How to morally kill a person while remaining calm. Psychological suppression of a person, how to put moral pressure on a person

Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person encounters the social environment, he begins to experience pressure. Peers test each other's strength, gradually transferring similar behavior into adult life. Someone is leaving these childhood pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to repel them and forever discourage them from training on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Let's say an insolent person publicly speaks out, is insulting, sarcastic, makes inappropriate jokes, and mocks in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his friends and those around him can throw anyone off balance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Keep your cool. A calm, ironic attitude towards attacks sobers up the offender and intrigues observers.
  • To offensive questions like “Well, how is it... so and so?” you can simply say: I don’t know, you know this better..
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly ironizing his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to your opponent's level.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority and inner strength, the mocker will quickly retreat in search of a weaker victim.

There are situations when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining what they will do in response. But it is much more possible to kill a person morally while maintaining dignity and spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, and various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be unpleasant for you, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act wisely and carefully. Refute the slander. Make hidden intrigues public. Turn the offender's baseness against himself. The worst thing is public condemnation. However, think a hundred times when punishing others this way: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to kill a person morally is to show him his baseness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will force you to seriously think about own behavior. Maybe even get better. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people, capable of repelling any impudent person!

To suppress... means to deprive a person of his will, to instill fear in him, to make him docile, dependent, submissive...
Bad, destructive, overwhelming - back side from good, giving, helping... - these are the balances of human nature, therefore, to belittle, frighten, suppress is no less natural than to create, do good, help (another thing, what is the balance of creative and destructive in each individual person?).

So, if a person, on the one hand, has joy, success, pleasure, comfort, then on the other - disappointment, fear, problems, discomfort - people strive to receive not only pleasure - they are afraid and strive to avoid problems, displeasure...

Fear is one of the basic human emotions. A frightened person is depressed, weak person, which means “tame”, flexible...
People are afraid of something, people have values, people have something to lose. Avoiding problems is one of the leading human needs - few people want bad, frightening, destructive... - everyone (mostly) wants peace, joy, comfort, improving...
And manipulators know this well and love to play on it - intimidate, blackmail, compromise, suppress...

3 directions of suppressive influence

1. Physical and subsequent mental suppression
How? - pushed, beaten, raped, tortured, broken, beaten...
"Beat him so hard he feels like he's dying"(Guy Caligula is a name that has become a household word for sophisticated cruelty, depravity and treachery).

2. Moral suppression
- belittling of importance, dignity
- playing on complexes, mistakes, mistakes, provoking feelings of guilt...
- a subtle and rough play on fears, on what a person fears, is afraid of...
"To subjugate the enemy to your will, hit weak points" (Sun Tzu "The Art of War")

3. Rough, “tactful” and technical play on real, possible and impossible problems...
“I wouldn’t stop you, but it’s a pity - I see that you have big problems, you keep going and going in circles...”
Problems are the unpleasant side of human life - the “black streak” - few people need... Plunging into problems, sadness and grief, a person is ready to do anything to get rid of it...
And malicious manipulators know how (and love) to play on this - intimidate, catch mistakes, artificially create them (provoke, set them up), subtly hint, collect incriminating evidence, blackmail, threaten...

Everyone uses methods of psychological pressure to varying degrees: parents intimidate children when they do not obey, scammers intimidate people when they do not want to buy or give, bosses, rulers...
"The path of strength is the surest path"? - manipulation, built on the suppression of spirit, will, on the fear of being out of favor, has come to us from the depths of centuries.
History shows that many rulers cultivated fear in order to control people. For example, with unheard-of cruelties, Timur (Tamerlane) kept in fear and obedience not only his entourage and people, but many peoples he conquered...
“Let them hate, as long as they are afraid” (lat. “Oderint, dum metuant”) the principle of the reign of the 3rd Roman emperor Caligula (and so on - history is full of such examples)

Let's look at some methods of suppressive influence

So, “if you don’t want to do it in a good way... let’s do it in a bad way...”- the main motivational message of the overwhelming influence... and then begins tactful (or not tactful) intimidation, playing on weaknesses, values, dependencies..., belittling importance, dignity..., threats, setups, and subsequent blackmail.

Severe suppression with words: psychological karate

When you need to quickly and clearly morally suppress the enemy, break his spirit, will... they say harshly, briefly and sharply:
- “Shut up and sit down normally before I make a goat face on you...”
- “Right now, monkey, I’ll tear your face into a German cross so that you don’t show off...”
(from the novel by A. Bushkov)
- “Shut your mouth, there won’t be any money... Say one more thing, and your tongue will dry out. One more word, and you’ll be tormented by regrets.”

Pressure: intense psychosuppression

If someone doesn’t get it, or someone goes too far, or there’s no other way with someone... you can use a series of attacking “blows” on the attacker’s personality, which will put him in his place.
The result is a “knockout”, or “knockdown”, in the form of mild (or severe) confusion, confusion, loss...

You have an evil eye... - My eye is normal, but your words are definitely bad... Where did you get this from? I look at you and see - a good guy, and this is very rare, I know a lot about this, believe me..., but this is what brought you down in this life... Yes..., white soul with a black blemish. Life's not going well? are there many problems? nothing works? I understand... drink some water, relax and breathe through your nose, deeper, it helps...

How to put pressure on complexes, point out mistakes, mistakes, provoke feelings of guilt... more details

An unconventional move: a sharp dive into the problems...

Behavior can be standard, predictable, understandable, or it can be non-standard, unexpected and incomprehensible, confusing the mind, causing confusion, and disabling the ability to rationally understand what is happening...

What could be going on here?
Unexpected, provocative questions directly:
- They say you drank heavily before?
- Why are you still not married?
- How many times have you been divorced?
- Why did you leave your last wife?

When starting negotiations, a representative of the other side may casually say: "I heard you're having trouble at home?" or “I was told that you are not entirely competent in market conditions...”- and that’s it, the man “floated”...

Corruption: suppression with a destructive word...

“An evil word will enter our ears and fall on our hearts like ice.”(proverb of the peoples of Central Asia)

What “damage, the evil eye...” is and how to resist them is not poorly described in the book by S. Gorin and A. Kotlyachkov “Weapons are the word. Defense and attack with the help...”:
"..."damage" and "evil eye" - the impact of destructive hypnotic instructions received by the subject of influence in a state of hypnotic trance of varying depths (up to the lightest trance, bordering on wakefulness)...

Under guidance damage usually means a powerful verbal hypnotic message with a wish for harm to a specific person or a group of people.
Under guidance evil eye is understood as a powerful wish for harm to another person through non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior, that is, with gaze, facial expressions, gestures.”

Other examples of intimidation and psychological pressure

Doorbell: "Sanitary service. There is an unprecedented infestation of cockroaches in your home. We poison in all apartments. Sign it!”- “You know, we just cleaned the apartment, we have guests. And there are no cockroaches.” - Today not, but tomorrow there is. If you don't treat it, hordes will soon come from your neighbors. Then it will be too late". - “But, excuse me, is it possible to do without serious processing?” -... “In principle, we could give you an excellent imported product, which you won't find anywhere. Not for free, of course. Plus you will have to pay a penalty for refusing processing. Sign.”

Or: “Sanitary and epidemiological station. Let's open! We are warning all residents. Tomorrow morning they will poison rats in your entrance. There was a call to the SES, the SES arrived and I found rats and rat fleas in your basement. Fleas carry infection. As a result, 4 families in your building have already fallen ill. There, both children and adults developed skin dermatitis. We will poison in the morning from 8 to 11. Therefore, at this time, do not go out into the entrance in slippers, for example, to take out a bucket, otherwise you may bring fleas into your house. Then everything will be removed and washed, don’t worry. This will not affect people in any way. When poisoning starts in the basement, rats and fleas will run along the risers. Therefore you need to process vent, all the cracks and holes and the threshold of the apartment. To do this, we give you this drug. It costs 350 rubles. It will last you for two years. You will need to pour it here at the threshold and treat the ventilation grilles with it so that they don’t break in on you.”

Selling a “not bad, but insanely expensive” vacuum cleaner:
- “Do you know what this is? - this is what eats you..., every day... The dust mite is a saprophyte! (the traveling salesman shows a photograph of a monstrous insect). There are approximately 400 million of them in this sofa. While you sleep, these creatures crawl out and drag a part of you into mattresses, pillows and blankets... And then they eat and shit there... when you touch the sofa, feces rise from it. When the tick dies, it releases cadaveric venom - the most powerful allergen in the world. Only our vacuum cleaner can get rid of these creatures. It will also save you from dust, blockages in the pipe and even give you a massage... Do you want to live clean? Do you want to get rid of asthma and breathe clean? good air? - Yes - Do you need this vacuum cleaner!?-

How often do you think you encounter situations where you are being manipulated? Manipulating means exerting psychological pressure, for example. This may be a lot more common than you think. There are many ways to lead people to necessary solutions, and they will be convinced that they made these decisions themselves. It is useful to know these methods, use them from time to time and not fall for these tricks yourself. Here are some of the most common ways to put psychological pressure on people.

1. Smile

To win over a person, you need to smile at him. Moreover, do not smile mechanically, only with your mouth, but also smile with your eyes. Sales agents of network companies specifically in order to increase the level of their sales. The fact is that a sincere smile causes an involuntary smile in response from the opponent, after which it will be quite difficult for him to change his line of behavior.

2. Fork

A person needs to ask questions that cannot be answered “no.” For example, “Is it convenient for you to meet me at ten or twelve?” or “which price suits you better: 570 rubles or 230?”

3. Copy

When entering into a dialogue with a person, after a few minutes of conversation we begin to copy his facial expressions and gestures. He involuntarily begins to think that you are on his wavelength, and also begins to copy. As a result, it will be easier to get the solution you need.

4. Consent

Never argue, this will only anger your opponent and strengthen him in his position. Ideally, you need to listen to your interlocutor, nodding your head and agreeing with him during the conversation; he loses his vigilance, subconsciously perceiving you as a like-minded person, and you unobtrusively offer your solution to the problem.

5. Identifying needs

Here it is important not to be mistaken about what a person really needs. If his need is clear, then you need to present the situation to him in a favorable light: what kind of benefit in solving his problem will he receive from the proposed solution (the purchased product).

6. First mover factor

A person is afraid to be the first to do something, so if it comes to buying a product, then you need to convince him (through emotions) that today this product is being torn apart and that he may not get it. This is where the herd instinct and the fear of being left out come into play (how is it possible: they took everything, but I didn’t have time?). Of course, this point can be modified to suit other situations. You cannot persuade here, otherwise the fear of loss factor will not work.

7. Present yourself in a favorable light

It is better to complete this step first if you are meeting a person for the first time or have not seen him for about six months. The saying “You're greeted by your clothes...” works well in life, so people judge you in the first thirty seconds. appearance and style of clothing, then fifteen seconds are assessed for your demeanor and gestures, another fifteen seconds remain for your manner and literacy of speech. The impression you make on a person in the first minute of communication is the most lasting, and it is very important not to ignore this moment.

9. Emotionality of speech

You need to express your position enthusiastically. Moreover, women are more inclined to show emotions than men; accordingly, when communicating with women it is necessary, and with men - vice versa. The greatest effect is obtained if a man communicates with a woman using the language of facial expressions and gestures; she gets the impression that he is a sensitive and understanding person. And vice versa, if a woman communicates with a man with restraint, then he involuntarily develops the opinion that she can be relied on and trusted.

10. Favor

The law of “favor – sense of duty” works among people by default. If you need a person in the future, find a way to become useful to him at least once. Even if it is a trifle, he will still understand that he has a duty.

11. Be next to the person, not in front of them

If a person with whom, say, you are having important negotiations, is on the verge of boiling, take a position next to him, and trouble will bypass you. This way the person will calm down faster, and you will achieve your goal without any problems.

12. Ask for help

If you want to get what you want, address the person like this: “I need your help” or “Besides you, there is no one to help me.” This way, the person you are addressing realizes his importance and, I would even say, uniqueness, so he will immediately begin to solve your problem.

13. Address the person by name

Every person is incredibly pleased to hear his name. So, if you want to get what you want, start your address with the person’s first name and patronymic.

14. Use the words in your monologue: “My father once told me...”

For all of us, parents are the most sacred thing on earth; we treat their life instructions with special trepidation. If you want to continue to successfully pursue your line, tell a story on the topic “My father always said...” - and this will become the final trump card in your favor.

15. Angry Tirade

This technique is usually used by bosses. They unleash an angry tirade on a subordinate, although in reality this is not the emotion they are experiencing. A subordinate in a state of stress begins to actively perform his work, which is what needed to be achieved. True, this technique does not work for weak-willed employees. Anger can completely break them.

16. Appeal to guilt

You can put pressure on a person by making comments about his selfishness, the fact that he has forgotten about you, does not care enough, and the like. The “accused” automatically has a feeling of guilt or shame, and he rushes to fill in the gaps.

These are the main points that need to be taken into account when communicating with other people, which can significantly make your life easier and save you from the possibility of falling under the influence of others.

* * *

Invading another person's mind in order to impose one's ideas- this is the basis for manipulating any person. Its success depends on the skills of the manipulator and the ability to resist, the level of intelligence and emotional state victims. Learning the basics of manipulation will be useful for the “hunter” and his “prey,” because knowledge of dangerous techniques helps protect against them in the event of a surprise attack.

How to learn to put pressure on a person’s psyche

Pressure on the psyche is a treatment aimed at turning off common sense and the possibility of analytical thinking.

To implement it you must do preparatory work and to know:

  • interests of the target and its inclinations;
  • character traits, habits, behavior;
  • political and religious beliefs;
  • general state of the opponent (emotional and mental).

The above is necessary to select the optimal target in the communication process.

Basic methods of influence:

  1. Contact with the interlocutor and his liking. Repetition of gestures, facial expressions, movements, timbre of speech of the opponent. These actions evoke subconscious sympathy.
  2. Maintaining attention on a relevant topic. An atmosphere of trust and frankness is created to demonstrate interest in the problem and agreement with the opinion of the interlocutor. During the conversation, the manipulator begins to give recommendations, changing the words and meaning of what was said in his favor. The victim may be gradually led to laughter or tears, because in moments of intense emotion, everything heard is perceived much more acutely.
  3. A continuous stream of speech aimed at overloading the consciousness with excess information. The interlocutor begins to get lost in a large amount of data. At this time, he is instilled with values ​​and ideas that are beneficial to the manipulator.
  4. Jumping to another topic when the victim tries to prove his point.
  5. Successfully veiled repetition of the same thought throughout the conversation.

There are other methods of influencing a person, affecting anger, falling in love, indifference, inferiority, suspicion, fatigue and other ways of keeping attention on the thought you need.

How to control a person's psyche from a distance

Pressure on the psyche at a distance is no different from contact communication. This is facilitated modern means communications.

You can apply the techniques described above using:

  • telephone;
  • Internet messengers;
  • email.

Any methods of influence will be based on the same rules:

  • regular phone or Skype calls and conversations on a topic of interest;
  • an innumerable number of SMS to the phone and messages to ICQ, social media and other messengers;
  • mandatory correspondence via email.

When communicating remotely, you should bombard your opponent with numerous messages and not give him the opportunity to enter into an argument. Accompany attempts to answer with full agreement and immediately switch to the original idea.

Factors influencing the psyche

Among the main methods of manipulating people, several factors influencing the human psyche can be identified:

  • demonstrative agreement with the interlocutor and a trusting atmosphere;
  • pressure on social norms (everyone does this, don’t you?);
  • avoidance of particles “not” and “no”;
  • the strength of the voice and its softness, pauses at the right moment, intonation, timbre of speech;
  • cozy atmosphere.

To successfully influence a person, you will have to take care of your diction and timbre of voice, and hold the meeting in a suitable room. The integrated use of basic factors and manipulation techniques will allow you to achieve your goals in trying to control others at home and at work.

Continuation. . .

Impact on the human psyche -

Psyche Destroyers -

So that they become flexible. Many of us know how to manipulate people's behavior using positive emotions, but the “dark side” beckons no less.

Even if a person does not intend to use these techniques, he is unlikely to pass by the article “How to psychologically crush a person.” The desire for destruction is as natural as the good ways of humanity.

Many rulers built their policies precisely on the fact that they made the population docile, instilling fear. Society becomes weak and depressed, which means it can be controlled.

Today you will learn what methods of pressure exist, several tactics used in the KGB and other intelligence services, I will offer you several books if you want to deepen your knowledge, and also give you a couple useful tips for those who are going to use all these techniques. All in all, .


There are many directions in the field of psychological pressure on the enemy and I would like to talk about the main directions.

Physical-psychological impact

The first strategy involves physical impact, and only then mental. This is one of the most unfavorable methods, in some cases its use is illegal, but nevertheless it is used in practice, which means I cannot help but mention it.

First, physical impact is exerted on a person. For example, in a fight. After he feels the superiority of his opponent, they begin to “break” him psychologically. It is no longer so important what exactly a person says; he suppresses his interlocutor more and more deeply, arouses in him panic fear and makes you flexible.

This is one of the most unfavorable techniques, since the “victim” is interested in only one thing - by any means available for this. He may, in order not to contact the aggressor, try to influence him using law enforcement or otherwise involve third parties.


If you want to learn a little more about psychological pressure methods to avoid becoming a victim or use some of the technologies yourself, before I move on to useful recommendations I will suggest you several books on this topic.

The first of them belongs to the “Legendary Bestsellers” series. It's about a book "The Psychology of Influence" by Robert Cialdini: what means exist, commitment and consistency, mutual exchange, . This guide contains softer techniques than I described in this article. The reader will receive much more benefit from them, and I will tell you why a little later.

Another book that can help you solve all your problems without calling the other person names or making them emotional by keeping silent is "How to Outsmart Anyone: A Practical Guide" by William Poundstone. You can download both of these books at liters.

We are not always successful with the manipulative techniques that he uses. However, every person has an innate identification of such situations. Long stay in a stressful situation, it acts destructively and a person strives to get rid of this pressure.

We must not forget that in such cases it is almost impossible to predict the behavior of a particular individual. No matter how you plan, he may act completely differently. This depends on many mental properties that cannot be predicted. Behavior may not be rational or logical.

Strive to use positive influence and communication to avoid unexpected situations. Don't forget to also subscribe to my blog. Until next time.