Quotes from The Vampire Diaries. Personal diary: examples, secrets, phrases

In this collection, Quotes for ld are selected, the first number on our list will be - Success elevates even naturally small characters. Plutarch

When you were born - you cried, and the world laughed; so live your life so that when you leave, you laugh, and the world weeps. T. Shakur

Any kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading. good books. Victor Marie Hugo

We will not forbid bad thoughts to come into the head, but we must not allow them to nest there.

Parents are such people who chase authoritative boys for bread.

I don't live to eat, I eat to live. Quintilian

Having accidentally read a women's forum, I realized that all Russian men are impotent. At the same time, these same goats, all without exception, cheat on their wives.

Do you want to change your life, go on a diet, quit smoking or find a new love, job? Especially for you… every week… MONDAY!

A lot can happen between a cup of wine and a mouth. Aristotle

In life, selfless love is more common than true friendship. J. La Bruyère.

Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and it will be given to you according to your faith. William James

Praise is good for the smart, bad for the stupid. Francesco Petrarca

Not a single word spoken was as useful as many words not spoken. Plutarch

Love is the only thing worth living for. Frederic Begbeder "Love Lives for Three Years"

The essence and true meaning are revealed not to the one who looks, but to the one who can see.

The wound in the heart does not heal. Publius Virgil Maro

You listen to women - they all have brilliant children, but from idiot husbands. Genetic paradox!

Are you being talked about behind your back? These are free PR managers.

You only need to tell the truth about friends ...

Don't let yourself be discouraged and you will definitely succeed in the end. Abraham Lincoln

There are people whom a smile makes obscenely amazing.

It is better to check your parachute ten times before taking off, because it will not open only once.

There must be someone in the world who needs only one thing from you: that you are alive and that everything is fine with you.

The cornerstones of the success of some are often the stumbling blocks of others. Ashot Nadanyan

With whom you lead, from that you will gain. Seneca

To love is to see a person as God intended him and his parents did not realize him. Marina Tsvetaeva

Happiness is exactly the self-affirmation of life in its own rightness. Lovely Pictures by Simone De Beauvoir

It's hard to forget the pain, but it's even harder to remember the joy. Happiness leaves no scars. Chuck Palahniuk "Diary"

Your salary is directly proportional to your level of education.

The main thing is to believe in yourself. People's opinions change daily.

There is nothing more reckless in the world than half-anger and half-confidence. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

How nice it is when you know that someone secretly and sincerely admires your every movement.

There is a huge gap between truth and truth. The truth is always on the surface. The truth is well hidden.

Whoever delays in ordering his life is like that simpleton who waits by the river when it carries its waters. Quintus Horace Flaccus

Love is stronger than anything, holier than anything, more unspeakable than anything. Karamzin N. M.

The triumph of reason lies in getting along with people who do not have it. Voltaire

They are in need because they have wealth, and this is the worst kind of poverty. Seneca

Who wants - is looking for a way, who does not want - the reason.

Life would be too boring if both halves of humanity were beautiful.

He looked at me with hatred. It was a promising hatred. One step away from crazy love. N. Andreeva, "Alpha Woman"

Imagine the worst consequences that your act can entail, come to terms with them in advance and act! Dale Carnegie

Of all medicines, the best are rest and abstinence. Benjamin Franklin

People think that the main thing is to hit harder. But this is not true. You don't have to hit hard to hurt. The main thing is to know where to hit. Neil Gaiman

For a fool, old age is a burden, for an ignoramus it is winter, and for a man of science it is a golden harvest. Voltaire

How fast other people's bitcoins are growing.

Planning a vacation is very easy: your boss tells you when, your wife tells you where.

Anger is for animals. Ovid

Not according to Juan sombrero

Being selfish does not mean living the life you want. It means asking others to live the life you want.

Don't let anyone even make you feel unworthy of what you want. Heath Ledger 10 Reasons I Hate You.

I don't turn on the turn signals at all. Why would anyone know where I'm going...

A big man can be recognized by the way he treats small people.

The secret of happiness: never compare health, wife and salary with others.

Any order that can be misunderstood is misunderstood. /Army axiom/

Constant distrust is too high a price to pay for the opportunity not to be deceived. Pierre Buast

And the final statement in this collection Quotes for ld - If some goats climb into your garden for cabbage, do not say bad words to them, but rather give them a head of cabbage with all your heart.

Hi everyone!

Especially for fans of the series about love and vampires, today I made a selection of quotes from The Vampire Diaries.

However, I am sure that the "newcomers" will find interesting quotes for themselves.

It is a bad idea…
- there are no "bad" ideas, there are only badly implemented great ideas!

The hardest thing is to forget people who brought only pain and disappointment.

Damon... He got into my very soul. And no matter what I do, I just can't get him out of my head.
- When you love someone... I don't think you can get him out of your head.

So what's the plan?
- Divide and rule. First you need to distract them with something blonde.

You can love Elena all you want, you can protect her. But I have something that you will never have.
- Yes? So what is this?
- Her respect.

If Plan A didn't work, you have 32 more letters to try.

Elena, today I did something that I am not proud of, for the sake of what I value most - for the sake of my family. If anyone can understand me, it's you. Your mercy is a gift, Elena. Keep it as I keep my remorse.
Always and forever, Elijah.

Now you're mad at me because I asked Stefan to intervene?
- No, I'm angry with you because I love you!
- Well... Maybe that's the problem.

Forgiveness is not a duty. This is a gift.

…. But I'll tell you a secret: there's a whole world waiting for you. Great cities… art… music… true beauty…. and you can enjoy it all. you can have a thousand more birthdays. you just have to want.

Dear Elijah, let's work together and smash your brother. smack-smack.

Thoughts always return to what you most want to forget.

We kissed and now something is happening.

I don't want to feel all this, but... the button is broken!

You can't kiss me again.
- I know.
- I cant. It is not right.
- This is right. Just not now.

Hey Jeremy! Are you okay?
- Why shouldn't I be okay? I killed a hybrid and then cut off its head with a butcher knife... Just a typical Sunday!

What is your secret? Guardian angel or have you sold your soul to the Devil?
- A little bit of everything.

No matter what anyone says or does, nothing is more important than family.

Life is too cruel. If we stop believing in love, then why live?

And finally, two of my favorite quotes:

You can do anything if there is a person nearby who believes in you!

I was in love! It's painful, pointless, and exaggerated.

It is generally accepted that keeping a personal diary is an activity for girls in adolescence. But it's not. On the Internet, you can find examples of the personal diary of many blue screen stars. Also, the secrets for a personal diary tend to be trusted by many bloggers.

Why do you need a diary

If a person is confused in himself, and if there is simply a desire to clear his thoughts, the diary will be the first assistant in these matters. This subject will help to put all thoughts on the shelves and conduct a thorough introspection. But often you can find not only serious things, but also just funny entries in personal diaries. After all, it is so nice to read some amusing quote in the evening over a cup of tea or remember in text form what happened to you several years ago.

Some people keep a notebook in order to just speak out. Not everyone has comrades who are ready to listen at the moment. Some of the phrases used for a personal diary are so intimate that they can only be trusted on paper.

Well, the last thing for which this attribute of life is needed - some inhabitants of the planet cannot imagine a single day without a letter. In our age modern technologies many wean from pens, pencils and the rustle of paper. And a person - the keeper of a personal diary of a picture can draw not only on a tablet, but also on paper. It is worth agreeing that the second lesson is much more pleasant than the first.

Needed for a diary

When and how to write

The choice of tools for keeping records is an important matter. After all, to write a poem about a personal diary, you only need a pen, and in order to make drawings or original “pictures” for a personal diary, you need to take felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

Last but not least is when to fill out the diary. You should not act forcibly - since on this paper it is worth depicting only what brings joy. And forcing yourself to write is not a joke for a personal diary. After all, over time, rereading the text, you can remember with what mood it was written. And it is unlikely that compulsory duties will bring good memories.

To choose the style of writing in this book, you can look at photos of personal diaries on the Internet. Can be used bright colors, stickers and even stickers. And you can see that in many photos 1 page of a personal diary does not look pretentious, because this is just a cover. The most important and secret is kept under it, inside.

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Photo gallery: Personal diary: personal diary pictures

The design elements of a personal diary include pictures, poems, quotes and just your own thoughts. A paper friend is “turned on” not only by young ladies, but also by adult women, because he can be trusted with the most intimate thoughts. Its design depends on the mood and tastes of the hostess. If you don’t feel like drawing pictures and writing poetry yourself, you can always use ready-made templates.

Pictures for a personal diary

LD is a whirlwind of events, thoughts and feelings. Many do not express them in continuous text, but supplement them with all sorts of pictures. They are the decoration and highlight of the pages. As a picture, you can cut and paste your photo, but this is not necessary. Some use ready-made printouts, others draw by hand to the conscience.

Ready-made drawings can be downloaded on the Internet and printed.

New patterns are on various sites. Emoticons are popular social network In contact with.

Clippings can be both colored and bright, and black and white.

On the pages of LD you can smear with watercolors, mix various paints, and write text on top. Colored pencils and gel pens will also become faithful helpers. In this case, you should rely only on your own preferences and not be afraid to experiment.

On a note! If the diary sheets are thin, before using watercolor paints It is recommended to glue two pages together.

Ideas for LD: poems and quotes

No personal diary is complete without quotes and poems. Writing them is not only fashionable, but also terribly interesting. Usually small quatrains are placed on the first and last page, while whole poems are stored in the middle. They are humorous or, conversely, sad, telling about unrequited love (which often happens with girls). You can make entries in several ways: classic or in different directions.

Usually poems and quotes express the mood, but often the mistress of the diary cuts out and pastes just the statement she likes.

Those who are endowed with a certain talent compose the poem themselves. It can be written by hand or typed on a computer and then printed, cut and pasted.

Design ideas are allowed a wide variety. If a teenager keeps a diary, clippings of favorite characters will flaunt in it, bright colors will be present. Often a special cipher is used, known only to the owner herself.

Adult girls and women are more restrained, but it all depends on the character.

On a note! Sometimes for records they choose not an ordinary notebook or notepad, but an old book. Drawings are pasted there, as well as blank paper for text. It is recommended to tear out every third page in the book, otherwise, as it is filled out, it will become too voluminous. It is advisable to provide special pockets in which photos, cards and other things will be stored.

To make a paper friend unique, you should make it yourself. To do this, you have to choose required amount colored glossy paper. Sheets of the same size are cut out of it, which are folded arbitrarily. The cover is then made thick cardboard(you can arrange it in pictures, under stencils or cover it with a cloth). Sheets and cover are fastened with any convenient way. The personal diary is ready, now you can start designing it.

Video: ideas for LD design

Drawings for a personal diary

Not everyone wants to print a finished drawing, choosing topics for it. Whether it's a matter of sketches made by one's own hands. The page can serve as a canvas for saying thoughts and coloring at the same time. For personal diaries, it does not matter what kind of artistic data its owner possesses.

When making a plan for the week, you should not do one boring scribble. It can also be decorated brightly and unusually.

Each action or description of a memorable incident can be accompanied by an illustration.

Backgrounds for a personal diary

External and internal background is very important. As in the case of illustrations, you can design it yourself or use ready samples. Even at the first stage of creating a book for innermost thoughts, you should take care of the background of the cover. It is he who creates the first impression of a personal diary.

Finished backgrounds are shown in the photo below.

Why do girls and mature women get a paper friend? Perhaps they need moments in their lives when they can be alone with themselves and transfer their thoughts and feelings to paper. Pictures of a personal diary and other elements of the content reflect the character and lifestyle of the girl.

Personal diary is faithful and reliable friend on which more than one generation of successful, creative, romantic people has grown up. Ideas for ld are so diverse, interesting, bright and attractive that today everyone can arrange their thoughts in the most aesthetic way.

To decorate the diary author's drawings, color and black-and-white printouts, emoticons, stickers and much more are ideal. If you know how to write poetry, do hand-made and like to draw, making a personal diary will not be difficult for you.

However, for those who only comprehend the wisdom of needlework and take the first steps in educational art and literature, there are many bright ideas and hints for ld: pictures for girls, finished drawings and templates, quotes, poems, sketches, comics.

A personal diary keeps not only your secrets, experiences, dreams. Your life flows on the pages of the diary, which you so want to decorate, improve, diversify. If you are still thinking about how to design a personal diary, use it for decoration magazine clippings, stickers, emoticons, photos.
The frame idea is very popular with young girls as they love highlight the most important and exciting moments of your life. You can use a color printer to print the frames, and if this is not available, just make a frame on a regular one and decorate it with felt-tip pens, paints, a gel pen or a pencil.

Easy way to tell about yourself make a mini-quiz with answers to a variety of questions: my favorite color, fruit, etc. In the same way, you can arrange your favorite quotes, aphorisms, plans for the future. What else can be written in the diary, we will describe in more detail below.
For example, you can make a mood calendar, interest page, music page, a small visualization board that will fit all your dreams, desires and plans for the future.

Ideas for a personal diary are applicable in the design of the cover. Despite the fact that only you will see this thing, it should be pleasant to the touch, pleasing to the eyes, soul and heart.

Diary pages can also be decorated using original visual techniques.

And if you don’t want to draw, buy scrapbooking paper.
Separate pages of the diary can be decorated in your favorite color. So your thoughts and desires will have their own "color" theme.Another idea - letter to the future. Write a message to yourself and reveal it on a certain day and in a certain year. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Pictures, drawings, printouts for a personal diary

We are used to expressing our thoughts and dreams in words and sentences. We trust the diary with our joys and sorrows, share our secrets with him and tell him about our plans. Some people write in it every day, while others only capture bright and memorable moments of life. And what if we add to the usual texts and poems, quotes and funny stories some visualization?
If, for example, you write in a diary about your hobbies and small passions, you can draw your favorite hobby or its paraphernalia: sports, needlework, travel, books. Instead of writing: “I love the sea” or “I love chocolate”, you can draw it! Believe me, when you return to your paper friend in a few years or even a few decades, it will be much more pleasant for you to review hundreds of pictures than to reread tens of thousands of words. The subject of drawings and pictures can be completely different, it all depends on you and your desires. Drawings for ld conditionally (we repeat, conditionally) can be divided into many headings and subsections, depending on the preferences, desires, tastes and even the mood of the owner of the diary.

The subject of drawings for the diary

  • Travels
  • Hobby
  • food, sweets
  • Beverages
  • Love
  • Gadgets
  • Social network
  • Pets, animals
  • Cartoons
  • Unicorns
  • Wardrobe, fashion and style
  • Cosmetics
  • Seasons
  • Planets, celestial bodies

This list can be continued indefinitely, supplement it with your drawings, fantasies, ideas. We offer several "delicious", dynamic, cute, delicious and, as they say today, " cute" drawings to decorate the diary.

As practice shows, it is much easier to make drawings in the cells, however, you can use both line drawings and standard sheets A4.

If you are a fan or admirer animated series "Gravity Falls", draw a cheerful muffin Mabel on the page of your diary. She will bring you good luck.

To keep your diary You don't have to know how to draw or like to draw. If you want to save time on drawings and focus, for example, on the submission of text, use printouts for ld for design.
You can print these templates on a color printer, cut them out and stick them in your diary, or make them black and white and paint them yourself.

Decorate the pages of your diary will help cute pictures, funny stickers, funny inscriptions or smilies. The beauty of printed pictures is that you can extra effort pick up beautiful font, choose a cool print and "settle" on the pages of your innermost book a lot of new incredible characters.

The permanent resident/symbol/keeper of your diary can be unicorn or owl. You can draw such a miracle with your own hands, or you can print it on a printer ready template.

What to write about in a personal diary?

The basis of a personal diary still remains a deep semantic load. Each author, of course, decides for himself what to write about and what topics to raise in his diary. We dare, nevertheless, to give some advice and expand the richest topics of personal diaries.
In addition to their daily affairs and plans, you can tell about yourself, your friends, tastes. write, why do you love summer and other seasons.
The diary is your little chest of inspiration. Store in it favorite music, movies, video games, photos and other things that inspire you.
If you have just started to maintain your personal data, ideas for personal data will help you fill it with useful, interesting and most relevant information.

First page of your diary might look something like this.

Or so. This is your diary, in it you you have the right to make your own rules. And be a bit categorical.
And tag about paris.
No personal diary is complete without poetry.

And no quotes.

And without nice philosophical notes.
And no virtual travel.
And no jokes.