Poisonous plant raven eye four-leafed. What does a raven eye plant look like?

What does a raven eye look like?

Raven eye - perennial, the height of which is no more than 40 cm. The plant's rhizome is creeping and very long. The straight and smooth stem does not have leaves at the bottom, but on the upper part of it you can see a whorl, consisting of four leaves. The leaves are oval or ovoid, the ends of the leaves are pointed, the arrangement of the leaves is criss-cross. On the peduncle there is a single apical flower of yellow-green color. The flower consists of 4 petals and 4 sepals.

The fruit of the plant is a black berry containing many seeds. The raven eye begins to bloom in May and ends in June. The fruits ripen in late July - early August.

This poisonous plant can be seen almost throughout Europe, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Caucasus. It grows in the forest and forest-steppe zone, or more precisely, in deciduous and coniferous forests, in the middle of the bush. The raven eye prefers moist and shady places.

Many have heard that the raven eye is a poisonous plant, but it is used as a medicine. The aerial part of the raven's eye is used for the preparation of tinctures, decoctions. You will be surprised, but even fresh unripe berries are also harvested and used as a remedy.

Useful properties of the raven eye

The rhizomes and berries of the raven's eye are very poisonous. The whole plant contains saponins, steroids, pyridine glycoside. The herb has been found to contain substances called flavonoids, and the herb also contains coumarins and vitamin C. The rhizomes are rich in alkaloids.

Crow's eye can only be used after consulting a doctor. The specialist will determine whether you really should take the medications of this plant, and if so, in what doses. The plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic and wound-healing effects on the human body.

Crow's eye application

In medicine, raven eye is used unofficially, although there are drugs based on it that help people heal. There is one "but": it is possible to take the preparations of the crow's eye, but the dose must be homeopathic and the doctor must approve it. Crow's eye preparations are used for inflammation of the larynx, eye diseases, neuralgia, and juice from a fresh plant helps with loss of vision, bronchitis and drowsiness.

Tinctures and decoctions from the crow's eye must be taken very carefully, do not forget that the plant is poisonous.

Decoctions of the raven's eye relieve spasms that are caused by nervous disorders, and help with dropsy.

In case of metabolic disorders, laryngitis, mental disorders, a raven eye tincture, prepared with alcohol, helps.

Tincture of crow's eye herb. Take 2 grams of fresh but chopped plant herb and fill it with half a glass of 70% alcohol. Leave the composition to infuse for one week. Strain be sure. Then take a glass of water and dilute 1 tablespoon of the finished tincture in it. If there are signs of nervous excitement, then you need to drink the tincture every 1.5 hours, but you cannot drink more than 200 ml of the drug per day.

Infusion from the collection. It is prepared in the following way. They take the same amount of crow's eye grass, blue cornflower, open grass, meadow clover flowers, flowers and bird cherry. All these ingredients should be mixed well. Now you need to take 1 tablespoon of this collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, then insist for an hour. After insisting, you must strain the infusion. Use such a tool as a lotion for or.

Crow's Eye Recipes

Recipe number 1. To prepare the tincture, take 2 grams of fresh, carefully chopped herbs of the plant, pour 70% alcohol (half a glass). The container must be closed and put in dark place for 7 days, then strain. The resulting product is taken diluted with water - for 1 tablespoon of infusion, 1 glass of water. Reception scheme: with a nervous tic, dilute 2 tablespoons of the leaf tincture prepared according to the indicated recipe in a glass of boiled water and drink 1 tablespoon every 2 hours during the day until the annoying tic under the eye or other similar twitching in the body is completely gone. Sometimes a few doses of medicine are enough for the tic to go away.

Prescription number 2. This medicine is prescribed by a doctor for concussion. To prepare the tincture, you will need to take 4 cups of raw materials (dried raven's eye herb) and pour vodka (500 grams). The container must be closed and placed in a warm, dark place for 9 days, then strain. The resulting tincture is recommended to be taken diluted with water - 5 drops of 50 grams of water - 2-3 times a day.

Raven eye berries

Crow's eye berries ripen in July-August. The berries are highly poisonous, they are dangerous for both people and animals with their content of paradin and paristifin. At the same time, they contain useful substances that provide therapeutic effect on the human body.

Crow's eye berries, despite their toxicity, are used in folk medicine to treat, first of all, heart diseases (heart failure, tachycardia, and other diseases). In addition, the berries are effective means in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, metabolic disorders, neuralgic diseases,. With the help of tinctures from these berries, laryngitis, sweating, and drowsiness are treated.

Tincture recipe... It is prescribed for heart failure (with edema). You need to take 10-12 fresh raven eye berries, pour vodka (500 grams), close the container, put in a dark place and leave for 15 days. Reception scheme: for 1 dose, take 20-30 drops of tincture, dilute in 50 g of water, the number of doses is three per day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. After a break of 10 days, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

This tincture is also recommended for diseases of the nervous system. It is recommended to take it according to the following scheme: dilute 1 tablespoon of tincture in a glass of water, it is important to drink 1 tablespoon every 1.5-2 hours. Do not take more than one glass a day!

Raven eye is a poisonous plant

The raven eye is a poisonous plant, in its composition such substances as paradine and paristifin have been identified. Crow's eye berries, when eaten, are dangerous to humans and animals. The leaves of the plant are the least dangerous, and its berries are the greatest. If you eat up to two berries, the body most likely will not react negatively to this product. With more use, colic, dizziness are noted, the heart works differently (worse than before), it is difficult to breathe, paralysis. If the above signs are observed, then there is a fact of poisoning with a raven's eye.

Given that the plant is known for its healing properties, it is recommended to carry out treatment exclusively under the supervision of a physician in order to avoid cases of poisoning. The raven eye affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach from the poisons present, namely, give the poisoned person pieces of ice, let him hold it in his mouth (this is like an antidote). Inside, you need to inject anesthesin and some drug that will restore the work of the heart, for example, strophanthin.

Raven eye flower

The crow's eye flower is single, located at the top of an erect stem. In the center of the flower there is a ball of the ovary, painted in a dark purple hue, from which there are eight narrow stamens, four narrow nondescript petals and four green sepals (the sepals are slightly larger than the petals in size). After the completion of the flowering process, a rather large black-blue (bluish-black) berry is formed from the ovary.

The blooming period of the raven's eye is in May-June. For traditional medicine, the flower of this plant does not represent any value, therefore, it is not used in the recipe for infusions and decoctions. Like all other parts of the crow's eye, the flower is poisonous, so it should be handled with extreme caution.

Crow's eye four-leafed

Crow's eye four-leafed - perennial herbaceous plant liliaceae family (some new sources attribute the plant to the melantia family). The rhizome is long, creeping. Stem - solitary, erect; the lower part of the stem is glabrous (without leaves), in the upper part there is a whorl of 4 leaves (less often 3, 5 and 6). Leaves - oval or ovoid, whole-edged, short-petiolate (sessile), arranged crosswise, pointed at the end; they are colored green.

The flower is single, inconspicuous, located in the upper part of the stem, star-shaped, painted in a yellow-green hue. In the center of the flower is an ovary, from which, at the end of flowering, a fruit is formed - a bluish-black polyspermous round-shaped berry. The four-leafed raven eye blooms in May-June, bears fruit in July-August.

Natural area distribution of this species - almost everywhere throughout Europe (except for the arid southern regions), in Eastern and Western Siberia and in the Caucasus. This plant grows mainly in deciduous and coniferous forests, in dense thickets of bushes, as well as in dark and humid places.

All parts of the plant are poisonous (berries and rhizomes are a particular danger), however, this did not become an obstacle for traditional healers, who for a long time use the aerial part of the plant (grass and berries) for treatment various diseases... The four-leafed crow's eye herb is harvested during the flowering period and is used to prepare infusions and tinctures mainly in fresh; berries are harvested after ripening - in August.

Self-medication with healing infusions and tinctures of this type of plant can lead to undesirable consequences, therefore, before using such medicines consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

Crow's eye four-leafed herb is used in the treatment of migraines, neuralgia, ascites, lungs, metabolic disorders and in case of seizures. Berries are used for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications to the use of crow's eye

All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially for berries and creeping rhizomes, for this reason it is necessary to use medicinal tinctures and infusions with extreme caution, not exceeding the indicated dosage and only after consulting your doctor. Crow's eye medications are not used during pregnancy, during lactation, in children under the age of 12, with hypertension, etc.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapist

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after NI Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Peoples' Friendship University of Moscow (2008).


The four-leafed raven eye is a herbaceous perennial plant 15-45 cm high. Belongs to the lily family. Has a simple, erect stem. Grows from the axils of the leaves of the rhizome. At the top of the stem is a whorl of 4 oval leaves. The flowers are solitary, greenish-yellow, divisible, with a two-row perianth of 8 leaves. The fruit looks like a black berry. Flowering takes place in May - June.


The four-leafed raven eye grows in the Caucasus, Siberia, and the European part of Russia. The raven eye can be found on moist soils in deciduous and mixed forests.


For medicinal purposes, take the aerial part of the plant. A poisonous plant, a raven eye, is stored during the flowering period and a fresh one is insisted on alcohol. It is rarely used in dried form. The berries are picked when ripe and applied fresh externally.

Chemical composition.

Crow's eye herb contains vitamin C, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, coumarins.

Pharmacological properties.

It has a sedative, diuretic, wound healing, antispasmodic effect.


Traditional medicine is not used at all. ethnoscience uses the herb of crow's head in the form of decoctions for dropsy and fever. When he nervous disorders relieve spasms.

For the treatment of neuralgia, dizziness, migraines, mental disorders, as well as metabolic disorders with edema are used alcohol tincture from a freshly collected raven eye.

Long-term non-healing wounds are treated with berry juice. The berries of the plant are also used for rabid dog bites and furunculosis.

The four-leafed raven eye is used in homeopathy. His Fresh Juice helps in the treatment of migraines, eye diseases, nervous agitation, headaches.


Crow's Eye Tincture.

Pour 2 g of freshly harvested chopped grass with 100 ml of 70% alcohol, and leave for a week, and then strain.

With nervous excitement.

Dissolve a tablespoon of the tincture in a glass of water and drink 1 tablespoon every 1.5-2 hours, but not more than a glass per day.


The four-leafed raven eye is a poisonous plant. In case of poisoning, diarrhea, attacks of dizziness, colic are observed.

Think and guess!

The raven eye is poisonous from the rhizome to the fruit, but in some parts of it there is more poison than in all others. What are the most poisonous parts of the plant?

Berries and rhizomes. Berries contain toxic substances - saponins: paristifin and paradin, rhizomes contain alkaloids. But it is still difficult to imagine how a person will eat rhizomes, therefore, the main danger is precisely the berries, which are often confused with edible ones, especially since they do not taste repulsive at all and, by the way, contain vitamin C - what is not a mockery of nature? Naturally, children often become victims of the raven's eye; in large doses, the use of raven's eye will cause convulsions and paralysis. Be careful in the forest and watch out for children.

Alexander, www.rasteniya-lecarstvennie.ru

The raven eye is a poisonous plant that is dangerous to humans. How not to confuse it with non-threatening plants? What if poisoning with toxic substances did happen?

Raven eye is a poisonous plant

What is raven eye

Raven eye - general view

The raven eye is a long-term poisonous plant, herbaceous type with a straight shoot. In folk medicine, the plant is practiced as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, wound-healing, diuretic. Various potions and tinctures are made from it. But do not self-medicate, because in traditional medicine, due to toxic substances, the use of this agent is prohibited, although it is added to various medications... The people call this plant the same bear berry, runnik, crow grass, raven, cross-grass.

Poisonous rannik grows in forests and forest-steppes of the European zone, Eastern and Western Siberia, and the Caucasus. Rannik prefers shady, swampy, in a word, damp places. It blooms in May and lasts until July. The fruits appear in the middle of summer, in July, August.

How to recognize crow grass

How to recognize a raven eye?

Very often people confuse the raven eye plant with blueberries or blueberries. In order not to accidentally harm your health, you need to know what the grass of a crow looks like. His distinctive feature a black and blue berry, in a single copy, located on a peduncle, between four petals, which does not allow the raven's eye to be confused with any other plant. The size of the fruit reaches 11 millimeters.

The leaves are arranged cross to cross, have an oval, ovoid shape with pointed tips, their length is about 10 centimeters. The height of the cross-grass, as a rule, does not exceed 50 centimeters. The root of the poisonous runny is very long and creeping. To better understand what it looks like dangerous plant, check out his photo.

Poisonous substances in the composition of the cross-grass

In the cross-grass, all its parts are poisonous: fruits, root and leaves. The herb contains dangerous toxins such as glycoside, pyridine and steroids. The herb also contains flavonoids, coumarins and vitamin C.

The most dangerous is the fruit of the cross-grass. A shiny, large berry, especially the fruit attracts children. It contains a huge dose of paristifine from the saponin group. The root of the cross-grass is also very poisonous, with the leaves being the least threatening.

Cross-grass preparations can only be taken after consultation with your doctor. The doctor must decide if you really need the medicine to heal. If so, your specialist will prescribe the correct dosage for you.

Than the grass of the crow is dangerous to humans

The fruits of the crow herb have a negative effect on the human cardiovascular system. Bearberry fruit causes seizures and disrupts the work of the heart. Eating the fetus in food can lead to the stop of a vital organ. Without medical attention, this will be fatal.

Runnik root causes a person to vomit violently. After consumption, stomach cramps and diarrhea will also immediately follow. Runnik affects the gastrointestinal tract.

Where does the raven eye grow?

Runnik leaves disrupt the work of the nervous system, which is responsible for the work of all organs. The system combines the central nervous system and the peripheral, which are responsible for motor activity. If the nervous system is damaged, paralysis can occur.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes drugs with a low content of bearberry substances, but such drugs are categorically contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. Also, such medications are not recommended for people suffering from sleep disorders and high blood pressure. Strictly follow all your doctor's recommendations.

Intoxication symptoms

You need to know the symptoms of bear berry poisoning in order to immediately seek medical help. And so, poisoning occurred if you observe such things:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • irritation of the mucous membranes (burning in the mouth, throat, stomach);
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • diarrhea.

The complexity of the poisoning depends on the amount of the plant eaten. With the most severe intoxication, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Seizures;
  2. Paralysis;
  3. Dilated pupils, fear of light;
  4. Speech impairment;
  5. Violation of the heart, up to its complete stop.

To avoid such a deplorable state, using a bear berry as a medicine, you must strictly observe safety measures, remember the recipe and dosage.

First aid for intoxication

In case of poisoning, induce vomiting

First of all, it is necessary to take activated charcoal and rinse the stomach (you need to consume a large amount of water and induce a gag reflex, repeat these steps several times). Next, the irritation of the mucous membrane should be eliminated. digestive tract... This will help swallowing pieces of ice, lubricating mucous membranes with dikaite. Anesthesin and some drug to restore heart function, such as strophanthin, must be administered intravenously.

In case of very severe poisoning, after first aid, urgent hospitalization is required to provide more qualified assistance.

The consequences of poisoning

If the necessary medical care is not provided in time, the consequences for a person can be depressing. The poison has an inflammatory effect in the mucous membrane of the abdomen, in the small and large intestine (gastroenterocolitis).

From the intestines, harmful substances are absorbed into the bloodstream, they begin to act on absolutely all organs and systems (heart, liver, kidneys, central nervous system and others). As a result, the following happens:

  • the temperature and blood pressure rise;
  • chills appear;
  • tachycardia develops (as a result, cardiac arrest may occur);
  • due to a violation of the central nervous system, a person can remain paralyzed for life.

Let us remind you again, take care of your health. Do not undertake any kind of black eye treatment without a doctor's recommendation. After all, it is much better to consult with a specialist than to suffer from the bitter consequences of self-medication all your life.


What does a raven eye look like? Where does it grow?

Small black berries on perennial shrub- a widespread phenomenon in Russia. On the endless fields of our small homeland there are a great many of them.

More than twenty varieties of one plant inhabit mountainous and rocky areas.

The attractive black berry remains intact throughout flowering. The fact is that this berry is poisonous. The aroma alone provokes an attack of nausea.

Animals with a keen sense of smell feel it a mile away, and bypass the raven's eye.

In ancient times, the plant was widely used as a way to scare away evil spirits. During the plague, it was sewn into wearable things, hoping to protect against the virus.

But the use has always been considered dangerous. Midwives were reluctant to take on the manufacture of poisonous protective equipment. Plants were feared even by seasoned healers.

A small green bush, up to 40 cm high, framed with sparse thin leaves. The berry of the plant is in the shape of a bead, blue, with a light bloom.

The leaves and the berry itself are endowed with a sharp unpleasant odor... There are seeds inside the berry. The plant reproduces easily in any conditions.

Crow's eye bloom begins in early summer. A small angular flower appears at the top. The petals are pointed at the tips.

There can be only one flower per plant. The yellow-green color of the flower makes it invisible among foliage and other grasses.

The small and unremarkable plant becomes attractive when the berry ripens.

Children and adults who do not know about the poisonous properties of the raven's eye may mistake it for edible. Fortunately, the disgusting smell and taste will not allow eating a large amount of berries.

Where does the poisonous plant grow

The raven eye is often found on the territory of Russia, and not only.

Common habitats of the plant:

  • Crimea.
  • Western Siberia.
  • Kamchatka.
  • Caucasus.
  • Sakhalin.
  • Primorye.
  • Amur region.

The raven eye reproduces easily in rocky and rocky terrain. There are some species that prefer fields as a habitat.

It is not uncommon to meet him in deciduous and coniferous forests, where fertile soil creates favorable conditions for life.

Why it shouldn't be eaten

The raven eye is rich in nutrients:

  • Pectin.
  • Organic acids.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Coumarin.

But along with useful substances, all parts of the plant contain poisonous saponins and alkaloids. The use of the plant for food is strictly prohibited.

The produced tinctures and decoctions of the plant are used with great care, only under the supervision of a physician.

Interesting fact! Despite its toxicity, the plant was used to treat neuralgic pains of the face and head.

When bitten by an animal with rabies, a decoction of the plant was applied to the wound.

It is still used today to treat various ailments:

  • Migraine.
  • Skin ulcers.
  • Fractures.
  • Congenital conjunctivitis.
  • Inflammation of the larynx.
  • Drowsiness.

Such funds are rarely used, with great care. A raven eye in the form of an infusion or decoction can only be prescribed by the attending physician, the reception should be carried out strictly under his control.

The slightest non-compliance with the dosage will lead to negative health consequences.

Important! The plant contains toxic substances, but no cases of fatal poisoning have been recorded.

Nature is so arranged that poisonous and dangerous berries have an unpleasant taste. The poisons contained in the plant are not so toxic as to cause cardiac arrest.

And the emetic action will lead to the spontaneous emptying of the stomach.

What to do if a person ate a raven eye

Eaten berries threaten with various consequences for the body:

  • The raven eye provokes a change in the work of the heart muscle. Therefore, people suffering from various heart pathologies should not experiment with such fruits.
  • The juice of the leaves causes severe irritation in the mouth and stomach. Lacrimation, burning in the mouth, heartburn are possible.
  • Headache, nausea and vomiting are possible.

What to do if the berries are in the stomach:

The amount eaten Procedure
1 - 2 berries Poisoning is negligible. Pain in the abdomen is possible. The situation does not require special events
3 - 4 berries Headaches, nausea are possible. You should take activated charcoal according to the instructions.

The medicine removes harmful substances from the body, does not allow them to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, poisoning the body.

Adults can take 4 - 5 tablets at a time, then take 2 tablets three times a day for 3 days for prophylaxis.

For children, tablets are prescribed depending on age, weight and other characteristics. Treatment of child poisoning is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

5 - 7 berries Headaches, vomiting, stomach pain are possible. You need to act based on your well-being.

An adult with a large body weight may only feel unwell.

More than 7 berries Treatment should be carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

They will provide Better conditions for the rapid elimination of toxins, help with heart rhythm disturbances, control the healing process

Important! Childhood poisoning with berries should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor!

The consequences of 1 berry will not cause significant damage to the health of the child. If more than one berry has been ingested, call your doctor.

The child's body can react sharply to toxic substances. Serious poisoning can leave Negative consequences for life.

Such cases with a raven eye have not been recorded, but for the safety and health of the child, his condition should be monitored. The doctor will make an appointment activated carbon or gastric lavage.

If the condition is satisfactory within the next 12 to 24 hours, the child will be allowed to go home, giving recommendations for further treatment to the parents.

Useful video

In our northern forests, unlike any tropics, it would seem that there are not so many poisonous plants... And nevertheless, some of my friends do not know at all what, for example, a raven eye (lat.Paris quadrifolia) looks like. And let today's story about this beautiful, but poisonous berry at least slightly increase people's literacy. Let us continue the poisonous enlightenment begun yesterday.

By appearance raven eye occupies an exceptional place in the world of plants. During the period of fruit ripening, the plant looks very original: it seems to present its fruit on a quadrangular "plate". But do not be tempted by a beautiful "plate" - do not expose yourself to the danger of poisoning: after all, the whole plant is poisonous; it contains the saponins paridin and paristipine, most of all in berry fruits. The plant is deadly poisonous. Children are especially often poisoned, who are attracted by the shiny beautiful berries of the raven's eye. Leaves act on the central nervous system, fruits - on the heart, rhizomes induce vomiting. Symptoms of poisoning: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, attacks of dizziness, convulsions, dysfunction of the heart up to its stopping. The use of the plant for medical purposes is prohibited.

In Russia, the raven eye is widespread in the European part and Western Siberia, except for the southernmost regions, in Ukraine almost everywhere. Grows on fertile soils in deciduous and coniferous forests, among shrubs, prefers moist, shady places.

Popular names: raven, raven berries, cross-grass, bear berries, runnik, nail-eater, tightening, wolf's eyes, cuckoo's tears, paridova grass, forest grass, rodimets-grass.

In the countries of Central and of Eastern Europe speaking in Slavic languages The Paris quadrifolia is called the raven's eye. But it should not be confused with the more venomous "raven's eye", as in Western Europe, in particular in Germany (Krehenaugen) the tropical tree Strychnos nux-vomica L. is called, the seeds of which contain very poisonous strychnine. Paris quadrifolia in Western Europe is called uva lupina, uva vulpina (wolfberry, foxberry): Raisin de renard (on French), Wolfsbeere (in German) or also "mono-fragie" (Unifraga, Mono-fragie, Einbeere). And the four-leaf whorl gave rise to the name Crux Christi - Christ's Cross.

A stem about 30 cm high departs from the rhizome running horizontally in the soil. At the bottom, it bears a scaly leaf split in two, and at the top - a whorl, usually of 4 ovoid-rounded leaves with mesh venation and a pointed tip. True, plants with 3 or 5 leaves in a whorl are often found. Above the leaves is a single unattractive greenish stellate four-membered flower. Much more noticeable than a flower that looks like black pearl a fetus the size of large berry blueberries. Blooms from May to June. The fruit is a spherical four-celled berry, about 1 cm in diameter, shiny, black, with a bluish bloom. Ripens in August. All aerial part Plants die off during the first frost, leaving an underground rhizome, which next spring gives a new aboveground shoot.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that “enchanted” people could be “disenchanted” with the help of a raven's eye. The berries were worn on the body or sewn into clothes to protect themselves from plague and other infectious diseases, for which they were collected from August 15 to September 8. But, in general, the raven's eye was feared and therefore rarely used.