Is it possible for everyone to receive communion at Easter. Modern practice of communion of the holy sacraments of christ on Easter day

Canon 66 of the VI Ecumenical Council prescribes all Christians to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ every day throughout Bright Week. This is the rule of the Ecumenical Council. Unfortunately, very few people can do this. There are even fewer people who know about it at all, because practice has distorted our life so much that everything is often done in a completely different way.

Many people still have a heretical idea (this is a real heresy, condemned by the Ecumenical Council) that meat and sacrament are incompatible. Some Hindu considerations are brought there: that this is a killed animal and other nonsense. As if the potato is not a dead plant. This is absolutely not a Christian idea, because it is said: "Whoever abhors meat because of uncleanness, let him be anathema." But many people have a specific attitude towards meat. There was a fast - a person was fasting, now there is no fast - a person does not fast.

I do not forbid communion. And myself? I ate meat myself yesterday, and today I serve. If I, a priest, do this, then it turns out that I can, but he cannot? By what right? Unclear. A priest must live stricter than a layman. It turns out that the priest allows himself everything, but others cannot. This is hypocrisy.

What are the features of preparing for the Sacrament at this time?

The Easter Canon and Easter Hours are read.

About Communion on Easter and Bright Week

Archpriest Valentin Ulyakhin

Let us turn to the practice of the ancient Church. “They constantly dwelt in the teaching of the Apostles, in communion and the breaking of bread and in prayers” (), that is, they constantly received communion. And the whole book of Acts says that the first Christians of the apostolic age received communion constantly. The communion of the Body and Blood of Christ was for them a symbol in Christ and an essential moment of salvation, the most important thing in this fast-flowing life. The sacrament was everything to them. This is what the Apostle Paul says: "For for me life is Christ, and death is gain" (). Constantly partaking of the Honest Body and Blood, Christians early centuries were ready to live in Christ and to die for Christ's sake, as evidenced by the acts of martyrdom.

Naturally, all Christians gathered around the common Eucharistic Chalice at Easter. But it should be noted that at first there was no fasting before Communion at all, at first there was a common meal, prayer, sermon. We read about this in the epistles of the apostle Paul and in Acts.

In the Four Gospels, the sacramental discipline is not regulated. The evangelical synoptics speaks not only of the Eucharist celebrated at the Last Supper in the upper room of Zion, but also of those cases that were the prototypes of the Eucharist. On the way to Emmaus, on the shores of Lake Gennesaret, during the miraculous catch of fish ... In particular, when multiplying the loaves, Jesus says: “I don’t want to let them go without eating, so that they do not faint on the road” (). Which road? Not only leading home, but also on the path of life. I do not want to leave them without Communion - this is what the Savior's words are about. We sometimes think: "This person is not pure enough, he cannot receive communion." But it is to him, according to the Gospel, that the Lord offers Himself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, so that this person does not faint on the road. We need the Body and Blood of Christ. Without this, we will be much worse.

The Evangelist Mark, talking about the multiplication of the loaves, emphasized that Jesus, coming out, saw a multitude of people and took pity (). The Lord took pity on us because we were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus, multiplying the bread, acts like a good shepherd, giving his life for the sheep. And the Apostle Paul reminds us that every time we eat the Eucharistic Bread, we proclaim the death of the Lord (). It was the 10th chapter of the Gospel of John, the chapter on the good shepherd, that was the ancient Passover reading, when everyone received communion in the temple. But how often one should receive communion, the Gospel does not say.

Guard requirements appeared only from the 4th-5th centuries. Contemporary church practice is based on Church Tradition.

What is Communion? A reward for good behavior, for fasting or praying? No. The Sacrament is That Body, this is the Blood of the Lord, without which you, if you perish, you will perish completely.

You say: I dare not, I am not prepared ... - But you dared on other days. And on this night the Lord forgives everything. At the dawn of this day, He sends mvbearers with the gospel to Peter, who denied that at the dawn of this day ().

You say: how will I celebrate, eat and drink? - But on this day, the Church not only does not ask us to fast, but directly prohibits it (Apostle fast, pr. 64 and Gangr. Sob. 18).

I will be in society, I will not be able to keep my mind collected ... - Well, remember that His strength and greatness is reflected in every drop.

I heard about a priest of God who, on Easter night, invited all those who remained at the liturgy to receive communion, even those who did not confess. It would be extremely tempting if he introduced this as usual. But if he only once became jealous, and dared to take on his conscience the unpreparedness of the flock, in order to wake her up and show that for her the Lord gave this St. night, I dare not lift a stone on him.

I also met another priest who boasted that he had disaccustomed the parishioners to receive communion on Easter. "After all, we, they say, did not have this in Russia ..." What can I say to this ?!

The whole Great post there is preparation to start drinking the chalice at Easter. Just a week before its beginning, the Church sings: “Let us rise to repentance, and purify our feelings; we will fight against them, create the entrance of fasting, we know the hope of the grace of the heart ... And the Lamb of God will be borne by us in the sacred and luminous night of the Resurrection; For our sake, the sacrifice brought by the disciple, joined in the evening of the sacrament, and dispels the darkness of ignorance, with the light of his Resurrection "(meat week, stichera on the verse of the evening).

Two days later, we hear: “Let us pray to see Easter, which is figurative here, and the true appearance” (Tuesday syrn. On verse. Vech).

A week later, we pray: "May we be worthy of the sacrament of the Lamb, for the world slain by the will of the Son of God and spiritually celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior from the dead" (Tuesday 1 week at verse eternal).

Two days pass, we sing again: "Desiring Divine Passover to receive communion, not from Egypt, but from the coming Zion, we will take away the sinful kvass by repentance" (Thursday 1 seventh verse on verse eve.).

The next day: "Let us be named by the Blood of us Vedennago for death by the will, and the destroyer will not touch us: and take off the most sacred Easter of Christ" (Friday 1 seventh verse in the morning)

On Wednesday of the fourth week: "Grant to receive the Holy Communion and Thy Divine Passover" (verse on the Lord I have cried out).

The closer Easter is, the more irrepressible our striving: "We will hopefully anticipate the terrible and holy Resurrection with joy" (week 4, evening sticheron for the Lord I have cried out).

It is impossible for such an intense preparation to end only with a symbolic, albeit inspired, celebration of the Resurrection of Christ!

On this day, “created by the Lord,” when the gospel is announced that “the Word of Flesh was made and dwelt in us” (), let us expand our hearts, we will also accommodate God the Word in the most pure mysteries of His Body and Blood, so that He dwells with us and in us.

Listen: how does a Christian prepare for communion in general? Prayer, confession ... And what else? Let's say: fasting, reading spiritual books, reconciliation with neighbors ...

How does the Church prepare us all for Easter?

Fasting ... Here is the great Forty Day, and just before Easter, the only strictly fasting Saturday in the year, Great Saturday.

By reading ... In fasting, the Psalter is intensively re-read in the Church, the books of Genesis, Proverbs, St. the prophet Isaiah ... Before the brightest Matins the whole book of the Acts of the Apostles is read.

As for reconciliation with neighbors, remember how in the Primary Church every time before the ascension of the Holy Gifts, after the words “let us love one another,” the believers (and they were all preparing to receive communion) kissed each other. This, as he explains: "as a sign that people should love one another ... that whoever wants to commune with Him (Christ) should appear without enmity, and that in the next century everyone will be friends." Subsequently, this custom of kissing had to be destroyed, perhaps because of the same reason why the indispensable custom of taking communion at every Divine Liturgy or on every holiday was also destroyed, because those, the ancients, were more spiritual, because we were weakened. But on Easter night, which is the image of the century to come, and we, all, all are invited to the sacred meal and sing: "Forgive all by the Resurrection," and give each other a threefold kiss of peace.

One priest told me how, as a boy, he ran into the church, which had already been deserted after the solemn divine service, on Easter morning. Light, elegant, but silent and deserted ... And the boy felt sad: there is only one Christ!

Brothers! On the day of Resurrection, it is not proper to leave Christ alone. We all receive Him strangely, One, who did not have where to lay our head, in our hearts. We all receive His Body and Blood. Amen.

Collection "Resurrection of Christ" 1947
Publication source - "Orthodox Russia", No 7, 1992

About Communion on Bright Week

I believe that the priests who do not bless to receive communion on Easter are making a very gross mistake. Why? Because the Liturgy is served for people to receive communion.

During Great Lent on weekdays - on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays - the Liturgy is not served. And this lack of opportunity to receive communion is a sign of repentance and fasting. And the fact that the Rule prescribes to serve the Liturgy on Bright Week every day just means that people are called to receive communion every day.

Why shouldn't they fast on Easter week? Because, as Christ said, "can the sons of the bridal chamber grieve while the bridegroom is with them?"

Easter is the most important holiday of the Christian Church. The entire Great Lent is a preparation for Easter. How can you demand from a person that he also fasted in Bright Week, if he wants to receive communion!

Communion on Easter and Bright Week

Abbot Peter (Pruteanu)

I have already been repeatedly asked the following question: “Is it possible for us to receive communion on Easter? And on Bright Week? Do we need to continue fasting to receive the Holy Communion? "

It's a good question. However, he betrays a lack of a clear understanding of things. On Easter it is not only possible, but even necessary to receive communion. In support of this statement, I would like to summarize a number of arguments:

1. In the first centuries of the history of the Church, as we see in the canons and patristic writings, participation in the Liturgy without the communion of the Holy Mysteries was simply unthinkable. However, over time, especially in our area, the level of piety and understanding among Christians began to fall, and the rules for preparing for the sacrament became stricter, sometimes even excessive (including double standards for clergy and laity). Despite this, communion at Easter was a common practice, continuing to this day in all Orthodox countries. However, some postpone the sacrament until Easter, as if someone is stopping them from approaching the Chalice every Sunday of Great Lent and throughout the year. Thus, ideally, we should take communion at every liturgy, especially at Maundy Thursday when the Eucharist was instituted, at Easter and at Pentecost, when the Church was born.

2. For those who have been entrusted with penance due to some serious sin, some confessors allow to receive communion (only) on Easter, after which, for a while, they continue to carry their penance. This practice, which, nevertheless, is not and should not be generally accepted, took place in ancient times, to help the repentant, to strengthen them spiritually, allowing them to share in the joy of the holiday. On the other hand, allowing the penitent to receive communion on Easter indicates that the simple passage of time and even the personal efforts of the penitent are not enough to deliver a person from sin and death. Indeed, for this it is necessary that the risen Christ Himself send light and strengthening to the soul of the penitent (just as Venerable Mary Egyptian, who led a dissolute lifestyle until last day of her stay in the world, she was able to embark on the path of repentance in the wilderness only after receiving communion with Christ). Hence, the erroneous idea that only robbers and fornicators receive communion on Easter has appeared and spread in some places. But does the Church have a separate sacrament for robbers and fornicators, and another for those who lead a Christian life? Isn't Christ the same at every liturgy throughout the year? Do not everyone partake of Him - priests, kings, beggars, robbers, and children? By the way, word of St. (at the end of Easter Matins) calls everyone, without division, to communion with Christ. His call “You that fast and those who have not fasted - rejoice today! The meal is plentiful: all fill up! Taurus is big and well-fed: no one leaves hungry! " explicitly refers to the sacrament of the Holy Mysteries. It is surprising that some people read or listen to this word, not realizing that we are not being called to a meal with meat dishes, but to communion with Christ.

3. The dogmatic aspect of this problem is also extremely important. People are jostling in lines to buy and taste lamb for Easter - for some, this is the only "biblical commandment" that they observe in their lives (since the rest of the commandments do not suit them!). However, when the book of Exodus speaks of the slaughter of the Passover lamb, it refers to the Jewish Passover, where the lamb was a type of Christ the Lamb who was slain for us. Therefore, eating the Passover lamb without communion with Christ means returning to the Old Testament and refusing to recognize Christ as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (). In addition, people bake all kinds of cakes or other dishes, which we call "Easter". But do we not know that "Our Passover is Christ" ()? Therefore, all these Easter meals should be a continuation, but not a substitute for the sacrament of the Holy Mysteries. This is not particularly said in churches, but we should all know that Easter is, first of all, the Liturgy and communion of the Risen Christ.

4. Some also say that you cannot take communion on Easter, because then you will eat something meager. But doesn't the priest do the same? Why then is the Paschal Liturgy celebrated, and after it is blessed to eat milk and meat? Is it not clear that after the sacrament one can partake of everything? Or, perhaps, someone perceives the Liturgy as a theatrical performance, and not as a call to communion with Christ? If the eating of the fast was incompatible with communion, then the Liturgy would not be celebrated on Easter and Christmas, or there would be no fasting. Moreover, this applies to the entire liturgical year.

5. And now about communion on Bright Week. The 66th rule of the Council of Trull (691) prescribes that Christians "enjoy the Holy Mysteries" during the entire Bright Week, despite the fact that it is continuous. Thus, communion is started without fasting. Otherwise, there would have been no liturgy, or the fast would have continued. The idea of ​​the need to fast before the sacrament concerns, first of all, the Eucharistic fast before the reception of the Holy Mysteries. Such a strict Eucharistic fast is prescribed for at least six or even nine hours (not like Catholics, who receive communion an hour after a meal). If we are talking about fasting for many days, then the seven-week fast that we kept is quite enough, and there is no need - moreover, it is even forbidden - to continue fasting. At the end of Bright Week, we will fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as during three other fasts of many days. After all, priests do not fast on Bright Week before communion, and then it is not clear where the idea that lay people should fast on these days comes from! Nevertheless, in my opinion, only those who have observed the whole of Great Lent, who lead an integral, balanced Christian life, always strive for Christ (and not only by fasts) and take the sacrament not as a reward for their labors, but as a cure for spiritual illnesses.

Thus, every Christian is called to prepare for the sacrament and ask the priest for it, especially on Easter. If a priest refuses without any reason (in the event that a person does not have such sins for which penance is required), but uses all sorts of excuses, then, in my opinion, the believer can go to another temple, to another priest ( only if the reason for leaving for another parish is valid and not deceit). This state of affairs, which is especially widespread in the Republic of Moldova, needs to be corrected as soon as possible, especially since higher hierarchy The Russian Orthodox Church has given clear instructions to priests not to deny believers in the sacrament without obvious canonical grounds (see Resolutions of the Councils of Bishops in 2011 and 2013). Thus, we should look for wise confessors, and if we have found such, we must obey them and, under their guidance, take communion as often as possible. You should not entrust your soul to just anyone.

There were times when some Christians would approach the sacrament on Easter, and the priest would laugh at them in front of the entire church meeting, saying: “Wasn't seven weeks enough for you to receive communion? Why are you violating the customs of the village? " I would like to ask such a priest: “Wasn't four or five years of study in a clerical institution enough for you to decide: either you will become a serious priest, or you will go to graze the cows, because“ stewards of the mysteries of God ”() cannot say such nonsense ... ". And one should speak about this not for the sake of ridicule, but with pain about the Church of Christ, in which such incompetent people also serve. A real priest not only does not forbid people to receive communion, but also encourages them to do so and teaches them to live so that they can approach the Chalice at every liturgy. And then the priest himself rejoices at how different it becomes christian life his flock. "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

Therefore, "with the fear of God, faith and love, let us approach" to Christ in order to better understand what it means "Christ is risen!" and "Truly is risen!" After all, He Himself says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, if you do not eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day ”().

Translation by Elena-Alina Patrakova

On Bright Week, instead of morning and evening prayers, the Easter Hours are sung. Before Communion on these days, the Following to Holy Communion (without psalms) and the canon of Easter are read instead of all other canons.

All prayers (including thanksgiving for Holy Communion) are preceded by a three-fold reading of the troparion of Easter: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the grave." Psalms and prayers from the Trisagion ("Holy God ...") to "Our Father" are not read at the same time.

From the second week after Easter, the rule becomes the same, but before the Feast of the Ascension, some peculiarities appear in it:

  • instead of the prayer "Heavenly King," the troparion of Easter is read three times,
  • instead of the prayer "It is worthy to eat," the chorus of the Easter canon "An angel cries out more gracefully" with the irmos "Shine, shine, new Jerusalem" is read.

The document "On the Participation of the Faithful in the Eucharist," approved in February 2016 by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, reminds that laymen who wish to receive Holy Communion at the liturgies of Bright Week can limit fasting to not eating after midnight and observing themselves from excessive consumption of food and drink.

Rule for Holy Communion on Bright Week

Through the prayers of the saints, our Father, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Holy Easter Hours

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death, and giving life to those in the grave. (Three times)

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless. We worship Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy holy resurrection: Thou art our God, do we not know otherwise to Thee, your name we name. Come all faithful, let us bow to the saint Christ's resurrection: behold, the joy of the whole world comes with the Cross. Always blessing the Lord, we sing His resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death. (Three times)

Ipakoi, voice 8th

Before the morning, even about Mary, and the found stone was rolled away from the tomb, I hear from an angel: in the everlasting light of Being, with the dead, what are you looking for like a man? You see the shroud of the grave, preach and preach to the world, as the Lord has risen, having killed death, as the Son of God, saving the human race.

Kontakion, voice 8

Even if you have descended into the grave, Immortal, but you have destroyed the power of hell, and you have risen as a conqueror, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice, and give peace to your apostle, grant resurrection to the fallen.

Tropari, voice 8

In the grave of the flesh, in hell with a soul like God, in paradise with a robber, and on the throne you were, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, fulfill everything, Undescribed.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Like a life-bearer, like the reddest of paradise, truly and the palace of every royal, the most luminous, Christ, Thy tomb, the source of our resurrection, will appear.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The most consecrated Divine village of the highest, rejoice: You have given joy to the Mother of God, calling: blessed are you in wives, all-blameless Lady.

Lord have mercy. (40 times)

Easter Canon Tone 1

Song 1
Irmos: Resurrection day, let us be enlightened people: Easter, Lord's Easter! From death to life, and from earth to Heaven, Christ God bring us over, singing victorious.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Let us purify our senses, and we will see the resurrection of Christ shining with the unapproachable light, and rejoice in the river, clearly, so we hear, victorious singing.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Heaven should be worthy, let the earth rejoice, let the world celebrate, all visible and invisible: Christ is more east, eternal joy.

Theotokos [∗]:
(Drinking from the second day of Easter then giving)

You have broken the limit of mortification, eternal life who gave birth to Christ, from the sepulcher rose up that day, the Virgin, all-blameless, and enlightened the world.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having seen Thy Son and God resurrected, rejoice from the Apostles, God-gracious pure: and hedgehog rejoice first, as if all the joy of wine, you perceived all the blameless God.

Song 3
Irmos: Come, we drink new beer, the miracle-working is not barren from the stone, but the source of incorruption, from the grave that gave birth to Christ, we are established in Nemzha.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Now all are filled with light, Heaven and earth and hell: may all creation celebrate the rise of Christ, in Nemzha it is affirmed.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Yesterday I was buried in You, Christ, I will be resurrected today for You, crucified in You yesterday, give me your own help, Savior, in Your Kingdom.

Mother of God:

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I come to the imperishable life this day, by the goodness of the Born from Thee, Pure One, and all the end of the light that is wrapped in the light.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

God, whom thou hast given birth to in the flesh, from the dead, as if speaking, having seen him, Pure, rejoice, and this, like God, Most Pure, magnify.

Ipakoi, voice 4th:
Just before the morning, even about Mary, and the founding stone was rolled away from the tomb, I hear from the Angel: in the light of the everlasting existence, with the dead, what are you looking for, like a man? You see the shroud of the grave, tetsyte, and preach to the world that the Lord has risen, who has killed death, that he is the Son of God, who saves the human race.

Song 4
Irmos: On the divine guard, let the God-speaking Habakkuk stand with us and show a luminous angel, clearly saying: today is the salvation of the world, as if Christ was risen, as omnipotent.
Christ is risen from the dead.

A manly sex, like opening a virgin womb, Christ appears: like a man, the Lamb will be called: blameless, like the tastelessness of filth, our Passover, and as God is true, perfect is spoken.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Like the one-year-old lamb, the Christ blessed crown for us, by the will of all was slain, Easter is a cleansing one, and the sun rises from the grave of red truth to us.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Godfather ubo David, playing in front of the hay ark, galloping in front of the hay ark, the people of God's sanctity, the images of the sake of seeing, we rejoice divinely, as if Christ was risen, as omnipotent.

Mother of God:

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having created Adam, Thy forefather, the Pure One, is based on Thee, and destroy the mortal dwelling with Thy death this day, and illumine everything with the divine glare of the resurrection.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

He also gave birth to Christ, beautifully shone from the dead, Pure, seeing, kind and blameless in wives and red, today for the salvation of all, rejoicing from the Apostles, Glorify Him.

Song 5
Irmos: Let us make the morning deep in the morning, and instead of peace we will bring a song to the Lord, and we will see Christ, the Truth of the Sun, life is shining for everyone.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Thy immeasurable benevolence with the bonds of hell, keeping in sight, to the light go to Christ, with cheerful feet, Easter praising the eternal.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Let us begin, the illumination, coming to Christ from the tomb like a bridegroom, and we will celebrate God's saving Easter with all festive rites.

Mother of God:

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

It is enlightened by the divine rays and life-giving of the resurrection of Thy Son, the Most Pure Bogomati, and the pious gathering is filled with joy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thou didst not open the gates of virginity in incarnation, Thou didst not break the tomb of the seals, the King of creation: from the resurrected Thou you see, Mother is glad.

Song 6
Irmos: Thou hast descended into the underworld of the earth and crushed thou the eternal faith, which contains bound to Christ, and three days, like from the whale Jonah, thou art raised from the grave.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Preserving the whole sign, Christ, thou art raised from the grave, the keys of the Virgin unharmed in Thy birth, and thou hast opened the doors of heaven for us.

Christ is risen from the dead.

My Savior, living and non-sacrificial slaughter, as if God Himself brought Himself to the Father by will, you resurrected the all-inclusive Adam, rose from the grave.

Mother of God:

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Erected anciently held by death and corruption, incarnate from your most pure womb, to the incorruptible and everlasting life, the Virgin of the Virgin.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Descend into the underworld of the earth, into Your bed, Pure, descended, and dwelling and incarnate more than mind, and raising Adam with Him, rose from the grave.

Kontakion, voice 8
Even if you have descended into the grave, Immortal, but you have destroyed the power of hell, and you have risen as a conqueror, Christ God, who prophesied to the myrrh-bearing women: rejoice, and give peace to your apostle, grant resurrection to the fallen.

Even before the sun, the Sun sometimes went down into the grave, preceding the morning, looking like the day for the myrrh-bearer of the virgin, and a friend to friends crying: O friend! Come, we will anoint the life-giving and buried body with the stench, the flesh of the Resurrected fallen Adam, which lies in the grave. Let us go, dragging ourselves along as if by magic, and bow down, and bring peace like gifts, not in swaddling clothes, but in a shroud to the entwined one, and we cry and cry: O Lord, rise up, grant resurrection to the fallen.

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the Holy Lord Jesus, the One sinless, we worship Thy Cross, Christ, and we sing and praise Thy Holy Resurrection: Thou art our God, don’t we know otherwise, we name Thy name. Come, all faithful, let us worship the holy Christ resurrection: behold, for the Cross has come the joy of the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we sing His resurrection: having endured the crucifixion, destroy death by death. (Three times)

Jesus is risen from the grave, like a prophecy, give us an eternal belly and great mercy. (Three times)

Canto 7
Irmos: Having redeemed the youth from the cave, being a man, he suffers as if he were mortal, and the mortal passion in incorruptibility will dress with beauty, God is only blessed of the fathers, and glorified.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Wives from the worlds of God-wise in the trace of You are tempted: He is also like dead with tears I’m looking for, bowing to the rejoicing Living God, and Your secret Easter, Christ, proclaiming the good news.

Christ is risen from the dead.

We celebrate death, the destruction of hell, the beginning of another eternal life, and playfully sing the Guilty One, the one blessed father of God and the pre-glorified one.

Christ is risen from the dead.

As if truly sacred and all-festive, this is a saving night, and a radiant, luminous day, a herald of the rise of the present: in her, the flightless Light from the coffin of the flesh ascends to all.

Mother of God:
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Having killed your Son, Thy death, All-Immaculate, today, to all mortals, a gift abiding forever and ever, is One God, blessed and glorified by the Fathers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Reign over the whole creature, having been a man, dwelt in Thy, God-gracious, womb, and having endured crucifixion and death, was resurrected divinely, having made us together as omnipotent.

Canto 8
Irmos: This is the named and holy day, there is one Sabbath, King and Lord, holidays are a feast, and triumph is celebrations: in onzha let us bless Christ forever.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Come, new grape of birth, divine joy, on the deliberate days of resurrection, let us partake of the Kingdom of Christ, singing Him like God forever.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Lift up your eyes around, Zion, and see: behold, I have come to you, like a shining light, from the west, and the north, and the sea, and the east of your children, in you blessing Christ forever.

Ternary: Most Holy Trinity our God, glory to Thee.

Father to the Almighty, both the Word and the Soul, the three united in the hypostases Nature, the Most Substantial and Most Divine, in Thee who are baptized, and we will bless Thee for all eternity.

Mother of God:
Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

When You came into the world, the Lord, Virgin Mary, and divorced the womb of hell, the resurrection of the gift to us mortals: let us bless Him forever.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Thy Son, Virgin, overthrowing all the power of death, by His resurrection, as a mighty God co-ascend us and adore us: the same we sing of Him for ever.

Canto 9
Chorus: My soul will magnify the resurrected three days from the tomb of Christ the Life-Giver.

Irmos: Shine, shine, the new Jerusalem: the glory of the Lord ascends upon you, rejoice now, and rejoice, Zion! But you, Pure One, show off, Mother of God, about the rise of Your Nativity.

Chorus: Christ new Easter, living sacrifice, Lamb of God, take away the sins of the world.

Oh divine! Oh dear! Oh, the sweetest of Thy voice! With us more falsely you promised to be, until the end of the century, Christ, His faithfulness, the confirmation of the hope of property, we rejoice.

Chorus: An angel cries out more gracefully: pure Virgin, rejoice, and pack the river, rejoice! Thy Son is risen three days from the grave, and raised up dead people, rejoice.

Oh, Easter is great and most sacred, Christ! About wisdom, and the Word of God, and Power! Give us the truth of Thy communion, in the non-evening days of Thy Kingdom.

Mother of God:

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

According to Virgo, we are blessed to you in faith: Rejoice, the door of the Lord, rejoice in the animated city; Rejoice, for the sake of us now ascend the light from Thee, Born from the dead, resurrection.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Rejoice and rejoice, divine to the door of Light: when Jesus entered the tomb, he lifted up, shining the sun brighter, and illuminating the faithful all, the joyous Lady.

Exapostilarius is self-agreed
Having fallen asleep in the flesh, as if dead, to the King and Lord, thou art three days old, raised up Adam from aphids, and having abolished death: Easter of incorruption, salvation of the world. (Three times)

Easter stichera, voice 5:

Poem: May God be resurrected, and scattered against him.

Sacred Easter has appeared to us today: New Holy Easter, Mysterious Easter, All-honorable Easter, Christ the Redeemer Easter: Immaculate Easter, Great Easter, Easter of the faithful, Easter, opening the doors of heaven to us, Easter sanctifying all the faithful.

Poem: Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear.

Come from the vision of the wife of the evangelist, and cry to Zion: receive from us the joys of the annunciation of the Resurrection of Christ; flaunt, rejoice and rejoice, Jerusalem, seeing the King of Christ from the grave, like the bridegroom is happening.

Poem: So let sinners perish from the presence of God, and let the righteous be glad.

The myrrh-bearers of the wife, deep in the morning, presenting themselves to the tomb of the Life-Giver, finding an Angel, sitting on a stone, and telling them to them, to the same verb: what are you looking for alive with the dead? Why is Netlennago crying in the aphids? Come preach as His disciple.

Poem: This day, which the Lord has done, let us rejoice and rejoice in it.

Easter red, Easter, Lord's Easter! Easter is honorable to us. Easter! We will embrace each other with joy. Oh Easter! Deliverance of sorrow, for from the grave this day, as if Christ had risen from the palace, fulfill the joy of women, saying: preach the apostle.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Sunday is the day, and we will be enlightened with triumph, and we will embrace each other. Rtz, brethren, and to those who hate us, let us forgive the whole by resurrection, and so we cry out: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the grave.

Notes (edit)
[*] Chorus to them: "Most Holy Theotokos, save us", or "Glory ...", "And now ..."

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death, and giving life to those in the grave. ( Three times)

Lord have mercy. (40 times)

Prayers for Holy Communion

And poems:
Although a human being, the Body of the Lord,
Start with fear, but do not be scorched: there is more fire.
Drinking the Divine Blood for communion,
First, reconcile thee to those who grieve.
The same daring, mysterious poison.

Other verses:
Before the sacrament of the terrible sacrifice,
Lord's Life-giving Body,
Sim pray in a way with trembling:

Prayer 1, Basil the Great
Lord Jesus Christ, our God, the Source of life and immortality, of all creatures visible and invisible to the Makeerer, of the beginningless Father, co-perceiving to the Son and primordial, for the sake of goodness in the last days in the flesh was clothed, and crucified, and buried behind us ungrateful and evil Renewed with blood our nature corrupted by sin, Himself, the Immortal King, accept my sinful repentance, and incline Thy ear to me, and hear my verbs. Those who have sinned, O Lord, who have sinned into heaven and before You, and I am worthy to look at the height of Your glory: in anger for Your goodness, having transgressed Your commandments, and disobeying Your commands. But Thou, Lord, you are not malignant, long-suffering and many-merciful, Thou art not betrayed me to perish with my iniquities, waiting in every possible way for my conversion. Thou art more, Thou art loving man, Thy prophet: as if I want I do not want the death of a sinner, but a hedgehog will turn and live to be him. Do not want to, Master, destroy Your hand, beneath the favor of the death of humanity, but want everyone to be saved, and come to the mind of truth. The same and I, if I am not worthy of heaven and earth, and sowing temporary life, having obeyed sin altogether, and enslaved with sweetness, and defiled your image; But when Thy creation and creation were, I do not despair of my salvation, accursed one, I daring to come to Thy immeasurable benevolence. Accept me and me, O Lord of mankind, like a harlot, like a robber, like a publican and like a harlot, and take my heavy burden of sins, take on the world of sin, and heal human infirmities, who work and are burdened to You, call upon you and do not come to rest but sinful to repentance. And cleanse me from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, and teach me to perfect holiness in Thy passion: as if by pure knowledge of my conscience, I will receive Thy holy things, I will be united with Thy holy Body and Blood, and I have Thy living and abiding in me, with the Father, and by your Holy Spirit. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, and may not in the judgments there be the communion of Thy most pure and life-giving Mysteries, lower may I be weak in soul and body, from a hedgehog unworthy to take communion, but grant me, even to my final breath, accept without condemnation part of Thy holy things, in the Holy Spirit communion, in the way of the eternal life, and in the favorable response to Thy terrible judgment: as if I and all Thy elect would be a fellowship of Thy incorruptible blessings, even Thou art prepared for those who love Thy, O Lord, in them Thou art was glorified in eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 2, St. John Chrysostom
O Lord my God, vem, as if I am worthy, I am satisfied below, but under the roof of the temple of my soul, now I’m all empty and fell to eat, and I do not deserve a place in me for a hedgehog head: but as if from above for our sake you humbled yourself, humble yourself and now to my humility; and as if you perceived in the nativity scene and in the dumb manger near the neighborhood, perceive my soulless soul in the manger, and in my defiled body, embed it. And as if you were not unworthy to bring in, and to light up sinners in the house of Simon the leper, so please, take in my humble soul, leper and sinner, into the house; and as if thou did not reject such a harlot and a sinner who came and touched Thee; And as if you did not abhor her foul lips and unclean ones that kiss You, abhor my filthy lips and unclean ones, lower than my vile and unclean lips, and my foul and unclean tongue. But let there be coal of Thy Most Holy Body, and honest Thy Blood, for the sanctification and enlightenment and health of my humble soul and body, for the relief of the burdens of many of my sins, for keeping from every devilish act, for driving away and forbidding my evil and evil custom, for the mortification of passions, for the supply of thy commandments, for the application of thy divine grace, and for the appropriation of thy kingdom. Not as if I despise I come to You, Christ God, but as if daring to Your ineffable goodness, and may not move away from Your communication, from the mental wolf I will be caught by the beasts. I also pray to Thee: as one is Holy, Lord, sanctify my soul and body, mind and heart, belly and womb, and renew me all, and root Thy fear in my good luck, and Thy sanctification is inalienable from me; and wake me a helper and intercessor, nourishing my belly in the world, making me and your right hand stand with your saints, with the prayers and prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother, Thy immaterial servants and most pure powers, and all the saints who have delighted You from time immemorial. Amen.

Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus
Alone pure and incorruptible Lord, for the ineffable mercy of humanity our all perceived confusion, from pure and virgin blood more than the nature of the birth of Thee, the Divine Spirit by the invasion, and the grace of the ever-present Father, Christ Jesus, the wisdom of God, and peace, and power; By your perception, life-giving and saving suffering, perceived, cross, nails, spear, death, kill my soulful bodily passions. By Thy burial of hell, captive of the kingdom, bury my good thoughts, crafty counsel, and ruin the spirits of crafty. Having raised up your fallen forefather by Thy three days' and life-giving resurrection, raise me up with sin that crawled, offering images of repentance to me. By Thy glorious ascension, the fleshly, dear perception, and honoring this with the right hand of the Father, grant me the right part of those who are saved by the sacrament of Thy Holy Mysteries. By the thread of Thy Comforter Spirit, holy vessels are sacred Thy disciples have done, friend, and show me that coming. Although the packs come to judge the universe with righteousness, please, and I find Thee on the cloud, my Judge and My Creator, with all Thy saints: yes, I endlessly praise and praise Thee, with Thy beginningless Father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Thy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 4, his
As if on Thy terrible and impartial face the Judgment, O Christ God, and lifting up condemnation, and creating a word about the evil I have done; But today, before even dwelling the days of my condemnation, at Thy holy Altar, standing before You and before Thy terrible and holy Angels, bowed from my conscience, I bring my deceitful and lawless deeds, manifest this and denounce. See, O Lord, my humility, and forgive all my sins; see that my iniquity is multiplied more than the power of my head. Someone do not do evil? Cue sin didn’t commit? What evil have I not imagined in my soul? Already deeds are deeds: fornication, adultery, pride, arrogance, reproach, blasphemy, idle talk, inappropriate laughter, drunkenness, guttural laughter, greed, hatred, envy, avarice, covetousness, covetousness, pride, popularity, malice, theft, wrongdoing , slander, lawlessness; every feeling of mine and every oud of the defiled, corrupted, obscene have done, doing the devil in every way. And we, O Lord, as my iniquity has surpassed my head; but there are immeasurable multitudes of Thy compassions, and mercy is inexpressible, Thy kindness of Thy goodness, and there is no sin, conquering Thy philanthropy. The same, wonderful King, gentle Lord, surprise your mercy on me, a sinner, show your goodness your strength and reveal the strength of your gracious mercy, and converting, accept me a sinner. Accept me, as thou didst receive the fornicator, the robber, the harlot. Accept me, immeasurably, both in word and deed, and vain lust, and in thoughtless thought, having sinned Thee. And as if at the eleventh hour, you received those who came, who had done nothing worthy, so accept me, a sinner: many have sinned and defiled, and grieved Thy Holy Spirit, and grieved Thy human-loving womb and by deed, and by word, burden and thought, days, both manifest and non-manifest, willingly and unwillingly. And we, as if imagine my sins before me, these are what you have done by me, and torture the word with me about their minds who have sinned unforgiven. But Lord, Lord, let not Thy righteous judgment, denounce me lower with Thy wrath, punish me with Thy wrath; have mercy on me, Lord, for I am not only weak, but also Thy creature. Thou, O Lord, Thou hast established Thy fear on me, but I have done evil before Thee. Thou hast the one who have sinned, but I pray Thee, do not enter into judgment with Thy servant. If the lawlessness is nazrishi, Lord, Lord, who will stand? I am the abyss of sin, and I am worthy, below I am content to gaze and see the height of heaven, from the multitude of my sins, they are innumerable: all evil deeds and deceit, and Satan's trick, and corruption, malice, advice to sin and other numerous passions are not depleted from me. Kiimi bo was not seduced by sins? Kiimi not contained by evil? Every sin that I do, I put every filth in my soul, would be obscene to You, my God, and to man. Who will raise me up, with a bit of evil and a bit of fallen sin? Lord my God, in Thee hopes; if there is hope of salvation, if your love for mankind triumphs over my multitudes of iniquities, wake me a savior, and according to your mercies and your mercy, weaken, leave, forgive me, all the tree you have sinned, for my soul will be filled with many evils, and not be in me salvation of hope. Have mercy on me, God, according to Thy great mercy and do not reward me according to my deeds, and do not condemn me according to my deeds, but turn, intercede, deliver my soul from the evils and fierce perceptions that are growing together with it. Save me for the sake of Thy mercy, that even where sin multiplies, Thy grace abound; and I will praise and glorify Thee always, all the days of my life. Thou art the God of those who repent and the Savior of those who sin; and we glorify You with Your Beginning Father and the Most Holy and Good, and Your Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 5, St. John of Damascus
O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, alone having the power of man to forsake sins, for it is good and the Man-lover, despise my all in knowledge and not in knowledge of sin, and grant me uncondemned communion of the Divine, and most glorious, and most pure, and life-giving Your Mysteries, not in heaviness, neither into torment, nor into the application of sins, but into cleansing, and sanctification, and betrothal of the future Belly and kingdom, into the wall and help, and into the objection of those who resist, into the destruction of many of my sins. Thou art the God of mercy, and bounty, and love for mankind, and we glorify Thee, with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 6, St. Basil the Great
We, Lord, as if I unworthily partake of the most pure Thy Body and the honest Thy Blood, and I am guilty, and I drink judgment on myself, not judging the Body and Blood of Thy Christ and my God, but for Thy compassion I dare to come to Thy recruiting: My poisonous flesh and drink my blood, he abides in me, and I am in him. Be merciful for, O Lord, and do not expose me as a sinner, but do with me according to Your mercy; and may this holy be me for healing, and cleansing, and enlightenment, and preservation, and salvation, and for the sanctification of soul and body; to drive away all dreams, and evil deeds, and devil's deeds, thoughtfully acting in my success, in boldness and love, even to You; in the correction of life and confirmation, in the return of virtue and perfection; in fulfillment of the commandments, in the Holy Spirit communion, in the way of the eternal belly, in response, favorable at Thy terrible judgment: not in judgment or in condemnation.

Prayer 7, Saint Simeon the New Theologian
From bad lips, from a vile heart, from an unclean tongue, from the soul defiled, accept prayer, my Christ, and do not despise my words, below images, below innocence. Give me boldly verb, I want it, my Christ, but teach me more that it is fitting for me to create and verb. Those who have sinned more than a harlot, I will also take you away where you dwell, having bought myrrh, come boldly to anoint Your noses, my God, my Master and my Christ. As if he did not reject the one who came from the heart, abhor me below, to the Word: Thine me, give me a nose, and hold and kiss, and tear streams, as if with a precious peace, to anoint this impudently. Wash me with my tears, cleanse me with them, the Word. Leave my sins as well, and grant me forgiveness. Weigh a multitude of evils, weighed and my scabs, and sore my sores, but weighed the faith, and the will of the zrisha, and hear sighing. Thee, my God, my Creator, my Redeemer does not hide, below is a tearful drop, below a drop is a certain part. Thy eyes see my unfinished work, but in Thy bottom and still unfinished the essence is written to You. See my humility, see my labor, and forsake all sins, O God of all: yes, with a pure heart, trembling thought, and a contrite soul, I partake of Thy non-profane and Holy Mysteries, every poisonous image is revived and adored and all poisonous is revived and drunk with a pure heart; Thou art boh, my Lord: everyone who is poisonous to My Flesh, and drink My Blood, in Me, this one dwells, in him, and I am. True is the word of every Lord and my God: partake of divine communion and idolizing graces, not for I am one, but with Thee, my Christ, the Three-solar Light that enlightens the world. Yes, I will not be the only one besides Thee the Life-Giver, my breath, my belly, my joy, the salvation of the world. For this reason, for the sake of those who come to You, as if you see me, with tears, and with a broken soul, I ask for deliverance of my sins, and to partake of Your life-giving and immaculate Sacraments without condemnation, may continue, as you advertise, with me treasured: may you not receive me besides The adorable will delight me more flatteringly, and the deceiver will lead away those who adore Your words. For this, for the sake of You, I fall, and warmly cry Ti: as thou hast received the prodigal, and the harlot who came, so accept me the prodigal and the filthy, Generous. With a contrite soul, now coming to You, vem, Savior, as another, like I, do not sin You, lower than the deed of deeds, even as I do. But this we pack, for it is not the majesty of sins, nor the multitude of sins that surpasses my God, much patience, and extreme philanthropy; but with the mercy of compassion, warmly repenting, and cleanse, and the luminaries, and create the light, the partakers, the associates of Thy Divinity, do not envy, and the strange with both an Angel and a human thought, talk to them many times, like Thy true friend. This is insolently creating me, this one is stealing me, my Christ. And daring in Your rich blessing to us, rejoicing together and trembling, fire and partake of this grass, and strangely miracle, we irrigate unopened, as if the bush was burning in an ancient way. Now with a grateful thought, with a grateful heart, grateful for my good fortune, my soul and body, I bow down and magnify, and praise Thee, my God, as a blessed one exists, now and forever.

Prayer 8, St. John Chrysostom
God, weaken, leave, forgive me my sins, the tree of Thy sinned, if in word, if in deed, if in thought, willingly or unwillingly, with reason or foolishness, forgive me all as good and a Human Lover, and with the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother, Thy intelligent servants and holy powers, and all the saints who have delighted You from time immemorial, delight without condemnation to accept your holy and most pure Body and honest Blood, for the healing of soul and body, and for the cleansing of my wicked thoughts. For Thine is the kingdom and power and glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

His 9th
I am pleased, Master Lord, that you come under the roof of my soul; but you still want to, like a Man-lover, to live in me, daring to begin; command, so I will open the doors, you alone created art, and entered with philanthropy as you were, enter and enlighten my darkened thought. I believe that you have done this: do not drive away the harlot who came to you with tears; below the publican you rejected the one who repented; below the robber, knowing Your kingdom you drove away; below the persecutor who repented, thou didst, hedgehog: but from repentance to you, all who came to you, in the person of your friends, did you repent, the one blessed one always, now and forever. Amen.

His 10th
O Lord Jesus Christ, my God, weaken, leave, cleanse and forgive me the sinner, and the indecent, and unworthy of Thy servant, sins, and sins, and my fall, my tree from my youth, even to the present day and hour of those who have sinned: if in the mind and in foolishness, even in words or deeds, or thoughts and thoughts, and undertakings, and all my feelings. And by the prayers of the seedless birth of Thee Most Pure and Ever-Virgin Mary, Your Mother, uniting the unashamed hope and intercession and my salvation, grant me uncondemned communion of Your most pure, immortal, life-giving and terrible Your Sacraments, for the forgiveness of sins and sanctification and for eternal life: strength, healing, and health of the soul and body, and into the consumption and all-perfect destruction of my wicked thoughts, and thoughts, and enterprises, and night dreams, dark and wicked spirits; as Thine is the kingdom, and power, and glory, and honor, and worship, with the Father and Thy Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 11, St. John of Damascus
I stand before the doors of Thy temple, and I do not retreat from fierce thoughts; but thou, Christ God, justifying the publican, and having mercy on Canaanite, and opening the door to the robber of paradise, open the womb of Thy humanity to me, and receive me that comes and touches Thee, like a harlot, and bleeds: Ova, touching the edge of Thy robe, comfort her healing But having restrained Thy most purely nose, I have borne the resolution of sins. But I, accursed, daring to perceive all Your Body, may I not be disgraced; but accept me, as it were, and enlighten my spiritual feelings, burning my sinful guilt, with the seedless prayers of the Birth of You, and of the Heavenly Powers; as blessed art thou forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of St. John Chrysostom
I believe, O Lord, and I confess that you are truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, who came to the world of sinners to save, from them I am the first. I still believe that this is Thy most pure Body, and this is Thy most honest Blood. I pray to You: have mercy on me, and forgive my sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word, even in deed, even knowledge and ignorance, and grant me uncondemned communion of Thy most pure Sacraments, for the remission of sins, and into eternal life. Amen.

Coming to receive communion, mentally recite these verses of Metaphrast:
Behold, I proceed to Divine Communion.
For the clerk, don't scorch me with the introduction:
Thou art fire, unworthy to burn.
But cleanse me from all filth.


And poems:
Terrify the worshiping Blood, man, in vain:
There is fire, unworthy burning.
The Divine Body both adores me and nourishes:
Loves the spirit, but the mind feeds strangely.

Then the tropari:
You have delighted me with love, Christ, and you have changed me with your Divine diligence; but my sins have fallen into an insubstantial fire, and grant pleasure to the hedgehog in Thee: yes, exulting, I magnify, Better, Thy two comings.
Into the lights of Thy Saints, how can I enter the unworthy one? If I dare to take it into the palace, my clothes denounces me, as if I was not a marriage, and I will be bound by the outcast from the Angels. Cleanse, O Lord, the filth of my soul, and save me, like a Human Lover.

Also prayer:
Master of Humanity, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, may not this Holy One be in judgments, for a hedgehog unworthy of being: but for the purification and sanctification of the soul and body, and for the betrothal of the future life and kingdom. But for me, a hedgehog to cleave to God, there is good, lay in the Lord the hope of my salvation.

And further:
Thy secret suppers are today, Son of God, take my partaker with me; We will not give you the secret of Thy enemy, nor will I give you a kiss, like Judas, but like a robber I confess Thee: remember me, Lord, in Thy Kingdom.

The Orthodox Church does not recognize the sacrament on Easter without repentance of sins. However, this does not mean that casual parishioners of the temple should attend Easter communion. Many priests are afraid to meet people who are not prepared for it. After all, before going to receive communion, a person must prepare: go through Great Lent (the central office in all historic churches) and confess. About persons who do not belong to the Orthodox Church, we are not talking at all.

The inadmissibility of unprepared people to communion has been known since ancient times. The question boiled down to the decision of the confessor of whether a person is generally worthy to unite with Christ. However, according to historical data, confession was tied to communion not so long ago and rather became a compulsory measure. This happened due to the fact that the Christian spirit cooled down: people first took communion every weekend, and then began to do it only 4 times a year during many days of fasts.

So that people who rarely visit the temple could receive communion, in Orthodox religion decided on a mandatory basis to first confess a person. At the moment, this measure still justifies itself, however, not always. This is due to the fact that people go to confess not for the purpose of repentance, but rather as a necessary event, without passing which the priest will not allow them to the church sacrament.

Many spiritual mentors are categorically against communion without confession.

He brings to the temple not only baptized, but also unbaptized people. Also in the church you can meet those who have no idea about church canons, but at the same time wants to receive the Holy Communion. On a bright holiday, you have to tighten control in order to prevent unprepared people from accessing the Chalice (a vessel for Christian worship used when partaking of Holy Communion). Often on this great holiday an unpleasant spectacle occurs when the intoxicated parishioners come to bless the Easter cakes during the night service.

How to prepare for confession on the eve of Easter

Confession is understood as a person's repentance for committed sins where the priest acts as a witness between the penitent and God. It is important to be able to distinguish this sacrament from a confidential conversation with a spiritual mentor. During it, of course, you can also get answers to exciting questions, but it will take a lot of time. That is why it would be better to ask the priest to appoint another time for a long conversation.

To prepare for confession, you need to know the following.



Repentance begins with the recognition of sins. A person who thinks about confession admits that he did something wrong or continues to do in his life.
There is no need to prepare a “list of sins” in advance. Communication with the Lord must come from the heart.
You need to talk only about your own actions, and not about the fact that they were committed because of a relative or neighbor. Every sin is the result of a person's personal choice.
When addressing God, one should not worry about the correctness of the chosen words. You need to speak in simple, accessible language, and not come up with complex terms.
Don't talk about little things like "watching TV" or "wearing the wrong clothes." The topics of conversation should be serious: about the Lord and neighbors (we are talking not only about family, relatives, but also people who meet throughout life).
Repentance should not be just a story of what you have done. It should change the mind of a person and not return him to past actions.
You need to learn to forgive people. And not just ask God for forgiveness.
To express the "penitential" state, you need to read Penitential Canon To the Lord Jesus Christ. One of the greatest liturgical texts to be found in almost every prayer book.

The priest may ask for some time to refrain from reading special prayers or from communion. This process is called penance and is carried out not for the purpose of punishment, but for the elimination of sin and its complete forgiveness. After confession, believers need to receive communion.

How to Prepare for Passover Communion

Despite the fact that confession and communion are different ordinances of the church, nevertheless, one should prepare for them at the same time. Communion on Easter presupposes that a believer has come to the sacrament, having repented of his sins. Parishioners who come to communion after confession must first of all realize the meaning of the sacrament: it is not just a religious ceremony that is performed, but the communion is reunited with God.

In addition, the following points are important:

  • a person must sincerely go to unite with God without hypocrisy;
  • the mental world of a person must be clean (no anger, hatred, enmity);
  • violation of the code is inadmissible church rules(Canon of the Church);
  • obligatory confession before the sacrament;
  • you can receive communion only after the liturgical fast;
  • fasting (fasting) for several days, abstaining from dairy and meat foods;
  • prayers at worship and at home.

An integral part of the festive Matins is the singing of the prayer of John of Damascus (). In addition to the usual morning and evening prayers, believers need to read "Successions to Holy Communion." Also, according to the ancients church traditions, one should go to the sacrament on an empty stomach (on the eve of communion on Easter, they do not drink or eat from midnight). However, sick people, for example, people with diabetes mellitus, are prohibited from fasting: a sick person needs to take medicine and eat according to their daily diet.

When taking communion before Easter, one must remember that a worthy sacrament is always associated with the state of the soul and heart of a believer. At the same time, fasting and confession are preparation for the sacrament, and not an obstacle on the way to it.

Answer by Hieromonk Dorofey (Baranov), inhabitant of the Transfiguration Monastery in Saratov

What is artos and how should it be consumed?

Artos is a specially prepared church bread that looks like a large prosphora. The significance of this bread for Christians is determined by the very order of its consecration. At the end of the night Easter service in front of the royal doors artos is laid, censing is performed, the priest reads a special prayer for the consecration of artos and sprinkles it with holy water "in honor, and glory, and in remembrance of the Resurrection" of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Artos is not just dedicated to the Lord, but marks the invisible presence among those praying for Christ Himself. This custom is preserved in the Church from apostolic times, when, after the Ascension of Jesus Christ, the apostles, gathering for a common meal, left the central place unoccupied and laid bread in front of it, clearly expressing faith in the words of the Savior: where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them(Matthew 18:20).

Also, in a prayer for the consecration of artos, the priest, invoking the blessing of God on artos, asks the Lord for the healing of ailments, for the granting of health to those who eat holy artos. Throughout Bright Week, artos stays in front of the Royal Doors of the altar and is worn every day for Easter processions of the cross. On Bright Saturday, as well as on the first Sunday after Easter, which is called Antipascha, after the liturgy, the artos is crushed and distributed to the faithful.

The use of artos, which is a symbol of our most essential bread - Christ the Savior, should be a rule of piety for a Christian. Artos is a shrine, and along with baptismal water- hagiasma, is a beneficial help during physical and mental ailments. Having brought the artos home, you need to keep it reverently in the same way as the prosphora: after drying it, put it in a box or jar, put it under the icons or in a clean place and eat it on an empty stomach as needed, washed down with holy water.

You just need to remember that the most important thing in the life of a Christian is the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ - neither artos nor Epiphany water cannot replace.

Is it true that on Bright Week do not read morning and evening prayers(and when should you read them again)? How to prepare for Communion on the Light One? Can you take communion daily?

Bright week- a very special time in the liturgical life of the Church, as well as in the everyday life of Christians. The repeated repetition at services of the words about Christ's victory over death, as it were, plunges a person into a state of joyful excitement, which in a sense even interferes with concentrating on something else. “Now all that is filled with light, heaven and earth and hell: may all creation celebrate the rebellion of Christ, in it it is affirmed” - this is the troparion of the Paschal canon, which is sung every evening during the Bright week.

The morning and evening prayers read by Christians throughout the year are filled with more repentant feelings, petitions for the forgiveness of sins and the sending down of strength for the daily struggle with passions and temptations. These feelings, usual for those who try to live a spiritual life, do not disappear anywhere on Easter, but the light of the Resurrection of Christ fills everything - “heaven, earth, and hell”. That is why the Church postpones for a while these prayers of repentance and invites Christians to glorify Christ's victory over death in home prayer as well.

Starting from Monday of Bright Week until the morning of Bright Saturday, inclusive, instead of evening and morning prayers the "Hours of Easter" are read, and instead of the rule for communion - the Easter canon and the stichera of Easter (all these Easter prayers are in the prayer books) and the following to Holy Communion (the canon and prayers to the Communion). If a person wants to prepare for Communion on the first Sunday after Easter, then the prescribed three canons, morning and evening prayers and follow-up to Communion are already read.

As for fasting before communion on Bright Week, despite the statutory instructions on its abolition, the generally accepted practice still recommends fasting for one day. This is not a violation of the ustav, but a necessary preparatory ascetic measure, especially for those who receive communion irregularly.

Regarding the daily communion on Bright Week, everyone must resolve this issue with his spiritual father. It depends on the degree to which a person is churched, his way of life, and many other reasons. It would be useful for the closest communion with the joy of Pascha to take Communion at Bright Week during the liturgy performed according to the Paschal rite.

Why after Easter the prayers "Heavenly King" and "It is worthy to eat" are not read? And what prayers should be read before eating?

Bright week brings changes to external rules piety, without belittling them, but as if giving us the opportunity to feel at least a little the words of Christ: “I no longer call you slaves, for a slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, because I have told you everything that I have heard from My Father ”(John 15:15). For example, all are canceled. bows to the ground, both in the temple and during home prayer. This does not mean that we are not ready to bow before the Lord, but reminds us of the kind of fellowship with Him we are called to.

At the beginning of all prayers in the period before the giving of Easter, the prayer "Heavenly King" is replaced by the three-fold "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death and giving life to those in the grave." This is due to the fact that, starting from Holy Week, we follow the gospel narrative and empathize with the apostles, disciples of Christ. After the Resurrection, He appeared to the disciples many times, talked with them and gave instructions, one of which sounds like this: Christ had to suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day, and preached to be in the name of His repentance and forgiveness of sins in all nations, starting from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of this. And I will send the promise of My Father upon you; but you remain in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on high (Luke 24, 46-49)... Here the Lord speaks of the coming descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the birth of the Church of Christ. Therefore, in the period before the Trinity, we, together with the apostles, do not invoke the Holy Spirit: “come and dwell in us” - but we are, according to the word of the Lord, in expectation of “being endowed with power from above”.

At the end of all prayers, as it should be on great holidays, instead of "It is worthy to eat", a companion is read or sung, which on Easter is the irmos of the ninth canon of the Passover canon: "Shine, shine the new Jerusalem ...". Also, the usual prayers before and after eating food are replaced by the threefold "Christ is Risen from the dead ..." and the prayer for Easter, respectively.

Great Lent is given to us so that we exercise in the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. I recommend people to take communion every Sunday of Great Lent. All the more it is necessary to receive communion on Holy Week.

Bishop of Obukhov Iona

All services of this week are very deeply connected with the remembrance of the Last Supper, the day of the establishment of the Eucharist itself. If a person has the opportunity to take time off from work, there is an opportunity to take some time off and free up some time in order to properly spend Holy Week, it is better to take communion at all the liturgies that are celebrated during this week.

The first three days of Holy Week are celebrated with the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. These days it is quite problematic to attend all services.

But starting from Wednesday evening, you need to be constantly in the temple: on Wednesday evening to be in the temple, on Maundy Thursday to take communion of the most pure Body and Blood of Christ, which He commanded us to receive for the healing of soul and body, for the remission of sins and eternal life.

Every Christian also needs to receive the Holy Communion on Great Saturday. It is worth saying that the liturgy of Great Saturday is my favorite in the liturgical year, not only among me, but also among many priests. Only on this day is such a quiet and sublime Easter joy felt. The Easter holiday itself is such a bright, stormy celebration, it more affects our spiritual receptors.

Spiritual feelings are extremely heightened precisely at the liturgy of Great Saturday, when, on the one hand, the Savior is already in the Tomb, but on the other hand, we know that Christ has already conquered Hell. We know that Christ is about to rise and appear to the apostles. And this quiet Easter joy is very, very felt precisely in the liturgy of Great Saturday.

At this liturgy there is a very symbolic moment when, during the singing of the prokimna, the dark guard vestments are removed and replaced with the already light pre-Easter garments. This also sets you up for Easter joy.

According to the liturgical charter, Orthodox Christians are ordered to stay in churches during the entire Bright Week, daily communing of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. If there is an opportunity, if this time can be freed from everyday worries, from fuss, from work, then it would be advisable to start the sacrament of the sacrament every day.

The rite of preparation for this Sacrament on Easter days is much shorter, for this you only need to read the Easter hours and the following to Holy Communion. The services are rather short, very dynamic, very cheerful and joyful. It will not be a burden in any way, but it will be a real celebration of Easter. After all, we partake of the Flesh of the crucified, buried and risen Christ, and when, if not on the feast of Easter, when, if not on Bright Week, we partake of the Flesh of Christ, who was resurrected for our salvation.

For some, the question of how to fast before communion on Bright Week is a stumbling block. My opinion is that Bright Week is the time that the Church singles out especially from the entire liturgical year. This is the time when fasting is expressly prohibited by the liturgical charter. And in order to prepare for the sacrament, you should not fast in any way. These are days of special joy, these are the days when we live in Christ, when we literally bathe in Easter joy. And since on these days fasting is categorically prohibited by the charter, and the sacrament is prescribed by the charter, on these days you do not need to fast in order to receive the Holy Communion.

I emphasize that this is my opinion.

The correct opinion is the opinion of your confessor. And every Christian needs to have a confessor, and in matters of preparation for confession, for communion, and in general in all matters of spiritual life, one needs to consult with him.

My recommendations should be taken only as my opinion, but you should definitely consult with your confessor, with a priest who knows you well, who knows all the peculiarities of your spiritual life, and do exactly as he advises you.

Archpriest Vladimir Novitsky: Readiness - in a contrite state of the heart

To receive communion correctly, to confess - this is always when we partake and confess with the fear of God and with contrition in our hearts, with a feeling of our unworthiness.

Not with a sense of accomplishment, that we have fasted the entire fast, and now we have the right to communion, now we have reached a certain height and are completely legally entering Passion and are approaching Easter. This will be completely unworthy before God.

And worthy - always with contrition in the heart, with humility, with a sense of his sinfulness, with true repentance. And we can take communion when there is this feeling, this sign of readiness.

Willingness is not about the number of prayers read, although that is also good. It is a means that helps us to humble ourselves, but, above all, willingness lies in a humble, contrite heart. Then you can take communion often, without restrictions.

Recorded by Larisa Boytsun, Tamara Amelina
Video: Vyacheslav Grabenko, Victor Aromshtam