What does a real brownie look like? Meeting in reality and rare photos. What does science think about this? Kutny god: origin story

Have you ever wondered how strong an imprint on us is left by cartoons watched as a child? Someone watched "Well, wait!", And someone dreamed of being like a little mermaid from a Disney cartoon. We watched cartoons about talking bears and believed that they existed. But some magical cartoon characters do have a place in our world. For example, brownies.

Who are the brownies?

Brownie is an unusual phenomenon that came to us from the pagan past. Brownies were called spirits who lived in the house and protected it from various evil spirits. Brownies lived nearby, not far from those who lived in the house, protected them from diseases and bad weather and brought good luck. Someone believed in these creatures, someone still believes in them, and someone ignores fairy tales about brownies.

In ancient times, it was believed that house spirits live near the stove, and if there is a stable in the house, then they tend to settle closer to the horses. Very often, horse owners noticed that in the morning some horses were combed and fed, and some were worn out and intimidated. Then they talked about the house spirit feeding and combing those horses that he liked. Usually, it was the horses of this color that the owners of the house tried to buy.

Where did brownies come from?

As already mentioned, the very concept of a brownie came to us from paganism. According to pagan belief, brownies are spirits that have come to replace the pagan God Chur. Some believe that these spirits are just cursed souls of ancestors who are doomed to serve and help future generations. The third legend says that brownies are once pure souls who lived in heaven and rebelled. But all these legends do not tell what a brownie looks like. We have to learn this from the lips of eyewitnesses.

In general, the brownie is invisible. But these little creatures are perfectly visible to cats. If a cat lives in your house, especially a black one, watch him. Does he sometimes gaze at one point? Wakes up from something and begins to follow with his eyes something invisible? This is the brownie.

Of course, cats won't be able to tell us what a brownie looks like. But it turns out that brownies sometimes show themselves to their owners.

Those of the few who have seen the brownie describe him as a small stocky, gnome-like man. The brownie has small chubby hands and a human face, but the rest of his body is covered with dense long hair. Some argue that they saw a horn and a tail at the brownie. But no one knows exactly how the brownie looks.

What does a brownie look like? Real photos

Of course, there are cases when someone manages to photograph a certain entity that remotely resembles a brownie. However, it is impossible to assert with one hundred percent probability that it was a brownie. Although, in many photographs, a distant similarity with the description is still present.

Here are some photos that can really be called real evidence of what a brownie looks like:

How to see a brownie?

If you have confidently decided that you want to learn from your own experience what a brownie looks like, then develop the ability to clairvoyance. Indeed, most often it is people with supernatural abilities who manage to accidentally see the brownie.

If you do not have such, but still want to know what a brownie looks like, then there are two options to do it. The first, the easiest, is to watch the video. For example, this:

Well, and finally. Highly good way to see a brownie - ask him to appear. Treat him with sweets, treat him with buckwheat porridge and a heavily salted slice of black bread. And maybe it will seem to you and you will find out what a brownie looks like.

The order in our homes has long been monitored by a creature who, in fact, is the closest to people - faithful, kind, unassuming - brownie... The gods are at home, families, they live in every house.

Small in stature, about a meter, covered with soft gray or brown wool - the brownie lives behind the stove, but more often - under the threshold of the house. It can be seen, but sometimes it is seen by small children or pets. The kids said that they noticed a small cute creature that looked like a bear cub. And cats even try to play with him.

The character of the brownie depends on the owner of the house. When the family lives in harmony, mutual understanding, helps others - the brownie also begins to help the family in household chores. But if the owner is a drunkard, a lazy person and a loafer, do not be surprised when the brownie begins to destroy the house, causing only losses. The brownie is a thinking creature. He can read the thoughts of the owner. And when the owner conceived something bad - dishes break, things are lost, quarrels arise.

But with a good owner, the brownie will not destroy anything, on the contrary, protect the family from fires, uninvited guests, accidents. And when a baby appears in the family, the brownie will become a caring nanny.

It is interesting that during the visit of intruders, the brownie will knock the dishes out of their hands, scare them, trying to harm them.

When all the work is done, the tired brownie sleeps under the ceiling, because he knows how to fly well.

Over time, the face of this little man becomes similar to the face of the owner.

A modern person who lives in harmony with nature, of course, thinks that the brownie exists only in fairy tales. But sometimes at night some people seem to be strangled by something. This brownie is trying to attract the attention of the owner. Then you have to ask: "For good or for evil?" The brownie will definitely answer. You can touch your hand, if warm - for good, and if cold - expect illness, trouble. Sometimes "your" brownie can be visited by a stranger, which can only harm, throwing things around, frightening the family. All this resembles the manifestation of a poltergeist.

When moving to a new place, you need to take the brownie with you. To do this, kneel down, spread a towel on the floor, ask: "Master, take your things, let's go live together, we'll be friends again.

In the new house, a towel is being spread, congratulating the brownie on the housewarming. If you forget him when you move in an old house, he will become angry, bringing only problems to the new owners.

You can make friends with the brownie by treating him. He does not take food, but feeds on the energy that food gives off. Wise people advised to offer the housekeeper something tasty (cookies, sweets), leaving it in the corner. After some time (for example, a week), the food with which the brownie has already consumed energy can be given to the birds.

Treat the brownie like a family member, and peace and harmony will always reign in the house. And do not forget to congratulate him on his birthday, according to legends, this is February 10th.

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Pantheon pagan gods infinitely varied. But it would remain incomplete without the small keepers of the house and household, who are under different names ...

According to ancient beliefs, in any old house there is a brownie - the keeper of the hearth. It is believed that his presence ensures order in the house, but most often the brownie is spoken of as the patron saint or soul of the house: a good brownie always lives in a good dwelling, and an evil and very harmful one in a bad one. What does a brownie look like? What is this creature doing and why? For what reason do people who believe in this creature urge not to offend the brownie? Finally, is it possible to see the keeper of the hearth in the house or in your own city apartment?

Who is the brownie

Judgments about who a real brownie is and what this creature looks like sometimes differ, but in most cases this energetic entity or spirit is described as a little grandfather, a gray-haired old man, whose whole body is often covered with soft hair. This grandfather is considered the main owner of the house, so everything that happens in him, one way or another, is kept under the control of this spirit.

One example that people who believe in brownies often like to cite is related to pets. It is believed that cats and dogs are always under the protection of this small energetic entity, so the brownie can take revenge on anyone who offends a pet. How? Usually, such an offender will necessarily lose some valuable thing.

Very often, the brownie is called a reel or poltergeist, since its actions are always hidden from human eyes. In ancient times, many people believed that it was the brownie who moves mugs and bowls at night, rattles furniture, leaves behind spilled cereals, etc. All this was usually attributed to one or another signal that gives the spirit of the house to its inhabitants. And of course, for each such action, the residents of the house tried to find an explanation: perhaps the brownie is unhappy with the constant quarrels in the family or the disorder that reigns in the kitchen. Sometimes they tried to explain the manifestations of the poltergeist by the fact that the brownie chases evil spirits, protecting people from them.

How to see a brownie

Ancient beliefs clearly indicate that trying to find out what a brownie looks like rarely ends up with something good. On the contrary, it is believed that the spirit of the house is shown to people only on the eve of any misfortunes. So, there are widespread legends that the brownie appears before the eyes of people in front of fires or any other bad fateful events, often bringing death and destruction. From this, it is often concluded that it is very dangerous to forcefully call a brownie by means of some spells or rituals and try to find out what he looks like. The spirit of the house should remain the invisible keeper of the hearth, because he loves to provide his help to the household when no one sees him!

What does the brownie eat

You can often hear the opinion that the brownie has to be appeased by various treats. Someone leaves a bowl of milk on the table for the night, others offer sweets to the true owner of the house. Knowledgeable people assure that this creature feeds on human emotions and, in general, the energy that reigns in the house. Peace and quiet in the family is very pleasant to the brownie, so he will never show his anger. And vice versa, having been saturated with negative energy, he will probably start smashing dishes, scattering things, imitating strange noises - doing everything to show the inhabitants of the house his displeasure.

Brownie's grievances

It must be remembered that a brownie can be offended not only by a bad attitude towards a domestic cat or a domestic family quarrel. It is extremely important for this creature to see that the inhabitants of the dwelling maintain order in it, love it. Only in this case it will be possible to appease the spirit and avoid such troubles as constantly beating dishes or regularly missing things.

The brownie often makes many other demands: for example, sometimes he demands attention to himself and stops acting up only after the inhabitants of the house sincerely admit their mistakes and out loud ask him for forgiveness. Often, brownies are offended by the fact that they can be "forgotten" by the owners who move to another dwelling. In this case, the keeper of the hearth has no choice but to demonstrate his resentment to the new tenants, haunting them at night.

On a note! How to take a brownie with you when you move? Leaving the former place of residence, it is enough just to say: "Brownie, brownie follow me, you are ahead, I am after you!"

At the same time, in ancient traditions, you can find many ways to control such a creature. There are examples when people managed to pacify a harmful brownie by demonstrating their strength. In other words, if the spirit of the home begins to play pranks, you should simply show him who is the real master of the house. To do this, take a belt in your hand and go around all the rooms of the house, quilting furniture, the floor, walls and things in the rooms. At the same time, one should say: “Know your place, know your place. You are a brownie, you must guard the house, protect the economy, but please the hostess, and not fight. " What to choose: ask for forgiveness and please or subjugate this essence with its sometimes very difficult character? Here everyone will have to choose the most suitable option, but do not forget that you can make the brownie even more angry with your uncertain actions!

Photo: what a real brownie looks like

The image of a kind grandfather is the most common when describing the keeper of the hearth, a home spirit, a creature who is usually called a brownie. What does a brownie look like? Today you can find many images of this amazing creature. So, for example, a real brownie might look like this:

Often he is portrayed as cheerful and cheerful - what he can look like only in the house where a very friendly and happy family lives:

The image of a little spirit can often be seen in the work of people who make special souvenirs and amulets:

Video: what a brownie looks like in reality

To find out what a home keeper looks like in reality, what he is capable of and how he manifests his complex character, we recommend that you watch the following video:

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A little old man who lives behind the stove and keeps order in the house. This is roughly how most people imagine a brownie. In fact, the guardian of the house is able to take any images and only a few are lucky to find out what the brownie actually looks like. Many people want to know what a brownie looks like and can he talk?

A brownie can look different depending on the family with which he lives. The area itself is also important. If in the central part of Russia he looks like a dwarf with a thick beard and is dressed in a gray shirt to the floor, then in Siberia the picture is completely different. There the spirit of the house walks in bright colorful shirts and does not grow a beard.

What does a scary reel look like?

The brownie has a terrible appearance when grief should happen in the family. The appearance of a filthy shaggy dwarf with black or burning eyes portends misfortune. In this case, you need to try to appease the old man and put a treat in a secluded place. Make sure pets do not steal the offering. No need to put candies and cookies. These creatures do not eat human foods. The very fact of the gift is important.

The appearance of an evil brownie

What a real kind Housekeeper looks like

Most homes have a good spirit. If the family lives in relative prosperity, then there is no need for a brownie eerie view or spoil household items. The reel is capable of hiding a thing for the sake of a joke, but always returns it to its place. You can see it in the early morning, when the sky is just beginning to brighten. As a rule, he appears in his true image and looks like a little old man in a spacious shirt. It is possible that at the place of his appearance long time the cat will sleep. But just like that, he will not seem to you.

Is he really alive?

If you want to touch it with your hands, you will most likely catch air. Some have had a chance to feel its heaviness on their bodies, but this does not mean that the brownie consists of blood and flesh. It is an accumulation of energy, and depending on the atmosphere in the house, this energy can be both bad and good. Despite the fact that the spirit of home cannot be taken in hand, when you move, you must definitely, to a new place. There is a special ritual for this.

Is it worth looking for meetings with him in reality?

If you want, then you can carry out a simple ritual. The meeting will not bring you any problems. The most proven way to call a brownie. At night, in the dark, go to the kitchen and sit on the floor. Place your hands, palms up, on the floor. Repeat aloud in a whisper:

“Come, good spirit, touch my hands. I kindly came to you, I didn't find you at home. Show yourself a little and tell me something. "

There are people who even managed to take pictures of this little housemate. If you are afraid to meet with him at night, then just look at the photo and satisfy your curiosity.

Let's figure out who the brownies are. How they look. Are they good or bad.

Brownie, Barabashka, Poltergeist- these words mean in general one thing, an energetic essence, a small spirit. They say that the brownie still lives in every village house and in many city apartments, but not in every one. In ancient beliefs, from the souls of trees cut down to build a house, a house owner was born.

Brownie keeps home, becomes his patron and soul. It is he who makes sure that there is always prosperity in the house, there are no quarrels, diseases, and bad people and devilry could not harm the owners. For this, people pay him with their love. The belief in the existence of the brownie has existed to this day - many are 100% convinced that the brownie exists, and some provide evidence that they met with him personally.

Recent brownie cases

The Russian singer Akula has been "at war" with her brownie for several months. Slamming cabinet doors. The rampage of the brownie is unpredictable. Mrs. Peace Alisa Krylova has the same problems. She is also terrorized by a brownie who moves furniture, things, moves car keys to different rooms.

The reasons why brownies begin to behave aggressively towards the owners of houses and apartments are unknown. Maybe they just didn't like the owner, or, as others say, the reason may be that there is an unfaithful spouse in the house. How to calm a violent brownie and what makes him angry? A district policeman from the Novosibirsk region helped an elderly war veteran get rid of the brownie. He managed to catch the brownie in a glass jar.

He lured him into a jar and closed the lid. The pensioner no longer complained about strange sounds. If you believe the experts on brownies, you just need to make friends with the essence. It is known that brownies are very fond of milk, cookies, sweets and if you throw it in different places, where they do you think they go, then you can appease him and it is better to pour milk in a saucer.

It is also known that they are not indifferent to shiny objects. But all the same, most brownies are very kind and very fond of people and pets. But if the brownie sees that someone offended his beloved cat, for example, kicked him or beat him for something, then he will take revenge for it.

What does a brownie look like

It is believed that the brownie is born as an old grandfather and dies as a baby. Most often, the brownie looks like an old man - small, all covered with gray hair, including the palms. Sometimes, in order to divert curious gaze from himself, he takes the form of the master of the house. But sometimes it can carry bad sign- death or illness. In general, the brownie loves to wear the master's clothes, but always manages to put them in place as soon as a person needs things.

V childhood Brownies are like balls, covered with long, rough to the touch wool. Hands are small, with soft fingers... Legs may be missing - then brownies move through the air, hovering above the floor. At the sight of a person, they become almost transparent and hang motionless under the ceiling, sometimes they begin to fly very quickly around the room, leaving a grayish trail behind them.

In adolescence, the brownie has no gender, but for a long time living next to a person, he gradually acquires the appearance, character and gender of his master. In different regions of Russia, the brownie takes on different images. In addition to the old man, village brownies pretend to be a hare, a bear, a lynx, or appear as a shadow on the wall. Urban brownies often take the form of a mouse, a snake, a weasel or a cat.

The brownie differs from the demons in that it does not do evil, but only jokes sometimes or, as they say, "shkodit" and even provides services if it loves the owner or mistress. He curls his hair and beards into braids he loves, and he bruises whoever he doesn't love at night. If the brownie fell in love with the family, then he warns of misfortune, guards the house and yard from thieves. But, what is most surprising, the characters of the brownies are formed by the people themselves.

What does the brownie eat

Brownies feed on our emotions, they will never "eat" us forcibly, like vampires, they just feed on the energy that we create around us. And he also feeds on energy from ordinary food that products emit. If you are angry and Cruel person, in your house is not good energy and a heavy atmosphere, then your brownie in such an environment cannot be kind and affectionate in any way.

If he does not run away from such an unkind house at all, then, most likely, he will manifest himself in this way: scare the owners with howls and shouts, hide things, spoil furniture and dishes, push, frighten, strangle people and other unpleasant actions. With such actions, we say that a poltergeist has wound up in the house, and we begin to drive him out in every possible way, not at all thinking that it is our poor brownie who is forced to defend himself, since he has already become "brutalized" from constant scandals and negativity.

In this case, in the kitchen, in nook at sunset, leave a saucer with milk and a bun or cookies and sincerely ask the housekeeper for forgiveness. But if his leprosy is expressed in spontaneous combustion of objects, bad graffiti on the walls and other things like that, then the Domovoy should show who is the boss in the house. You need to take a belt in your hand and go around the house and quilting furniture, walls, floor and things to sentence in an imperious and strong voice:

“Know your place, know your place.
You must guard the house, guard the economy,
Yes, please the mistress, and not fight,
Know your place, know your place. "

Any words can be said, the main thing is that they are uttered by the owner of the house. If you cannot agree with the brownie, take a broom and, saying: "I sweep you out, stranger, harmful brownie, I drive you out"- mark the floors, peering into every corner with a broom. And so every day, except Friday, all week. I want to warn you, it is worth trying all methods of influencing your brownie.

And scold, and scold, and caress, and only if nothing comes of it, and he is really very angry, then drive him out, but remember, life is bad without a brownie. Calm, benevolent, positive owners have the same calm and positive brownies in their houses, but a kind brownie, unlike an angry one, is more difficult to track down, since he does not manifest himself so clearly.

According to the general belief, a brownie lives behind the stove, and if the owner has horses and a stable, he is placed next to the horses. In urban settings, they settle under the stove, in the oven, under the bathroom, on the mezzanine or in the closet.

Kind brownie

Usually it quietly slumbers somewhere under the ceiling in the form of a bunch of energy, coming to the aid of the owners at the right moments. In houses with such brownies, things are rarely lost, people less often swear, money is better kept, providing the owners with material wealth, pets do not get sick. It is almost impossible to see a kind brownie, unless you are endowed with a special gift that allows you to see the energy of everything around you, but his presence is felt in a sense of care and patronage.

Nevertheless, pets and small children can see the house-mate: for example, sometimes he even plays with the child and answers his questions.

Do not try to communicate with the brownie by all means, to make out it, it may be unsafe for your psyche. All magical creatures are not very fond of people invading their lives, and brownies are no exception. To get rid of your too intrusive attention, brownies can affect your psyche, so much so that you lose sleep and appetite, the entire rhythm of life is disrupted, and serious mental and health problems can begin.

And if this does not stop you, and you continue to impose your communication on the housekeeper, then he can turn into an angry poltergeist

Evil brownie, boogeyman or poltergeist

Paradise O'Neal has gray hair, red eyes, a stooped figure and a gaunt, tired face. He's 42, but looks like sixty. He is a man who won in a long and fierce struggle against a mysterious, vile and ruthless otherworldly force. However, that victory did not bring him satisfaction, since it is impossible to return life to his children. For five years now, he has been unable to sleep indoors and usually sleeps in his limousine.

Paradise O'Neill is the author of The Brownie Killed My Children, which for three weeks was number one in America's top ten bestsellers. This is a completely documentary book about a mysterious and almost unexplored phenomenon - poltergeist and the only evidence of, perhaps, the most dangerous and cruel form of it, which in the United States is mistakenly called "brownie". The nature of the poltergeist modern science unknown. However, Roy O'Neal described it in detail and gave elaborated on the basis of personal experience recommendations on how to resist this scourge.

He himself is a migrant from Northern Ireland, worked in the United States as a casino security and considered himself tough guy... He was reckless and did not fear God or the devil.

At the age of 26, he married and dreamed of having an ordinary family, where there would be many children and the mother did not work, but was engaged in housekeeping. His earnings allowed them to live quite well, better than most Irish people in the United States. Trouble began for him when his family moved to a new home.

Then his eldest son was four years old, his daughter was two and a half, and his wife was pregnant with her third child. Paradise worked at night and came home only in the morning. One day his wife told him that the children did not sleep that night, cried for a long time in their room, asked to turn on the light, and she was forced to take them to her bed. Paradise was terribly enraged by this and demanded that his wife never do this again, since otherwise the children would continue to be afraid of the dark. Then he severely scolded his son and told him not to cry, otherwise he would not become a real man.

- But, dad, we have a brownie in our closet. I saw him. He gets out of there as soon as mom turns off the light. And I'm afraid of him.

Paradise hit his son and forbade him to talk about such nonsense. However, the next night everything happened again. This time, the children did not wait for their mother to take them away, but ran to her room themselves. The enraged Paradise, in front of the children, pulled out all the things from the closet, showing that there was nowhere to hide for the brownie, and then hung a large padlock on the closet.

The next night, the wife called her husband at work, saying that the children had again come running to her room, but she herself is afraid to turn off the light and it seems to her that something is really wrong in the nursery. She asked Rai to come home, and after his refusal she called a neighbor who spent the night at their house.

Upon learning of this, Rai himself was in no small measure embarrassed that the lock on the cabinet was not latched, although he remembered exactly that he had closed it. After that incident, he was forced to allow his wife to take the children to her room for the night. So they calmed down. Five months have passed. Leaving for the hospital, as if anticipating something, the wife said goodbye to the children for an unusually long time. At her request, Rye hired a young woman nurse, also Irish, for the children.

She again began to put the children to sleep in the nursery. The three nights went well. On the fourth, the nurse woke up from a terrible cry from the nursery. Grabbing a poker, she rushed there, but turning on the light, she saw nothing suspicious. Trembling with fear, the children confusedly explained that there was some kind of noise in the closet. The nurse was a brave woman, and did not believe in any evil spirits.

She opened the closet and, finding a mouse there, tried to kill her with a poker, but the mouse turned out to be unusually agile and fled. The next day, the nurse brought a charming fluffy cat... The children liked him very much. Paradise, having learned about the night incident, also approved this idea.

Meanwhile, the wife of Paradise should have already given birth. Paradise was torn between work and home, so I hardly saw my children these days. One morning in the casino a nurse called and through fits of sobbing announced that both children were dead. He rushed home. His children were lying side by side in the same bed. There was no blood on their bodies, and their muscles were not twitching. But there was animal fear in his eyes forever.

Was lying under the bed dead cat... the hysterical nurse was not at the post that night, so she could not tell anything. The police doctors stated that the children died from a heart attack as a result of fright. No investigation was opened in this case. Rai did not tell the police about the brownie.

A few days later, the wife gave birth to a son to Paradise. When the child was six days old, she was informed of the death of her two older children. The woman has gone mad. Rai brought his son to his home, hired a nurse and a wet nurse. He hammered the door to the nursery. Now he had understandable motives for this.

Once the nurse asked Rai for time off, after the baby had been put to bed. The nurse came only at night when Rai was working in the casino. In the daytime, Rai himself watched the child. He went out into the courtyard for a while. Returning to the room, I immediately noticed that the door to the nursery was open. He instinctively turned his gaze to the baby's cradle and saw an incomprehensible dark creature hugging the baby.

At the same moment it slid down like a snake and rushed like an arrow towards the nursery. Rei rushed to the child and, touching him, with horror felt that the body was already cold. Distraught with anger, he rushed into the nursery, but only managed to see the closet door slam shut, from behind the doors of which an unnatural light was pouring and instead of the usual shelves, some kind of staircase is visible in the closet. Rai threw open the door, intending to chase desperately, but his hands bumped into the usual shelves. The doctors again established that his son died of a heart attack.

This is, of course, a rare case, and most often brownies do not show aggression towards a person, but simply play pranks.

Why socks are lost

The constant loss of socks can become a sign from the brownie. This mainly applies to a man who leads a double life or charges his wife with the whole homework, while he himself is completely eliminated from this. This sign can also be a protest against something that has not been done for a long time. spring-cleaning since the brownie doesn't like mess. Do the house cleaning and then perhaps the socks will become paired. That is, if the brownie starts to "misbehave", then something is wrong in the family.

How to communicate with Brownie

Previously, people believed that if you talk to a brownie, you can either become numb or become a stutterer. Therefore, it is recommended to simply listen to what the Brownie warns about. If it rattles the dishes, it could cause a fire. If he pours it with water, then to illness, and if he cries and gasps, then be in grief. Well, if he starts howling and slamming doors - to death. If in the family there is only a semblance of well-being, but in fact the husband and wife do not get along, then often in such a house knives disappear.

It is necessary to determine the place for Domovoy, where he would sleep off, hide. Although, usually, the brownie finds and equips such a place for himself, but sometimes he directly shows that he likes it here - be condescending. The brownie is a thinking creature. Moreover, it easily reads your thoughts. First you need to know that you can talk with the Brownie both mentally and aloud. If your family perceives this normally, then it is possible in the presence of family members.

Of course, the brownie has a name, but since you do not know him, you can refer to him "Grandfather", "Grandfather-housewife", "Master-father", "Brownie-father", "Sir-brownie", "Neighbor". When talking about the brownie in the third person, respectfully call him "he", "himself" - your brownie will appreciate the respectful attitude. Ask him for help in something, promise something tasty or toys. Usually the Brownie speaks to you and speaks to you in his own language, which is not always easy to understand. You can ask him "Brownie, brownie, we do not wish you evil, explain what you want". The answer can be felt with the palm of your hand: warm means "yes", cold "no"

What does the brownie like to play with?

Old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the Domovoy that this is a gift for him and put it in a secret place. No one should touch the box or its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued together or take a ready-made one and dress it up with all sorts of shiny pieces of paper, rain.

Give the Brownie money. Usually it is five kopecks in one coin. They put her in hard to reach place in the house, often left between the cracks in the floor. At this time they say: “Grandpa brownie! Here's some money for boots and seeds. I give it with all my heart, I give it to you! "

If the Brownie gets spoiled, then you should chide him: “Such a grown-up grandfather and playing pranks. Oh no no no!". He will be ashamed and he will try to make amends.

The best way to communicate with the Brownie is to treat him delicious. The brownie will surely appreciate your concern and will try to thank you sooner or later.

All isoteric literature recommends pouring milk into a clean saucer and putting the treat in a secluded warm corner. Also, you can add several sweets, cookies to milk. Sometimes you need to pamper your Brownie with porridge - for example, on the first day of every month.

It is better to put goodies under the battery. If there are dogs, cats or other animals in the house, then put them on the refrigerator or in a corner so that the Domovoy is comfortable, and away from human eyes, and so that the animals do not get it. When placing the treats, one should say: "This is for you, Grandpa-homeyushka." Then there will be more happiness in the house, and peace between the household.
On big holidays (in Maundy Thursday, at Easter, at Christmas) at good families after a festive dinner, they always left the housewife with a treat on the table.

Even the name day of the Brownie "housekeeper" was celebrated, they were celebrated on February 10, on Ephrim the Syrian. On this day, it was necessary to leave the "owner" the gift on the table. Usually it is bread with porridge. At the same time they said: "Master-father, take care of the economy", "Master-father, take bread and salt, drive abundance." After the festive supper, "Susedko" was humble and helpful all year round. If this is not done, then the Brownie from a good creature could turn into an evil and harmful one, and after that all matters in the household will go awry.

All the food that was given to the housekeeper is then given to pets or any animals on the street, birds. The porridge is removed the next day, and the sweets are kept until the next first day.

Also on family holidays do not forget to put a glass of wine (do not offer vodka) to the Domovoy and something tasty. At the same time, say: "Master-father, sir brownie, love me and perhaps accept my treat."

Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of Brownie. On June 9, Fyodor's day, the brownie settles down to sleep on a broom, and he can accidentally be taken out of the house along with the trash. Therefore, on this day, the peasants in Russia did not sweep the floors at all, so that prosperity and comfort would not leave the house with the brownie.

With whom the brownie is at enmity

Brownies have enemies, they are directly spirits from the lower astral. Namely, these are the souls of suicides who were not inveted for all Christian customs that neither heaven nor earth accepts. But since they also need to be somewhere, they are trying to oust a good brownie from the house. Spirits from the lower astral plane settle only in problem families. Therefore, when a scandal is brewing, think carefully before it can be fraught.

How to check if your house has a brownie

In such a simple way - leaving the treats for the Brownie - you can check if he is in your house at all, using the pendulum technique the next morning.

Hang any object on a long string - a ring, a large bead, any object that seems most suitable for this. The pendulum answers questions by swinging in different sides, Yes or no. Leaving an offering for the night, check the milk energy in the morning.

Yes, at first glance, milk will be untouched if cats do not eat it, because brownies are energetic entities, and they feed on energy, respectively. Your pendulum will not be able to answer the question good milk or bad, it will simply stand still, not swaying, because all the energy from the milk will go away. This means that you have a brownie, and he accepted your offering.

Also, the presence of a brownie can be checked like this: in apartments, it is quite possible that the favorite place of residence of the brownie is the bathroom, namely Washer... If you put a mirror on a stand on it, then most likely this mirror will be overturned during the day.

How not to offend a brownie

In the common people, the housekeeper is respected, so that the peasant is afraid of offending him in any way and even hesitates to pronounce his name without purpose. In conversations, they do not call him a brownie, but "grandfather, master, the big one, or himself." It is believed that he does not like mirrors, also goats, as well as those who sleep near the threshold or under the threshold.

They say that the Brownie does not like the lazy. You cannot whistle in the house, since the Brownie does not tolerate whistling, he can leave the house, and sometimes immediately and forever. Brownies also really do not like tobacco smoke, so it is better to never smoke in your house, as this smoke settles on household utensils, furniture and does not fade away. According to legends, it is impossible to leave piercing and cutting objects on the table (forks, a knife, etc.), as well as salt, pepper, garlic, onions, because this prevents the housekeeper from protecting the house and resisting evil forces.

In addition, the Brownie does not tolerate dirty kitchen utensils and dishes standing in the kitchen for a long time, and when the owner is far from the kitchen, you can hear the characteristic knocking and rattling of dishes. Brownie's anger can be subdued by placing a few coins on the hallway cabinet or on the roof of a bookcase in the hall. Do not forget to greet and say goodbye to the Brownie, calling him respectfully "Boss". Sometimes the Brownie can reveal his name to you - this is a very positive sign.