Profession advertising agent. Who is an advertising agent. What is an advertising agent

A professional agent must have a clear idea of ​​​​his future affairs in current year, half year, month, week, day. This is achieved by preparing temporary current business schedules, as well as travel routes.

In order not to get confused in contacts, not to miss, not to ignore any of the clients, it is better for the agent to conduct special work lists. For example, to have special lists under headings:

- call;

- send a letter;

– send a fax;

- send an email;

- another.

The agent must have a sufficiently accurate map of your area. Preferably with the names of streets and lanes, indicating all separate buildings, house numbers. If there is no such map, then you can draw it up yourself, taking as a basis the most detailed one available for sale.

On the map, you can mark the location of customers with a pencil or felt-tip pen. However, it is more convenient to do this with pins that can be easily changed and moved. A flag with the name of the company can be put on the pin. You can also color the flag or use a colored pin to indicate the customer's "size" (large, medium, small).

You can also add beads to the flags various colors and mark in this way "hot", "warm" and "cold" customers.

If the agent has a computer, then, of course, it is easier to work with a computer map.

According to such a marked (regular or computer) map, based on the general annual (monthly) plan, the agent marks routes so that for a certain period to bypass all their potential customers.

Requirements for the identity of the advertising agent

Sales organization can also be referred to as internal self-organization agent. If he is distracted or constantly thinking about something extraneous, then surely all his plans will fail, no matter how carefully they are prepared.

In this regard, the agent needs to tune in to work every day. Leaving home, discard all irrelevant thoughts and experiences, at least until the evening. And if something happens during the day in the course of work, then you need to try to switch from emotions to rational thoughts, to business, the results of which will sooner or later bring satisfaction.

An agent must always be internally collected, radiate a good mood and “transfer” his business spirit to all his clients.

The agent needs to constantly analyze the successes and failures in his work. He needs to make sure he's doing his job.

All over the world there is a never-ending struggle for a buyer. In this regard, close attention is paid to both the study of consumer needs and the training of sellers. Indeed, in many cases, the purchase decision is made not on the basis of the opinion of the product, but on the basis of the behavior of a particular seller. And therefore, we are very curious about the fact that, according to the results of a special study in one of the major European countries 55% of all sellers surveyed do not have the ability to work in the trade.

In other words: not everyone can be a seller. It is clear that not everyone can be an advertising agent selling newspaper space.

Alas, in our country today at least 90% of people who lack the necessary abilities work among advertising agents. This situation has developed in connection with objective circumstances reflecting the transitional state of the national economy.

In particular, in our society it is widely believed that the work of an advertising agent is within the power of anyone - a student, yesterday's engineer, a part-time worker, a housewife and a pensioner - regardless of age, education, abilities.

This illusion is costly advertising business. Misled and incapable of agency work, people created a certain public opinion about the ingratitude of such work, about its lack of prestige. And as a result, the following lines appeared in job search advertisements: “Do not offer the job of an advertising agent.” The agents themselves are trying to rename their profession into a more "prestigious" sound - a manager, an advertising representative, an employee of the marketing department, etc.

At the same time, agents who have found themselves do not at all consider their work to be unprestigious or insignificant, since they see its results in practice. Their clients often grow before their very eyes from small companies to large companies and thank their agents from the bottom of their hearts for qualified assistance . The last two words are the whole point of the work of a real agent.

A random person in sales calls and bypasses customers with a sour face, asks ingratiatingly:

“We don’t want to ...,” they usually answer him.

A non-random person tries to understand the meaning of his work, offers the client what he really needs:

Are you having sales problems? Let me try to help...

Many good agents intuitively find the key to the client's heart. However, really cool specialists rely not only on their vocation and abilities, but also on the skills they have acquired, on constant work to improve their skills.

We can say that sales is a vocation, science and art in one bottle. A classy advertising salesperson might be called a "client's advertising freelancer." After all, he defends the interests of the advertiser, works to develop his business.

Really qualified sellers of advertising opportunities are distinguished by a high cultural level, energy, and sociability. They are competent and focused on achieving a certain result, which, as a rule, they achieve.

Thus, the best agents quite often make excellent careers in the advertising business, growing up into heads of departments, heads of services, and even general directors of agencies.

After a person with abilities has mastered the science of selling to a sufficient degree, he goes to new level professionalism. First of all, such an agent begins to consider sales as the art of partner mutually beneficial communication.

Who is an advertising agent? The answer is obvious. This is a person who serves as an official representative of an advertising agency, who conducts his own activities on his behalf and makes all necessary contacts. What is this job? Let's figure it out. The activity of an advertising agent is one of the very specific. When applying for this position special education are usually not required. The profession of an advertising agent is mastered "on the go", that is, in the process of direct activity.

At the same time, it must have such important qualities, as erudition and intelligence, sociability, as well as increased stress resistance. After all, the agent has to deal with a variety of clients.

What qualities will an advertising company require

He must possess unconditional self-confidence, activity and considerable efficiency, and also important qualities for him are good learning ability and the ability to convey information to others. A real advertising agent is, first of all, an excellent "salesman", because in terms of promotion, advertising is no different from any other product.

The image of a modern advertising agent corresponds to a competent, active and ambitious young man or girl. However, age does not play a decisive role here. The main thing is professionalism, communication skills and other indispensable in modern life quality.

Representatives of this profession are also perceived in a new way by employers. Now they are not annoying petitioners, but specialists who can provide significant assistance in promoting specific goods and services.

Let's take a look at his manual.

If we try to consider in detail the functions of an advertising agent according to the job description, we will see that, first of all, they consist in mediating the promotion and presentation of anything - from services and goods to a variety of commercial ideas. Its tasks are also to conclude agreements or contracts between cooperating parties, interact with colleagues in the advertising field and report in the prescribed form.

The obligations stipulated job description agent, consist in the implementation of intermediary activities for such a promotion and other set of measures to perform completely different marketing tasks. At the same time, he is required to strictly comply with the existing ethical standards adopted in the field of advertising.

advertising agent- this is the one who concludes and signs contracts between the intermediary and the principal, containing the scope and type necessary work, as well as the entire spectrum financial matters on her payment. In addition, he informs potential customers about all new ideas, services, products with full disclosure of their many specific features and nuances, provides them with information about practical use advertising objects, unobtrusively promoting the idea of ​​the need for this particular product or service.

All goals and objectives

An advertising company requires taking into account the degree of solvency of various consumer groups. Sometimes the agent has to refer to the opinion of prestigious persons or organizations. Its task is to stimulate the consumer to make a repeat purchase or a new request for a service. The object of advertising should be singled out from the general mass of information and further characterized in the light of its consumer qualities, advantages and distinctive features. These actions are aimed at creating increased demand and encouraging buyers to conclude transactions.

His responsibilities also include the organization of fairs, exhibitions and other types of events, including study tours to manufacturing enterprises. Its function is to conduct explanatory work among consumers on the topic of rights, guarantees and ways to defend consumer interests. It improves the image of the manufacturer, highlights its activities in a positive way and contributes to the formation of a positive customer relationship, participates in the implementation of long-term and long-term plans. He also has to keep in touch with the means mass media in the placement of promotional materials and the purchase of advertising space.

Rights and responsibilities

The job description of an advertising agent, like any employee, implies, in addition to duties, the existence of certain rights. In this case, they consist in the opportunity to get acquainted with the decisions of the management regarding their own field of activity.

He can implement the necessary proposals to improve the advertising campaign and require all kinds of assistance in the performance of his duties. He has the right to all necessary information with access to relevant documentation.

He is responsible for his own activities without offenses, that is, within the framework of the law, as well as for possible material damage.

Agent work in detail

Now let's touch on his work a little more. As already mentioned, an advertising agent can prepare transactions (without the right to sign the parties) and carry out certain instructions of the person whose representative he is. His competence is the sale of advertising space in the media, airtime, the services of his own agency or the product of the work of an artist-designer. Sometimes he organizes direct interaction between the advertiser and the media, bypassing the agency.

How much does an advertising agent earn? His salary in most cases exists in the form of remuneration for the services rendered, ranging from 3% to 20% of their value. Each advertising producer should distinguish between the areas of activity of agents working for him in order to avoid confusion and unhealthy competition.

An advertising agent is not easy ...

Sometimes there is a disrespectful attitude towards such activities, especially negatively met by female advertising agents. What is the reason? Most likely, an overabundance of these specialists in the market creates a negative impression on potential customers, especially if there is no division of coverage among such representatives. Business people subconsciously "in the old fashioned way" continue to consider them as something like couriers, etc. On such "walkers", especially women, male bosses often vent their irritation and their own unrealized complexes. The exception concerns only large and reputable advertising agencies, whose representatives are met more or less respectfully.

Job Responsibilities. Carries out, as an intermediary, work on the presentation and promotion of goods, services, commercial ideas, the implementation of a set of measures aimed at facilitating their implementation or achieving other marketing tasks, observing the current ethical standards for advertising goods, services. Concludes contracts or agreements between the principal and the intermediary, which determine the nature and scope of work to be performed at the expense and on behalf of the principal, as well as their payment at the current rates or the terms of the agreement (agreement).

Informs potential buyers and consumers about new products, services, ideas, revealing (not inherent in others) them specific features, about the practical use of the object of advertising, convincing them that it is this product (service, idea) that he needs. When carrying out advertising work, he refers to the opinions of a prestigious buyer or consumer, takes into account the solvency of various groups of the population. Prepares and submits reports in a timely manner. Encourages the consumer to repeatedly make purchases of goods and apply for services. It distinguishes the object of advertising from the mass of messages circulating in the media, characterizes it with additional distinctive consumer qualities, advantages in the market for goods and services, creating demand and encouraging buyers and consumers to conclude a deal. Takes measures to ensure the participation of potential buyers and consumers in the presentations of goods and services, as well as held fairs, exhibitions, excursions to enterprises that manufacture advertised products. Carries out work to popularize the enterprise - manufacturer, its commercial relations, the principles underlying its activities, aimed at creating a favorable attitude of buyers and consumers and ensuring the prestige of the advertiser. Conducts explanatory work among buyers and consumers of goods about guarantees, rights and ways to protect their interests. Participates in the implementation long-term plans preparation and placement of advertising, taking into account the nature of demand (uniform or seasonal) for goods (services), improving the methods of its implementation, as well as in work to increase efficiency and reduce costs associated with advertising. Establishes communication with the media on the placement of advertising. He studies advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing advertising work, mastering new types of advertising that ensure the allocation and promotion of the advertised object in the domestic and foreign markets for goods and services. Interacts with other advertising agents.

Must know: normative legal acts, regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and documents related to trading activities; advertising legislation; types of advertising and the basics of organizing advertising activities; prospects for the development of the industry, enterprises, institutions, organizations that produce advertised products and provide services; nomenclature and range of manufactured products and services, their main characteristics; requirements of potential buyers (customers) of manufactured products for the services provided; current price tags and price lists; basics of organizing communication with the media, techniques and methods business communication and negotiation; basics of psychology; internal labor regulations; labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification requirements. Average (full) general education and special training installed program no requirement for work experience.


1. Functions. Job responsibilities. Rights and responsibilities of an advertising agent.

1.1 Features

1.2 Job responsibilities

1.4 Liability

2.2 Main stages of negotiations




The work of an advertising agent is a rather specific occupation. On the one hand, it does not require any special education. On the other hand, a successful agent must be erudite, intellectually developed person. You need to be sociable and sociable, but at the same time have iron nerves in case the client gets caught "with oddities."

An advertising agent, first of all, needs such qualities as activity, efficiency and self-confidence. Another important thing is the willingness to learn and teach people yourself. By by and large, an advertising agent must be, first of all, a good "salesman". After all, advertising is the same product that needs to be skillfully sold.

Previously, it was a woman older than middle years, with very vague prospects in life. Now there are many young people who have certain career ambitions.

Not only the image of the agent himself has changed, but also the attitude of the employer towards him. Namely, it has improved compared to what it was a few years ago. Now advertisers perceive agents not as petitioners, but as specialists who, with a professional approach, can help their business.

1. Functions. Job responsibilities. Rights and responsibilities of an advertising agent

1.1 Features

The following functions are assigned to the advertising agent: 1. Mediation in the presentation and promotion of goods, services, commercial ideas.2. Conclusion of contracts or agreements between the principal and the mediator.3. Interaction with other advertising agents.4. Submission of established reporting.

1.2 Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to him, an advertising agent of an enterprise is obliged to: 1. To carry out, as an intermediary, work on the presentation and promotion of goods, services, commercial ideas, the implementation of a set of measures aimed at facilitating their implementation or achieving other marketing objectives, observing the current ethical standards for advertising goods, services.2. Conclude contracts or agreements between the principal and the intermediary, determining the nature and scope of work to be performed at the expense and on behalf of the principal, as well as their payment according to the current tariffs or the terms of the agreement (agreement).3. Inform potential buyers and consumers about new goods, services, ideas, revealing (not inherent in others) their specific features, about the practical use of the object of advertising, convincing them that it is this product (service, idea) that he needs. When carrying out advertising work, refer to the opinions of a prestigious buyer or consumer, take into account the solvency of various groups of the population.5. Encourage the consumer to repeatedly make purchases of goods and apply for services.6. Select the object of advertising from the mass of messages circulating in the media, characterize it with additional distinctive consumer qualities, advantages in the market for goods and services, creating demand and encouraging buyers and consumers to conclude a transaction.7. Take measures to ensure the participation of potential buyers and consumers in presentations of goods and services, as well as ongoing fairs, exhibitions, excursions to enterprises that manufacture advertised products. Conduct explanatory work among buyers and consumers of goods about guarantees, rights and ways to protect their interests.8. Carry out work to popularize the manufacturer, its commercial relations, the principles underlying its activities, aimed at creating a benevolent attitude of buyers and consumers and ensuring the prestige of the advertiser.9. Participate in the implementation of long-term plans for the preparation and placement of advertising, taking into account the nature of demand (uniform or seasonal) for goods (services), improving the methods of its implementation, as well as in work to increase efficiency and reduce costs associated with advertising.10. Establish communication with the media on advertising placement issues.11. To study the advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing advertising work, mastering new types of advertising that ensure the allocation and promotion of the advertised object in the domestic and foreign markets for goods and services. 12. Interact with other advertising agents.13. Compile and submit reports in a timely manner.

This creature is tenacious, cheerful and stubborn.

One of the most demanded professions in the labor market today. Fast feet, excellent finding ability mutual language with any client, optimism, the desire to reach the intended goal - this is what distinguishes a representative of this profession from many others.

An advertising agent is called upon to contribute to the successful promotion of goods on the market, the search for new customers, the creation of a sales network and, ultimately, an increase in sales. Advertising is a tool for creating demand for goods and services. The agent contributes to the disclosure of the advantages of the company and its products, consumer properties and ways of using the product. For work, he uses technical means: telephone, fax, computer, etc., and sometimes personally demonstrates potential buyers advertised products. The agent must have complete information about a product or service. In addition, his duties may include negotiations with suppliers, execution of contracts, preparation of payment documents, control over the fulfillment of delivery conditions.

Quite often, the main function of this specialist is the sale of advertising services to firms that want to expand the sales market, increase demand for their products (in this case, these specialists work in organizations involved in advertising: in the media or, for example, in a company that produces the corresponding posters). The working day can be spent in the office at the workplace, making presentations or in telephone conversations. For the most part, communication is conducted in person: the agent holds demonstrations in stores or on the territory of clients, so you often have to be on the road.

Hours of work, most often, are not strictly standardized. Vacancies are available both in specialized advertising agencies and in a wide variety of companies interested in increasing demand for their products.

Personal qualities

It is advisable to master the profession for people who have high stress resistance, developed communication and organizational skills, competent and clear speech, good memory and able to communicate with people in person and by phone.

average salary

Salary for a trial period: salary (10-15 thousand rubles) +% of sales. After probationary period average earnings of managers 40-45 thousand rubles. Successful managers earn 70,000 rubles. There is no ceiling on the salary.

Education (What do you need to know?)

You can get a profession as in secondary special educational institutions as well as in universities. Often advertising agents have a psychological or economic background. Often these people work without special education, training is carried out in the company, directly during work (however, most often in such cases, employers require the presence of any higher education, even if the acquired specialty is not related to the profile of activity).

Place of work and career

Media: magazines, newspapers, radio, television. Advertising agencies, private organizations, private practice or organization of your own advertising agency.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Colleges and technical schools by specialty Speciality

Reception at the base
9 classes

Reception at the base
11 classes

Cost per year
3 g 10

free (25 seats)

Commerce (by industry)

2 g 10 3 g 10 2 g 10

free of charge (25 places after grade 9)
49,000 (full-time)
33,000 (in absentia)

Yekaterinburg Industrial and Economic College

Management (trade and services)

210 110 110

Commerce (by industry)

2 g 10 1 g 10

Yekaterinburg Electromechanical College

Commerce (by industry)

310 110

free (25 seats)
36 300
22 800

3 g 10
If you are the head or manager of a firm, you have probably met with them more than once, or at least talked on the phone. And each of you has developed your own attitude towards the representatives of this profession. Someone has always tried to avoid cooperation with them, and someone has established strong business, and maybe even friendly relations.

Advertising agent is a unique profession. First of all, because the agent's earnings range from zero (if he works only for interest) to infinity. Here, as they say, "how much you stomp - so much you pop." Who are they, advertising agents of the city of Semey today? Let's look into their souls and find out in the next article under the heading "There is such a profession."

Dmitry, I know that you have worked as an advertising agent for more than one year, and today you yourself have taken control of them in your own hands. What qualities did this profession instill in you?

- Let's just say that I was not just once engaged in agency work, I continue to do it today. I believe that there are no former advertising agents. I still have some clients with whom I work on advertising personally. The only thing is that in our company such specialists are called advertising managers. First of all, due to the mentality of the leaders of our city. They associate the word agent simply with a person who collects advertising, and a manager with a business person with whom it is possible to establish long-term relationships.

If we talk about what qualities this profession brings up, I will say one thing - it teaches you to combine dozens of other professions. An advertising manager must be a scout, a psychologist, a manager, an accountant, and also an artist. Every day he has to adapt to a variety of clients. Today it is a choleric, and tomorrow it may be a pronounced melancholic. And every time the advertising manager needs to play his role perfectly. And if in the theater the result should be cries of "bravo!", then in the advertising market - a signed contract.

And this profession teaches to overcome difficulties. After all, an advertising manager is one of the most difficult professions. She exhausts both mentally and physically. Clients are scattered throughout the city, sometimes you have to overcome considerable distances to get to them. And it's not a fact that your efforts will not be in vain. Therefore, in this profession, as in no other, love for one's work is important.

- It's a double-edged sword. It is easier for girls to communicate with leaders, because about 75% of them in our city are men. On the other hand, girls are more vulnerable, they hardly survive the refusal of clients from advertising services. It's easier with guys. They are more mentally stable. BUT best age for an advertising agent - from 20 to 30 years, that is, the most active period in a person's life. This is average. As they say, there are exceptions to every rule. It is also necessary to remember such specifics of this profession as the need for constant growth. According to my observations, the average length of service of an advertising agent is 5 years. After that, they need something more. By the way, they make good leaders. Many of those who previously worked for us as advertising managers today hold leadership positions in firms.

- What is attractive about this profession?

There are many positive points. First, it is a free schedule. That is, you do not sit all day in the office, but go to meetings, communicate with people. For active people You won't find a better profession. Every day new acquaintances, new impressions - this is also important. In addition, my profession helps me to some extent increase the level of my intellect. After all, every day I communicate with smart people, experts in their field. I educate them about advertising, they tell me about their business. And, of course, piecework wages serve as an excellent incentive in our work. After all, it directly depends on how well we did our job. The better you work, the more you get.

- What problems do you mostly face in the course of your work?

The main problem is the specifics of the local market. Basically, small firms operate here, which cannot afford to advertise their activities or advertise occasionally and choose the most cheap option. Whereas in major cities reputable firms lay considerable amounts in their budget for advertising.

- They say that every profession has its own rhythm, what is the speed of the profession of an advertising agent?

- The maximum of all possible. If you want to make good money, you must be on the move every minute.

- How long does it take for an advertising agent to mature?

- Not less than 1.5 years. During this time, he is already earning the main client base, its regular customers. Further it is easier. After this period of time, a certain self-control is also developed. You no longer waste time on empty talk, you learn to plan your time more productively. You gain experience, you understand that a lot depends on your efficiency, you get rid of complexes, you get smarter, in the end. You learn to speak with the client in the same language, so to speak, to mirror him. Then the attitude towards you on the part of the client changes, he begins to perceive you as a business partner. Namely, this is the basis of long-term cooperation.

- If we talk about working directly with the client, then this, of course, is an individual work. But already the execution of the order is a collective work. We become the main link between the client and the designer, journalist, accountant. And they must convey to them what the client wants. Complete the order so that the client receives the maximum output from advertising. It happens that the client does not even give the text for the layout, asks to come up with it himself, insisting on originality. Then we sit down as a team and think about the slogan or other elements of promotional products. And then it doesn't matter whose client it is. Everyone is involved in the work.

- Are there falls in this profession or, if you have gained clients, are you guaranteed a constant rise?

- Of course, there are also falls. It doesn't matter how experienced an agent you are. The reasons can be very different. This is the economic situation on the market, and the season, for example, the post-New Year period. Even just business problems with your customers. The main thing here is not to give up, but to continue working and with regular customers, and with new ones. If you are a travel agent, the output from your work will appear anyway. Maybe not now, maybe in a week or a month. It's like working in agriculture. You sow wheat in the spring, and harvest only in the fall. Any job, if done well, will pay off over time.