Advertising agent, what is it? Profession - advertising agent

An advertising agent is a person who certain actions on behalf of another person, at his expense and on his behalf, as well as actions in the preparation of transactions, but without the right to sign them. He is a specialist in the sale of advertising services and an intermediary between advertisers and advertising agencies or advertising media (hereinafter, advertising producers).

He can sell advertising space in periodicals, airtime, advertising agency services, or the work of a designer (artist). Often advertising agent directly connects the advertiser with the means of advertising distribution, bypassing advertising agencies. That is why advertising producers need it. And, therefore, they pay for his work. The amount of the advertising agent's remuneration is determined by agreement between the parties and amounts to 3-20% of the cost of the service.

If the advertiser directly applied for services, for example, in the media, then he will pay as much as the service costs through an advertising agent, and often even more, since the cost of selling an advertising service, whoever provides it, is always included in the total service cost.

A modern advertising agent should be able to offer his client (advertiser) a full range of services: from valuable advice before planning and conducting an advertising campaign. At the same time, the main thing is that in his work, first of all, he should be oriented towards service.

There are several reasons for the disrespectful attitude of potential customers towards advertising agents, especially women:

2) in the subconscious of a business person, an agent is associated with a courier or an even more insignificant position;

3) on a woman - an advertising agent, men often win back for their psychological complexes. However, the larger and more well-known publication, the advertising agency is represented by the agent, the less likely it is to meet an unfriendly attitude towards oneself.

1. Choose a method of searching for potential customers (advertisers) in accordance with the specific capabilities of the represented advertising producer.

2. First of all, focus on clients (advertisers) with a high potential for buying advertising services and postpone work among clients (advertisers) with low potential for advertising contracts.

3. Be sure to maintain contact with customers (advertisers) with whom it was not possible to conclude an advertising contract.

Methods for finding new potential customers (advertisers) are numerous and varied. For successful activities to identify potential clientele, an advertising agent needs to develop a strategy. Need to constantly evaluate various methods identification of potential customers (advertisers), comparing the results and collected statistical data in search of a strategy, in order to ensure the highest frequency of cases of the conclusion of advertising contracts on the number of established business contacts.

The main methods for finding potential customers (advertisers) for an advertising agent are as follows:

When browsing newspapers, you can limit your search to two or three headings, such as "Furniture", " Construction Materials», « Appliances» etc. According to these headings, it is necessary to determine in advance the rating of the advertising producer for which the agent already works or would like to work. It is even better if the advertising agent will have information about the effectiveness of this advertising producer's advertising for the selected headings.

The advertiser needs to regularly look through the various newspapers where the advertisement is published, as well as pay attention to radio advertisements and low-cost advertisements on local television (such as a ticker or an announcer). This is necessary in order to find those advertisers who save on advertising.

In some cases, the reverse approach can be applied.

2. According to the recommendation of customers. With the successful cooperation of an advertising agent with a new client, you should find out which of the partners of this enterprise needs such advertising services. Very often they can give you some advice. You should know the phone numbers and, most importantly, the names of the employees of potential customers (advertisers) responsible for advertising. Getting acquainted with these people, the advertising agent should refer to the recommendations of specific clients, praise design solutions their advertisements in order to achieve a personal meeting.

3. Self-promotion. The line of self-promotion is the demonstration of one's professionalism. The business card will remind the client (advertiser) of cooperation with the agent. She should be beautiful - then she acquires the value of a gift and she will be treated more carefully. Quite often, they will give you a business card in return. Use this to demonstrate to the client how to deal with your business card, give him good example. Accepting a client's business card with gratitude, immediately insert it into the pocket of your business card holder right in front of his eyes.

4. Interception of clients. The essence of the “interception” method of finding clients (advertisers) is that the client (advertiser), while continuing to use the services of this advertising producer, refuses the services of his former advertising agent and begins to cooperate with another, in his opinion, more professional.

One of the most effective tools for attracting new customers (advertisers) is the offer of significant discounts by an advertising agent. For example, buying advertising space from advertising newspapers in bulk (several pages at a time) and selling them to customers (advertisers) in parts, while receiving a significant profit. Advertising agents can give part of this profit to advertisers in the form of a discount.

If a client (advertiser) places his advertisement in one newspaper for a long time, the advertising agent may raise the issue of giving him a discount before the editorial office. Telling the client the good news, the advertising agent should tactfully mention his role in this matter.

Interception of customers (advertisers) should be prevented, first of all, with the help of high professionalism in their consultation and order servicing. This increases the evaluation of advertising agents in the eyes of customers (advertisers) and the degree of trust in them.

Subject to the correct choice of the method of identifying potential customers (advertisers), the key question is how to get a meeting with the advertiser's employee responsible for advertising activities. Advertising agents must make an appointment in advance, since a preliminary agreement allows the employee of the advertiser enterprise responsible for advertising to take some time to carefully listen to the agent's story about the advertising services he offers. This is important, since the time sufficient for a full and detailed explanation of the essence of the commercial proposal helps to increase the chances of successful cooperation with the advertising producer.

In addition, a planned list of clients (advertisers), contact persons, dates of phone calls and all meetings, results, in their absence - reasons for refusal, when to call back or meet next time, allows the advertising agent to more rationally spend his work time.

Because of the savings in time and money, the telephone is the most preferred means of arranging a meeting in advance with the employee responsible for the advertising activities of the advertiser's enterprise.

Plan and write down on paper everything that needs to be said during a conversation. This will help organize and clearly present the idea;

Describe the purpose of the call and briefly state how a face-to-face meeting might be useful;

Prepare a short phrase that can be used in a conversation, focusing on the benefits of working with this particular advertising producer. Provide only the necessary amount of information to interest the responsible person;

If you hear “no” in response to a proposal, do not be upset. You need to be persistent, even if the first reaction to your call is negative;

Ask the responsible person of the advertiser company for a personal meeting in order to explain in more detail the offered advertising services;

In order to successfully achieve a meeting with an employee responsible for advertising activities at an advertiser enterprise, during a preliminary telephone conversation, it is necessary to use clear, precise phrases that can quickly arouse the interlocutor's interest. The ideal speech rate is 150 words per minute. It is necessary to monitor every manifestation of excessive perseverance, affectation and insincerity in your voice. Your speech should not give the impression of being pre-prepared.

It is necessary to pay attention to the intonation and diction of the person speaking on the phone, to sometimes subtle interjections like “hmm” or “uh-huh”! any sounds indicating the speaker's confusion should be noted: pauses, changes in the tempo of speech, words highlighted intonation or pronunciation. A professional advertising agent knows how to correctly interpret certain combinations of words, complex intonations and sound combinations as possible signs of the readiness of the person responsible for advertising activities at the enterprise for a meeting.

The goal of establishing contact should be specific, measurable and directly beneficial to the client (advertiser). During a telephone conversation, you need to quickly get down to business (maybe no more than a minute for the whole conversation), disclosing only that information that can stimulate the interest of the interlocutor (preferential rates for advertising, additional discounts, exclusive rights, features of the service and / or layout, and etc.).

Have the determination to meet with the head of the advertiser enterprise and consider that this task is feasible;

Be able to establish friendly relations at the advertiser enterprise of interest (including secretaries and administrators);

It is rational to use your time by establishing contacts only with those employees who themselves make decisions in the field of advertising activities of the advertiser enterprise or influence its adoption.

2. Waste of time. Unannounced visits are not welcomed by customers (advertisers). Even more time is wasted when the salesperson's conversations don't fit the purpose of the visit.

3. Poor planning of a business contact, which must be preceded by a serious preparatory work. The advertising agent must contact the advertiser's employee responsible for advertising.

4. Inappropriate assertiveness.

6. Unprofessional behavior. Negative Feedback about competitors, unkempt appearance, offering advertising services that are not of interest to the client, etc.

8. Fast pace of speech.

An advertising agent is a person who offers services on behalf of an advertising agency. It would seem that he found a client, promoted him for advertising - he received a good percentage. In a simple sense, this is the main task of any advertising agent. The profession obliges to look neat and modern, attend presentations, exhibitions, constantly communicate with new and old clients. It is not surprising that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity more often achieve success in the advertising business.

Education and skills of an advertising agent

Practice shows that in this case the specialty does not play the main role, communication skills, the ability to convince, decisiveness and activity are important here.

Potential advertisers do not favor agents, a cheerful greeting on the phone ends abruptly with the phrase: "We do not need advertising services." Perseverance on the edge with impudence allows you to convince a person that he not only needs advertising, it needs to be ordered immediately. Working with phone calls integral element profession, but you need to be careful. You shouldn't expect much from this approach. The profession of an advertising agent is an unstoppable rhythm, meetings and presentations, communication with clients, work almost without days off and holidays. You might think that the main trump card is a pleasant appearance young specialist. Not at all, the decisive factor lies in a charming smile and skillful negotiation skills.

Responsibilities of an advertising agent

In addition to searching for new clients, the specialist is directly involved in the implementation of the project. In order for an advertising message to work and attract buyers, it is necessary to constantly analyze the market, tastes and preferences of consumers. The art of highlighting and drawing attention to unique properties product, to show its most attractive side - this is another responsibility of the advertising agent.

To always stay in trend, a specialist needs to improve knowledge in the field of psychology, marketing, and various business areas.

Do not miss:

Pros and cons of being an advertising agent


  • constant communication, meeting new people;
  • creative profession;
  • salary is limited only by motivation and professional qualities;
  • opportunity to work in many areas of business.


  • the difficult path of a novice specialist whose job is to active sales by phone;
  • high competition in the market;
  • it is possible to achieve career and financial heights only in big cities.

Advertising professionals will always be valued. Modern business cannot be imagined without advertising; in order to increase sales, a product must be known and recognizable. Talented professionals can apply for the positions of advertising manager, brand manager or head of advertising department. Having worked client base and having learned the art of negotiation, many agents open their own company.

Who is an advertising agent? The answer is obvious. This is a person who serves as an official representative of an advertising agency, who conducts his own activities on his behalf and makes all necessary contacts. What is this job? Let's figure it out. The activity of an advertising agent is one of the very specific. When applying for this position special education are usually not required. The profession of an advertising agent is mastered "on the go", that is, in the process of direct activity.

At the same time, it must have such important qualities, as erudition and intelligence, sociability, as well as increased stress resistance. After all, the agent has to deal with a variety of clients.

What qualities will an advertising company require

He must possess unconditional self-confidence, activity and considerable efficiency, and also important qualities for him are good learning ability and the ability to convey information to others. A real advertising agent is, first of all, an excellent "salesman", because in terms of promotion, advertising is no different from any other product.

The image of a modern advertising agent corresponds to a competent, active and ambitious young man or girl. However, age does not play a decisive role here. The main thing is professionalism, communication skills and other indispensable in modern life quality.

Representatives of this profession are also perceived in a new way by employers. Now they are not annoying petitioners, but specialists who can provide significant assistance in promoting specific goods and services.

Let's take a look at his manual.

If we try to consider in detail the functions of an advertising agent according to the job description, we will see that, first of all, they consist in mediating the promotion and presentation of anything - from services and goods to a variety of commercial ideas. Its tasks are also to conclude agreements or contracts between cooperating parties, interact with colleagues in the advertising field and report in the prescribed form.

The obligations stipulated job description agent, consist in the implementation of intermediary activities for such a promotion and other set of measures to perform completely different marketing tasks. At the same time, he is required to strictly comply with the existing ethical standards adopted in the field of advertising.

An advertising agent is one who concludes and signs contracts between an intermediary and a principal, containing the scope and type necessary work, as well as the entire spectrum financial matters on her payment. In addition, he informs potential customers about all new ideas, services, products with full disclosure of their many specific features and nuances, provides them with information about practical use advertising objects, unobtrusively promoting the idea of ​​the need for this particular product or service.

All goals and objectives

An advertising company requires taking into account the degree of solvency of various consumer groups. Sometimes the agent has to refer to the opinion of prestigious persons or organizations. Its task is to stimulate the consumer to make a repeat purchase or a new request for a service. The object of advertising should be singled out from the general mass of information and further characterized in the light of its consumer qualities, advantages and distinctive features. These actions are aimed at creating increased demand and encouraging buyers to conclude transactions.

His responsibilities also include the organization of fairs, exhibitions and other types of events, including study tours to manufacturing enterprises. Its function is to conduct explanatory work among consumers on the topic of rights, guarantees and ways to defend consumer interests. It improves the image of the manufacturer, highlights its activities in a positive way and contributes to the formation of a positive customer relationship, participates in the implementation of long-term and long-term plans. He also has to keep in touch with the means mass media in the placement of promotional materials and the purchase of advertising space.

Rights and responsibilities

The job description of an advertising agent, like any employee, implies, in addition to duties, the existence of certain rights. In this case, they consist in the opportunity to get acquainted with the decisions of the management regarding their own field of activity.

He can implement the necessary proposals to improve the advertising campaign and require all kinds of assistance in the performance of his duties. He has the right to all necessary information with access to relevant documentation.

He is responsible for his own activities without offenses, that is, within the framework of the law, as well as for possible material damage.

Agent work in detail

Now let's touch on his work a little more. As already mentioned, an advertising agent can prepare transactions (without the right to sign the parties) and carry out certain instructions of the person whose representative he is. His competence is the sale of advertising space in the media, airtime, the services of his own agency or the product of the work of an artist-designer. Sometimes he organizes direct interaction between the advertiser and the media, bypassing the agency.

How much does an advertising agent earn? His salary in most cases exists in the form of remuneration for the services rendered, ranging from 3% to 20% of their value. Each advertising producer should distinguish between the areas of activity of agents working for him in order to avoid confusion and unhealthy competition.

An advertising agent is not easy ...

Sometimes there is a disrespectful attitude towards such activities, especially negatively met by female advertising agents. What is the reason? Most likely, an overabundance of these specialists in the market creates a negative impression on potential customers, especially if there is no division of coverage among such representatives. Business people subconsciously "in the old fashioned way" continue to consider them as something like couriers, etc. On such "walkers", especially women, male bosses often vent their irritation and their own unrealized complexes. The exception concerns only large and reputable advertising agencies, whose representatives are met more or less respectfully.

It's no secret that the main advantage that attracts an advertising agent in the position is the seemingly easy and fast earnings. Indeed, with transactions valued at tens of thousands of dollars, the percentage for the work is quite decent. But if you look deeper, the work of an advertising agent is very complex and difficult, regardless of the time of work in this field. Also, know that patience and calmness are required here.

Burn out at work

Do not think that the work schedule of an advertising agent allows you to do your own business during working hours. With seeming freedom, the schedule of such workers is much tighter than that of representatives of many other professions. Moreover, with such a rhythm of work, one has to organize oneself, educate oneself, which, you see, can be quite difficult not only for a woman, but also for a man.

Communication Talent

You need to know that the profession of an advertising agent requires a willingness to psychological stress and loads. You need to be able to be both soft and smiling, and persistent and serious. In addition, the ability to “weed out” unprofitable customers and “attract” the right ones will not interfere. You need a professional flair, business acumen. At the same time, the ability to convince not only ordinary managers, but also their leaders is important. Like anyone who gives a lot of moral strength to work, you may have thoughts of quitting. This is where you need to understand that this is temporary, and therefore it is important to show willpower and determination and not give up.

Getting started is not easy...

If you have not changed your mind and the profession of "advertising agent" still attracts you, you first need to properly allocate your time. After all, perhaps you will combine this work with studying at the institute or with raising your baby. As practice shows, advertising business It is optimal to devote approximately 20 hours a week. Following the experience of professional advertising agents, you need to draw up for each week detailed plan. Here it is necessary to reflect business meetings, customer contacts, company names, etc. It is also worth writing down all changes in the schedule of meetings with potential clients or partners, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

At the end of the week, it is necessary to analyze the work done in order not to repeat the mistakes made in the future, or, conversely, to consolidate the experience gained.

Scheme of work

The work of an advertising agent almost always comes down to the same pattern: a call - a meeting - a deal. Of course, it also happens that things do not reach the second point, not to mention the third ... But, believe me, nothing terrible has happened, it is just this company that does not need your services. But some other one - still needs it! In addition, after some time (a week, a month) you can try again, perhaps this time your suggestions will come in handy. Talking to the client on the phone, ask if he has time to talk. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, carefully listen to everything that he tells you. Your own thoughts should be stated very clearly, simply and clearly, without departing from the topic. Taboo - discussion and frank "pouring mud" on their competitors.

As you can see, this work is as difficult as it is interesting. But you are not looking for easy and boring ways, are you?


This creature is tenacious, cheerful and stubborn.

One of the most demanded professions in the labor market today. Fast feet, excellent finding ability mutual language with any client, optimism, the desire to reach the intended goal - this is what distinguishes a representative of this profession from many others.

An advertising agent is called upon to contribute to the successful promotion of goods on the market, the search for new customers, the creation of a sales network and, ultimately, an increase in sales. Advertising is a tool for creating demand for goods and services. The agent contributes to the disclosure of the advantages of the company and its products, consumer properties and ways of using the product. For work, he uses technical means: telephone, fax, computer, etc., and sometimes personally demonstrates potential buyers advertised products. The agent must have complete information about a product or service. In addition, his duties may include negotiations with suppliers, execution of contracts, preparation of payment documents, control over the fulfillment of delivery conditions.

Quite often, the main function of this specialist is the sale of advertising services to firms that want to expand the sales market, increase demand for their products (in this case, these specialists work in organizations involved in advertising: in the media or, for example, in a company that produces the corresponding posters). The working day can be spent in the office at the workplace, making presentations or in telephone conversations. For the most part, communication is conducted in person: the agent holds demonstrations in stores or on the territory of clients, so you often have to be on the road.

Hours of work, most often, are not strictly standardized. Vacancies are available both in specialized advertising agencies and in a wide variety of companies interested in increasing demand for their products.

Personal qualities

It is advisable to master the profession for people who have high stress resistance, developed communication and organizational skills, competent and clear speech, good memory and able to communicate with people in person and by phone.

average salary

Salary for a trial period: salary (10-15 thousand rubles) +% of sales. After probationary period average earnings of managers 40-45 thousand rubles. Successful managers earn 70,000 rubles. There is no ceiling on the salary.

Education (What do you need to know?)

You can get a profession as in secondary special educational institutions as well as in universities. Often advertising agents have a psychological or economic background. Often these people work without special education, training is carried out in the company, directly during work (however, most often in such cases, employers require the presence of any higher education, even if the acquired specialty is not related to the profile of activity).

Place of work and career

Media: magazines, newspapers, radio, television. Advertising agencies, private organizations, private practice or organization of own advertising agency.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Colleges and technical schools by specialty Speciality

Reception at the base
9 classes

Reception at the base
11 classes

Cost per year
3 g 10

free (25 places)

Commerce (by industry)

2 g 10 3 g 10 2 g 10

free of charge (25 places after grade 9)
49,000 (full-time)
33,000 (in absentia)

Yekaterinburg Industrial and Economic College

Management (trade and services)

210 110 110

Commerce (by industry)

2 g 10 1 g 10

Yekaterinburg Electromechanical College

Commerce (by industry)

310 110

free (25 places)
36 300
22 800

3 g 10