Strong positions and weak positions of vowels and consonants. Paired consonants in strong and weak position

The Russian language is a complex subject. We write words in a completely different way from how they are actually pronounced. In speech, the same phonemes manifest themselves in different sound forms. Compare, for example, the words "honey" - [m "from] and" medok "- [m" idok]. It all depends on whether the phonemes are strong positions or weak positions within a word. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Speech is a continuous stream of phonemes, in which the pronunciation of a sound is largely determined by its place in the word, adjacent vowels and consonants. V weak position articulation undergoes significant changes. Phonemes lose some of their characteristics and begin to appear in other variants. For example, [o] in an unstressed position starts to sound like [a]: [wada], [sava]. The final [g] is pronounced as [k]: [druk], [crook]. It is in such places that we make mistakes in writing.

V strong position the phoneme, on the other hand, is clearly audible and stands in its basic form. It does not depend on the position in the word, its quality is not affected by neighboring sounds. This is, for example, the phoneme [o] in the words "water", "owls". Or the sound [g] in the words "friend", "around".

Morphological principle of spelling

Why to an ordinary person far from linguistics, to know the strong and weak positions of phonemes? The fact is that the spelling of 90% of Russian words is regulated by the so-called morphological principle... According to him, we should not take into account phonetic alternations when we pick up a pen or type text on the keyboard. Roots, suffixes, prefixes, endings are always written the same way. Reduction of vowels, softening of consonants in front of some sounds, their voicing or stunning are not taken into account.

Hence the conclusion: you cannot rely on hearing when writing. Only sounds in strong positions are written as they are heard. All others need to be checked. Having determined that the phoneme is in a weak position, we begin to select a test word with the same morpheme. For example, tooth - dental, lime - pine, hike - train, to the lamp - to the water... In a test word, the phoneme must be in a strong position, and in the same morpheme. Otherwise, you can be wrong.

Strong and weak positions of vowel sounds

Already in primary school children know: the sound under stress is heard for a long time, clearly and does not need to be checked. We can safely write the words "catfish", "myself" in the notebook. This is a strong vowel position.

The unstressed position is quite another matter. Such a vowel is in a weak position, we pronounce it short, with less strength, indistinctly. Compare the words "soma" and "sama". They sound pretty much the same. In order not to make mistakes when writing them, schoolchildren are taught to select test words.

The Russian language is characterized by:

  • "akane", when unstressed [a] and [o] are pronounced the same after solid consonants (for example, the words "doma", "dala");
  • "hiccup", in which unstressed [a] and [e] are indistinguishable after soft consonants (for example, in the words "ball" and "sword").

The vowels [and], [y] and [s] in a weak position are pronounced shorter, but do not change their quality sound. However, it is better to be careful here too. Unstressed [and], for example, can be easily confused with the phonemes [a] and [e] after soft consonants.

Consonant positions: voicelessness and voicedness

The consonants form pairs according to such features as "dull-voiced" and "hard-soft". Accordingly, the strong and weak positions of the consonants are also determined by these two characteristics.

A strong position on the sign of "voiceless-voiced" for consonants is the position:

  • before the vowel: tom-house, fence-cathedral;
  • before the sonorous ones: firewood - grass, layer - evil;
  • before the letter "v": the creator is the palace.

In these cases, consonants are heard clearly and do not require verification. It is hardly possible to make a mistake in writing that do not have a pair for deafness. These include [l], [l "], [n], [n"], [p], [p "], [m], [m"], [d "]. Phonemes [x], [ q], [x "], [u"] and [h "], on the contrary, do not have a voiced paired sound... They can occupy different positions in words, retaining their basic characteristics and not coinciding with other consonants in pronunciation.

When can consonants become voiced or deafened?

Now we will learn to distinguish between strong positions and weak positions of paired phonemes by voiced-voicelessness. When do we run the risk of making a mistake in writing? This position:

  • at the end of a word, where both voiced and voiceless phonemes coincide in their sound: eye - voice, oak - dumb, bough - meadow;
  • before a paired voiced sound, when the adjacent consonant is also pronounced sonorous: shave - [zb] rit, give - o [dd] at;
  • before a voiceless consonant, when a nearby sound is deafened: spoon - lo [shk] a, input - [fx] od.

To avoid mistakes, we must understand which morpheme the dubious sound is in. Then find a test word where the required phoneme is in a strong position. So that this does not take much time, training is needed. Let's select test words for the examples given above: eye - eyes, voice - voice, oak - oak, dumb - dumb, bitch - bitch, meadow - meadows; shave - fold, give - drive off; spoon - overlay, entrance - to the left.

Consonant positions: hardness and softness

It's time to consider the strong and weak positions of consonants for such a sign as "hard-soft". Many dangers await us here. The morphological principle does not always help. For example, the sounds [w] and [w] are always solid, but we know: in some cases, they are followed by soft sign(rye, hear). The letter "s" (chicken) or "i" (circus) can be placed after the hard [ts].

The sounds [h "] and [u"] are always pronounced softly, but from the first grade we remember the spelling of the syllables "cha-cha" and "chu-schu". Another principle is at work here, called traditional or historical. Only a clear knowledge of the rules of the Russian language will save you from mistakes.

However, back to theory. In what case do the consonants, which have a pair of hardness-softness, do not change their quality characteristics? This position:

  • before the vowel: [small] - [m "al], [ox] - [in" ol], [bow] - [l "uk], [life"] - [b "it"];
  • at the end of a word: [con] - [con "], [brother] - [brother"];
  • absolutely any for phonemes [l], [l "]: in [ln] a - in [l" n] a, by [l "z] a - in [lz] at;
  • before the posterior lingual [g], [k], [x], [g "], [k"], [x "] and hard labial [b], [m], [n] for the front lingual sounds: go [pk] a - go [p "k] o, and [zb] a - re [z" b] a;
  • before hard dental [s], [z], [c], [d], [t], [l], [n] for dental: ko [ns] cue - yu [n "s] cue;
  • before hard front-lingual [c], [h], [t], [d], [c], [l], [p], [n], [w], [w] for sonorant front-lingual: Jan [rs] cue - september [r "s] cue, ma [nzh] eta - de [n" f] ata.

Weak positions on the characteristic "softness - hardness"

There are positions in which hard consonants soften under the influence of neighboring sounds. They are classified as weak. This position:

  • Before [th "]: raven - thief [n" th "o]. The exception is consonants at the end of the prefix before [th"]: [vy "est] - entry.
  • Before soft teeth for sounds [c], [n], [h]: instead of [with "t"] e, [z "d"] ees.
  • Before the phonemes [h "] and [u"] for the sound [n]: baraba [n "u"] ik, rulo [n “h”] ik.

In general, it is very difficult to distinguish between strong positions and weak positions on the basis of "hard-soft consonant". The point is that examples cannot be found for all cases. So, in Russian, before [p], we meet only a solid [m]: compote, shampoo, etc. Not a single word has a sound [m "] in this position. Therefore, we cannot be sure to the end whether it is implemented here phoneme [m] or [m "].

Absolute positions for consonants

Let's summarize. With vowel sounds, everything is clear. If they are stressed, the position is considered strong. If the stress falls on another phoneme in the word, then the position is weak. With consonants, everything is more complicated.

For example, in the word "tooth" the sound at the end is deafened. The position on the basis of "voiced-deafness" will be weak. But it is also strong on the soft-hard scale. When the weak positions on both characteristics coincide, the phoneme is considered to be absolutely weak. She realizes herself in different variations and requires the use of spelling rules.

It happens that a consonant is in a strong position both in terms of "voiced-voiceless" and in terms of "soft-hard". This is often observed in the position in front of a vowel sound. This position is called absolutely strong.

Knowing the strong positions and weak positions of phonemes is necessary for every person who wants to write correctly. This will allow you to determine in time the "dangerous" place in the word and remember the corresponding rule.

V primary grades the basis of a person's spelling literacy is formed.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the inconsistency of spelling and pronunciation. This is often associated with paired consonants.

What is a paired consonant?

All consonants are with each other in one or another opposition according to their own characteristic features... One of them is the opposition of sounds in terms of deafness and voicedness.

Some consonants, with the coincidence of all other features, such as the place of formation and the way of pronunciation, differ only in the participation of the voice in the sounding process. They are called paired. The rest of the consonants do not have a voice-deafness-voiced pair: l, m, x, q, h, w, d.

Paired consonants

examples of words with paired consonants

table [b] s - table [n]

draw [v] a - draw [f]

dear [g] a - dear [k]

boro [d] a - boro [t] ka

bla [w] it - bla [w]

moro [z] ny - moro [s]

Here are paired consonants. The table also contains examples that illustrate the spelling "Checked consonants at the root of the word".

Spelling rule for paired consonants

In the process of pronunciation, paired sounds can be interchangeable. But this process is not reflected in the letter. That is, the letters do not change, no matter what sounds we hear in their place. This is how the principle of uniformity of morphemes is implemented in the Russian language. The spelling of paired consonants is completely subject to this law.

The rule can be stated in the following paragraphs:

  • the root of a word is always spelled the same, since the semantics depend on it;
  • spelling must be checked by selecting or changing word forms;
  • choose as a test one that has either a vowel sound or a sonoric sound after a dubious consonant (p, l, m, n, d).

This can be seen in the examples from the table: consonant spells stand either at the end of words, or in front of other paired sounds. In test words, they are in front of vowels or phonemes that are unpaired in voicing.

Application of the rule

Spelling of paired consonants needs to be worked out. You need to start with the formation of the ability to see the studied spelling. This will be the end of a word or a confluence of consonants, at which the sounds begin to influence the sound of each other - the next one changes the pronunciation of the previous one.

When we know what a paired consonant is, it will not be difficult to conclude which option to choose:

  • bo [n] - beans - bean;
  • bro [t] - ford - ford;
  • bro [f "] - eyebrows - eyebrow;
  • nail [t "] - nails - nail;
  • ogoro [t] - vegetable gardens - vegetable garden;
  • dro [w] - trembling - trembling;
  • polo [s] ka - strip - strip;
  • ko [z "] ba - to mow - to mow;
  • re [z "] ba - cut - thread;
  • goro [d "] ba - to fence - to fence;
  • kro [in "] - blood - blood;
  • fear [w] - guard - guard.

Paired consonants. Examples of word discrimination

Deafness and voicedness are able to distinguish words by meaning. For example:

  • (soup) thick - (over the river) bush;
  • (telegraph) pillar - (Alexandrian) pillar;
  • bark (oak) - (high) mountain;
  • (unbearable) heat - (surface) of the ball;
  • (bouquet) roses - (boy) grew up;
  • (new) house - (thick) volume.

In weak positions, at the end of words, for example, as in the example of "roses" and "rose", it is imperative to check in order to avoid semantic confusion. Paired consonants in Russian require careful attention to themselves.

Test on the studied topic

herbs [..] ka, ry [..] ka, zu [..] ki, arbu [..], lo [..] ka, short [..] ka, ko [..] ty.

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - groove, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, jump - jumping

6. F or W?

Sapo ... ki, doro ... ki, boom ... ki, cro ... ki, ro ... ki, poro ... ki, bar ... ki, lo ... ki, game ... ki, cha ... ki, I'll lie down ... ki.

  • gu ... ki (__________);
  • flag ... ki (__________);
  • gri ... (__________);
  • chapter ... (__________);
  • pry ... ki (____________);
  • lo ... ka (____________);
  • losha ... b (______________);
  • zu .. (_______).

Sha (p / b) ka, wire (d / t), kru (g / t), povya (s / z) ka, me (d / t), su (d / t), sla (d / t) cue, oshi (b / p) ka, doba (w / f) ka, uka (s / s) ka.

9. Insert letters in the text:

Lebe ... b is the king of all waterfowl. He, like a dream ..., white, graceful, he has shiny eyes ... ki, black hands ... ki and a long gi ... kaya neck. How beautifully he floats on the eye ... the water of the pond!

10. Correct the errors:

  • I love to read the canopies.
  • How fragrant are strawberry yagots!
  • Carrot is sown on the bed.
  • Gummy birch tree flutters with petals in the wind.
  • Tray floated on the lake.
  • Berek is gradually approaching.
  • Storosh does not sleep.
  • The mongrel is tying loudly in the yard.
  • Yosh rustles in the bushes.


1. What is a paired consonant? A consonant that has a deaf or voiced pair.

2. Add the sentence:

To check for paired consonants, you need pick up a test word.

3. Highlight the words you need to check:

dive ..., basement .., gla ..., handsome, losha ..., sharp..y,,, l oh ... ki, other..niy.

4. Write sounds in square brackets:

herbs [V] ka, lo [D] ka, zu [B] ki, arbu [Z], lo [D] ka, short [B] ka, ko [G] ty.

5. Underline the test word:

Fabulous - a fairy tale, a head - a head, a pie - pies, a ditch - a groove, a birch - a birch, eyes - eyes, a strip - stripes, a notebook - a notebook, a spikelet - spikelets, bounce- jumping

6. F or W?

Boots, tracks, pieces of paper, crumbs, horns, powders, lambs, spoons, toys, cups, frogs.

7. Write down the test words and insert letters instead of dots:

  • beeps (beep);
  • Flags (checkbox);
  • mushroom (mushrooms);
  • EYE (eyes);
  • JUMPING (jump);
  • BOAT (boat);
  • HORSE (horses);
  • tooth teeth).

8. Choose the correct option:


9. Insert letters in the text:

Swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is like a snow, white, graceful, he has shiny eyes, black legs and a long flexible neck. How beautifully it floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct the errors:

  • I love to read fairy tales.
  • How fragrant are strawberries!
  • A flexible birch trembling with petals in the wind.
  • The boat was sailing on the lake.
  • The coast is gradually approaching.
  • The StoroZh does not sleep.
  • The mongrel pushes loudly in the yard.
  • The hedgehog rustles in the bushes.

It is enough to change the word so that after the incomprehensible consonant there is a vowel. D. Highlight the first sound in the word stone. Thank you for your feedback. If you liked our project and you are ready to help or take part in it, send information about the project to your friends and colleagues.

Let's learn how to check paired consonants at the root using a vowel. We will complete many interesting tasks. Consonants are sounds of speech that are opposite to vowels, and in combination with which they form words. During their formation, the vocal tract narrows. The consonants that are formed with the participation of voice and noise are called voiced.

Absolutely all paired consonants are distinguished by the presence of a voice ( ringing sounds) or its absence (muffled sounds). Sounds are unpaired deaf. Ш ’], - long hissing sounds, paired according to the deafness-voicedness. Friends from Shishkin Les remembered a lot: there are more consonants than vowels. The consonants cannot be sung. They are pronounced with noise and voice: B, F, Z. Or only with noise: P, T, F. Consonants are voiced unpaired deaf paired.

Checking paired consonants at the root of a word

A voiced "W" will be paired with a voiceless "W". For example: heat is a ball. - I understand, - said Zubok. A dull sound is the same as a ringing sound, but spoken quietly, without a voice. No, you don't have to learn all the words by heart, - reassured Vasilisa. The disciples came up with the following words: fly, king, moon, knight. And then we will understand exactly what letter to write.

Let's find these singles together in the Russian alphabet. He did not notice this because he was looking at the moon. And then his faithful knight entered. And he scared the fly away. Well done! Either voiced, or quieter, the Cat is the cat, the year is the year. We can distinguish without difficulty. And at the end we will write the letter correctly. D. Find letters on the canvas for these sounds. Let's play the Living Letter game. Find and circle these letters in your notebook, and I will circle them in the trailer.

See what "paired consonants" are in other dictionaries:

W. What was the wolf in the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"? Mold this pair of consonants from plasticine. 81. Words with combinations of consonants sk, st, zg, zd. In these combinations, the first consonant is usually untestable. There are paired consonants for deafness - voicedness: B-P, V-F, G-K, D-T, Zh-Sh, 3-S. A consonant is in a weak position when it is at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant.

Paired consonants in a weak position

Inclusion in the lesson. Knowledge update. Today in the lesson we will conduct a study on the problem of "Spelling consonants at the root of a word." But for study, let's take certain words on the topic “Whether in the garden or in the garden…”.

Children, what else interesting have you noticed in terms of letters of paired consonants, where are they located? Right. And we know this from the lessons on life safety. If you don't wash the fruit, you can get sick and end up in the hospital. Assignment: you need to change the data on the word slide so that the paired consonant in the word needs to be checked. In the middle of a word, before voiceless consonants, as we expected at the beginning of the lesson. - Let's choose words for them, following our rule.

Classification of consonants.

You should supplement the story recorded on the slide with the words from the topic of our lesson “Whether in the garden or in the garden…”. At the same time, pairs of sounds are distinguished by voicedness and deafness, always voiced (the term "sonorous" is not introduced) and always deaf. The teacher draws the students' attention to the fact that sounds b-n, v-f, g-k, d-t, w-w, z-s form pairs of sounds of which one is voiced, the other is deaf. Similarly, students come to the conclusion that the consonants x, c, h are unpaired deaf.

Free help with homework

A student of the 1st grade, operating with phonetic knowledge, explains the spelling of words with paired consonants as follows: “In the word flag at the end I hear a paired consonant sound, which means that the word must be checked. Each consonant has features that distinguish it from other consonants.

Natalya Kiseleva, teacher of GOU SOSH No. 500, Moscow

51. Explain from the table how you can check the spelling of paired consonants. The letters that are written in words according to the rules are called spelling. 52. Explain whether and how to check the spelling of missing spellings in words. We have a lot of people to help you here. Also, my last question was resolved in less than 10 minutes: D Anyway, you can just go in and try to add your question.

Sounds of speech, consisting either of one noise, or of voice and noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream exhaled from the lungs meets various obstacles. Find appropriate nouns in plural, v genitive... They relate to each other in deafness-voicedness and in hardness-softness. Consonant sounds that are formed only with the help of noise are called deaf.

Leading Vasilisa asked to repeat everything that the students learned about consonants. Although these consonants are paired, But they are still very different. But only those in which the paired consonant requires verification, and write them correctly using our rule. The designation on the letter of which consonant should be checked in these words? They have letters of paired consonants at the end of a word. - And what part of speech are guess words?

This manual is addressed to parents, tutors, and teachers for individual work with grade 3 students. The child can perform tasks on his own, following the instructions step by step, perceive the material in the desired sequence, getting a holistic idea of ​​the subject. What is important is that he learns to make the material understandable, acquires educational skills that he will use in further training.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Write without mistakes ... The system of exercises for the formation of the skill of competent writing, grade 3 (L. S. Ovchinnikova) provided by our book partner - the company Liters.

2. Orthograms of the root. Paired consonants in a weak position

1. What position (place in a word) for a paired consonant is considered weak? Why?

2. Demonstrate:

Paired consonants for deafness-voicedness (B-P, V-F, G-K, D-T, Zh-Sh, Z-S) are in a weak position when they stand at the end of a word or in front of a voiceless consonant.

3. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Shovel - shovel, granite - granite, breast - brisket, sad - sadness, money - money, nine - ninth, path - path, breakfast - breakfast, factory - factories, note-notice, write-note, smooth-smooth.

What letter comes after the paired consonant in the strong position?

(after a paired consonant there is either a vowel, or a letter denoting a voiced consonant sound)

4. Choose a test word where the paired consonant is in a strong position. Show the root in words of the same root.

Scapula- …………………………………., Awkward- ………………………

Boat- ……………………………………., March- ………………………………

Horse- ……………………………………, buttercup- ………………………….

Copper- …………………………………… .., lighthouse- …………………………….

Coin- ……………………………… .., junior- ……………………….

soft- …………………………………., strong- ………………………….

Winch- ………………………………, note- ………………………….

shoemaker- ………………………………, exhibition- ……………………… ..

5. Insert the missing letter, check.

Sala. ki, svyat. ka, its. ka, secret., sl. cue, next .., u. cue, suck., mock..ka, str..ka, suse..ka, stri..ka, pedagogue .., empty .., su..chik, spe..ka, armless..ka, siro. .ka, re..ka,, growing..ka,, u..katy, rya..chik, tra..ka, tele..ka, this .., surprise .. , posa..ka, u..hully.

6. Selective dictation. Write out only words with paired consonants in a weak position, select the root.

There is a birch tree at the edge of the clearing. Next to her is a playground. The soft grass under the tree is covered with leaves. I sat down on a low tree stump and admired the birch tree. A mouse rustled among the fallen leaves. A light bird sat on a branch. A cat appears on a narrow path. A sharp wind blew. The weather is getting worse. I walk with a brisk gait to the garden gate.

7. Find and fix mistakes.

In the morning there were frosts. Gloomy clouds slide low above the ground. A river wind is blowing outside. Our cat is scribbling with a little label at the door, scratching the handle with its claws. She was tired of walking. She lies down on an arm in a small room and falls asleep. I put on a shirt and sleeveless jacket, go out into the yard. I sit on a pad, eat nuts. (11 errors)

8. Find the spelling at the root of the word (unstressed vowels, paired consonants), Select the root. Read spelling, play "translator", write a dictation.

End of introductory snippet.


For voiceless and voiced consonants weak positions are positions at the end of a word or in front of other consonants.

At the end of a word, voiced consonants become deaf, deafened. Pillar we pronounce how table [p], hike- how like [t], garage- how gara [w]... The same thing happens before voiceless consonants. Fairy tale reads like ska [s] ka, a a boat- how lo [t] ka.

With voiceless consonants, on the contrary - before voiced consonants, they themselves become voiced. In place of the phoneme C in the word request sounds [ s].

In what position can you see the real phoneme? This is the position in front of a vowel or sonorant consonants (supervoiced sounds [ p, l, m, n,j], in which there are more voices than noise).

Let's select test words for our words: turn pillar v tableb hik, hike- v liked ny, boat- v lod point, a request- v aboutwith go... Then we will understand which letter needs to be written in place of a weak consonant in order to preserve the basic principle of Russian spelling - the recording of a real phoneme.

So that there are fewer cases of unclear

And so that there are no bad answers

Listen to the sound of consonants,

In order not to confuse voiced and deaf ...

Deaf sounds are fidgets,

They do not want to live in peace,

They seek a resounding neighbor

Stun at all costs.

If you hear a double sound

Be careful, my friend.

Double check immediately

Change the word boldly:

Substitute a vowel next to it!

Weak and strong positions exist and in hard and soft consonants... According to the laws of the Russian language, in many cases, the subsequent soft consonant makes the previous hard one soften. And the firm has to give in.

For example, here is the word bridge... All consonants in it are solid. But it is worth changing the agreeable T and turn into soft, as the softening immediately spreads to the neighboring [ with] - mo [s't ’] uk... the same process happens in word pairs forest - le [s'n '] ik, bow - ba [n't ’] ik... People unknowingly can insert a soft sign between two soft consonants in these cases. It is not necessary to do this, since the softness of the first consonant is not real, but acquired, "softness from a neighbor."

There are times when phonemes disappear altogether in weak positions... If there are several consonants nearby, then the middle sound is not pronounced at all. Listen to the words local, tourist, dutch, festive... Are all written letters that represent phonemes actually pronounced? Is it possible to pick up to these words those in which the phonemes would be in a strong position (recall that the main one is before the vowel)?

MonthT ny - monthT a, turisT sky - turisT s, golland tsy - golland ec, prazd personal

Sometimes it occurs in words

Terrible consonants.

They are not pronounced

And what to write is not clear to you ...

To know how to write,

It is necessary to change the word.

And behind an incomprehensible sound

Search quickly for a vowel.