Birthday script for children “Travel with Clown Tyapa!” Birthday script “Two funny clowns”

Clowns- a special type of pop, circus or theater actor, working in the style of buffoonery, often with elements of the grotesque. It is customary to divide clowns into two categories: cheerful (“red”, Harlequin) and sad (“white”, Pierrot). They often appear in pairs, creating contrast for the viewer and complementing each other.

The reason for the popularity of clowns lies in the specific manner of performing and interacting with the public. A simple and trusting manner of communicating with the audience, a bright and expressive costume and makeup, infectious laughter and jokes understandable to any audience make clowns favorites of children and regular participants in many holidays.

As for the holiday program, each professional clown actor has a set of his own. However, situations arise when, for a child’s birthday, one of the parents wants to take on the role of the clown, or maybe entrust this to one of their relatives or friends.

In this case, you can create a performance program yourself, using a ready-made one as a basis (including reworking one of the options for yourself).

Scenario “Doughnut the Clown came to visit a child’s birthday party.”

The average duration of a script is two to three hours. The number of participants is not of fundamental importance, but optimal value- from 5 to 10 people.

The age for which the script is designed is 3-10 years.

What you will need to prepare in advance:

For the scenario you will need a costume: wide pants (preferably bright colors) with large pockets and suspenders attached to the pants, a plaid shirt, a red (red or orange) wig, boots or shoes 1-3 sizes larger. You can put a pillow or something else under your shirt to create a protruding belly.

Makeup: the face is covered with a thick layer of white powder, the lips are heavily painted with red lipstick. You can also make red spots on your cheeks.

You will need a dozen balloons. You should put a candy in each of them, and then inflate and tie. The balls will be used in a riddle competition.

You will also need to find a medium-sized ball so that it is not heavy and it is convenient for children to catch it.

For Game "Draw an animal" You will need 20-30 cards with animal names.

For the final game, you will need ordinary cake candles (one for each year of the birthday person) and three identical boxes with lids (size enough for the candle to fit inside, but not very large), as well as a small table.

You also need to prepare a number of small souvenirs or gifts for awards to the winners of games and competitions.

1) Start of the script.

When all the guests have gathered in the house of the birthday boy, a clown comes to them, holding a bouquet of balloons in his hand.

Hello kids!

The clown Donut came to you and brought a trailer of sweets! He will amuse you and give you gifts. How beautiful it is here, how festive! What kind of holiday are you having?

I'm sorry, what? As you said? (attaches free hand to your ear)

Jam day? No?

Cookie day? Also no?

Treatment day? Not again?

Day of torment? This reminds me of something! Everyone asks me why my face is white, probably in flour? But this is not flour, this is powder! What is my name, remember, children? That's right - Donut! And donuts are always sprinkled with powdered sugar...

So what are we celebrating anyway? School day? No? But you still need to study, we must not forget about it!

Wait a minute... I think I understand. Ah-ah-ah-ah, that's it! Birthday! How did I not guess right away? Who is our birthday boy? Whose birthday is It? At your place? Let's congratulate our hero of the occasion!(here you can sing a congratulatory song or ask one of the children to read a poem)

(After the songs are sung and the rhymes are recited, Donut nods approvingly)

However, mere congratulations in words are not enough! My mother told me that you should give gifts on your birthday.

(looks around)

But where is my candy trailer? It seems I lost everything along the way... Well, let's see(turns out his pants pockets, spreads his hands) - empty.

Oh, that Donut! I thought his pockets were full of candy - but it turned out there was nothing!

Children, children, did you hide the candy? No? What's your name? (approaches one of the children). Well, we’ll find out what it is now!

(hiding the candy in his hand, he holds it behind the child’s ear and seems to take it out from there)

Now I know where my sweets are - you picked them up and hid them. No?(scratches his chin thoughtfully)

2) Riddle competition.

Then who picked them up? Let's try to solve it! Do you like riddles? Well, of course you will, I knew it!

So let's get started. I was traveling by train and mixed up the regions. I moved to the wrong place - there are no trains here! The candies all scattered and were left behind somewhere...

Now we will figure out who picked up the candy. Whoever tells me the answer will receive a chocolate bar!

Donut gives the one who guesses the riddle first a balloon with candy inside.


1) Who opened the huge mouth? That's right - it's... (hippopotamus).

2) He jumps and gallops briskly, he really loves carrots (hare)

3) Bristles with needles and hides under fir trees (hedgehog)

4) He lives in an earthen hole, and is simply called - (mole)

5) Milk gives us again, it’s called - (cow)

6) Cunning, shameless, and red-haired too! (fox)

7) He knows a lot about piglets, but they call him - (wolf)

8) A log is floating along the river, it’s all green. Green (crocodile) did not surprise us with his cunning

9) Huge, clubfooted, sucking his paw in the den. And he knows how to roar, and his name is (bear)

10) The dog barks angrily at strangers and bites robbers

3) Game “Freedom for candy!”

(Donut laughs joyfully) — We determined the answers, and received gifts!

But what are these magic balls? Children, look - it seems there is something inside. After all, these are candies! But how to get them out of there? You will have to play the game and defeat the resistance of the ball.

How to get candy, how to do this? You need to press down the ball to release it!

Children, you need to press on the balloon so that it bursts! If you can’t do it, call your friends for help and do it together. Friendship conquers all!

In the meantime, I’ll play you a funny song!

(so that the balloons don’t burst so loudly and the atmosphere becomes more active and cheerful, here you need to play some cheerful song for the children, for example, in a dance rhythm)

When all the balls are defeated, the children can eat the candy.

(Donut claps his hands) Finally we won and got the candy!

4) Game “Curious Ball”.

(Donut takes the ball) Our Masha is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river. Hush, girl, don't cry - now your ball has come to us!

Children, you love to play ball, don’t you? Raise your hands who loves! Very good. Do you know who asks the most questions? That's right - you yourself. This is because you are interested in knowing everything in the world. Now you are a know-nothing, but when you get answers to all the questions in the world, you will become a know-it-all!

But we need to learn the rules of how to play the game “Curious Ball”! It's very simple: the one who caught my ball - I asked him a question!

Rules of the game:

Questions should be short and simple. For example, “what’s your name?”, “what color is the ball?”, “how old is the birthday boy?” and so on.

Having answered the question, the child returns the ball to the clown. You can complicate the task a little: the clown asks the first question, and then the children throw the ball to each other and ask the questions themselves.

If the child cannot answer the question, he must return the ball, after which the ball will be thrown to him again, but with a new question. Anyone who fails to answer a question three times in a row is eliminated from the game.

The smartest respondents receive small incentive prizes.

5) Game "Auction".

(Donut takes out a bag of gifts) Boys and girls, do you know what an auction is? This is the kind of game where you can win a prize!

Anyone who wants to receive a gift must tell everything about it!

The point of the game is as follows: the clown takes some object out of the bag and the children must name some characteristic of this object. Let's say the object is a banana. Answer options: yellow, oblong, curved, sweet, fragrant, soft, etc.

If someone wants to answer, they must raise their hand. The clown gives one of the players the floor, and if the answer is correct, then that player becomes a candidate to receive of this subject as a present. If someone manages to come up with one more characteristic for the item, then the right to receive the gift goes to him. When no one else can offer their own original characteristics, the last one receives the gift, and the drawing of the next lot (item) of the auction can begin.

6) Game “Attentive Listeners”.

(Donut claps his hands) And now - pay attention! We listen diligently. Don't believe your eyes - better believe your ears. The monkey repeats - he doesn’t understand the words! You can’t knock us down that easily - we can tell where the lies are.

The principle of this game is as follows: children look at the clown and follow his instructions. For example, the clown says “let’s squat!” and begins to squat, then “raise your hands up!”, after which he raises his hands up, etc.

To test children's attentiveness, periodically the command does not coincide with the actions of the clown. For example, he says “let’s squat,” and he begins to clap his hands. The one who did not sit down, but also began to clap, is eliminated from the game.

By the end of the game, the most attentive players should remain.

7) Game “Imagine an animal”.

(Donut shows the children a basket with cards)

In order to be there in time for the holiday, I had to travel through many countries. And when I hurried to you, I met different animals. Funny and scary different colors decorated! To guess the name, you need to show the animal!

In the clown’s basket there are two or three dozen cards with the names of animals (more are possible). Donut chooses the child to play first. He comes up and pulls a card at random from the basket, reads to himself what is written there, and then must show the animal so that the audience guesses who it is about. If a child has difficulty reading, the clown can whisper the name of the animal in his ear.

Whoever guesses first what animal we are talking about becomes the next player.

If no one succeeds in guessing, then the clown allows the audience to ask a clarifying question, for example, “can this animal swim?”, “what does this animal eat?” etc. If this does not help to solve the pantomime, the clown himself can voice some clue, for example, “this animal has a lush mane” or “he has horns,” etc.

8) The finale is the game “Decorate the cake with candles.”

(The melody of the alarm clock or the clock on the phone in the clown’s pocket sounds loudly)

The signal has rung - our carnival is over! The donut must pack up, so we will say goodbye... Have I forgotten anything? How, did you forget? Really, kids - where's the cake?

(Donut goes into the kitchen and returns with a cake in his hands, puts it on the table)

Oh, but what is this? What I see? I can’t believe my eyes - a birthday cake without candles! We need to help and provide him with candles.

(Donut takes out a candle and three boxes, puts the candle in one of them, closes all three, then puts them on the table in front of the audience. After that, he begins to rearrange the boxes so that the audience forgets which one contains the candle)

I twist and turn - I want to confuse! Come on, come on, guess it and we’ll decorate the loaf!

The child who guessed which box the candle is in gets the right to place it on the cake.

After all the candles are installed, the clown lights them and gives the birthday boy the opportunity to blow them out and make a wish. Then the children sit down at the festive table.

Birthday for children with clown Klepoy for middle age

Birthday script for children “Travel with Klepa the Clown!”

Scenario for a birthday party for middle-aged children. Main character– presenter Klepa the Clown. Children go to a land of adventure, where they participate in various competitions and games.

Hello everyone, friends!
I greet you all today!
My name is Klepa the Clown,
And I'm very funny!
What is your name, my dear, charming and funny children? Let's get to know each other better: I throw a ball into everyone's hands, and you must catch it, saying your name in an affectionate manner.
1. Game “Getting Acquainted”
Presenter (Klepa): We met everyone, but I don’t understand one thing: which of you is the main culprit of today’s celebration?
(children answer)
Leading(Klepa) (addressing the birthday boy): Please tell me, what song do you consider your most favorite?
(birthday boy answers)
Presenter (Klepa): That’s great! Let's start our holiday with a round dance. I invite all guests to stand in a circle and sing his favorite song for our birthday boy!
2. Festive round dance
(all guests perform the song named by the birthday boy)

Birthday has arrived!
Today is a holiday, treats
There are candies, there are cookies!
But congratulations are not enough.
And now we will fix it. Each person (in a circle) will now wish something good to our beloved birthday boy on this wonderful day!
3. Congratulations from friends
Leading(Klepa): Tell me, guys, do you like to travel?
(children answer)
Presenter (Klepa): Then I invite everyone to go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon! (all party participants receive balloons). Whoever inflates the balloon first will be the first to get into magical land. The only condition: you need to make sure that the ball does not burst. So, let's fly!

4. Balloon competition: who can inflate it faster!
Presenter (Klepa): So we got to the island with you fabulous adventures. The first to get there was... (name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures! Tell me, can you draw? Can you draw a portrait of our birthday boy?
(children answer)
Leading(Klepa): Now we will check this. I will ask all guests of the wonderful island to divide into 2 teams. Each player takes out an inscription from the magic bag, which says what he should draw: nose, eyes, mouth, hair, etc.
(The presenter shows what paper and markers prepared in advance.).
Leading(Klepa): Each team has identical pieces of paper. But in what order you pull them out depends only on you. So, young artists, let's quickly draw the hero of our occasion!
5. Team competition “Portrait of the Birthday Boy”
Presenter (Klepa): Yes, I see that we have real artists here today! But the birthday boy will determine which portrait turned out to be more beautiful and realistic!
And you and I, dear guys, continue to play. Please remind Clown Gag: what did you use to get to this magical land of adventure? That's right, on balloons! These are exactly what we need now! I invite everyone to take part in the “Hold the Ball” competition
6. Competition “Keep the balloon in the air”
Presenter (Klepa): The task of each participant is to hold the ball in the air for as long as possible without using their hands. You can help with your noses, foreheads, head, but not with your hands. Whoever drops the ball on the floor first is out of the game. The most dexterous and most resourceful will win! So, I wish everyone good luck, especially our birthday boy!
Presenter (Klepa): Well done! Now let’s give our birthday boy a performance of songs with the words “Birthday”. Everyone takes turns singing a verse from any birthday song to our hero of the occasion.
7. Song assortment.
Presenter (Klepa): Well, friends, it’s time to return home from this unusual land of adventure. Take your air transport (balloons familiar to everyone), and on my command burst it! This balloon fireworks is dedicated to our birthday boy! Happy holiday to you again!
8. Soap bubble fireworks

9. Birthday games "Pass the parcel"
Necessary: ​​prepare the parcel - take a piece of candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper (you can use adhesive tape, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for children to unwrap).
The children sit in a circle and the leader says: “We received the package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let’s find out!”
Children begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time.
Whoever unwraps it last gets the package.
This game teaches children to share.
10. “Stick Your Nose” Competition
Required: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Leading(Klepa) It's time to refresh yourself! Bring in the cake!
(Mom solemnly brings in the cake, everyone sings “Loaf” together, and the birthday boy puts out the candles and makes a wish.)
We had a lot of fun, but it's time for me to leave.
Bye-bye everyone!
See you!

Spring humor

(entertainment for middle and older children preschool age)

Goal: To develop interest in theatrical play activity.

1. Activate children’s dialogical speech, achieve correct and clear pronunciation sounds and syllables.

2. To develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of characters, conveying them through facial expressions, posture, gesture, movement, basic emotions and feelings.

3. Foster a sense of camaraderie.

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall, take their seats, there is a knock on the door, and Tick the Clown appears riding a horse.

Type- Igo-go! Igo-go, I'm going, I'm going far!

It seems I have arrived! Hello my friends!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry, I almost fell off my horse!

And my brother the clown didn’t come to you? That's good, that means I'm first! I'll go meet him!

He gets on the horse and rides off.

Clown Top appears. He rides his horse backwards.

Top- I’m coming, I’m coming to you, friends, everyone, meet me!

I'm sitting on a goat, looking in all directions,

I’m driving backwards, people are surprised!

Whoops! Well, at least backwards, but I got there!

Hello, kids, girls and boys! I'm not late?

My name is Clown Top, I have a brother, Clown Tip.

He probably overslept and hasn’t arrived yet.

I'll go look for him! Like, oh!

Enter Clown Tip.

Top- Dude, where are you? Aw!

Type- Here I am! (hug).

Together: Hello merry and playful people!

Hello girls and boys!

We have arrived at a cheerful hour - meet us quickly!

Children clap their hands.

Type: I'm the type!

Top: I'm Top!

Together: We are Type and Top! What's your name?

Type: Say your name!

Top: Well, once again, and louder!

Game "Say Your Name"(children shout in unison)

Type: Everything is clear: all the boys are called “Boo-bu-boo”, and the girls are called “Syu-syu-syu”!

Button enters the hall

Button: Hello guys, Hello Tip, hello Top! And my name is Button. Have you seen my friend the clown Grisha?

The clown Grisha appears in the hall, loaded with a heavy bag and an umbrella.

Grisha: Hello, where did I end up? What are you doing here? - (everyone greets him).

Button: – Ah-ah-ah, here he is, he showed up without getting dusty! Grisha, where have you been?

Type and Top: Epidemic!

Grisha: Yes! Signs of illness - smiling, laughing until you drop! – (conspiratorially) – There are deaths!

Button: What to do? Did we want to play with the guys and have fun?

Grisha: Do you want to visit the circus? What about you guys? Then you and I will go to the circus right now for the performance “Clowns and Clown Kids! »

Button: Well, I see clowns, but where are the clowns?

Grisha: Now we will fix this matter! – (opens his bag and shows the caps)

All the clowns put caps on the children and put lipstick on each child's nose and cheeks.

Grisha: Well, my dear clowns, now we’ll organize such a circus here, you’ll just gasp!

Button: I ask those who like to play to clap their hands and say, “I am!” "

(further, the Clowns are listed one by one, shouting) - Who likes cartoons? - Chewing gum? - Cake? - Ice cream? - Slaps on the head? – Who likes summer? – Who likes to sunbathe? - Swimming... in a dirty puddle? - Sing? - Dance?

Button: We're off to a good start! … Attention! The next number will be jugglers! Do you want to be a juggler? Then let's play!

There is an attraction: “CATCH THE BALL WITH YOUR HAT”

Two people play 2-3 times

Top- And now a fun game for you! And it's called “Give me a word!”

Top Gray wolf I met a redhead in a dense forest...

Children - Fox!

Top- I lost my sock, it was stolen...

Children - Puppy!

Top- The bird sings all day long in a cage on the window.

She's a small bird, and she's afraid...

Children are cats!

Top- Mikhail played football and scored in the goal...

Children - Goal!

Grisha: Well, now we invite you to a fun dance!

A common dance is performed with the Clowns: “BOOGIE – WOOGIE”

Button: And now who will laugh at whom – children or clowns?

Game "Who will laugh who?"(children laugh together)

Type: We’ll take the bags now,

Let's start jumping into them soon.

Game "Sack Run"(bags without bottom)

Grisha: And now there is still a game! Have fun, kids! The next number of our program will be a performance by tightrope walkers! You need to carry the balloon between your foreheads, bellies, and backs!

The game is played: “MOVE THE BALL”

Top: Amazing! The next issue of our program will be “Dashing Riders”. Guys, have you seen horses at the circus? And how dashingly the riders ride them! You and I will hold a competition, and our horses will be balls!

A competition is being held: “Dashing Riders”(Big Ball Relay)

Button: And now - intermission! Musical pause! And we... And we... And we will sing this to you now. I will be the conductor, and you will be my choir! (divides the children into three teams: 1 - piglets; 2 - frogs; 3 - puppies. The voice of these animals is sung by the group of children that the conductor points to. Then - all in chorus. They sing to the tune of the song “Grasshopper”)

Grisha: And here's another competition: - who can eat candy without hands? But I can! I ate 10 yesterday!

Clowns on break: - And I. And I!

Button: And the day before yesterday I ate 20. And today not a single one... I overate...

A competition is being held: “EAT CANDY.”

(hands behind, candy on the table in a half-opened candy wrapper)

Grisha: Attention attention! We announce fatal number! We ask those who are nervous to leave the hall! Because now it will be deafening attraction: “Burst the balloon”!

Tied to the right legs balloon.

Then they invite all the children to burst the balloons with their butts - whoever has the biggest! The task is to burst your partner's balloon.

Type and Top:

We see that you are cheerful guys: you love to laugh and play.

And we clowns love to dance together!

Dance “Hula Hoop” (technology by T.I. Suvorova).


Did you laugh? Did you dance?

And, I hope, have played enough? (Children: Yes!)

Button: So it’s time for us

say goodbye, kids!

Type: Guys, don’t be shy, smile more often!

And stay so cheerful!

Top: We give you gifts

And we promise to come to you!!! (handing lollipops to children).

Kovalenko Elena Nikolaevna

Lyudmila Kirsutina
Entertainment script “The Adventures of Klepa the Clown in Kindergarten”

Enters the group clown.

Hello girls, hello boys! You recognized me? Well, of course I Clown Klepa, I love fun, jokes and laughter! Do you like to have fun? Then let's do it together! First, I'll check if you can solve riddles.

U take the clown with you"Wonderful bag".He asks riddles and takes them out of the bag "guessing".

Small in stature, but brave,

He galloped away from me. (Ball)

The fraction is beating,

Walking helps. (Drum)

There are different girlfriends nearby,

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

The baby is dancing,

And only one leg. (Yula)

Well done! You are good at solving riddles! Help a chef I know tell his story.


I wanted to throw a ball

And I am visiting myself...

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese.

Baked crumbly...

Pie, knives and forks are here-

But something guests...

I waited as long as I could,

Then a piece...

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And a pie in a minute...

When the guests arrived,

Even crumbs...

Thank you very much! You helped the cook a lot. Now he knows exactly why the guests didn’t try his pie.

Help this cook sort vegetables into bowls for borscht and fruits for compote.

Relay race underway “SORT THE VEGETABLES”

And I have another one for you interesting story. Clown reads an excerpt of a poem "Confusion" K. And Chukovsky.

The kittens meowed:

“We're tired of meowing!

We want like piglets,


And behind them are the ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like little frogs,


The pigs meowed:

"Meow meow!"

The cats grunted:

"Oink oink oink!"

The ducks croaked:

“Kwa, qua, qua!”

Little Sparrow galloped

And the cow mooed:


A bear came running

And let's roar:


Only the little bunny was a good boy:

Didn't meow or grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

Babbled like a hare

And foolish animals persuaded:

“Who was told to tweet-

Don't purr!

Who is told to purr-

Don't tweet!

The crow should not be like a cow,

Don’t let the little frogs fly under the cloud!”

After reading, children are asked stage excerpt from a poem.

Thank you bunny! Taught the animals wisdom!

Clown invites children to play an active game


After the game clown"calls" telephone.

Hello! What's happened? Are the letters mixed up? Now we will help you!

Clown reads text, children correct mistakes.

1. The bug didn’t finish the booth;

Reluctantly, tired of it.

2. My uncle was driving without a vest

He paid a fine for this.

3. A hurricane hit the island.

The last ram remained on the palm tree.

4. The goalkeeper has a big catch,

Five goals hit the net.

5. The snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are full of doctors.

6. Mom went with the barrels

On the road along the village.

7. In a clearing in spring

A young tooth has grown.

8. Sit down in the spoon and - let's go!

Along the river back and forth.

9. Having dropped the doll from your hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There are green onions crawling there

With a long mustache.

10. The hunter shouted: "Oh!"

The doors are chasing me!”

Oh, what a fun life you have! Let's play an interesting game!

The game is being played "LAUGHTER"

Did you enjoy our meeting? Do you like to draw? Clown asks children to draw self-portraits that convey the children’s emotions during the lesson. Children draw. After painting, the works are hung on display.

Birthday scenario with clowns

Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all! Were you waiting for us or not?
Toffee. Oh, so many kids!
Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!
Toffee. And I am Toffee!
Klepa. Just be careful not to confuse it: not a sausage, but a toffee. I bet I can guess your name!
Toffee. But you won’t guess!
Klepa. I'll guess! Let's do it! Together you shout out your name loudly, and I will tell you who’s name is what. (Shouts out names, confusing).
Toffee. Klepa, as always, you got everything mixed up.
Klepa. Not all! I guessed Zhenya!
Toffee. But guess what holiday Zhenya has today?
Klepa. ABOUT! It's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or New Year? (addresses the children).
Toffee. But I didn’t guess right!

The children give hints.

Klepa. Hooray! Cooking day! I love jam so much! Do you love it? Let's find out which of you is the greatest connoisseur of jams?
Toffee. How will we know?
Klepa. Yes, very simple. You must take turns naming any jam that you remember. Anyone who doesn't remember is out. And the one who remains the very last will be the connoisseur of jams.
Klepa Hey, how could I forget! My wife received telegrams from fairy-tale heroes! Oh, where are they? (looks in his pockets).
Toffee. Can't be! Have you lost your telegrams?
Klepa. And I didn’t lose them at all - they were stolen from me! And I even know who!
Toffee. Who?
Klepa. Yes forest troll! He really doesn’t like fun, so he’s disturbing us!
Toffee. So what should we do now?
Klepa. Only Magic wand, and she is far away in a fairy-tale forest, lying in a box under a large fairy-tale oak tree. And we will go in search of her, but only toys and animals can enter the fairy forest...
Toffee. But we are just children!.. (prepares face painting: blue bunny, red fox, purple cat, green monkey, pirate, flower, spider-man, butterfly)
Klepa. And we will turn into animals and toys and enter the fairy forest! Now you will turn into different animals, pirates, butterflies! (draws face painting).
Klepa. Now even your own mother won’t recognize you. Let's stand in a circle and say the main spell of magical toys and animals. We try to repeat after me the words and movements:
"We are toys and animals,
we play too loud.
We clap our hands
we stomp our feet
puff out our cheeks
jumping on tiptoes
and even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Let's jump to the ceiling together
We bring our finger to our temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
ponytail on top of head.
Let's open our mouths wider,
Let's make a face.
When I say the number 3,
Freeze your faces!"
Toffee. Now you can go to the fairy forest.
Klepa. You just have to take some magical items with you; everything might come in handy along the way. (They go). Look how mysterious it is around! And scary! The gnarled stumps stand, oh, the crows are flying, the trees are waving their branches and paws!..
Toffee. Oh, I'm afraid! (prepares “paths” with “palms”).
Klepa. Don't be afraid, I will protect you, protect you, protect you! We need to walk along the paths, but the paths are so mysterious, they do not allow those who walk on their hind legs to pass through, but only those who walk on their front legs. We need to divide into two teams: toys and animals. Then stand in twos at one end and the other. You run one at a time, then the second one gets on the path and so on until all four have run along the path.
Toffee. And we have one extra animal!
Klepa. We don't have any extra! This is the leader, the commander in chief! While the teams compete, our little fox will keep a keen eye on who can run these paths faster
Toffee. And we will hold you by the hind legs.

Klepa. So we entered the very depths of the forest. Oh, how dark! I can not see anything!
Toffee. Let's see what magic items we have, maybe they will help us... Here are magic lanterns, but only the fastest can light them. You need to wind the cord around the stick, only each of you takes hold of your own end of the stick.
Klepa. And let's see who will win the lantern to their side.

Toffee. So it became light in the forest... Oh, look: a swamp.
Klepa. Just think! Let the troll not even hope that he can detain us.
Toffee. Are we going to swim across the swamp?
Klepa. Do not even dream. Only the smartest will find their way through the swamp. I will ask you riddles, and if you know the answer, raise your hand up.
Toffee. Just don’t shout, but raise your hand to answer, otherwise you’ll wake up the forest troll.
Klepa. Itself is empty. The voice is thick.
The fraction beats off. He calls the guys together. (drum)
Toffee. Round, smooth, like a watermelon.
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds. (ball)
Klepa. The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)
Klepa. I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
Whatever I put together, I break. And first I collect. (cubes)
Toffee. Treats birds and animals.
He treats small children.
He looks through his glasses.
Good doctor... (Aibolit)
Klepa. This funny animal is made of plush. There are paws, there are ears. Give the beast some honey. And make him a den. (bear)

Choose the 2 smartest ones.

Toffee. Have you forgotten that we were going to cross the swamp?
Klepa. Not at all. Our guys, with the help of these two magic planks, will pave a road through the swamp.
Toffee. And then the rest will pass?
Klepa. Certainly! You must put one plank in front of you, stand on it, then put a second one in front of you, stand on it, and take the first one back. And thus reach the figure, go around it and come back.

They pass through the "swamp".

Toffee. How quickly you passed through this nasty swamp!
Klepa. It’s good that you weren’t noticed by the poisonous balls living in the swamp, but they don’t sleep, so you still have to meet them (addresses the winner). You came first, which means you get the right to choose. Will you fight the poison balls or will you tame them?

If they choose to fight.

Klepa. From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter.
Toffee. With the help of this magic cap he will destroy poisonous balls.
Klepa. And everyone else will have to help him - direct the balls to him. Put on your caps and be careful, try to touch the flying ball with the top of your head. Each team has 4 balls. Try to deal with the balls faster.

There is a "battle" going on.

Klepa. Don't be afraid, Toffee! They can still be re-educated, and they will become kind and good.
Toffee. Let's populate these balls with kind people!
Klepa. Let's! Toys, take one ball, and you little animals take another. Take markers in your hands and draw a lot of people on the ball. The more people, the kinder the ball.

Draw on balls.

If you choose taming.

Toffee. Let's try to tame the poisonous balls, and for this we will populate them with kind people.

Toffee. Oh, look, there are still poisonous balls left!
Klepa. Looks like we'll have to fight them! From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter

There is a "battle" going on.

Klepa. So we came out into a clearing, somewhere here there should be a box with a magic wand hidden.
Toffee. Oh, what a bright light here!

Klepa. Then we will go in complete darkness. (blindfold everyone).
Toffee. We are very close to the magic box!
Klepa. We will join hands and make our way in a chain to the hiding place where the box is hidden.

While everyone follows Klepa, Iriska imitates tree branches, touching the children in turn with various attributes: balls, real branches. After that, a chair is installed in the center with the box on it. The guys are lined up with their backs around a chair.

Klepa. Now we are very close to the box, all that remains is to take it. Now be very careful. You must walk five steps in the direction you are directed to. Stop. Turn in the opposite direction. Walk 5 steps again. And take the box.

Children pass by. One of the guys finds the box.

Toffee. You were the first to find the box - you should open it.

They help open the box.

Klepa. Look, there's a note!
Toffee. (picks up a note from the box). This is from Troll.
Klepa. (reads) “So be it, have fun. You win. Only the wand doesn’t work without the spell. This is the last task.” A spell was written on these pieces, it needs to be folded.

Cast a spell: “Happy Birthday!”

Toffee. Let's all say this spell together!
They say in unison: “Happy birthday!”
Klepa. Oh! What's happened! Telegrams have arrived! (pulls telegrams out of his pocket).
Toffee. Great! Let's read them together!
Klepa. Let's! Only the Troll still did some harm. The telegrams are unfinished!
Toffee. Or maybe the guys will help us read them?
Klepa. Let's try!

They read the telegrams one by one.

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear! Hello and congratulations from...
The film about me is a great picture! I wish you a lot of happiness!
Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings...
Let people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you success! Tom and...
I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs!..
Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you!
Eat more fruits and vegetables! Iron health to you!

Klepa. We had a lot of fun, but it's time for us to leave.
Toffee. Klepa, what about the guys, will they remain little animals and toys?
Klepa. That would be great! But if you want to become boys and girls again, take a dip in the magic water, and the witchcraft will pass.
Toffee. Bye-bye everyone!
Klepa. See you!