Who are saints in Orthodoxy? Orthodox Saints: list by years of life

According to the Christian religion, God gives each of the Christians two angels. In the works of St. Theodore of Edessa explains that one of them - the guardian angel - protects from all evil, helps to do good and protects from all misfortunes. Another angel - a saint of God, whose name is given at baptism - intercedes for a Christian before God. You must resort to the mediation of your Angel in different occasions in life, he will pray for us before God. Moreover, Christian tradition determined which saints can help in certain situations if you turn to them with faith and hope for a resolution of the situation. For example, about luck in blacksmithing in Russia, they turned to the patronage of the unmercenaries and miracle workers Kozma and Demyan, the holy brothers - artisans and healers. Prayed against pride venerable miracle worker Sergius of Radonezh and Alexy of God, a man known for deep humility. Prayers were built, for example, like this: “Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, martyrs Anthony, Eustathius and John of Vilna, holy healers of the feet, ease my ailments, strengthen my strength and legs!”.
Orthodox Christians had patron saints who helped both in captivity by the enemy (the righteous Philaret the Merciful through prayer leads the awake out of captivity), and in the patronage of the entire state (Great Martyr George the Victorious, in whose honor the state award for services to the fatherland "George's Cross" was established), and even in digging wells (Great Martyr Theodore Stratilat).
Many saints and great martyrs knew the art of medicine during their lifetime and successfully used it to heal the suffering (for example, the martyrs Cyrus and John, the Monk Agomit of the Caves, the martyr Diomedes and others). They resort to the help of other saints because during their lifetime they experienced similar suffering and received healing by trusting in God.
For instance, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (XI century) suffered from eyes and recovered after Holy Baptism. Prayers succeed only with faith in the power of their intercession before God, from whom believers receive help. For greater success in prayer, a prayer service was ordered in a church with water blessing.
Your attention is invited to a list of saints who glorified themselves by helping people get rid of physical and mental ailments. It should be noted that holy healers help not only fellow believers, but also other suffering people. For example, there is a well-known case of a cure by Metropolitan Alexy of Moscow (XIV century) of the wife of Khan Chanibek Taidula from eye diseases. It is Saint Alexis who is prayed for the gift of insight.
The proposed list of intercessors in diseases does not claim to be complete, it does not include miraculous icons, Archangels - the patrons of Christians at different stages of life. Here only information about the saints - healers. After the name of the saint, numbers are indicated in brackets - the century of life, death or the acquisition of relics by the church (Roman numeral) and the day when the memory of this saint is honored by the Orthodox Church (according to the new style).

Hieromartyr Antipas(I century, April 24). When he was thrown by his tormentors into a red-hot copper bull, he asked God for the grace to heal people from toothache. This saint is mentioned in the Apocalypse.

Alexy Moskovsky(XIV century, February 23). The Metropolitan of Moscow, even during his lifetime, healed from eye diseases. He is prayed for to get rid of this disease.

Righteous youth Artemy(IV c., July 6, November 2) was crushed by the persecutors of the faith with a huge stone that squeezed the insides. Most of the healings were received by those suffering from pain in the stomach, as well as from a hernia. Christians received healing from the relics in case of serious illnesses.

Agapit Pechersky(XI century, June 14). During the treatment he did not require payment, therefore he was nicknamed "the doctor without compensation." Helped the sick, including the hopeless.

Reverend Alexander Svirsky(XVI century., September 12) was given the gift of healing - of the twenty-three of his miracles known from life, almost half relate to the healing of paralyzed patients. After his death, this saint was prayed for the gift of boy children.

Rev. Alypy of the Caves(XII century, August 30) during his lifetime he had the gift of healing leprosy.

Andrew the First-Called, holy apostle from Bethsaida (I century, December 13). He was a fisherman and the first apostle to follow Christ. The apostle went to preach the Christian faith in the Eastern countries. He passed through the places where the cities of Kiev, Novgorod later arose, and through the lands of the Varangians to Rome and Thrace. He performed many miracles in the city of Patras: the blind received their sight, the sick (including the wife and brother of the ruler of the city) were healed. Nevertheless, the ruler of the city ordered Saint Andrew to be crucified, and he accepted a martyr's death. Under Constantine the Great, the relics were transferred to Constantinople.

Blessed Andrew(X century, October 15), who took upon himself the feat of foolishness, was honored with the gift of insight and healing of those deprived of reason.
Saint Anthony (4th century, January 30) parted from worldly affairs and led an ascetic life in the desert in complete solitude. He should pray for the protection of the weak.

Martyrs Anthony, Eustathius and John of Vilna(Lithuanian) (XIV century, April 27) received holy baptism from Presbyter Nestor, for which they were tortured - this happened in the XIV century. Prayer to these martyrs gives healing for leg diseases.

Great Martyr Anastasia(IV c., January 4), a Roman Christian woman who kept her virginity in marriage because of illnesses that tormented her, helps women in childbirth in resolving a difficult burden.

Martyr Agrippina(July 6), a Roman woman who lived in the III century. The holy relics of Agrippina were transferred from Rome to Fr. Sicily by revelation from above. Many sick people received miraculous healing from the holy relics.

Reverend Athanasia- the abbess (IX century, April 25) did not want to get married in the world, wanting to devote herself to God. However, by the will of her parents, she married twice and only after the second marriage she retired to the desert. She lived holy, and she needs to pray for the well-being of her second marriage.

Holy Martyrs Princes Boris and Gleb(in baptism Roman and David, XI century, May 15 and August 6), the first Russian martyrs - passion-bearers constantly provide prayerful help to their native land and those suffering from diseases, especially with leg diseases.

Blessed Basil, Moscow miracle worker (XVI century, August 15) helped people by preaching mercy. The relics of Basil the Blessed during the reign of Fyodor Ivanovich brought a miracle of healing from diseases, especially from eye diseases.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir(in holy baptism, Vasily, XI century., July 28) during worldly life he was almost blind, but after baptism he recovered. In Kiev, he first of all baptized his children in a place called Khreshchatyk. This saint is prayed for healing from eye diseases.

Vasily Novgorodsky(XIV century, August 5) - the archpastor, known for the fact that during the epidemic of the ulcer, also known as the black death, which mowed down almost two-thirds of the inhabitants of Pskov, he neglected the danger of infection and came to Pskov to calm and console the inhabitants. Trusting the reassurance of the saint, the citizens humbly began to wait for the end of the disaster, which soon really came. The relics of St. Basil of Novgorod are in St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod. Prayer to St. Basil is brought to get rid of an ulcer.

Reverend Basil the New(X century, April 8) bring a prayer for healing from a fever. Saint Basil, even during his lifetime, had the gift of healing the sick with a fever, for which the patient had to sit next to Basil. After that, the patient felt better, and he recovered.

Saint Basil the Confessor(VIII century, March 13), together with Procopius Dekanomite, imprisoned for icon veneration, they pray to get rid of severe shortness of breath and bloating.

Hieromartyr Basil of Sebaste(IV century, February 24) prayed to God for the possibility of healing the sick with a throat. He should pray for sore throats and in danger of being strangled by a bone.

Reverend Vitaly(VI-VII centuries, May 5) during his lifetime he was engaged in the conversion of harlots. They bring him a prayer for redemption from carnal passion.

Martyr Wit(IV century, May 29, June 28) - a saint who suffered during the time of Diocletian. He is prayed to get rid of epilepsy (epilepsy).

Great Martyr Barbara(IV c., December 17) pray for salvation from serious illnesses. Barbara's father was a noble man in Phoenicia. Upon learning that his daughter had converted to Christianity, he severely beat her and took her into custody, and then handed her over to Martinian, the ruler of the city of Heliopolis. The girl was severely tortured, but at night, after the torture, the Savior himself appeared in the dungeon, and the wounds healed. After that, the saint was subjected to even more cruel torture, naked was taken around the city, and then beheaded. Saint Barbara helps to overcome severe mental anguish.

Martyr Boniface(III century., January 3) during his lifetime he suffered from an addiction to drunkenness, but he healed himself and was awarded martyrdom. Those who suffer from the passion of drunkenness and hard drinking pray to him.

Great Martyr George the Victorious(IV c., May 6) was born into a Christian family in Cappadocia, professed Christianity and called on everyone to accept the Christian faith. Emperor Diocletian ordered that the saint be subjected to terrible tortures and executed. The Great Martyr George died before he reached the age of thirty. One of the miracles performed by Saint George was the destruction of a man-eating serpent that lived in a lake near Beirut. George the Victorious is prayed as an assistant in sorrow.

Saint Gury of Kazan(XVI century., July 3, December 18) was innocently convicted and imprisoned. After two years, the doors of the dungeon opened freely. Gury of Kazan is prayed to get rid of stubborn headaches.

Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica(IV c., November 8) at the age of 20 he was appointed proconsul of Thessaloniki region. Instead of oppressing Christians, the saint began to teach the inhabitants of the region the Christian faith. He is prayed for insight from blindness.

Tsarevich Dmitry Uglich and Moscow(XVI century, May 29) sufferers bring prayer to get rid of blindness.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov(XVIII century., October 4) suffered from chest disease and died from this disease. After his death, his imperishable relics help sufferers who are exhausted especially from chest disease.

Martyr Diomede(III century, August 29) during his lifetime he was a healer, selflessly helping sick people get rid of ailments. Prayer to this saint will help to receive healing in a painful condition.

Reverend Damian, presbyter and healer of the Pechersk Monastery (XI century, October 11 and 18), was called a pelebnik during his lifetime "and they heal the sick with prayer and holy oil." The relics of this saint have the grace to heal the sick.

Martyrs Domnina, Virineya and Proskudiya(IV c., October 17) help in fear of extraneous violence. The persecutors of the Christian faith led Domnina's daughters Virineya and Proskudiya to judgment, that is, to death. In order to save her daughters from violence from drunken warriors, the mother, during the meal of the soldiers, entered the river with her daughters as if into a grave. Martyrs Domnina, Virineya and Proskudiya are prayed for help in preventing violence.

Venerable Evdokia, Princess of Moscow(XV century, July 20), the wife of Dimitry Donskoy, shortly before her death, she took the veil as a nun and received the name Euphrosyne in monasticism. She exhausted her body with fasts, but slander did not spare her because her face remained friendly and cheerful. The rumor about the doubtfulness of her feat reached her sons. Then Evdokia took off part of her clothes in front of her sons, and they were amazed at her thinness and withered skin. Saint Evdokia is prayed for deliverance from paralysis and for the enlightenment of the eyes.

Venerable Efimy the Great(V c., February 2) lived in a deserted place, spent time in labor, prayers and abstinence - he took food only on Saturday and Sunday, slept only sitting or standing. The Lord gave the saint the ability to perform miracles and insight. By prayer, he caused the necessary rain, healed the sick, cast out demons. They pray to him during a famine, as well as during marital childlessness.

First Martyr Evdokia(II century, March 14) was baptized and renounced her wealth. For a strict fasting life, she received from God the gift of miracles. Women who cannot get pregnant pray to her.

Great Martyr Catherine(IV c., December 7) possessed extraordinary beauty and intelligence. She announced her desire to marry someone who would surpass her in wealth, nobility and wisdom. Catherine's spiritual father put her on the path of serving the heavenly bridegroom - Jesus Christ. Having been baptized, Catherine was honored to see the Mother of God with the infant Christ. She suffered for Christ in Alexandria, was broken on the wheel and beheaded. Saint Catherine is prayed for permission in difficult childbirth.

Reverend Zotik(IV century., January 12) during an epidemic of leprosy, he ransomed lepers, condemned by order of Emperor Constantine to death by drowning, from the guards and kept them in a remote place. Thus, he saved the doomed from violent death. They pray to Saint Zotik for the healing of those who are ill with leprosy.

Righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist (I century, September 18), help those who suffer in difficult childbirth. Righteous Zechariah was a priest. The couple lived righteously, but they had no children, since Elizabeth was barren. One day, an angel appeared to Zacharias in the temple, who predicted the birth of his son John. Zakharia did not believe - both he and his wife were already in old age. For unbelief, dumbness attacked him, which passed only on the eighth day after the birth of his son, John the Baptist, and he was able to speak and glorify God.

Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker (XV century, June 28) - the first of the metropolitans in Russia, elected by the cathedral of Russian bishops. The saint even during his lifetime had the gift of healing toothache. They pray to him to get rid of this scourge.

John the Baptist(I century, January 20, July 7). The Baptist was born of Saints Zacharias and Elizabeth. After the birth of Christ, King Herod ordered to kill all the babies, and therefore Elizabeth and the baby took refuge in the wilderness. Zechariah was killed right in the temple, because he did not betray their shelter. After the death of Elizabeth, John continued to live in the desert, eating locusts, and wearing a sackcloth. At the age of thirty he began to preach on the Jordan about the coming of Christ. Many were baptized by him, and this day is known among the people as the day of Ivan Kupala. At the dawn of this day, it was customary to bathe, both dew and healing herbs collected that day. The Baptist died a martyr's death through the beheading. Prayer to this saint can help with an unbearable headache.

Jacob Zheleznoborovsky(XVI century, April 24 and May 18) was tonsured by Sergius of Radonezh and retired to the Kostroma desert places near the village of Zhelezny Borok. During his lifetime he had the gift of healing the sick. Despite the exhaustion in his legs, he twice walked to Moscow. Lived to a ripe old age. Saint James is prayed for the healing of leg diseases and paralysis.

Saint John of Damascus(VIII c., December 17) was slandered and had his hand cut off. His prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God was heard, and his severed hand grew together in a dream. As a sign of gratitude to the Virgin Mary, John of Damascus hung a silver image of a hand on the icon of the Mother of God, which is why the icon received the name "Three-Handed". Grace was given to John of Damascus to help in pains of the hands and in case of mutilation of the hands.

St. Julian of Kepomania(I century, July 26) during his lifetime he healed and even resurrected babies. On the icon, Julian is depicted with a baby in his arms. Prayer to Saint Julian is offered when the baby is sick.

Venerable Hypatius of the Caves(XIV century, April 13) during his lifetime he was a healer and especially helped to heal women's bleeding. He is also prayed for mother's milk for babies.

Reverend John of Rylsky(XIII century., November 1), Bulgarian, spent sixty years in solitude in the Rylskaya desert. Saint John of Rylsky is prayed for healing from dumbness.

John of Kiev-Pechersk(I century, January 11), the baby - martyr, cut in half, belongs to the number of Bethlehem babies. Prayer before his grave helps with marital infertility. (Kiev-Pechersk Lavra).
Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (1st century, May 21) - the guardian of purity, chastity and assistant in the painting of icons.

Venerable Irinarkh, recluse of Rostov(XVII century, January 26), was a farmer in the world, during the famine he lived in Nizhny Novgorod for two years. At the age of thirty, he renounced the world and spent 38 years in the Borisoglebsky Monastery. He was buried there in a grave dug by him. Irinarchus spent sleepless nights in seclusion, therefore it is recognized that prayer to Saint Irinarchus helps with persistent insomnia.

Righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Virgin Mary (September 22), had no children until old age. They made a vow, if a child appears, to dedicate it to God. Their prayers were heard, and in old age they had a child - Holy Virgin Maria. Therefore, in case of marital infertility, prayer should be addressed to Saints Joachim and Anna.

Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian(Kozma and Demyan) (3rd century, November 14), two brothers studied the art of medicine and treated without requiring payment from the sick, except for faith in Jesus Christ. They helped in many diseases, treated both eye diseases and smallpox. The main commandment of the unmercenaries: "We received it for free (from God) - for free and give!". Miracle workers helped not only sick people, but also healed animals. They pray to the unmercenaries not only in case of illness, but also for the patronage of those entering into marriage - so that the marriage is happy.

Martyr Conon of Isauria(III century., March 18) during his lifetime he treated patients with smallpox. This help was especially valuable for believers in those days, since other means were not yet known. And after death, prayer to the martyr Konon helps in healing smallpox.

Unmercenary Martyrs Cyrus and John(IV c., February 13) during their lifetime they disinterestedly healed various diseases, including smallpox. Patients received relief in ailments and celiac diseases. They should read the prayer in a sick state in general.

Blessed Xenia of Petersburg(XVIII-XIX centuries, February 6) was widowed early. Grieving for her husband, she gave away all her property and took a vow of foolishness for Christ's sake. She had the gift of clairvoyance and miracles, especially the healing of the afflicted. Honored while still alive. Canonized in 1988.

Martyr Lawrence of Rome(III c., August 23) during his lifetime he was endowed with the gift of giving sight to blind people, including those who were blind from birth. He should pray for healing from eye diseases.

Apostle and Evangelist Luke(I century, October 31) studied the art of medicine and helped people with diseases, especially eye diseases. Wrote the Gospel and the book of the Acts of the Apostles. He also studied painting and art.

Martyr Longinus Centurion(I century, October 29) suffered from eyes. He was on guard at the Cross of the Savior, when the blood from the perforated rib of the Savior dripped into his eyes - and he was healed. When his head was truncated, the blind woman received her sight - this was the first miracle from his truncated head. Longinus the Centurion is prayed for the sight of the eyes.

Venerable Maron of Syria(IV century, February 27) during his lifetime he helped patients with fever or fever.

Martyr Mina(IV century, November 24) helps in troubles, infirmities, including eye diseases.

Venerable Maruf, Bishop of Mesopotamia(V century, March 1 - February 29) pray to get rid of insomnia.

Reverend Moses Murin(IV c., September 10) in worldly life he lived far from righteously - he was a robber and a drunkard. Then he accepted monasticism and lived in a monastery in Egypt. He died a martyr at the age of 75. He is prayed to get rid of the passion for alcohol.

Reverend Moses Ugrin(XI century, August 8), a Hungarian by birth, “strong in body and beautiful in face”, was captured by the Polish king Boleslav, but was ransomed by a wealthy Polish young widow for a thousand hryvnias of silver. This woman was inflamed with carnal passion for Moses and tried to seduce him. However, the blessed Moses did not change his holy life, for which he was thrown into a pit, where he was starved and beaten daily with sticks by the lady's servants. Since this did not break the saint, he was castrated. When King Boleslav died, the rebellious people defeated the oppressors. Including the widow was killed. Holy Moses came to Caves monastery where he lived for over 10 years. They pray to Moses Ugrin to strengthen the spirit in the fight against carnal passion.

Reverend Martinian(V century, February 26) the harlot appeared in the form of a wanderer, but he quenched his carnal lust by standing on hot coals. In the struggle with carnal passion, Saint Martinian spent his days in exhausting wanderings.

Venerable Melania the Roman(V century, January 13) almost died in worldly life from difficult childbirth. She is prayed for a safe resolution from the pregnancy.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker(IV c., December 19 and May 22) during his lifetime not only healed eye diseases, but also restored sight to the blind. His parents Feofan and Nonna vowed to dedicate their child to God. From early. For years, Saint Nicholas fasted and prayed zealously, and doing good, he tried so that no one would know about it. He was elected Archbishop of Myra. During a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he stopped a storm at sea and saved (resurrected) a sailor who had fallen from the mast. During the persecution of Christians under Diocletian, he was thrown into prison, but remained unharmed. The saint performed many miracles, in Russia he was especially revered: it was believed that he helps when traveling on the waters. Nikola was called "marine" or "wet".

Great Martyr Nikita(IV c., September 28) lived on the banks of the Danube, was baptized by the Sofia Bishop Theophilus and successfully spread the Christian faith. He suffered during persecution from the pagan Goths, who tortured the saint and then threw him into the fire. His body was found at night by his friend, the Christian Marion - it was illuminated by a radiance, the fire did not damage it. The body of the martyr was interred in Cilicia, and the relics were later transferred to Constantinople. Saint Nikita is prayed for the healing of babies, including those from a "relative".

Saint Nikita(XII century., February 13) was the bishop of Novgorod. He became famous for miracles, especially in seeing the blind. People with poor eyesight can get help by turning to this saint.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon(IV c., August 9) studied healing as a young man. He treated selflessly in the name of Christ. He owns the miracle of the resurrection of a dead child bitten poisonous snake. He healed both adults and children from various diseases, including abdominal pain.
The Monk Pimen of Pechora the Painful (XII century, August 20) suffered from childhood various diseases and only at the end of his life received healing from ailments. They pray to the Monk Pimen for healing from a long painful condition.

Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia(XIII century, July 8), Murom wonderworkers should pray for happy marriage. During his lifetime, Prince Peter of Murom, having performed the feat of freeing his brother's wife from the snake, became covered with scabs, but was healed by the Ryazan commoner healer Fevronia, whom he married. The married life of Peter and Fevronia was pious and was accompanied by miracles and good deeds. At the end of their lives, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia accepted monasticism and were named David and Euphrosyne. Died in one day. Believers from the cancer of their relics received healing from ailments.

Martyr Proclus(II century., July 25) was considered a healer of eye diseases. Proclus dew heals eye diseases and plagues the eye.

Martyr Paraskeva Friday(III century., November 10) received her name from pious parents, because she was born on Friday (in Greek "paraskeva") and in memory of the passions of the Lord. As a child, Paraskeva lost her parents. Growing up, she took a vow of celibacy and devoted herself to Christianity. For this, she was persecuted, tortured and died in agony. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa has long been especially revered in Russia, was considered the patroness hearth, healer of childhood diseases, assistant in field work. They also pray to her for the gift of rain in a drought.

Reverend Roman(V century., December 10) during his lifetime he was distinguished by unusual abstinence, eating only bread with salt water. He healed many ailments very successfully, especially became famous for the treatment of marital infertility with fervent prayers. Spouses pray to him with infertility.

Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye(XVIII century., September 25) treated for prolonged blindness, being sick in a dream. They also resorted to his help in diseases of the legs - the saint himself made a pedestrian transition from Russia to Siberia with sick legs.

Righteous Simeon the God-bearer(February 16) on the fortieth day from Christmas, he received the Christ child from the Virgin Mary in the temple with joy and called out: “Now, Vladyka, let your servant go in peace according to your word.” He was promised repose after he took the holy baby in his arms. Righteous Simeon is prayed for the healing of sick children and the protection of healthy ones.

Venerable Simeon the Stylite(V century., September 14) was born in Cappadocia in a Christian family. In the monastery since adolescence. Then he settled in a stone cave, where he devoted himself to fasting and prayer. People who wanted to receive healing and edification flocked to the place of his asceticism. Invented for privacy the new kind asceticism - settled on a pillar four meters high. Of the eighty years of life, forty-seven stood on a pillar.

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov(XIX century, January 15 and August 1) took upon himself the feat of camping: every night he prayed in the forest, standing on a huge stone with his hands raised. During the day he prayed in a cell or on a small stone. He ate meager food, exhausting the flesh. After revelation Mother of God began to heal the afflicted, especially helping people with sore feet.

Reverend Sergius of Radonezh(XIV century., October 8), boyar son, Bartholomew by birth. He surprised everyone from an early age - on Wednesdays and Fridays he didn’t even drink mother’s milk. After the death of his parents at the age of 23, he took monastic vows. From the age of forty he was hegumen of the Radonezh Monastery. The life of the saint was accompanied by miracles, especially the healing of the weak and sick. Prayer to St. Sergius heals from "forty ailments."

Reverend Sampson, priest and healer (VI century, July 10). He was given the ability to heal people various diseases through his prayers to God.

Saint Spyridon - Wonderworker, Bishop of Trimifuntsky(IV century., December 25), became famous for many miracles, including the proof of the trinity at the First Ecumenical Council in 325. Even during his lifetime, he healed the sick. Prayer to this saint can give help in various painful conditions.

Martyr Sisiny(III century., December 6) was a bishop in the city of Kizin. Persecuted under Diocletian. God gave the martyr Sisinius the opportunity to heal the sick with a fever.
Saint Tarasius, Bishop of Constantinople (9th century, March 9), was the protector of orphans, the offended, the unfortunate, and possessed the gift of healing the sick.

Martyr Tryphon(III century, February 14) for his bright life he was awarded even in adolescence the grace of healing the sick. Among other misfortunes, Saint Tryphon saved the afflicted from snoring. The eparchs of Anatolia brought Tryphon to Nicaea, where he experienced terrible torment, was sentenced to death and died at the place of execution.

Reverend Taisia(IV century, October 21) during social life she became famous for her extraordinary beauty, which drove crazy fans who competed with each other, quarreled - and went bankrupt. After Saint Paphnutius converted the harlot, she spent three years as a recluse in convent, atoning for the sin of fornication. Saint Taisia ​​pray for deliverance from obsessive carnal passion.

Reverend Fedor Studit(IX century., November 24) during his lifetime he suffered from diseases of the stomach. After death from his icon, many patients were healed not only from stomach pains, but also from other abdominal diseases.

Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratilat(IV c., June 21) became popularly known when he killed a huge snake that lived in the vicinity of the city of Euchait and devoured people and cattle. During the persecution of Christians under the emperor Likinia, he was subjected to severe torture and crucified, but God healed the body of the martyr and removed him from the cross. However, the great martyr decided to voluntarily accept death for his faith. On the way to the execution, the sick who touched his clothes and body were healed and freed from demons.

Venerable Therapont of Moizen(XVI century., December 25). From this saint receive healing in eye diseases. It is known, for example, that the elder Procopius, who had been ill with his eyes and almost blind since childhood, received his sight at the tomb of Ferapont.

Martyrs Flor and Laurus(II century., August 31) lived in Illyria. Brothers - stonemasons were very close to each other in spirit. At first they suffered from the passion of drunkenness and hard drinking, then they accepted the Christian faith and got rid of the disease. For their faith, they were martyred: they were thrown into a well and buried alive with earth. Even during their lifetime, God gave them the ability to heal from various diseases and from hard drinking.

Martyr Thomais of Egypt(V century., April 26) preferred death to adultery. Those who fear violence pray to St. Thomas, and she helps in maintaining chastity.

Hieromartyr Charlampy(III century., February 23) is considered a healer of all diseases. He suffered for the Christian faith in 202. He was 115 years old when he healed not only ordinary diseases, but also the plague. Before his death, Harlampy prayed that his relics would prevent the plague and heal the sick.

Martyrs Chrysanthus and Darius(3rd century, April 1), even before marriage, they agreed to lead a life worthy, consecrated to God in marriage. These saints are prayed for a happy and lasting family union.

Orthodox Christians most often turn to the saint whose name they bear with a request to pray for them before God. Such a saint is called a saint and helper. To communicate with him, you must know the troparion - short prayer appeal. Saints must be called upon with love and unfeigned faith, only then will they hear the request.

The history of the formation of Orthodoxy in Russia is inextricably linked with a number of personalities who dedicated their lives to the true veneration of God with the fulfillment of all divine laws. Strictly following the precepts of religion, these people deserved Divine Grace and the title of Orthodox saints for their selfless service to the Almighty and intercession for the whole human race before him.

The list of charitable individuals who became famous for their righteous deeds or who suffered for the faith of Christ is truly inexhaustible. Nowadays, it is also replenished with new names of pious Christians, canonized by the church. The attainment of holiness by ascetics of spiritual perfection can be called a great work, coupled with the burden of overcoming base feelings and vicious desires. Creating a divine image in oneself requires enormous efforts and painstaking work, and the feat of Orthodox saints awakens admiration in the souls of true believers.

On the icons depicting the righteous, their head is crowned with a halo. It symbolizes the Grace of God, which enlightened the face of a man who has become a saint. This is a gift from God, warming the soul with the warmth of spirituality, pleasing the heart with divine radiance.

With prayers in churches and prayer chants, the clergy, together with the faithful, glorify the image of the earthly life of the righteous according to their rank or rank. Taking into account the accomplished deeds during life or the reason for leaving for another world, the pages of the Orthodox calendar compiled by the Russian Orthodox Church contain lists of pious persons by rank.

  • Prophets. This is the name of the Old Testament saints, endowed with the gift of foreseeing the events of the future. The prophets were chosen by the Almighty, they were called to prepare the people for the adoption of Christianity.
  • Apostles are the best followers of the Lord. Of these, 12 saints are called approximate, the ranks of the pupils of the King of Heaven number 70 righteous.
  • The Forefathers include the pious men mentioned in the Old Testament, who were distantly related to our Savior.
  • The righteous, male or female, who have taken the monastic order (monasticism), are called reverend.
  • The status of great martyrs or martyrs is endowed with God-pleasing people who died a martyr's death for the faith of Christ. The ministers of the church are referred to the rank of holy martyrs, the sufferers in monasticism are reverend martyrs.
  • Among the Blessed are the pious who have become insane for Christ's sake, as well as travelers without a permanent home. For humility, such people were gifted with God's mercy.
  • Enlighteners (equal to the apostles) are called the righteous, whose deeds contributed to the conversion of peoples to the Christian faith.
  • Passion-bearers or confessors are pious believers who have been persecuted and imprisoned for their adherence to the Savior. In the world such Christians died in great agony.

Prayers to saints are associated not only with the veneration of the associates of God, but with turning to them for their own help. Showing divine honors and worshiping anyone other than the true and only God is prohibited by the Holy Scriptures.

List of the most revered saints of the Orthodox Church by year of their life

  • The First-Called Apostle is one of the 12 disciples of Christ, chosen by him to preach the Gospel. The status of the First-Called disciple of John the Baptist received for being the first to respond to the call of Jesus, and also called Christ the Savior. According to legend, he was crucified around the year 67 on a cross of a special shape, later called St. Andrew's. December 13 is the day of veneration by the Orthodox Church.
  • Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky (207-348) became famous as a miracle worker. The life of Spiridon, elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt (Cyprus), passed in humility and calls to repentance. The saint became famous for many miracles, including the resurrection of the dead. An adherent of the exact observance of the words of the Gospel passed away while reading a prayer. Believers keep the icon of the miracle worker at home to gain the grace of God, and on December 25 they honor his memory.
  • Of the female images, the most revered in Russia is the Blessed Matrona (1881-1952). The Orthodox saint was chosen by the Almighty for good deeds even before her birth. The hard life of the righteous woman was permeated with patience and humility, miracles of healing, documented in writing. Believers venerate the relics of the Passion-bearer, preserved within the walls of the Intercession Church, for healing and salvation. Day of veneration by the church - March 8.
  • The most famous of the righteous, the Pleasant (270-345) is listed as Nicholas of Myra in the list of great saints. As a bishop, a native of Lycia (Roman province), he devoted his whole life to Christianity, pacified the warring, defended the innocently condemned, performed miracles of salvation. Believers turn to the icon of St. Nicholas for spiritual and physical healing, protection for travelers. The Church honors the memory of the miracle worker with prayers on the day of December 19 in the new (Gregorian) style.

Prayer to Nicholas Ugodnik for help:

After the desired is realized, it is important to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to the saint:

Touching the myrrh-streaming relics of the Wonderworker, kept in the Catholic monastery of the city of Bari (Italy), blesses the faithful with healing. You can turn to Nikolai Ugodnik with a prayer anywhere.

The emphasis of the Orthodox teaching is based on the spiritual principle of a purposeful movement towards the attainment of holiness throughout a sinless life. An important advantage of holiness according to Orthodox teaching is in the constant communion with God of the apostles who are in the Kingdom of Heaven.

List of saints of Russian Orthodoxy canonized in the 19th century

Naming a saint (worldly name)sainthood statusBrief information about the canonDay of RemembranceYears of life
Sarovsky (Prokhor Moshnin)ReverendThe great ascetic and miracle worker predicted that his death would be “opened by fire”January 21754-1833
Petersburg (Ksenia Petrova)Blessed RighteousA wandering nun of a noble family who became a holy fool for Christ's sakeFebruary 61730-1806 (approximate date)
Ambrose Optinsky (Grenkov)ReverendThe great deeds of the Optina elder are associated with the blessing of the flock for charitable deeds, the patronage of the conventOctober 231812-1891
Filaret (Drozdov)saintThanks to the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, the Christians of Russia heed the Holy Scripture in RussianNovember 191783-1867
Feofan Vyshensky (Govorov)saintThe theologian distinguished himself in the field of preaching, voluntarily chose seclusion to translate ascetic booksJanuary 181815-1894
Diveevskaya (Pelageya Serebrennikova)BlessedThe nun became a holy fool for the sake of Christ according to the will of Seraphim of Sarov. For the feat of foolishness, she was persecuted, beaten, was chained12th of February1809-1884

The act of canonization of righteous Christians can be both church-wide and local. The basis is holiness during life, the performance of miracles (lifetime or posthumous), imperishable relics. The result of the church recognition of the saint is expressed by the call to the flock to honor the righteous man with prayers during public services, and not by commemoration. The ancient Christian church did not carry out the canonization procedure.

List of pious righteous who received the rank of sainthood in the 20th century

Name of a great Christiansainthood statusBrief information about the canonDay of RemembranceYears of life
Kronstadt (Ioann Sergiev)RighteousIn addition to preaching and spiritual writing, Father John healed the hopelessly ill, was a great seer20th of December1829-1909
Nikolai (Ioann Kasatkin)Equal-to-the-ApostlesBishop of Japan engaged in missionary work in Japan for half a century, spiritually supporting Russian prisonersFebruary 3rd1836-1912
(Bogoyavlensky)HieromartyrThe activity of the Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia was connected with spiritual enlightenment to strengthen Orthodoxy in the Caucasus. Accepted martyrdom during the persecution of the churchThe 25th of January1848-1918
royaltyPassion-bearersMembers royal family led by Sovereign Nikolai Alexandrovich, who were martyred during the revolutionary upheaval4th of JulyCanonization was confirmed by Russia in 2000
(Vasily Belavin)saintA life His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and all Russia was associated with the glorification of the faces of the saints. The confessor worked as a missionary in America, spoke out against the persecution of the Orthodox ChurchMarch 251865-1925
Siluan (Simeon Antonov)ReverendDeparting from the monastic path, he served in the army, where he supported his comrades with wise advice. Having taken tonsure, he retired to the monastery to gain ascetic experience in fasting and prayers.11 September1866-1938

In Orthodox literature, there is a special genre that describes the life and deeds of people who lived in holiness. The lives of the saints are not secular chronicles, but life stories written in accordance with church canons and rules. The first records of the events of the life of the holy ascetics were made at the dawn of Christianity, then they were formed into calendar collections, lists of days of honoring the blessed memory of the saints.

According to the instruction of the Apostle Paul, the preachers of the word of God should be remembered and imitated by their faith. Despite the departure to another world of the holy righteous, whom the holy church reveres.

For high morality and holiness, throughout the history of Orthodox Russia, God's grace has been bestowed on people with a pure heart and a radiant soul. They received the heavenly gift of holiness for their righteous deeds, their help to people living on earth is invaluable. Therefore, even in the most hopeless situation, go to church, pray to the saints, and you will receive help if the prayer is sincere.

May 18 (New Style) The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Irina. Irina, a Slav by birth, lived in the second half of the 1st century and was the daughter of the pagan Licinius, the ruler of the city of Mageddon in Macedonia, so they began to call Saint Irene of Macedonia.
She was given the name "Penelope" at birth. When Penelope began to grow up and she was 6 years old, she seemed to be unusually beautiful in face, so that she overshadowed all her peers with her appearance. Licinius assigned to his daughter the old woman Caria as a teacher. Licinius also instructed an old man named Apelian to teach her book wisdom. Penelope's father did not know that Apelian was a secret Christian. So the girl spent six years and three months, and when she was 12 years old, her father began to think about whom to marry her daughter to.
One day, when the girl was sitting in her room, a dove flew into her through an open window facing the east, holding a small branch in its beak; placing it on the table, he immediately flew out of the room through the window. Then, an hour later, an eagle flew into the room with a wreath of different colors, and he also, putting the wreath on the table, immediately flew away. Then a raven flew in through another window, carrying a small snake in its beak, which he laid on the table, and he also flew away.
Seeing all this, the maiden, together with her teacher, were very surprised, wondering what this arrival of birds foreshadowed? When the teacher Apelian came to them, they told him about what had happened.
Apelian explained it this way:
- Know, my daughter, that the dove means your good disposition, your meekness, humility and girlish chastity. The branch of the olive tree signifies God's grace, which will be given to you through baptism. The eagle, soaring high, depicts itself as a king and a conqueror, signifies that you will reign over your passions and, exalted by thought of God, will defeat invisible enemies, as an eagle defeats birds. A wreath of flowers is a sign of retribution that you will receive for your deeds from the King of Christ in His heavenly kingdom, where an incorruptible crown of eternal glory is being prepared for you. A raven with a snake marks the enemy-devil, who is trying to inflict sorrow, sorrow and persecution on you. Know, girl, that the great King, who holds heaven and earth in His power, wants to betroth you into His bride, and you will endure many sufferings for His name.

Saint Panteleimon (Panteleimon), often called "Panteleimon the Healer", was born in the 3rd century in the city of Nicomedia (now Izmit, Turkey) into a noble pagan family and was named Pantoleon. Pantoleon's mother was a Christian, but she died early and did not have time to raise her son in the Christian faith. Pantoleon was sent by his father to a pagan school, after which he began to study the art of medicine from the famous physician Euphrosynus and became known to Emperor Maximian, who wanted to see him at his court.
Saint Ermolai, who lived in Nicodemea, told Pantoleon about Christianity. Once a young man saw a dead child on the street, bitten by a snake that was still nearby. Pantoleon began to pray to Christ for the resurrection of the dead and the killing of the poisonous reptile. He firmly decided that if his prayer was fulfilled, he would be baptized. The child came to life, and the snake shattered into pieces in front of Pantoleon.
St. Ermolai baptized Pantoleon under the name Panteleimon - "all-merciful" (it is the spelling "Panteleimon" that is canonical in Orthodoxy, the variant of the name with "y" is a secular version of this name). Panteleimon's father, seeing how he healed the blind man, was also baptized.

Conversation of St. Panteleimon and St. Ermolai

Saint Panteleimon devoted his life to healing the sick, including prisoners, among whom were Christians. The fame of a wonderful doctor who did not take money for treatment spread throughout the city and the rest of the doctors were left without work. Embittered doctors reported to the emperor that Panteleimon was treating Christian prisoners. Emperor Maximian demanded that Panteleimon renounce his faith and sacrifice to idols. The saint suggested to the emperor that he summon an incurable patient and arrange a test to see who would heal him: he or the pagan priests. The pagan priests could not heal the patient, and Panteleimon, by the power of prayer, granted the patient healing, proving the true Christian faith and the falsity of paganism.

Almost everyone knows what "Valentine's Day" is, but few know the history of Saint Valentine himself. This article will examine the origin of the legend of St. Valentine, as well as images of this saint, including his Orthodox icons.

On February 14, Catholicism celebrates the day of memory of three saints at once: Valentine of Rome, Valentine - Bishop of Interamna, and Valentine from the Roman province of Africa. Almost nothing is known about the third, the first two are possibly the same person. In connection with this confusion, in 1969 the Catholic Church excluded Valentine from the universal Roman calendar (lat. Calendarium Romanae Ecclesiae) - a list of those saints whose memory is obligatory for liturgical veneration by all Catholics. At the same time, the name of Valentine remained in the Catholic Martyrology - a list of saints, the decision to honor which is made at the level of local churches. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the day of memory of St. Valentine of Interamnsky is celebrated on August 12, and the day of memory of St. Valentine of Rome is celebrated on July 19 (both dates are according to the new style).

December 7 Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria (287 - 305).

Catherine was the daughter of the ruler of Alexandria of Egypt, Constas, during the reign of Emperor Maximian (305 - 313). Living in the capital - the center of Hellenic learning, Catherine, who had a rare beauty and intelligence, received an excellent education, having studied the works of the best ancient philosophers and scientists.

Carlo Dolci. Saint Catherine of Alexandria reading a book

In Christianity, several saints bearing the name of Paraskeva are revered. In Russian Orthodoxy, the holy martyr of the 3rd century Paraskeva-Pyatnitsa is most revered (the memory is celebrated on November 10). Among the Orthodox in Bulgaria and Serbia, another saint named Paraskeva is popular, called "Petka" in these countries. The memory of St. Paraskeva-Petka is celebrated on October 27. In Russian Orthodoxy, Saint Petka is called Serbian or Bulgarian Paraskeva.

St. Petka (Paraskeva Bulgarian / Serbian)

Jerome is a Christian saint revered in Catholicism (commemoration day on September 30) and in Orthodoxy (commemoration day on June 28). The main merit of Saint Jerome is the translation of the Old Testament into Latin and the edition of the Latin version of the New Testament. The Latin Bible, created by Jerome and called the Vulgate, is the canonical Latin text of the Bible to this day. Saint Jerome is considered heavenly patron all translators.

Jerome was born around 340-2 years (according to other sources, in 347) in the Roman province of Dalmatia, in the city of Stridon (not far from the place where the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, is now located). Jerome went to study in the capital of the empire - Rome, where he was baptized in the period from 360 to 366. Jerome studied under the well-known grammarian Aelius Donatus, a specialist in ancient and Christian literature. Continuing his studies, Jerome traveled a lot. In the Syrian city of Antioch in the winter of 373-374, Jerome fell seriously ill and had a vision that forced him to abandon secular studies and devote himself to God. Jerome retired to the Chalkis desert in Syria, where he began to study the language of the Jews in order to read the biblical texts in the original. Jerome returned to Antioch in 378 or 379, where he was ordained a bishop. Later, Jerome leaves for Constantinople, and then returns to Rome. In the capital of the empire, Jerome won great confidence from famous noble women of Rome: Paula, the same age as Jerome, and her daughters Blazilla and Eustochia, under the influence of Jerome, abandoned their aristocratic lifestyle and became ascetics.

On September 30, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who suffered in Rome under the emperor Hadrian (2nd century AD).

Saint Sophia, a firm Christian, managed to raise her daughters in ardent love for God. The rumor about the virtue, mind and beauty of the girls reached the emperor Hadrian, who wished to see them, having learned that they were Christians.

Adrian called all three sisters in turn and affectionately urged them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but received from all firm refusal and consent to endure all the torments for Jesus Christ.

Vera was 12 years old, Nadezhda - 10 and Lyubov - 9. In front of their mother, they were tortured in turn. Vera was beaten mercilessly and her breasts were cut off, but instead of blood, milk flowed from the wound. Then they laid her on a hot iron. The mother prayed with her daughter and strengthened her in suffering - and the iron did not burn Vera. Being thrown into a cauldron of boiling tar, Vera prayed loudly to the Lord and remained unharmed. Then Adrian ordered to cut off her head.

Nadezhda and Lyubov were tortured and killed next.

To prolong the torment of his mother, the emperor did not torture her, he gave her the tormented bodies of three girls. Sophia put them in an ark and buried them with honors on a high hill outside the city. For three days the mother sat at the grave of her daughters and finally gave her soul to the Lord. Believers buried her body in the same place.

The relics of Saints Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia rest in Alsace, in the church of Esho.

Tatyana Rimskaya (in Church Slavonic Tatiana) - the holy martyr, whose memory in Orthodoxy is honored on January 25.

Tatiana was born in Rome to a noble family. Her father was elected consul three times, he was a secret Christian and raised his daughter in the Christian faith. When Tatiana came of age, she decided not to marry and be the bride of Christ. Tatyana's piety became known in Christian circles and she was chosen as a deaconess (the duties of a deaconess consisted of visiting sick women and caring for them, preparing women for baptism, "serving the presbyters in the baptism of women for decency", etc.). In 222, Alexander Severus became emperor. He was the son of a Christian woman and did not persecute Christians. However, the emperor was only 16 years old and all power was concentrated in the hands of Ulpian, who fiercely hated Christians. Christians began to be persecuted. Tatyana was also captured. She was brought into the temple of Apollo and forced to bow to his statue. She prayed to the true God and the idol of Apollo fell and broke, along with it a part of the temple collapsed.

Tatyana began to be tortured. The author of the life of St. Tatiana, Dmitry Rostovsky writes about it this way:
“At first they began to beat her in the face and torment her eyes with iron hooks. After a long torment, the tormentors themselves became exhausted, for the body of Christ’s sufferer was hard for those who inflicted wounds on her, like an anvil, and the tormentors themselves accepted the torment more than the holy martyr. And angels stood invisibly near the saint and struck blows at those who tormented Saint Tatiana, so that the tormentors appealed to the lawless judge and asked him to order an end to the torment, they said that they themselves suffered more than this holy and innocent virgin. , courageously enduring suffering, she prayed for her tormentors and asked the Lord to reveal to them the light of truth. And her prayer was heard. Heavenly light illuminated the tormentors, and their spiritual eyes were opened ". Eight executioners who tortured Tatiana converted to Christianity and were executed for it.

The next day, Tatyana was again tortured (she was healed from past tortures). They began to cut Tatyana's body, but milk poured out of the wounds.
"Then she was spread crosswise on the ground and for a long time they beat with rods, so that the tormentors were exhausted and were often replaced. For, as before, the angels of God stood invisibly near the saint and inflicted wounds on those who inflicted blows on the holy martyr. The torturer's servants were exhausted, declaring that someone was hitting them with iron sticks. Finally, nine of them died, struck by the right hand of an angel, and the rest fell to the ground barely alive.
The next day, Tatyana was persuaded to make a sacrifice to the goddess Diana. She prayed to the true God and fire fell from heaven, scorching the statue, the temple and many pagans.

Natalia - female name, formed in the first centuries of Christianity from lat. Natalis Domini - birth, Christmas. The meaning of the name "Natalia" is Christmas. Of the bearers of this name in Orthodoxy, the most famous is St. Natalia of Nicomedia, whose memorial day falls on September 8th. Saint Natalia is venerated along with her husband, Saint Adrian.
Adrian and Natalia lived in Bithynian Nicomedia under the emperor Maximian (305-311). Adrian was a pagan, and Natalia was a secret Christian. When their marriage was one year and one month old, Adrian, as the head of the judicial chamber of Nicomedia, was instructed by the emperor to draw up protocols of interrogations of 23 Christians arrested on the denunciation of pagans in caves where they secretly prayed. The martyrs were severely beaten, but did not renounce Christ. Adrian wanted to know why Christians suffer so much and they told him about faith in eternal life and in divine retribution. This faith entered the heart of Adrian, he converted to Christianity and himself entered himself into the list of arrested Christians. Natalia, having learned about this, was delighted, because now her husband shared her secret faith. Natalia went to prison and began to beg Adrian to courageously accept the crown of martyrdom for the sake of Christ. She cared for Christians crippled by torture, alleviating their suffering. When Adrian was released home so that he would tell his wife about the day of his execution, she at first did not want to let him into the house, thinking that he had renounced Christ. On the day of the execution, Natalia, fearing that Adrian might hesitate at the sight of the suffering and death of other martyrs, asked the executioners to begin the execution with her husband and herself laid his feet on the anvil. When Adrian's legs were broken, Natalia put his hand under the blow of the hammer. The executioner cut her off with a strong blow and Adrian died. He was 28 years old. Natalia secretly took her husband's hand and hid it. Maximian, having executed all the Christians in prison, ordered the bodies of the martyrs to be burned. But by the will of God, a strong thunderstorm began, and many of the tormentors were killed by lightning. The rain extinguished the burning furnace, and the Christians were able to take out the bodies of the saints, undamaged by fire, from the furnace. A pious Christian named Eusebius collected the remains of the saints and brought them to the city of Argyropol near Byzantium. The emperor wanted to give Natalia as a wife to a noble commander, then Natalia took the hand of Adrian and went on a ship to Argyropol. The commander, having learned about Natalia's escape, pursued her on the ship, but got into a storm and turned the ship back, while many of those sailing on it drowned, and the ship with the Christians bypassed the storm. They were saved by Adrian, appearing to them in a radiance of light. Upon arrival in Argyropol, Natalia came to the temple with the bodies of the martyrs and connected Adrian's hand with his body. On the same day the sufferer died.
Natalia, despite her bloodless death and the fact that she was not subjected to bodily torture, was counted among the martyrs for her boundless compassion for her husband and other martyrs.

Modern name Audrey (Audrey) comes from the Old English name Ethelfrith (option - Edilfrida) (Aethelthryth, aethele - noble, excellent, excellent + thryth - power, power, strength). In the Latinized form, the name sounded like Etheldreda (Etheldreda, Etheldred). German forms of the same name - Edeltraud, Edeltrud.
The name "Etheldreda" entered history thanks to the saint who bore this name.

Saint Audrey (Etheldreda) on a stained-glass window in the church of Saint Leonard (Horringer community, England)

Saint Etheldreda (Saint Audrey) was born in 630 at Exning, the seat of the East Angles, in western Suffolk. She was the daughter of Anna, the future king of the East Angles Land. She was baptized by the apostle of East Anglia, St. Felix. While still a young girl, Etheldreda, thanks to the influence of St. Felix, as well as his friend and associate St. Aidan and the latter's disciple, the future abbess Ilda (Hilda), experienced a strong attraction to the monastic life. However, in 652 she was married to a nobleman from the "Low Country" (located on the border of the current counties of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire). As a dowry, Etheldreda received the city of Ely and the island on which it was located.

In 655 her husband died; they probably never got married. Contrary to her hopes for the beginning of a monastic feat in Ely, in 660 she was again forced to marry for political reasons, this time to the 15-year-old king of Northumbria, thus becoming the queen of this country.

Russian saints... The list of God's saints is inexhaustible. By their way of life they pleased the Lord and through this they became closer to eternal existence. Every saint has his own face. This term refers to the category to which God's Pleaser at his canonization. These include the great martyrs, martyrs, reverend, righteous, unmercenaries, apostles, saints, passion-bearers, holy fools (blessed), faithful and equal to the apostles.

Suffering in the name of the Lord

The first saints of the Russian Church among the saints of God are the great martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, dying in heavy and long agony. Among the Russian saints, the brothers Boris and Gleb were the first to be ranked in this face. That is why they are called first martyrs - passion-bearers. In addition, the Russian saints Boris and Gleb were the first canonized in the history of Russia. The brothers died in the throne, which began after the death of Prince Vladimir. Yaropolk, nicknamed the Accursed, first killed Boris when he was sleeping in a tent, being on one of the campaigns, and then Gleb.

Face like the Lord

The saints are those saints who led while in prayer, labor and fasting. Among the Russian saints of God, one can single out Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky and Sergius of Radonezh, Savva Storozhevsky and Methodius Peshnoshko. The first saint in Russia, canonized in this face, is considered the monk Nikolai Svyatosha. Before accepting the rank of monk, he was a prince, the great-grandson of Yaroslav the Wise. Renouncing worldly goods, the monk asceticised as a monk in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Nicholas the Svyatosha is revered as a miracle worker. It is believed that his sackcloth (coarse woolen shirt), left after his death, cured one sick prince.

Sergius of Radonezh - the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit

The 14th-century Russian saint Sergius of Radonezh, in the world Bartholomew, deserves special attention. He was born into a pious family of Mary and Cyril. It is believed that while still in the womb, Sergius showed his God's chosen. During one of the Sunday liturgies, the unborn Bartholomew cried out three times. At that time, his mother, like the rest of the parishioners, was terrified and embarrassed. After his birth, the monk did not drink breast milk if Mary ate meat that day. On Wednesdays and Fridays, little Bartholomew went hungry and did not take his mother's breast. In addition to Sergius, there were two more brothers in the family - Peter and Stefan. Parents raised their children in Orthodoxy and strictness. All the brothers, except for Bartholomew, studied well and knew how to read. And only the youngest in their family was given a hard time reading - the letters blurred before his eyes, the boy was lost, not daring to utter a word. Sergius suffered greatly from this and fervently prayed to God in the hope of gaining the ability to read. One day, again ridiculed by his brothers for his illiteracy, he ran into the field and met an old man there. Bartholomew spoke about his sadness and asked the monk to pray for him to God. The elder gave the boy a piece of prosphora, promising that the Lord would surely grant him a letter. In gratitude for this, Sergius invited the monk to the house. Before taking the meal, the elder asked the boy to read the psalms. Shy, Bartholomew took the book, afraid even to look at the letters that always blurred before his eyes ... But a miracle! - the boy began to read as if he had already known the letter for a long time. The elder predicted to his parents that their youngest son would be great, since he is the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit. After such a fateful meeting, Bartholomew began to strictly fast and pray constantly.

The Beginning of the Monastic Path

At the age of 20, the Russian Saint Sergius of Radonezh asked his parents to give him a blessing to take the tonsure. Cyril and Maria begged their son to stay with them until their very death. Not daring to disobey, Bartholomew lived with his parents until the Lord took their souls. After burying his father and mother, the young man, along with his older brother Stefan, set out to be tonsured. In the desert called Makovets, the brothers are building the Trinity Church. Stefan cannot stand the harsh ascetic lifestyle that his brother adhered to and goes to another monastery. At the same time, Bartholomew takes tonsure and becomes monk Sergius.

Trinity Sergius Lavra

The world-famous monastery of Radonezh was once born in a dense forest, in which the monk once retired. Sergius was in every day. He ate plant foods, and wild animals were his guests. But one day, several monks found out about the great feat of asceticism performed by Sergius, and decided to come to the monastery. There these 12 monks remained. It was they who became the founders of the Lavra, which was soon headed by the monk himself. Prince Dmitry Donskoy, who was preparing for a battle with the Tatars, came to Sergius for advice. After the death of the monk, 30 years later, his relics were found, which to this day perform a miracle of healing. This Russian saint still invisibly receives pilgrims to his monastery.

Righteous and Blessed

Righteous saints have earned God's favor through a godly lifestyle. These include both lay people and clergymen. The parents of Sergius of Radonezh, Cyril and Mary, who were true Christians and taught Orthodoxy to their children, are considered righteous.

The blessed are those saints who deliberately took the form of people not of this world, becoming ascetics. Among the Russian Satisfiers of God, who lived in the time of Ivan the Terrible, Ksenia of Petersburg, who refused all blessings and went on distant wanderings after the death of her beloved husband, Matrona of Moscow, who became famous for the gift of clairvoyance and healing during her lifetime, is especially revered. It is believed that I. Stalin himself, who was not distinguished by religiosity, listened to the blessed Matronushka and her prophetic words.

Ksenia - holy fool for Christ's sake

The blessed one was born in the first half of the 18th century into a family of pious parents. Having become an adult, she married the singer Alexander Fedorovich and lived with him in joy and happiness. When Xenia was 26 years old, her husband died. Unable to bear such grief, she gave away her property, put on her husband's clothes and went on a long wandering. After that, the blessed one did not respond to her name, asking to be called Andrei Fedorovich. “Xenia died,” she assured. The saint began to wander the streets of St. Petersburg, occasionally dropping in to dine with her acquaintances. Some people mocked the heartbroken woman and made fun of her, but Ksenia endured all the humiliations without a murmur. Only once did she show her anger when the local boys threw stones at her. After what they saw, the locals stopped mocking the blessed one. Xenia of Petersburg, having no shelter, prayed at night in the field, and then again came to the city. The blessed one quietly helped the workers to build a stone church at the Smolensk cemetery. At night, she tirelessly laid bricks in a row, contributing to the speedy construction of the church. For all the good deeds, patience and faith, the Lord gave Xenia the Blessed the gift of clairvoyance. She predicted the future, and also saved many girls from unsuccessful marriages. Those people who Ksenia came to became happier and more successful. Therefore, everyone tried to serve the saint and bring her into the house. Ksenia of Petersburg died at the age of 71. She was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, where the Church built by her own hands was nearby. But even after physical death, Ksenia continues to help people. Great miracles were performed at her tomb: the sick were healed, those seeking family happiness successfully married and married. It is believed that Xenia especially patronizes unmarried women and already held wives and mothers. A chapel was built over the tomb of the blessed one, to which crowds of people still come, asking the saint for intercession before God and thirsting for healing.

holy sovereigns

Monarchs, princes and kings who have distinguished themselves

a pious way of life, conducive to strengthening the faith and position of the church. The first Russian Saint Olga was just canonized in this category. Among the faithful, Prince Dmitry Donskoy, who won the Kulikovo field after the appearance of the holy image of Nicholas, stands out in particular; Alexander Nevsky, who did not compromise with catholic church to keep their power. He was recognized as the only secular Orthodox sovereign. Among the faithful there are other famous Russian saints. Prince Vladimir is one of them. He was canonized in connection with his great work - the baptism of all Russia in 988.

Sovereigns - God's Satisfiers

Princess Anna was also counted among the holy saints, thanks to whose wife relative peace was observed between the Scandinavian countries and Russia. During her lifetime, she built it in honor of it, since she received this name at baptism. Blessed Anna honored the Lord and sacredly believed in him. Shortly before her death, she took the tonsure and died. Memorial Day is October 4 according to the Julian style, but unfortunately this date is not mentioned in the modern Orthodox calendar.

The first Russian holy princess Olga, in baptism Elena, accepted Christianity, influencing its further spread throughout Russia. Thanks to her activities, contributing to the strengthening of faith in the state, she was canonized as a saint.

Servants of the Lord on earth and in heaven

Hierarchs are such saints of God who were clergymen and received a special favor from the Lord for their way of life. One of the first saints assigned to this face was Dionysius, Archbishop of Rostov. Arriving from Athos, he headed the Spaso-Stone Monastery. People were drawn to his monastery, as he knew the human soul and could always guide those in need on the true path.

Among all the canonized saints, the Archbishop of Myra, Nicholas the Wonderworker, stands out. And although the saint is not of Russian origin, he truly became the intercessor of our country, always being at the right hand of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The great Russian saints, whose list continues to grow to this day, can patronize a person if he prays earnestly and sincerely to them. You can contact the Pleasers of God in different situations- everyday needs and illnesses, or simply wanting to thank the Higher Forces for a calm and serene life. Be sure to purchase icons of Russian saints - it is believed that prayer in front of the image is the most effective. It is also desirable that you have nominal icon- the image of the saint in whose honor you are baptized.

A saint is called a reverend who during his lifetime was a monk and did not have the rank of bishop - that is, he was not an archbishop, bishop, metropolitan or patriarch.

The most famous saints in the Russian Church:

  • reverend
  • reverend
  • St. Sergius of Radonezh

The most famous saints of the Russian and foreign Churches who lived in the 20th century:

  • reverend
  • reverend
  • Venerable Seraphim of Vyritsky

Elder Silouan of Athos is one of the most famous holy ascetics of the 20th century. A monk who was able to contemplate the Uncreated Light is already on earth.

Rev. - means that the life of this saint, first of all, symbolizes a deep prayer path - similar to the angelic one. Their feat is prayer, and contact with the outside world occurred only along the course of life, and not according to the “duty” that any priesthood or bishopric implies (archbishops and metropolitans could be the most holy people and have a gift for the deepest prayer and feat, but by virtue of of their rank they participated in one way or another in the secular and managerial side of the Church, since they were responsible for whole city, a metropolis, or - as in the case of the Patriarch - the whole Church).

This does not mean that all the monks were hermits and did not leave the church for days on end. Life is alive, and many of them, if spiritually instructed many lay people who come to the monastery and spiritual children living in the world. Some of the saints precisely received veneration among the people for their selfless pastoral work - as saints or, to whom thousands of pilgrims flocked. And they received spiritual or physical healing from them ...

Who are the saints?

Where did the need to give definitions (faces) to the saints come from and who are the saints?

A saint is not only and not so much an ascetic - that is, a person who outwardly gave himself to service, asceticism and work not for himself, but for God. A person can be an ascetic, but not a saint.

A saint is one who has acquired the Grace of the Holy Spirit. And in which the presence of the Holy Spirit was or became evident to those around him.

(Sometimes the understanding that a person was a saint comes after his death, and sometimes it is obvious to everyone during a person’s life that canonization - that is, recognition of him as a saint by the whole Church - is a matter of time)

Holiness does not mean that a person was necessarily endowed with any supernatural abilities - the gift of clairvoyance or the ability to heal - although, most often, saints just discovered incredible Gifts in themselves. Nor does it mean that every seer is a saint.

The reckoning by the Church of this or that ascetic to the canon of saints has two goals:

  • pay tribute to the saint;
  • set an example of the path to holiness so that everyone on earth can find an example that inspires or encourages them.

The host of saints is a reminder of how varied the path to Heaven can be already here on earth. It's an encouraging (or sobering) reminder that you don't have to be a monk to become a saint. It is not at all necessary to be killed for the sake of Christ in order to become a saint. It is not at all necessary to be a homeless blissful person in order to become a saint. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and holiness is determined not by the external form in which the life of this or that person has been clothed - but by his inner attitude towards life, God and Eternity.

Antique icon of the Appearance of the Mother of God Saint Sergius Radonezh

What are the saints

Here are some of the most famous faces of saints.

Apostles are:

Disciples of Jesus Christ. There were not twelve of them, but many more, although twelve of them were considered His closest Disciples. At the same time, the word “apostle” in itself is not equivalent to the word “saint”, since Judas was also and is called an apostle, but it was he who betrayed Christ ...

The four gospels were written by the apostles: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The faithful are:

Monarchs or princes were honored with such a face, who, instead of strengthening their earthly power, tried to strengthen both in themselves and around them the Christian faith and piety, and this is what they unconditionally put in the first place in their lives. For example, the holy noble Prince Daniel of Moscow. In his honor in Moscow stands the male St. Danilov Monastery.

Blessed (they are holy fools) are:

Saints who embarked on the path of outward adventure like a madman, a homeless man, a fool and an eccentric. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult feats to explain, and in any case it was not their "choice", but - a Calling ...

With their lives, they aroused the ridicule of those around them on the one hand (and thus, in the end they achieved holy humility), and on the other hand, many of them helped to see spiritually (or simply helped) the poor, orphans, and those who really need help . For example - blessed.

Icon of Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, who took upon herself the feat of foolishness after the sudden death of her husband.

Martyrs are:

  • They gave their lives for faith and Christ.
  • The great martyrs are those who have endured particularly difficult trials and torments.
  • Hieromartyrs are priests killed for their faith (monks or non-monks).
  • The venerable martyrs are the slain saints.
  • The New Martyrs - those who fell in persecution against the Church in the 20th century. Basically, we are talking about post-revolutionary Russia and the Stalinist repressions.

Reverends are:

We talked about this in detail at the beginning. Reverends are saints who were monks in earthly life, but did not receive the episcopal rank: that is, they had a life similar to angels by calling.

Equal-to-the-Apostles are:

Saints, thanks to whom a large number of people were baptized or believed - that is, whose feat was equal to that of the apostles. For example, Saint Nicholas of Japan, who baptized thousands of Japanese at the beginning of the 20th century, is an absolute miracle, given the mentality of this people and its rooted in traditions.

Saints are:

Saints who were during their lifetime priests or monk-bishops.

Passion-bearers are:

Saints who were killed not for faith (that is, for the call to abandon it or Christ), but for keeping the Commandments or for the very idea of ​​piety. For example, Emperor Nicholas II.

Wonderworkers are:

None of the saints sought supernatural abilities for themselves, most of them were even weary of them. However, the Lord is generous to people of a holy life, and the path of some of them for the Church and the people is associated primarily with miracles: insight, healing .... And in prayers they are addressed with special hope - to miraculously change the existing state of things: disorder, illness, personal weaknesses.

In Russia, we especially revere, for example, the saint.

rare photo: reverend elder Paisiy Svyatogorets feeds a bird.

Saints: what are the accepted abbreviations

The church has adopted a system of abbreviations, which is now actively used in spiritual literature. Not all of these words mean holiness, but they are used in writing the names of certain saints.

  • app. - apostle
  • indefinitely - unmercenary, unmercenaries
  • blgv. - pious (pious)
  • blzh. (blissful) - blessed, blessed
  • vmts. (vlkmts.) - great martyr
  • vmch. (vlkmch.) - great martyr
  • ev. - evangelist
  • Spanish (confessor) - confessor, confessor
  • book. - prince
  • kng. - princess
  • knzh. - princess
  • mch. - martyr
  • mts. - martyr
  • novmch. (new martyr) - new martyr
  • novosvshmch. - new priest martyr
  • rights. - righteous
  • prophet - prophet
  • clearance. - illuminator, illuminator
  • prmch. - venerable martyr
  • prmts. - venerable martyr
  • Rev. - reverend
  • Rev. Spanish (Prisp.) - Rev. Confessor
  • equal to ap. - equal to the apostles, equal to the apostles
  • St. - holy, holy
  • St. - saint
  • schisp. - priest
  • ssmch. - holy martyr
  • pillar - stylite
  • passion. - passion-bearer
  • miraculous - miracle worker
  • fool - holy fool

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