How to choose an ultraviolet flashlight and why you need it. How lichen glows under long-wave ultraviolet light from a Wood lamp

1. Tattoos

Luminous tattoos use black light reactive ink to make the images glow.

2. Contact lenses

Get the coolest look in town with UV contact lenses that look great during the day and are simply charming under ultraviolet light.

3. Book

Despite the crisis, the Adris Group had a successful fiscal 2008, so they wanted to show it off in their annual report. In hard times, only good ideas can shed light on how to get out of the crisis. Ideas are energy! They appear in the blink of an eye and are transmitted at the speed of thought when people come up with them. Ideas are passed from person to person until their greatness is strong enough to illuminate the future. The Adris Group company has 3000 of these lights - they are the employees of the company. Each of them can come up with an idea that will make the world a better place, but only when they work together, in the name of a common goal, the power of their ideas becomes able to press out the darkness. Therefore, the book glows in the dark, it is loaded with 3000 great ideas!

4. Jeans

These jeans will glow brightly under UV (or black) light, so if you wear them to the club, your pants will turn into a cool neon green.

5. Soap bubbles

Tekno Bubbles brand soap bubbles contain special patented substances with molecules that emit visible light after absorbing ultraviolet light. When ultraviolet photons enter fluorescent molecules, some of the light energy causes the molecules to vibrate. When light reappears, it already contains less energy, which is now in the visible light spectrum, which in turn causes the Tekno Bubbles to glow blue or gold.

6. Restaurant

A theatrical extravaganza of sequential meals and multi-sensory experiences, Paul Pairet's futuristic UV restaurant turns the concept of eating on its head. A room, a blank canvas devoid of emotional art and non-distracting gaze, hides the luxury of projectors high class, lighting rigs and wind-blowing machines needed for the table show, which kicks off as scheduled at exactly 7:30 pm. After waiting for six months, the guests meet at a predetermined location, where they are pushed into black vans for shipment to an unknown destination in a warehouse in downtown Shanghai.

Guests are led in the twilight to one large table with 5 chairs on each side. As guests sit down, the immersive culinary theater begins with a hilariously ironic overture to Stanley Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey.

Headed by an extravagant "Vanguard" 20-course menu, the dining room is transformed into a 360-degree projection theater. Part of the show is a billowing tornado of cigar smoke and ash, timed to coincide with your first bite of foie gras cooked into a cigarette. This is followed by Oysters "Pop Rock", projected in the theme of musical legends of the 60s and inventions of the 20th century. Using a combination of the pungent aromas of cigar smoke, earth and ocean breeze, Peiré creates a unique "psycho-tasting" experience that may well challenge the future of fine dining as we know it today.

7. Toilet paper

Now thanks to toilet paper glowing in the dark, you don't have to scour the dark looking for her during half-asleep visits to the toilet in the middle of the night. Functional and fun, plus you'll know you're dry when the paper stops glowing.

8. Graffiti Art

Japanese artist Que Huxo creates cool paintings that glow in the dark. This exhibition is called "Day and Night". Just ah!

9. Airbrushing on the car

"English Russia" offers to look at the design of the airbrush drawing on the Toyota MRS, which is owned by the Russian. It looks great during the day, and also better at night as the paint glows in the dark.

10. Tennis shoes

We all know that "Yeezy" is Kanye West's nickname, and he worked with Nike a few years ago to create new sneaker designs. The glow-in-the-dark Nike Air Yeezy is the result of this collaboration. And they look just great - the bottom of the sneaker is glowing, as does the signature Nike logo. Their production was launched in 2009.

11. Candy

Instructables user Britt Michelsen recently experimented with fluorescent materials, including riboflavin. She decided to use it to create food that looks like kryptonite. Michelsen made forms from aluminum foil, added riboflavin to the sugar, and poured it into the mold. The result was a glowing candy that looked like the lethal substance from the Superman myths.

The fake manufacturers have a question: How with minimal cost eliminate paper glow in ultraviolet light?

Most of the security products are made on papers that do not glow in a wide spectrum of UV radiation. Office papers have a very strong glow, as they undergo a chemical bleaching procedure. Papers that are not bleached and with a high cotton content have minimal luminescence.

Available papers "for all" and widespread: XEROX "COLOTECH + NATURAL WHITE". It happens, unfortunately, with a density of only 100g / m and 120g / m.
This paper has a VERY LITTLE Glow, comparable to paper from Fractal.

Let's consider a way to eliminate the glow of paper "on the knee".

What we need:

1. Compressor.

From four atmospheres, with fine adjustment of the outlet pressure and the absence of flow pulsations, that is, the presence of a receiver on the compressor is mandatory. At home (in the sense of an apartment option), only a compressor for airbrushing is suitable.
I use this, JAS-1203, with a coiled hose 3 meters:

Very quiet, a little louder than a refrigerator, a three-liter receiver, air filters with a moisture separator. Gains pressure up to 6 atmospheres and turns off, turns on when it drops to 4 atmospheres. Very good outlet pressure regulator. The cost is about 5000 rubles. JAS has the same JAS-1206, but with two cylinders, increased receiver and pressure, it is preferable, but louder.

2. Airbrush.

Why not a paint spray gun, standalone or compressor? Airbrushes are "sharpened" for a very, very liquid paint alcohol-thinnable. Airbrushes use methods of mixing paint with air that are different from the classic ones. The electric spray gun does not have a receiver, so very high pressure and pressure pulsations are NOT ENOUGH for fine spraying. For us, the formation of separate splashes is unacceptable, since they will look under UV as black blots on a gray background.
For an airbrush, a 0.7-1 mm nozzle is required. Normally it costs 0.35 mm (you can work, but not comfortable and for a long time)
Very good airbrushes from JAS, they cost a penny, good quality and reliability, are copies of Japanese with a price of an order of magnitude less, about 1000-2000 rubles.
I am using JAS-1131. Cons: a small container for paint. Better to take JAS-1156 (that's why I often blow out the paper with an old Korean "nou name" pistol-type airbrush)

3. "Paint"

We will use a sunscreen spray as a base. high degree protection: "GARNIER Ambre Solar SPF 50+".
Don't even try to experiment with others, this one of a kind.
Leaves no greasy residue, very good "dissolving" in alcohol. Does not reflect UV radiation no worse than titanium dioxide (titanium white), but unlike it, it covers paper very well and evenly, dissolves in alcohol, does not settle in solution for a long time, has a very fine fraction, turns yellow immediately and after heating. Since it is diluted with alcohol, dries very quickly, it does not saturate the paper and, as a result, low consumption. Waterproof, ideal for post-pigment printing.
Cost: about 600 rubles for 200 ml (there are also SPF 20+ and 30+, but they have 2-3 times less active substance content, and the cost is comparable).
Looks like that:

We dilute with alcohol (you can immediately in an empty, washed and dried plastic half-polish: 200 ml of ethyl alcohol, 200 ml of Garnier. Shake the mixture thoroughly (actively shake the closed bottle for a minute). the size of a syringe 20-ki, plugged with a syringe and does not evaporate.
Looks like that. On the Snow Maiden, I drew stripes with a ready-made composition.

4. UV lamp.

It is most convenient to use it like at the checkout. Firstly, your products will most likely glow like this in real life. Secondly, the power is not very big, you won't kill your eyes and the process can be controlled.
I have a plywood sheet at an angle of 20 degrees, covered with parchment, and a UV lamp on top.
Like this:

We connect the airbrush, turn on the compressor, set operating pressure depending on the airbrush and its settings from 2 to 6 atmospheres. On the airbrush we set the maximum air supply and the maximum paint supply. We fill the container, cut in ultraviolet light for control and go ahead.
I "painted" matte lombard 90 g / m2. For example, I give a photo of a "painted" sheet and a clean one. In daylight, the differences are "necessary." The paper takes on a natural, natural shade and the lightest extra. dullness like that of state sign papers. In a small container on the airbrush there is a plus or one refueling just enough for an A4 sheet with very good "dark" values.

In terms of printing properties, the finished paper can only increase the saturation of the pigment at a high temperature. When laminating or purely passing through the lamina with min. temperature for film lamination 100 microns - no change.
Top print ultraviolet paints only after COMPLETE drying !!! Otherwise, UV ink glows well, but loses its color saturation.
If there is a husk, then you can roll an undiluted Garnier through a 60-100 mesh, but then you probably already know how to cheaply kill the UV glow on the husk.

PS: You don't need to breed Holyvar. Key fame: "on the knee" and "acceptable result". With REAL "production" REAL "craftsmen" use other materials, and technologies are completely different.

Good luck to all!

SPS: Some kind of jamb with codes. To view in full format, click on the photos themselves, and not on the view buttons.

Searching for traces of blood on different surfaces, as well as the instruments of crime - this is one of the main tasks faced by employees of forensic centers and departments. At the same time, traces of blood can not always be identified visually. They can be washed out or have microscopic dimensions, which requires the use of specific methods for their search, in particular, ultraviolet light.

The second area of ​​application of ultraviolet lights is hunting for wounded animals on the trail of blood by hunters. Because on vegetation or soil at night it is very difficult to replace it.

How blood glows in ultraviolet light

Answering the question of whether blood glows in ultraviolet light, it should immediately be noted that this biological fluid does not fluoresce under the influence of UV rays. Blood completely absorbs the entire spectrum of ultraviolet radiation, acquiring an absolutely black color. It is for this reason that in various specialized forums you can find negative reviews about lanterns (people expect it to start glowing) designed to search for blood. BUT the black color of blood is also a result. Because all other surfaces (grass, vegetation, earth, leaves) ultraviolet light reflects. Those. BLACK traces of blood will be clearly visible on the gray-blue-white forest surface. Therefore, you can answer YES, a UV flashlight can help you find the wounded animal. But not in the way that many expect after watching movies. By the way, we will explain this below.

But how and why, in this case, ultraviolet is used to identify blood in criminology around the world?

In fact, the identification of blood is carried out using a special method, the essence of which is the processing of the alleged places of the presence of its traces with a special composition - luminol. This organic compound is capable of reacting with hemoglobin, which results in a blue fluorescence. That is why blood treated with such a composition glows in ultraviolet light. It should be noted that this method provides the ability to detect even the smallest in size and washed out with cleaning agents traces of blood, since it is almost impossible to completely erase them.

Another feature of the search for blood with ultraviolet light is the short-term irradiation of its traces. The fact is that UV irradiation destroys the DNA in the blood, which makes it impossible to further study it. That is why, when a positive reaction is received, the effect of UV light on the blood is suspended, and its samples are taken for further laboratory studies.

The catalog of our online store contains a wide selection of professional forensic and hunting UV lights for detecting traces of blood. Each offered model is developed on the basis of original high quality components and meets all modern standards. Wholesale supplies of flashlights to forensic centers and specialized laboratories are possible.

There are many minerals that, when illuminated by ultraviolet light, themselves begin to glow unusual. bright colors... In this case, the visible, electric light should be turned off, and if you want to see the glow in ultraviolet during the day, you should go to dark room and there shine an ultraviolet lamp on the stone. You will see wonderful pictures brightest colors and fancy patterns ...

So, we have a stone ball with a diameter of 6 cm.It consists of several minerals, a blue mineral - sodalite. It is difficult to accurately determine the mineral composition - for this you need to saw a ball, make from it thin section tenths of a millimeter thick and look under a microscope (well, I'm not an expert in alkaline rocks, so that by the eye like this ...))

But it's a pity to cut the ball. Therefore, we will restrict ourselves general definition, let's go into the dark, and ... Turn on the ultraviolet lamp. Everyone has seen such lamps - they are used in clubs, bars, sometimes at home, as decorative lighting. In the light of these lamps, viscose, cotton, feather, paper shine with a bright blue light. Lamps give long-wave ultraviolet radiation.

In ultraviolet light, our stone is transformed beyond recognition - light minerals begin to glow with a bright yellow light, the ball looks lacy and translucent. V selected locations there is a glow of pink and turquoise spots. This picture is somewhat similar to images of the Earth at night from space - bright lights cities merge into solid spots, all of Europe is a luminous sea of ​​electric lights ...

Some collectors of minerals collect stones, which are ordinary-looking in ordinary light. For them, you can make a special showcase or cabinet, and arrange the lamps so that the blue light of the lamp does not hit the eyes, but shines only on the samples.

Actually, ultraviolet itself, neither short-wave, nor medium-wave, nor long-wave, is not visible to the eye. And the lamps shine blue (violet), since they, along with ultraviolet light, preserve the visible part of the spectrum.

You can see how the Greenlandic sodalite glows in ultraviolet light.

Why do minerals glow in ultraviolet light? Research by chemists has shown that the glow creates chemical elements having incomplete electronic shells of atoms (luminogenic elements).

Let's look at periodic table and see that it is metals(iron groups): iron proper (trivalent), manganese, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum and uranium. And also rare earth elements - lanthanum, scandium, yttrium, cerium and others. Ultraviolet light excites electrons, and their vibrations lead to radiation electromagnetic waves of different lengths - the light that we see.

If the glow stops immediately after the lamp is turned off , then it bears the name fluorescence or luminescence... But in some minerals, the glow stops only after a few seconds, or minutes after turning off, this phenomenon is called phosphorescence.

The mineral barite can glow after exposure to ultraviolet radiation for several hours (this was discovered and described by Kashiarolla, an alchemist from Italy in 1602). He did not have an electric ultraviolet lamp, but barite glows faintly in the dark even after long stay in the sun.

Greenish fluorite glows in ultraviolet light with a bright blue light (left), and dark green apatite with a faint reddish light (right)

The glow can be different and bright - all colors of the rainbow. Rather, the glow resembles bright neon lights. big city: yellow, blue, red, purple, green ...

exhibition of minerals glowing in the ultraviolet

collection of glowing minerals

The same minerals can glow in different ways - both in intensity and in color. It depends on the quantity elements - luminogens.

Sometimes the glow of stones in ultraviolet light is used in the search and enrichment of minerals. For example, a conveyor belt with rock, in which there are diamonds, illuminate with ultraviolet light and choose diamonds with hands that glow with bright blue, light green or yellow or other light. The tungsten-containing mineral scheelite glows blue. Uranium micas glow green, yellow-green, etc.

I use a stationary lamp, normal Wall Light bought in electrical goods. But there are handy portable ultraviolet lamps battery operated. This is a rare thing in Russia. But, I think, on the Internet you can find a store that sells such devices, if not here, then abroad. And those who are interested in this amazing property stones, like fluorescence, will soon find a lot of interesting stones in the world around us.

The glow of minerals in ultraviolet light (video).

Few people know, but a grandiose light show is constantly happening around us, which we, unfortunately, do not see. The fact is that many arthropods (insects, spiders, etc.) have one interesting feature: they glow in ultraviolet light.

Fireflies and other animals endowed with bioluminescence ability glow due to chemical reaction flowing in special organs of the glow. This phenomenon has been seen by many. But scorpions, some spiders and a number of related organisms are capable of producing a blue-green glow using the phenomenon of fluorescence.

Crab spider fluorescence

Exoskeleton molecules ( outer shell) these animals absorb ultraviolet light (320-400 nm) invisible to our eye, after which they re-emit ultraviolet light into the bluish light visible to us.

It turns out that many arthropods glow under ultraviolet light.

Photographer Niki Bey (his photographs along with mine are used in the article about) made a series of wonderful pictures of bioluminescence of arthropods, which I used to illustrate this text.

Why do arthropods glow in ultraviolet light?

In short: for many of the fluorescent animals, we don't know why. There is a lot of literature about the glow of various arthropods, the main idea of ​​which can be reduced to: “Wow! It shines !!! ".

Kivsaki also fluoresces in UV light.

True, for scorpions, the mechanism of this glow has been studied in more detail.

In scorpions, the so-called cuticular fluorescence is observed. It involves two compounds found in the epicuticle of a scorpion: beta-carboline and 4-methyl, 7-hydroxycoumarin. Coumarin, by the way, is used in perfume or as a cinnamon-flavored flavoring agent.

Scorpion fluorescence is a very beautiful phenomenon

There are a couple of hypotheses regarding the purpose of scorpion fluorescence. Most insects can see ultraviolet light, so their world looks very different from ours.

Spider Heteropoda sp. human and insect eyes

According to some experiments, scorpions can use the ability to absorb ultraviolet light to seek shelter. During the experiment, the scorpions were put on tiny glasses that prevented the animals from seeing with their eyes. But as soon as the UV light was turned on, the animals quickly found suitable hiding places. Apparently, orientation was due to signals received from surfaces that absorbed ultraviolet light (published in the journal Animal Behavior).

Perhaps ultraviolet light helps scorpions navigate

According to another version, the glow of scorpions in ultraviolet light is a relic of the early Devonian period, when the earth was inhabited by giant scorpions and centipedes. Substances accumulated in the integument, capable of absorbing ultraviolet light and emitting blue light, could protect ancient arthropods from sunburn... At least in young plant seedlings, it is coumarin that acts as a sunscreen.