We make cheese at home from cow's milk. Recipe for homemade cheese from cottage cheese and milk

Home-made cheese is unrivaled not only in cost and taste, but also in the entire range of unlimited creative space that opens up to the home cheese maker.

To make 1.3 kg of soft homemade cheese you will need:
- 9 liters of whole home milk
(you can also use store-bought, not sterilized, but this requires a starter).

- Sourdough.
I took Bifilux 400 ml, you can use kefir or any other fermented milk product with a shelf life of no more than a week. It’s even better, of course, to use specialized cheese starters. Although if the milk is homemade, whole, then you can do it without any starter at all. (before this I did it with pure milk, now I decided to try something different)
- Pot.

- A sieve or colander.
- Thermometer.

- A piece of cotton cloth or gauze.
- Cheese form - container.
The container can be can or a plastic mayonnaise saucepan, or any other container. We select a piston based on the inner diameter of the container; it can be either a wooden circle or a saucer. It (this piston) should fit freely into the container with a gap of 2-5 mm at the edges.
- Enzyme for curdling milk.
Pepsins are used as an enzyme. Today, the most affordable enzyme in terms of price and quality is the Japanese-made “meito” enzyme. You can also buy Acidin-pepsin tablets at the pharmacy, but the results are not always stable (at least for me).

Pepsin, microbial rennin Meito is used in the production of soft and hard cheeses both at home and in production. Using Meito pepsin you can make: regular homemade cheese, pickled cheeses (brynza, suluguni, feta, etc.), as well as almost all known hard cheeses.
"Meito" is a natural product containing milk-clotting enzymes.
These enzymes are specific proteases that are identical in their amino acid composition to veal rennet. But Meito does not contain animal or chemical components, which has a beneficial effect on shelf life and taste qualities cheese.
Meito is produced by fermenting and further drying a plant-based edible mushroom.
MeitoTM was approved at a meeting of the Expert Council of the State Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. N.F. Gamaleya at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; Approved by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
The enzyme is included in the national standard of the Russian Federation - GOST 52686-2006 “Cheese. General technical conditions".
Manufacturer: MEITO SANGYO CO.,Ltd (Japan)
- Press.
However, a substitute press can be made from two pans.
- and time 2-3 hours :)
Making soft homemade cheese.
1. Some recipes recommend pasteurizing milk, but my milk is tested, so I decided not to do this, and we pasteurize at a temperature of 62 degrees for half an hour - this is critical if homemade milk is of unknown origin. It is better to heat milk in a water bath.

2. Cool to a temperature of 33 degrees.

3. Pour Bifilux into milk and wait 20-30 minutes for our lactic acid bacteria to start working.
4. Pour 1/10 of a bag of meito pepsin into half a glass of cold (pre-boiled and cooled) water and stir until completely dissolved.
There is only 1 gram in a bag and all this is for 100 liters of milk. How to divide 1 gram into 10 parts? We watch a movie about drug addicts and learn how to make tracks. :)) You can also dissolve the entire sachet in 100 ml. water and use a syringe to measure the required amount. Store in this case in a tightly closed sterilized container in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 weeks.
5. Pour this half a glass into milk and mix thoroughly once for 2-3 minutes (this is important!) and leave.
6. The process of coagulation (coagulation) begins. Coagulation turns milk into whey and curds. This happens after 30-60 minutes.
7. Check the readiness of the cottage cheese. It should look like a cream with a clear division into curd and transparent whey. If the whey still resembles milk, leave the curd for a few more minutes. We do a “clean finger” test. This is a very simple test: you just need to dip your finger (clean! :)) into the curd mass and look at it. If a white milk mass remains on your finger, then the cottage cheese is not ready yet. If your finger remains clean, then the readiness of the cottage cheese is guaranteed.

8. Omit long knife to the very bottom of the container, cut the mass with a “mesh” of 2-3 cm.

9. Then we try to cut horizontally with a slotted spoon so that the result is something similar to cubes 2-3 cm in size. Of course, it is impossible to cut into even geometric cubes in this way, but in this case it is not necessary.

10. Gradually increasing the water temperature to 38 degrees and maintaining it at this level, carefully periodically stir the cheese mass (now it is a cheese mass), trying to prevent the pieces from sticking together. If we come across large pieces, we cut them at the same time. You can stir every 20 minutes.

11. After 2-3 hours, pour the whey into a separate container; it will be useful on the farm.

12. Place the cheese mixture in a sieve or colander. When the remaining whey drains and the mass cools to room temperature, we will get soft homemade cheese.

It can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a week, since longer soft cheese storage is not recommended.
How to do hard cheese.
In order to make hard cheese from homemade soft cheese, you simply need to press it.
13. Break the cheese mass into pieces with your hands and add salt to taste (I added 1.5 tablespoons).
Mix and place in a container mold, previously lined with a dry, clean piece of cotton fabric, and place a saucer-shaped piston on top.
In the process of making cheeses, I experimented with various forms. Here in the photo on the right is a vessel for spoons and forks, and on the left is a lid from a box for 100 CDs (in the end I threw it away - it was cracked, a little thin - I then used an enamel colander)

14. We put this whole economy under pressure. We increase the load gradually - up to 10 kg.

In a simplified version (press of two pans), we place a container with cheese on the bottom of a large pan, put some elevation in the form of a small bowl on the piston and lower a small pan on top of this elevation, filling this small pan with water for weight. To ensure that the small container stands in the center of the large one and does not tilt, we insert three folded towels radially between the containers
15. After 5 hours, take out the slightly pressed cheese:

16. Drain the whey, wipe it dry, replace our piece of cotton fabric with a fresh one, only this time the load on top is greater - 40-50 kg. The hardness and shelf life of the cheese depend on the weight of the load - the heavier the load, the lower the moisture content of the product and the longer the shelf life.
17. After 12 hours of standing under the press, remove

Here's the cheese from the last batch
This is already cheese that is almost ready and can be tasted, but has not yet matured like real cheese. To ripen, you need to put the cheese on wooden base or on a plate lined with a clean cotton cloth - and in the refrigerator for lack of a cellar. We wait for the crust to form and the cheese to ripen within one to two weeks. In order for this to happen evenly, the cheese will need to be turned over periodically.
Our cheese is ready! It is slightly swollen and rounded, this is due to the holes inside the cheese (eyes), which are formed as a result of carbon dioxide pressure. Carbon dioxide is released during the work of the cheesemaker's irreplaceable little helpers - lactic acid bacteria.
This cheese is a week old

This is 12 days old

The process of making homemade cheese is not complicated, but it requires strict adherence to technology. According to some recipes, it can be eaten immediately after cooling, according to others, it can be kept under pressure for 1-2 days. The most important thing is that from a minimum amount of ingredients you will get a natural product that does not contain harmful additives.

Homemade hard cottage cheese

  • Time: 12.5 hours
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.

To make homemade cottage cheese, choose the main component not store-bought, but natural. If you know how, do it yourself. It is desirable that the remaining ingredients are also homemade.


  • cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • butter (butter) – 0.13 kg;
  • salt, soda - 1 tsp each.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a frying pan on the stove and melt the butter.
  2. Add cottage cheese and mash with a fork.
  3. Separately, beat the eggs with the dry ingredients until smooth.
  4. Pour into the pan and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring continuously.
  5. Now you can add additional ingredients that add flavor and aroma to the dish - spices, seasonings, garlic, smoked meats, chopped boiled meat, herbs, etc.
  6. When the curd mass begins to clump together, it’s time to put it into containers. It is recommended to take small jars (200–250 ml each) that will be completely filled. There will be no voids or excess air in them, they will create ideal conditions for storage.
  7. Keep it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, and then start tasting.

Processed milk product

  • Time: 40 min.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Difficulty: Easy for beginners.

Home processed cheese Thanks to its creamy consistency, it spreads perfectly on bread and crisps. Make it tastier by adding aromatic dried herbs, fresh herbs.


  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • butter (butter) – 0.1 kg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a large saucepan, fill ½ part with water, and boil.
  2. Pour the cottage cheese into a metal bowl that can be placed in a saucepan. Cut the slightly softened butter into small pieces, add it, the egg and the bulk ingredients.
  3. Mix everything with a blender until smooth.
  4. Place the bowl in a water bath. At the same time, keep one thing in mind important condition: it should not touch the water - it should only be heated by hot steam.
  5. Cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until thickened. When it reaches the desired consistency, add the desired fillers and mix.
  6. Prepare suitable containers, pour homemade cheese into it, cool at room temperature. Close the lid and put it on the refrigerator shelf.

Using milk

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Difficulty: Easy for beginners.

You can make cottage cheese at home with milk. Thanks to this component, the product has a delicate creamy taste and aroma.


  • cottage cheese (low-fat, dry) – 1 kg;
  • milk – 1 l;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • butter (butter) – 0.1 kg;
  • soda (baking) – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a thick-walled pan, add cottage cheese, stir.
  2. Place on the fire, boil and simmer over low heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. During this time, the curd mass should melt and begin to stretch a little.
  3. Pour into a colander lined with gauze folded in several layers. Let the whey drip off. You can squeeze it out by hand.
  4. Transfer the curd-milk mixture to another container (not enameled), add the remaining ingredients, mix.
  5. Place over low heat and cook the cheese at home until it becomes sticky (about 5-7 minutes). During this time, the mixture will begin to lag behind the walls.
  6. Pack into prepared storage containers, cover with cling film (this is an important condition so that the product does not dry out or dry out), and place on the refrigerator shelf.

  • Time: 5 hours 15 minutes.
  • Difficulty: Easy for beginners.

This homemade cottage cheese recipe contains the same ingredients required to create a solid product. The consistency is softer, grainier and moister due to the different cooking method.


  • milk – ½ l;
  • cottage cheese (fat) – ½ kg;
  • butter (butter) – 50 g;
  • salt – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine the first two components, put on fire, cook until the whey separates.
  2. Drain the liquid, discard the mixture in a colander prepared in advance, and allow the excess liquid to drain.
  3. Pour into a bowl, add the remaining ingredients, stir.
  4. Place in gauze, tie, squeeze. Hang for 4-5 hours. You don’t have to hang it, but place a gauze bag in a colander, put a plate on top, and a load on it (a jar filled with water).
  5. Then pack the homemade cheese into prepared storage containers.

Homemade cream cheese

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 25-26 persons.
  • Difficulty: Easy for beginners.

Thanks to the addition more butter, this homemade cheese acquires an amazing taste and aroma. Choose only natural quality product, in no case a spread.


  • cottage cheese – 2 kg;
  • milk – 2 l;
  • egg – 6 pcs.;
  • butter (butter) – 0.2 kg;
  • salt – 3 tsp;
  • soda – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the first two ingredients, boil and cook for 12 minutes.
  2. Pour into a colander lined with gauze and let the whey drain.
  3. Transfer to another pan, add the remaining ingredients, mix thoroughly.
  4. Boil over medium heat. It is necessary that the mixture begins to stretch, melt and lag behind the walls of the dish. If all conditions are met, this will happen in 10 minutes.
  5. Place the cheese in prepared containers, cool, and store on the refrigerator shelf.

Rennet Recipe

  • Time: 40 hours.
  • Number of servings: 15-16 persons.
  • Difficulty: difficult.

To add a delicate taste and the desired consistency to curd cheeses homemade Rennet enzymes, such as pepsin, are often added. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or online.


  • milk (fat) – 2.5 l;
  • kefir (2.5%) – 35 g;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • rennet – 0.5 g;
  • salt – 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk to 40 °C. Separately, dilute the rennet with water (50 ml), pour it and kefir into the milk.
  2. Remove the saucepan from the heat, stir the mixture thoroughly, and leave for 40 minutes. It is very important to cover the saucepan with a lid - the mass will take the desired consistency while maintaining the temperature.
  3. During this time, the mass will turn into jelly. It must be cut into pieces of approximately 2 cm, placed in a prepared colander lined with gauze and left to separate the whey for another half an hour.
  4. Then cover with gauze and leave to drain for a day, periodically turning over to the other side.
  5. Then make a brine solution, place the cheese there, molded into a lump, and leave for 12 hours, turning over every 1.5 hours.
  6. Next, remove the product, dry with paper towels, place on a flat surface, cover with gauze and let rest for 2-3 hours.
  7. Wrap in baking paper and place on the refrigerator shelf.

Homemade Adyghe cheese made from cottage cheese

  • Time: 3 days.
  • Number of servings: 12-14 persons.
  • Difficulty: Easy for beginners.

This product has a delicate sour milk taste and a very dense structure. You can use any milk - sheep, goat or cow.


  • milk – 3 l;
  • kefir – 1 l;
  • salt – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the kefir. When the curd separates from the whey, drain it and leave it to sour at room temperature for 2 days.
  2. Heat the milk, pour in the sour whey, and simmer over low heat for about 7 minutes. During this time, the milk protein will separate and float to the surface.
  3. It needs to be collected, salted, mixed, placed in gauze and allowed to drain excess liquid.
  4. Then transfer everything into a container under a press and put it on the refrigerator shelf for a day. The resulting liquid should be drained regularly.


Essentially, this cheese is milk fermented with rennet. Over the course of a day, it thickens, salts, and then you can safely eat it. Such cheeses exist in many countries around the world. For example, feta cheese, Imeretian cheese, Mexican cheese Queso. These cheeses can be stored for no more than a month. In addition, any of these cheeses, ripened in the refrigerator for another 2-3 days, can become the basis for Suluguni or Mozzarella cheeses.

So, we have 5 liters of fresh cow's milk. To be more precise - fresh milk. As it turned out later, it is better not to use fresh milk; it should stand in the refrigerator for several hours. Many sources claim that steamed cheese will never be made, but beginners are in luck! Our cheese turned out great!

We calculate required amount dry enzyme, dilute it in water at room temperature and set aside.

Heat the milk to a temperature of 38-40 degrees, constantly stir from top to bottom so that the milk warms up evenly and measure with a thermometer. Any manipulations when preparing cheese are very closely related to the temperature of the milk. Enzymes and ripening bacteria are introduced at certain temperatures. This condition is not difficult, but mandatory. So, desired temperature received.

We introduce the enzyme and a couple of drops of calcium chloride, it will help the formation of a cheese curd. Close the pan with a lid and forget about it for 30-60 minutes. If the cheese curd does not appear, you need to wait a little longer. We got a dense clot almost 2 hours later.

Now carefully mix the curd and put it with a slotted spoon into special cheese molds [cheese molds]. The curd must be laid out to the very top of the mold; it will become very compact and decrease in size, releasing the whey.

When all the cheese is laid out in molds, you must remember to periodically turn it over to give the head of cheese a more even and beautiful shape.

After 4 hours, the cheese has finally thickened; it must be well salted on both sides and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, our cheese is completely ready and you can eat it.

So, this is what we have in the end - from 5 liters of milk we got 870 grams of cheese. This is very good result!

After making the cheese, we have as much as 4 liters of whey left. Of course, you can bake pancakes for a couple of large families, put dough on pies, make okroshka with whey, but we will continue to make cheese! Let's make Ricotta.

Ricotta recipe

What you need for preparation:

  • Whey after cooking homemade cheese - approximately 4 liters;
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Vinegar 6 or 9%;

Ricotta is a traditional Italian cheese product. Ricotta translates to "re-cooked". Indeed, this type of cheese is made from the whey from the preparation of certain types of cheeses. The best way to make ricotta is the whey obtained after making cheese from fresh milk using rennet. This is exactly our case! But there is one caveat. Our milk gave almost everything to homemade cheese, the whey is completely clear, not cloudy or pale white. But there is a way out - you just need to add a little milk to the whey. Since we used all of our homemade milk, we will add regular store-bought milk. For 4 liters of completely transparent whey, add approximately 500 ml of milk. If your whey is white and not transparent, then we cook only from it. No need to add milk.

Preparing ricotta is very simple. The serum is heated to 90 degrees and a little vinegar or citric acid. Then everything is mixed well and left under the lid. We left until the mass cooled completely. During this time, the flakes will settle to the bottom and it will be very easy to get them out. Place the mixture into a special form again and let the excess whey drip off. You can add spices, salt, herbs, garlic according to your own taste.

From 4 liters of whey we got two molds of 200 grams each. At breakfast, the whole family can eat fresh Ricotta with bread or toast for a couple of days.

Suluguni recipe

To prepare Suluguni, we specially left one head of homemade cheese; it had to lie in the refrigerator and ripen for two or three days.

Cut the cheese into cubes of about one and a half centimeters.

Heat a pan of water to 90 degrees, pour hot water into a cup and pour homemade cheese cubes into it. It is required to melt the cheese and form it into one common mass.

We change the water several times so that it is constantly hot. Mix the mixture with wooden spoons in a special way- first we flatten the mass, then we roll it up and make a flat cake again. This is how we form the cheese layers.

The cheese should become soft and pliable, like yeast dough. Now we place it in a cheese mold, leave it to compact and drain excess liquid. As soon as the head of cheese has formed, place it in a saline solution (200 grams of salt per liter of water) for 24 hours.

Suluguni is ready!

P.S.: If you want to try your hand at homemade cheese making yourself, keep in mind that we have everything you need to make all types of cheeses - from soft to hard. All products and materials for cheese production are sent cash on delivery to any locality Russia.

You can always buy ready-made cheese in the store. In addition, this product is presented in a huge assortment, you can choose for every taste. But, as everyone knows, no store-bought product can compete with a home-made product. Homemade will always taste better. Now we will tell you how to make homemade cheese from milk.

Milk recipe


  • milk – 1 liter;
  • large chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 2-3 teaspoons;
  • sour cream – 250 ml.


Boil milk with salt added. In the meantime, beat the eggs, you don’t need to try too hard, it’s important to just stir until smooth. After the milk boils, reduce the heat, pour in the egg mixture, stir and add sour cream. It is impossible to stop interfering with this. After about 5 minutes, curdled clots will begin to form, with whey in between. Now we throw it all into a colander lined with gauze, folded in 3-4 layers. Let the liquid drain. At the end, we put a press - it’s convenient to put an ordinary flat plate, and place a bottle of water on it. We wait until the cheese cools down, and then put it in the refrigerator. If you prepared it in the evening, then by morning the homemade milk cheese will be ready!

Hard homemade milk cheese


  • dry low-fat cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • homemade milk – 700 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • baking soda– 1 teaspoon;
  • butter 82.5% fat content;
  • salt – ½ teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper.


Rub the cottage cheese with your hands to remove large lumps. Pour the milk into a saucepan (preferably using an aluminum one) and put it on the fire. As soon as the first bulbs begin to appear, add cottage cheese to it. The fire should be small. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for about one and a half minutes. Now place a colander over another empty pan, cover it with gauze, which was previously folded in half. Place the curd mass in a colander and let the whey drain. This will take about 5 minutes. Place the resulting curd mass in a cast iron casserole, add softened eggs butter, soda, salt and pepper (it is better if it is freshly ground). Mix it all until smooth. We put it on fire (it should be a little more than minimum) and stir constantly. The most convenient way to do this is with a wooden spatula. As soon as the mass begins to lag behind the walls, the cheese is ready! This takes approximately 6-7 minutes. Throw the cheese onto the greased vegetable oil cling film, wrap it, giving it the desired shape. As soon as the cheese has cooled, put it in the refrigerator. The next day it will be ready for use. This amount of product yields approximately 650-700 g of cheese. It can be wrapped in a clean cloth and stored in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Homemade cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker


  • sour milk - 3 l.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 2 teaspoons.


Mix sour milk, salt and eggs. Place the mass in the multicooker container, select the “Baking” mode on the device and time - 20 minutes. This is necessary for the whey to separate. When the process is completed, place the resulting curdled mass in a colander. When the whey almost stops dripping, place a plate and a container of water on top. Thus, under the press, liquid will still come out. Place the resulting cheese in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After that, homemade cheese from sour milk completely ready to eat.

Homemade from milk



Place kefir in a saucepan and heat until the mass is divided into whey and cottage cheese. Drain the mixture into a colander. Leave the resulting whey at room temperature for 2 days to sour. After this, boil the milk, pour in the whey and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. After this time, cheese will form on the surface. Separate it from the whey, add salt and stir well. Place the cheese mass under a press and leave for 12 hours. Now homemade Adyghe cheese ready!

Olga Dekker

Hello, my dear readers!

5 rules of proper nutrition from Olga Dekker

I'll tell you the truth: I really love real cheese, not only for its taste, but also because it is very filling and healthy.

I often advise women to eat it. Especially for those who want to be slim, vigorous and stay young longer:)

True, I recently found out this... It still gives me goosebumps... :(

Are you aware that many cheese manufacturers are scammers?

What do stores mostly sell harmful fake cheeses? Don't believe me?..

I watched this program and thought: What can I do? What to do? At least become a cheese maker yourself!..

And what? Let's become! I have a great homemade cottage cheese recipe. Even two recipes! Look at the photo. What a beauty it turns out, huh?..

One cheese will be a little like Dutch, and the second will be tender, melted.

You will be surprised how easy it is to make delicious and healthy homemade cheese from cottage cheese...

I suggest this. Let's first listen to Cher's inspiring song - Believe and then get straight to it! :)

The recipe for homemade cottage cheese is so simple that you can make it every day!

By following my recipe with photos, you will see that making cheese is not difficult at all)

We will need:


Energy value per 100 g - 161 kcal;

  • Protein - 8.7 g;
  • Fat - 12.52 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.23 g;

You won’t find fat content below 17% in Russian stores!!! And here it turns out to be only 12%. Just like in Europe :)

This wonderful cheese is suitable not only for sandwiches, but also for pizza - because it melts perfectly in the oven. Well, and, of course, it is very good in salads - for example, in.

I am sure that homemade cottage cheese will become a favorite delicacy on your table :)

Shall we take a musical break?

Let's listen to the charming Bonnie Tyler - “Total Eclipse of the Heart”, and then I will surprise you...

Processed cheese can also be easily made at home. Does your beloved family deserve the best products?

So make the healthiest and most delicious processed cheese in the world!


  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Milk - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Fructose - ½ spoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon. spoon
  • Soda - ¼ spoon

Unlike the previous recipe, this time we will not bring the ingredients to a boil. It is very important! Otherwise the cheese will not be soft.


1. Mix milk and cottage cheese in a saucepan and put on medium heat so that the mixture warms up but does not boil. While stirring, wait until the milk protein separates from the whey.

2. Throw the cheese mass into a sieve or gauze bag - you need to get rid of excess liquid.

3. Add egg, salt and fructose to the cottage cheese. Mix them thoroughly, or better yet, beat them with a mixer.

4. Then we’ll actually start making processed cheese from cottage cheese. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a saucepan with a thick bottom, put the curd mass there and stir, not allowing it to boil.

5. After the mixture becomes viscous and homogeneous, put it in the mold and leave to cool. Soon the cheese will be ready to eat. Or you can put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours so that it acquires a better consistency.

Homemade cream cheese makes macaroni, cheese sauce and even a simple sandwich incredibly tender!

And how tasty and healthy it turns out using homemade processed cheese... Mmmm... Be sure to try it :)

Calorie content and BJU per 100 g:

  • Calorie content - 123 kcal;
  • Protein - 9.11 g;
  • Fat - 8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.76 g.

I think that such a low-calorie product is quite suitable for dietary nutrition :)

And children especially love processed cheese!

And if store-bought cheese is full of thickeners, preservatives and other harmful substances, then you will be completely calm about the quality of a product made by yourself. :)

Don't forbid your children to eat processed cheese - prepare this delicacy for them yourself!

Cheese... or not cheese?.. The whole bitter truth about fakes and deception!

I think that it is not at all difficult to give up many harmful store-bought products in favor of similar homemade ones. It's the same story with cheeses.

Be sure to watch this program and write your opinion in the comments. I'm very interested, really.

For the sake of health, youth and beauty

Do not buy “cheese fakes” in stores. Cook the cheese yourself a few times. You will feel the difference! Moreover, it is not difficult at all :)

Just practice often and follow my advice:

1. If you don’t want to eat eggs, you can try to do without them. High quality milk and cottage cheese are much more important.

2. The heavier the press, the harder the cheese will be; The longer the holding time, the richer and sharper the taste.

3. Goat milk gives a delicate creamy taste.

4. You can add chopped mushrooms, paprika, cumin, dill, cilantro, nuts to the cheese mixture...

5. The shelf life of such a product without preservatives is naturally short - about a week. And it is better to store it not in a bag, but in paper or a cotton napkin.

Did you like these recipes?

Cheerfulness, health to you and your families!

5 myths about losing weight. Get it for free from celebrity nutritionist Olga Dekker

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Just watch the documentary video about fakes and deception of buyers. I added it at the bottom of this page.

P.S. Eat like a gourmet and at the same time become slimmer, lighter and more active!

P. P. S. Proper cheeses are rich in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids.

But even the best of them cannot give everything to make us look great and feel great. But he’s literate experienced expert Maybe! :)

You can receive useful tips and recipes for delicious, healthy dishes completely free. I'm waiting for you to visit me on my Instagram page @olgadekker. Come in, read, ask questions in the comments. I answer every day ;)