Strong and weak positions of consonants for voiced-voicelessness. Positional exchange and changes in voiced and voiceless consonants. Positional exchange of consonants with zero sound. Texts for dictation and spelling of paired consonants in a weak position


Let's remember the paired consonants (for deafness-voicedness):

A paired consonant can be in a weak or in a strong position.

STRONG POSITION. When after a paired consonant there is a vowel or sonor consonant L, M, N, R.

WEAK POSITION(stunning or voicing): at the end of a word or before another paired consonant.

OUTPUT: To correctly write a paired consonant in a weak position in a word, you need to change the word so that the paired consonant becomes in a strong position.

REMEMBER there are words with unverifiable paired consonants. For example, SUDDENLY, TOMORROW, BREAKFAST ... These words can be found in the dictionary.


1. In which row is the correct "finished" rule:
“To check a paired consonant at the root of a word, you need to choose such a test word, ...

1) so that the stress falls on the vowel
2) so that after the paired consonant there is a vowel
3) so that after the paired consonant there is a vowel or consonants [n, p, l, m].
4) so ​​that the accent falls on the consonant.

2. Write down the words. Underline in words paired consonants that stand in a strong position with two lines (on two legs), and which in a weak position - with one line (on one unstable leg).

Toddler, book, flags, strip, mushroom, smiled, subway, snowdrift, playground, pointer, request, transition, plane, matryoshka, hose, low, iron, notebook, circle, ball, chocolate bar, parking.

3. In which row is the wrong characterization of the sound in the word "KORZH"

1) k - [k] - consonant, voiceless, hard
2) o - [o] - vowel, stressed
3) p - [p] - consonant, voiced, hard
4) f - [f] - consonant, voiced, solid

4. In which row the word needs to be checked:

1) gooseberry
2) toad
3) spring
4) mugs

5. In which row is the check word written first, then the checked word:

1) spoon - spoon
2) bun - bun
3) jump - jumping
4) beak - beak

6. In which row the mistake was made (find a word, underline it, write it down and prove the mistake):

1) birch, teardrop, putty

2) bed, tent, scapula

3) snowdrift, box, cork
4) blood, weed, pin

7. Write down by inserting the missing letters. Write test words in parentheses. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Sadovo .. planted young seedlings. Geolo .. discovered a new ore deposit. Rybolo .. went happy with the catch. For the forestr .. he felled a huge tree. Sleep., Wrapped the tops of a tree ... Earrings appeared on the branches. Sugro .. closed the exit from the hut.

8. Write down, changing the words in brackets, how to write the meaning.

Ripe (fruits), vegetable (gardens), collective (works), huge (cities), tractor (factories), heavy (labor), fruit (orchards), huge (ponds), green (banks), beveled (meadows) ), delicious (pies), hot (irons), huge (boots).

9. Write down by inserting the missing letters. Write test words in parentheses.

Russian soldier .. (...) knows no obstacle .. (...). Science does not ask for bread, bread itself ... (...) gives. Naro .. (...) gives his vote .. (...) for the deputy. A detachment of .. (...) soldiers .. (...) got ready to go ... (...). Green outfit .. (...) fields pleases the eye .. (...).

10.Write by changing the words so that they end in a consonant. Underline the paired consonants in the weak position.
Flags, pies, scarves, enemies, shores, boots, meadows, plows, ponds, rods, irons, slippers, bread, log cabins, frosts, watchmen, horses, labors, lumberjacks

11. In which row the mistake was made:

1) b "b - n" n
2) s "s - s" s
3) w "w - w" w
4) d "d - t" t

12. Write off, changing the words so that they end in a consonant. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

The workers piled the hay into a large (haystack). The right (bank) of the Volga is steep. In winter (snow) deep - in summer (bread) high. A beautiful (flags) was hung on the building. The woman threw a beautiful (scarves) over her shoulders. My grandmother turned out delicious (pies).

13. Write down by inserting the missing paired consonant. Verify the word verbally.
Man to man bra ... and other ... My grandfather and I went to the pine forest .. to pick mushrooms. Moreau ... painted the windows. Matro .. walked along the pavement. Today was the doge ... all day.

14. Change these words so that there is a consonant at the end. Underline paired consonantsin a weak position.

Catches, chefs, lions, eyebrows, eyes, beaks, frosts, watermelons, diamonds, crops, collectives, shores, records, sickles, hammers, detachments, factories, horses, sleeves, meadows, watchmen.

15. Change the word so that a paired consonant appears in the word in a weak position. Underline these paired consonants.

Path, notebook, gatehouse, cup, buckle, birch, kitty, little book, girlfriend, violin, spoon, scoop, little path, pillow, forage cap, fairy tale, toy, pin, hat, mug.

16. Write down by inserting the missing letters. Underline paired consonantsin a weak position.

Kolya is weak ... after an illness. The cat sharpened ko..ti. Murzik's cat has a pain in the la..ka. Katya's eyes seemed to have slashes. A light ... a breeze ran along the top ... of the trees. Muska has me ... Masha put on a leu ... straw hat ... Golu..ka cooed loudly on the roof of the house.

17. Write down by inserting the missing letters. First, write the test words in parentheses.Underline paired consonantsin a weak position.

The fisherman caught a small (...) fish with a fishing rod. (...) Golu..ka coos loudly. Grew up (...) a river ... big, big. Nastya! bought a fur (...) shu..ku. A red (...) hat .. a white (...)] but .. a, it is at (...) the road .., it will stand (...) a little, it will get there! in (...) bow ... In the forest began (...) a hand ... a (...) draw ...

18. Add sentences with words with the opposite meaning. Insert the missing letters. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

A dog is a friend of man, and a wolf is .... The iron is heavy, and the fluff .... The river is wide, and the stream .... The garlic is bitter, and the apple .... The kissel is thick, and the soup .... The stone is heavy, but limestone ... The house is high, and the barn .... The boy is brave, but the girl. The rain is frequent, and the thunder ..

19.Write by inserting the missing letters. Write the test words. Underline paired consonantsin a weak position.

Julia tied her sister Varya ... ki. Sconce. skated on slippery ice. Gle ... fell into sugro ... Sleep .. went all night. The courtyards ... raked by sugro ... The ice was cr ... cue. A magnificent sa ... grew on the mountain.

20. Read it. Find mistakes. Correct mistakes, write correctly. Underline paired consonantsin a weak position.

Transparent flight, sick zup, long bluff, sharp burden, sandy shore, heavy drizzle.

21. Write down, insert paired consonants, write test ones.Underline paired consonantsin a weak position.

Texts for copying or recording as a dictation will help to work out the rule. Grammar task after the text: underline paired consonants in a weak position and choose a test word.

Dictation with spelling of paired consonants at the end of a word

There are paired consonants for deafness - voicedness: Б -П, В-Ф, Г -К, Д -Т, Ж -Ш, 3-С. The consonant is in a weak position when it is at the end of a word. For example: a pond. To check a paired consonant in a weak position, you need to choose a single-root word or change the form of the word so that after this consonant there is a vowel or a voiced consonant. For example: a pond is a pond.

Freezing. The old elm is stuck in the snow. Snow lies on the branches of birches. One branch lay down on the snow. Here is an oak tree. What a sturdy man! There is a snowdrift under the oak tree. There is a bear sleeping. (27)

The large pond does not freeze in winter. Warm water is poured here from pipes. Live on the pond wild ducks... They rarely come ashore. (21)

August. Quiet pond. The lotus is blooming. It often grows in silt. But the dirt does not stick to the lotus. Until the evening, Mark and Oleg do not leave the shore of the reservoir. But the wonderful flower enchants the audience for only three days. (32)

Here is a meadow. A mole lives in the meadow. The mole crawled under the bush. He digs down a passage underground. A fat worm crawled along. The mole is glad. Lunch will be good. To each his own. (28)

The climate is severe here. Eternal cold. Snow creak. Wilderness. All around there is ice and snow. Shivering. The tongue of the glacier descended to the sea. The trunks of dwarf birches are as thick as a pencil. The trunk is chilly and cold. The baby has been standing in a moss coat for many decades. (28)

Here is a meadow. Poppy in the meadow. Poppy is handsome. There is a pond near the meadow. The smooth surface of the water is like a mirror. How beautiful our pond is! The left bank is steep. There are many willows. The willow branch looks down. (28)

A circus has arrived in Kiev. Here is a lion and a giraffe. It's cold in Kiev. You need a lot of firewood. Uncle Yakov went to the telegraph office. Send firewood. (21)

The day is good today. We take off our shoes and walk to the beach. The path goes down. The tide has begun. Waves lash against the shore. But the shore is steep. There's a cliff here. The raft sways on the waves. Stas and Oleg are sitting on it. They are waiting for us. (37)

We named the kitten Leo. The kid is always ready to play. It will climb onto the closet. It will hide in the shoes. Yesterday his brother took him to Rostov. (22)

This is our collective farm. In the spring there is sowing. People are sowing bread. Without bread, there will be cold and hunger. Hood lunch when there is no bread. Every kid knows this. In the fall, our chauffeur Stas took bread to the city. (33)

Freezing. Snowing. Snow covered our garden like a blanket. There is a large snowdrift near the porch. Our baby Oleg runs to the pond. There is already ice. There is an ice hole in the pond. Good catch from fishermen! (29)

Gleb is crying. The tooth hurts badly. Gleb has a chill. The boy has a hot forehead. Gleb puts on a sheepskin coat and goes to the doctor. Doctor Arkhip treats a bad tooth. Soon Gleb will be able to eat soup and bread. (31)

We came to the beach. Suddenly there was a screech. Masha is frightened. A stream of tears flowed from my eyes. It was a stout crab that crawled out onto the shore. The kid is a miracle how beautiful. What a toddler! Soon the crab crawled away. (thirty)

Vlad came to the cliff. The boy looks down. Our city of Azov is visible from the cliff. A ship has arrived at the port. There is a flag on its mast. The flag is beautiful. The airlock was opened. This barge is carrying cargo to the factory. (31)

Marat is David's brother. The boys went camping. We picked up a lot of berries. It started pouring rain. Sprinkled with hail. Marat and David run back. Here is the bridge. Behind him is the garden. Here is the home. (28)

This is a winter meadow. Snow covered him. The snow is deep. Whose trace is this? A wonderful chain of footprints leads to the forest. This is the trail of a hare. The kid is beautiful, but shy. The bunny hid behind a snowdrift. (28)

Here is a cat. He's a mustache. He will soon be one year old. The cat jumped onto the bed. I saw a portrait. Fluffed up the tail. Jump back! I jumped through the threshold into the garden. There are many berries in the garden. The cat ran to the garden. There is a blackbird. Fly away, thrush! (34)

Winter. Time of forest dreams. The forest is cold. For a long time, leaves have flown around birches and lindens. An elm stands naked. Only the oak has left one leaf for itself. The poor leaf is already chilled in the wind. (thirty)

Boys Oleg and Denis took to the field. There Denis lay down in a haystack. And Oleg runs to the pond. The shore of the pond is steep. Oleg climbed down. Here is the raft. The boy took the cane and hooked on the raft. (32)

Miller Antip was bringing bread to Rostov. The load is heavy. We hear the creak of the wheels. The cart crept down. The descent is steep. Near the slope. Here is the bridge. The other bank is flat. Five roads depart from the bridge. (29)

Oleg was fishing. The reeds rustled. It was the kid who crawled out onto the shore. How good he is! Already issued a light thorn and crawled into the bush. Oleg is glad. He wants to write a story about a snake. The story will arouse the interest of the children. (35)

Denis and Vlad went to the forest. The air is clean and fresh. Every sound is heard. A thrush sat down on a rowan tree to peck at the berries. The thrush will be full. The boys go deep into the forest. Here is a load. There are many honey agarics on wide stumps. Today will be Tasty dinner. (38)

September. It often rains. There are many puddles outside. The birds flew south. We collected carrots and radishes from the fields. The aroma of herbs is no longer heard in the meadow. The first frost will soon hit. (28)

Schoolboy Gleb walked through the forest. Not a soul around. Suddenly Gleb heard a scream. It was the blackbird screaming. A hedgehog hissed in the bushes. The boy was seized with fright. He started running. Gleb is running as fast as he can. (31)

The hedgehog climbed into the rose bush. He found shelter among the herbs. There are many mouse nests around. The hedgehog is glad. Suddenly a mole crawled out of the ground. The hedgehog hissed. The mole crawled back. (26)

Gleb and Vlad came to the zoo. How beautiful is the peacock's tail! And here is the walrus. There is a bear licking honey. A dove climbed into his cage. A giraffe looks down at us. He has a sad look. Give him some bread? It is forbidden. Dinner will be brought to the giraffe soon. (41)

Many years ago a man made a cart and harnessed a horse to it. The man brought in different luggage. The cart dragged along the road. Crawling, crawling and stuck. After all, it is mud, then a bump. Even the bull will not pull. They came up with the idea of ​​putting the cart on the rails. This is how the first train appeared. (44)

There is a stud farm near Moscow. Two hundred years ago, the Oryol horse was bred here. The Oryol trotter is beautiful and hardy. He has an easy run. The wool shines in the sun. This horse has a good disposition. One look at its powerful appearance is admirable. (38)

It was March. Dirt everywhere. Snow is melting. My brother Gleb ran to the pond. There's a big hole there. The kid wanted to approach her. He stepped onto the thin ice. One step, one more step. Gleb heard a crack. Gleb fell into the hole. Miraculously, the baby got out on the shore. How cold! Gleb was chilled. The boy was very cold. (47)

A testicle lies in the leaves. Will the bird's beak appear soon? A hole appeared in the testicle. A pencil-length baby crawled out of it. There are two white spots on the back of the head. Yes, that's it! And only eyes like a bird. He stuck out his tongue, hissed and crawled. As if crawling all my life. Soon the baby disappeared into the foliage. (50)

A wad of cotton is jumping on the ground. All the sparrows opened their beaks in surprise. A wad of cotton wool flew up and sat down on an oak tree. Then he flew straight to the pole. Is he blind or something? Then a sparrow fell out of a piece of cotton wool. It was not the cotton itself that flew. It was the sparrow who was dragging her. He grabbed a shrub larger than himself. One tail was sticking out of cotton wool. (53)

Dictation with paired consonants in a weak position in the middle of a word

There are consonants paired for deafness - voicedness: B-P, V-F, G-K, Ts-T, Zh -Sh. A consonant is in a weak position when it is at the end of a word or in front of a voiceless consonant. For example: oak, oaks. To check a paired consonant in a weak position, you need to choose a single-root word or change the form of the word so that after this consonant there is a vowel or a voiced consonant. For example: oak, oak - oak.

The Dog Watchdog climbed into the pond. His feet were caught in the sticky mud. Through the low reeds, Barbos crawled out onto the shore. His fur has become smooth and slippery. (24)

These fish look like a lung sailboat... Wonders! The sailboat has a large fin on its back. The fish pushes him out of the water. The wind drives the fish forward. (22)

This tree is easy to recognize. The bark on its trunk is white. Touch the bark with your palm. The bark is smooth. The birch has flexible branches with beautiful leaves and catkins. (23)

The first snow fell an hour ago. A hard frost hit. The puddles were covered with fragile and slippery ice. Igor put on warm shoes and a jacket. Didn't forget the mittens. Here is a hat and a scarf. The boy will go to the forest. (35)

In the closet, mice gnaw sweet pie... The cat Tuska hears animals. Pointed pussy ears are very empathetic. She has an easy gait and soft legs with sharp claws. The mice fled. (28)

There is a low birch tree on the site in front of our house. A little bird sat on a branch of a tree. Birdie twisted its head and looked around. She has beautiful black eyes. (26)

The girl Sasha poured milk for Murka the cat into a saucer from a large cup. The pussy was sleeping on the pillow. She smelled writing. With a dexterous jump, Murka descended from the bench. (25)

Kids Olya and Gosha took a hoe and a shovel. They came to the garden. There Gosha began to dig grooves between the beds with sweet peas... And Olya weeded the weed around the sweet turnip. (thirty)

Light soft snow covered the paths. In such weather, the snow is not sticky. You can't make snowballs. Vanya Dubkov put on a fur hat, coat, tied a scarf, grabbed mittens and ran out onto the porch. Kostya Lozhkin is waiting for him there. The boys took the sled and deftly ran up the hill. (41)

Senya Koshkin and Arthur Snezhkov are walking into the forest. On the sides of the narrow path, birches and sticky trees crowd. Here a woodpecker deftly clings with tenacious claws to the bark of an oak tree. There is a mystery at every step in the forest. Empty cones and shells lie under the trees. Who gnawed nuts? It's a cheat squirrel! (43)

Here is our vegetable garden. The beds with carrots, turnips and radishes are overgrown with grass. It's raining, water is flowing in the grooves. There are already five puddles on the narrow path. A nimble slippery frog looks out of the puddle. Pet the frog! With a dexterous jump, the baby jumped over the fence. (37)

Grandmother poured cream into a jug. She put sweet buns and pies with potatoes in a bowl. Our cat Vaska is a rogue. Jumped from the stove down to the bench. The tail trembles slightly. But the dog Zenith is guarding our lunch. He is a good watchman. (36)

Freezing. The winter outfit of the forest is beautiful. There is snow on the birch branches. It sparkles like a diamond. The surface of the pond was covered with brittle ice. Chilly sticky. The wind shakes their frozen branches. There was a crunch of snow. Every step is heard. This is a moose. He's handsome. This animal has a kind look. (42)

Igor Rybkin got up early. The kid tucked in the bed, did exercises and brushed his teeth. For breakfast - porridge and sweet tea. Then he ran to the playground. Igor played hide and seek and horses. In the evening Igor put the bear in the bed. This is his favorite soft toy. (41)

Sonya Mishkina has a kitten. The coat is soft and smooth. The nails are sharp. Himself red, white ears, green eyes. The kitten was named Fluff. Once my grandmother knitted mittens and dozed off. The fluff ran after the ball, drove it under the closet, climbed in there himself and squeaked pitifully. (39)

The bear loves sweet honey. But bees do not treat the bear with honey. Once the bear climbed onto the bee-house. Climbed into the hive with his paw. The bees stung the bear in the nose. The poor thing has a shower of tears from her eyes. The fur stood on end. The kid ran into the forest. Only the heels sparkled. (40)

Freezing. Lyonya Chashkin and Misha Sapozhkov go into the forest. The boys hung a feeding trough on the tree. It contains rowan berries and crumbs. The birds are afraid of the cold in winter, but hunger. For the hares, they put sweet carrots and strong cabbage down under the tree. (37)

The horse runs along a narrow path. She's driving a cart. Slippery! The cart runs easily over the smooth snow. The horse is a little tired. It's hard for the poor thing. Here is the hut. Children ran out onto the porch. It was Santa Claus who brought toys to the kids at New Year. (35)

Schoolboy Denis Kukushkin approached a close fishing line. Here is the edge. How beautiful the oak is! The boy climbed to the top and took out an acorn. He tore his jacket slightly on a branch. Then Denis climbed down. He jumped into the soft grass and walked along the path into the thicket. (40)

Snow covered all paths and trails. Frost covered the pond with slippery ice. Boys easily and deftly rush along smooth ice... They are playing snowballs. Children's voices are fun. But then a sharp wind blew. Time to go home. (34)

We walk down a narrow path into the forest. The aroma of herbs is heard. The air is clean and fresh. A timid squirrel gallops along the branches. Here are her children in the hollow of an oak tree. One kid stuck out his head and looked at us with black eyes. (36)

My brother went to the city of Murmansk. The trip was not easy. But then the train arrived in Murmansk. Suddenly, the brother heard a squeak and looked down. It's a pussy! Her nose and tail are frozen. The legs were numb. The brother put mittens on the legs of the pussy. Now the pussy has new clothes! (43)

Write neatly in your notebook. Put the letters in a row, and not at random. The handwriting must be beautiful. Did you miss a syllable? Take a pencil and correct the mistake. Many words have already been written. Put an emphasis on them. (33)

My brother Vlad is a fisherman. A boat is sailing to the shore. The rowers are tired. Hard work! But the fishermen are great. Today the catch is rich. One nimble fish jumped overboard! How clever! The truck took the fish to the city. We will cook fish soup from small fish. The fish is small, but the fish soup is sweet! (42)

I crossed a narrow plank of a swampy swamp and went deep into the forest. In the summer, there were midges, insects in the forest, birds chirped on the branches. Now there are no midges, few birds. Autumn frosts made the liquid mud on the paths viscous. The pond at the edge is covered with brittle ice. In a dilapidated hut, the watchman is heating the stove. There is a whole cart of firewood by the porch. (52)

The hare climbed into the garden for a carrot. Then he sat down under a bush and began to gnaw the stump. Suddenly the dog Fluff appeared from the morning fog. The hare darted through the flexible branches. He managed to crawl under a low grate and run to a nearby fishing line. The dog ran after him along the slippery path through the ravine. At the edge of the oak tree, the animal stood up. The dog lost track at the bottom of the ravine. (59)

Neighboring cat Murka made its way through flexible hazel branches to our site. She wanted to crawl into the narrow groove between the carrot beds and watch for the birdie. The cat has a wonderful smooth coat, sensitive ears and narrow keen eyes. With a dexterous jump, the predator will rush to the timid birdie. Will release tenacious claws. Grabbing light wings with sharp teeth. We chase the cat away. (51)

It was raining at night. The paths and paths became sticky. They are covered with liquid mud and armfuls of slippery leaves. Rare birds collect crumbs in the yard. Gnats and insects are already disappearing. A cat with narrow eyes and sensitive ears emerged from the low gazebo. She wants to crawl neatly to the birds. The timid birds flapped their wings and flew to the low branches. (55)

I play hide and seek in the autumn forest with my friends and my little brother. Ilya at the dilapidated shop on the site is counting to a hundred. Denis is hiding in a low gazebo. I climbed a birch. My brother Misha sat down behind an armful of leaves. Anton stood behind the slender sticky branches. Cyril ran away along the path to the ravine. Oleg climbed an oak tree with a large hollow. (56)

My younger sister Katya was sitting in the gazebo. She was reading a book with fairy tales. But then a sharp autumn wind blew. Katya felt chilly. She put the bookmark in and walked down the alley to the house. The playground was slippery. Here is a dexterous cat jumping along the path. She was catching birds. But they flew over to the low branches of a birch. (53)

In a clearing, heaps of loose earth. They look like small beds. Birches as tall as a match stick out on the piles. Whose beds are these? Who is digging them? Here the grass began to stir. Suddenly, wide paws with claws appeared from the ground. Then a wet nose appeared. A mole came out. That's who loosens the earth! Soon birches and sticky birches will grow here. (51)

A snake lies on the bank of a stream in the grass. That's it. He can swim well. His body coiled into a ring and froze. I was already waiting for the booty. Suddenly he made a sharp thrust. I noticed a frog in his mouth. (34)

The woodpecker punched a hole in the maple bark. What a sweet juice! The woodpecker flew away. Two flies and a butterfly flew in for a treat. The ant crawled. The mosquito got stuck with its legs in molasses. Everyone sucks the sweet juice. Suddenly the woodpecker appeared again. All the guests fled. (36)

The flounder fry looks like an ordinary fish. Only he lies on his side at the bottom. It can look up with one eye and down with the other. But then the lower eye moves to the upper one. So the eyes were on one side. But both eyes see the sea. (39)

In the sticky fish, the fin on the back has turned into a suction cup. Sticking often helps fishermen. Fishermen attach a fishing line to the tail of the fish and throw it to the turtle. The fish sticks to the turtle shell. Then they begin to quietly pull her to the boat along with the turtle. (37)

The duckweed carpet tightened the water surface of the ponds. The people call her a frog sack. Duckweed purifies water well. Geese and ducks willingly eat duckweed. People can eat it too. Its salad tastes like regular leaf salad... But it is better to eat duckweed with sour cream. (42)

There are many mushrooms in the forest. There are fungi under the birches and aspens. They are called boletus and boletus. But the birch tree can grow far from the birch. But the boletus is tightly connected with the aspen. The red boletus mushroom is very slender. His hat and leg are beautiful. (40)

There is often a knock in the forest. This woodpecker is building a nest. Woodpecker hollows with its strong nose soft wood... Woodpecker chicks grow on the smooth bottom of the nest. This gives them calluses on their heels. Chicks deftly cling to the walls with sharp claws and crawl out of the nests. (41)

In the summer, Misha Kartoshkin came to the dacha. There are birches, sticky and other trees in the area around the house. Birds chirp on the branches. Birdies are breeding chicks now. And here is the vegetable garden. Onions, garlic, carrots, turnips, radishes, parsley, dill, potatoes and cabbage heads grow in the beds. (42)

Has come cold weather... And the red-haired chanterelle with a white belly went out to hunt. She mouse. She lay down on her belly, sensitive ears sticking out. Suddenly, the fox snapped up on its hind legs. She pulled with her claws - a black lump flew. The fox opened its toothy mouth and caught the mouse on the fly. (38)

Summer. Eyes of strawberry flowers appeared on the low bushes. Many berries ripen in the felling. Cuttings - places where pines or firs were cut down. Strawberries are the sweetest and most fragrant berry in the Russian forest. Treasured bushes stand on the sunny edge and delight the eye. (36)

Light frost today. I went out for a walk and climbed into our ravine. The snow is deep in the ravine. It is covered with a fragile crust. Here is a huge snowdrift. He almost covered a small tree. There is strong ice at the bottom of the ravine. It's a frozen trickle. I got snow in my boots and mittens. I do not want to freeze and rub my palms together. (52)

The children of the blind squirrels who fell out of the nest brought me. Acquaintance with them began with a nipple and milk. Soon the little ones opened their eyes. Do the squirrels need to strengthen their claws? The children began to rip off the wallpaper. Need to sharpen your teeth? One kid chewed off the corners of the furniture. He threw another set on the floor. I named them Tsok and Tsoka. (49)

Leaf fall began. Foliage covered the paths and paths. Timid mice rustle in the grass. A slippery one appeared under the sticky one. He wanted to crawl through the ravine to a nearby swamp. The harsh wind bends flexible branches. A bird with tenacious claws reached the hollow of a large oak tree. She looks down. A dexterous cat with narrow eyes looks at her. A sharp knock distracts the cat. This bump fell on a smooth stump. (58)

We went to the autumn forest. Our path continues down an alley through a ravine to a nearby pasture. At the edge of the forest we are met by a large oak tree. I pick up a smooth slippery acorn. Low sticky and birch trees grow in the ravine. We hear the scent of herbs. There was a sharp crunch. It was Denis who accidentally broke the branch. He lifted it up and made a flexible rod. A rare rain began to fall. Each of us opened an umbrella. (59)

This morning there were frosts. The occasional rain beat lightly on the bare branches. I have to take the basket of pies and potatoes to my grandfather in the hut. I walked down the path to the line. Then he crossed the swampy swamp along narrow boards. The viscous liquid clay is already covered with brittle ice. Here is a dilapidated bridge over the ravine, and beyond it the edge. From there it is close to the gatehouse. (60)

On Saturday morning Anna looked out the window. A sharp wind drives the leaves. The remains of foliage flutter on the branches. Midges and insects have long been hidden. Rare birds sit on birches and sticks in the yard. A timid cat with gray fur appeared on the path. Anna brought out milk in a bowl and thin porridge on a saucer. (50)

In early autumn, on a Saturday afternoon, we went to the forest. I collected russula and other fungi in a basket. The younger sister found sweet berries. The dog Cupid was rolling on soft grass. It was fun to watch his dexterous jumps. Here is the edge. There is a swamp with frogs under the oak trees. The frogs catch insects that are rare at this time. Midges and insects get into the mouth of the frogs for lunch. (60)

On the territory of our site there are several beds. On an autumn Saturday afternoon, we took the shovels and began to harvest. Here's a radish with carrots. How did the sweet turnip go! And there are the radishes. There was a gorgeous parsley in this garden bed in the summer. A timid birdie looks at us from a low branch. Our dog Watchdog barks at the birdie. I caress his smooth fur. (52)

Leaf fall has come to an end. Autumn colors faded. Slippery armfuls of leaves lie on the smooth path. Flexible low branches prevent us from going to the gazebo. And here is the pond. Morning frosts bound him with brittle ice. There is a birch tree without leaves on the island. An old boat is lying on the shore. There is a rare rain. A light thump of drops is heard. (50)

Autumn frosts are close. It's time to harvest. Grandfather called us to the garden. Denis picked up a handful of sweet radishes on the garden bed. I picked a turnip and a radish. Masha took a carrot for herself. Then a timid mouse flashed through the narrow groove between the beds. But a light birdie jumped along the path. The bird flapped its wings and deftly sat down on a low branch. (53)

Autumn has long dressed the trees in yellow shirts. All paths and paths in the gardens and alleys were covered with wonderful colorful islets. But most of the leaves are still attached to the branches. There are often frosts in the morning. In the afternoon, grimy low clouds float across the sky. The blue sky with light white clouds is rarely seen. For a walk, I wear a sleeveless jacket under my jacket. The little sister is walking in boots. (53)

There is a birch tree at the edge of the clearing. Next to her is a playground. The soft grass under the tree is already covered with fallen leaves. I carefully sat down on a low, smooth stump and admired the birch. A mouse rustled among the fallen leaves. A light bird sat on a branch. A cat appears on a narrow path. A sharp wind is blowing. The weather is getting worse. I walk with a brisk gait to the garden trellis. (55)

Light frost. Soft snow covered the paths and paths. Our garden has turned white. The trees were dressed in white fur coats. I went out for a walk and climbed into our ravine. The crust was covered with snow in the ravine. There is strong ice at the bottom of the ravine. It's a frozen trickle. A snowdrift covered the bush. I got snow in my boots and mittens. I was cold and rubbing my palms. My friends are running to the pond. Children timidly walk on the slippery ice. Little Masha fell and hurt her leg. Sensitive friends helped the baby to get up. (76)

There is a birch tree at the edge of the clearing. Next to her is a playground. The last days there were often frosts. The soft grass under the tree is now covered in fallen leaves. I carefully sat down on a low, smooth stump and admired the birch. A mouse rustled among the fragile fallen leaves. A light bird sat on a branch. Murka the cat appeared on the narrow path. The cat has smooth coat, green eyes. The cat itself is red, and the breast and legs are white. She deftly sharpened her tenacious claws on the tree and ran along the path. A sharp wind blew. I walk briskly to the trellis of the garden and continue on to the pasture. (90)

STRONG POSITION. When after a paired consonant there is a vowel or sonor consonant L, M, N, R.

WEAK POSITION(stunning or voicing): at the end of a word or before another paired consonant.

OUTPUT:To correctly write a paired consonant in a weak position in a word, you need to change the word so that the paired consonant becomes in a strong position.

REMEMBERthat there are words with unverifiable paired consonants. For example, SUDDENLY, TOMORROW, BREAKFAST ... These words can be found in the dictionary.


1. In which row is the correct "finished" rule:

“To check a paired consonant at the root of a word, you need to choose such a test word, ...

1) so that the stress falls on the vowel

2) so that after the paired consonant there is a vowel

3) so that after the paired consonant there is a vowel or consonants [n, p, l, m].

4) so ​​that the accent falls on the consonant.

2. Write down the words. Underline in words paired consonants that stand in a strong position with two lines (on two legs), and which in a weak position - with one line (on one unstable leg).

Toddler, book, flags, strip, mushroom, smiled, subway, snowdrift, playground, pointer, request, transition, plane, matryoshka, hose, low, iron, notebook, circle, ball, chocolate bar, parking.

3. In which row is the wrong characterization of the sound in the word "KORZH"

1) k - [k] - consonant, voiceless, hard

2) o - [o] - vowel, stressed

3) p - [p] - consonant, voiced, hard

4) f - [f] - consonant, voiced, solid

4. In which row the word needs to be checked:

1) gooseberry

2) toad

3) spring

4) mugs

5. In which row is the check word written first, then the checked word:

1) spoon - spoon

2) bun - bun

3) jump - jumping

4) beak - beak

6. In which row the mistake was made:

1) birch, teardrop, putty

2) bed, tent, paddle

3) snowdrift, box, cork

4) blood, weed, pin

7. Write down by inserting the missing letters. Write test words in parentheses. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Sadovo .. planted young seedlings. Geolo .. discovered a new ore deposit. Rybolo .. went happy with the catch. For the forestr .. he felled a huge tree. Sleep., Wrapped the tops of a tree ... Earrings appeared on the branches. Sugro .. closed the exit from the hut.

8. Write down, changing the words in brackets, how to write the meaning.

Ripe (fruits), vegetable (gardens), collective (works), huge (cities), tractor (factories), heavy (labor), fruit (orchards), huge (ponds), green (banks), beveled (meadows) ), delicious (pies), hot (irons), huge (boots).

9. Write down by inserting the missing letters. Write test words in parentheses.

Russian soldier .. (...) knows no obstacle .. (...). Science does not ask for bread, bread itself ... (...) gives. Naro .. (...) gives his vote .. (...) for the deputy. A detachment of .. (...) soldiers .. (...) got ready to go ... (...). Green outfit .. (...) fields pleases the eye .. (...).

10.Write by changing the words so that they end in a consonant. Underline the paired consonants in the weak position.

Flags, pies, scarves, enemies, shores, boots, meadows, plows, ponds, rods, irons, slippers, bread, log cabins, frosts, watchmen, horses, labors, lumberjacks

11. In which row the mistake was made:

1) b "b - n" n

2) s "s - s" s

3) w "w - w" w

4) d "d - t" t

12. Write off, changing the words so that they end in a consonant. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

The workers piled the hay into a large (haystack). The right (bank) of the Volga is steep. In winter (snow) deep - in summer (bread) high. A beautiful (flags) was hung on the building. The woman threw a beautiful (scarves) over her shoulders. My grandmother turned out delicious (pies).

13. Write down by inserting the missing paired consonant. Verify the word verbally.

Man to man bra ... and other ... My grandfather and I went to the pine forest .. to pick mushrooms. Moreau ... painted the windows. Matro .. walked along the pavement. Today was the doge ... all day.

14. Change these words so that there is a consonant at the end. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Catches, chefs, lions, eyebrows, eyes, beaks, frosts, watermelons, diamonds, crops, collectives, shores, records, sickles, hammers, detachments, factories, horses, sleeves, meadows, watchmen.

15. Change the word so that a paired consonant appears in the word in a weak position. Underline these paired consonants.

Path, notebook, gatehouse, cup, buckle, birch, kitty, little book, girlfriend, violin, spoon, scoop, little path, pillow, forage cap, fairy tale, toy, pin, hat, mug.

16. Write down by inserting the missing letters. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Kolya is weak ... after an illness. The cat sharpened ko..ti. Murzik's cat has a pain in the la..ka. Katya's eyes seemed to have slashes. A light ... a breeze ran along the top ... of the trees. Muska has me ... Masha put on a leu ... straw hat ... Golu..ka cooed loudly on the roof of the house.

17. Write down by inserting the missing letters. First write the test words in parentheses. Underline paired consonants in the weak position.

The fisherman caught a small (...) fish with a fishing rod. (...) Golu..ka coos loudly. Grew up (...) a river ... big, big. Nastya! bought a fur (...) shu..ku. A red (...) hat .. a white (...)] but .. a, it is at (...) the road .., it will stand (...) a little, it will get there! in (...) bow ... In the forest began (...) a hand ... a (...) draw ...

18. Add sentences with words with the opposite meaning. Insert the missing letters. Underline the paired consonants in the weak position.

A dog is a friend of man, and a wolf is .... The iron is heavy, and the fluff .... The river is wide, and the stream .... The garlic is bitter, and the apple .... The kissel is thick, and the soup .... The stone is heavy, but limestone ... The house is high, and the barn .... The boy is brave, but the girl. The rain is frequent, and the thunder ...

19.Write by inserting the missing letters. Write the test words. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Julia tied her sister Varya ... ki. Sconce. skated on slippery ice. Gle ... fell into sugro ... Sleep .. went all night. The courtyards ... raked by sugro ... The ice was cr ... cue. A magnificent sa ... grew on the mountain.

20. Read it. Find mistakes. Correct mistakes, write correctly. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

Transparent flight, sick zup, long bluff, sharp burden, sandy shore, heavy drizzle.

21. Write down, insert pany consonants, write test ones. Underline paired consonants in a weak position.

The older brother carries both (d, t), but Tanya has no lo (w, w) ki. Like children at dawn (d, t) ke, under the sun by the river stand on a long ridge (d, t) ke three-year-old du (b, p) ki.

V primary grades the basis of a person's spelling literacy is formed.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the inconsistency of spelling and pronunciation. This is often associated with paired consonants.

What is a paired consonant?

All consonants are with each other in one or another opposition according to their own characteristic features... One of them is the opposition of sounds in terms of deafness and voicedness.

Some consonants, with the coincidence of all other features, such as the place of formation and the way of pronunciation, differ only in the participation of the voice in the sounding process. They are called paired. The rest of the consonants do not have a voice-deafness-voiced pair: l, m, x, c, h, w, d.

Paired consonants

examples of words with paired consonants

table [b] s - table [n]

draw [v] a - draw [f]

dear [g] a - dear [k]

boro [d] a - boro [t] ka

bla [w] it - bla [w]

moro [z] ny - moro [s]

Here are paired consonants. The table also contains examples that illustrate the spelling "Checked consonants at the root of the word".

Spelling rule for paired consonants

In the process of pronunciation, paired sounds can be interchangeable. But this process is not reflected in the letter. That is, the letters do not change, no matter what sounds we hear in their place. This is how the principle of uniformity of morphemes is implemented in the Russian language. The spelling of paired consonants is completely subject to this law.

The rule can be stated in the following paragraphs:

  • the root of the word is always spelled the same, since the semantics depend on it;
  • spelling must be checked by selecting or changing word forms;
  • choose as a test one that has either a vowel sound or a sonorous sound after a dubious consonant (p, l, m, n, d).

This can be seen in the examples from the table: consonant spells stand either at the end of words, or in front of other paired sounds. In test words, they are in front of vowels or phonemes that are unpaired in voicing.

Application of the rule

Spelling of paired consonants needs to be worked out. You need to start with the formation of the ability to see the studied spelling. This will be the end of a word or a confluence of consonants, at which sounds begin to affect the sound of each other - the next one changes the pronunciation of the previous one.

When we know what a paired consonant is, it will not be difficult to conclude which option to choose:

  • bo [n] - beans - bean;
  • bro [t] - ford - ford;
  • bro [f "] - eyebrows - eyebrow;
  • nail [t "] - nails - nail;
  • ogoro [t] - vegetable gardens - vegetable garden;
  • dro [w] - trembling - trembling;
  • polo [s] ka - strip - strip;
  • ko [z "] ba - to mow - to mow;
  • re [z "] ba - cut - thread;
  • goro [d "] ba - to fence - to fence;
  • kro [in "] - blood - blood;
  • fear [w] - guard - guard.

Paired consonants. Examples of word discrimination

Deafness and voicedness are able to distinguish words by meaning. For example:

  • (soup) thick - (over the river) bush;
  • (telegraph) pillar - (Alexandrian) pillar;
  • bark (oak) - (high) mountain;
  • (unbearable) heat - (surface) of the ball;
  • (bouquet) roses - (boy) grew up;
  • (new) house - (thick) volume.

In weak positions, at the end of words, for example, as in the example of "roses" and "rose", it is imperative to check in order to avoid semantic confusion. Paired consonants in Russian require careful attention to themselves.

Test on the studied topic

herbs [..] ka, ry [..] ka, zu [..] ki, arbu [..], lo [..] ka, short [..] ka, ko [..] ty.

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - groove, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, jump - jumping

6. F or W?

Sapo ... ki, doro ... ki, boom ... ki, cro ... ki, ro ... ki, poro ... ki, bar ... ki, lo ... ki, game ... ki, cha ... ki, I'll lie down ... ki.

  • gu ... ki (__________);
  • flag ... ki (__________);
  • gri ... (__________);
  • chapter ... (__________);
  • pry ... ki (____________);
  • lo ... ka (____________);
  • losha ... b (______________);
  • zu .. (_______).

Sha (p / b) ka, wire (d / t), kru (g / t), povya (s / z) ka, me (d / t), su (d / t), sla (d / t) cue, oshi (b / p) ka, doba (w / f) ka, uka (s / s) ka.

9. Insert letters in the text:

Lebe ... b is the king of all waterfowl. He, like a dream ..., white, graceful, he has shiny eyes ... ki, black hands ... ki and a long gi ... kaya neck. How beautifully he floats on the eye ... the water of the pond!

10. Correct the errors:

  • I love to read scribbles.
  • How fragrant are strawberry yagots!
  • Carrot is sown on the bed.
  • Gummy birch tree flutters with petals in the wind.
  • Tray floated on the lake.
  • Berek is gradually approaching.
  • Storosh does not sleep.
  • The mongrel is tying loudly in the yard.
  • Yosh rustles in the bushes.


1. What is a paired consonant? A consonant that has a deaf or voiced pair.

2. Add the sentence:

To check for paired consonants, you need pick up a test word.

3. Highlight the words you need to check:

dive ..., basement .., gla ..., handsome, losha ..., sharp..y,,, l oh ... ki, other..niy.

4. Write sounds in square brackets:

herbs [V] ka, lo [D] ka, zu [B] ki, arbu [Z], lo [D] ka, short [B] ka, ko [G] ty.

5. Underline the test word:

Fabulous - a fairy tale, a head - a head, a pie - pies, a ditch - a groove, a birch - a birch, eyes - eyes, a strip - stripes, a notebook - a notebook, a spikelet - spikelets, bounce- jumping

6. F or W?

Boots, tracks, pieces of paper, crumbs, horns, powders, lambs, spoons, toys, cups, frogs.

7. Write down the test words and insert letters instead of dots:

  • beeps (beep);
  • Flags (checkbox);
  • mushroom (mushrooms);
  • EYE (eyes);
  • JUMPING (jump);
  • BOAT (boat);
  • HORSE (horses);
  • tooth teeth).

8. Choose the correct option:


9. Insert letters in the text:

Swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is like a snow, white, graceful, he has shiny eyes, black legs and a long flexible neck. How beautifully it floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct the errors:

  • I love to read fairy tales.
  • How fragrant are strawberries!
  • The flexible birch trembles with its petals in the wind.
  • The boat was sailing on the lake.
  • The coast is gradually approaching.
  • The StoroZh does not sleep.
  • The mongrel pushes loudly in the yard.
  • The hedgehog rustles in the bushes.

It is enough to change the word so that after the incomprehensible consonant there is a vowel. D. Highlight the first sound in the word stone. Thank you for your feedback. If you liked our project and you are ready to help or take part in it, send information about the project to your friends and colleagues.

Let's learn how to check paired consonants at the root using a vowel. We will complete many interesting tasks. Consonants are sounds of speech that are opposite to vowels, and in combination with which they form words. During their formation, the vocal tract narrows. The consonants that are formed with the participation of voice and noise are called voiced.

Absolutely all paired consonants are distinguished by the presence of a voice ( ringing sounds) or its absence (muffled sounds). Sounds are unpaired deaf. Ш ’], - long hissing sounds, paired according to the deafness-voicedness. Friends from Shishkin Les remembered a lot: there are more consonants than vowels. The consonants cannot be sung. They are pronounced with noise and voice: B, F, Z. Or only with noise: P, T, F. Consonants are voiced unpaired deaf paired.

Checking paired consonants at the root of a word

A voiced "W" will be paired with a voiceless "W". For example: heat is a ball. - I understand, - said Zubok. A dull sound is the same as a ringing sound, but spoken quietly, without a voice. No, you don't have to learn all the words by heart, - reassured Vasilisa. The disciples came up with the following words: fly, king, moon, knight. And then we will understand exactly what letter to write.

Let's find these singles together in the Russian alphabet. He did not notice this because he was looking at the moon. And then his faithful knight entered. And he scared the fly away. Well done! Either voiced, or quieter, the Cat is the cat, the year is the year. We can distinguish without difficulty. And at the end we will write the letter correctly. D. Find letters on the canvas for these sounds. Let's play the Living Letter game. Find and circle these letters in your notebook, and I will circle them in the trailer.

See what "paired consonants" are in other dictionaries:

W. What was the wolf in the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"? Mold this pair of consonants from plasticine. 81. Words with combinations of consonants sk, st, zg, zd. In these combinations, the first consonant is usually untestable. There are paired consonants for deafness - voicedness: B-P, V-F, G-K, D-T, Zh-Sh, 3-S. A consonant is in a weak position when it is at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant.

Paired consonants in a weak position

Inclusion in the lesson. Knowledge update. Today in the lesson we will conduct a study on the problem of "Spelling consonants at the root of a word." But for study, let's take certain words on the topic “Whether in the garden or in the garden…”.

Children, what else interesting have you noticed in terms of letters of paired consonants, where are they located? Right. And we know this from the lessons on life safety. If you don't wash the fruit, you can get sick and end up in the hospital. Assignment: you need to change the data on the word slide so that the paired consonant in the word needs to be checked. In the middle of a word, in front of voiceless consonants, as we assumed at the beginning of the lesson. - Let's choose words for them, following our rule.

Classification of consonants.

You should supplement the story recorded on the slide with the words from the topic of our lesson “Whether in the garden or in the garden…”. At the same time, pairs of sounds are distinguished according to voicedness and deafness, always voiced (the term "sonorous" is not introduced) and always deaf. The teacher draws the students' attention to the fact that sounds b-n, v-f, g-k, d-t, w-w, z-s form pairs of sounds of which one is voiced, the other is deaf. Similarly, students come to the conclusion that the consonants x, c, h are unpaired deaf.

Free help with homework

A student of the 1st grade, operating with phonetic knowledge, explains the spelling of words with paired consonants as follows: “In the word flag at the end I hear a paired consonant sound, which means that the word must be checked. Each consonant has features that distinguish it from other consonants.

Natalya Kiseleva, teacher of GOU SOSH No. 500, Moscow

51. Explain from the table how you can check the spelling of paired consonants. The letters that are written in words according to the rules are called spelling. 52. Explain whether and how to check the spelling of missing spellings in words. We have a lot of people to help you here. Also, my last question was resolved in less than 10 minutes: D Anyway, you can just go in and try to add your question.

Sounds of speech, consisting either of one noise, or of voice and noise, which is formed in the oral cavity, where the air stream exhaled from the lungs meets various obstacles. Find appropriate nouns in plural, v genitive... They relate to each other in deafness-voicedness and in hardness-softness. Consonant sounds that are formed only with the help of noise are called deaf.

Leading Vasilisa asked to repeat everything that the students learned about consonants. Although these consonants are paired, But they are still very different. But only those in which the paired consonant requires verification, and write them correctly using our rule. The designation on the letter of which consonant should be checked in these words? They have letters of paired consonants at the end of a word. - And what part of speech are guess words?