Drywall is its application. Everything you need to know about drywall. Standard dimensions of plasterboard sheets

Installation of drywall sheets on the ceiling

Drywall (its other names are gypsum plasterboard, as well as dry gypsum plaster) Is a very famous building material used in interior decoration. It is a two-layer sheet. One layer is cardboard, and the second is hardened gypsum with a filler. This finishing material is environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, capable of "breathing" (passing moisture through itself and maintaining a certain humidity in the room), has no smell and is able to provide high level sound and thermal insulation. A standard drywall sheet is 120 centimeters wide.

The use of drywall in construction and repair

There are several types of drywall sheet. This is ordinary drywall (GKL), then moisture resistant (GKLV), used in rooms with high humidity- bathrooms, etc. And there is fire-resistant drywall (GKLO and GKLVO).

The plasterboard ceiling is installed on a steel or wood frame. It is used as an underlayment for floors. Often this building material is an excellent tool for the designer to embody his bold ideas. After all, the drywall sheet tends to bend perfectly, which makes it possible to remodel partitions, walls and ceilings to your liking.

Dry gypsum plaster in a wet state with a thickness of 9.5 and 12.5 mm is very plastic, and in dry it is vice versa. This circumstance makes it possible to mount panels in any elements of different configurations: vaults, cylinders, drywall arches, domes. This is the designer's dream drywall sheet.

Let's see what else is interesting about the drywall material. The sheets are bent only in length and can be convex, both the back side and the front. Plasterboard walls allow you to build into them any window and door made of wood, aluminum, steel or plastic. You can bend the gypsum board, or you can cut or saw. With the help of a handy tool, you can cut out the shape of the desired length and width, and, if necessary, make a hole in the panel. For switches, and not only for them, it is better to make holes right in front of the cladding.

The use of drywall allows you to reduce the time of work due to the fact that you can assemble drywall structures outside the construction site. If you are going to buy drywall, then it makes sense to take the entire installation kit: screws, metal profiles, tools, gypsum glue, sealing tape, etc.

As for the order of work on processing the seams between the sheets. The quality of a wall or ceiling lined with plasterboard is influenced by how well the connecting seams are made. Seams are carefully sealed with putty.

We recommend the following mixtures: SEMIN CE 86, Vetonit Gyproc Siloite, KREISEL 601. After filling the joint with a solution, a strip of special reinforcing fiberglass mesh is applied, after which a layer of putty is reapplied.

Sealing seams between sheets of drywall

Starting to work with drywall, the master must clearly know what he is doing. Both the qualifications of the worker and the humidity of the air with the temperature in the room are important - it is important that they are stable for two days before and two days after processing the seams.

Drywall applications

If we briefly summarize the areas where drywall can be used, we highlight several main ones:

  • Alignment and renovation of walls, their cladding;
  • Plasterboard interior partitions. Attached to a metal or wood frame. It is also used for the construction of curtain walls, decorative podiums, etc.;
  • Ceiling plasterboard finish. Plasterboard ceilings are different types- ordinary, suspended or multi-level;
  • Making decorative interior items.

Convenience of working with drywall provides builders and designers wide selection to create a variety of interior elements at no extra cost.

Plasterboard is a modern finishing material, which is sheets of cardboard, between which there is a gypsum composition.

IN percentage gypsum layer is about 90% of the total mass of the sheet, everything else (10%) is made up of cardboard, moisture and organic components. As you know, gypsum is a material with high technical and physical properties, therefore, it has become widespread in the field of construction and decoration. In the case of drywall in plaster of paris add reinforcing fibers, special additives, and then put it all in a kind of cardboard frame.

Drywall types

Currently, manufacturers produce both standard drywall sheets and materials with improved technical performance.

The marking of the material must be indicated on the sheets.

    GKL - standard sheets.

    GKV (GVLV, GVL) - moisture resistant sheets (impregnation with special compounds against moisture, fungus, mold).

    GKLO - fire resistant.

    Tongue blocks standard and hydro - they use a pre-fired gypsum layer.

    GKP PS - insulated gypsum board (expanded polystyrene board is added).

When using drywall, it is important to take into account the conditions in which the material will be used and choose a finish with the appropriate technical characteristics.

Advantages of drywall

Drywall sheets are lightweight, which means that the load on bearing structures will be minimal. This feature of the material is widely used in decoration different interiors... At the same time, it becomes possible to save on construction and finishing, without doing it to the detriment of the final result.

Drywall is a flexible, ductile and resilient material. To create different curvilinear structures, bends, arched openings, you just need to slightly moisten the sheets, which, after drying, will completely retain their new shape.

In the manufacture of this finishing material, only natural components are used, so drywall is a completely safe and environmentally friendly product. The sheets do not emit any toxic substances and do not contain impurities, that is, they are absolutely harmless to people.

The material is odorless and the pH level is the same as that of skin person.

High hygroscopicity allows the finish to "breathe", which provides a comfortable indoor climate. Drywall is non-flammable, has low thermal conductivity.

Using it to decorate rooms, you can create the most different variants finishing, while in the works there are no "wet" processes. It is also important that the terms of construction and finishing work are significantly reduced, which is especially appreciated by both the repairmen and the owners of the premises being repaired.

Disadvantages of drywall

The biggest disadvantage of this material is its low moisture resistance. This should be taken into account. When using drywall in rooms with high humidity only need to be applied special sheets with special markings.

During operation, you need to regularly ventilate the premises and make sure that moisture does not get on the drywall.

The fragility of the material should also be taken into account. This is important to keep in mind both when transporting sheets, and when finishing surfaces and during their direct use. When installing partitions, it is necessary to make a strong frame and reinforce it in advance, so that later, if you need to hang TV plasma or a shelf, you do not have to destroy the entire structure.

Conditions for using drywall

Plasterboard sheets can be used in almost any room, the only requirement is when operating in special conditions use material with special markings.

IN living quarters with the help of drywall, ceilings, floors and walls are leveled. This material is used to create various details in the interior: shelves, arched openings, niches, etc. Drywall is also widely used for the device false ceilings various designs.

For finishing the kitchen, bathroom and toilets, only waterproof material is used, while the room must be of high quality exhaust ventilation... In addition, it is advisable to treat the surfaces of the sheets with special primers, and apply paint or ceramic tiles on top.

When using drywall for finishing air ducts or communication shafts, only fire-resistant options with special markings are used.

In public and office premises plasterboard partitions are often made. In this case, the frame is first mounted, and then it is sheathed with sheets of material.

Drywall is a building material that makes it possible to carry out the so-called "dry plaster", dispensing with unnecessary dirt when finishing works... The use of plasterboard panels significantly reduces the time and cost of the work performed. Therefore, today the use of drywall is becoming popular in the construction or repair, insulation of residential, office and industrial premises, provided there is no high humidity.

Gypsum is a natural stone, having a relatively low weight, formed from sedimentary rocks. Its astringent properties were already known to the ancient Egyptians, who actively used it in building and plastering mixtures. In the nineteenth century, gypsum found a new use as a building material: the owner of a paper mill, American Augustine Sackett, invented a "board" to increase sales of his products, having fastened several layers of paper with gypsum mortar.

Modern drywall is a sandwich of two sheets of cardboard with a plaster "filling" placed between them, with protected end edges - an invention of American engineers at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The popularity of the use of drywall is explained by its properties, which can significantly reduce the time and financial costs of construction and repair work. These are, first of all:

  • Low specific gravity;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Convenience of processing and installation;
  • Fire-fighting properties;
  • Low moisture content;
  • Good sound absorption;
  • Low cost.

There are several types of drywall panels. Today you can buy conventional gypsum plasterboard panels that are suitable for dry rooms, as well as plasterboard sheets intended for rooms with high humidity or fire hazards:

  1. Standard drywall - designed for ordinary walls;
  2. Ceiling - thinner, with reduced weight, used for leveling ceilings and creating multi-level structures;
  3. Moisture resistant - used for finishing rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, entrance rooms;
  4. Flame Retardant - least exposed to high temperatures and open fire. It is widely used for facing fireplaces and walls adjacent to a heating source;
  5. Arched - used by designers when modeling curved shapes;
  6. Acoustic - the excellent sound-absorbing properties of this material make it indispensable in industrial premises or offices with elevated level noise.

Through the use drywall sheets, it is possible to insulate the room in a short time by laying between outside wall and a plasterboard panel with a layer of mineral wool. "Dry" plaster is especially popular: the walls finished with plasterboard panels represent a perfectly flat surface that can be further processed with all types of finishing materials- paint, whitewash, wallpaper, apply decorative plaster.

The availability and ease of processing of the material makes it possible to use it for owners of apartments or private houses when self-repair... Experts widely use drywall sheets to model space, realizing the most daring design fantasies. Using drywall, you can independently quickly and inexpensively build interior walls dividing large room into two separate ones.

Features of working with drywall

Like any building material, drywall has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when working with it. We must not forget that gypsum itself is a fragile material, therefore, even reinforced with cardboard sheets, it is afraid of mechanical stress and deformation. For the same reason, if it is necessary to cut a drywall sheet, it is necessary to use a thin cutting tool- a construction knife is well suited for this purpose.

It is recommended to store drywall sheets in a horizontal position on a flat surface to avoid deformation. As a last resort, to save space, you can put the plasterboard panels vertically, leaning the upper edge of the first sheet against the wall, while the lower edge of the sheet should recede from the wall at a distance of no more than 10 - 12 cm.All other sheets should be installed in a dense layer to the first - this way unnecessary deformations can be avoided. In addition, even moisture-resistant gypsum board should not be left without the necessary protection for open space, in order to avoid damage to the material under the influence of natural precipitation.

Compliance with the basic rules of storage and work with drywall greatly facilitates its use even when making repairs or redevelopment of housing with your own hands. It should be remembered that when arranging additional wall GKL must be attached to a previously prepared rigid frame made of wooden beams or metal profile using fixing materials. Plasterboard panels are attached to the wall in several ways:

  1. On a wooden frame;
  2. On a frame made of a metal profile;
  3. On a wall surface using mortar or glue.

Fastening to a wooden frame

This type of fastening is mainly used for construction frame houses in USA. The complexity of its application in our conditions lies in the need to align possible drops on the wall surfaces. To do this, you have to either cut off the most protruding parts of the wall, or put additional bars in the places of the largest recesses. The frame itself consists of racks and jumpers, which are pre-attached to the wall, and then a drywall sheet is sewn onto them.

One of the disadvantages of this method is the need to use a high-quality dried material, since insufficiently dried wood deforms when it dries, as a result of which the entire wooden structure can be skewed. However, in forest-rich regions, the use of wooden structures more popular, since the cost of timber here is much lower than the cost of a metal profile.

In order to sheathe the walls with plasterboard on a wooden frame, you need the following tools:

  • Level and plumb line for mounting the frame (you can use a laser builder);
  • Construction tape, ruler;
  • Hacksaw for wood;
  • Perforator for punching walls for fastenings;
  • Construction knife or file for cutting drywall sheets;
  • Screwdriver.

The walls must first be cleaned of peeling layers of plaster, wallpaper, dust, dirt. Find irregularities in the wall using plumb lines or a laser builder and install signal beacons. After that, you can mark the future. timber frame using a tape measure, level, plumb line or laser instrument. When constructing a wooden frame, it is recommended to use a wooden beam with a cross section of 60 - 40 mm.

  1. Fastening of horizontal guides. Previously, small notches are made on them at the points of attachment of the vertical racks in accordance with the markings;
  2. Using self-tapping screws, vertical posts are attached to the horizontal bars.
  3. The panels are attached to the uprights with self-tapping screws, at a distance of about 15 cm. In this case, it is necessary to partially deepen the head of the self-tapping screw so that it does not protrude on the surface, creating irregularities.

To equip a wooden frame, it is necessary to take a timber treated against fungus and pests with a moisture-resistant composition.

Tip: to enhance heat and moisture insulation, you can insulate the walls before installing the wooden frame mineral wool and foil coated.

Installation of plasterboard panels on a metal frame

The most common way to fix plasterboard panels and false walls is to use a metal profile under the frame. The construction industry offers a metal profile specially designed for drywall and others special devices... Most often, two types of profile are used - D and W. The first is smaller, it is used when forming a plane for fastening panels. The second is used to mount the frame on the walls. In addition to these two basic standard sizes, there are two types of profiles for each of them: C and U, support and guide. You can learn more about the purpose of these profiles, the specifics of their use on construction sites.

Usage metal structures makes it possible for any initial curvature of the walls to create an ideal surface.

To mount drywall panels on a metal frame, you will need:

  1. Metal tape measure;
  2. Building level not less than 80 cm;
  3. Plumb line;
  4. Twine;
  5. Rule;
  6. Reverse drill or screwdriver;
  7. Perforator and dowels;
  8. Construction knife, file, float for working with drywall;
  9. Shears for metal for cutting a profile.

When starting to form a metal frame, it is necessary to prepare the adjacent surfaces in advance: the walls should be plastered, and the floor should be perfectly flat; if necessary, a screed should be applied. A preliminary marking is carried out, where all irregularities are taken into account, including defects in the corners between adjacent walls, and an accurate drawing of the frame is built.

The profile is fixed using special clamps, forming a frame for plasterboard panels. The principle of marking and the device of the metal frame is identical to the device of the frame made of wooden beam, taking into account the peculiarities of the metal profile, its varieties and methods of fastening.

Important: the front of the struts and jumpers must lie in a single plane.

It is convenient to lay the necessary communications, soundproofing and heat-saving materials between the wall and the frame. The metal frame has a slight drawback: it is a good conductor of sounds, therefore, when using it, it is recommended to use insulation that mutes any sound source. This property of a frame made of a metal profile should also be taken into account when installing interior walls.

The use of building glue for wall cladding with plasterboard.

Provided that the walls that are planned to be subjected to "dry plastering" using sheets of gypsum board do not require additional leveling or insulation, you can fix the drywall panels directly on them using building adhesive mixtures.

This type of installation is the lowest budget, even a beginner can easily carry it out. home master do it yourself without using special tools, additional materials.

Required for work: sheets of drywall, adhesive building mixture or putty, sharp knife for cutting gypsum plasterboard, construction tape.

Advantages of adhesive mounting:

  1. Ease of attachment;
  2. Short terms of work;
  3. Saving space;
  4. The minimum set of tools and materials.

Perhaps the most important advantage of the glue method is the ability even for "dummies" to level the surfaces under finishing do it yourself.

The main disadvantages of this method are the impossibility of using heat and sound insulating materials between the wall and the panel, as well as difficult access to electrical wiring and other communications hidden under the drywall panels, if necessary.

Using drywall to decorate rooms

As already mentioned, drywall is not only used to create interior partitions, wall cladding or ceilings, but also for decorating rooms, creating separate zones, spectacular reliefs.

The use of this material allows designers to transform a boring room by changing the space visually, apply if necessary smooth lines transition from one plane to another, create decorative elements, such as false fireplaces, arches, niches for lighting or art objects.

In addition, for masking communications or dividing a room into separate zones in modern apartments you can install false columns of a square or semicircular type. In spacious rooms, you can make real columns of a round or ribbed type by mounting decorative niches or shelves in them.

The use of gypsum board for internal renovation and the decoration of the premises allows you to bring to life any creative idea. This material has a relatively low cost, requires minimal skills to work with it, makes it possible to significantly transform the space, giving the room an updated well-groomed look.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

One of the irreplaceable and popular materials in the construction and repair business is drywall. It is used both for erection various designs such as partitions or multilevel ceilings and for cladding internal and sometimes even external surfaces of premises. Such a spread is determined by the attractive characteristics of gypsum board: low weight, relatively low price, sufficient strength and ease of processing.

Hardware stores offer a huge selection of different types, brands and manufacturers of drywall and gypsum boards... It can be difficult to immediately decide on the choice in this variety. In order not to be mistaken, you need to clearly understand what type of drywall sheets is used for various construction works and by what principle you can choose high-quality drywall. Let's try to understand these issues.

What is drywall

Gypsum plasterboard is a one-piece panel of gypsum material, which is glued on both sides thick cardboard... At first glance, it may seem that plaster is too fragile material to apply it in construction. The strength of the gypsum board is added by the cardboard, thanks to which the sheets do not break, do not chip or crumble. Moreover, they are very easy to handle: sawing, bending and even planing. And special additives give different types plasterboard sheets have a wide variety of properties.

Despite the strength, for the construction of various structures made of gypsum board, it is imperative to use a frame base, which ensures an even distribution of the load on the entire structure, and an increase in its strength.

The photo clearly demonstrates the structure of the drywall sheet.

Where drywall sheets are used

Plasterboard sheets are used in construction to solve a variety of problems:

  • For finishing (leveling) walls, etc. Wall gypsum board has a thickness of 12.5 mm, a length of 2.3 or 2.5 meters, and a width of 1.2 meters. The properties of such sheets are standard; no special additives are provided for in their design. Color gray with blue markings.
  • For the ceiling. With the help of gypsum board, you can not only sheathe the ceiling under tension structure, but also create a multi-level plasterboard ceiling or niches for hidden lighting. For these purposes, sheets are used that differ in size: the thickness of the ceiling gypsum board is 9.5 mm, the length is 2 or 2.5 meters, and the width remains unchanged. The properties are the same standard, the color and markings are the same as for the wall.
  • For cladding rooms with high humidity (often used in conjunction with additional waterproofing). For these purposes, a special type of drywall is used - moisture resistant (GKLV). The GKLV core contains special additives, and even the cardboard itself is impregnated with antifungal compounds. The length of its sheets is 2.3 or 2.5 meters, the thickness is 12.5 mm, and the standard width is 1.2 meters. Such sheets are painted in green color, the marking is blue.
  • For cladding chimneys, fireplaces and rooms with high requirements for fire safety... Despite the fact that the cardboard in any type of gypsum board does not burn, but only carbonizes, the GKLO additionally contains a large amount of reinforcing fibers and additives in the core, so that the middle part of the sheets does not deform in the event of a fire. Such sheets have a standard width and thickness, their length is 2, 2.5 or 3 meters, they are painted in a light pink color with red markings.
  • For creating arches and other curved structures. Despite the fact that the usual wall drywall it is possible, for these purposes it is better to use flexible arched drywall sheets. Their core contains fiberglass threads, which generally also strengthen the material. Due to its small thickness of 6.5 mm, such drywall is easy to bend and give it any curved shape. Its width is standard, length is 3 meters, color is light gray.

The following photo shows the process of creating an arch from drywall sheets.

The area of ​​application of drywall is so wide that it can explain the popularity of this building material for interior decoration premises.

Classification of gypsum plasterboard sheets according to GOST

GCR can be classified in two ways:

  • according to GOST 6266-97;
  • in accordance with GOST 32614-2012.

The differences between these two standards are primarily in the time of their adoption. GOST from 1997 divides drywall into 4 main varieties:

  1. Ordinary gypsum plasterboard (GKL).
  2. Moisture resistant gypsum plasterboard (GKLV).
  3. Fire-resistant drywall (GKLO).
  4. Combining the properties of fire resistance and moisture resistance drywall (GKLVO).

The next photo shows how the main types of drywall differ in color.

The GOST issued in 2012 was developed jointly with Knauf. According to it, drywall is now called gypsum building boards and is divided into eight types:

  1. Type A, which is the standard GCR.
  2. H - moisture resistant boards (the same as GKLV).
  3. F - refractory gypsum boards (or GKLO).
  4. D - plates with different density depending on the conditions of their operation.
  5. I - extra hard gypsum boards.
  6. E - plates used for facade works and having the properties of minimal water absorption and vapor permeability (GKLV with improved characteristics).
  7. P - slabs to be applied plaster mixes or laying tiles.
  8. R is a building material that allows you to create fairly strong folds in any direction.

Nowadays, almost all drywall in the construction market is produced under the Knauf brand. These are the very gypsum building boards. GKL from "Knauf" has the best characteristics in comparison with other manufacturers, however, the price of material from more well-known brands may be higher. The next photo shows one of the types of Knauf gypsum building boards.

Standard dimensions, weight and strength of drywall

Plasterboard boards have the following dimensions:

  • The length can vary from 1.5 to 3.6 meters for different manufacturers. The most common indicators are 2, 2.5 and 3 meters.
  • The standard width is 1.2 meters, but smaller products with a width of only 0.6 meters can also be found on sale. This parameter greatly simplifies the transportation of this building material and reduces its weight.
  • The thickness indicator varies between 6-12.5 mm. Most often, the thickness of drywall depends on its purpose. For example, minimum thickness is needed to create arches and other curved structures, and thicker sheets are used to build walls. In addition, you can find extra strong plates, the thickness of which is 25 mm.

When buying gypsum plasterboards, it is worth remembering that there are two different categories of this material - A and B. In the first case, the sheet dimensions deviate from the standards set by GOST by no more than a couple of millimeters. In the second, even the squareness parameter can have deviations. And although most manufacturers do not indicate a category at all, since they produce category A drywall, this factor should be taken into account.

HELPFUL INFORMATION: Electrical wiring under drywall: laying the wire in the wall, box and ceiling

Drywall weight is significantly lower in comparison with others building materials... And this applies to any type and size of GCR - the additives in the material slightly increase its weight. Even fortified metal frame a plasterboard wall will be significantly lighter than, for example, a brick wall.

One millimeter of sheet thickness is one kilogram per square meter, this is how the nominal weight of the gypsum board is calculated.

The durability of the product depends on its purpose, as well as on the quality of the materials used in the manufacture. Since the choice of both cardboard and gypsum composition is not regulated in any way and manufacturers can easily choose the composition of gypsum boards themselves, the quality of cheap brands can be significantly lower than world manufacturers, such as the above-mentioned Knauf.

Which manufacturer do you use drywall?

Gypsum plasterboard, GKL, is a rectangular sheet with a gypsum core lined with cardboard on both sides, which, in addition to a smooth surface, gives the effect of reinforcement, which makes the sheet more durable. The most common sizes are 1200-2500 mm wide and 0.8 mm thick. Very comfortable modern material for leveling walls and ceilings, as well as building false walls, partitions, arches and other intricate structures.

Drywall sheet structure: 1 - gypsum, 2 - cardboard.

Drywall - a material with unique properties

The physical and hygienic properties of drywall make it the perfect material for finishing living spaces.

Gypsum does not contain any toxic substances, so its use is applicable to the renovation of children's rooms. It perfectly absorbs water from the air when the room is humid, and perfectly gives off moisture in a dry room, maintaining approximately the same level of humidity. For this feature, it is called a breathable material. In addition, the GCR also has sound insulating property, and if you sheathe pipes with it sewerage system, then in combination with additional materials you can achieve complete silence and absolutely not hear the "merry waterfall" through these very pipes. So you can hide all such communications, different heating pipes, electrical wiring and alarm systems, air ducts and ventilation corrugations and much more.

Works associated with gypsum plasterboard are mostly dry in nature, which excludes the abandonment of mountains of debris and dirt. According to him technical specifications it can be added that the material is quite light and malleable, and this, along with similar universal cladding materials, gives drywall an undeniable leadership. Sheets can be given absolutely any shape, limited only by the designer's thought. GKL easily bends, sawed with an ordinary hacksaw, and straight lines can be cut using an ordinary clerical knife.

The smooth cardboard surface is an ideal field for wallpapering. Virtually no additional surface treatment is required. The only thing is that the caps of the self-tapping screws should be covered with an anti-corrosion compound in order to avoid further rusty spots on the wallpaper. GKL can be simply whitened or painted with ordinary oil and nitro enamels in the same way as plastered surfaces.

Simple and light form erecting a frame from profiles, big square the working surface of the material can significantly reduce the duration of work. For example, it will take 2-3 times less time to level the walls than to plaster and putty. Gypsum has less thermal conductivity than plaster, and makes it possible to insulate the walls from the inside, and this is again heat saving and reduced energy costs due to the fact that less energy is required to heat the room. For our harsh climate, this is quite relevant. Conversely, gypsum, keeping warm summer heat, will not let him into the room.

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The relative cons of drywall

Why relative cons? It's that simple! Any obvious shortcomings are easily compensated for by simple constructive modifications or various modern "gadgets", the use of which greatly facilitates the course of work. But any material has both pros and cons. The use of gypsum board in rooms with an air humidity of more than 90% is undesirable. Drywall, like a sponge, absorbs moisture, and over time, due to constant dampness, the sheets will begin to swell, warp and gradually crumble at the attachment points. In such cases, use moisture resistant brands, but humidity should not exceed 80% and no more than 10 hours a day.

Manufacturers use various additives that give strength to the material, but this does not completely eliminate drywall from its natural fragility. IN different rooms it is necessary to take into account the nature of future mechanical influences and a simple human factor. People can lean their elbows or lean something heavy against the wall, or simply hit it. Sheets split easily, may crack, or puncture. Repairing holes and chips is quite problematic, you have to replace the entire screwed sheet.

However, as experts note, this fragility of the material greatly facilitates the installation process. plasterboard structures... Gypsum does not need to be cut, like plywood, boards or chipboard, it breaks off itself perfectly, you just need to make an incision with a knife. And yet, this is not the material to withstand huge loads, so they are not recommended to level the floors. for these purposes, a similar material is used - gypsum fiber sheets.

Often, you need to attach something to the walls: paintings, lamps, shelves, and so on. An ordinary self-tapping screw or screw in plaster will not hold, and the thickness of the sheet itself is unsuitable for this type of fastener. But even here a simple innovative solution comes to the rescue - the use of special butterfly bolts. These bolts fix themselves to back side sheet, after they are inserted into the wall, and from the outside are attracted by a nut. One such fastener is designed for a payload of 15 kg.

In conclusion, I would like to say that gypsum plasterboards are the undisputed leader in the field of mounting all kinds of structures and leveling walls and ceilings. Today, no renovation is complete without this unique material. For all its merits, it will not go out of fashion soon and will probably only improve over time.