Baptism in what to swim. Epiphany bathing. Traditions. When should you swim in open water?

Christmas and New Year's holidays, lasting from January 7 to January 19, as a rule, end with the most important Christian holiday- The baptism of the Lord. AND swimming in the hole- not the most important action on this day, although it is an integral part of the celebration, the main thing is the realization that at that time the Lord Jesus Christ himself was baptized on the Jordan River. Therefore, January 18 (in evening time) and on January 19 (in the morning) to visit the temple.

The presence at the service is necessary in order to confess and take communion, as well as to take holy water with you.

It is believed that the water in all rivers and reservoirs is consecrated these days and can retain its healing properties throughout the year.

Since bathing at Epiphany has become an integral tradition of celebrating this church holiday, this should be done carefully so that dipping in the hole is as safe and useful as possible, especially for those who this year have decided to take such a serious step for the first time.

When to bathe at Epiphany? This action should be performed on January 18 after the evening church service and on the night of January 18 to January 19, as well as during the day of January 19 (access to the fonts from ice water open all day).

Swimming in the hole: 5 basic rules

How to bathe in Epiphany if the final decision was made to plunge into the ice water? Experts talk about several basic rules that you should remember and follow when entering the hole:

1.Quickly enter the water

The faster a person plunges his body into an ice hole, the less likely it will be to get hypothermia.

2. Be in ice water for no more than 20 seconds

If dipping into an ice hole occurs for the first time, it should be remembered that you should be in ice water for at least 10 seconds so that blood can flow to the heart and then move back. But it should last no longer than 20 seconds.

3.After leaving - do not wipe yourself

Rubbing in the cold after ice water can damage the small vessels of the skin.

4.Quick enough to get dressed

Clothing that will be worn after swimming should have a minimum number of buttons, fasteners and zippers.

5. Run after dipping

To warm up the body quickly after you get out of the hole and get dressed, you can go for a run or any simple physical exercise.

How to bathe at Epiphany: common mistakes

Especially for beginners, it will be useful to know what mistakes should not be made when diving in ice water:

It is also worth remembering that it is impossible to dive into the hole for those who have serious illnesses, children under six years of age, as well as pregnant women. The temperature difference during dipping can seriously weaken the immune system and cause unpredictable consequences.

There are no church prohibitions on visiting the bath on this holiday. These days, water from any source acquires healing power and is considered sacred throughout the year.

If you visit the bathing procedures on the Epiphany of the Lord, and then plunge into cool water, these actions on such a day will be absolutely appropriate and beneficial for the body.

The main thing is not to drink alcohol before bath procedures and after them, as well as adhere to the basic rules of dipping in ice water.

It should also be remembered that Epiphany bathing in the hole requires advance preparation! It is not enough to believe in the healing power of water and expect a miracle from God, while neglecting your own health.

Without special training, such a procedure can cause significant harm to the body, which will entail irreversible consequences for health in general.

Bathing in a log cabin is an ancient ritual that many people in our country perform every year. Soon you will be able to join the beloved Russian tradition, and in this article you will find out when is the best time to do this.

Despite the fact that the New Year celebrations are over, the series of holidays has not ended yet. By tradition, on January 19, believers celebrate the great Orthodox feast of the Epiphany. Many traditions and rituals are associated with this day, and the most popular of them is swimming in the hole. Every year, thousands of people bathe in holy water to ensure their health and cleanse their souls from sins. The site site team invites you to find out when is the best time to perform the ritual of bathing in the Baptism of the Lord.

Swimming in the hole January 19, 2018

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered Orthodox events. Over time, this holiday has acquired many traditions, and one of them was bathing in a log cabin. Everyone who decides to perform this rite is simply obliged to know about its features so as not to harm their health.

Before the consecration of the water, a hole is cut through the thickness of the ice, called the Jordan. She received this name in honor of the river in which the Son of God was once baptized. After that, the clergyman lowers the crucifix into the water and says a prayer. A person who decides to perform the rite of ablution must plunge into the hole with his head three times, but before that, you must definitely pray.

It is believed that with the help of baptismal water, one can get rid of ailments and sins. However, this rite is not performed by all believers, because not everyone can expose their health to such a risk.

When is the best time to swim in the hole for Epiphany?

When to swim in the hole at the Epiphany of the Lord - on the eve of the holiday or still on the day of the event itself? This question worries many people who want to swim in the hole. It is believed that on the evening of January 18 it is best to visit the church, pray and take holy water home.

At the end of the evening service, on the night of January 19, everyone can plunge into the already blessed water. The most suitable time interval for this is the period from 00:00 to 01:30. According to legend, it was at this time that water acquires strong healing properties, which have repeatedly helped people get rid of diseases.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to perform the ritual of bathing at night, then you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening of January 19th. If, due to your health condition, you do not have the opportunity to plunge into ice water in mid-January, then just wash yourself. Epiphany water collected in the hole.

After bathing, do not forget to say a prayer again so that the ceremony benefits not only your body, but also your soul.

Our ancestors attached special importance to such great Orthodox events like the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that this holiday is of a religious nature, many folk signs are associated with it, which people used to prefer to believe. May happiness and luck always accompany you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.01.2018 04:26

Epiphany water has unique properties. It is used for rituals aimed at getting rid of troubles and ...

Almost all Orthodox holidays are preceded by an evening liturgy. That is why every great feast begins with the Eve. ...

According to beliefs, on this day the water in rivers and other reservoirs acquires miraculous power and can even heal. It is not surprising that such a healing bath is becoming more and more popular every year. If this year you decide to plunge into the hole, prepare for this event.

To dive or not to dive?
Each person, before “tuning in” for the first time to diving into an ice hole, asks more than one question: is it possible for me to dive? what is needed for that? won't it harm your health? Is there any way to prepare for this in advance? It is these questions that we will touch upon today, because Baptism is just around the corner, which means we need to “arm ourselves” with the knowledge necessary in this matter.

All those who have drenched themselves cold water or took such a shower, they know the feeling of an incredible burst of energy. Diving into an ice hole gives the same effect, only ten times more. And this is not just a feeling, but having a well-founded scientific fact: during stress (and diving into ice water is just stress for the body), the adrenal glands “throw out” anti-stress hormones into the blood in a sufficiently large amount, unusual for the body, while activating all systems human body and mobilizing its protective functions as much as possible.

It has been proven that people involved in systemic winter swimming are much less likely to get sick and even in old age are quite energetic and cheerful.

Due to the expansion of blood vessels, blood circulation improves and, accordingly, the “delivery” of nutrients to the cells of the body is accelerated, which increases the possibilities nervous system, muscle tone is strengthened, and there is also a quick “exit” of toxins from the body.

10 Tips for Preparing for Ice Swimming

At proper preparation to immersion in ice water and in the absence of serious contraindications, a person with “average” health can endure a one-time dive without much difficulty.

Of course, it is highly advisable to consult with your general practitioner before this “extreme” procedure and follow the 10 basic rules.

In 2-3 days, start accustoming your body to the cold: take a contrast shower for several days, and then pour cold water over it, but not in the shower, but from a basin or bucket.
3-5 days before diving, minimize the intake of foods containing vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, rose hips, greens. These products are quite stimulating immune system a person, and diving into an ice hole is one of the sharpest “stimulants”, therefore, if you “overdo it” with this matter, the opposite effect will go on and immunity will begin to fall. This nuance must be taken into account for several days after diving, as the adrenal glands continue to release potent anti-inflammatory hormones for a couple of days.
Prepare comfortable clothing that is both easy to take on and easy to put on. It is desirable that it does not have buttons (a maximum of easily fastened zipper), laces, so that when you get out of the water you can easily get dressed without having time to freeze. You can also bring a rug with you to stand on while drying off.
Two hours before diving, you need to eat a hearty meal (but not before diving itself), because when diving, the body will begin to use your “fuel” to the maximum for its heating, capturing all the resources of the body.
If you are new to this business, then you should not start diving into an ice hole at a temperature of -10 ° C - this is quite dangerous. It is better to experiment at a temperature of 3 to 5 degrees below zero. If the air temperature drops below -7, you should not plunge headlong.

An ice hole must be chosen properly equipped, with a reliable ladder or with a shallow shore.
Before diving, you need to warm up thoroughly, using squats, waving your arms, jumping - so the body will better tolerate immersion in icy water.
Entering the water should not be too slow and not too fast - try to make the dive as "smooth" as possible.
In no case should you drink alcohol before diving, as it will be more difficult for the body to warm up after that, and rupture of blood vessels is also possible. “After”, if you really want to, then you can take it for warming - take a couple of sips.
After diving, dressed in dry clothes, it is best to warm up with hot tea.
It is not recommended to “overdo it” with swimming in the hole, otherwise the body will start to overcool. Optimal time to stay in ice water - 10 seconds. This applies to "non-professionals" in this matter. During this time, you can just have time to plunge according to tradition three times - and this will be quite enough. And your friends or relatives will also have time to take a photo :)

Who can't dive?

Not everyone can be involved in "holy" diving:
due to the increase in the level of sugar by the adrenal glands, such bathing is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes;
hypertensive patients and people suffering from arrhythmias should also not take part in diving, as they can provoke hypertensive crisis, heart attack or stroke, due to increased pressure;
diving is not recommended for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
“Ice” diving is contraindicated for expectant mothers, as vascular stress can provoke premature contractions.

The choice is yours - and who is ready mentally and physically, all have a nice dive and holy bath. Be healthy!

Is it necessary to bathe at Epiphany? And if there is no frost, will the bathing be Epiphany?

In any church holiday, it is necessary to distinguish between its meaning and the traditions that have developed around it. In the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the main thing is the Epiphany, this is the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, the voice of God the Father from heaven “This is my beloved Son” and the Holy Spirit descending on Christ. The main thing for a Christian on this day is the presence on church service, Confession and Communion of the Saints Mysteries of Christ, communion of baptismal water.

The established traditions of bathing in cold ice holes are not directly related to the Feast of the Epiphany itself, are not mandatory and, most importantly, do not cleanse a person from sins, which, unfortunately, is much talked about in the media.

Such traditions should not be treated as magical rites- The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated by the Orthodox in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all, the palm branches of the feast of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem were replaced by willows in Russia, and the consecration vines on the Transfiguration of the Lord - the blessing of the harvest of apples. Also on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, all waters will be consecrated, regardless of their temperature.

Archpriest Igor Pchelintsev, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese

Archpriest Sergiy Vogulkin, rector of the church in the name of the icon Mother of God"All-Tsaritsa" of the city of Yekaterinburg, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

Probably, we should start not with bathing in Epiphany frosts, but with the most fertile feast of the Epiphany. The baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ sanctifies all water, in all its forms, because for two thousand years the water of the Jordan River, which touched the blessed body of Christ, rose millions of times to heaven, floated in the clouds and returned again as raindrops to the earth. What is it - in trees, in lakes, rivers, grasses? Pieces of her are everywhere. And now the feast of the Epiphany is approaching, when the Lord gives us abundance holy water. Anxiety awakens in every person: what about me? After all, this is my chance to be cleansed! Wouldn't miss it! And now people without hesitation, even with some kind of despair, rush to the hole and, having plunged, then for a whole year they talk about their “feat”. Did they partake of the grace of our Lord, or amuse their pride?

An Orthodox person goes quietly from one church holiday to another, observing fasts, confessing and taking communion. And he prepares for the Epiphany slowly, deciding with his family who will be honored after confession and communion, according to the old Russian tradition, to plunge into the Jordan, and who, due to childhood or indisposition, will wash his face with holy water, or pour himself on a holy spring, or simply accept holy water with prayer like spiritual medicine. We, thank God, have plenty to choose from, and we do not need to risk thoughtlessly if a person is weakened by an illness. The Jordan is not the Sheep's Pool (see John 5:1-4) and must be approached with caution. An experienced priest will not bless everyone for swimming. He will take care of choosing a place, strengthening the ice, gangways, a warm place for undressing and dressing, and the presence of someone from the Orthodox medical workers. Here, mass baptism will be appropriate and grace-filled.

Another thing is the mass of desperate people who decided, without a blessing and just an elementary thought, to swim "for the company" in ice water. Here we are talking not about the strength of the spirit, but about the strength of the body. The strongest spasm of skin vessels in response to action cold water leads to the fact that the mass of blood rushes to the internal organs - the heart, lungs, brain, stomach, liver, and for people with poor health this can end badly.

The danger especially increases for those who were preparing for the "cleansing" in the hole with smoking and alcohol. The flow of blood to the lungs will only increase the chronic inflammation of the bronchi, which always accompanies smoking, can cause swelling of the bronchial wall and pneumonia. Prolonged intake of alcohol or acute intoxication and in warm water constantly lead to misfortunes, to say nothing of swimming in the hole. The arterial vessels of an alcoholic or a domestic drunkard, even if he is relatively young, are not able to respond correctly to massive cold exposure; in these cases, paradoxical reactions can be expected up to cardiac and respiratory arrest. With such bad habits and in such a state, it is better not to approach the hole.

- Please explain why Orthodox person to bathe in Epiphany in ice-cold water, when the frost is over thirty degrees outside?

Priest Svyatoslav Shevchenko:– It is necessary to distinguish between folk customs and church liturgical practice. The Church does not call on believers to climb into icy water - everyone decides for himself individually. But today the custom of plunging into a frosty hole has become something newfangled for non-church people. It is clear that in large Orthodox holidays there is a religious outburst in the Russian people - and there is nothing wrong with that. But it is not very good that people limit themselves to this superficial ablution. Moreover, some seriously believe that, having bathed in the Epiphany Jordan, they will wash away all the sins that have accumulated over the year. These are pagan superstitions and have nothing to do with church teaching. Sins are forgiven by the priest in the sacrament of Repentance. In addition, in the search for thrills, we miss main point feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Want to learn more about water and health?


Bathing in an ice-hole on Epiphany is a traditional rite of the Orthodox, who believe that on this holiday the water becomes special, alive and has the power of healing. On the eve of Epiphany, special ice holes are being set up in various parts of Russia. It is believed that immersion in water not only gives an amazing charge of vivacity and strength, but also contributes to the growth of health. Every year more and more people want to join this rite. Decided to swim for the first time at Epiphany? What rules and recommendations must be followed in order for the rite to pass with maximum benefit for immunity and health, without becoming the strongest stress for the body?

Learn contraindications. Swimming in the ice hole is only suitable for those who do not suffer from chronic, acute or inflammatory diseases. The list of contraindications is quite long and includes diseases of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, and endocrine systems. In the presence of a cold and any other health problems of a permanent or temporary nature, swimming is also not recommended.

Clothing and equipment. Going to the ice-hole, give preference to the right clothes - it is best if it is without buttons or fasteners. In addition, you must have a towel, slippers or a small rug, a set of dry clothes with you, which you can change into after swimming. You can dive into the hole in a swimsuit or underwear. If possible, bring a rubber cap with you to keep your hair dry. If it was not there, then do not forget a warm dress that will cover your head after swimming.

Choice of location. On the eve of the holiday, special ice holes are equipped near the banks of the rivers, which are close to the rescuers. They are designed for mass bathing. Such ice holes are the most reliable, organized and safe places for swimming, which is especially important if swimming is for the first time. Take care of your own safety and do not neglect it!

Energy reserve. You can’t go for a swim hungry: the body needs large reserves of energy in order to maintain desired temperature body. A hearty meal a few hours before swimming in the hole will help to ensure such supplies.

Warm up! Before immersion in water, it is necessary to prepare and warm up the body. Light jogging, a few inclines and a quick charge will become the best choice to prepare the body for swimming in the hole. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before diving - this is an easy way to get sick, get the most unwanted effect, which in the future is fraught with serious health consequences.

Dive rules. Tune in and prepare your body for the coming stress. If bathing at Epiphany takes place for the first time, then it is best to plunge up to the neck. Jumping into the water is strictly prohibited, and dipping into the hole with your head, in turn, is only suitable for the most experienced. Lowering to a depth should not happen quickly and not slowly - in the first case, the body will begin to resist, pressure will rise, breathing will become more frequent, and in the second, the chance of freezing will increase significantly. Swimming in the hole - one more fast way get hypothermia. Having plunged into the hole, you can stay in it from 10 to 30 seconds. Being in the water for more than a minute can cause not only chills, but also hypothermia, which is extremely dangerous and undesirable for all walruses, regardless of experience and health status. After plunging three times, jump out of the water to the shore!

And what about after? After leaving the water, dry yourself thoroughly and rub yourself with a towel, and then change into a pre-prepared dry set of clothes. Hot tea with lemon will help you warm up after swimming in the ice hole - taking a thermos with a drink with you will strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from rapid freezing. Drinking alcohol after bathing should be moderate: a glass of red church wine, better known as Cahors, will come in handy.

By following these rules, bathing at Epiphany for the first time will pass without risk to health, and good health, strong immunity and a surprisingly powerful surge of energy will still long time will remind you of yourself.