Women love with their ears: what attracts women to men's voices? Male and female singing voices


Low female voice. Talented vocalists with deep voices are not so common. Contralto is the lowest. According to statistics, both men and women like it. When singing, the range from F of the small octave to G of the second octave sounds very deep and mysterious, which cannot but attract attention. But if we’re not talking about vocals, but about simple conversation, it’s important that it doesn’t sound nasal.

Hoarse voice. Men like such women's voices. A slight hoarseness in speech always sounds pleasant. Such a voice is erotic and sexy for the opposite sex. It also sounds attractive to women, creating an atmosphere of warm, friendly communication. A girl with a hoarse voice wants to be trusted and told all her secrets. But even here there are extremes. A smoky voice does not provide aesthetic pleasure when listening. Its owner is perceived negatively.

Chest tone. A deep voice, as if born in the chest, sounds maternally warm. People instinctively listen to its owner and feel affection for her. This association dates back to childhood. Psychologists say that it is with the owners of this timbre that men want to create families, and women want to enter into close friendships.

Velvet and quiet voice. A gentle whisper and calm measured speech are the key to the trust of others. For a man, such a “” timbre subconsciously hints at an emotional connection, giving rise to affection. Girls see someone with a velvet voice as an adviser who deserves high trust. Quiet voices do not irritate, but force you to listen. They have magical attraction, creating a magnet effect. They seek understanding from such women; their amazing peace of mind helps relieve stress.

"Children's" voice. A slightly naive and sonorous voice can impress your interlocutors. Men like a childish voice because it makes them want to protect the girl. For women, infantilism in timbre has a different effect. They do not see such a woman as a rival, which creates in them a feeling of inner relaxation. In addition, on a subconscious level, they see her as someone like a younger sister who is worth protecting and caring for.

Sensual high voice. This is not to say that only low voices evoke sympathy. The warm lyric soprano is worthy of attention. If a clear voice is delivered from the depths of the diaphragm, it is extremely pleasant to others. In the abundance of ordinary slightly loud voices, the ringing timbre of medium height makes you stand out from the general noise.

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Incredible facts

Scientists say that men with a hoarse voice are the most attractive and sexy to the opposite sex.

Men are attracted to women who speak with a breathy tone.

Female sexy voice

The actress, as you know, charmed everyone with a high, enveloping voice.

What was very memorable was the breathiness with which the actress spoke. It was this manner of singing and speaking that simply floored men. A connection was established between the attractiveness of a woman's timbre and the body size of the owner of the voice.

As a rule, these are women of medium build. It is these representatives of the fair sex who are the most attractive to men.

Low male voice

Women are attracted to those with a pleasant, low voice with a characteristic hoarseness. At the same time, the timbre must also be deep enough.

Scientists say that the ideal man for the opposite sex is a fairly tall man with a low voice. However, tall does not mean large. Beauty should be courageous, but not aggressive.

Returning to women, it is worth noting that Dr. Yi Lu says that the highest voice is an indicator of a woman’s sexuality.

At the same time, it should not be too high so as not to give off a “squeaky” sound; the characteristic notes of hoarseness should be captured in the timbre of the voice. Hoarseness in the voice and aspirated speech are almost a hundred percent guarantee that a man will go crazy over such a woman.

Of course, the parameters of a woman’s figure are also important. Her miniature size, ideal body proportions and, of course, recognizable voice turned Marilyn into a real sex symbol of the century.

Women, in turn, prefer men who are taller than them, physically stronger with an accentuated hoarseness in their voices, which gives them masculinity. However, Excessive aggressiveness in external data not only does not attract the weaker half, but, on the contrary, repels.

A number of studies have been conducted involving both sexes. The results turned out to be quite interesting, although very predictable: in the company of an unfamiliar beautiful woman single men lowered their voices to attract her attention. Psychologists say that the stronger sex does this on a subconscious level.

New research confirms the results of previous melon observations. In 2010, psychologists from Albright College, Pennsylvannia, US also proved with numerous examples that men and women change the timbre of their voices to attract the opposite sex.

Moreover, representatives of both sexes change their voice downward. The results of this study destroyed the stereotype that most women try to speak in a higher voice to attract the opposite sex.

On the contrary, they artificially lower the timbre of the voice, adding to it an attractive note of huskiness. Indeed, this technique works especially when meeting over the phone, when the girl does not have the opportunity to flirt in her usual way: smiling sweetly, batting her eyelashes innocently.

The sexiest women in the world

Sexuality is not just beauty, it is also a kind of zest that can distinguish a woman from a crowd of numerous beauties. It is thanks to this very zest, next women and entered the list of the most sexy women 20th century.

Photos of the sexiest women:

1. The first line rightfully belongs to the incomparable Marilyn Monroe. A recognized sex diva of the last century, she still excites the imagination of men with her forms and memorable gentle voice.

2. Cindy Crawford . The beauty became famous for her piquant mole above her upper lip. It is worth noting that it was this mole that at the beginning of her journey prevented Cindy from building a career. Several times the girl was asked to remove it, to which she refused.

3. Pamela Anderson . The girl became the living embodiment of the Barbie doll of the early 90s, when the cult of silicone and artificial beauty dominated the world.

4. Monica Bellucci . The typical Italian beauty of the actress captivated the entire male population of the planet with her brightness and naturalness. For many, this beauty is the embodiment of what a true woman should be.

5. Jennifer Lopez . It's no secret that the highlight of the sultry Latina is the most prominent part of her body, which, by the way, its owner insured for a large sum of money.

6. Milla Jovovich . This American actress of Russian-Montenegrin origin has the tall height and height characteristic of a model. correct proportions bodies. Mila is very popular, both among famous directors and among major advertising agents. The girl is the face of popular cosmetic brands, as well as a leading role in a number of Hollywood films.

7. Madonna . This miniature beauty has been captivating everyone with her delightful voice and extraordinary body flexibility for decades. Her popularity is comparable only to the popularity of the King of Pop Michael Jackson.

8. Naomi Campbell . The highlight of the “black panther” is its hot temper and unpredictable character. Apparently, there are men who like passion, which is created by it. Every now and then, details of various stories that happen to Naomi due to her incontinence appear in the press.

9. Brigitte Bardot . The French actress at one time captivated the whole world with her unusual and at the same time natural beauty. Blonde Bridget has been the standard of female attractiveness and sex appeal for many decades.

10. Audrey Hepburn . The angelic beauty of the actress, her touching childlike spontaneity became exactly the highlight that did not leave any man indifferent when Audrey appeared on the screens. Her huge eyes and sweet smile touched the hearts of the audience and made the entire male population of the planet fall in love with the actress.

A feminine voice is soft and melodious, quite even. Unlike men, women rarely use louder voices. Why is the woman's voice sing-song? Because the woman does not speak monotonously, each word sounds at its own height, hence the melody.

Men often mint words, they fly away from them, while women pronounce words smoothly, rounding and smoothing out sharp corners.

When a woman speaks, her whole body is involved in the conversation. These are the eyes, and the hands, and the head.

What to pay attention to:

If you want to be truly feminine, you need to pay attention to your voice, you must sound feminine.

First, listen to your voice and record yourself on a voice recorder. If you lead a fairly active, masculine lifestyle, then your voice may unpleasantly surprise you. He can be harsh, rude, without a hint of femininity. If you are tired, it will be dull and lifeless or stiff and cramped.

Don't be upset or disappointed. Remember the voice is an instrument, it can be tuned and adjusted. You can always add new shades, make it softer, more delicate and of course more feminine.

Try to connect your body, move to the beat of your words, movement helps you relax, and your voice begins to sound natural, this is especially true for talking on the phone. First try to say something motionless, and then use facial expressions and gestures. And you will notice how your voice changes.

Mentally involve your whole body in your speech. After all, in the performance of the melody musical instrument The whole thing is involved, not just the strings.

Of course, remember about intonation and timbre. Use only beneficial and good words, because every word carries its own energy content.

Never prove that you are right, do not argue, then your voice will not rise and your vocal apparatus will not strain.

Singing will help you get rid of stiffness and shyness. Women have always sung. They sang at weddings, sang while doing handicrafts and household chores, and, of course, sang lullabies. You can start singing too. Singing will make your voice more expressive, sonorous and beautiful. And if you don’t know how to sing, you just need to start, you don’t have to sing in public, do it at home alone.

Singing is very good for health. It is believed that only 20% of the sound is transmitted to the external space, and the remaining 80% is absorbed by the body and internal organs, producing a subtle vibration massage of all organs. Singing improves your mood and energizes you positive emotions. And most importantly, it helps to relax and clear the psyche of negativity.

Be careful what information you convey through your voice to your man– dissatisfaction, irritation, hopelessness, or you convey faith, love and gratitude to him. You can say any words, but the voice will never deceive, but will tell the truth, even the one you hide.

A man, listening to a woman, captures not the meaning of the words, but the sound.

A woman puts pressure on a man not physically, but with her voice. The impact is most often very strong, even more than physical impact. We attack and show aggression with the help of our voice.

And remember, softness, depth, trust is born in a woman’s chest. It is the chest voice that is called velvety. Try connecting visualization. Imagine a beautiful rose or lily in your chest and start speaking from this flower. Or you can imagine a big heart filled with love in your chest, and speak from your heart.

And don’t forget about posture; with correct posture, your voice becomes full and sonorous.

Separately, I would like to say about the mother’s voice.

Before the child is born, he does not see his mother, but only hears. Mom's voice has a hypnotic effect. And mothers need to remember this power that is in the voice. With the help of your voice, you can calm, relax, and support your child at any age.

Scientists have proven that under the influence of the mother’s native voice, the activity of stress hormones in girls’ bodies decreases and the production of oxytocin, the female hormone, increases.

A best language for babies - these are songs and, of course, lullabies.

Every nation has its own lullabies. Songs that soothe and coax your baby to sleep. A lullaby creates a special melody pattern that puts the child into a state of sleep.

Scientists have proven that birth and separation from the mother have a painful and traumatic effect on the child, and it is the mother’s lullabies that can make this period of “separation” from her less painful. After all, what’s interesting is that when a mother sings a lullaby, she adjusts the tempo and rhythm to the tones of her heart. Naturally, this rhythm has a calming and calming effect on the baby, because he is accustomed to them, being in the womb for 9 months.

A woman who sings songs to her child becomes gentle, calm and feminine. All necessary qualities turn on by themselves, and the voice becomes soft and affectionate.

A woman plays many roles in life, she is a wife, a mother, a friend, a worker, and our voice naturally changes in different situations, femininity must remain unchanged.

Remember this!

Tatiana Dzutseva.

In contact with

A low voice is usually associated with a man, a high voice with a woman. However, until recently, it was believed that representatives of the stronger sex were more “greedy” for low female voices - they say they seem more sexy. However, specific Scientific research prove the opposite: after all, men find ladies with high-pitched voices more attractive. Why?

Much in our appearance and body is determined by hormones. Thus, testosterone is responsible for masculine appearance and behavior, and estrogen is responsible for feminine traits. It is excess testosterone that makes the voice low, and excess estrogen makes it high. If a man has a high-pitched voice and a woman has a low-pitched voice, this may indicate that their bodies have accumulated more than necessary hormones of the opposite sex. Thus, if we hear a high-pitched voice, we associate it with femininity on a subconscious level.

Research conducted by specialists at the University of Vienna showed that men find the voices of women with beautiful appearance more attractive.

Male volunteers were given voice recordings of 42 female students whose photographs were available to the researchers, and were asked to choose the sexiest among them. Most of the subjects chose the voices that belonged to girls with an attractive appearance, without even seeing their faces.

In most cases these were persons with symmetrical features, high cheekbones, soft jawlines and full lips. In addition, these girls had a traditional high “female” voice timbre.

Experts believe that a person’s appearance depends on the genotype and hormonal status, which also affect the structure of the larynx, vocal cords and nasal cavity. As a rule, feminine appearance also correlates with a high voice timbre. And when a man hears such a voice, it subconsciously signals to him that the woman’s sexuality is in perfect order, which means she is suitable for the role of sexual partner and mother of children.

Dr. Yi Xu from University College London and his colleagues found that people perceive low voices as belonging to larger individuals, while high voices are associated with small body size.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which they asked volunteers of both sexes to rate voices whose timbres had been deliberately changed in advance. As a result, men rated high-pitched female voices, which had a hoarseness and a wide range, as more attractive. sound vibrations. [C-BLOCK]

Experts believe that evolution has influenced our perception of voices. Previous studies have shown that animals often rely on the frequency, timbre, and vibrations of the sounds they make to obtain information about other individuals. So, if an individual emits a low roar, this most often means that it is large predator, from which the threat may come. And sounds at high frequencies usually indicate small sizes and absence of danger.

As for people, the high, ringing voice in our minds should belong to a weak, defenseless and, most often, young girl. If a lady has a low, bass voice, then she may turn out to be a large and possibly elderly person, from whom aggression could theoretically emanate. Therefore, men subconsciously try to avoid such women.

What voices do men like?

Romantic ideas about perfect couple They paint us a tall man with a low, hoarse voice, and a fragile woman with a high, gentle voice. This picture has a real biological basis. According to statistics, men with deep voices have large quantity children than “tenors”: with an increase in testosterone levels in men, the tone of the voice decreases. In women, during ovulation (that is, at a time favorable for conception), the overall tone of the voice rises (as a result of an increase in the level of estradiol, the female sex hormone). That is, due to ancient natural laws, women subconsciously look for partners with low voices, and men are “drawn” to those with high voices.

And (oh, how often I hear this!) men break their voices, trying to sound lower, “sexier,” and women, in the presence of a potential partner, unconsciously “raise” their voices. But the result, alas, most often does not meet expectations. A man who artificially lowers his natural tone voices, looks ridiculous: such attempts to give oneself masculinity are similar to the desire of a frog to swell to the size of an ox, and can only make women smile.

And an artificially high-pitched female voice, as a rule, causes irritation in men: instead of a “cute chirp” it turns out to be a lisp, and hysteria can be heard in the rising intonations. How can you bring your voice closer to the “ideal”, so that it attracts and does not repel your partner?

First of all, allow yourself to speak naturally. What does your voice sound like when you relax, sigh, moan, or yawn? This is your natural voice: get used to it! You may not like it, it seems “rude”, not “meeting the standards”, but when you believe that this is your voice, it will be possible to “agree” with it. Teach him to obey, to sound louder, quieter, higher, lower, louder, more transparent... A natural voice will never cause irritation or ridicule in your interlocutor, because it, the voice, is a reflection of your soul, transmits your openness, sincerity, and readiness for contact.

Is it possible to change your voice? (voice exercises)

Change - no, configure - yes.

How to technically achieve such a sound?

1. Hold your palms in front of your open mouth and, as if in the cold, warm them with your breath: the hotter your breath, the more open your larynx and, accordingly, the closer the access to the lower resonators, which give the voice depth and volume. Don't try to breathe loudly and forcefully, let your breath be light and hot.

2. Then, maintaining the same sensation, add a little sound to your breathing. Gradually turn up the volume as long as the warming breath continues.

4. When you have mastered this exercise, add individual syllables to the vocal flow, starting with the vowels O, A, then E, U, I. Don’t forget about the “hot spring”!

5. Finally, move on to words and phrases. Your speech will be not only gentle, but deep and melodious.

Dedicate at least ten minutes a day to your voice, and the results will immediately appear. A voice filled with breath sounds soulful, echoes in the depths of the consciousness of your interlocutor, awakens feelings and desires, and remains in the memory for a long time, along with the words that he utters.

Of course, in addition to breathing, the timbre, intonation, and rhythm of speech are no less important for the sexual attractiveness of a voice. Having mastered the entire range of voice skills, you will not only increase your “sexual rating”, but will acquire a powerful communication tool - for love, for business, for realizing yourself as a full-fledged individual.

How to please the man of your dreams?

By hearsay. Develop your hearing, and you will be able to hear his speech like a song, “learn” it and sing it to him, but in your own voice!
Hear how he speaks: at what tempo, how often he pauses, what intonations he uses, how smooth his speech is, how and where he places emphasis….
If you were able to hear this, adjust the natural sound of your voice to this tempo, rhythm, intonation….
And the beautiful stranger will in some unknown way feel that he knows you, as if a long time ago, almost like himself, he will feel affection and trust and will certainly want to continue communication!