Rare names for girls are modern. Beautiful and unusual names for girls born in the year of the rooster

The rooster is a daring, beautiful, wayward, sometimes exuberant comrade. Girls born in 2017 can be bright actresses, good teachers, and successful entrepreneurs. For everything to work out successfully in their life, it is worth choosing names for girls in the year of the Rooster so as to balance its negative and impulsive features. If you want to strengthen best qualities representatives of this sign - hard work, intuition - you can choose beautiful names depending on the month of birth.

In this article:

Little princesses that appeared this year of the Rooster should not have options with big amount voiced consonants and letters "p". This will make their character softer, which, combined with the qualities that 2017 gives, will make their life prosperous.

The table below will help you navigate by choosing fashion names for girls in the year of the Rooster.

January Ada, Ilona, ​​Liliana, Olga.
February Vesta, Elizabeth, Maya, Snezhana.
March Alice, Eve, Lada, Nika, Taisiya.
April Bella, Jeanne, Love, Sylvia.
May Albina, Inna, Nadezhda, Stele, Elsa.
June Violetta, Oia, Natalia, Soziya, Ella.
July Anita, Julia, Louise, Olesya, Evelina.
August Valentina, Leonida, Lydia, Sofia, Philippines.
September Agatha, Eugene, Klena, Nina, Stephanie.
October Alana, Dina, Ivona, Svetlana, Faina.
November Vida, Zlata, Ksenia, Milena, Tatiana.
December Elena, Zoya, Camilla, Nonna, Polina.

The names presented may have analogs from other languages. They are used interchangeably.

For future keepers of the family hearth

Many parents dream of having wonderful families for their daughters. By choosing modern types names, you can strengthen this line in their future life... You should choose from those that will not allow the damsels to be impulsive, but prone to needlework, caring for the family and the beloved man. Moreover, many of them are excellent professionals in their chosen activities. In this case, the following are suitable:

  • Ella;
  • Yesenia;
  • Camila;
  • Svetlana;
  • Sofia;
  • Soziya;
  • Efimia.

Their owners are non-conflicting, do not allow themselves to dominate in the family, get along well with children and close relatives.

For future artistic persons

Often, even while carrying a child, the mother already understands how active he is. Many of those who are in a creative destiny see their daughters as artists, dancers, musicians.

The following options can help develop girls' creativity:

  • Agnia, Ada, Adriana, Venus, Diana will suit future actresses and dancers;
  • Alina, Alla, Veronica, Zoya reinforce the musical principle;
  • Alice, Elena, Oia are appropriate for artists and architects.

Girls born in the year of the Rooster are prone to artistic and creative professions... If under the influence external environment they will not be able to realize themselves in this, they will choose a creative hobby in order to be in harmony with themselves. Therefore, popular names can irritate them. In adulthood, they often change their name to a more suitable one for their nature.

Future entrepreneurs born in the year of the Rooster

The women who appeared under this sign have many traits inherent in the stronger sex. They are complemented by the following qualities:

  • strong intuition;
  • willingness to take risks;
  • high speed of information processing and decision making;
  • tendency to generate ideas.

Such natures often open themselves up in business. Among them, name holders are more successful.

Girls born in 2017 will not have a simple character. Since the owner of the coming year loves elegance and sophistication, most girls will look like this. However, on the inside, they are more likely to be obstinate than meek and obedient. Such ladies at any age will defend their point of view to the last and no matter that sometimes it is wrong.

The period of some reason for such children passes especially, because it is so important for them to get to the bottom of the truth and an incomplete answer will certainly not suit such a child. Parents of such girls will torture to the last, until they find out everything that interested them. On the one hand, a child grows up inquisitive, but on the other, because of his curiosity, he can find a lot of trouble. In this case, wisdom and patience will help you.

From childhood, be prepared for the fact that your child will try to paint everything, or tell or sing a song to all passers-by, or maybe start organizing people around him and create whole performances. All this is due to the fact that girls born in the year of the Rooster show a special desire for creativity. There is no need to restrain this desire, their hobby will not interfere with their studies in any way, because such children are able to achieve success both there and there.

But the discipline and order of such children is extremely difficult to teach. Be prepared for the fact that they will be late for school, for a meeting, and everywhere they will be late, there will be a “creative mess” in the room, and teachers will now and then find small drawings in the margins in notebooks. But do not worry, love for everything beautiful and the desire to bring everything to perfection will prevail and she will be able to pull herself together. But you will have to make a lot of effort.

One of the most positive qualities of these girls is perseverance and commitment to their goal. If she is already up to something, then be sure that she will not give up her goal a step back.

Rules for choosing a name for a girl:

  1. When deciding how to name a child, consider, first of all, the child's surname and name, so that in the end it does not happen that the girl will be called Alexandrova Alexandra Alexandrovna. Also, make sure that there is harmony between the length of the name and patronymic. If one of them is too long, then the second should be shorter and vice versa.
  2. Often parents try to give a name in honor of a famous figure, sincerely believing that he will repeat his fate and become great in some area. According to astrologers, this is quite possible, but you should not rely only on their opinion, and in order for this to really happen, you need to work every day on the character of your girl and temper it.
  3. Probably the easiest and most universal way to choose a name is by Orthodox calendar, or according to the calendar, as the people say. If you decide to go down this path, then try to choose a name that will be more or less modern. Remember that it is not for you to live with him all his life, but for your child, because both at school and at the university she can face jokes about her name, which is always not very pleasant.
  4. Another way to find a name for a child is to name it after one of the relatives. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it may suddenly turn out that all the girls on the mother's side will be called, for example, Maria. It will be weird and will cause mixed emotions in those around you.

Women's names 2017

Milan- this name has been leading in many rating lists among modern popular names for many years. Already by the sound of the name, you can understand that it means sweetheart. Since childhood, she has shown female character traits - love for everything beautiful, charity, a desire to help others and sociability

Sofia- wisdom. Such girls from childhood have incredible energy, they are constantly interested in learning something new, in their studies, you guessed it, there are no problems, and besides school, Sofia usually has one or more activities. Moreover, if such a girl has decided to study something or learn something, then rest assured that she will bring her skills to perfection.

Arina- this name is just beginning to gain popularity. It means peace and this meaning is fully consistent with the nature of such girls. Since childhood, they have a rare self-control, but sometimes it is this that plays a cruel joke with them. After all, the combination with a gentle, kind and touching nature gives Arin a gentle character, which other people can use for their own purposes.

Kira- translated as mistress or mistress. Often the first impression of such girls is deceptive - many take her for a cold and unapproachable lady, but this is not so. People close to her know that this is a very kind, sensitive and vulnerable girl. It is no coincidence that she makes such an impression, because Kira usually says everything directly and honestly, which is why she is often not liked.

Anastasia- this name has been on the lists of the most popular at all times and it is no coincidence. It translates as resurrecting. Anastasia has a truly feminine character - she has good intuition, she is kind and responsive, strives to help everyone in need, all these qualities are combined with wisdom and good intuition.

Names for girls born in 2017

Winter months

This season is usually born strong, hardy and strong in character girls. They are stubborn, firm and tenacious in their intentions. But often severity and severity prevent such girls from showing femininity and gentleness, which creates problems on the personal front, and in communication with others too. They are also not afraid to speak the truth in person - on the one hand, this is very positive quality, and on the other hand, many will dislike her for it. Therefore, in order to smooth out the excessive severity and cold-bloodedness, it is necessary to give gentle, melodic names that will endow her with femininity, softness, and indulgence. This list includes: Melania, Anna, Anastasia, Sofia, Nina, Taisia.


Lyudmila, Tatiana, Angelina, Olga, Zoya, Augusta, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Valeria, Varvara, Maria, Anna, Ulyana, Antonina, Alexandra, Angela, Evdokia, Euphrosinia, Julia, Lilia, Sofia, Vera, Elizabeth.


Elena, Victoria, Tatiana, Vasilisa, Irina, Eugenia, Polina, Marina, Ulyana, Julianna, Julia, Maria, Arina, Nina, Emilia, Ksenia, Oksana.


Veronica, Marianna, Anna, Zoya, Christina, Valentina, Ulyana, Rimma, Vera, Pelageya, Ksenia, Alevtina, Maria, Olga, Svetlana, Irina, Sofia, Euphrosinia, Marta, Vasilisa, Alexandra.

Spring months

In the spring, sweet and indecisive girls are born. Even during the smallest purchase, they will think a hundred times and weigh all the pros and cons before buying something. Spring children usually have a firmness of character, calm and balanced, they look at everything positively. They also have curiosity and a thirst to learn something new about the world. At school, training for such children is easy. They also have a good disposition, which is often used by bad people. Therefore, it is worth adding a little rigor to them with the help of the name.


Antonina, Galina, Marina, Nika, Margarita, Alina, Arina, Antonina, Kira, Anna, Ulyana, Iraida, Elena, Natalia, Sofia, Marta, Martha, Alena, Nadezhda, Christina, Ekaterina, Marianna.


Anastasia, Eva, Akulina, Lydia, Sofia, Alexandra, Ninel, Nelly, Praskovya, Varvara, Ulyana, Larisa, Arina, Irina, Nika, Svetlana, Taisia, Polina, Daria, Alla, Matrona, Vassa.


Pelageya, Irina, Valentina, Taisia, Alexandra, Zoya, Anet, Shura, Tamara, Elizabeth, John, Lilia, Maria, Marta, Martha, Susanna, Yana, Anna, Glafira, Anastasia, Isidora, Christina.

Summer months

In the summer, the most mobile and positive girls are born. These guys make good athletes, and they go through training easily. Any work is done easily and simply, and most importantly, with joy. They react to all of them especially sharply and emotionally, and it is very difficult for them to restrain their feelings, which in the future creates many problems. Due to their restlessness and mobility, their interests and hobbies are quite changeable, which prevents them from finishing what they started. To change this, they need to be given names that cool their ardent disposition and endow them with perseverance and determination.


Kira, Valeria, Antonina, Irina, Kaleria, Feodosia, Vitalina, Alena, Larisa, Juno, Melania, Zinaida, Lilia, Maria, Susanna, Christina, Juliana, Theodosia, Faina, Alexandra.


Alevtina, Zhanna, Olga, Inna, Anna, Maria, Galina, Xenia, Agnia, Varvara, Elizabeth, Lucie, Elsa, Lucia, Martha, Martha, Ulyana, Juliana, Julia, Agrippina, Vassa, Yana, Dinara.


Seraphim, Valentina, Milena, Praskovya, Magdalena, Sofia, Katerina, Karina, Alena, Anastasia, Antonina, Arina, Elena, Irina, Angelina, Angela, Lucia, Anna, Elizabeth, Daria.

Autumn months

Autumn is the time when kind, pedantic, calm and wise personalities are born. Yet they lack self-confidence, and they usually look at the world more pessimistic than summer girls... They are persistent and purposeful, and if something does not work out for them, then be sure that this is temporary and soon they will learn what they wanted.


Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Natalia, Raisa, Vita, Alina, Nadezhda, Fekla, Vassa, Marta, Martha, Elizabeth, Elsa, Regina, Maria, Natalia, Anfisa.


Alisa, Svetlana, Zlata, Praskovya, Ariadna, Marianna, Mila, Ariadna, Arina, Euphrosinia, Irina, Sofia, Maria, Tatiana, Vassa, Praskovya, Iraida, Raisa, Anna, Tatiana, Alexandra, Polina.


Claudia, Maria, Anastasia, Zinovia, Natalia, Vera, Daria, Arina, Irina, Aza, Anna, Glyceria, Elizabeth, Elsa, Agatha, Alena, Elena, Zinaida, Ulyana.

The birth of a girl is a great happiness, especially if it is happy event not far off and is planned for the coming year. In the maelstrom pleasant trouble on the arrangement of the children's room and the purchase of necessary things, another important task comes to the fore - the choice of a name for the baby. The whole depends on how harmonious and consonant with the character of its owner it will be. future destiny and the life of a little princess. Names for girls in 2017 are rare and beautiful, painted by month - the perfect cheat sheet for loving moms and dads who are choosing an original and fashionable name for their daughter.

Based on personal preferences and sympathies, from all this variety, you can pick up a truly unique option that will not only perfectly reflect the dignity of the character of your mistress, but also provide excellent support in its improvement.

Popular names of girls in 2017 in Russia no longer belong to the category borrowed from foreign celebrities (Nicole, Michelle, Elizabeth). They either gravitate towards ancient Russian roots, or represent modern, well-known, but somewhat forgotten in the last decades options - Zoya, Natalia, Ulyana, Julia, Polina, which are returning to the peak of popularity.

Golden rules of choice

What should be guided by when choosing names for girls besides beauty and euphony? Going through popular female names, remember the strength and characteristics of influence eastern horoscope for our whole life. The Fire Rooster, the owner of the coming 12 months, has a strong enough influence on the mindset and character of the babies. He will put firmness in their hearts, the will to win, love for truth and justice, poise and understanding of good and evil from an early age.

Advice: Parents need to remember that girls born under the authority of the Rooster need a little more softness, tenderness, and feminine charm. All this can be given by choosing the "correct" name, which will complement positive aspects the girl's personality, bringing them to perfection.

So, starting the search, take into account the following points:

  • Consonance with the surname and patronymic. Not only sound compatibility is important, but also semantic compatibility. It is no secret that there are tough names that form the owner's assertiveness, strength and stubbornness, and there are those that contribute to the manifestation of softness, complaisance, and poise in the character. Therefore, before choosing a name for a baby, ask what meaning is endowed with the name of her father, and only then look for one that will make the perfect semantic pair.
  • Pay attention to the church calendar. So we will be able to choose at the same time a rare, primordially Russian and protected by the patronage of the saint.
  • Lack of negative experience in connection with the chosen option in the circle of your family - do not use the names of those who were tragically killed or who experienced difficult events in the fate of relatives. Their dysfunctional karma can also pass on to your child. In general, more and more often, parents refuse to name their children after someone from their relatives, even the closest ones - father or mother, grandfather or grandmother.
  • As a starting point for searches, you can study the character traits of girls by the seasons in order to better navigate what kind of character the daughter will have.

Selection by seasons

Names according to the Holy Calendar - in accordance with traditions

Selection by Orthodox Prayer Book- a great option for those who want to give their daughter an interesting, memorable name, endowed with a deep sacred meaning. It is not difficult to do this - the choice is made by date of birth. Looking at the Saints on the day when the baby was born, they determine which saint's patronage corresponds to this date. It doesn't matter if not a single saint was found - search on the 8th or 40th birthday. This is what our ancestors did.

So, below you can see the list, which presents the names for girls by months of 2017. This list, of course, does not pretend to be complete, but it contains the most beautiful, rare and fashionable options presently.

Girls born in winter are strong in spirit, self-confident, do not stop in front of difficulties. They are suitable options soft, feminine, giving lightness, charm, tenderness - Eugene, Anna, Valeria, Nina.
Spring - indecisive, careful, prone to introspection and self-flagellation. They are distinguished by curiosity, craving for everything new, unknown. It is better to name such babies so that they acquire firmness of character, self-confidence, ambition - Christina, Ruslana, Tamara, Irina.

Summer babies are enthusiastic natures, flying in the clouds, optimistic, but living strictly with emotions. We are trying to balance their emotional experiences with the arguments of reason, calling them names that guarantee stability, moderate ardor and excitability - Zhanna, Ulyana, Elena.

Autumn girls are dreamy and creative, they are talented in many areas, but they are extremely unsure about own forces... We endow them with strong, sonorous names associated with strength, power, victory over circumstances - Ekaterina, Taisia, Natalia.

As you can see, rare names for girls 2017 by months it is not so difficult to choose. However, when trying to stand out and original, one should not forget one important point: comparatively long time daughter you will call the diminutive form of full version... Therefore, take this into account, and mentally imagine how gentle, for example, the name Olympias or Glyceria will sound. Think about how this name will fit into the conditions of modern communication, whether it will not be comical and causing a wave of unrestrained fun and ridicule among classmates. Believe me, this can be the reason for the most real psychological trauma The child has.

And finally: those fashionable names for girls, which, in the opinion of the majority, represent the height of beauty and unusualness, may not please you personally at all. Don't blindly follow trends. It would be much better to take a closer look at the traditions of your family and choose a name that reflects, for example, your family values, than mindlessly chasing fashion.

During pregnancy, one of the most important questions facing future dads and mothers is a name for a girl.

How to name a girl born in 2017

It is the choice of the girl's name that is a more reverent task, because I want not only to choose the most beautiful and euphonious, but also the original one, which will highlight the “princess”. Naming the baby one of the chosen names, the parents once and for all shape his destiny, endowing the child with a certain character.

The easiest way out is to name the baby by the name of the patron saint, on his name day, according to the so-called saints.

It is important to choose names that will fully correspond to the zodiac sign of a newborn baby. The best option there will be those that emphasize strengths girls by zodiac sign.

Names for girls born in spring 2017

Girls born in spring time rather soft natures, prone to some reflection, therefore, when picking up the girl's names, it is necessary to take this into account and choose one that will not only sound beautiful, but also strengthen, feed the beauty's temper.

So, the following names are most suitable for spring babies born in 2017:

  1. Irina is open, sociable, live girl with the ability to soberly assess reality. Such girls will always get what they want, agree on what they need.
  2. Tamara is a bright, original nature, most often such girls find self-realization for themselves in the profession of an actress, singer, in the media sphere.
  3. Christina is an honest, cheerful and open girl who fills any place where she is present with positive and positive energy.
  4. Alexandra are girls with a predominant sense of justice, protectors, ready to rush to help those in need at any moment. Sasha's sense of leadership and the need for dominance prevail, which border on sincerity and efficiency.
  5. Ruslana - babies with incredible vitality, which is transmitted to everyone who is nearby. Ruslana always amazes those around her with her optimism and assertiveness, especially in matters of career and work.

Names for girls born in summer 2017

Children born in summer period, have extreme emotionality, so it is recommended to choose the most laconic and simple names:

  1. Julia is euphonic and soft, which endows its owner with leadership characteristics, allows her to unleash her creative potential.
  2. Zhanna is a stubborn, wayward girl who always has her own opinion on any issue. Jeanne always say what they think, do not tolerate gossip, lies and hypocrisy. Such girls are wonderful housewives and loyal wives, and at the same time valuable employees at work.
  3. Svetlana are girls with a kind and gentle character, in whom, if you work competently in childhood, the wonderful talent of a commander and even a commander-in-chief will unfold. These are always pronounced personalities, with high intelligence, who value cleanliness and accuracy.
  4. Elena is a calm and balanced baby, with an ever-growing sense of compassion and helping others, strikes everyone around with the need to restore justice.

Names for girls born in autumn 2017

Autumn girls are extraordinary, creative, artistic natures who have incredible imagination. Girls born in the fall are dreamers who are encouraged to choose solid names.

  1. Taisiya are girls who are able to find a compromise in any given situation. Girls with this name go through life firmly and confidently, regardless of the circumstances.
  2. Hope - decisive and firm natures, which from the very childhood are inherent in prudence and practicality. They are excellent housewives and good wives, loving, caring mothers, and also very hardworking in matters related to work and career.
  3. Veronica is smart and truthful girls, kind and caring, who in their youth try to suppress excessive suspiciousness and a tendency to judge according to stereotypes.
  4. Victoria is a girl - "victory" always and in everything, quite stubborn in character, active and mobile, do not suffer defeat. Girls have high communicative qualities that help in life to make a large number of friends, acquaintances and useful connections.

Names for girls born in winter 2017

Winter babies are naturally strong in spirit and stubborn in character, so they must be chosen as soft and affectionate as possible. For a child born in the cold season, it is recommended to choose a melodious, melodic, which will give the baby tremor and tenderness.

Among the most optimal for girls born in winter 2017, the following are distinguished:

  1. Nina is truly royal nature, which is characterized by pride and pride, they are always pretentious and very responsible. Girls are very curious and actively explore the world in all its manifestations.
  2. Anna - noble girls with refinement and grace, often have a meek character, tenderness and are very attached to family and loved ones. Anechki are faithful girls and wives, caring mothers and excellent housewives, they do not tolerate betrayal or deception, they prefer the truth, no matter how bitter it is.
  3. Zoya is a balanced, calm person who perfectly finds mutual language with any person, as if picking up keys to him. Girls with this name are endowed with excellent intuition.

Interesting and original names for girls

The fashion systematically changes and the order of the bored and frequently encountered ones fade into the background, and vice versa, the most common are original and interesting names for girls. V recent times, became popular names of stars, for example, such as Milana, Nicole or Elizabeth.

Also, old Russian names for girls are in vogue:

  • Pelageya
  • Praskovya
  • Seraphim
  • Vasilisa
  • and many others

The name is what makes any person a person, it is it that forms character traits. Names lead us through life, they help some, but for others they become a real problem, therefore, before giving their children rare names, parents need to understand how your child will live in the future. Every year, parents-to-be are looking for the most beautiful names for their babies on the Internet. Today we are going to take a look at the names for girls 2017. What new items will join the list next year?

Before you call your child any name, you need to be very careful about this issue. The choice is influenced by many different factors:

  • Country of Residence;
  • social status;
  • horoscope;
  • year, month and birthday;
  • religion and stuff.

Many people believe that it is better to name your child after his birth, in order to look at the character of the newborn, it is possible that the name that the parents chose for him in advance does not suit him at all. Often mom and dad give their offspring an unusual gift - an outlandish name, believing that the kids will stand out from others. However, it is often possible to observe a picture when in the future a child becomes a real hostage. own name, he is bullied by peers, withdraws into himself. And often, only by changing the name, people achieve success in life, so you need to choose a name for a girl very carefully.

A few simple rules

Your daughter to live long life, communicate with people, build a career, create a happy marriage, so the name should help the child in the future, because as they say, what name you give to the ship, so it will float. Here are some topical tips for choosing the right name for girls for 2017:

  1. If it is good for boys when the letter "R" is at the base, it gives sonority, then the names of girls should, on the contrary, sound affectionate and tender, let them flow like a song.
  2. If the girl has a long last name and patronymic, then it is better to choose a short name. After all, it is quite difficult to pronounce, for example, Komissarova Violetta Konstantinovna, the most organic will sound a simple name - Inna.
  3. It is believed that it is best not to name children after deceased relatives.
  4. The most successful and simple choice of a name is according to the church calendar or according to the sign of the zodiac, but here you need to be more careful, it is better to choose modern names so that later the child is not teased at school, because the girl will live with him, the popularity of a person in society will depend on him, parents should understand this.
  5. It is also believed that naming a girl male name, in the future, male character traits will also appear, usually Alexandra and Eugenia are rather "tough" persons.

It is worth noting that the name must correspond to the character of the person, 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, let's look at how this symbol affects the character of the person born under this sign.

Cock Girls

Before choosing beautiful names for girls in 2017, you need to look at the nature of the children born in the year of the Fire Rooster. And the character of the Petushka girls is not easy, they are usually stubborn and persistent, but in turn they love the elegance and completeness of the image, the girls are very fond of taking care of themselves, trying to achieve the perfect appearance. A woman born under the sign of the Rooster will always defend her point of view and will not give up until she achieves her goal.

Children-Roosters are very curious, they learn with interest the world around them and throw a lot of questions at their parents. Girls are very energetic and restless, they can make a terrible mess in the house or paint the wallpaper in the room. They are always friendly and open with people, it is easy for them to tell a rhyme completely to a stranger, just to showcase your new skills.

It is extremely difficult to accustom the obstinate Rooster to discipline, girls are late everywhere, a terrible mess can happen in the room, but you should not "break" their character, over time the child will definitely learn to live in an organized way. After all, the most important quality of the character of the Rooster girl is the striving for the intended goal, she brings everything conceived to the end.

Now let's consider which names for girls in 2017 will be the most popular and original.

At all times

There are always names that will be relevant regardless of fashion. The most common and beautiful female names for 2017:

  • Anastasia ("revived") - this name has been the title of popular name in our country. Nastya is very smart and developed girls, they have a very calm and balanced character, they are kind and sympathetic natures. They often find themselves in a world of dreams and fantasies, which sometimes prevents them from concentrating on some serious matter.
  • Sophia ("wisdom"). Sonya are very energetic and inquisitive people, always in search of something new and unknown. The girls have no problems with their studies, their energy is also enough for sections and additional classes.
  • Maria ("serene") - very affectionate and kind child... Masha loves to take care of others, it will be great if her parents give her a brother or sister, she will become a wonderful nanny for the baby. You need to know that the girl does not like when she is criticized, she can withdraw into herself. She is hardworking, loves to achieve her goal.
  • Ekaterina ("pure") is a very developed and intelligent girl, sometimes overly impulsive. He is popular in society, likes to be in the spotlight, does not like domination over himself.
  • Anna ("brave") - bright and passionate nature... Possesses tenacity, rarely compromises. She is a wonderful mother and mistress, her house is always cozy and tidy, she loves to do needlework. But sometimes Anna can be extremely demanding and moody.

Selection by season

Often parents give their children their names for the months of the year. Here is a list of names that correspond to the seasons for 2017:

  1. The best winter names are affectionate and gentle, which are easy to pronounce, they include: Svetlana, Polina, Ksenia.
  2. Favorable spring names 2017: Varvara, Victoria, Irina.
  3. Summer girls have an easy character, so Tatiana, Larisa, Lydia, Lilia will be the most successful.
  4. Autumn children are reasonable and calm, and the names should be short and simple: Vera, Sophia, Anna, Zoya.

Remember our roots

Nowadays, fashionable names for girls are often of Slavic origin. It must be remembered that our ancestors put a special meaning in the name before calling the child. Slavic name it is necessary to understand its meaning, because almost all the names were a kind of amulets, many “glorified” or “reconciled” a person with nature or those around him.

  • Glorious: Vladislav, Mstislav, Boleslav, Miroslav, Preslav, Gorislav.
  • Peaceful: Vladimir, Dragomir, Mirra, Stanimir.

If you want to pick up more original names for girls of 2017, it can be Bazhena, Snezhana, Lyubava, Dobrava, Slavyana, Milada, Mlada, Militsa.

According to the calendar

Many parents try to name their children according to the Orthodox calendar, for this it is enough to look at the date of the alleged birth. If you don't like one, you can look a few days ahead, usually the church allows you to deviate a little from the birthday.

Remember that in church calendar there are old and difficult to pronounce names with which it will be difficult for a modern child to live, so it is worth giving preference to the more familiar and simple ones.

The most beautiful names according to the calendar for 2017 are Alevtina, Evdokia, Glafira, Love, Kira, Taisia, Klavdia.

Most popular names

Now, some of the most common female names are the following:

  • Milana - girls named by this name are very open, kind and sociable natures;
  • Ruslana is a strong and self-confident person who always achieves its intended goal;
  • Ulyana - sociable girls, sometimes a little obstinate. Always loved by the father;
  • Arina - has a gentle character, easily compromises, is slightly shy;
  • Kira - has a firm and stubborn character, means mistress or mistress;
  • Taisia ​​is an energetic and kind child, Taisia's women have incredible success with the opposite sex, wonderful housewives and mothers.

We have tried to provide a complete, but not exhaustive list of all the most popular names for the next 2017, you may choose a different original name for your child. Just remember that it is the name that affects fate and life path any person.