The weight of raw pine. Volumetric and proportion of wood all breeds

When organizing a cargo transportation forest, wood density is an important indicator in the selection of forestry and calculating the cost of transportation. This will help to avoid overload, which will apply from fine accordingly.

On the weight of M3 wood, the density of the material is of particular importance, respectively, for right solution The questions raised must determine the density value. Distinguish two types of density: volume weight (the density of the structured physical body) and specific gravity (Density of wood substance).

Volumetric weight of wood

The weight of the cubic meter of wood depends on the tree and humidity breed.

Calculator calculating the bulk weight of the tree.

Tree Acacia White Birch Beech Vozm Oak Grab Spruce Ordinary Maple Lipa Larch Olha Walnut Walnut Fir Siberian Siberian Fir Caucasian Pine Sung Pine Cedar Poplar Casual Ovy

Volume, m3:

Specific wood

Wood material is called a mass of solid wood materials without natural voids. This species Density is measured in laboratory conditions, as it requires additional measurements, impossible under normal conditions. For each wood of all species and tree breeds, this value is a constant and is 1540 kg / m3. However, wood has a multicellular fibrous structure of a complex type. Walls made of woody plays the role of a frame in the structure of wood. Accordingly, each breed and species of trees have cellular structures, forms and sizes of cells vary, as a result of which the proportion of the tree will be different, as well as different weight m3 tree.

Also, moisture has a large role in changing the specific weight of the wood. Due to the structure of this material, with the increase in humidity, the wood density increases. However, this rule does not apply to the density of the wood substance.

Table of wood density of different humidity (kg / m3).
Breed of wood Moisture percentage,%
15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 Fresh *
1 Larch 670 690 700 710 770 820 880 930 990 1100 940
2 Poplar 460 470 480 500 540 570 610 650 690 760 700
3 Beech 680 690 710 720 780 830 890 950 1000 1110 960
4 Elm 660 680 690 710 770 820 880 930 990 1100 940
5 Oak 700 720 740 760 820 870 930 990 1050 1160 990
6 Hornbeam 810 830 840 860 930 990 1060 1130 1190 1330 1060
7 Spruce ordinary 450 460 470 490 520 560 600 640 670 750 740
8 Walnut walnut 600 610 630 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 910
9 Linden 500 530 540 540 580 620 660 710 750 830 760
10 Acacia Belaya 810 830 840 860 930 990 1060 1190 1300 1330 1030
11 Alder 530 540 560 570 620 660 700 750 790 880 810
12 Maple 700 720 740 760 820 870 930 990 1050 1160 870
13 Clean ordinary 690 710 730 740 800 860 920 930 1030 1150 960
14 Fir Siberian 380 390 400 410 440 470 510 540 570 630 680
15 Pine ordinary 510 520 540 550 590 640 680 720 760 850 820
16 Fir Caucasian 440 450 460 480 510 550 580 620 660 730 720
17 Pine cedar 440 450 460 480 510 550 580 620 660 730 760
18 Birch 640 650 670 680 730 790 840 890 940 1050 870
19 Aspen 500 510 530 540 580 620 660 710 750 830 760

* Fresh. - Fresed tree

Changes in wide limits Even for one tree of wood. The values \u200b\u200bof the density value (specific weight) of wood are generalized numbers. Practical value The magnitudes of the density of wood differs from the displayed averaged table value and it is not an error.

Table of density (specific gravity) wood
depending on the tree of wood

"Handbook on the masses of aviation materials" ed. "Mechanical Engineering" Moscow 1975 Kolominova M.V., Methodical instructions for students of the specialty 250401 "Forest-engineering case", Ukhta USTU 2010
Breed of wood Density
(kg / m 3)
(kg / m 3)
(kg / m 3)
(kg / m 3)
1260 1260 --- ---
1250 1170-1390 1300 ---
Oak 810 690-1030 655 570-690
The Red tree 800 560-1060 --- ---
Ash 750 520-950 650 560-680
Rowan (Tree) 730 690-890 --- ---
Apple tree 720 660-840 --- ---
Beech 680 620-820 650 560-680
Acacia 670 580-850 770 650-800
Elm 660 560-820 620 535-650
Hornbeam --- --- 760 740-795
Larch 635 540-665 635 540-665
Maple 650 530-810 655 570-690
Birch 650 510-770 620 520-640
Pear 650 610-730 670 585-710
Chestnut 650 600-720 --- ---
Cedar 570 560-580 405 360-435
Pine 520 310-760 480 415-505
Linden 510 440-800 470 410-495
Alder 500 470-580 495 430-525
Aspen 470 460-550 465 400-495
Willow 490 460-590 425 380-455
Spruce 450 370-750 420 365-445
Verba 450 420-500 --- ---
Frynaya walnut 430 420-450 --- ---
Walnut walnut --- --- 560 490-590
Fir 410 350-600 350 310-375
Bamboo 400 395-405 --- ---
Poplar 400 390-590 425 375-455
  • The table indicates the density of wood at a moisture content of 12%.
  • Table indicators are taken from "Director for the masses of aviation materials" ed. "Mechanical Engineering" Moscow 1975
  • Advised on 03/31/2014, according to the method:
    Kolominova M.V., Physical properties Woods: Methodical guidelines for students of the specialty 250401 "Forest-winning business", Ukhta: USTU, 2010

    Download (Dropping: 710)

It is generally accepted to indicate the amount of density (specific gravity) of wood depending on the tree of wood. The average value of the proportion obtained by generalizing the results of multiple practical measurements is taken for the indicator. In fact, there are two wood density tables taken from absolutely different sources. A small difference in indicators clearly indicates the changeability of the density (specific weight) of wood. Analyzing the density values \u200b\u200bof the wood from the above table, it is worth paying attention to the differences in the anviation reference indicators from the university technique. For objectivity, the magnitude of the wood density from both documents is given. With the right choice by the reader of the priority of the importance of the primary source.

Special wonder causes a table value of density larch - 540-665 kg / m 3. Some Internet sources indicate the density of larch equal to 1450 kg / m 3. To whom to believe - it is not clear that once again proves the uncertainty and the unknownness of the raised theme. Larch is a sufficiently heavy material, but not so much so that the stone is sinking in the water.

Influence of humidity on the proportion of wood

The proportion of alloy wood

It is noteworthy that with an increase in wood moisture, the dependence of the value of the specific weight of this material from the tree is decreased. The proportion of alloy wood (humidity 75-85%) is almost independent of the tree of wood and is equal, approximately 920-970 kg / m 3. This phenomenon is explained simply enough. The voids and pores in the wood are filled with water, the density (specific weight) of which is much higher than the density of the outstanding air. For its magnitude, the density of water is approaching the density whose share is practically independent of the tree breed. Thus, the proportion of slicing of the wood in the water is less dependent on its breed than in the case of dry samples. In this place, it is not superfluous to remember that for wood there is a division of classical physical concepts. (cm. )

Wood density groups

Conditionally, all the breeds of trees are divided into three groups
(on the density of their wood, with a moisture content of 12%):

  1. Multi-density breed (up to 540 kg / m3) - spruce, pine, fir, cedar, juniper, poplar, linden, will, ozina, alder black and white, chestnut sowing, white, gray and manchursky, velvet amursky;
  2. Middle density breed (550-740 kg / m3) - larch, tees, birch hound, fluffy, black and yellow, beech oriental and european, elm, pear, oak summer, oriental, marsh, mongolian, ilm, karagach, male, album, walnut walnut , plane, rowan, persimmon, apple tree, ash ordinary and manchursky;
  3. High density breed (750 kg / m3 and above) - Acacia White and Sand, Birch Iron, Globiya Caspian, Hickory White, Grab, Oak Chesttopalistics and Araksinsky, iron Tree, Samshat, Pistachio, Htemegrab.

Wood density and its calf

The density (specific weight) of wood is the main indicator of its heating energy value -. Dependence here is direct. The higher the density of the structure of the wood in the tree of the tree, the more containing a fuel wood substance in it and, the greater the trees are obtained.

There are such situations in life when you come across simple, it would seem questions, but you cannot give any answers to them. During construction, for example, it may be needed to answer the question: how much is the pine cube weigh? No one can give an accurate answer. The weight of the timber primarily depends on their breed. Second an important factor It is humidity. It depends on its density, which, in turn, directly affects the weight.

In order to know the necessary information if necessary, let's figure out how much pine cube weighs. It may be needed when buying timber to make sure that the goods shipped correctly.

Humidity indicators are divided by four degrees:

  • wet (more than 45%);
  • raw (from 25 to 44%);
  • air-dry (from 19 to 24%);
  • dry (from 10 to 18%).

So, the cube pine is how much? The results obtained will be submitted as a table.

Wood moisture

(from 1 to 5%)

Standard (from 10 to 12%)

Weight depending on the variety of raw materials

There are several types of pine:

  • cedar;
  • siberian;
  • ordinary.

The weight of wood changes also from its varieties. If the values \u200b\u200bfor cedar and Siberian are the same, the weight of the ordinary differs from them. The numbers specified in the table above are characteristic of the ordinary pine.

The weight of one cedar and Siberian cubometer is presented in the table below:

So, knowing the moisture of wood, with the help of the tables it is easy to determine its weight. This is the easiest way. Such tables are often used in construction, where the main material is a tree. They help pick up optimal option Woods for the construction of a particular structure.

Before carrying out any construction or repair, the calculation of the required amount of material always produces. For example: bricks, metal rolling or lumber: unedged, edged board or lining. Usually the seller performs wood delivery services, but it happens that there is no such possibility. And this question already has to solve the buyer himself: what kind of car you need to order to bring required amount Forests in construction site?

Features of sawn timber

If it even knows the amount of wood in cubic meters, then for a carrying capacity, the choice of the car will need to count more. Even knowing how much a dry boards cube weighs, the mass of the cubic meter of material on the market can differ significantly. And it will be not only a breed of wood, for example: it's either a spruce, birch or cedar, but also a location of the cut, the humidity of the surrounding air, and even the time passed from the date of the cut. The weight of a cubic meter unit of the same tree will also differ from the degree of material processing. We have a mass of round, with the same conditions, there will always be less than the mass of the unedged forest. This is due to the fact that the density of laying material in one Cuba will be different. Rounds are not possible tightly folded on each other, large voids will remain. The same applies to the unedged board. The surface is tightly not squealing from the side.

Therefore, when calculating the carrying capacity of transport, you need to focus on the transport possible maximum weight of the cargo. So you need to find out how much weighs the cube cutting board of pine natural humidity? Since this state of the tree during its cut, which means maximum humidity and density.

Indicators affecting the weight of the sawn timber

Wood moisture is a very important indicator to pay attention to. With her high degree The tree swells, and at low, on the contrary, dry. Everything construction works It is recommended to perform with an already dried sawn timber, in which the indicator of moisture does not exceed 15-20%. Otherwise, the established raw forest, with time, firing, will change its geometric dimensions (decrease) and thereby disrupt the integrity of the construction.

The dried wood becomes more durable, it is good to finish, is not subject to mold and insect, keeps his own for a long time construction qualities. The remaining bark is removed before drying. This is necessary for uniform drying and eliminating damage to insects (bugs of coredies).

Drying the forest is carried out by experts on open air. The forest is placed in the stack on the gaskets between the rows so that the air freely passes and dried the boards from all sides. It is advisable to place the place of drying in a place where the straight sun rays do not fall on the material, but there is good ventilation. The top row of the stacks must be squeezed by cargo to prevent deformation.

Weight calculation

Now we will calculate the weight of the most common sawn timber with which you can face the market.

Mass calculation will be performed using the calculator, according to the formula M \u003d V * ρ, kg, where:

  • V- required for calculating the volume of material, m3. In our case this value is 1 m3;
  • ρ is the density of wood, kg / m3. For freshly served pine, the value is 820 kg / m3.

Substituting in the formula, we get:

  • M \u003d 1 * 820 \u003d 820 kg.

Similarly, knowing the density of the material, you can calculate: how much the cube boards from larch:

  • M \u003d 1 * 940 \u003d 940 kg.

This means: no matter what size edged board:

  • 150x150x6000;
  • 25x100x6000;
  • 25x150x6000;
  • 50x150x6000.

Their weight in one Cuba will be approximately equal, the main thing is that the composition of wood, as well as the humidity indicator remained unchanged, there will differ only on the number of boards.

The question arises, how much is the car dry boards of the same pine? Such a state of wood is accepted with its humidity up to 20%. In this case, the density is 520 kg / m3.

  • M \u003d 1 * 520 \u003d 520 kg.

The difference in the weight of one cube between the pine natural humidity and dry will be 300kg! But no 1 m3 is purchased for construction, and for example 100 or 500. Accordingly, the vehicle load capacity increases by 30 or 50 tons!

Therefore, choosing a sawn timber, it is important to know the humidity of the board. In order not to make a mistake in choosing transport or the number of flights needed to transport the entire forest.

Before carrying out any construction or repair, the calculation of the required amount of material always produces. For example: bricks, metal rolling or lumber: unedged, edged board or lining. Usually the seller performs wood delivery services, but it happens that there is no such possibility. And this question has to be solved by the buyer itself: what kind of car you need to order to bring the required amount of forest to the construction site?

Features of sawn timber

If it even knows the amount of wood in cubic meters, then for a carrying capacity, the choice of the car will need to count more. Even knowing how much a dry boards cube weighs, the mass of the cubic meter of material on the market can differ significantly. And it will be not only a breed of wood, for example: it's either a spruce, birch or cedar, but also a location of the cut, the humidity of the surrounding air, and even the time passed from the date of the cut. The weight of a cubic meter unit of the same tree will also differ from the degree of material processing. We have a mass of round, with the same conditions, there will always be less than the mass of the unedged forest. This is due to the fact that the density of laying material in one Cuba will be different. Rounds are not possible tightly folded on each other, large voids will remain. The same applies to the unedged board. The surface is tightly not squealing from the side.

Therefore, when calculating the carrying capacity of transport, you need to focus on the transport possible maximum weight of the cargo. So you need to find out how much weighs the cube cutting board from the pine of natural humidity? Since this state of the tree during its cut, which means maximum humidity and density.

Indicators affecting the weight of the sawn timber

Wood moisture is a very important indicator to pay attention to. With its high degree, the tree swells, and at low, on the contrary he dries. All construction work is recommended to perform with an already dried sawn timber, in which the indicator of moisture does not exceed 15-20%. Otherwise, the established raw forest, with time, firing, will change its geometric dimensions (decrease) and thereby disrupt the integrity of the construction.

The dried wood becomes more durable, well sufficiently finished, is not subject to mold and insect, it retains its construction qualities for a long time. The remaining bark is removed before drying. This is necessary for uniform drying and eliminating damage to insects (bugs of coredies).

Drying of the forest is carried out by experts outdoors. The forest is placed in the stack on the gaskets between the rows so that the air freely passes and dried the boards from all sides. It is advisable to place the place of drying in a place where the straight sun rays do not fall on the material, but there is good ventilation. The top row of the stacks must be squeezed by cargo to prevent deformation.

Weight calculation

Now we will calculate the weight of the most common sawn timber with which you can face the market.

Mass calculation will be performed using the calculator, according to the formula M \u003d V * ρ, kg, where:

  • V- required for calculating the volume of material, m3. In our case, this value is 1 m3;
  • ρ is the density of wood, kg / m3. For freshly served pine, the value is 820 kg / m3.

Substituting in the formula, we get:

Similarly, knowing the density of the material, you can calculate: how much the cube boards from larch:

This means: no matter what size edged board:

  • 150x150x6000;
  • 25x100x6000;
  • 25x150x6000;
  • 50x150x6000.

Their weight in one Cuba will be approximately equal, the main thing is that the composition of wood, as well as the humidity indicator remained unchanged, there will differ only on the number of boards.

The question arises, how much is the car dry boards of the same pine? Such a state of wood is accepted with its humidity up to 20%. In this case, the density is 520 kg / m3.

The difference in the weight of one cube between the pine natural humidity and dry will be 300kg! But no 1 m3 is purchased for construction, and for example 100 or 500. Accordingly, the vehicle load capacity increases by 30 or 50 tons!

Therefore, choosing a sawn timber, it is important to know the humidity of the board. In order not to make a mistake in choosing transport or the number of flights needed to transport the entire forest.

How many weighs 1 cup cube wants to know people who are engaged in the construction of their homes or giving.

How much will weigh the cube boards of natural humidity?

1 Cube Board Weighs 800-1000 kg (depending on the tree of wood)

Now you know how much weighs the cube of the boards of natural humidity in tons and you can accurately calculate the right amount.

Previous article Sometimes weighs the cube cube? Next article Sometimes weighs pine cube?

How much does the cutting board weigh?

We offer you a weighing table of the main tree species.

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How to calculate the board in the cubes.

The edged board differs from the unedged in that the cross section has the form of the right Rectangle. This allows you to accurately put it in the stacks, packaging in even ligaments, and rather accurately determine the cube, that is, the volume of packaged materials. If you want to determine the weight of the packaging, or one cubic meter, it is sufficient to multiply the volume on the density, which is a reference value, and depends on both the breed of wood and its moisture, that is, dryness degrees.
For the most frequently used in the construction of wood breeds, you can make a table showing how much a cutting board cube weighs:
Type of lumber
Weight of one cubic meter, kg
Crude Pine
Dry pine
Raw fir
Dry fir
As can be seen from the table, on how much the cutting board cube weighs, humidity affects very substantially. Such a big dependence is due to the fact that in the cellular structure of freshly spilled wood water is present in large quantities, and with the wrong drying, its rapid evaporation can lead to significant curvature geometric shape Board, bend them.
As a result, it can be argued that the weight of the cutting board cubic meter is actually determined by the wood species, taken to one of the categories.
The pine, fir and other conifers, as well as a poplar belong to light wood. Their average density, that is, the weight of the cubic meter is hesitated around the figure of 500 kilograms.
Middle breeds - cubic meter ash, beech, birch weighs about 650 kilograms.
Heavy breeds, such as Oak Il Grab, have a density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter.

How much one edged board weighs.

How much one edged board weighs. The most frequently asked question on search engines inquiries is how much one cube weighs, as a result, one edged board. I continue the cycle of articles devoted to the edged lumber.
At the insistence of colleagues and regular visitors to the site, I continue the cycle of articles dedicated to the sawn timber. This article is a continuation of the article "How much one bar weighs." We are talking only about pine, While growing in the middle part of Russia. Immediately make a reservation that the pine growing in Siberia has a more dense texture, and weighs more and is an order of magnitude more expensive. You can even distinguish it visually but this is the topic of the next article.
The weight of one meter of cubic fresh and recycled pine sawn lumber is about 860kg.
I will give calculations in the form of a table in cross sections of the GOST 8486 board and remind the calculation formula.
Cross-section board in mm. QUANTITY, PCS. In 1m3 mathematical action Weight of one board in kg.
logo Tiu.ru300x50x6000
11.1 860kg: 11/1Sht. 77.5
logo tiu.ru250х50х6000
13.3 860kg: 13.3pc. 64.7
logo Tiu.ru200x50x6000
16.6 860kg: 16,6pc. 51.8.
logo Tiu.ru150x50x6000
22.2 860kg: 22.2pc. 38.7.
logo Tiu.ru100x50x6000
33.3 860kg: 33.3pc. 25.8.
logo Tiu.ru200x40x6000
20.8 860kg.: 20,8sc. 41,4.
logo Tiu.ru150x40x6000
27.7 860kg.: 27.7pc. 31.04
logo tiu.ru100x40x6000
41.6 860kg: 41,6pc. 20.7
logo Tiu.ru150x30x6000.
37.0 860kg: 37.0pc. 23,2
logo Tiu.ru200x25x6000
33.3 860kg: 33.3pc. 25.8.
logo Tiu.ru150x25x6000
44.4 860kg.: 44.4pcs. 19.3.
logo Tiu.ru100x25x6000
66.6 860 kg.: 66,6 pc. 12.9
To determine on your own how much will weigh the cutting board of a long 4000mm and 3000mm, or other. I will give an example of a calculation formula in which prerequisite The calculation is the number of pieces in 1m3.
For the board, say 150x25x3000mm:
1: 0.15: 0.025: 3 \u003d 88.8 pcs. in 1m3.
860kg. : 88.8 pcs. \u003d 10 kg.
Weight of this board with a cross section of 150x25 long 3000mm. 10 kg.
For boards 150x50x4000mm:
1: 0.15: 0.05: 4 \u003d 33.3 pcs. in 1m3.
860kg. : 33.3 pcs. \u003d 25.8 kg.
Weight of one board with a cross section of 150x50 long 4000mm. 26 kg.
At the end of the article, I would like to specifically note that these calculations in Moscow in the markets are the subject of large and small fraud, for this every time you need to personally check the "stated lumber sizes". Like this! (see photo)
The above calculations in the tables are valid only for lumber of clear "stated sizes" with proper geometria, i.e. the corresponding GOST 8486-86.
For the "air or Armenian version" of a bar and boards, which is selling on the cheap on any sales on specials. Prices need a separate approach, since the number of pcs. in 1m3 each time you need to calculate separately in accordance with real dimensions which has a bar and board.

Specific and voluminous weight of wood - table

There are a specific weight of wood (solid wood masses without voids) and the proportion of wood as a physical body. The proportion of wood substance is higher than the unit and is little dependent on the tree breed; On average, it is taken equal to 1.54. The proportion of wood substance is important when determining the porosity of wood.
Instead of the concept of the specific weight of wood as a physical body, that is, the relationship of its weight to the weight of the water, taken in the same volume at 4 °, in practice, use the volume weight of wood. Volume weight (weight unit volume of wood) is measured in g / cm3 and is given to normal humidity Woods - 15%.
In addition to bulk weight, sometimes used the same volumetric weight, or conditional volumetric weight. The conditional volumetric weight is the ratio of the weight of the sample in a completely dry state to the volume of the same sample in the fastened state. The value of the conditional volumetric weight is very close to the amount of volumetric weight in a completely dry state. The ratio between the conditional volumetric weight (γus) and volume weight in a completely dry state (γ0) is expressed by the formula
Γ0 \u003d Γus / (1-υ)
where υ is a complete volumetric percentage
γ0-bulk weight of absolutely dry wood.
Volumetric weight of wood.
The conditional volumetric weight has before the surround weight, the advantage that it does not depend on the value of the heathene and does not require the recalculation of 15% humidity. This makes it possible to significantly simplify the calculations and provides more uniform results when determining the Γus of several samples.
The volumetric weight of wood depends on the humidity, from the width of the one-year layer, from the one position occupied the sample in the height of the trunk and in diameter. With increasing moisture, the bulk weight increases.
Changes in the volume weight of wood when drying to moisture, corresponding to the fiber saturation point (23-30%), is proportionally humidity; After that, the volumetric weight begins to decrease slower, as the volume of wood decreases. With an increase in the moisture content of wood there is a reverse phenomenon.
The numerical dependence between the bulk weight of wood and humidity is determined by the following formula:
γw \u003d Γ0 (100 + W) / (100+ (Y0 - YW))
where γw is the desired volumetric weight with a moisture content of W, γ0 - volumetric weight in absolutely dry state, W-moisture of wood in percent,
Y0-complete volumetric drying percentage when drying to absolutely dry state and
Yw- Volumetric sweep in percent when drying a tree to w% humidity.
The volumetric weight of wood at its humidity with sufficient accuracy can be easily determined by the nomogram proposed by N. S. Celyugin (Fig. 11). Suppose that it is required to determine the weight of 1 m3 of pine wood with a humidity of 80%. Table. 41a we find the volumetric weight of pine wood at 15% humidity, equal to 0.52. On the dotted horizontal line, we find the volumetric weight point of 0.52 and · from this point, we go to the corresponding inclined line of the above volume weight up to the intersection of it with a horizontal line, showing the humidity of 80%. From the intersection point, we lower the perpendicular to the horizontal axis, which will show the desired volumetric weight, in this case 0.84. In tab. 5 The weights of the weight of the wood of some breeds depending on the humidity. Restoration of furniture
Specific and voluminous wood weight Table Figure13
Fig. 11. Nomogram for determining the volume weight of wood with different humidity.
The volumetric weight of wood depends also on the width of the one-year layer. Hardwood has a bulk weight decreases with a decrease in the width of the annual layers. The greater the average width of the annual ring, the greater the bulk weight of the same breed. This dependence is very noticeable from ringing rocks and somewhat less noticeable in scattered. W. coniferous rocks Usually observed inverse addiction: Volumetric weight increases with a decrease in the width of the annual rings, although there are also exceptions to this rule.
The volumetric weight of wood decreases from the base of the barrel to the top. In middle-aged pines, this fall reaches a value of 21% (at an altitude of 12 m), the old pine comes to 27% (at a height of 18 m).
In the birch, the decrease in volume weight at the height of the trunk reaches 15% (aged 60-70 years, at a height of 12 m).
Patterns in the change in the volume weight of wood in the diameter of the barrel is not observed: some breeds, the volumetric weight is slightly decreased in the direction from the center to the periphery, the others are slightly increasing.
The big difference is observed in bulk weight in early and late wood. Thus, the ratio of the volume weight of early wood by weight late at Oregon pine is 1: 3, in pine 1: 2.4, larch 1: 3. Therefore, in coniferous breeds, the volumetric weight increases with increasing the content of late wood.
Wood porosity. Under the porosity of wood, the volume of pores in percent of the total volume of absolutely dry wood is understood. Porosity depends on the volume weight of wood: the greater the bulk weight, the less porosity.
For the approximate determination of porosity, you can use the following formula:
C \u003d 100 (1-0,65γ0)%
where C is the porosity of wood in%, γ0 - the bulk weight of absolutely dry wood.
Table 5 - Approximate weight 1 m3 wood of different breeds in kg
Tree threshold Wood moisture condition
12-18% 18-23% 23-45% freshly powerful
Acacia, beech, Grab, oak, ash 700 750 800 1000
Bereza, Ilm, Karagach, Chestnut, larch 600 650 700 900
Iva, Alder, Aspen, Pine 500 550 600 800
Spruce, cedar, linden, fir, poplar 450 500 550 800




how much will weigh the cube of pine of natural humidity

Weight 1 Cuba Pine Natural Humidity

In chapter Other When the question weighs 1 cubic meters. m pine board? The author's best answer is The cutting board differs from the unedged in the cross section it has the form of the correct rectangle. This allows you to accurately put it in the stacks, packaging in even ligaments, and rather accurately determine the cube, that is, the volume of packaged materials. If you want to determine the weight of the packaging, or one cubic meter, it is sufficient to multiply the volume on the density, which is a reference value, and depends on both the breed of wood and its moisture, that is, dryness degrees.
For the most frequently used in the construction of wood breeds, you can make a table showing how much a cutting board cube weighs:
Type of lumber
Weight of one cubic meter, kg
Crude Pine
Dry pine
Raw fir
Dry fir
As can be seen from the table, on how much the cutting board cube weighs, humidity affects very substantially. Such a large dependence is due to the fact that in the cellular structure of freshly spilled wood, water is present in large quantities, and with incorrect drying, its rapid evaporation can lead to significant curvature of the geometric shape of the boards, bend them.
As a result, it can be argued that the weight of the cutting board cubic meter is actually determined by the wood species, taken to one of the categories.
The pine, fir and other conifers, as well as a poplar belong to light wood. Their average density, that is, the weight of the cubic meter is hesitated around the figure of 500 kilograms.
Middle breeds - cubic meter ash, beech, birch weighs about 650 kilograms.
Heavy breeds, such as Oak Il Grab, have a density of more than 750 kilograms per cubic meter.

Answer from 22 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how much weighs 1 cube. m pine board?

Answer from Irina Saburova.[newcomer]
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Answer from Alexander Lesterg[newcomer]
The company "Lesterg" is a producer of sawn timber. The edged board occupies a significant segment in the total volume of products produced by our company, since construction material Of the natural wood, the most in demand in the construction sector. We offer to buy edged board from the manufacturer at a bargain price.
1 m3 - 5000 p

Answer from Osipov Alexander[newcomer]
Price on all size here Link

How much is the pine cube weigh? |

How much will weigh 1 cube pine want to know people who are engaged in the construction of their homes or giving.

How much will weigh the Cube of Pine Natural Humidity?

1 cube pine weighs 600-800 kg (depends on humidity)

  • Dry - wood with a humidity of 10-18%, which has passed the technological drying or for a long time stored (dried) in a warm dry room;
  • Air dry - wood with a moisture content of 19-23%. This degree of humidity is achieved with long storage Woods under certain natural conditions, i.e. without the use of special drying technologies;
  • Crude - wood with humidity, 24-45%, which is in the process of drying from a freshly powerful state to equilibrium;
  • Freckled and wet - wood with a humidity of more than 45%, recently searched or for a long time in water.

Now you know how much the pine forest cube weighs and you can accurately calculate the right amount.

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