How to properly sharpen a knife on a sharpening. How and the better to put the knives at home

The main character, Chef Karl Kasper, teaches His Son: Knife - the ownership of the cook, not the kitchen. Those who are preparing a lot and often know what he says: good knife Makes the life of a culinary and pleasant, the bad will easily spoil any dish, and it is much easier to cut a blunt knife than sharp.

For me, a "good knife" means "Japanese knife": the sock knife serves me faithfully for many years. Of course, if you want your knife to also serve you for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it, including - often to sharpen. AND best tool For sharpening any knife - water stone.

Water stone

Actually, the water is called a water because before sharpening it is immersed in water. Water, filling the pores of the stone (depending on the graininess, the stones are used for different purposes - correction of damage, edit cutting edge, sharpening, polishing), serves as a lubricant during sharpening.

The grain of the aqueous stone is denoted by numerical scale. Following the Japanese school of sharpening, stones with graininess from # 120 - # 200 are used to form a cutting edge from scratch, or to repair damage. After these stones and immediately before starting sharpening, you can use a stone # 600 - # 800, but it is not necessary.

Now sold paired stones with different graininess. Combination # 1000 Plus # 3000 - the most universal set for home sharpening.

For primary processing of the cutting edge, a stone is used with graininess # 1000, to complete the working sharpening - stone # 3000.

For further polishing the cutting edge, stones are used # 5000 - # 8000, but this stage of sharpening can not be called necessary when preparing a kitchen knife. There are stones with graininess # 15000 - # 3000 (one particle size - less than 0.5 micrometers), but let's leave them to Japanese masters.

How to sharpen?

Immerse the water stones into the water and leave there for 15 minutes or until they stop separating bubbles. Place a stone on the stand, fix it on the table (if the surface of the table slides - put a wet fabric).

Before starting sharpening, the water stone needs to be withstanding in water

Start sharpening from a coarser stone and, holding a knife with two hands under a fixed angle, spend on the surface of the stone with a plane that forms the cutting edge. Periodically wet the stone with water (do not be afraid of the "dirt" appearing on its surface - this is an emulsion of abrasive and water, which performs the role of lubricant when sharpening) and follow the cutting edge: if the burrs stopped to form, and the risks from the previous, more coarse, the stone were removed So it's time to switch to a smaller stone, or finish sharpening.

It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times (or, in our case, read), so I prepared this short video from which you will learn how to sharpen the knife with the help of aquatic stone.

This is my first experience in the production of video, so do not judge strictly.

Questions and answers

What stones need to have a kitchen knife for sharpening?

At home is enough to have stones # 1000 and # 3000 for everyday sharpening. You may also need a coarse stone in case you damage the cutting edge.

To eliminate damage to the blade I have a stone with graininess # 280, with normal sharpening it is not used

How often do you need to sharpen a knife?

There is no only right answer here, it all depends on how often you are used intensively. As soon as you feel that the wonderful cut of the knife, which inspired you immediately after his purchase, was gone somewhere - it means you need to sharpen.

What other than aquatic stones is necessary for sharpening?

If your knife has a polishing or plated from Damascus, you will enjoy the idea to take the blade with a painting tape, leaving the cut edge open only to scratch them. In addition, the angle holder may be useful to withstand the desired angle as sharpening.

How to determine the sharpening angle?

There is a versatile method: Put a knife with a cutting edge to a flat surface and tilt while the plane forming the cutting edge does not fall on the support plane completely. It is enough to try several times, and you will feel this moment, then you only need to withstand the resulting angle. For this you need experience, so at first you can use the holder of the sharpening angle (see above).

But what about Musat and other sharpening methods?

Musat is usually used for easy edits in the process of work, and its use is justified only for European knives, the hardness of which is lower than that of Japanese. Disc and electric sharpeners can be used, but the quality of sharpening with water stones does not compare. Thus, sharpening on aqueous stones is preferable to any other type of sharpening, regardless of the type of knife and its manufacturer.

With a sharply compatible knife, it is better to use wood or plastic boards

In the process of using the knife inevitably fills, but how quickly it will happen - it depends on exactly how you use it. If you want a knife sharpness to hold out as long as possible - do not chop the bone with a knife and try not to cut too hard products (for example, frozen meat). Use a wooden or plastic board - glass boards stupid blades of knives very much.

I thank Samura specialists for useful consultations in the process of writing this article.

There are many ways to restore the sharpness of the blade. You can figure the knives manually or using special devices. Blade processing tools are divided into automatic and semi-automatic. With their help, spoiled blades are restored, or the cutting edges just right.

IMPORTANT! We should not forget that with each sharpening the amount of metal on the blade decreases.

We will help the owners cutting tools To figure out how to correct knives with any of the proposed methods.

Processing of a blunt tool on the machine

Industry produces various electrical consoles for.

The whole mechanism is in the housing, which makes the work on the machine completely safe. No effort and special skills are required, so any housewife can easily cope with such a task.

The electric motor rotates the axis on which several circles of various purposes are located. From coarse to give the primary form or restoration of the geometry of the blade, to the polishing, which produces the final finishing.

With the help of a knife, we prepare food, cut the products and perform other work on the housework. Therefore, it is very important that the knife blade always remains sharp. Theoretically, in the sharpening knives there is nothing complicated, but in practice it turns out that the blade is good, it turns out far from everyone. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to sharpen knives and how to do it correctly, we advise you to read our article.

Before starting the knife sharpening, it is necessary to figure out which material it is made. I have several knives:

  • Carbon steel knives are the most affordable, made of iron and carbon alloy, are easily sharpened and remain sharp for a long time. From disadvantages, it can be noted - the oxidation of the blade of the knife from the interaction with food or an acidic medium, because of this, rust and stains appear on the knob, and the products take the metal taste. Over time, after formation on the bottom blade, the oxidation stops.
  • Low carbon stainless steel knives are made of iron, chromium, carbon alloy, and in some cases nickel or molybdenum. Stainless steel knives are inferior in carbon steel hardness, so they are quickly stupid and require regular sharpening. The advantages include - resistance to corrosion.
  • High carbon stainless steel knives - more high class knives, with high carbon content and cobalt or vanadium additives. At the expense of a better alloy, this species The knives do not require frequent sharpeners and is not subject to corrosion.
  • Knives from Damascus steel - mostly manufactured as cold weapons, but come kitchen options. The knife from Damascus has become a multi-layered blade from different alloys high Quality. The disadvantages can be attributed high cost knives.
  • Ceramics knives - gained popularity due to their acute and ability for a long time Do not stupid. But besides the advantages, ceramic knives have a significant disadvantage, which consists in their fragility when falling from height and weak stability on the break.
  • Sharpening tools

    Silence (grinder)

    Grinding bars are produced with different quantity Abrasive grains per square millimeter. Therefore, for coarse sharpening and finishing grinding, it is necessary to use bars with minimal and maximum content of abrasive. In the rash of foreign production, information on the number of abrasive grains is on their marking. The grinding bars of domestic production have to choose "to the eye" or asking the seller from which downtow is used for primary, and what for finish sharpening.

    Mechanical sharpener

    Mechanical sharpeners are used mainly for sharpening kitchen knives. The sharpening process though happens quickly, but the quality leaves much to be desired. For this reason, for hunting and sports knives, it is recommended to use other sharpening methods.

    Electric sharpener

    Modern models Electric sharpeners allow you to achieve high quality sharpening, due to the built-in function, automatically determining the angle of inclination of the blade. The electrical sharpener is great for both domestic use and for sharpening knives in catering organizations. The lineup Electric sharpeners are presented in a wide range, so the price may be different, but if you want your knives always remain sharp, then buy more "advanced" and expensive models.


    Musat - Designed to maintain the sharpness of the knife edge. In shape, Musat resembles a round file with a handle. Musaty are included in knives sets, and many owners, often confuse them with a tool for full sharpening blade. Please note that with the help of Musat you can maintain the sharpness of the sharpened knife, but if the knife finally fastened, it will not work with Musat.

    Sharpener "Lansky"

    This sharpener is used to sharpen small and medium-sized knives. The design of the sharpener allows you to sharpen the blade under your chosen angle. The "LANSKY" sharpener consists of a rod with a removable creeper and two corners of the connected with each other. Corners simultaneously perform the functions of the knife for the knife and the scale to select the sharpening angle. The sharpening set also includes sharpening bars of different grainies with Ansi marking.

    Sharpening and grinding machines

    The grinding machines are mainly used in production, for high-precision sharpening blades of rotating shafts. In addition to high-precision machines, there are abrasive circles with electrical drive and rotating discs for grinding. Sharpening with knives on such machines, should be made only by an experienced master, because due to the speed of rotation of the circle or disk and the high heating temperature, with any unsuccessful movement, the blade of the knife will be unusable.

    Self sharpening blade

    Docking knife with the assist

    Sharpening blades produced by grinding bar is considered to be the highest quality, of course, provided if it produced it an experienced master. To put the knife about the grinder bar do the following:

    How to sharpen a knife with grinding bar See also in the video:

    Hunting knife sharpening on the lansky sharpener

    Hunting knives are made of solid steel, so their initial sharpening requires sharpening bars with a low content of abrasive grains.

    How to sharpen knives in the Sharpener "Lansky", look at the video:

    Sharpening scissors

    Scissors sharpening must be produced on a special sharpening machine. Sharpening blades with the help of foolish (sandpaper, the edges of the glass, etc.) may for a while improve the sharpness of scissors, but not long. If you do not have the opportunity to make the scissors from a professional, then you can try to do independent sharpening About abrasive stone. When sharpening, you need to observe a few simple rules:

    I sharpening scissors, do not hurry, patience in this case will be your ally.

    How to quickly sharpen scissors, you can also look in the video:

    Sharpening blades Rubanka and Ether

    Sharpening the blade Rubanka and the chisels are practically no different from each other. Therefore, the sharpening process described below is applicable to both tools:

    In addition to manual sharpening, the chisel can be sharpened on the machine with a rotating abrasive disk:

    Do not forget that when sharpening products on the machine, a lot of sparks and small particles are formed, which can be in mind, so be sure to work in protective glasses. And in order not to damage your hands about the twinkling disk, dress gloves.

    How to make tools you can also learn from the video:

    Tips for rapid sharpening blades with appliances

    A rock

    Quickly give the sharpness with a knife in a hike or on a picnic, using an ordinary cobblestone. Use any stone breathing on Earth, instead of a sharpening bar and swipe the blade of the knife, on its surface. With a razor sharpness you do not achieve, but back the knife in the working condition.

    Second knife

    Complete two knives immediately, without grinding stones and devices, it is quite possible. To do this, you need to take both hands on the knife and start sharpening the blade of one knife about the blade of the other. After 5-10 minutes of such work, the knives will become sharper than before.

    Glass items

    The blade of the knife can be slightly focused on the rude edge of glass or ceramic items. For example, about the bottom of the glade or the edge tile tile. The main thing is that the surface is rough.

    Leather belt

    Leather belt is more suitable for finishing finishing and giving knife blade shaving sharpnessthan for coarse sharpening. But if there is nothing at hand beyond the belt, then you can try to put a knife about it. For this, the belt needs to give a stretch and start led by a blade, strong sharpness you can not achieve, but polish the knife to shine.

    Having learned yourself to sharpen knives and tools, you will buy the skill that use you throughout your life!

Every novice hunter knows that not just choose special knife for hunting. In this case, it is meaning not so much the popularity of the model, the cost of the instrument, the uniqueness of the shape or the time of the existence of the manufacturer's company in the domestic or global market. The choice of knife for hunting is primarily based on the declared specifications Products selected for the manufacture of materials and individual preferences of the future owner.

Possible defects on knives

Improper use of the knife can lead to the following damage:

  • on the edge of the knife appear notes and microcracks;
  • may be brought or broken the edge of the knife;
  • a knife and shank handle can break.

A real hunting knife is a very expensive subject, and for many knives become a subject of pride. So that the knife served for many years, as it loses the ability to cut, need sharpening. You do not need to test the tool to the fortress and try to divide the carcass to the blocked knife, because it can be spoiled even more.

Hunting knife service and optimal sharpening angle

In the manufacture of all hunting knives Only solid steel grades are used, so it is quite difficult to put them correctly. And I would like to note that the modern alloys used for the manufacture of knives are enough plastic, which allows the blade to maintain the sharpness of the cutting edge for a fairly long period of time, especially with the proper handling of the tool. A knowledgeable hunter will never leave his knife to hang around in the ground, will not lower in boiling water when cooking, will not open canned food to them or leave the blade crude after the cutting of production.

Usually, the sharpening of the hunting knife is quite enough for the sump and the collapse of one - two large carcasses, but with time the blade loses its sharpness and the tool loses the accuracy and quality of the cut. And in this case, the correctness of the sharpening is of great importance, it is important not to spoil the cutting edge and descent, to withstand the sharpening angle of the hunting knife, without allowing the painting of the metal from the acute strip of the tool.

It is impossible to correctly sharpen a hunting knife without studying the design of the blade. The blades necessarily have snones from two sides (they are also called chamfering). These chamdes are a decreasing plane with a length of the shower to the blade, as well as an acute edge of the cutting part, which is subjected to sharpening.

From the angle of a narrow and smooth cutting edge depends on how sharp is the blade. This angle of sharpening in hunting knives should be within 15-30 °, and from how precisely it is observed in the process of giving the blade of acute, the accuracy and quality of the cut. this tool. Thus, the first thing to do when sharpening hunting knives is determined by the angle of the cutting edge.

Hunting knives have a specific classification of products in accordance with the existing corner of the cutting edge, which determines the specification of processing production. Hunting knives, sharpened at an angle of 30 °, are suitable for coarse cutting and baking works, under 20 ° - universal knives, designed for the work of various complexity, under 15 ° - for neat thin feeding under the sump of production, as well as separation of cartilage and stones.

The angle of the cutting edge is common to both sides. Thus, in order to understand how to sharpen a hunting knife, it is necessary to make the division of its magnitude inad. The result will be the decision of what should be right corner Sharpening hunting knife, as well as exactly to have a sharpening device above the tool or place a knife above the surface of the abrasive.

How how to get a hunting knife?

For sharpening hunting knives, you can use a variety of devices. So, usually company manufacturers are offered when buying additionally acquire a special sharpener. Often, special sheaths for hunting knives have convenient compartments for storing such sharpening devices. IN field conditions the optimal choice are mechanical pocket sharpeners. They can have different sizes and forms, however, always made from the most best MaterialsSo that you can return the sharpness tool with just a few simple movements.

If we talk about the form of sharpeners of manufacturing companies, then they may have the shape of round light rods, up to 15 centimeters long and several centimeters with a diameter. Such devices are in protective plastic cases, and also have fasteners that allow placing sharpeners on the hunter's belt or in the sheath. The same plan tools may have the form of plates. The material for the manufacture of cylindrical devices is ceramics, flat are made of diamond abrasive.

Pocket sharpeners from the manufacturer can also be a small tool round, rectangular or oval (with smoothed angles) form placed in the palm. In them, miniature plates of carbide or ceramic stones are located under a set for sharpening an angle in special notches made in a plastic case.

The greatest effect can be achieved if you take advantage of manufacturers and buy Case sharpeners for knives. It will help to sharpen a hunting knife on a closer with numbered hooking angles using grinding stones. different colorsEach of which means abrasive grains size.

Additionally attached special oil allows you to achieve perfect sharpness sharpening. This set of sharpeners is not pocket. It is perfect for learning newcomers, and you can start using sharpeners from giving sharpness, for example, kitchen knives, and gradually master the sharpening of any cutting tools.

It should be noted that pocket sharpeners are the best choice Directly on the hunt, but the thorough preparation of the tool to it should be held at home.

How to sharpen a knife at home?

Most affordable and enough effective way It is a sharpening knife at home with the help of abrasive stones. Such bars are presented in a wide range of practically in any economic store, however, if it is with a hunting knife, options with a wide and perfectly flat surface, up to 25 centimeters and a dense fine and medium-hearted structure can be used.

Cutting the cutting edge with your own hands must be performed as follows:

  • on a completely even surface, a device with medium-sized abrasive grains is preferably fixed;
  • on Bruke moistened to any vegetable oil, under the calculated desired angle there is a knife blade with holding both hands;
  • under the pressure of the blade, crossed movements stretches over the surface, several times on themselves on the one hand, then the same with the other;
  • the process is repeated until a new smooth brilliant strip cannot be obtained on the site of the cutting edge with the same width on both sides;
  • it is necessary to replace the bar on its fine-grained analogue; It is performed by bringing the sharpness of the blade by several sliding movements without pressure;
  • to achieve perfect state cutting edge, applied editing of the blade on back side belt, ten times on each side;
  • checking the quality of the sharpening lies in the easy cut in one movement of the vertically placed newspaper sheet.

Expensive tools are best stuck with special equipment. This can help specialized service centres And workshops.

It is very important to choose the right hunting knife. Many factors must be taken into account: length, width, shape, handle material and blade, sharpening angle. Much depends on the purpose of the application of the knife.

Types of hunting knives

With all the variety of characteristics of the proposed hunting knives, they can be divided into two groups:

  1. General use that is used to achieve mining. The blades of them are smooth, handle necessarily equipped with a limiter.
  2. Special purpose (removal of the skins, cutting the meat from the bone, separating the carcass of the animal or bird).

They are also divided into the type of blades and sharpening the upper edge. It is straight and rounded. Especially original in their performance hunting knives handmade.

Choice of hunting knife

Currently offered big choice Hunting knives from manufacturers different countries. Russian manufacturers Also not inferior in quality and variety of copies offered. The design of them is pretty simple: handle and blade. The blade has a cutting part, which is called a blade and is subject to periodic sharpening. To comply with safety and maintain safety, a durable and soft material case is also very important (usually from Tolstoy genuine leather with wooden or plastic insert). It must have an insurer strap to prevent the falling out of the sheath weapon.

When choosing a hunting knife, you must be guided by the main characteristics:

  1. The shape of the knife must correspond to the purpose of its use (the blade can be direct or curved).
  2. Sharpening hunting knives depends on their destination.
  3. The handle must be comfortable when cutting a carcass. It can be located as a continuation of the blade and at an angle to it. Make it out different materials: tree, metal, berst, ceramics, plastic. In order to avoid slipping from the hands, it must have a limiter.
  4. The method of attaching the handle to the blade. The handle attached with the help of the nut is much stronger than with glue.
  5. Material blade hunting knives. The hardness of steel depends on the content of carbon. Most valuable brands Are Damascus and Bulat. For hunting knives, it is considered optimal from 50 to 60 HRC (Rockwell). Steel must be an anti-corrosion.
  6. Length and width of the blade. The optimal length is considered to be 12-13, width-3-3.5 cm.

Methods of sharpening knife

Despite the hardness of steel, from which a knife is made, after a certain time its sharpness is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to restore this function periodically. Sharpening hunting knives can be made different ways with help:

  • grinding bar;
  • musaty;
  • set tools;
  • special pocket sharpeners;
  • (mechanical, electric);

It should be remembered: the smaller the sharpening angle of the hunting knife, the more subtle works it is intended. For hunting knives, it is 15-30 degrees. For example, for cutting and oblivion of work - 30, universal - 20, when removing the skins and separating meat from the dice - 15 degrees.

As a rule, the grinding machines are used in manufacturers and in special points of tool sharpeners. But very often hunters spend it on their own, using and other above fixtures for sharpening hunting and

Sharpening knife Bru (stone)

Consider how correctly sharpening a hunting knife with a bar at home. When sharpening a knife in this way it is necessary to choose a flat wide bar length at least 25 cm with a non-bubbling structure. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the sequence of actions:

  1. The bar must be fixed on a flat and still surface.
  2. Lubricate oil (vegetable, technical) or soapy water so that the metal crumb does not stick to the bar, wait a few minutes.
  3. Smooth movements start sharpening with a moistened bar, stretching the knife under it along the entire length of the blade. We produce such an action on both sides in turn. In this case, it is necessary to observe the initial sharpening angle of the hunting knife.
  4. The process must be repeated several times until a new one will appear on both sides.
  5. Then the bar changes to the fine-grained stone and the finish is already made without pressure, with light sliding movements.

For a more convenient fixing of the grinding stone, you can make a frame in the form direct corner And fix the bar in the inclined position. You can use a special device for fastening an essay with an adjustable slope.

To control the quality of sharpening hunting knives, you can try to cut a newspaper sheet in a vertical position by one movement. Sharpening angle can be checked the most simple way With the help of conventional scissors. We must take them in hand, insert the blade between them, gradually squeezing the blade of the knife. At the same time, for better visibility, send them to a bright light (lamp) to make sure the compression density. Then carefully remove the blade and measure the angle between the blades of the scissors by transport.

Sharpening knife Musatom

Musat is a circular file with a circular or cut on two sides by a cross section having a handle. For its manufacture, it is used very hard steel or ceramics with a diamond coating. Musaty usually only corrects not too faded blades. In this case, the cutting edge is not damaged even with repeated use. If the knife has completely lost the cutting properties, then it will not be hung it in such a way.

The process is carried out as follows:

  • musat holds in one hand in a vertical position (on a non-slip surface);
  • in another hand, we take the blade at an angle of 15-20 degrees, stretch it from top to bottom (from myself and to myself) along the entire length of the blade (first with one, then on the other side). Such repeats should be made from 4 to 6. When using ceramic or diamond musat, it is enough once.

Sharpening knife with special sets and pocket sharpeners

The set for sharpening knives includes several stones with multi-colored handles, special guides and oil. Sharpening technology with these devices is simple and does not require special skills. Each compartment has its own fixing angle. The colors of the handles distinguish the grit of grinding stones. Using this method Sharpening blades is perfect.

Pocket sharpeners offered in specialized stores are small stones various shapes (Round, square, oval), which are placed in the palm of palm. As a rule, they are made of high-quality materials. They are located in special notches made in a plastic case at a certain angle. Such sharpeners are convenient to take with you to hunt or fishing, as they are compact and easy to use.

The dependence of the method of sharpening from the steel brand

For different brands, there are not all sharpening methods equally suitable. So, for example, very popular damask knives can not be hooked on electric MachinesSince it has an inhomogeneous structure. It consists of alternating soft and solid layers, so the blade should be accurate with extreme caution, otherwise the edge of the blade will become ribbed and in the future it will crumble. Knives of such steel should be shown manually, gradually changing the grain of stones in the direction of the decrease.

Bulat steel is characterized by increased hardness. Knives of it must be sharpened for a long time. This often uses electrical and mechanical machines. It is necessary to start with coarse-grained stones moistened with water, gradually approaching fine-grained.

It should be noted that with an automated sharpening method, it is not possible to achieve sharpness and accuracy, which is provided with manual operation. At the same time, the main advantage is the speed of this process.

A special approach when sharpening the blade requires hunting handmade knives, as they can be made of non-standard steel grades. Therefore, they are recommended to be sharpened by manual ways.

We conclude: right sharpening Hunting knives is a very important process for saving external view and durability. This hunting props should be used only for its intended purpose and not forget to contain clean, periodically lubricating oil (both blades and wooden handles) to prevent the loss of shine and drying.