Talk to your child about terrorism. What to rely on? All-school class hour "for children about terrorism and extremism"

Conversation: What is "terrorism"?

It is recommended to conduct a conversation with children 6-7 years old, in preschool, mug, section or primary school. When working in the direction of anti-terrorist security, teachers introduce pupils to the simplest manifestations of terrorism and develop their rules of conduct in possible situations, hold talks on anti-terror. Acquaintance of pupils with terrorist acts and rules safe behavior teachers can conduct in the form of conversations, play and discuss various situations, conduct explanatory work with parents (before long holidays) in the form of individual conversations, distribution of leaflets and leaflets, etc.


1) Define the concept of "terrorism", "terrorist".

2) Determine the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of terrorist acts.

Lesson progress

1. Org. stage.

2. The main part.

V last years the word "terrorism" began to appear more and more often in newspapers, magazines, on television and in real life. Terrorism has swept our country.

What is "terrorism" Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that endanger the death of people or others. dangerous consequences. People who are called terrorists carry out explosions, take hostages, sparing neither women nor children.

Guys, let's get acquainted with some anti-terrorist security rules.

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist act in advance, so you should always be vigilant. The main rule: avoid unnecessarily visiting regions, cities, places and events that may attract the attention of terrorists. As a rule, this is:

    places of mass congestion of people;

    crowded events with thousands of participants;

    popular entertainment venues;

    pay attention to suspicious people, objects, any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement;

    never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;

    the family must have a contingency plan, all family members must have phone numbers, email addresses.

    you need to designate a meeting place where you can meet with your family members in an emergency;

    in case of evacuation, take a set of essential items and documents with you;

    always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are;

    in the house it is necessary to strengthen and seal the entrances to the basements and attics, install an intercom, free the stairwells and corridors from cluttering objects;

    organize the duty of the tenants of your house, who will regularly bypass the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying Special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes;

    try not to panic, no matter what happens.

Now we will play with you the game "If only ...". I will describe the situation, and you offer me a way out of it.

1. If the school was called and warned that the school building was mined. Your actions.

2. If you went into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (package, box, toy, lying unattended). Your actions.

3. If you were returning from school and met someone standing at the entrance stranger. Your actions.

Let's define the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist act.

1. Remember - your goal is to stay alive. 2. Do not touch, open, or move suspicious objects found, as this may lead to an explosion. 3. Inform adults or the police by calling 02. 4. If you still find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that can provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

I suggest that everyone draw a picture on the theme "No to terrorism", but first let's look at a few illustrations on this topic.

Physical education minute
Again we have a physical education minute,
Bent over, come on, come on!
Stretched out, stretched out
And now they've leaned back.
We stretch our arms, shoulders,
To make it easier for us to sit
To draw beautifully
And don't get tired at all.
The head is tired too.
So let's help her!
Left and right, one and two.
Think, think, head.
Although the charge is short,
We rested a bit.

3. Practical work

4.Exhibition of drawings on the theme "No to terrorism"

5. The result of the lesson. It is impossible to be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is what terrorists seek, but one must be vigilant and cautious in any situation. Everything civilians the planet hopes that someday this will end and the word "terrorism" will disappear from the dictionary forever.

How to talk to children about this? - soon brochures with such a heading may appear in universities, schools and even in those institutions where the wards have not yet learned to read at all. No, not about sex will be told on the pages of the publication, but about an even more sensitive topic today - extremism. The situation in the world today is such that children need to be explained what it is and how to deal with it, the candidate says psychological sciences Maria Kiseleva:

“The question is what language? Of course, the language must be understandable to the child. And the topic should not frighten the child and reduce his ability to develop. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, we understand that children now live in the information space: parents watch the news in the evening, and, of course, children see all these passions taking place in the world. And they can ask themselves questions about what is happening in general.”

The child begins to develop verbally from the age of 3, the psychologist continues. And in principle, from this age you can discuss any topic with him. Of course, avoiding such incomprehensible and compound words like terrorism, extremism, ISIS:

“Of course, we do not tell them that there are some crazy uncles who blow up people, they want to somehow turn the world upside down. We do what we have been doing all our lives, what our parents, grandmothers, great-grandmothers did: we simply tell what is good and what is bad, how to behave. That you don’t need to go somewhere with strangers, you don’t need to take gifts or treats from strangers. What you need to tell your mom where you are. That is, at some very elementary level.

And the same techniques can be used - with the help of which adults have been explaining for decades what is good and what is bad, using fairy-tale characters (and in any fairy tale there is always a negative hero). For example, instead of a terrorist, talk about Koshchei the Deathless, who wants to destroy the world.

However, even at such an elementary level, it is not necessary to talk with children about terrorism, says Natalia Moskovkina, a colleague of Maria Kiseleva, a psychologist for extreme situations:

“If this is introduced, I will be the first person to sign a petition to stop such activities. We have quite a lot of anxious children at the reception of a psychologist, children with fears. And our education never takes into account the characteristics of each child.”

Such conversations will not teach children anything, says Natalya Moskovkina. At least still quite kids and children from elementary grades. Unless, of course, we are talking about children who are forced to live in special conditions:

“Such training can only be used in hot spots. In ordinary life, talking to children about terrorism is simply sowing fear, insecurity, and a sense of insecurity in their souls.”

With children who live in peaceful conditions, it is worth talking about terrorism only when they grow up to high school, Natalya Moskovkina is sure. But, again, do not "nightmare". It's easy to explain: yes, there is such a thing in our life. And - briefly - how to behave if you suddenly encountered:

“To say only that it is bad. How does this affect people. Minimum knowledge of behavior in extreme situation. Without even touching on the terrorist threat.”

“Prevention in childhood should be aimed at making the child feel inner fullness. Raise a child so that he can make a choice based on his own experience, justify this choice. Assess actions. That is, to see this act as if from the outside. Evaluate first with another person, then with yourself.

That is, in kindergarten and it is worth explaining to the school not about extremism, so as not to arouse unnecessary curiosity, but about the fact that a person should bring goodness into this world, and not destruction and pain. Then, already being students, it will be difficult to lure these people into some dangerous currents.

And here are 6 tips from another resource:

1. Protect the baby from the details: detailed photos and videos. Cuddle or take the child by the hand.
2. Tell small children under 5 years old that this is an explosion or an accident, but do not mention that people are to blame. Explain to older children that there are bad people who want to scare the good ones.
3. Notice that you understand how the baby feels. You need to show him that you see what is happening to him.
4. Take a break if you find yourself close to a breakdown or panic. The kid should not see your strong feelings.
5. Tell what bad people less than the kind and peaceful ones, who do everything so that there will never be wars and explosions. In addition, in all countries there are police officers who guard and protect us.
6. Tell that in any situation you can find a way out. Teach your child about the basic rules of being in public places, explain to him how he should behave.

The representative of the Regional Operational Headquarters spoke about the most common ways to attract minors to commit terrorist attacks. “For example, they give out a radio station, put it in a certain place and order them to report the appearance of objects that are of interest to the bandits,” Shabalkin said. As a rule, the child stands near or on a pre-planted explosive device, and the given radio station is the initiating device. “As a result of the explosion, the teenager himself dies,” Shabalkin noted.

In particular, an attempt at a terrorist act, which was prevented in February 2002 in Grozny, can serve as an example of such crimes. A 15-year-old girl, Zarema Inarkayeva, tried to carry an explosive device into the building of the Zavodskoy District Department of Internal Affairs.

As it turned out later, the militants instructed to bring the “hellish machine” to the office of the head of the criminal investigation department, but the girl was detained. The terrorists planned to blow it up with a remote device after the child entered the building. During the investigation, it was established that she did not know that she was carrying a bomb.

"Using children as weapons to carry out terrorist attacks is an Arab technique practiced by mercenaries, and Chechen children are cannon fodder for them," Shabalkin said. He stressed that the use of such barbaric methods by militants is a stable trend, and similar cases cannot be ruled out in the future.

Such is the guise of terrorists of the new XXI century. It would be impossible to believe that children are both the instrument and the victims of the crime, if it were not for the truly shocking evidence.

Terrifying footage of several episodes of the war - the current Chechen one - ended up in the hands of the special forces of the Federal Security Service after a night battle near Gudermes. The sapper from the detachment of the field commander Naib diligently filmed his every operation. It would seem that there is no better documentary evidence of the crime. However, this time something more fell into the hands of the operatives. They witnessed the very process of laying the landmine. A hole is knocked out in the roadside, and an ordinary artillery shell is mounted into it. The fuse is also homemade, usually made from a Chinese-made children's radio-controlled toy.

The road to the 71st Shalinsky motorized rifle regiment. Twice a day, sappers inspect the area there in search of hidden ambushes or land mines. What it is to play with death twice a day, to wait for a crushing explosion from under the feet of a comrade or a sudden burst from the bushes, only they know...

Demining group commander Aleksey Efremenko says:

In the video, children act as miners. Years 13-14. Rarely older. Life proves that this is not a propaganda film. Chechen boys are often undermined when they set such bookmarks.

To the question: “Did any of them have to be detained?” - the officer thoughtfully and angrily answers:

Do not detain, but collect the remains. It is immediately clear from them: not an adult - a child. They install them on the road and blow themselves up.”

Ordinary Chechens have long hated war, which is why it is increasingly difficult for Maskhadov, Basayev and others to recruit death volunteers. FSB operatives talk about mentally ill people recruited by bandits. The madman, they believe, has already crossed the line between life and death with one foot. But much worse, they are increasingly processing children.

Says the commander of the special company Sulim Yamadayev:

Boys who have no fathers, brothers, elders can be processed. Two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars - and most agree to help the bandits. Most young people today have a difficult situation in Chechnya. There is no work, it seems to be late to study, but I want to eat. But a Chechen will never go to a neighbor, he will not say: give me food! We consider it indecent, unworthy ...

The age of the bombers surprises even seasoned Russian contract soldiers. One of the scouts recalls that he somehow found footprints no larger than thirty in size on a twenty-kilogram land mine installed on the road.

And as soon as the kid dragged such a burden ?! he wondered.

According to the commander of the demining group Alexei Efremenko, at least half of the child terrorists are blown up during their night attacks. “They make all these explosive devices, apparently, in some handicraft workshop. Contacts are poorly insulated. I did not take into account the factor of wet weather, and that's it - “flew away”, - he sighs heavily.

Today it is too early to make predictions whether the new president of Chechnya will be able to stop the wave of child terrorism. Ultimately, everything is decided by money - the basis of any policy. And while cash flows from abroad will not be stopped, children will die on both sides. War is not fair.

The Russian soldiers already knew the youths shooting from around the corner with a fanatically burning gaze of crazy eyes. In Germany, back in 1945. And how it ended, too, everyone knows ...

What is terrorism?

This is one of the worst crimes. The goal of the terrorists is to kill as many people as possible at one time or take as many hostages as possible to keep them in captivity and torture them. They think that this way they will intimidate everyone and get everything they need - money, permission to disobey the laws or something else.

Terrorists are criminals who cannot defeat the army and police, and therefore, with weapons in their hands, attack ordinary people who came to the cinema or go to work, or to children who have gathered for a holiday at school.

Terrorism is punished more severely than ordinary kidnapping or murder. Therefore, the bandits know that they have nothing to hope for, and they treat those who are attacked very cruelly.

Most likely you will not encounter terrorists, but it is very difficult to know in advance where, when and who they will attack. Therefore, everyone should be prepared for such an attack and remember simple rules, which will help you and your family not to suffer from the actions of criminals.

This is not a game!

The main thing: you should never be afraid. But you must always be on your guard.

You need to be attentive to what is happening around, to notice if everything is normal.

You need to know where the exits from the building you are in are located - a school, a cinema, a sports club.

You need to know where the nearest emergency room and clinic are located in case you or someone from your relatives or friends is injured or injured.

Always take requests to leave the building (evacuate) seriously, even if you are told that this is an exercise. Such requests must be fulfilled!

If an evacuation is announced, remember to stay away from windows, glass doors and partitions.

You can not accept packages, bags, boxes and EVEN GIFTS! from strangers.

In no case should you touch any items left on the street, in transport, in shops and public places, even if they are toys, mobile phones.

In emergencies, follow the instructions of parents and elders.

If, nevertheless, a disaster has occurred, do not interfere with the work of rescuers, policemen, doctors, firefighters.

Where there are many people, it is not always safer.

Terrorists most often attack government buildings, airports, large stores, power plants, schools, big holidays and concerts, trains, planes, buses. Therefore, when visiting such places, you need to be careful and pay attention to everything suspicious and inform your parents about it.

Terrorist acts are of several types: hostage-taking, theft of vehicles with passengers, explosions.

special things

Your family should have a special set of essentials. It should have a first aid kit (a set of medicines, bandages), a supply of fresh water and long-term stored food, a radio, a flashlight, and new batteries. All this should be compactly packed, preferably in a bag that will be convenient to carry.

This will help you and your parents, if necessary, quickly leave or go to a safe place without wasting time collecting the necessary things.

You probably won't need a set of items to help you get through a few days away from home, but it's best to keep it ready at all times.

In addition to this set, which adults must collect, you can also build your own. It can be put in an old briefcase or bag. The main thing is that it should be easy to carry.

We suggest putting the following things there:

A couple of favorite books

Pencils, pens, paper,

Scissors and glue

Small toy, puzzles,

Photos of family and favorite pets.

Family plan

Your family should develop a plan in case of a terrorist attack, emergency or natural disaster. It is necessary that each member of the family knows what to do and where to meet with other relatives.

This plan must be remembered so as not to get lost if something suddenly happens when you are far from home. After all, it often happens that, for example, you are at school or visiting a friend, your parents are at work, and your sister or brother is in kindergarten.

The whole family needs to make a plan. Discuss what kind of incidents might happen, what you need to do to be prepared for them, what to do if an evacuation starts from your home or from your area.

It is necessary to agree with the whole family about where to meet after the evacuation. You need to know where to call to check where your relatives are. For example, it is worth remembering the phone number of an uncle, aunt or grandmother who lives on the other side of the city. Then, if something happens, you should call them and tell them where you are so that relatives can easily find you.

It will be nice if you agree with your neighbors on how you will act in the event of a disaster or terrorist attack. Find out if there are doctors, rescuers, policemen among them - this can always come in handy.

If you are taken hostage

In this case, remember the following:

It is usually possible to escape from the place where the terrorists who have gathered to take hostages have appeared only during the first few minutes.

If there are no terrorists near you, if no one sees you, you cannot stand still. If you can escape, you should do so as soon as possible.

Do not try to escape using stun guns or gas cartridges. Terrorists are armed and very aggressive people that a child and even many adults will not be able to resist.

If you can’t hide, then believe that you will definitely be rescued and released. But they won't do it right away. Therefore, you need to tune in to the fact that for some time, perhaps several days, you will be with the terrorists.

In no case should you shout, express your indignation, cry loudly, because the terrorists will not give up their intentions anyway. Crying and screaming only further irritate and embitter the terrorists.

You must also be prepared for the fact that for quite a long time you may not be allowed to eat and drink. Therefore, it is necessary to save energy. Especially if there is little air in the room. If you are forbidden to walk around the room, then you need to do simple physical exercise: strain the muscles of the legs and arms, wiggle your fingers.

Do not make sudden movements - this also embitters the terrorists. If a terrorist threatens you with a weapon, you must comply with all his requirements, because your main task is to save your life.

Try to overcome fear and fear. Think of something good, remember interesting books decide in your mind math problems, pray. Listen and remember what the terrorists are talking about, what they look like, but do it as discreetly as possible. And remember that they are negotiating with terrorists and you will be released!

If you have wounds, try to move as little as possible - this will reduce blood loss.

If you understand that the assault has begun, you need to stay as far away from windows and doors as possible. Try to find cover and be as far away from the terrorists as possible.

If stun grenades pop (when a bright light hits your eyes, a sound hits your ears, or you feel a pungent smell), you need to fall to the floor, close your eyes, in no case rub them, cover your head with your hands and wait until the rescuers bring you out you from the building.

In no case do not grab the weapons thrown by the terrorists!

After the release, it is necessary to tell the rescuers your name, surname, address, where you live.

If the bomb went off

The main rule: never touch suspicious objects or things left by someone. If you saw a bag, briefcase, toy left by someone, mobile phone or another object - do not even approach it, but report the find to adults. Terrorists are trying to use as mines those things that you really want to pick up and inspect.

In the event of an explosion, be sure to fall to the floor.

If there is an explosion in the building or room where you are, the main thing is to remain calm.

Be sure you can get out. After the explosion has occurred, it is necessary to leave this building and premises as soon as possible.

Never stop to collect your books, toys, other things, or to make a phone call.

If things, furniture, debris fall around you, immediately hide under a desk or table until things stop falling, then quickly run out of the room. Never use the elevator!

If a fire starts after the explosion, you need to crouch or even crawl out of the building as quickly as possible. Wrap your face in wet rags or clothing so you can breathe through them. If in front of you closed door before opening it, feel the handle with the back of your hand.

If the handle is not hot, slowly open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the adjacent room. If they are not there, get out, bending low to the floor.

If smoke and fire prevent you from passing, be sure to close the door and look for another way out of the building.

If the handle or the door itself is hot, never open it. In extreme cases, you can get out of the building through the windows.

If you cannot get out of the building, you need to signal to the rescuers that you need help. To do this, you need to go to the window and wave some object or clothing in order to be noticed.

If you got overwhelmed

Don't try to get out on your own. Look around to see if there is an open space around you that you could crawl into. If there are fragments of a table or desk at hand, you should try to support what is above you. Move sharp objects away from you. If you have a mobile phone, call the rescuers at 112. After that, you have to wait.

Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where you are. Scream only when you hear the voices of rescuers nearby. Remember that when you scream, you can swallow dust and even suffocate.

If you have water, drink as much as possible. Never light a fire. Try to stay calm, think positive and remember that the lifeguards will help you.

What about pets?

If a disaster or terrorist attack occurs, not only you, but also your pets will be in danger. If you must urgently leave or go to a safe place (evacuate), it is best to take your pet with you - do not leave him alone.

You cannot take animals with you only when you go to a special shelter. Only people can be there.

If you cannot take your pet with you, leave it in the safest place in the apartment, for example, in the bathroom. Do not tie your pet. Do not forget - he must have an adequate supply of food and water.

Important Tips

A disaster or terrorist attack can happen at any moment, without warning. You and your parents may become scared. You may have to leave home and move to a shelter or temporary home. You will not meet your school friends for some time, sleep in your favorite bed. But whatever happens, don't forget that:

The disaster won't last very long. If you are very homesick, do not be sad, it is better to find yourself something to do. Think that in a new place you can find friends and soon everything will be fine.

If you are scared, ask your parents or other adults to help. They will explain what is happening and will definitely help. Don't be afraid to ask questions such as "how long will we be in the shelter", "when will we go back to school".

If you memorize or write down what you see, or draw pictures of what is happening to you, this can help you. It doesn't matter if you want to cry. Cry, there's nothing wrong with that. But remember that everything will definitely work out!

By the way, you are already mature enough and you can help adults defeat the disaster. For example, if you are in a shelter, you can babysit other children, mop floors, or cook.