Special education in Georgia. Where in Georgia you can study in Russian

The "Higher Rhetorical School" - the Colchis Academy was founded. Education here was conducted in Georgian and Greek. The academy studied rhetoric, philosophy, physics, mathematics, logic.

Middle Ages

At the beginning of the 11th century, Georgia became centralized state, which affected the development of crafts, trade and culture. The development of culture was reflected in the development of education. Thus, the Gelati Academy, founded in 1106 by King David IV the Builder, became one of the largest scientific and educational centers in the Middle East. Such thinkers as Ioane Petritsi and Ioane Shavsheli worked at the academy. They translated and created original works. The academy taught geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, philosophy, grammar, rhetoric and music.

The influence of the Western European education system and Byzantium on the school of medieval Georgia was quite strong. At the same time, schools used tutorials, which reflected national traditions, features of history, language and culture.

19th century

In 1804, a school for noble children was opened in Tbilisi, which in 1830 was transformed into a gymnasium. It was the first official secular school from which some prominent figures of the new Georgian culture emerged: Grigol Orbeliani, Dmitry Kipiani, Nikoloz Baratashvili. In 1850, a gymnasium was opened in Kutaisi. At that time, both male and female gymnasiums existed boarding schools.

In 1830, secular primary schools were opened in seven counties of Georgia. For the training of clergy royal power created theological schools. In 1817, a theological seminary was opened in Tbilisi. Since 1818, district and parish spiritual schools began to open. The seminary accepted representatives of all classes.

In large settlements, private schools began to appear, in which children from wealthy families studied. By the 1940s, there were few rural schools for the peasantry, especially in western Georgia. In 1860 there were 145 educational institutions of all types, in which there were 7850 students.

XX century

In 1914-1915, 1765 operated on the territory of modern Georgia general education schools, of which 1677 are primary, with 157,100 students and 5858 teachers.

At the beginning of the century, the literacy rate among the population was 21.9%. By 1927 this figure had grown to 47.5%. Despite government action to increase the number of literate citizens, adult illiteracy was still high.


Secondary education

Starts at the age of six. It has three levels: primary school (6 years), basic school (3 years), secondary school (3 years). At the end of basic school, students receive a certificate of basic education, and at the end of the twelfth grade - a certificate of complete secondary education. A ten-point grading system has been adopted.

Compulsory subjects include chemistry, physics, biology, geography, history, Georgian language, literature, one of the foreign languages ​​and mathematics.

The schools are run by boards of trustees who elect school principals on the advice of the Ministry of Education and Science.

As of 2012, 92.1% of people aged 5 to 14 attend educational institutions. There are 14-16 students for each teacher. Teachers' salaries depend on their experience and qualifications and are approximately equal to USD 137-200.

Secondary special education

After the 9th grade of school, you can enter the first level of secondary vocational education. After three steps to the secondary school diploma vocational education a certificate of complete secondary education of a vocational / technical secondary school or a specialized secondary school is issued.

Higher education

Higher education is paid. To enter a university, you need to pass the Unified National Exam (CES). This is an exam in 4 subjects: logical skills, Georgian language and literature, foreign language and an optional exam.

There are 4 levels of higher education:

  • Certified Specialist (Bachelor of the First Stage)
  • Bachelor
  • master
  • Doctoral student

A 100% (point) and letter grading system (from A to F) is used.

There are three degrees of the type of higher education: university, graduate, and college.

Language of instruction

According to Georgian legislation, the language of instruction in general educational institutions is Georgian, and in Abkhazia, uncontrolled by the Georgian authorities, Abkhazian and Georgian. Georgian citizens for whom Georgian is not their native language have the right to receive education in their native language in accordance with the curriculum. In specialized schools, whose activities are aimed at teaching children with hearing and visual impairments, sign language and Braille are used, respectively.

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  • Colchis Academy // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov
  • Gelati Academy // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / Ch. ed. A.M. Prokhorov... - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.


Excerpt Characterizing Education in Georgia

“How sweet she is, she will be asavitsa,” said Denisov.
- Who?
- G "Athena Natasha," answered Denisov.
“And how she dances, what a ghasta!” He said after a pause for a while.
- Who are you talking about?
- About sisters "at n" about yours, - Denisov shouted angrily.
Rostov chuckled.
- Mon cher comte; vous etes l "un de mes meilleurs ecoliers, il faut que vous dansiez," said little Jogel, going up to Nikolai. "Voyez combien de jolies demoiselles. [My dear count, you are one of my best students. pretty girls!] - He made the same request to Denisov, also his former student.
- Non, mon cher, je fe "ai tapisse" ie, [No, my dear, I'll sit by the wall,] - said Denisov. “Don't you remember how badly I used your lessons?
- Oh no! - Hastily consoling him, said Yogel. - You were only inattentive, but you had the ability, yes, you had the ability.
The newly introduced mazurka was played; Nikolai could not refuse Iogel and invited Sonya. Denisov sat down with the old women and leaned his elbows on his saber, stamping the beat, telling something merrily and making the old ladies laugh, looking at the dancing youth. Iogel in the first pair danced with Natasha, his pride and best student. Softly, gently fingering his feet in shoes, Yogel was the first to fly across the hall with Natasha, who was timid but diligently making a pas. Denisov did not take his eyes off her and tapped time with his saber, with an air that clearly said that he himself did not dance only from what he didn’t want, and not from what he couldn’t. In the middle of the figure, he beckoned Rostov, who was passing by.
“It’s not at all,” he said. “Is this a Polish mazurka?” And he dances well. ”Knowing that Denisov was even famous in Poland for his skill in dancing the Polish mazurka, Nikolai ran up to Natasha:
- Go, choose Denisov. Here is dancing! Miracle! - he said.
When Natasha's turn came again, she got up and quickly fingering her shoes with bows, shyly, she ran alone across the hall to the corner where Denisov was sitting. She saw that everyone was looking at her and waiting. Nikolai saw that Denisov and Natasha were arguing with a smile, and that Denisov refused, but smiled happily. He ran up.
- Please, Vasily Dmitritch, - Natasha said, - let's go, please.
- Yes, thank you, Mr. Athena, - said Denisov.
- Well, that's enough, Vasya, - said Nikolai.
“They’re trying to persuade Vaska the cat,” Denisov said jokingly.
“I’ll sing to you all evening,” said Natasha.
- The sorceress will do everything to me! - said Denisov and unfastened his saber. He stepped out from behind the chairs, took his lady firmly by the hand, lifted his head and put his foot aside, expecting the beat. Only on horseback and in the mazurka, Denisov's small stature was not visible, and he seemed to be the same fellow as he felt himself. After waiting for the beat, he glanced from his side, triumphantly and playfully, at his lady, unexpectedly tapped with one foot and, like a ball, bounced elastically off the floor and flew along in a circle, dragging his lady along with him. He was flying inaudibly half of the hall on one leg, and it seemed that he did not see the chairs standing in front of him and rushed straight towards them; but suddenly, snapping his spurs and spreading his legs, he stopped on his heels, stood there for a second, pounded his feet in one place with a crash of spurs, spun quickly and, snapping his right foot with his left foot, again flew in a circle. Natasha guessed what he intended to do, and, not knowing how, watched him - surrendering herself to him. Now he circled her, now on his right, now on his left hand, now falling to his knees, he drew her around him, and again jumped up and started forward with such impetuosity, as if he intended to run across all the rooms without catching his breath; then suddenly he stopped again and did again a new and unexpected knee. When he, briskly circling the lady in front of her place, snapped his spur, bowing before her, Natasha did not even sit down to him. She stared at him in bewilderment, smiling as if she did not recognize him. - What is it? She said.
Despite the fact that Yogel did not recognize this mazurka as a real one, everyone was delighted with Denisov's skill, they constantly began to choose him, and the old people, smiling, began to talk about Poland and the good old days. Denisov, flushed from the mazurka and wiping himself with a handkerchief, sat down with Natasha and the whole ball did not leave her.

For two days after that, Rostov did not see Dolokhov with his own people and did not find him at home; on the third day he received a note from him. "Since I no longer intend to visit your house for reasons known to you and am going to the army, this evening I give my friends a farewell feast - come to an English hotel." Rostov at 10 o'clock, from the theater, where he was with his friends and Denisov, arrived on the appointed day at an English hotel. He was immediately taken to the best room hotel occupied by Dolokhov that night. About twenty people crowded around the table, in front of which Dolokhov was sitting between two candles. Gold and banknotes lay on the table, and Dolokhov threw the bank. After Sonya's proposal and refusal, Nikolai had not yet seen him and was embarrassed at the thought of how they would meet.
Dolokhov's bright, cold gaze met Rostov at the door, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.
“We haven't seen each other for a long time,” he said. “Thank you for coming. I’ll just go home, and Ilyushka will appear with the chorus.
“I stopped by to see you,” said Rostov, blushing.
Dolokhov did not answer him. “You can put it on,” he said.
Rostov recalled at that moment the strange conversation he had once with Dolokhov. - "Only fools can play for luck," Dolokhov said then.
- Or are you afraid to play with me? Dolokhov said now, as if guessing Rostov's thought, and smiled. Because of his smile, Rostov saw in him the mood of the spirit that he had during lunch at the club and in general in those days when, as if bored with his daily life, Dolokhov felt the need to get out of it by some strange, mostly cruel, act ...
Rostov felt uneasy; he looked for and could not find in his mind a joke that would answer Dolokhov's words. But before he had time to do this, Dolokhov, looking straight into Rostov's face, slowly and deliberately, so that everyone could hear, said to him:
- Do you remember, we talked about the game ... a fool who wants to play luckily; I should probably play, but I want to try.
"Try your luck, or perhaps?" thought Rostov.
“And you’d better not play,” he added, and cracking with a torn deck, he added: “Bank, gentlemen!
Pushing the money forward, Dolokhov prepared to throw. Rostov sat down beside him and did not play at first. Dolokhov looked at him.
- Why aren't you playing? - said Dolokhov. And strangely, Nikolai felt the need to take a card, put a small jackpot on it and start the game.
“There’s no money with me,” said Rostov.
- Believe it!
Rostov put 5 rubles on the card and lost, bet again and lost again. Dolokhov killed, that is, he won ten cards in a row from Rostov.
“Gentlemen,” he said, after marking some time, “I ask you to put money on your cards, otherwise I might get confused in the accounts.
One of the players said he hoped he could be believed.
- You can believe it, but I'm afraid to get confused; I ask you to put money on the cards, - Dolokhov answered. “Don't be shy, you and I will reckon,” he added to Rostov.
The game went on: the footman, without ceasing, served champagne.
All the cards of Rostov fought, and up to 800 tons of rubles were written on it. He wrote 800 tons of rubles over one card, but while the champagne was being served to him, he changed his mind and wrote again the usual jackpot, twenty rubles.
- Leave it, - said Dolokhov, although he did not seem to look at Rostov, - you will soon get it back. I give to others, but I beat you. Or are you afraid of me? He repeated.
Rostov obeyed, left the written 800 and set the seven of worms with the corner torn off, which he picked up from the ground. He remembered her well afterwards. He put a seven of worms, inscribed over it with broken chalk 800, in round, straight numbers; drank a glass of warmed champagne served, smiled at Dolokhov's words, and with a sinking heart, expecting a seven, began to look at Dolokhov's hands, who was holding the deck. Winning or losing this seven of hearts meant a lot to Rostov. On Sunday last week, Count Ilya Andreevich gave his son 2,000 rubles, and he, who never liked to talk about financial difficulties, told him that this money was last until May, and that is why he asked his son to be more economical this time. Nikolay said that this was too much for him, and that he gave his word of honor not to take more money until spring. Now 1,200 rubles remained of this money. Therefore, the seven of hearts meant not only a loss of 1,600 rubles, but also the need to change this word. He looked at Dolokhov's hands with bated breath and thought: "Well, hurry, give me this card, and I take my cap, go home to have supper with Denisov, Natasha and Sonya, and surely there will never be a card in my hands." This minute home life him, jokes with Petya, conversations with Sonya, duets with Natasha, a picket with his father and even a quiet bed in the Cook's House, with such strength, clarity and charm presented themselves to him, as if all this was a long-past, lost and invaluable happiness. He could not allow that a stupid accident, forcing the seven to lie on the right rather than on the left, could deprive him of all this newly understood, re-illuminated happiness and plunge him into the abyss of a still untested and indefinite misfortune. It could not be, but he still waited with a sinking breath for the movement of Dolokhov's hands. These broad-boned, reddish hands with hair visible from under the shirt put down a deck of cards and took hold of the glass and pipe being served.

In 2006 Georgia signed the Bologna Agreement. The education system in the country began to correspond to the pan-European one, it provides for training in bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. In Georgia, obtaining master's and doctoral degrees depends on the wishes of the students.

Receive higher education in Georgia it is possible not only in the Georgian language. For foreign students Russian, English, French and German sectors have been opened in the country at the leading universities of Georgia in various fields - medicine, law, economics, business, philology.

Tuition fees at Georgian universities range from 2,250 lari (up to 1,000 dollars) to more than 20,000 lari (about 3,400 dollars) per year.

As a rule, getting medical education in other countries is much more expensive than in Georgia. That is why every year this area is the most popular among foreign students.

How can a foreigner enroll in a university in Georgia

Foreign applicants for admission to a higher educational institution in Georgia only need to provide a certificate of complete secondary education. They do not need to pass the Unified National Exams, but they will have to pay the full amount for their studies at the university. In the event that they wish to receive a state grant, they will have to pass the UNE under the school education program in Georgia. If they pass the exams successfully, they can receive 100% funding.

Universities of Georgia with Russian faculties

The list of universities where you can study in Russian is small.

At the I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, the Russian sector is open in such areas as Caucasian studies, Russian philology, journalism and mass communication.

Georgian Technical University offers the following Russian-language programs: construction of water supply and drainage systems, energy and electrical engineering, telecommunications, oil and gas technologies, mining and oil and gas engineering, architecture, business administration, international relations, journalism, informatics, computer modeling, systems and networks, engineering physics.

Tbilisi Humanities Educational University offers only two Russian-language directions: organization and management of business and dentistry.

Tbilisi Medical Educational University "Gipokrat" offers Russian-speaking students an educational program for a certified physician and an educational program for a certified dentist.

State program for national minorities

For ethnic minorities who are citizens of Georgia but do not speak Georgian, the National Center for Examinations and Assessment translates examination tests. To enter the university, they can pass exams in Azerbaijani, Armenian or Russian. They will have to take only an exam in the Georgian language and literature in Georgian.

In addition, the state gives them the opportunity, upon successful passing of the exam in skills in their native language, to enter a higher educational institution and after completing a one-year intensive course in the study of the Georgian language, and then continue their studies at any faculty they wish.

Foreign students in Georgia

According to the National Statistics Service "Sakstat" (Gruzstat), 8 thousand 12 foreign students study at public and private universities in Georgia for 2016-2017. In comparison with the previous academic year, their number has increased by 1,369 people.

The majority of foreign students (4 thousand 599) study at private universities. These are mainly citizens of Azerbaijan (2 thousand 93 people).

As for public universities, most of the students here are from India (1,389 people).

Of the foreign students, 3,611 are undergraduate students, and 4,401 are graduate, residency or certified veterinarian students.

Most of the students in the undergraduate program (2,235 students) chose social sciences, business and law faculties, and the majority of students in the graduate, residency, or certified veterinarian program (4,232 people) chose the faculties of health and social services.

Even countries such as China, USA, Canada, Germany, Russia, Israel, Great Britain, France, Spain and others come to Georgia to study.

And, and. And today we are leaving for Georgia, where Alina Luneva, the mother of seven-year Oscar, lives.

My name is Alina Luneva. My son Oscar is seven years old. We live in Georgia, in Tbilisi.

What are the schools

Schools in Georgia are very different. There are public schools in which the education system is uniform at the state level, and there are many in which the education system is unique for each school. State schools in Georgia are overcrowded, classrooms - 30-40 people, children study in several shifts. Private is a little easier. There are fewer people in the class, there is always an extended program, the children wear uniforms. Oscar is in the second grade at a private Georgian school. Georgian - that is, training is conducted in the Georgian language. Before school, the son attended a Russian kindergarten.

There are many Russian kindergartens in Tbilisi, they are in demand not only by the Russian-speaking residents of the city, but also by the indigenous people. For example, in the son's group, 80% of the children were Georgians. Parents send them to Russian kindergartens so that their children can speak Russian.

The school year starts in mid-September and ends in mid-July. Holidays - a week in the fall, around the middle of November, a week in the spring, in March, they coincide with the Georgian Mother's Day, and March 8th. Winter holidays are long - 2.5 weeks. Summer - usual, as in Russia, 3 months.

Daily routine at a Georgian school

Studying starts at 9 am, the school day ends at 17: 30-18: 00. The son has 18 children in the class. Usually children have 5-6 lessons, each one lasts 35 minutes. The curriculum includes Georgian language, mathematics, and German languages, physical education, dance, music, choir, drawing and art classes.

At 12:00 lunch at school, and at 14:30 lunch. For breakfast, children are offered water and some pastries - lobiani, khachapuri or a bun. Complex lunch: there is always soup and a second. Common food for children with a Georgian flavor: for example, gupta (Georgian meatballs), chikhirtma (Georgian chicken soup), kharcho. After lunch, the children walk a little in the yard and return to class to do homework... You can pick up the child earlier, but then you will have to take the task with you and do it at home. Usually I pick up my son at 16:30, by which time the lessons have already been done. They go out for a walk around 17:00 if the weather is good.

Children do their homework at school. Every day except Friday. On Friday we pick up books and notebooks from school and do our homework. Tasks are feasible, their volume is also, there is no such thing that you need to spend half a day to complete. Maximum one and a half hours. The son, as a rule, makes them himself 80%. I explain some tasks, supervise how he performs tasks in the Georgian language, together we translate and memorize words and phrases. We learn poems together.

How is adaptation going?

The child was assisted by all the staff primary school: and the curator of the class, and teachers, and the deputy director. They showed patience, explained, made allowances for the fact that the son did not speak Georgian from the very beginning. They shared with me and asked for support in a situation where. But that was really rare.

My son is hyperactive and very funny, so he sometimes flirts and gets out of control. Once he was rude to a teacher, he had a fight with a classmate. The teacher spoke to me at the moment when I was picking up the child from school, described the situation, we talked it over with the teacher and my son. The question was settled.

During the first months of the first grade, it was difficult for the son to sit in the classroom, he went out into the corridor, walked. The deputy director used this situation to show him the school, library, and communicate. So the son unobtrusively got used to the school environment.

Parents at school have the opportunity to speak with a school psychologist. Before the start of training, at the introductory meeting, the psychologist conducted general lecture for all parents. She talked about how this can manifest itself, gave how to behave with children. I myself internally prepared for the start of school, read, talked with other parents.

School traditions

Our parents are not very involved in extracurricular life. We are invited to attend events, but not to organize them. In the first grade, there was a meeting-acquaintance, where each mother, together with the child, could show something that they do together, or somehow express themselves, for example, sing or dance together. There was an event like "Merry Starts", fairs are held, but there are no joint excursions. Children go on excursions with teachers. The main meeting place for parents is children's birthdays, which are usually held here in special children's centers for the holidays. My favorite event is the school charity fair. The children themselves sell the crafts that they made in art lessons.

The main differences between the Georgian school

There is less stress here, more loyalty to children, a flexible approach. Not all, of course, teachers, but nevertheless. For example, Oscar took a long time to get used to school. Already in the second half of the year, I learned from an art teacher that for the first two weeks he did not want to sit at his desk, walked around the classroom, slept at the table. However, the child was given time to get used to it without repression and without involving parents. Moreover, having seen Oscar's, the teacher does not require him to complete program tasks, but allows him to do other things in art lessons, directs development, but without the desire to equalize.

Also, there are no endless parenting meetings in Georgia. Parent-teacher meeting- semiannually. The rest of the issues are resolved through the Facebook group. If there is a personal request, you can meet personally with the director or teacher and discuss.

Specifically in our school, I like the humanitarian approach: the guys learn many languages, develop creativity, there are good circles at the school, so you can not rush your child around the city, transporting him from section to section. But there are also disadvantages. For example, I want more clarity. However, in Georgia, I want greater clarity everywhere.

Photo: Africa Studio / Zaitsava Olga / unguryanu / ZouZou / holbox / Pressmaster / Shutterstock.com

Georgia is a country of Transcaucasia, in which the BOLONIAN education system operates, both in schools and universities. There are public and private schools in Georgia. Naturally, private schools are priority, but due to high cost education, and public schools have a preference.

As schoolchildren, the Georgian Ministry of Education offers students various programs, Olympiads and competitions. The annual international exchange program FLEX operates and is well conducted in Georgia, as a result of which pupils, even in their youth, study independent life... Also, the Ministry of Education annually conducts school olympiads, the winners of which from all over the country go to the camp, where, in addition to the academic part, there is also an entertaining sports part. It is here that the rapprochement of young people takes place. Naturally, this is how children grow up, while receiving education. Well, the 12th grade comes - the most responsible class - a year when already young schoolchildren, applicants, pass exams for a certificate and entrance exams to universities.

In Georgia today there are about two dozen state universities and about 60 private universities. Each university has its own priorities, interests, areas of attraction, and so on. Applicants make a choice between faculties, universities according to their interest, opportunities, prestige and many other reasons. It should be noted that among the state universities, the leaders are the Tbilisi State University them. Ivane Javakhishvili, State Polytechnic Institute, Sukhumi State University, Tbilisi State Medical Institute. Naturally, there is a lot of competition, and a different profile, and different interests.

As for private higher educational institutions, it should be noted that there is also great competition among them, since each of them offers applicants different offers, sometimes even these offers look "tempting". But all this is a PR company of universities.

Every year in Georgia, the number of applicants is approximately 38-43 thousand, of which approximately 3-5% do not pass school exams(and accordingly does not have the right to pass to the university), about 5-7% cannot pass to the university because of the prices (they cannot pay), about 3% do not want to (since after graduating from the university it is very difficult to find a job, and they say , but the point is to pass - well, somewhere they may be right!), and from the remaining applicants, about 8% are cut off at the entrance exams. As a result, 30-32 thousand applicants become students.

The main task after choosing a profession, being an applicant (in Georgia school education is 12 years old), after the students pass the exams, enter and start studying, the question is - the ACTIVITY of students in different projects. As in all countries, and in the universities of Georgia, there is student self-government, the student council, which is the body of the university, in which active students are united, and who try to participate in various projects, trainings, charity events, etc. include all students. How it turns out, what is the result in the end - this is the second question.

The activity of students, both in studies and in projects (internal, regional and international), naturally affects the image of the country, student, university. It is with these criteria that the country enters the international arena, this or that university becomes popular, and naturally this attracts foreign students to study in Georgia.

Returning to the topic of student activity, it should be noted that there are a lot of projects for students - they are organized and supervised by both the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Georgia, as well as specific universities inside, and several universities, nevertheless carrying out regional projects, and there are also cases when international projects are carried out (final abroad). In addition to most projects, students are also offered various projects and non-governmental organizations (these are various trainings, training courses, etc.). It should be noted that, both in studies and in projects, approximately 65% ​​of the country's students take part.

For example, you can list the activities that are held annually for students in Georgia in parallel with the educational process:

1. Student days(the duration is a month, there are various competitions between students (both intellectual and sports), the competition is great, the best win);

2. Universiade (sports competitions);

3. Trainings, exchange programs;

4. Forums;

5. Conferences (scientific, regional, international);

6. Olympiads, etc.

In all of the above events, about 65% of students (listeners) are active directly or indirectly, of which about 20% of students are active participants, and sometimes even organizers (that is, which are all student self-governments, student councils).

STUDENT DAYS is a republican project of the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Georgia, which is carried out throughout the country.

The project, which will unite the youth, the students of the country, develops in students, in addition to the academic part, sports skills, competition between universities, is held annually in the country in the spring. It should be noted that both state and private universities become winners of students, winners of universities. Returning to study and level, prestige, as well as the interests of applicants or students, it is this project that, one might say, dominates when choosing a university.

Naturally, this is one of the main reasons that subsequently affect the educational process. Disinterest, information vacuum, small quotas for participation (which exactly develops the student's interest for competition, victory), is precisely the main factor that some of the students "give up", and sometimes this affects academic performance.

In the history of students in Georgia, 2013 came as the most active year... It is known that on September 27, 1993, after a 13 month and 13 day war (08/14/1992 - 09/27/1993) Sukhumi fell. In 2013, 20 years have passed since this tragic date for the history of Georgia. It was students, student self-governments who organized a peaceful action called "ABKHAZIA IS OUR PAIN". Students from all over Georgia, both from public and private universities, joined the action.

The action, which was joined by the students, showing the unity of the country with a peaceful gesture, nevertheless, expressing pain and grief, united all the youth, all the students of the country. Yes - and it was unity, it was a gesture that all universities are connected and have friendly relations. About 16 thousand students took part in the action. This action was not only a sign of the country's unity, it also showed the purpose of the students, showed knowledge of the history of the country, knowledge of geography, politics, etc.

Returning to the issue of study, it should be noted that in the universities of Georgia, based on the interests, activity, academic performance of students, we can say that there are both popular faculties and less popular ones that are at the level of extinction (since students believe that these professions are difficult or almost impossible to use).

In conclusion, education is well developed in Georgia. Young people, in spite of laziness and various obstacles, successfully graduate from school, university, sometimes in almost 30% of cases, continue their studies abroad, which is what they partly glorify the country with.

Davit Doneriani

Sokhumi State University


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Source: Journal "Pedagogy" 2013/8 p. 117

Panova Maria worked on this article

Annotation. The period of revival of the Georgian statehood was accompanied by complex socio-economic transformations, which turned out to be destructive for the vocational education system. More than 80% of the relevant educational institutions were closed. The rest did not meet the existing requirements to a minimum. This situation requires an understanding of the mistakes made, structural and organizational transformations, the construction of a system of continuous professional education.

Keywords. Education, vocational education system, training of qualified personnel, labor market, continuing education.

Today's socio-economic reforms in Georgia require the vocational education system to determine the exact mechanisms of appropriate development and modernization. They give a completely different vision to the policy of personnel training, considering it as a decisive factor in the formation of intellectual resources and the development of the country's productive forces.

When we analyze the processes taking place in Georgia and try to find the reasons that caused its socio-economic decline, we get a sense of natural discontent that a country so rich in natural and labor resources is among the economically backward states. There are many missing reasons, but the main one is that it is difficult for us to work and think in a new way. We could neither learn anything from our mistakes, nor use someone else's experience correctly. But “if the state loses its leading position in determining policy in the education system, in its coordination, financing and development of standards, cannot be active in relation to the creation of a vocational education system and its further functioning, then the thought of its advancement and its development will remain an unattainable dream. "

World practice shows that the labor market today is focused on highly qualified specialists. That is why, in conditions of free competition, the creation of a harmonious system of training, retraining and advanced training of professional personnel is of particular importance. Thus, the American magazine "Harvard business revieu" wrote: "If German production in the world market is one of the first places, then the determining factor is high level vocational training in the country. The traditional education system here provides education at a level that makes it possible to train highly qualified specialists, and such specialists, due to their theoretical and practical level, can quickly master the latest technology. "

Based on the foregoing, the issue of qualitative and quantitative training of young, qualified work force should be at the head of the country's long-term development plan. Success is achieved only where the will of the state and the provision of assistance are mobilized for this.

The drop in production potential, the shutdown of factories and plants, and a decrease in labor applications caused by the economic crisis in Georgia have dramatically reduced the demand for skilled workers. Added to this was the destruction of the vocational education system in the early 1990s. in the department of the Ministry of Education of Georgia it was before. 200 educational institutions of primary vocational education. By 2000, their number had halved. The number of the contingent has dropped.

Accordingly, the staff units were abolished, many good specialists were left without work. In 1998, primary vocational education institutions were left without state funding. Ultimately, more than 80% of the schools were liquidated. The reason for their closure was the scheme of liquidation of the system of primary vocational education, developed by the Ministry of Education, for the reason that school graduates only joined the ranks of the unemployed. Unfortunately, the rulers of the fate of vocational education were people and political groups that did not have a clear idea of ​​the system.

Due to the lack of a legal basis for independent action, the schools found themselves in a disadvantageous position. Their rather rich material and technical base was destroyed: educational inventory-equipment, expensive machine-tools. Traditional relations with enterprises and institutions, basic enterprises, public organizations, vertical and horizontal ties with other educational institutions were violated. It became impossible to manage the processes of internal and external integration. The forms of encouragement were not preserved either. On the contrary, an age qualification was introduced in the schools, the advantage was given to solvent students. The reality came into conflict with the Constitution of the country, with the laws and directives on vocational education, employment, and social protection of citizens. The constitutional rights of citizens, the principle of free primary vocational education and its universal availability were grossly violated.

Certain attempts to optimize the achievement of greater efficiency of training and its orientation to world standards have taken place, but in most cases, various changes, abandoning their traditions and requirements have brought negative results. Thus, in August 2005, the Government of Georgia, on the basis of the adopted Concept on Vocational Education, decided to remove the teaching of general education disciplines from the programs of vocational educational institutions. As a result, a reorganization was carried out, which sharply reduced the number of students in schools, a large number of teachers of general education subjects were released from work. The activities of the remaining educational institutions could not meet the minimum requirements for training qualified personnel according to modern standards. On March 12, 2008, the Government of Georgia adopted order No. 118 "On vocational education and employment", according to which 50 vocational training and retraining centers were to be created in order to attract investments within the framework of a public-private partnership. This would be very useful for the revival of educational institutions that have lost their function. Unfortunately, this order was not implemented.

An educational institution that does not meet its purpose should be closed, but it seems illogical when the only educational institution in the region or district is liquidated. As the experience of foreign countries shows, it is necessary to do everything possible for the educational institution to function. The existence of an educational institution in a city, district or large settlement increases their status, affects the demographic stability of the region, plays an important role in the development of cultural, sports and other social spheres.

Now the number of private educational institutions is growing, but their capacity and educational profiles are quite limited. Most of those wishing to obtain a qualification find it difficult to pay for tuition. Some of the graduates of general education schools are deprived of the opportunity to obtain the desired profession and are forced to start work without any qualifications or to join the ranks of the unemployed.

And now the words of the outstanding Russian teacher KD Ushinsky are relevant: “It is worth increasing vocational schools for the sole purpose that freemen and places of detention are not burdened by those persons who, as a result of proper vocational education, can avoid hospitals and prisons. Society should be concerned not so much with punishment as with the eradication of crime, do everything for the moral education of a teenager and perfect mastery of his specialty. "

In 2012, according to the results of a study conducted by a sample method, it turned out that 80% of students in urban and 55% of students in rural schools use the services of tutors. And among the applicants entering universities, those were 94%. A similar trend has manifested itself in professional educational institutions: their students are looking for ways to improve the quality of their knowledge and practical improvement from highly qualified specialists and production leaders. The acquisition of professional qualifications comes to the fore.

Every member of society should be convinced that knowledge and professional qualifications are the driving factors for success in life. Unfortunately, as a result of the information vacuum, a negative attitude towards a particular profession often arises. A certain part workers have a superficial understanding of the social significance of their own profession, they know little about the laws and regulations associated with it.

Projects often do not become subjects of public discussion. Projects and decisions in most cases lack concreteness and clarity, driving factors and responsibilities of persons or groups responsible for implementation are not defined.

Vocational education standards should ensure close links between the vocational training and economic sectors. Especially in the area where a person can be employed after appropriate training. It is also necessary to take into account the importance of a unified approach of different countries to the standards of vocational education, which makes it possible to nostrify the diplomas issued by them.

Professional education with its activities, goals and objectives provides a huge potential in order to create conditions and contribute to the development of small and medium-sized businesses; can give a significant economic and social effect of training highly qualified personnel for small and medium-sized enterprises, farms, family and individual entrepreneurship.

Due to the structural changes that took place in the system under the 2007 Vocational Education Law, some educational institutions were not ready to switch to multi-stage education, to be included in the continuous educational process and work using new methods. It became difficult for them to determine what level and quality standards and programs should be dealt with, what instructions to follow. Timely training and mass retraining of workers, raising their qualifications, active involvement of foreign experts and foreign specialists in the discussion of updated and new programs, and approbation processes failed.

The problem of vocational training cannot be viewed in isolation from other components of the state educational system and the country's socio-economic development. The striving for a profession begins with the family, from school, and development and improvement takes place in a professional educational institution. Among the problems to solve school reform based on the principle of lifelong education, one of the most important is the problem of radical transformation and improvement of the training of students - future professionals. This is not a narrow-departmental affair, it is of a public nature and requires unified concerted action on the part of the state, school, family and wide strata of society.

The problems are global in scale. The strategic direction of vocational education in relation to the policy of the continuing education system is considered in three aspects:

1) the methodological guideline of continuous education and the problem of forming a full-fledged citizen of modern society, the place of professional education in this process;

2) the structural model of the school of the future envisaged by the reform, the pedagogical tasks assigned to its individual stages;

3) the main features of the development of vocational education institutions in the new socio-economic environment.

One of initial ideas modern concepts of lifelong education is the requirement for the upbringing of a personality adapted to a dynamically developing reality. The education system must prepare people for future changes, teach them to perceive these changes, use them for the public good and keep their shape in the face of scientific and technological progress. The task of continuous education is to prepare an individual for professional mobility, adaptation to a rapidly changing reality.

To consider the problem in this aspect, it is necessary to take into account the requirements that life places before a modern person, a professional who is not a simple executor of the components of the labor process. He is, in fact, the organizer of this process, carries out its planning, analyzes production information and adequately responds to it, makes operational decisions; has the ability to correct his behavior and production process, quickly adapt to an extraordinary situation. All this requires from him not only a thorough professional education, but also a sufficiently high psychological preparation and, most importantly, a broad general education. The solution to the most important state task - the training of such professionals - is possible only with the help of a system of continuous education, organized at the level of modern requirements.

The five-level structure of vocational education is an important step towards bringing it in full compliance with European educational standards, contributes and increases the optimization and flexibility of training. But at the same time, we are forced to admit that often training programs do not correspond to modern industrial relations, the results of technical and technological re-equipment.

It is impossible to prepare a full-fledged certified specialist at the first stage of training, through the implementation of short-term, 2-, 3- or 6-month programs. Shouldn't be repeated negative sides training narrow specialization, which are focused only on completing tasks under someone else's supervision. “In this case, vocational education will have to follow a completely new, unbeaten path, because in accordance with his classical understanding, the upbringing of a socially mature citizen, ready to act, having a sense of responsibility, should become the fundamental idea of ​​any type of education and in production activity. "

Professional education should contribute to the development of the student's creative skills, who will be able to plan and manage their work. The employer requires independent and proactive workers. On the one hand, he refuses a professional who depends on someone else's decision and feels a little responsibility for the final results, on the other hand, he is looking for a professional who can act independently, react quickly in an extreme situation and feel a lot of responsibility.

Professional educational institutions, in close alliance with entrepreneurs, can be turned into centers of creation, discussion and further improvement of new products, new types of services. This approach can improve vocational education and raise the status, prestige and importance of educational institutions in the economy of the country and regions, become a decisive factor in the self-employed population and a force that stimulates business development.

Successful employment depends on the quality of knowledge and the economic situation in the country. The formation and development of professional competence is achieved as a result of consistent, purposeful work. It largely depends on the basic training and the quality of education even in general education schools. Employers' claims to the level of personnel training are growing more and more, and often we are dealing with such universal requirements, the satisfaction of which is impossible without the corresponding key competencies. Together with the professional qualifications of employees, they must characterize striving for a goal, skills of quick adaptation, communication skills, self-development, knowledge of computers and foreign languages. It is the personnel trained in this way that have the opportunity to make a successful professional career and increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

The revival of vocational education and its organization in accordance with today's requirements need support from the authorities. First of all, we need to take care of the qualitative improvement of vocational education and the implementation of the principle of universal accessibility. The repetition of mistakes made in the past is inadmissible. Projects that are vital essential, only if they will become promising when they are carefully discussed with all potential partners and departments interested in the fate of the future generation, and are provided with scrupulously worked out legislation. Free vocational education should be made publicly available and the employment of graduates should be promoted; take measures to end the uncontrolled departure of children from Georgia abroad. It is necessary to create the inhabitants of all settlements conditions for obtaining the desired level of education and training in the chosen specialty.

According to the UN, in 2011 in Georgia 25 thousand children did not go to school (college), they did not have elementary living conditions... According to other studies, an even more alarming picture emerged: "There are not 25,000 such children, but 100,000."

The new government with new programs and textbooks, encouraging promises is returning to schools, colleges, orphanages. In this sense, the free distribution of textbooks to all students in the new 2013/14 academic year is indicative. year. Also noteworthy are the initiatives of non-governmental organizations and international donor organizations, among which one can single out a children's village created on the outskirts of Tbilisi under the patronage of the Dutch: everything is done here for the development of children, the development of their abilities and the formation of skills, their acquisition of professions, and bringing them to the path of life. ...

In the vocational education system, social partnership is somewhat specific. Each partner participating in it, in addition to common interest, is guided by their own ambitions. The interest of all must be agreed and taken into account, otherwise the relationship will not be able to be established.

Such cardinal issues of educational activities as vocational guidance and assistance in obtaining a profession do not fully meet modern requirements. The existing situation can be considered as a kind of manifestation of the negative aspects of the country's social and educational policy. The hope that these processes will be regulated by life itself and that material and spiritual resources should not be spent on them seems to be fundamentally wrong. At first glance, this is a simple matter, but in reality it requires a scientific approach. Care should be taken to combine the interests of society and individuals.

Changes in vocational and qualification characteristics, the introduction of new professions and the need for one decisive training of personnel presuppose the development of new educational programs, the creation of enterprise schools, farm schools, educational and experimental farms, and the improvement of management processes.

We don't actually have a detailed plan practical implementation vocational education reform. The currently discussed concept promises to create a stable vocational training system in a single educational space. But if you carefully analyze the situation, first of all, it is necessary to create a solid foundation for transformations corresponding to the new political and socio-economic reality, in particular: to develop effective forms and methods of work, improve the educational material and technical base, implement a regional educational policy, adopt appropriate legislative acts and directives. Effective governance structures, starting with the Ministry of Education and Science and ending with regional local structures, should be built on the principles of transparency and publicity, and ensure the organization of results-oriented activities.

The newest national educational programs should provide an opportunity to train professionals focused on high competitive environment... The person should be provided with such knowledge that frees from outside help and care, makes everyone an independent and successful citizen. This is where we see the essence of education reform.

The new educational concept creates a fertile ground for all types of educational institutions to form and develop as a diversified, multistage and multifunctional system. On their basis, it is possible to create all kinds of departments and units of education with different terms, forms, directions of training, to create short-term courses for advanced training and retraining of personnel, services for forecasting the need for labor; to establish close ties with labor exchanges, employment services. The requirements for the formation and development of professional pedagogy, which is developing in close connection with sociology, psychology, physiology, economics, etc., come to the fore.

Currently, the process of integration and internationalization of education has begun in Georgia at an accelerated pace. Are being created of various kinds organizations, transnational foundations supporting vocational education. They facilitate the exchange of experience, specialists, and the introduction of new technologies. Along with methodological assistance, material, technical and financial support is growing. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (USA), which has set itself the task of promoting economic development and reducing poverty, improving the quality of human capital, eradicating the shortage of qualified technicians and professionals as the main factor that hinders the country's continuous development in economic sectors, has allocated 15 USD million

In the context of modern globalization, there is an acute problem of preserving one's roots, self-esteem, national traditions and identity. We will open the doors of European civilization with great interest. Georgian vocational education enters into a multifaceted creative relationship with foreign countries... The support of the UN, the European Union, their experts, individual associations in the implementation of business projects of the USA, Germany and other states in our country promises important prospects.

It is necessary to follow with equal attention the events in the post-Soviet space and in the countries of Eastern Europe... The rupture of creative relations with Russia, which has rich traditions and experience in the development of professional education, is regrettable. The steps that have recently been taken towards the revival of economic cooperation by Patriarch of Georgia Ilya II, representatives of science and culture, individual politicians of our country give hope for spiritual rapprochement.


1. Materials of the UNESCO International Congress on Technical and Vocational Education and Training. (Seoul, April 1999). Minsk, 1999.

2. Harvard business revieu. New York, 1992. No. XII.


4. Constitution of Georgia (state law). TB, 1995 (in cargo language).

5. Law of Georgia on primary vocational education. TB, 1996 (in cargo language).

6. Ushinsky KD Izb. ped. op. TB., 1974 (in cargo language).

7. Manual Development of standards in vocational Education and training. European training foundation, Turin, 1998.

8. Bull B. Towards entrepreneurship in vocational education and training. TB, 2002 (in cargo language).