “For Dummies” on this topic.

    And now the story that I promised, that you should not give up under any circumstances.

    1991 My friend is 24 years old. He is a 3rd year student. He has just had a baby, prices have been released in the country, and if he starts working in his profession after graduation, the money he will earn will not be enough for food... My wife and child live in a hostel in another city. That is, he and his family also have nowhere to live.

    I don't know who told him, but he's in this situation For some reason I started learning English. In those days, it was not as easy as it is now, there were no good textbooks, courses, teachers themselves could not always speak English well. But he took the textbooks that fell into his hands and studied them from cover to cover.

    When he announced to everyone that he would enter the International University they laughed at him openly. The university was supervised by Russian President Yeltsin and Moscow Mayor Popov. The university gave out-of-towners a hotel room for two. No one believed that it was possible to enter there “from the street”.

    Further, what my friend did ... He understood that he has absolutely no chance of getting in. because of English. He also knew that there would be an essay in English on the exam. free theme. And he thought that the topic might be: “Why do you want to study at the International University?”.

    Again, what were the chances that he would guess right? Very small...

    My friend hired a tutor, wrote an essay with him on this topic and memorized it to the comma. He would like to write a few more essays on other topics, but he no longer had money for a tutor.

    And then he took and for some reason corrected one sentence in this essay - made it more grammatically complex, the same as in one grammar textbook ...


    English was the last exam. And - a miracle! Indeed, there was such a topic in the essay and my friend diligently rewrote everything to the comma got 23 points out of 25 possible!

    Did it help him?

    Despite all efforts, he was 12th in the list of 10 budget places. It looks like you could give up. He did everything he could. But this guy wasn't like that.

    He went to challenge the work on English language, because this is the only thing that could be challenged (mathematics and Russian could not be challenged). Although even if he was given 25 points out of 25, he still would not be enough to get into the top ten lucky ones. But he went...

    He asked why he was given 23 points and not 25? The teacher replied that the essay was excellent, but he had one stylistic error and pointed to the SAME sentence my friend corrected!

    Imagine what a shame! Myself, with my own hands messed up everything! End?

    Yeah .. right now!

    A friend finds the same grammar textbook right there in the department, opens it on a page with an example of that very complex grammatical construction and shows the teacher: “This is not a mistake, but a stylistic device.”

    The teacher looks and gets inspired: “Ah, so that's what you meant! That's interesting... Okay. I’ll give you 25 points… and I’ll add another 2 points for my deep knowledge of the English language!”

    Bingo! 27 points out of 25 possible! Just unbelieveble!

    Did the guy get in?

    It wasn't there. He became 11th in the list of 10 budget places ...

    And then he had a dilemma. It was possible to transfer to another faculty, where he would have had enough points, but this faculty, as he thought then, was not so interesting and he decided not to twitch, hoping that someone in front of him would leave the race ...

    If you do not give up and do everything to be lucky, you will be lucky to the end!

    And so it happened. Two girlfriends in front of him were transferred to the same easier faculty. They wanted to study together, but one of them didn't pass...

    And he finished 10th...

    International University changed everything in his life. He built an excellent career and everything is fine with him now.




    You have… 3 months left.

    Or already 2 or even 1 ... day! - never mind!

    Do not give up!

    Take our textbook and learn as much as you can before the exam. Learn to solve problems in our simulator. Or take the Training Program and go through it as much as you can.

    Try your best. Do not give up!

    One day left?

    Learn ONE topic and learn how to solve problems on it.

    Perhaps this topic will give you those same 27 points out of 25 that EVERYONE will decide.

    Parents of students studying in the territory Russian Federation, still quite vaguely understand the difference between the OGE and the USE, and therefore at home they may have misunderstandings with their children. Therefore, in this article we will try to explain to you the whole essence of the Unified State Examination and the OGE, as well as tell you about how they differ from each other.

    But first, I would like to note that one more abbreviation can be found on the Internet - GIA, which, with its presence, can completely confuse parents who were trained in a completely different system. So, let's begin:

    • the abbreviation USE stands for Unified State Exam;
    • OGE - compulsory state exam;
    • GIA - state final certification.

    And now I would like to talk in more detail about each of these abbreviations and understand how they differ from each other. But first, it should be noted that the OGE and the GIA are actually one and the same. It’s just that the GIA is a more outdated concept that existed in Russia until 2014, which was replaced by the OGE.

    What is common between the OGE and the USE

    These are some types of control, thanks to which it is possible to determine the level of knowledge of secondary school students, as well as high school graduates general education. Based on the results of these tests, an application to the certificate will be filled out, that is, state documents, which will subsequently be issued to a graduate who has graduated from 9th or 11th grade.

    The concepts of the exam and the OGE

    The USE is an exam that is held in lyceums, schools and gymnasiums operating in Russia. Its implementation is completely centralized. Hand over this species The exam is exclusively for graduates of the 11th grade. According to its results, they can be accepted or not admitted to higher educational institutions based on the number of points that they managed to score. The purpose of this exam is to establish the level of knowledge of the student in the required programs of certain subjects. This can be done thanks to a single assessment method, as well as the principle by which for each individual subject the same type of tasks is selected, initially approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    The exam is taken in the following subjects:

    • social science;
    • story;
    • Russian language;
    • geography;
    • literature;
    • biology;
    • mathematics;
    • chemistry;
    • foreign language;
    • physics.

    The OGE is, like the Unified State Examination, a single system for testing students for all schools that provide secondary and incomplete secondary education. However, it applies only to those children who have completed grade 9. In the same form, by the way, two more exams can be taken at once, one of which is at the choice of the student himself, and the other is decided by the regional educational authorities. Thanks to this kind of testing, it is possible to establish the level of preparation of a student who has completed grade 9 and determine the direction of his further education. Simply put, having passed the OGE, it becomes clear whether the child will be able to go to college, a vocational school, or whether he should continue his studies in the 9th grade.

    Comparison of the Unified State Examination and the OGE

    The Unified State Examination is held for graduates of all 11 classes, moreover, at specially prepared points and with the obligatory participation of the state independent examination commission. By the way, the functions of this commission are necessarily regulated by Rosobrnadzor.

    The OGE is held on the territory of the school, and its conduct is closely monitored by the territorial commission, whose competence includes evaluating the results, as well as making a decision regarding the appeal.

    To pass the EGE, you must create a special registration form, which will contain all the data about the person taking this exam. In the form of the exam itself, nothing can be corrected at all. It is not even allowed to cross out the answers to the questions contained in it.

    The main differences between the USE and the USE are:

    • The exam is mandatory for all students who have completed 11 classes. Based on the results of this exam, the level at which the student has mastered the knowledge provided to him at school is determined. And the OGE is conducted only for students who have completed 9 classes in a secondary school;
    • The USE can only be conducted at points that were previously registered with Rosobrnadzor, while the OGE is held on the territory of the educational institution where the student was trained;
    • the degree of complexity of tasks in the USE is several times higher than in the USE;
    • one hour more time is allotted for passing the OGE than for the exam;
    • based on USE results, an 11th grader can be admitted to a higher educational institution, while the results of the OGE are only taken into account when a 9th grade graduate enters a college, school, or when moving to the 10th grade of a school.