2 sentences with indirect. Sentences with direct and indirect speech


In the Russian language there are several ways to convey someone else's speech. One of these methods involves using introductory constructions with the meaning of the source of the statement. In addition, to convey other people's words, they are used straight And indirect speech.

Direct speech- these are the words of a person, transmitted without change on his behalf. Sentences with direct speech are divided into two parts: direct speech And author's words . From the words of the author, we definitely learn who owns the words that represent direct speech, and we can also find out how and under what circumstances they were pronounced, for example: Yesenin wrote: “I love my homeland.” “Thank you for telling me all this,” Oleg said in a dull voice..

In sentences with direct speech, the features of someone else’s speech are preserved, therefore it may contain verbs in the form of the 1st and 2nd person indicative and imperative mood, pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, addresses, incomplete sentences, interjections and particles.

Direct speech can include not one, but several sentences.

Direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks. Author's words can stand before direct speech and separated from it by a colon, after her - and then a dash is placed in front of them, and the first word in them is written with lowercase letter, and inside direct speech - in this case, the author’s words are separated from direct speech using a dash on both sides. At the end of direct speech the sign that is needed is placed based on which sentence, the purpose of the statement and the emotional coloring is direct speech. Wherein exclamation and question marks are placed inside quotation marks , A dot - behind quotes . If direct speech comes before the words of the author, then Instead of a dot, a comma is placed before the dash .

If the author's words are inside direct speech and break it in the middle of the sentence, then after them, before the dash, a comma is placed, and direct speech continues with a lowercase letter. If the author's words break up direct speech in the place where there should have been a period or exclamation or question marks, then after the words of the author, before the dash, a period is placed, and direct speech continues with a capital letter.



"P, - a, - p."

“Here is your book,” said the librarian, “read.”

“P, - a. - P".

“Come in,” my mother invited. “But Sasha didn’t wait for you.”

“P, - a, - p?”

“Tell me,” the teacher turned to me, “did you forget to read the novel “War and Peace” by Tolstoy?”

"P! - A. - P".

"P! - A. - P!".

“Stop, brothers, stop! - Monkey shouts. - Wait!”

"P? - A. - P".

"Where are you going? - Ivan asked. “I was sent for you.”

"P?! - A. - P!"

“Have you really forgotten?! - exclaimed the father. - I knew it!"

Indirect speech- is the transmission of someone else's statement in the form subordinate clause.

If direct speech can occupy any place in relation to the author’s words, then indirect speech always follows them. Subordinate clause, which is indirect speech, is attached to the main part with the help of conjunctions and allied words what, so that, as if, as if, who, which, which, whose, how, where, where, where, from, why, why and etc.

If direct speech is a declarative sentence, then when replacing it indirect speech conjunction is used What .

If direct speech is an incentive sentence, then when replacing it with indirect speech, the conjunction is used to .

If there is an interrogative sentence in direct speech, then when replacing it with indirect speech, two cases are possible:

a) interrogative pronouns and adverbs (if they exist in direct speech) are preserved in indirect speech in the role of allied words;

b) an indirect question is expressed using a particle whether in the role of a conjunction (in the absence of interrogative pronouns and adverbs in direct speech).

Direct speech

Indirect speech

He said: “I will complete this work in two days.”

He said he would complete the job in two days.

The teacher said: “Bring notebooks for the next lesson. tests»

The teacher told us to bring our test books to the next lesson.

They came up to me and asked: “How to get to the local history museum?”

They came up to me and asked how to get to the local history museum.

She asked Ivanov: “Did you take part in the bike ride?”

She asked Ivanov if he took part in the bike ride.

In indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns and verb persons are used from the point of view of the author, and not from the speaker’s point of view, for example:

Addresses, interjections, emotional particles present in direct speech are omitted in indirect speech; the shades they express are conveyed only approximately by other lexical means, for example:

Abstract suraktar
  1. Well said, I can only agree with you.

  2. Well, Anna hurried me up. I need to go to the factory. This proposal corresponds to the scheme:

  3. Direct speech is in the sentence (no punctuation marks are placed)

  4. The geese fly with pleasure, says Rostovtsev. Now I’ve seen a whole school of them. This proposal corresponds to the scheme:

  5. The bear screams, it's turning out great

    This proposal corresponds to the scheme:

  6. “Are you really thinking of playing hide and seek with me?” Vanya said with annoyance.

  7. Pushkin wrote to Chaadaev “My friend, let us dedicate our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses!”

    The character missing in this sentence is

  8. Someone else's speech, conveyed in the form of a subordinate clause, is called

  9. Sentence with indirect speech:

  10. He said to the boys (?) “I think (?) I’m lost (?) can I sit down?”

    Missing from this sentence (in order)

  11. Other people's words are conveyed using indirect speech in a sentence

  12. A sentence that can be punctuated both as a sentence with direct speech and as a sentence with indirect speech:

  13. Indirect speech is formed incorrectly in the sentence:

  14. A sentence with indirect speech is a complex sentence with a subordinate clause

Takyryptyn dough

Read the sentences. Which of them convey someone else's speech literally, with all its features, and which ones - only the content of someone else's speech? What parts of these sentences are the same? Which parts differ and how (in structure, intonation)?
The teacher said, “Your class is going on a field trip.” The teacher said that our class would go on an excursion.
The coach advised me: “You take deep breaths!” The coach advised me to breathe deeper.
The doctor asked: “What was your temperature?” The doctor asked what my temperature was.
Sentences with indirect speech serve to convey someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, and not the one who actually said it.
Sentences with indirect speech convey only the content of someone else's speech, but cannot convey all the features of its form and intonation.
Sentences with indirect speech are complex sentences, consisting of two parts (the words of the author and indirect speech), which are connected by conjunctions that, as if, so that, or pronouns and adverbs who, what, which, how, where, when, why, etc., or the particle whether.
With the help of conjunctions that, the content of narrative sentences of someone else’s speech is indirectly conveyed, for example:
The forester said: “I saw swans on the lake.”
The forester said that he saw swans on the lake.
The forester said that he saw swans on the lake.
With the help of the conjunction so, the content of the incentive sentences of someone else’s speech is conveyed, for example:
The captain ordered: “Boats on the water!”
The captain ordered the boats to be launched.
Sentences with pronouns and adverbs that, who, which, how, where, when, why, etc. or with an interrogative particle whether indirectly convey the content of interrogative sentences in someone else’s speech, for example:
"What time is it now?" - I asked.
I asked what time it was.
We asked those we met: “Where are you going?”
We asked the people we met where they were going.
“Will you solve this problem?” - I asked my friend.
I asked my friend if he would solve this problem.
A question conveyed in indirect speech is called an indirect question.

Translation of direct speech into indirect speech Direct speech Indirect speech I. 1. Declarative sentence Unions that, as if 2. Impellative sentence Union that 3. Interrogative sentence:
a) with an interrogative pronoun or adverb;
b) without a question word Interrogative pronoun or adverb
Particle II. 1. 1st person pronoun The person of the author of someone else’s speech 2. 2nd person pronoun The person of the addressee of someone else’s speech 1.
398. Read the sentences. Determine the type of direct speech based on the purpose of the statement. Using the table, replace sentences with direct speech with sentences with indirect speech. Write them down. Explain pronoun changes.
Sample. The teacher asked the student: “Are you ready for the answer?” Direct speech is an interrogative sentence without a question word, therefore, particles must be used in indirect speech. In direct speech, the 2nd person pronoun is used; when replacing direct speech with indirect speech, the person of the addressee (student), i.e. the 3rd person, is used instead. Sentence with indirect speech: The teacher asked the student if he was ready to answer.
1) The forester said: “Before the hunt you need to have a good rest.” 2) We met friends and asked: “Where are you going?” 3) The teacher asked the person on duty: “Please bring some chalk.” 4) I asked my friend: “Are you going to the disco today?” 5) The grandmother asked her granddaughter: “Read this letter to me.”
Read it. Write down, replacing direct speech with indirect speech. Pay attention to correct usage personal and possessive pronouns, since in indirect speech the author conveys other people’s words on his own behalf.
1) The taxi driver assured: “I will take you to the station in fifteen minutes.” 2) Nina asked her friend: “Tanya, will you go to the concert tonight?” 3) Kolya said: “My father is a geologist.” 4) “Be at the museum exactly at 11 o’clock,” the history teacher warned us.
I. Transform these sentences with direct or indirect speech into sentences with introductory words.
1) Eyewitnesses stated: “The accident occurred due to the fault of the pedestrian.” 2) Newspapers report: “Spring sowing is going well.” 3) Scientists believe that rivers can be protected from pollution2.
Change these sentences into sentences with indirect speech.
1) According to doctors, smoking is especially harmful to
lungs. 2) According to experts, forest fires most often arise from careless handling of fire. 3) According to weather forecasters, spring will be early.
A good book is a real holiday.
Attentive and fast reading very important skill.
Read the verbs that are used in the author’s words. Which groups of verbs can be used in sentences with both direct and indirect speech? Which verb groups can only be used in sentences with direct speech? Complete the sentences with indirect speech using verbs of the 1st group.
1) Say, mutter, whisper, shout; 2) be surprised, rejoice, be upset, be amazed; 3) interrupt, stop, break off; 4) turn around, smile, nod; 5) report, notice, whisper, blurt, blurt out.
Replace direct speech with indirect speech, pay attention to the forms of pronouns (see table on p. 205).
1) “Why didn’t you go with them?” - Old woman Izergil asked, nodding her head. 2) “I don’t want to,” I answered her. 3) “Tell me how it was!” - I asked the old woman. 4) He (Larra) said: “Untie me! I won’t say tied.” 5) And when the people untied him, he asked: “What do you need?” 6) Then one of the people shouted loudly: “Don’t touch him! He wants to die!
(M. Gorky.)
Read and indicate what mistakes were made when transmitting someone else’s speech. Copy by correcting the sentences. O Explain the spelling of the highlighted word. Tell us about the spelling of the prefixes pre- and pri-, give examples.
1) Pugachev told Grinev that you are firmly in front
it's my fault. 2) The Tsar tells Kiribeevich that I will try to help your grief. 3) The mayor informs the officials that I invited you to tell you some unpleasant news. 4) The hero of the story “After the Ball,” Ivan Vasilyevich, assures me that my whole life changed from one night. 5) The Falcon replies to Uzhu that I know happiness, I fought bravely.