Thank you for your time. Cover letter examples

Thank you for allotted time– “What is wrong with this phrase?” - you will be surprised and ... first things first.

You were extremely polite and attentive, tried to conduct a conversation in confidence, and the client ... hung up and no longer gets in touch. Has this happened to you?

I am sure that almost every entrepreneur has faced such a situation. However, if you think that now I will tell you about some new secret technique that will allow you to be rude to customers and close sales, I will disappoint you.

Instead, I will just suggest that you give up 9 common polite phrases that, as it turns out, customers do not like at all. Don't forget to show this article to your sales managers :)

And stop talking today...

Thank you for your time

"What's wrong with that phrase?" - you will be indignant?

It would seem that elementary courtesy is to thank the person for giving you the time. Maybe. But not in sales.

Why? Everything is simple. By thanking a potential client for taking the time, you openly state that he did you a favor. But he communicated with you because it was useful and necessary for him. Your conversation helped the client solve some of his problem.

And if he also bought from you, he already received more than you. After all, you get money from the sale, and the client gets the solution. So he should thank you.

Therefore, I propose to replace this phrase with something like

"Did I manage to solve your problem?" or “Did our conversation help you?”. This will let you know if the client is satisfied with the communication, whether you have taken into account all the points in the conversation, or whether he still needs your help. And yes it is good way get a well-deserved gratitude out of him :)

Just don’t try to respond to the “Thank you” from the client and begin to scatter in gratitude to him. Just answer him "Please / Happy to help / No problem" or something similar.

I'm just checking...

Usually this phrase is said when the client did not answer the last message or did not call back within the specified time. And the seller calls, sort of like, to check if everything is in order with the client, in order to thereby bring him back to the dialogue.

Of course, I could recommend that you immediately bring the matter to the purchase, so that later you do not look for a client with such checks. But, as you know, things don't always go so smoothly. Therefore, if a verification call is unavoidable, I recommend always adding some value to the client to “just checking”.

Which one - it depends on the stage of your relationship. If you are just starting your acquaintance, you can offer recommendations that are really useful to a potential client.

If you have already communicated several times, but the deal has not yet reached the purchase, you can refer to your previous dialogues. For example, say that you were analyzing the information provided by the client, and you came up with a cool new idea that will make your interaction even more useful / easier / more profitable.

Here's how to play around with it:

"I'm calling because I had an idea that could really help you...";
“I'm calling because I may have missed something important. And this may make our cooperation less fruitful. Do you have a few minutes to discuss…?”;
"I was going through my notes and found that I had missed important detail. Please excuse me for this. Could you spare me a couple of minutes to clear this up? This will help me to offer you a better solution.”
This way, you don't just call the customer out of the blue with checks to waste their time. You will make this conversation valuable to the person. And such a move significantly increases your chances of selling.

About the contract...

This option is not too different from "Just checking." Salespeople usually use this phrase when they are waiting for a potential client to sign a contract, but he still does not dare.

Certainly, perfect option- to achieve the signing of the contract right at the end of your conversation with the client or even in the middle. But what if it didn't happen? The contract is not signed, and the next conversation is postponed indefinitely?

Just like in the previous paragraph, I recommend not calling with the subject “About the contract”, but offering the client additional value. For example, offer step by step algorithm implementations of your product or support materials to get you started effective use. And only then it will be possible to casually ask at what stage the process of signing the agreement is. Here it will be appropriate, because you are already discussing the use of your product.

I would like to…

Another harmless-looking phrase. But do you know why you shouldn't tell your customers? Because they don't care what you want. First of all, the client is concerned about his own needs, and it is for their satisfaction that he came to you.

Therefore, the simplest thing you can replace your "I would like (a) ..." is "Would you like?". However, often salespeople are afraid of this phrase, as it is easy to answer “no” to it.

It goes something like this: “I propose to discuss how I / our company was able to help [describe a person / company with whom you have already worked] with [a description of a problem similar to the client's problem]. What do you think?" For example: “I managed to help 5 lawyers get at least 100 calls per month. I just audited their sites and fixed key flaws. Would you like to get such a result?

Agree, unlike “Would you like me to audit your site?”, This already sounds like an interesting proposal.

Do you have a budget for the purchase?

Don't underestimate the buyer. Most likely, before contacting you, he looked at the prices of similar goods, services or products. And even if you do not indicate them on your resource, one of the competitors will definitely have a price list on the site. Therefore, the client already approximately knows what cost to focus on.

Of course, the issue of customer solvency is very important. But I don't think it's worth asking straight away. To begin with, it is better to listen carefully to what the client wants, and then offer him some options and voice the cost. If the price is formed individually in each case, designate some range and explain to the client what the final result depends on. And after that, the issue of solvency will become clear by itself.

Are you a decision maker?

This question may seem appropriate if you work with a large client and do not yet know who the person in the company is. However, I think it's a little tactless to ask this. You seem to doubt that the one with whom you communicate can hold some significant position in your company. Agree, this is not very pleasant to hear.

If you still need to know who exactly will make the purchase decision and with whom you should communicate better, formulate the question differently.

Ask: How are decisions made in your company? Thus, you will not only know who you should contact, but also how you can better organize further cooperation with this client. For example, in some companies, a decision can only be made after you offer step by step plan implementation of your product. And by asking the right question, you will understand what you should do to speed up the sale.

I don't want to waste your time

Salespeople say this phrase when they realize that a potential customer is looking for something different than what they have to offer. Thus, they politely refuse further communication and waste of their time.

I am absolutely for giving up "non-my" clients and making better use of the sales manager's time. However, there is a problem with such an early failure. The seller does not always have time to make sure that he really cannot help the client in any way. It often happens that after a superficial dialogue and not finding an obvious solution, the seller seeks to get rid of such an incomprehensible client as soon as possible. Of course, it is easier to switch to those with whom he is more likely to close the sale.

But you never know where the extra 10-15 minutes spent talking with such a person can lead you. Perhaps he will not become your client now, because he is really looking for something else. But he will remember your attentive attitude and sincere desire to help him. And next time it will come to you.

In addition, there is one more feature. If you clearly understand that you cannot help the client, but you know who can (for example, it could be one of your partners or your other clients), why not advise someone instead of yourself? Thus, you will save a person from long searches and save his time. Only here it is important to advise a really high-quality solution. And then those extra minutes spent will turn a failed client into a loyal fan of your brand. And who knows, maybe next time you will still make a sale.

May I send you some information?

The old school of sales opposes this phrase. Like, if you did not interest the client with your offer in telephone conversation, then he definitely will not waste time reading your materials.

On the one hand, it's logical. On the other hand… Most clients still do their research and look for information on the Internet. Why not make it easier for them to search and give them all the information they need to make a decision?

But here it is important to make sure that what you want to send is really needed by the client. So instead of "Can I send you some information?" ask: “My experience with clients has shown that they have such and such questions and such and such information is extremely useful to them. Do you want me to send it to you?"

Honestly, I'll be honest (honest) with you - and their variations

No wonder I left this phrase for last. She is a control to the head, a death blow to sales. The worst thing you can say to a potential client. Okay, I'm exaggerating, of course. But seriously, this phrase is pure evil.

She seems quite harmless. And even vice versa, very appropriate, so trusting. It is as if you are sharing something intimate with the client and letting him feel that you distinguish him from the crowd. Yes?

And here it is not. In fact, by saying this phrase, you admit that before that you shamelessly lied. And just now decided to be honest.

So once again: forget this phrase and others like it. There are no alternatives here. Under no circumstances should you provoke the client into thinking that you are being dishonest with him.

And for those who read to the end (or cheated and immediately scrolled down the page), I have a small bonus. I've put together 10 more words that you and your sales reps should also forget. Unless, of course, you want to sell more.

Among them:

Problem. Nobody likes problems and nobody wants to hear about them. Therefore, forget this word or, if it is absolutely impossible to do without, at least replace it with softer analogues. For example, difficulty, difficulty. They sound less frightening and are associated with something short-term and insignificant.

Hope. It sounds like you're not sure. Insecure people sell less.

Obviously. Some clients may pick up a touch of indulgence in this word. And no one likes to be talked down to.

Sign. Instead of requiring you to sign a contract, ask the client approve his. Feel the difference?

Forbidden. This is a word with a strong negative connotation. Use it only if emergency. Seriously. Only extreme.

Possibly/Maybe. These words show that you have doubts. And your offer is also starting to sound dubious.

Advice. Do not say this word until you are asked. Not everyone likes to be approached with advice. Rather, say that you had a similar experience, and gently lead to what you want to advise.

Objection. Well, I think, and so it is clear why you should not say this word.

Quality. This word has already been used so much (especially companies whose product is not High Quality) that the vast majority of customers simply do not perceive it. As soon as you pronounce the quality, everything else will sound like this in the client’s head: “blah blah blah”.

Clients. The client you are talking to now is not all other clients. He is unique and his situation is unique. Therefore, talk about him, and not about your other customers.

Thank you for your time spent on this article I hope it was helpful to you. Save it to your bookmarks so you don't lose it. And never, remember, never use these phrases when talking with a client, and I have apparently forgotten about it :)

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Cover letter for resume is a document in which you can more free form introduce yourself with the best side and interest the employer.

The presence of a cover letter to respond to a vacancy is an additional advantage for a job seeker when applying for a job.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

How to write a response to a vacancy? If the cover letter to the resume is sent purposefully to the manager personnel service or the head of the company, in the header of the document it is necessary to indicate his full name, position and company name.

Writing a cover letter for a job application begins with an appeal. Cover letter examples:

  • Hello!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Ladies and gentlemen!
  • Good afternoon, …(name/Mr or Ms …/full name)
  • Dear ... (name / Mr. or Mrs. ... / full name)

For example:

  • I am interested/interested in the position...
  • Your company is known as a leader in...
  • Recently I saw / but on your site / on the site ... / in the newspaper an open vacancy ...

Then you need to say why you applied to this particular company and want to take this particular position. Here you can focus on your professional achievements, work skills.

For example:

  • I can describe myself as...
  • I have … years of experience in the field of …
  • I am fluent...

In the next part of the cover letter, when responding to a vacancy, you must express for reading the letter and attention to the candidacy.

For example:

  • Thanks for taking the time to read the letter.
  • Thank you for your interest in my candidacy
  • I would be grateful / thankful if you can call me back
  • If necessary, I can come to you for an interview at any time convenient for you.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact me at the phone number below.
  • I would be happy to accept an offer to meet with you and talk in more detail about…

If a resume, a letter of recommendation is sent along with a cover letter, you must say:

  • You can find my CV and references in the attached file.
  • More information about my professional activity You will find it in the attached resume.

For a long time we did not dare to take up this topic - it’s somehow not customary for us to especially write HR "y after you went to an interview. In the West, this is a common practice and, it seems to us, for a reason.

It's like a quiet zone when you need to lie low and wait for the verdict. But in fact, this is a good opportunity and sometimes another +1 chance to prove yourself. It seems to us that the tradition of follow-up writing is really good, because it is humane. and inhuman recruiting is not viable at all, so we are all for people saying “thank you” to each other. Even if it is one-sided gratitude. Here are our arguments in favor:

Firstly, the letter allows you to once again remind yourself. If HR spoke with a dozen candidates, and received a letter from you, then this is just an additional "bell". Believe me, all 10 will definitely not write!

Secondly, this is a chance to get rid of understatement, to joke or just say about what you forgot to say or failed to say.

Thirdly, it's just polite to thank a person for a pleasant conversation, for a chance. Or maybe it was really pleasant for you to communicate and you want to get a feedback - what was wrong, why and what should be worked on. Then, of course, it is worth giving time and sending it in a few days.

// Here are the templates. Let's start with #1.
Good afternoon/evening, [name],

It was a pleasure to talk with you today, despite my excitement. I want to thank you for the time you spent with me, for answering questions and attentiveness.
If you have any other questions for me, I'll be happy to answer them!
Attached to the letter [portfolio], which you asked to send.
Thank you again for the opportunity [to visit the company office and get to know the employees, learn more about the values ​​of the team].

+ contacts

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And pattern #2:
Good afternoon/evening, [name]!

I want to thank you for the opportunity to discuss the specifics of working in the company [name] in the position of [name].
I sincerely believe that my skills, professional experience and personal qualities will help me become part of the team and prove myself.
In any case, thank you for your time - it was nice to look into the company's office and get to know its work better.
If you have any other questions, I am always in touch and will be ready to answer them.

+ contacts

And another pattern #3:
Good afternoon/evening, [name],

I hasten to thank you for the interview and the opportunity to look at the work of the company [name].
In addition, after everything I saw, I even more wanted to become part of the company.
Thank you for your attention, time and discussion. I will be glad to hear from you again.
I have one question left regarding [subject + question].
I will wait for an answer!

+ contacts

// What mistakes can you make when writing a letter:

- Excessive politeness / try to limit yourself to at least two thanks (thank you) and no more, otherwise it will look stupid /

Flattery / do not drive to madness, do not praise the company and HR, this is inappropriate /

Excessive emotionality / it’s not worth talking about how much you want to work there and right now you have an awl right in one place - they said that they were generally inspired by this idea and that’s enough (this should be honest, otherwise you’ll get tired of everything in six months :)) /

The desire to say everything that did not have time (a) / this is not always good idea, since the essence of such a letter is gratitude, but if you really want to indicate something important or send something that you discussed at the interview - go ahead /

Pity / in no case do not put pressure on the person on the other side of the screen - no need to say that this is your last chance or that you will just break into a cake for the sake of work, it’s better to be modest /

Confidence that you will be hired / “very looking forward to continuing” - everyone understands that you did not just come to hang out, but want to be offered a position, but if this does not happen, you still need to be grateful for the time, the opportunity to practice your interviewing skills and etc/

Everything you need to know to write a cover letter.

Even though about a third of employers don't read cover letters, they are still important, so never send a resume without a cover letter. In the letter, you demonstrate your written communication skills and mention those facts that were not properly reflected in the resume. You can also prevent questions and remove objections that an employer may have when they get acquainted with your resume (for example, about a long break or.

  • some are sent in response to an advertised vacancy
  • others are sent by the candidate on their own initiative
  • the third contains a reference to a mutual friend.

In this article you will learn:

  1. What is a cover letter?
  2. Why do I need to send a cover letter along with my resume?
  3. Plan for writing a cover letter
  4. Tips to help you write a sales cover letter
  5. Examples of polite phrases to use at the end of a cover letter
  6. How to Write a Cover Letter: Templates for Writing
  7. Examples cover letters Positions: Assistant Brand Manager, Office Manager, Assistant Editor, Analyst, Trade Marketer, Regional Manager, Personal Assistant, Internet Marketer, Analyst Assistant, Project Manager, Marketing Manager, Personal Assistant to the CEO, Sales Coach.

1. Cover letter is the announcement of your resume. In your cover letter, you must show that you meet the requirements stated in the vacancy as closely as possible.
The summary focuses on the past and present. The cover letter is directed to the future. Tell the recruiter what you can bring to the company in the future and why they should choose you.

A cover letter can be critical for two equally qualified candidates.

2. Why write a cover letter?

A cover letter is your chance, and probably your only chance, to stand out from other candidates with similar resumes to yours.
The main purpose of writing a cover letter is to convince the recruiter to open and read your resume. The presence of a cover letter to the resume indicates the serious intentions of the candidate.

3. Plan for writing a cover letter


Every letter begins with a personal greeting. It is very important to indicate in the cover letter the name of the addressee to whom you are addressing. Most vacancies indicate the name to whom to send a resume. If the name is not written, then you will have to do a little research using search engines (Google, Yandex, etc.) to find out the name of the recipient of your cover letter. To get started, visit the company's website, which has the organization's contacts, call the phone number and find out the initials of the person you need. If you fail to find the name of the recipient, then the appeal: "Dear HR manager!" would also be acceptable.


In the first paragraph, indicate what position you are applying for, and also explain where and from whom you heard about this vacancy. Otherwise, the employer will get the impression that you sent a generic cover letter without specifying a specific job. This means that you save time writing a cover letter, and thereby lose the employer's trust.


Do your research. Focus on the company you will be writing to and their open position. To do this, you will need to go beyond the first page of Google search results. A company website can provide you with a wealth of information about its products, services, and important initiatives. Take the time to read as much information about the company as possible. Demonstrate that you are up to date with the latest projects, acquisitions and public announcements. Two sentences showing that you've taken the time to find information can make a big difference.

What for?

Focus on what you can offer them. You should make it clear that you respect the company and explain your interest, but the focus should be on what you can do for it. Prove to the recruiter that you are the best candidate for this position. Give three reasons why you should be hired.

4. Tips to Help You Write a Sales Cover Letter

Tip number 1. Don't Retell Your Resume
When you start writing a cover letter, remember that it is one piece with your resume. Therefore, the letter should not repeat the information contained in the resume or be a descriptive version of your CV. Don't forget that recruiters are adept at reading resumes and cover letters, so it doesn't make sense to duplicate the same information. This can irritate them for wasted time.

The cover letter should complement the resume, not repeat it.

Tip #2. Be brief
Please indicate in your cover letter only necessary information in compressed form. Imagine that you only have 15 seconds to convince an employer to meet you. What would you say to him? Paste this into your cover letter! Recruiters are too busy to read long, essay-like cover letters. Therefore, divide the text into small paragraphs, using bulleted lists as needed.

Council number 3.Don't use cliches
Read the letter again, and remove from it any clichés or platitudes that do not carry any meaningful and specific information about you. For example, do not write that you are "responsible, sociable, executive, hardworking, honest, etc." Everyone writes this and it's not even worth mentioning.

Tip #4check seven times
The cover letter must be written in accordance with all the rules of syntax and punctuation, as well as style. Don't forget to check the text of the letter for grammatical errors. The proverb: "Measure seven times, cut once" is the best suited for this case.

5. Examples of polite phrases to use at the end of a cover letter:

Thank you for your attention to my resume.
I would appreciate reading my resume.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you in advance for your interest in my resume.
I am very pleased that you responded to my letter.
I am very glad that I have the opportunity to send you my resume.
Thank you for your attention to my resume.
I will be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can tell in more detail about my professional experience.
Looking forward to being invited for an interview.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
I will be very glad to have the opportunity to meet in person.
Thank you in advance for your attention to my resume.
I will gladly answer your questions.
Good luck and have a great day!
I would really appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself at the interview.
If you have any questions, you can call me by phone: 234-56-78-90 or write a message by email.

6. Cover letter templates

A cover letter is usually no more than one page and has four or five paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you should introduce yourself and explain the reason for writing the letter, in the second - describe your professional skills, in the third - answer the question why you are a suitable candidate for the job. The last paragraph must necessarily contain a call to action: ask the addressee to schedule an interview for you and provide your contacts.

Cover letter template for candidates with no work experience
Dear HR manager!

Main part. Insert in each block the main requirements that are indicated in the job description by section:

  1. Education.
  2. Professional skills and knowledge.
  3. Technical skills, languages.

Completion. Answer the question: “Why should you be considered for this position?” You must emphasize that you are an ideal fit and would be happy to work for this company.
phone number

Cover letter template for candidates with work experience
Dear HR manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "X".
Introduction. Explain why you want to work for this company or what interests you about this position.
Main part. Insert in each block the main requirements that are indicated in the job description:

  1. Experience.
  2. Education (indicate if it meets the requirements of the vacancy. If education is not suitable, do not include this information in the cover letter, but focus on experience and skills).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Technical skills.

Completion: answer the question: “Why should you be considered for this position?” You must emphasize here again that you are an ideal fit and would be happy to work for this company.

7. Examples of cover letters for resumes

Example #1.
Position Assistant Brand Manager
Dear HR manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy of "assistant brand manager".
I am an effective performer and organizer, I can analyze a large amount of information in terms of solving diverse tasks. I try to find non-standard solutions to improve the quality, while reducing the time to complete the tasks.
My strengths are: analytic skills, efficiency and independence in decision-making, high learning ability.
Experienced user of MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point; know the basics business correspondence and business etiquette; I am fluent in English.
A high level of self-organization, attention to detail and excellent communication skills will help me become an indispensable assistant for a brand manager.


Example #2.
Position "Office manager"
Dear HR manager!
I am interested in the position of "office manager" in your company. I am very close to the values ​​of your company, which are shared by employees, such as: decency, sincerity, responsibility and ambition. I have also heard a lot positive feedback about working in your company from a friend who told me about this vacancy.
Let me tell you why I'm the perfect fit for you:
I am a graduate of MESI. Studied in the specialty "State and municipal government". During my studies, I did internships at companies such as Venus and Mars. My responsibilities included: preparing and reviewing contracts, as well as creating various types documents using a special office program.
Working for these companies taught me a lot. I expanded my knowledge of record keeping and successfully applied it in practice. And also got acquainted with the peculiarities of working in the office.
I am a sociable and responsible person. I am able to work effectively in stressful conditions. I learn quickly and master new skills with ease. I am fluent in two languages: English and German.
If you have any questions, you can call me by phone: 123-45-67-89 or write a message by email.


Example #3
Position Assistant Editor
Dear HR manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacant position of "assistant editor", which I saw on the website of your company "N".
I am currently working at Kristall as a Research Fellow. I would like to start a career in publishing. She graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in Russian Language and Literature. At the university, I gained a lot of experience working in a student newspaper as a journalist, so I am well acquainted with publishing.
I can work in stressful situations and I love working in a team. In addition, I am fluent in English.
I would be very happy to have the opportunity to meet in person.
Looking forward to your response.

Example #4
Position "Analyst Assistant"
Dear HR manager!
Please consider my CV for the position of Analyst Assistant.
I am very pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the competition in such a large company as "X", which is included in the list of the 50 largest private companies in Russia and is one of the leaders in the field of consumer goods of daily demand. The stability of the company is important to me, and "X" develops even during the crisis, opens many directions and develops its own brands.
I believe that I can successfully cope with the duties described in the vacancy.
She received her bachelor's and master's degrees in economics from Moscow State University. An effective performer and organizer, I can analyze a large amount of information in terms of solving diverse tasks. I like to work with numbers very much, in exact disciplines I had the highest scores at the university. I try to find non-standard solutions to improve the quality, while reducing the time to complete the tasks.
Experienced user of MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Power Point; I can translate and adapt texts, make presentations, analyze and visualize data in Excel, I know the basics of business correspondence, ethics and culture of business communication; English proficiency level - Upper-Intermediate.
A high level of self-organization, attention to detail and excellent communication skills will help me become an indispensable assistant.
I would appreciate reading my resume.

Example #5
Position "Project Manager"
Dear HR manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy "Project Manager".
I would like to join the team of professionals in the company "A" and I am sure that I can successfully apply my experience and skills.
13 years of analytical and project work in various business areas: mechanical engineering, leasing, banking, insurance. I have bachelor's and master's degrees from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
I can quickly understand the essence of the analyzed investment project, build financial models and present the results of the analysis for the end user in the form of a presentation in Russian and English. I have the skills to prepare opinions on investment projects and write business plans, as well as market reviews by industry.
I use a systematic approach in solving professional problems, I am able to predict the development of events and the consequences of decisions made, identify and formulate the main directions of work, determine long-term goals, propose and argue forms and methods of work to solve the tasks.
I am able to manage several projects in parallel and work to tight deadlines.
Strengths: diligence, perseverance and determination, the ability to control oneself and control the situation, leadership skills, punctuality.
I am enclosing my resume and hope to have the opportunity to tell you more about myself during a personal interview.

Example #6.
Position: "Personal Assistant"
Dear HR manager!
I am very interested in the position of "personal assistant" in your company. Working in a large company like yours provides opportunities for professional growth and personal development. It is precisely these duties that are indicated in the job description that I would like to perform.
I am sure that in this position I will be able to reveal my potential as the best assistant and my professional experience will be in great demand.
I have 3 years of experience in administrative and informational support of the head. I am able to communicate effectively with all departments of the company. The experience gained in the company "X" can be effectively used in a position in your company.
I can solve complex and non-standard tasks. As a rule, I manage to deal with them fairly quickly, but if the problem does not lend itself immediately, I will still continue to look for solutions and will definitely bring the matter to an end. Under any circumstances, I try to do everything that I promised and meet the deadlines agreed upon.
I enjoy multitasking; qualities such as speed of reaction, sociability, resistance to stress will help me to successfully cope with the duties of a personal assistant.
I would really appreciate the opportunity to introduce myself at the interview.

Example #7.
Position: Marketing Specialist
Dear HR manager!
I would like to start working and build my career in your company as a marketing specialist.
I am interested in the alcohol market, I defended my diploma and had an internship in the company "X", which occupies the 5th place in the ranking of the largest wine and vodka producers.
I can describe myself in three words: analyst, researcher and organizer.
At Company A, he was responsible for analyzing the profitability of discounts, sales and investments in promotions in federal chains: Auchan, Perekrestok, Metro. Interacted with the sales and analytics department, as well as with external agencies that are engaged in marketing activities in networks. I have experience in the development, implementation and development of various categories of goods.
I know very well the principles of planning and pricing, assortment management. During the period of work in the company "A" I reached a new professional level and I am very grateful to the company for gaining experience in trade marketing and for the opportunity to work in interesting projects.
I was part of a team that launched a new product line at Russian market. For the first 3 months, sales were twice the planned figure.
I think that one of my strengths is the ability to multitask with large databases. This skill was acquired through the daily implementation of various tasks in a strict deadline mode.
I achieve high results by building a working network of contacts, which helps me to effectively interact with all related departments in the company and complete tasks on time.
I strive to become the best in my field and I want to work in a company where I will have the opportunity to develop my skills, engage in interesting projects and work with people from whom I will have a lot to learn.
I will be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can tell in more detail about my professional experience.

Example #8.
Position Trade Marketer
Dear HR manager!
Please consider my resume for the vacancy "trade marketer".
I have 3 years of experience in trade marketing and sales. Gained valuable international experience in the FMCG sector.
I successfully complete tasks related to the preparation of promotional calendar, budgeting and marketing activities, interacting with sales, marketing, finance and external agencies. I am engaged in the audit of retail outlets, in order to analyze competitive environment, control over the work of merchandisers and the placement of POS materials.
Since I report to the sales manager in Russia and the trade marketing manager in France, this organizational structure requires me to solve several problems at the same time. Therefore, I learned to carefully plan my working day, manage my working time effectively, and also this work requires me to set my priorities right.
I plan and agree on the trade marketing budget and promo calendar, monitor key business metrics including sales, market share, distribution, volume, profit, brand health, and provide point of sale audit reports.
My persuasive skills and perseverance help me manage my budget to reduce my company's costs of merchandising and trade marketing activities.
Thanks to teamwork, I develop my communication skills. Moreover, meetings with clients require me to be diplomatic and able to negotiate.
Analysis of external and internal sales helps me develop my analytical thinking. Thanks to analytical thinking I can build cause-and-effect relationships and answer the question why sales are going up or down, then I am able to effectively plan the volume of goods that need to be produced at the factory, as well as plan promotional activities for the whole year, taking into account all the risks and opportunities.
The most important quality that I have developed in myself during my studies and work is stress resistance. I know how to respond correctly to any situation - first I analyze it, and then I try to find an alternative solution that helps to get out of a crisis situation.
I am very glad that I have the opportunity to send you my resume.

Example #9.
Position "Analyst"
Dear HR manager!
Please consider my resume for the position of Analyst.
I have 3 years of marketing experience in international companies in countries such as France, Scotland and Spain. Now I work in the company "X", which is the leader in the sale of the brand "N" not only in Russia, but also in Europe.
I am engaged in the preparation and analysis of weekly reports on internal and external sales (turnover, pieces, outlets, SKU, margin). I use a P&L model for pricing (discount size, price forecasting and preparation of quotations).
Conduct and analysis marketing research allowed me to develop my analytical skills and ability to work with large arrays information.
Thank you for your attention to my resume.

Example #10.
Position "Marketing Manager"
Dear HR manager!
I would like to propose to the company "X" my candidacy for the position of "marketing manager".
I have 5 years of experience in marketing, trade marketing, planning, research, analytics and strategic marketing. Gained valuable international experience in the FMCG sector, in the automotive and construction business. He has worked in countries such as Hungary, Poland and France.
Moreover, studying at the Department of Marketing at Moscow State University gave me necessary knowledge in the field of marketing, which I can successfully apply in your company.
I can help with my knowledge foreign languages(I am fluent in Russian, English, and also German in intermediate level) and knowledge of specialized computer programs: SAP, SPSS, Microsoft Office Software (Word, Excel, Power Point), Adobe Photoshop, Html and Google Software Analytics.
I have a successful experience in making presentations, developing a plan for launching a new product, analyzing business indicators (sales, stocks, prices, TM events) and organizing point-of-sales (POS) events. And also, conducting and analyzing marketing research allowed me to develop my analytical skills and ability to work with large amounts of information.
Please contact me by phone if you are interested in my candidacy.
Thank you in advance for your attention to the summary.

Example #11.
Position "Personal assistant to the head"
Dear HR manager!
I ask you to consider my resume for the vacancy of "personal assistant to the head".
6 years of experience in the administrative field and providing full support to the manager: planning the agenda, maintaining a calendar, prioritizing tasks, tracking results and deadlines for their implementation, organizing internal and external communications, preparing analytical and information materials.
I know the basics of office work, archives and business etiquette. Confident PC user (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point), fluent level of English.
I have skills in negotiation and building effective interaction at all levels of management. I am able to work with a large amount of information in multitasking mode. Able to quickly respond to changing external conditions.
I know how to independently solve and bring all the questions to the final result, and each time find the third custom solution, at which the quality of the result increases, and the execution time decreases. My strengths are high learning ability, initiative, energy, diplomacy, attention to detail, diligence, stress resistance.
Ready for intensive and hard work: irregular working hours, business trips, always being in touch, fulfilling personal assignments of the head, switching between different tasks and projects.
I will gladly answer your questions.

Example #12.
Position "Internet Marketer"
Dear HR manager!
Please consider my resume for the position of "Internet Marketer"
More than 12 years of experience in independent advertising campaigns, promotion of mobile applications; SEO, SMM, Content Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, Email Marketing.
Good knowledge of web analytics tools Google Analytics, Yandex direct, Metrika), I can analyze and develop systems of performance indicators: audit traffic sources, set goals, segments, events, calculate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, incoming traffic and key site indicators.
I know how to work in a team, interact with contractors and negotiate, find optimal solutions, work in multitasking mode.
I approach my work creatively, using the whole additional arsenal of Internet marketing tools, looking for new ways and sources of online promotion, monitoring and testing of online innovations.
Thank you in advance for your interest in my resume.

Example #13.
Position "Sales Trainer"
Dear HR manager!
Please consider my CV for the position of Sales Coach.
I managed to achieve my career goal and become a sales coach. I grew and developed first in Russian companies: "Athanasius-beer", "Happyland", "Termex", then looked for opportunities to gain new experience and personal growth and conquered new heights in international FMCG companies: Schwarzkopf & Henkel, L'Oreal and Avon. Now at the trainings I share my successful 15 years of experience in sales and management, I provide effective tools and sales techniques.
Let me explain why I am the ideal candidate for this position.

  • Firstly, I am a manager with over 12 years of successful experience in sales and I am always at the firing line, regularly checking in practice how accurately my trainings “hit” the target.
  • Secondly, I am a business coach who owns the methodology for creating trainings and webinars for the needs of the company. I am a real practitioner, and not an ordinary teacher or trainer who himself has never had to sell, convince clients and negotiate. I was in the fields all the time, daily checking the effectiveness of the cases and exercises I developed for training at the trainings.

My goal is a real breakthrough in the actions of the participants after completing the trainings! My trainings also give students a huge boost of internal energy and motivate them to achieve high professional success in the company.

I will be glad to receive an invitation for an interview, where I can tell in more detail about my professional experience.

More 55 cover letter examples for different positions from a specialist level to a top manager from the areas of: marketing, sales, finance / banks, procurement, logistics, law, production, personnel management, IT, administration, you will find in the book

Download chapter from the book "Examples of Good and Bad Cover Letters"

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Job search and career development coach. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: "I'm afraid of interviews!", "To strike on the spot #Resume", "To strike on the spot #Cover letter".