Thank you for your attention and your time. Cover letter for resume with example and sample

An applicant interested in getting a new job should not only be able to write a resume correctly. It is best if it is supplemented by a cover letter, also written correctly, without unnecessary details.

Features of a cover letter for a resume

Most recruiters are positive about the cover letter that is attached to the resume. In such a letter, you can contact your potential manager or HR manager and try to interest them. Thus, the letter not only becomes a manifestation of good form, but can also be a significant advantage of your resume and yours personally.

Even short transmittal letter to the resume, an example of which is given below, will help to attract the attention of the personnel officer.

Do you want to receive professional help in writing a cover letter for a resume?

Contact qualified specialists! For our clients, we prepare resumes and cover letters for all modern rules and standards.

We offer and which will leave the most about you best experience at employers. We know how to make your job search easier and we will be happy to help you with this.

Example of a short cover letter for a resume

"Good afternoon! (If the ad contains the full name of the person, it is better to indicate them.) I was interested in a vacancy in your company that I found (indicate the source). I have (briefly list my advantages that are important specifically for this company). Thank you for taking the time to write my letter and resume. My contact details (specify).

If you are writing a cover letter for a teacher's resume, be sure to indicate whether you have already worked with children or you just graduated from college. If you need to write, for example, a cover letter for an administrator's resume, be sure to indicate your knowledge of programs and computer knowledge. It will be great if the letter will indicate those companies where you have already worked as a system administrator.

Below are some of the most requested resume letters. It is worth noting that the more common profession you have, the more difficult it is to find a job in your specialty: there are too many competitors. Therefore, it becomes a real necessity to accompany your resume with a letter.

Example of a cover letter for a lawyer resume

Your company posted a vacancy for a lawyer position on the website (specify the source). My legal experience is … years, I have serious experience in jurisprudence, and I would like to offer you my professional assistance. I graduated from the institute (specify), I am well versed in all areas of civil law. Worked as a lawyer (specify specific specialization) in companies such as (list at least a few). Drafted lawyer requests and statements of claim to the court, conducted office work, worked with documents (indicate your specific occupations). He also had a successful practice, won several cases in courts.
I have a good command of office programs and legal systems. I prefer a team method of work, among my qualities are responsibility, the desire to delve into the essence of the next problem.
I hope you are interested in my resume. I would be grateful for an invitation for an interview.

Bank resume cover letter example

Good afternoon! (it is better to indicate the person to whom you are directly addressing)
On the site ….. a vacancy for a loan officer of your bank was published. Perhaps my candidacy will interest you.
I have already worked in the banking sector as an employee of the credit department. I am familiar with the specifics of the work, and I am sure that I will cope with the new responsibilities, and my skills can be useful to your organization. I read a lot about your bank, and all the reviews about it were extremely positive. I am very interested in the banking sector, I would like to continue my development in this particular segment.
I am ready to come for an interview so that you can be convinced of my experience and knowledge. My phone (specify).

Sample cover letter for an accountant resume

Hello, … .
Your company has published on the website ... .. a vacancy for an accountant. I am confident that my knowledge and qualifications will be suitable for your work.
My experience in accounting is … years, so I have professional experience. I have a specialized higher education, I know how to keep accounting, I work with all accounting programs (specify other skills in your specialty). Analytical mindset, able to work in a team. Learn as much as you can about my benefits from my CV (attached).
Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

Manager resume cover letter example

Dear (name of the person you are contacting)!
I was interested in the vacancy of a manager in your company offered by you on the site. I have carefully studied the requirements you specified for the applicant, and I am sure that I fully comply with them.
I have a diploma in higher education according to your company profile. I worked as a manager (specify where exactly) and I want to offer my candidacy for your consideration.
My useful skills include the ability to work with clients and with documentation. Vel client base, engaged in consultations, conducted telephone conversations with clients. I own all packages computer programs. My management experience is … years.
Thank you for considering my CV (attached). I hope for good cooperation, I am ready to come for an interview at the time specified by you.
Sincerely, …

How to write a cover letter for a resume with no experience

It often happens that the applicant saw a vacancy that does not match his experience and skills. However, the person is confident that he will cope with the proposed work. Most often, yesterday's university graduates who have no experience by definition face such a situation. Here's how to write a cover letter for a resume in this case, see an example below:

"Good afternoon!
I got acquainted with the vacancy offered by your company for the position of … . I do not have the required experience in this specialty, but I have a sense of purpose in learning a new business for me. I really want to develop professionally and raise the level of knowledge.
I can list such qualities as (indicate what, in your opinion, is most suitable for working in the company you have chosen).
I would be grateful if you invite me for an interview. My contact details (specify).
Thank you for your time."

A few tips on how NOT to write a cover letter for your resume

  • write briefly (you can not stretch the text);
  • be correct and polite (you can’t scold the former employer);
  • maintain self-respect (you can not complain about life and a long absence of work).

Time goes by very quickly. It is easy to think that tomorrow it will be easier to do certain things that will improve our lives. So, we imagine that in the future we will have more money, the relationship will become more harmonious and strong, and we will have enough time to stop and enjoy the moment. However, if we simply wait for such events without doing anything today, then nothing will come of it. We invite you to learn about what you should start spending time on now. In the future, you will see how these things will make your life more interesting, happier and more successful.

Better take care of yourself

Start small. Go to the hairdresser a little before you really need to get a new haircut. Avoid staying up late in front of the TV to spend more time sleeping. Start eating more vegetables, drink more water, and eat at least one piece of fruit every day for breakfast. Introduce new habits should be gradual, then it will not seem difficult to you.

Make time for your passions and hobbies

Do what you love. And you can even just browse a website related to a topic that interests you. During your lunch break or on your way home from work, you can stop by a specialty store and look for good running shoes, for example, if you plan to take up running.

Initiate long heart-to-heart conversations with your loved ones

Instead of waiting for the right moment, start a heart-to-heart conversation with someone close to you. Even if at this time you just sit and drink tea in the kitchen. Don't wait for someone close to you to initiate the conversation.

Listen to others carefully and without judgment

It takes not so much time as concentration. So, the next time you feel like judging your interlocutor or expressing your opinion to him, restrain yourself and just listen carefully.

Read great books

It may seem like you have to spend less time checking out the latest gossip in a women's magazine or website. But you will be surprised how easily you can say goodbye to such a pastime for the sake of reading. classical literature. Start with one book. And soon you won't be able to stop.

Write something by hand

Instead of sending an email to a colleague, boss, child, or friend, write it by hand. It will not take much time, but it will bring pleasure to both you and the addressee.

sing along

Thoughts do not leave a person while driving, walking, performing homework etc. However, raising your voice while singing will help you relax, freeing yourself from extraneous thoughts. This activity will bring you joy and energize.

Take the train somewhere

If you commute to work every day by subway or train, then skip this step. If not, then keep in mind that a short train ride can have a relaxing and calming effect, which is so necessary. modern man. For more fun, take a partner, friend, or kids with you.


Stop by and celebrate! The reason for this may not only be a birthday or New Year. Find a reason to buy Balloons and cake and invite a few friends.

Just sit and listen to music

Do not use music as a background to any activity. Just sit back and turn on your favorite songs. You can also try music that you were not interested in before, it is quite possible that you will discover new horizons for yourself.

Make time for your health

For some unknown reason, we are very often too busy to pay attention to this important point. However, you should not put off taking care of your own health until later.


Make time for this wonderful feeling. We often take the people around us for granted. Think about it and show them that you love them.

Communicate with animals

Get yourself a pet. If you can't do that, then visit a zoo, an animal shelter, or a friend who has a pet. Communication with our smaller brothers gives a feeling of calmness that cannot be obtained anywhere else.


No need to paint the walls in the room or become the next Picasso. Just buy brushes and paints from the store and try to draw something on canvas. Drawing helps to relax and have a great time.

Record a video

Use your phone, computer, or camera to make a video about your life. Years later, you'll be glad you did.

Get moving

Take the time to move. And it is not necessary to start fully training. Just turn on the music and move your arms, legs, head.

Write a list of your life goals

If you have not yet transferred to paper what you would like to do in life, then do not put it off. Items from a written list are much easier to follow.

Breathe deeply

Spend some time doing this every day. It only takes a few deep breaths. This will allow you to fill your lungs with oxygen and relax.

Every day, stop in front of a mirror for three seconds, look into your eyes, and say, "I love you." This will give you energy.

Spend some time without gadgets and other electronics

At least one hour every day should be done without a phone, TV, computer and other equipment. This will allow you to clear your mind and give it a rest.

Be in nature

All the great creative people talk about how important it is for them to be in nature every day, even for a short period of time. Therefore, no matter what the weather is outside, go out regularly to Fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the world around you.

Good day, dear friends! Nowadays, many people go to the States not only for permanent residence, but also just to temporarily study, work, or just relax and travel. For anyone who wants to learn conversational american version English - our audio course "So they say in America." In today's audio lesson, you will learn express gratitude and say goodbye with their interlocutors in English American. Thank you and say goodbye in English

In addition to learning new vocabulary, you will also review words and phrases from past audio lessons. So remember the article Learning to greet each other, because today Martin will thank the airport staff for their communication and warm welcome, as well as say goodbye to the workers of the tractor factory, whom you met during the third lesson, in American, not in English.

So, let's proceed directly to reading, and later to listening to, the dialogue in which Martin Lerner, workers of the tractor factory and airport employees participate:

Cheryl:I'm happy to meet you. - I was glad to meet you.
Martin: thanks. Goodbye, Miss Gordon. - Thanks to. Goodbye, Miss Gordon.
Cheryl: Goodbye, Mr. learner. Goodbye, Mr Lerner.
Martin: Goodbye, Valerie. So long, Valerie.
Valerie: goodbye. - Till.
Martin: Thank you for your time. - Thank you for taking the time.
Martin: Goodbye, Mr. Bishop. Thank you for your time. Goodbye, Mr Bishop. Thank you for your time.
Martin: Thank you for your time, Mrs. Gabrielli. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Gabrieli.

Learn and use these simple expressions to say goodbye in a beautiful way and thank people for their help or just for the communication. Be well-mannered and polite in any situation, especially in a foreign country.

And now listen to the online voice acting of this dialogue, as well as other words and expressions useful for parting and expressing gratitude in American English: /wp-content/uploads/2014/09/russian_english_005.mp3

Anna Filippova, our Russian-speaking speaker and your lesson guide, will help you consistently learn all the vocabulary of the lesson, which will help you politely say goodbye and thank you in American. Based on the audio recording of the lesson, practice American pronunciation.

Say thanks and leave in English?

As you know, it was the French military who, in response to “to take French leave”, introduced such an expression as “leave in English”, that is, leave without saying goodbye. But today we will learn to leave the American way, that is, to thank for the attention and say goodbye when leaving or leaving. And with the help of a convenient table with a translation, it will be much easier to remember all these phrases.

Say goodbye and thank
Goodbye Goodbye
Please write this (name, word, title) Please write it (name, word, place) for me
Assistant to the Head of the Communications Department Assistant communications director
employee, worker attendant
controller controller
both, both; like...and so... both (2 persons or things)
Example: Martin and Jim are both journalists. Example: Martin and Jim are both reporters.
Example: They are both journalists. Example: Both are reporters

This table is a must! Save this little table and repeat all the words and phrases regularly to say goodbye and leave, leaving a good impression of yourself.

Be sure to do practical Homework(homework):

  1. Remember today's dialogue. Act out a similar conversation in American English with your friends.
  2. Learn the Table.
  3. Write the translation of the following expressions in workbook and learn them in English:
  • What is your name? My name is Martin
  • Nice to meet you. My name is Carolyn.
  • Please write it down.
  • I am a journalist. What is Cheryl doing?
  • How are you, Martin? What do you do? I am an engineer.
  • She is the assistant to the head of the communications department.

Practice speaking in English regularly. Try to make a friend from America and chat with him on everyday topics via Skype or other means of communication.

We did not dare to take up this topic for a long time - it’s somehow not customary for us to especially write to HR "y after you went to an interview. In the West, this is a common practice and, it seems to us, for a reason.

It's like a quiet zone when you need to lie low and wait for the verdict. But in fact, this is a good opportunity and sometimes another +1 chance to prove yourself. It seems to us that the tradition of follow-up writing is really good, because it is humane. and inhuman recruiting is not viable at all, so we are all for people saying “thank you” to each other. Even if it is one-sided gratitude. Here are our arguments in favor:

Firstly, the letter allows you to once again remind yourself. If HR spoke with a dozen candidates, and received a letter from you, then this is just an additional "bell". Believe me, all 10 will definitely not write!

Secondly, this is a chance to get rid of understatement, to joke or just say about what you forgot to say or failed to say.

Thirdly, it's just polite to thank a person for a pleasant conversation, for a chance. Or maybe it was really pleasant for you to communicate and you want to get a feedback - what was wrong, why and what should be worked on. Then, of course, it is worth giving time and sending it in a few days.

// Here are the templates. Let's start with #1.
Good afternoon/evening, [name],

It was a pleasure to talk with you today, despite my excitement. I want to thank you for the time you spent with me, for answering questions and attentiveness.
If you have any other questions for me, I'll be happy to answer them!
Attached to the letter [portfolio], which you asked to send.
Thank you again for the opportunity [to visit the company office and get to know the employees, learn more about the values ​​of the team].

+ contacts

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And pattern #2:
Good afternoon/evening, [name]!

I want to thank you for the opportunity to discuss the specifics of working in the company [name] in the position of [name].
I sincerely believe that my skills, professional experience and personal qualities will help me become part of the team and prove myself.
In any case, thank you for your time - it was nice to look into the company's office and get to know its work better.
If you have any other questions, I am always in touch and will be ready to answer them.

+ contacts

And another pattern #3:
Good afternoon/evening, [name],

I hasten to thank you for the interview and the opportunity to look at the work of the company [name].
In addition, after everything I saw, I even more wanted to become part of the company.
Thank you for your attention, time and discussion. I will be glad to hear from you again.
I have one question left regarding [subject + question].
I will wait for an answer!

+ contacts

// What mistakes can you make when writing a letter:

- Excessive politeness / try to limit yourself to at least two thanks (thank you) and no more, otherwise it will look stupid /

Flattery / do not drive to madness, do not praise the company and HR, this is inappropriate /

Excessive emotionality / it’s not worth talking about how much you want to work there and right now you have an awl right in one place - they said that they were generally inspired by this idea and that’s enough (this should be honest, otherwise you’ll get tired of everything in six months :)) /

The desire to say everything that did not have time (a) / this is not always good idea, since the essence of such a letter is gratitude, but if you really want to indicate something important or send something that you discussed at the interview - go ahead /

Pity / in no case do not put pressure on the person on the other side of the screen - no need to say that this is your last chance or that you will just break into a cake for the sake of work, it’s better to be modest /

Confidence that you will be hired / “very looking forward to continuing” - everyone understands that you did not just come to hang out, but want to be offered a position, but if this does not happen, you still need to be grateful for the time, the opportunity to practice your interviewing skills and etc/